serenatechie · 1 year
Core chat app features to consider when choosing the best iOS instant messaging API
The basic feature of a chat application is sending and receiving messages but that alone is not enough for a chat application to stand in the market. Chat applications like WhatsApp, Slack and Messenger offer popular features like emoji reactions, delivery receipts and GIFs to enhance the chat experience. Let's have a look at some of the features you should consider when choosing the best iOS instant messaging API. 
Authentication and authorization - This feature allows the access and management of chat participants. It can be done through the social media account or simply with the email and phone number of the users. 
Accessing the contacts - It gives the users a simple opportunity to import their contacts. 
Messaging - This is a primary feature that allows the users to send and receive messages in real-time. It supports one to one messaging and one to many messaging includes group chats, chat rooms and channels. 
Message storage - This feature allows the users to have storage space for their chat conversations according to the specifics of their use cases. 
If your concern is about choosing the best iOS instant messaging API, then Innoinstant is the better option for you which fulfils all your chat requirements. 
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serenatechie · 1 year
What are the characteristics of a successful chat messaging SDK for iOS?
We all expect better experiences when it comes to instant messaging, live sports broadcast or some other business delivery. Especially for chat whether it is an ecommerce platform or online gaming, there are some features that make the chat experience best to the users. Let's take a closer look at some of the characteristics a chat messaging SDK for iOS should possess for a successful chat experience. 
Message delivery guarantees - In chats, messages should be delivered to the right user for the right order at the right time. Data integrity should be ensured. 
Low latency data delivery - The main factors required for a message to be delivered without any delay includes high throughput, low latency messaging protocol and geographical proximity between the servers and the users. 
Scalability - A successful chat app needs to be available to billions of users with utmost stability and adaptability. 
Reliability - An uninterrupted audience engagement should be maintained even at the time of facing issues that makes the chat application reliable. 
Taking these features into consideration, Innoinstant is one such  platform which gives their clients powerful chat APIs and SDKs to build a successful chat experience. 
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serenatechie · 2 years
What is the future of chat messaging SDK for iOS? 
The chat messaging SDK for iOS has a lot to offer which includes exclusive chat features. Everyone depends on the mobile for everything nowadays. It is applicable for chat applications also. Here are some features that will give you a glance of what the future of chat messaging SDK will look like. 
 E-commerce - The commerce, retail and payments to be integrated in one place
Chatbots - Automatic chatbots instantly connect and make a meaningful connection with the customer. 
VR/AR Integration - Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are the upcoming communication techniques for NextGen. 
Social features - Chat applications are forwarding towards being a social collaboration platform. 
If you want to reach heights in the communication industry, you must start building your own instant messaging application. Innoinstant is one of the leading instant messaging solution providers with compelling features and secure environment. 
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serenatechie · 2 years
Adding typing indicators to your app - chat messaging SDK for iOS
Typing Indicators is a message feature which allows users to see when someone is typing. A chat messaging SDK for iOS will be useful for you to include typing indicators into your application. A typing indicator will grab the attention of the users and keeps them engaged during the in-person interaction. 
There are many ways for implementing this typing indicator feature to your chat or web based applications. Lets see the different types of indicators. 
Push notifications 
Text based typing indicators
Visual based typing indicators
Push notifications - It is a least common one and the only chat app uses push notifications as a typing indicator is SnapChat. You will be alerted with a push notification when the user is typing at the other end. 
Text based typing indicators - It will show you the text as “typing….” only if the app is open. 
Visual based typing indicators - When your partner is typing, you will see animated typing dots as “... “ pop up in the messenger. 
Adding a typing indicator feature to your application is now easy with the chat messaging SDK of Innoinstant. Keep your users more engaged with your app with the implementation of a typing indicator into your app. 
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serenatechie · 2 years
What is a real-time chat SDK ?
A real-time chat SDK is famous among businesses which need an innovative and interactive customer base. If you are looking to develop or enhance your application with in-app chats, then this article focuses on giving you the following information. 
The greatest list of real-time chat SDK providers
Impact of chat messaging solutions on your brand
Using chat solutions, how to increase user engagement
Every business industry uses real-time solutions as their effective communication medium. The employees or individuals in the organization can easily interact with each other using private and public chat features. Unlike email communication, chat bridges the gap at a higher rate and leverages revenue growth. 
Some of the top real-time chat SDK providers are, 
A chat SDK in combination with the chat API helps in creating an effective application for your business. Innoinstant offers a powerful chat API and SDK to produce high quality products for your business requirements. 
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serenatechie · 2 years
Top chat messaging SDK for iOS
A chat messaging SDK for iOS allows a business to integrate communication solutions in real-time into its website or applications. Most prebuilt messaging solutions  have a common set of features including group chat, voice and video calling, screen sharing, push notifications, file sharing and mobile device support.
Lets take a look at top chat messaging SDK providers. 
Innoinstant - Innoinstant is a complete messaging platform which offers real-time chat, video and voice call functionality. They offer cloud and on-premise deployment options. Customization is the added advantage of their services. 
Twilio - Twilio is the leading platform for web chat APIs and messaging SDKs with a robust feature set and customizable suite of options. Twilio is a complete real-time messaging software platform. 
