Serious Study Session || Chat Log
Important Plot Stuff Here
The N.E.W.T.s Potion Study Session was schedule for Friday night. A few students actually signed up and even fewer showed. The unused classroom was dusty and lacked light due to the lack of upkeep over the years. The tables were rickety and each of the students were stuck with a stool that had some sort of issue from wobbly legs to loose seats that shifted with the slightest movement.
Vidia: Vidia's foot slid off the top rung of the stool as she flipped through her Advanced Potions textbook. The lighting blew and made her eyes strain just to rest the ingredients of her book. "Fucking stupid N.E.W.T.s" She muttered in Spanish to herself.
Malinda: As Malinda tossed her textbook onto the table, she huffed and pulled her wand out, casting a quick lumos in the hopes that it would make the lighting a little better. "Look, we can go through this book again and again, but we need to actually get our hands dirty if we're going to remember any of it." At least, that was her opinion.
Dory: As usual, Dory found it hard to keep still as she sat looking at the pages in her potions book. She'd been kicking her legs as she tried to put the information on the page into her head. Even with a memory that worked, she was finding that a difficult task. Dory looked up as the book hit the table and one of the other girls spoke up. Her face brightened as she beamed a smile. "That sounds like a great idea!"
Elsa: Elsa was never late and hardly ever 'just on time', so of course she had been the first one to arrive. Not many people had showed, so she was stuck with the three girls sitting around her. She didn't even know any of them outside of what had happened with Vidia. "Which potion do you suggest we do then?" She asked as she flipped through the pages of her textbook.
Vidia: Vidia scowled at Elsa as she flipped through the pages. "It was Mal's beautiful idea. Let the puta pick." She let a smirk tug at the corners of her mouth. As it overstayed its welcome on her face, she let the smirk drop and she slammed her book shut. There was no use for it if Malinda was going to lead the session with making a potion.
Malinda: "I was thinking Polyjuice. It's complicated but something we need to know for our tests...and I've figured out how to make it without needing to wait so long for it to simmer. What do you think?" She looked at everyone around the group expectantly, hoping they'll like the idea as much as her.
Dory: "I think we should do it!" Dory said enthusiastically as she hopped up off her stool and clapped her hands together.
Elsa: Elsa nodded in agreement, but couldn't help but be a little worried about how Malinda had managed to shorten the time by so much. She'd never heard of anyone being able to complete the potion within a single night.
Vidia: Vidia rested her boot against the leg of the table as she stared around the old room. Studying was so tiresome. She could name at least ten different things she'd rather be doing. She only signed up because she needed to pass her exam. With everything she was doing lately she was falling behind.
Malinda: Malinda nodded her head and grinned in excitement as she started gathering the cauldron and main ingredients. "Okay, we still need a few of the ingredients, but they're easy enough to get, so I think we should divide and conquer," she said, splitting up the ingredients left on pieces of paper for each of them. "Yeah? Sound like a plan?"
Dory: Dory took the piece of paper handed to her and looked at the small list, her grin not even fading for a second. She was eager to help. This would be fun. And hopefully, she'd learn a little more. "Okey Dokey Smokey!" Dory said with a salute as she turned to go search for the ingredients on her list.
Elsa: "Alright," Elsa nodded and followed Dory out the door, heading for where she'd last seen the potions closet.
Vidia: "Alright," Vidia slid off the stool as she took the list and went to collect the ingredients she was in charge of.
Malinda: Malinda grinned as everyone headed off to get their parts of the potion, she went off to collect her own and then started working on the spell to make the potion work faster. As the other girls started to come back in, she gave them a grin. "Welcome back! Get everything?"
Dory: Having been the first one out the door, and having practically sprinted in order to go and get the things on her list, Dory was quick in returning to the room. "Yep!" she answered with a bright grin as she set all of the things in her arms onto the table. "Got it all!"
Elsa: Fortunately the potions closet hadn't moved from where she'd last seen it so she was there and back pretty quickly. She placed the collected items on neatly on the table beside Dory's, "Yes."
Vidia: Vidia had to go to the extra storage closet that they used while the dungeons were flooded so she was the last to return. Thankfully, when they do their exam, the ingredients would be present or Vidia would be injuring some Ministry officials who thought that would be a good idea. "Yeah," She put her items down on the table next to the rest the others collected.
