misscheshirecat · 5 months
Closed starter for: @naturallytwofaced Location: Wonderland
Things came and went, seasons come and go, but names were forever. There was one name Catherine hadn't said in ages. She would have liked to think she hadn't even thought it, but with it plastered all over town how could she not? He'd never have the nerve to show back up here, she'd always told herself. There was no way he would. When one of the girls came running to her about a particular someone that was too drunk to get into the club Catherine knew she had to deal with it herself. Walking through Wonderland she made her way to the front doors and pushed past the bouncer until she was face to face with him. Catherine's blue eyes locked with his and for the first time in a very long time she felt frozen. Nothing could have moved her two feet from that spot. She couldn't think and she couldn't speak. There was no bright smile or eerie grin on her face. Instead her expression was almost neutral, but a little bit sad. Finally, she took the few steps down from the building onto the sidewalk and looked up at him. "Mason," she said. Saying his name felt like saying a curse. A curse that only brought upon good memories and bad feelings. Catherine felt at a halt. This was unusual for her. She always had something to say. She always had the last word. It hadn't been the case with them though. She hadn't seen the man in over a year. She could still hear his words ringing in her ears. As much as Catherine wanted to scream on the top of her lungs she spoke softly. "You need to go home. You're drunk." It hurt to see him that way. So pathetic and at his lowest. Catherine wasn't stupid. She'd heard rumors about the mayor but never believed them to be true. She knew him at his highest, at his prime. The only bad light she saw in him she blamed herself for. She kept thinking that she should have just let the others deal with him. She wouldn't have had to see him then. In his state though...she was almost glad she was the one to go outside by him. "Do you even know where you are?" she asked, tilting her head to the side in a very Cat manner. She searched his eyes for any sort of indication of, well, anything. "You're unwell," she finally said. "I'll help you get home. Come on," she said holding out her hand. There was no malice in her voice and no ill will towards the man she'd extended her hand to. "You're lucky I was there. Had it been anyone else it would have ended ugly."
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ncttheprincess · 9 months
Closed starter for: @naturallytwofaced Location: Mason's house
Night was when Zelda felt most connected to her magic. Though the moon was not at it's fullest it was still something Zelda connected with. She was doing a card reading, unsure what to interpret what they were saying. It was unusual she was this stumped but she knew her cards inside and out. They were telling her something was wrong. Her anxiety rose because the rare occasions this does happen her gut feeling is usually right. In her panic as she thought what could possibly be wrong or with who. Maybe someone was in trouble or hurt or-- Her thoughts went into a halt as she went to another plane all together. There were flashes and images of someone and when their face became clear Zelda's stomach dropped. Was Mason alright? She felt...distress from the vision tried to focus more to see the root of the problem but couldn't. When she was back to reality and processed what was going on she knew exactly what she needed to do and was quick to follow her instinct. Zelda was quick to grab a coat and throw her combat boots on. This had definitely not been apart of her evening's plans. Her visions didn't lie though and showing up at his door and staring at him blankly in the face when he opened wasn't apart of the plan either. She hadn't thought of a reason to be there so now she felt foolish. It was late and he was probably surprised to see her. "Hi," she finally said as she tried to collect her thoughts and form words. "Do you ever have a gut feeling you need to follow? Or like...you feel like you have to do something because there's just...something telling you and it's like an itch you can't scratch?" Zelda was trying to explain this without fully explaining what was going on. She finally let out a sigh. "None of this probably makes sense but something told me there was something wrong and I just...I wanted to check on you, I guess. I wanted to make sure you were okay." After her rambling she finally met his eyes and frowned. Her eyes were watering and she knew there was truth to her vision so she worried. She didn't know why she was so worked up but she bit the inside of her lip for a moment then took a shaky breath. "If something...is wrong you can tell me. I can help."
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rush--knox · 6 months
"We've still got both of ours each" Rush smiled as he picked up one of the tiny salmon sandwiches and took a bite. "I guess we're quite lucky, a lot of them didn't make it very far" he frowned, because he wasn't sure if he was right, but it did seem like a high number of deaths in the first couple of days.
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jade-byrd · 7 months
"If you say one nice thing to me, I can't promise I won't punch you in the face" Ezra said as he stared at the screen where his score had just flashed up. Mason was here, which was unfortunate for him, because Ezra could literally feel his blood boil from the inside, and if he didn't break something, he might break someone.
"Do you believe I'm only worth an eight?"
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abel--evans · 8 months
"Your two look strong" Abel nodded over to Mars and Ezra on the treadmills, going faster than he ever could, and he was guessing his own tributes might have a similar skill level to himself, unfortunately.
"How does it feel? First time as a mentor? I absolutely shat myself the first time, and probably a few more after that too"
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beforethe-autumn · 2 years
“Não, não, não, por favor não” era muito cedo para os padrões de Summer, padrões aqueles de quem não dormiu quase nada porque ficou tendo ideias e mais ideias para historias. Seu cérebro não conseguia desligar, mas agora seu computador - o seu maior companheiro - não estava ligando. Os deuses a odiavam, ela tinha certeza. Calçou os primeiros sapatos que conseguiu e saiu correndo do chalé 13 em busca da única pessoa que aguentava Summer quando tinha problemas. Invadiu o local como um furacão, mal olhando pelo caminho “Maaaaaason” chamou “Me ajuda, me salva, pelo amor dos deuses”
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vix-holt · 3 years
Rush was hungry, as he picked at the bottom of the dried fruit packet, a few berries to tide him over. He’d had longer stints of not eating, but he hadn’t exerted this much energy before, and he felt a bit weak. He was wandering between platforms, keeping himself busy, looking for Maia, because Atlas was talking nonsense and he needed to check with her, check about the rules of it all. 
