boxyrr · 2 years
just gave birth lol #girl
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prettycooregrey · 1 year
have I mentioned I have the kringlefucker queued for the next 7 years on christmas
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boxyrr · 2 years
sometimes i just see the way someone draws the subway twins and i just go "ah. i see. hlvrai enjoyer."
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boxyrr · 2 years
(through tears) at least im g. getting paid tomorrow (falls over and dies)
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boxyrr · 2 years
sorry guys i just really like big man
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boxyrr · 2 years
gon be posting less for a bit btw im on vacay for 2 weeks !!! im touching grass n shit
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boxyrr · 2 years
question for fellow uni/college-goers. so is finding random half-empty mugs around campus just part of the experience or.
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boxyrr · 2 years
sorry for all the morbposting im just obsessed
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boxyrr · 2 years
i love saying hi to my friends its like..hiii .. heyy.. hi there ^_^ hiii
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boxyrr · 2 years
i don't really subscribe to the whole "cut toxic people out of your life" thing. personally i send strong psychic attacks to my enemies every day. i make them start their morning off with some real negative energy. i have telepathic battles with those who have wronged me. and i always win.
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boxyrr · 2 years
talking isnt enough i need to directly project my thoughts into ppls brains
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boxyrr · 2 years
autism urge to keep ur bag on ur lap when ur sittig bc the weight feels nice :)
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boxyrr · 3 years
me at the weed store buying weed for the first time (im kinda nervous): h-hello... i would like.... um... 5 weed .. please
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boxyrr · 2 years
having thoughts abt spectrobes sorry guys
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boxyrr · 3 years
theyre adding a special, new 8th circle of hell for all the people who are always on that damn phone
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boxyrr · 2 years
comes online -> reblogs submas -> logs off
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