Malinda: "Perfect!" she exclaimed when she saw all the ingredients on the table. She opened her potions textbook and set it in front of them. "Alright, let's do this. I'll let you know when we're skipping steps...pretty much any time we're supposed to wait." She paused and twirled her wand a little bit, hesitating a little bit. "Have any of you guys ever successfully made this potion before?" she asked, not wanting to seem rude but being genuinely curious.
Dory: As the book was set in front of the group, Dory leaned down with her elbows on the table to have a really good view of the pages. She was eager to help and eager to learn, so she was determined to follow along as they brewed this potion. Dory thought hard about whether or not she'd ever made this one before. "Mmmm... I don't remember," she said, not able to find a memory of having brewed this potion before. That wasn't necessarily something to worry about. There were still lots of things that Dory couldn't remember.
Elsa: "I have," Elsa replied. It had been a semester-long project in her potions class last year. "May I ask how you've managed to shorten the time so significantly?"
Vidia: "Nope." Vidia couldn't think of a time she had to make a polyjuice potion. There was never a time she had a need or a desire to be anyone else but herself.
Malinda: Malinda was glad that another person in their group had been able to make this potion. The question, however, threw her off a little bit. "Oh, um, it's a fairly simple spell," a lie, "just basically shortens the time for everything else. So instead of weeks, we wait a couple hours." Malinda offered a genuine and confident smile, sure that it would work. "So let's get started," she continued before turning her attention back to the book.
Dory: Dory didn't really like the idea of waiting around for hours, but it was better than weeks. Waiting was the worst part of making potions. It was just so boring.
Elsa: "Uh.... alright then," Elsa didn't know how she felt about Malinda's time shortening spell, it certainly was a bit worrying since she'd never heard of such a thing before, but she supposed she didn't have much of a choice. If they didn't use it there was no point in even making the potion.
Vidia: Vidia was game if they were able to figure out the stupid potion in less time. That meant less time stuck in that dusty room with the perpetual sweet child and Miss Stick-in-the-mud. Although, alcohol would make it tolerable but Elsa was there and Vidia didn't need to land herself in the Headmistress' office.
Malinda: Starting the potion was easy enough, things wouldn't get more complicated until the middle and the end, so as they worked on the polyjuice, Malinda was more than happy to take the lead, so to speak, but gave the other three plenty of chances to jump in and help and continue the arduous process. Soon enough, they were at the waiting part, and Malinda paused, putting a hand up for everyone to pause as well. "Okay, stand back for a minute. This is where I make that spell work and then we only wait for a couple hours." She pulled her wand out again and pointed it to the cauldron, a soft blue light leaving the tip of it and lighting up something that looked like a web around the cauldron.
Dory: As they worked on the potion, Dory was happy to jump in at every opportunity afforded to her. She eagerly took instructions from Malinda and was actually rather proud to be contributing to the potion in a tangible way. When they got the part with the waiting, Dory did as Malinda said and backed up a little bit. She was eager to see the spell that would make things go faster but was cautious because she knew that potions could be very bad news when you got on the wrong side of them. "Wow," she said in a low voice as the cauldron was lit up by a web of magic around it. "That's some spell. It's so pretty!"
Elsa: Elsa looked down at the potion surprised the spell looked to be working. She had no idea what the spell was actually supposed to look like, but Malinda wasn't freaking out so Elsa assumed it was working like it was supposed to. She wouldn't say it out loud, but she did agree with Dory about it being a rather pretty spell. Though that was probably because she'd always been partial to the color blue. Before Malinda had time to even thank Dory for the compliment the spell suddenly went very wrong. There was a loud "BOOM!" and then a cloud of sickly colored smoke exploded from the cauldron. There was a whole lot of coughing as everyone struggled to breath. As Elsa's lungs were filled with the almost toxic air her body began to feel... very odd and even a little painful.
Vidia: Vidia didn't join the group in the general enthusiasm. She sat close enough to see what Malinda was doing and learn the tricks to make the potion brew faster. Her eyes rolled at the spectacle of blue. Whoo hoo. Who cared? Vidia just wanted to see the potion completed so she could say she knew how to do it. Then the boom happened. Vidia's hands waved the smoke from her face as she coughed from inhaling it. "What the fuck, cadela?" She pounded the smoke from her lungs with a fist to her chest. "Fuck," She exhaled and ran her hand through her hair. "What?" Vidia stared at her hand as it held blonde strands of hair. "Malina, what did you do?" Vidia jumped from the stool, sending it across the room as she ran to find a mirror. "AHHHHH!" A shrill scream came from the potions closet. "I'm-I'm-I'm a bubblegum princess!"