He had his head stuck into the packet, trying to salvage the last of it while he walked when he bumped into someone else, jumping back a bit at the impact. “Sorry, I didn’t see you” he offered, recognised him as anyone he’d talked to before, hoping he’d be okay because Rush really didn’t have any energy left to run.
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sterlingfitness · 6 years
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unstoppablemase replied to your photo: ↳ INSTAGRAM: @sterlingfitness uploaded a new photo...
Happy Mothers Day from me too cause Jeff’s mom is also my mom now, kthnx
She says she expects a call from her new son. I don’t make the rules.
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Harley sighed, walking into Mason's apartment without knocking, as she normally did and making her way straight to the bedroom, climbing up and under the blankets. She felt so tiny, laying in the middle of such a huge bed, but she curled up under the blankets and sighed. @wtf-cameraboy
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misscheshirecat · 4 months
Closed starter for: @naturallytwofaced Location: Valentine's Market
The moment Catherine wandered into the Valentine's Market and learned about the kissing booth she was quick to volunteer. There would be tips involved, after all. Cat wouldn't mind entertaining the loveless strangers that had no one to spend the holiday with by using her lips. She had sat behind the booth, giving out kisses until the line died down and she spotted Mason from a distance. For a moment they just looked at each other, but the moment he began to approach her she grew anxious but her demeanor didn't change. She hoped he had been doing better than the last time she saw him and though she hadn't technically done anything wrong she felt guilty. She should have never went outside and talked to him. She should have left him a forgotten memory like she was to him. He seemed sober though. Tired and distressed, but not intoxicated. She didn't know what possessed him to approach her. Maybe he just wanted to talk and clear the air. Cat could give him that much, right? She could hear Mamoru's voice in the back of her mind telling her to not give him the time of day. She couldn't help herself though. She was far too curious by nature to not hear what he had to say. When he made it up to the booth she simply looked up at him from her seat. She locked her gaze on his eyes for a few long moments then stood up and gave him a look over. He looked decent. Just like the Mason she remembered. Not the one from that horrible night just weeks ago. Cat looked away, unable to form words as a million questions clawed at her brain to get out. "Mason," she finally said before looked back up at him. "Lovely thing you have going on here. I can really feel the love all around me. You know how that is more than anyone." She hadn't meant for it to come out as a dig but it had. "I doubt you're here to partake in a kissing both, but unfortunately I am finished." She plucks the bills out of the tip jar, folding them neatly together as she continued to speak. "I suppose that also means I have time to talk to you. What is it then?" she asked, knowing he would just beat around the bush to get his point across.
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ncttheprincess · 1 year
Closed starter for: @naturallytwofaced Location: Evermore Pride Festival
Zelda was happy as could be, thriving, and having fun. Nothing could ruin her vibe in the moment. She'd just emerged from the rave and was covered in more glitter than she had entered it with on. She had a content look on her face though as she waited for a drink at one of the stands that sold fun cocktails. She'd opted for a blended rainbow drink with plenty of spike in it. After turning to walk off she ran into someone, causing her drink to drop from her hands and spill at her feet. Her first instinct was to jump back so it didn't get on her shoes and afterwards all she could for for a few seconds was stare with a sad look on her face before looking up at the person she'd ran into. "I'm so sorry," she said. "I hope it didn't splash on you." When she realized who exactly it was she was speaking to she was only more embarrassed, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks. Of course the mayor would be here, looking as dreamy as ever too. Zelda internally cursed herself and simply smiled awkwardly. Sure, she was upset about the drink but that problem had long since past and now she felt foolish. She wasn't going to let that put a damper on her night though! "I mean...I should have been looking where I was going. My apologies, Mr. Mayor," she said softly, glancing up at him slightly but not enough to look him in the eye.
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jade-byrd · 10 months
Fitz was scouting the arena, trying to determine where was safest to hide, where he might be able to get food if he didn't get sent any, and so far, he was panicking a little. This place was nothing like seven, and although there were places to climb, there wasn't much use in being high up if there was nowhere to hide.
He had just rounded the science center when he was met with the back of another tribute's head in the distance. It wasn't River, and he could have guessed it wasn't any of the tributes he'd connected with during training, so his first instinct was to turn around-- but he'd taken too long to make the decision and Mason had turned, so now he couldn't escape without being noticed. "Are you alone?"
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abel--evans · 1 year
“Have you met the tributes from nine yet?” Abel asked Mason with a smile on his face. He was trying, because it seemed his tributes weren’t, both hidden in a corner of the training centre, not practising any skills or trying to build any alliances. He felt like this might be one of his worst cycles yet, and he needed to do what he could to help them out.
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ncttheprincess · 7 months
Closed starter for: @naturallytwofaced Location: Halloween Event (parade)
With Halloween so close there was no better way to unwind before the best night of the year than sitting with some hot cocoa and a blanket to watch the parade. Zelda was sitting on a blanket and had one around her as well, over her jacket. The weather was getting cooler every day, and with the sun setting earlier nights grew colder and longer. Zelda was waiting for the parade to start when someone approached her from behind and startled her. "Oh my god, you scared me!" She let out a light laugh as she realized who was there. "Nothing quite like a scare for Halloween, right?" She smiled up and him and patted the space next to her on the blanket. "If you're looking to watch with someone you can sit." Though she didn't want to assume. There surely were plenty of people there he could talk to or sit with. "Unless you've got somewhere else to be and just wanted to say hello. If that's the case then...hello. Perhaps I should have started with that."
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