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★・・・ Excited to announce a new Horror and Mystery themed Transformers Fanzine! ・・・★ Please have a read through our Interest check form if you think you may be interested in the project HERE  The form is a little longer than the usual check but we really want to get an idea of the limit we can explore this theme that allows more people to contribute or purchase! Form will be active until 13th Feb unless reached a high enough submissions. Contributor submissions will be online 13th February -29th February . Re blogs greatly appreciated  
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ebonykain replied to your photo “Finished commission for @nkfloofiepoof   A bit of happy jetasaurus...”
For some reason I can see this when I'm NOT logged in to pillowfort... But if I login then I can't see it..?
Aah, I got that too! You’ve gotta go to your settings and activate the thingy that says that you can see nsfw content.
I’m 99% sure I had to do that more than once (definitely more than once on different browsers) so maybe it deactivated on its own at some point.
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metalicats replied to your photo “Finished commission for @nkfloofiepoof   A bit of happy jetasaurus...”
that safety ravage tho haha
Censor kitty does not approve. I’m gonna go ahead and assume that when the war was raging, Soundwave, who used to monitor people’s communications, came across a LOT of pictures decepticons sent to each other, so when they weren’t encripted with at least a modicum of decency he let Ravage photoshop himself in strategic places to let people know his displeasure.
Like those little papers custom leaves in luggage they have opened to let people know, but angrier.
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Finished commission for @nkfloofiepoof 
 A bit of happy jetasaurus for u all. Man, This is one hell of power couple that's for sure xD 
 Tried a bit of a different approach to colors this time around, and I quite like the end result 0 w 0 
Due to tumblr new bullshit policies, I’m posting here the Ravage-approved version. The explicitone can be seen here: https://twitter.com/Shibaratwitsprn or here: https://www.pillowfort.io/Shibara
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Streaming (NSFW, +18 viewers only) - Jetasaurus
Putting the final touches on the greyscale for the Starscream/Grimlock commission.
>>> https://picarto.tv/Shibara
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Streaming - Sticky jetasaurus
Working some more on a comm involving Starscream and Grimlock. Warnings for sticky, 18 and above ages old only pls.
>>> https://picarto.tv/Shibara
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Reminder, find me over here
I will not erase my account, but I most likely won’t update new art to it again after the 17th, nor post commissions news or socialize.
Find me over here instead:
Twitter general (general art, socializing and commission management account): https://twitter.com/Shibaratwitsand 
Twitter nsfw (only use this for storing images, no other interactions from this account): https://twitter.com/Shibaratwitsprn
Pillowfort (general & nsfw art): https://www.pillowfort.io/Shibara 
Semi-abandoned dA (General art only) which I’m not sure I’ll pick up again:  https://www.deviantart.com/shibara-draws-mecha
Furaffinity (Genearl art only. Not abandoned, but I post way less frequently there): http://www.furaffinity.net/user/shibara/
Ko-fi (not a social media place, but I always forget it exists, so it’s a good idea to put it here where I can find it, and so can you :D): https://ko-fi.com/giveshibaraakofi
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Actually I think it’s https://ko-fi.com/giveshibaraakofi ?
Idk how this thing works o__o
Hey! Do you have a Patreon, a Ko-fi or something like this? I couldn't find anything :-(
Hii, I do have a ko-fi 0 w 0
Even though I suck at designing my blog so it’s weirdly hidden xD
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Hey! Do you have a Patreon, a Ko-fi or something like this? I couldn't find anything :-(
Hii, I do have a ko-fi 0 w 0
Even though I suck at designing my blog so it’s weirdly hidden xD
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Tumblr’s done f^$&%d up - Find me over here
As y’all know by now, from December the 17th onward tumblr will not allow depictions of sex in illustrated format, so I guess that was that for my adult side-blog and imho, all of my art.