Malinda: It was working. It was actually working. And then all of a sudden....it wasn't. The web started to waver, shift like it shouldn't have, and it was almost imperceptible to the naked eye, but she'd been working on this spell for months, she knew it inside and out. The boom reverberated throughout the room and her chest, and she felt pain like she had taken some polyjuice potion and was changing but she didn't feel wrong. Except now that the smoke was clearing, she was looking down rather thank looking up. "Oh no....no no no. No!" Immediately, instead of looking at the other girls, she went straight to the cauldron and saw that what was left was nothing but charred ingredients. "It should have worked! Why didn't it work? Is everyone okay?" she finally asked, looking around at everyone else...and then she spotted her face...but she wasn't looking in the mirror. "Fuck."
Dory: Few things could dampen Dory's enthusiasm, but one surefire way to do it was for something to explode. Even more surefire was if that something was a potion. The memories might be a little fuzzy, but Dory knew enough about her previous encounters with exploding potions to know it was not something she wanted to repeat. As the boom rippled through the room, Dory hit the dirt and crouched beneath the table as the smoke rolled over the group. Dory coughed along with everyone else, feeling the pain of something happening but not knowing what. As she huddled under the table, Dory was scared. Scared that something awful would happen to all four of them. But soon enough, the pain faded and the smoke cleared enough to breath and Dory slowly started out from under the table, only to quicken her pace when she heard the scream. But Dory froze as soon as she looked because... wait... that was her. But she was here. Dory glanced to the other girls and... that wasn't right either. "I'm okay," she said, answering the most pressing question first. "Well... I'm not hurt, anyway. I'm not sure our bodies being all switched around is okay..."
Elsa: The smoke cleared and Elsa's hearing was a little fuzzy, but otherwise she was mostly okay. Her whole body felt sore, but it was nothing life threatening. She heard a scream that sounded like Dory and immediately looked up, only to find herself face to face with... well, herself standing over the cauldron. Elsa gasped and glanced around the room frantically. Dory was panicing beside a mirror and Malinda was rushing over to her. Okay so Dory and Malinda were okay, but there was a duplicate of herself and Vidia was gone- A lock of dark hair fell into her vision and Elsa froze. Everything seemed to click in that one moment. Everyone was freaking out because a POLYJUICE POTION just exploded; a potion that made the drinker look like someone else. Elsa pulled off her glove and was met not by her pale hand, but instead by very tan skin. Malinda - or whoever now looked like Malinda - confirmed Elsa's realization when she said all their bodies were switched around. "Oh no," Elsa pressed a hand to her forehead and closed her eyes. "No, no, no, this cannot be happening."
Vidia: "Fuck, fuck, fuck," Vidia paced around. "Malinda what did you do?" Vidia kicked the stool over as the ringing in her ears faded and she could finally hear herself talk. "Please tell me you can fix this. I can't walk around looking like Dory and I can't have-" Vidia pointed at the person who looked like her but was clearly dressed in Elsa's clothes, "- Princess Prude walking around looking like me."
Malinda: Malinda's mind was going about a mile a minute. She couldn't figure out where she'd gone wrong. Everything had worked perfectly, it all made sense. How had this happened? She was still shaking her head and staring at the cauldron when Vidia, or at least who she assumed was Vidia based on the amount of bitching, started directing her questions at her. "I don't know. I don't know what happened...I don't know how. I'm sorry. I don't...her own pale hands threw her off a little. She was pale but not this pale. "But if you're Dory, and I'm Elsa, which one of you is me? Is it Dory or Elsa? Oh no, I'm so confused." Her head was starting to hurt a little, and she could feel the guilt starting to roll over her. "I am so sorry I didn't mean for this to happen. It was supposed to work! I - I'll make it work, I'll figure something out." She paused in her panicking and looked around at the other girls, her gaze lingering on her own face for a while, finding it very strange to know someone else was wearing it. "What do we do now?"