SendBird - Sendbird primarily focuses on building a robust chat API suited for live events. Its comprehensive feature set includes multichannel chat, multimedia integration, translation, moderation and offline communication. 
PubNub - PubNub focuses on mobile platforms offering in-app chat experience to engage users in real-time. Ease of use and configuration is its added advantage. 
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serenatechie · 2 years
Benefits of chat messaging sdk for iOS in industries
The importance of instant messaging communication is rising between the employees in various industries. The popularity of chat messaging sdk for iOS and video conferencing is also gaining in such industries. Let's take an overview of it. 
E Commerce Industry:
Ecommerce industries use live chat features to help solve the queries of the customers directly. It also helps in dealing with the customer’s purchase history and getting access to their shopping cart. 
Finance Industry: 
While there is a discussion about investments and financial history, chat applications are used to chat with the clients. Because of the instant chat replies, there is a decrease in the customer drop-off rate.
Healthcare Industry :
Care coordination has been improved due to the timely communication about the health advice and therapy sessions. Especially in the COVID pandemic, video applications are in great use to the patients. 
The best messaging application is always created by the best communication solution providers. Innoinstant is one among the best. They offer powerful chat APIs and chat messaging SDK for iOS as well Android. They create effective and interactive chat applications to get seamless real-time experience.
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serenatechie · 2 years
Unique features to be included in chat messaging sdk for iOS
A chat messaging sdk for iOS is developed by hiring a web and mobile application development company. The following unique features to be looked in for any chat messaging application which will help you to stand out from the competitors.
1.      Simple Registration:
The user registration should be quite simple and it requires some sort of authentication process or two step verification.
2.      Easy entry:
Once the user is registered, they need to update their profile details such as name, avatar and simple status information.
3.      Chat window:
The chat application should clearly segregate the sent and received messages and everything should be chronologically arranged.
4.      Contacts:
The contacts should be easy to retrieve and store.
5.      Storage capacity and notifications:
The application should provide message backups to the users. The unread messages are shown up by the notifications.
These are the basic and unique features required for a chat messaging application. Innoinstant is one such platform which will provide you powerful APIs and SDKs to create engaging and effective chat application for every industrial needs. All are customizable according to the clients requirements.
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serenatechie · 2 years
How to make revenue out of an iOS instant messaging api
There are three ways that will earn money out of an iOS instant messaging api. 
In-app purchases
Subscription :
For subscription, you need to offer some exclusive features to your users that will pay you a weekly or monthly fee. For example, it can be any customizable design or ad-free app version.
If you are deciding on ads as a major monetization strategy, then consider where to place the ads while designing the UI. You can earn money by placing the ads of your sponsors that will be shown within your application. You can also implement brief ads to appear on your application, but it quickly annoys the users. 
In-app purchases:
Applying in-app purchases is considered as the most effective and user-friendly way to make revenue from your messaging application. It will not irritate the users and create many interesting ways to use your application. 
Innoinstant offers mobile application development as their primary work and develops instant messaging applications that are highly rich in performance.  Customization and security is the major focus of their work. The app works on multiple platforms or devices. The setup process is simple and you can enter the market in no time. 
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serenatechie · 2 years
A guide to choose chat messaging SDK for iOS
Customers are engaged with the businesses through the message and conversational experiences from the chat messaging platform. Some of the benefits of adding chat messaging sdk for iOS in your business application includes the following:
Increased customer satisfaction and keeps the customers connected with the application
Increased customer retention and engagement
Push notifications that will help your customers not to miss any message
Fully customizable user experience 
Optimization for network bandwidth and battery usage
Implementation considerations:
If you want to deploy messaging features to your application, it is essential to understand the functionalities and features of a SDK. Some of them are listed below:
Supported and certified devices - Find out the list of devices that are supported and certified by the in-app SDK
Authentication - Determine where you place messaging in authenticated areas of your application
Push notifications - choose how you want the push notifications to work.
Conversation window - Take full control of the conversation window or customize it according to your needs.
Customization and branding - Determine what features to enable by reviewing the default configurations available for iOS
Innoinstant offers powerful chat messaging SDKs for iOS as well as android and web platforms. These SDKs create unique chat applications for your business and personal purposes. They provide exclusive features and all with 100% customization.  
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serenatechie · 2 years
How integrating iOS instant messaging API helps to grow your business
Building real-time instant messaging applications is now simpler and easy. Instead of developing a separate chat application for your business,you may now integrate iOS instant messaging API to your existing business application. 
 For effective messaging applications, Innoinstant offers instant messaging API and SDK for both web and mobile platforms. Some of the chat features offered by them are file sharing, 1 to 1 and group messaging, payment gateway integration, translation, moderation and analysis. 
Innoinstant also offers sophisticated chatbots that run on artificial intelligence and machine language which will assist you virtually. The Chatbots promises super-fast responses, automatic in-app chat, business leading contextual responses, natural and engaging conversations. 
As security is the most important factor, all the data transmission is fully end-to-end encrypted. The reliable encryption and decryption process helps in protecting your sensible data, files, call logs, chats and recordings. With the help of transparent policies and standard compliance programmes, all the data transmission is kept secure and it will give you full control over your data. 
These features enable your business to stand out from the competition. 
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