My main blog should be safe, as I did purge it of any adult content last year, but I encourage people to follow me on pillowfort as I can almost guarantee I’ll leave tumblr, and most likely sooner than later. I’d much rather keep everything over there together and let my tumblr blogs die, and will happily do so as soon as a decent fraction of the people I know goes over there. 
I’m pretty damn tired of tumblr’s absolutely stupid management. The way they handed this whole CP and pornbot issue is beyond dumb, and I dislike in general places that restrict what I can and cannot make art about, just to placate investors and such. 
Fuck that. I’d rather leave. I’d have done so already if I didn’t make a good part of my income from commissions.
Atm, you can find my general art on twitter @ https://twitter.com/Shibaratwits and nsfw art @ https://twitter.com/Shibaratwitsprn 
My pillowfort username is Shibara, same as here. I can’t wait for them to put the site back up so I can stat migrating everything.
EDIT: I’ve also got a semi-abandoned dA I’ll probably pick up after the new update:  https://www.deviantart.com/shibara-draws-mecha
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did you see you're going to have to use a new nsfw tag now?
Wot? o . o
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Commission for @eartyoursparkout depicting Tarantulas and Prowl involved in a sticky situation.
For the record this was the original description of the idea behind this: "Prowl decided it was in his best interests to stick around, and knows that one way to keep Tara wrapped around his thumb/in adoration of him is interface" 
A mutually beneficial arrangement <:D
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Commission for an anonnie is finished!
Swindle haveing a very bad day and Shrapnel about to have a snack, tho not the edible kind.
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Lookit thissssss worrrrrrk of arrrrrrt / * ------------ * \
It’s Prowl’s asshole boyfriend/fanclub being horrible and wonderful again ~T u T~
Notes : A requested gift for @shibara  - OT6 with the trimmings. Noncon, NSFW,
Keep reading
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Aaaah gosh, this is so frigging perfect T u T :italian finger smooching: 
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novembers Patreon Poll illustration was based (more or less) off this sunstreaker/mirage prompt!
patreon || twitter (main) || twitter (nsfw) || ko-fi
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Your last paragraph just put words to the vague idea I had on how it works!
I think conflict-resolution dynamics within a gestalt are a bit like when an individual does something that is bothersome to a certain degree, but you do it anyways, because the sum of the parts knows it is better. Kinda like how one may put a sprained arm in a cast for a while, even when it’s super annoying and it doesn’t hurt if you don’t move it, because it will help a full healing, or how throwing up is awful but may save someone who ingested something toxic accidentally, or just how stamping a leg that fell asleep feels like it’s on fire, but you KNOW it helps to get rid of it faster.
It’s interesting that this leg that is sending itchy pain signals when distressed by the stomping is still also the same individual that is sending the ‘must stomp’ orders, and I feel that’s an interesting analogy.
I feel like probably the most terrifying thing for Prowl is that the more time he spends among the Constructicons, connected to their sparks and listening to the Devastator background noise, the more he also becomes part of them as a whole. 
Slowly, he can feel a part of him is joining the other pieces of the gestalt puzzle that unanimously agree that everything that’s happening to him is ok.
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Sketch for a future picture for myself.
Been rereading some juicy Prowl/Structies fics recently, and the fanarting need took over.
I have about 7398745 headcanons on this ship, and one of them is that the Structies essentially don’t quite get the concept of consent, specially within the gestalt. 
Basically, they think they are super gentle, loving and caring, and completely fail to understand why Prowl is trying to figure out how to murder them without getting a spark lobotomy. I feel they see his behavior through a ‘He’s got these wacky ideas, but we love our angry boy anyways, lol’ lens and think they’ll be able to eventually change his mind.
I love my garbage fire of an OT6 UuU
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ichibandebu replied to your photo “Sketch for a future picture for myself. Been rereading some juicy...”
I like how this looks like it's a mix of different kids of interfacing.
That’s exactly what it is :D
I was like 5 minutes away from attempting to also get spark fondling in there, but I figured it’d be way too messy and make Prowl’s shapes even harder to understand.
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