Dory: The whole scene was very odd. For one thing, it was extremely strange to see herself with such a potty mouth and kicking stuff around. For another, it was hard to tell who was who now. Obviously Dory wasn't the only one with that problem as Not-Elsa was trying to work it out too. Dory made her way over to the cauldron and pat Not-Elsa's arm. "It's okay. It was an accident, of course you didn't mean for it to happen." She smiled encouragingly, a thought in the back of her mind wondering how exactly that looked when she was using Malinda's face instead of her own. Since she didn't see Malinda anywhere else in the room, Dory had to assume that she was the one who looked like Malinda. "And if you got it to happen, then there's gotta be a way to make un-happen. We just have to find it. But it might be a good idea to figure out who is who first. I'll start, I'm Dory."
Elsa: "I'm Elsa and that's obviously Vidia," Elsa gestured over to the girl who looked like Dory but was spewing out all sorts of Spanish and fowl language. That meant Malinda was the one who now looked like her. She crossed her arms across her chest and tried avoiding looking at 'herself'. It was just too weird, like looking in a mirror and having your reflection act of it own accord. She swallowed anxiously, the high levels of stress she was feeling very clearly shown on 'her' face, "We should tell a professor, shouldn't we? If there's anyone who would know how to fix this it's Professor Pace."
Vidia: Vidia scowled as she watched herself talk. "Aren't you a genius?" The sarcasm was heavy as she spoke. "Elsa, why don't you shut the fuck up and sit in a corner. If we tell a professor what do you think will happen? I don't want detention because we let Malinda do some trick that backfired. Or get stuck like this for even longer to learn some bullshit lesson." Vidia turned to Malinda then to the person who was actually Malinda. "How long do you think until you can fix this? I need to be myself before the next quidditch game." She groaned thinking about being stuck as Dory and having Elsa looking like herself. "Esto es una mierda. Me quedé así porque hice lo correcto y llegué a la sesión de estudio. Mierda. ¡Mierda absoluta!"
 Malinda: "No!" Malinda immediately said, panic clear on her--Elsa's--face. "We can't go to the professors. We can't. We need to figure this out on our own. Think of it as a good way to study for exams. Please, just leave the professors out of it." She nodded her head. "Yeah, we'll figure it out," she repeated, thankful that Vidia was on her side in this. Malinda turned her attention back to Dory. "Take care of my body please. Don't like...get blown up or something. I'm going to go fix this. I promise!" As she spoke, she gathered up her things and picked up the cauldron while she was at it. Maybe something in there would give her information on how to turn this around. "This can be fun! I'll fix it. Just give me a little time! DON'T TELL A PROFESSOR!!" Malinda called over her shoulder as she hurried out of the room.
Dory: As the other three erupted into an angry/panicked argument, Dory mostly just stood there. Between the angry Spanish exit of Vidia and the panicked rush of Malinda following soon after, Dory was left more than a little confused about what happened now. And she was fairly certain that polyjuice potion just made you look like someone else, not actually switch bodies with them, so was it actually possible to take care of Malinda's body? That question would probably remain a mystery. Dory watched Malinda hurry away and then turned to Elsa, nervously tugging at a strand of the dark hair she now sported. "So... I know she said not to but... I kind of think we should tell a professor..."
Elsa: As Malinda began gathering up her things Elsa started pacing. It was something she always did whenever she was stressed. "This is a complete disaster and you two want me to keep quiet about it because you don't want to get in trouble?!" She groaned and tried to think of how she was supposed to go back to her dorm like this. She was brought back to the present reality when Malinda started talking again and then sprinted out of the room, Vidia hot on her heels. "Fun?" Elsa murmured in disbelief. Her face quickly turned from one of mass confusion and anxiety to pure frustration, "This will most certainly NOT be fun! It's a complete and utter mess!" She clenched her jaw and ran over to the door, calling after them as they hurried down the hall, "You better figure out how to fix this soon or so help me I will go straight to the head mistress!" She let out an annoyed huff and walked back into the classroom. Oh God, how were they supposed to fix this? Malinda promised she'd figure something out, but after what had just happened Elsa didn't trust a word she said. The Head Girl was so caught up in her thoughts she complete forgot Malinda - whoops, Dory - was still there. The sound of the girl's voice altered Elsa of her presence and calmed her down a bit. "I doubt Professor Pace is even awake right now," Elsa sighed. "Let's just wait until morning and then try to figure something out then. Maybe Malinda will have actually figured something out by then, or maybe the effects of her disastrous mistake will have worn off by morning, I don't know."
Important HC: Their voices will also sound like the person they look like.
@a-frozenheart @likeateatray-inthesky @adorable-dory-crosby
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