missjanjie · 8 months
29 with miranali?
29. “I think you’re being a little dramatic.”
Denali shook her head as she guided Mirage off the rink and sat her down on the bench. “I think you’re being a little dramatic,” she remarked, though there was no malice or judgment in her tone. She taught kids, after all, she had enough patience to spare.
“I could have broken my ankle! How am I supposed to dance if I’m hobbling around? Hobbling isn’t sexy,” Mirage insisted, propping her leg across her girlfriend’s lap so she could take her skates off. “Is it swollen? Am I bleeding? Do we need to go to urgent care?” 
She exhaled deeply as she took off Mirage’s skate. “You’re so lucky you’re pretty,” she muttered under her breath. Out loud, she replied, “you’re fine, not a bruise or a scratch.”
“You don’t think I need an ice pack or anything?” 
Denali pinched the bridge of her nose, reminding herself how much she loves her girlfriend. “Go return your skates before I tie you to the zamboni,” she instructed as she put her own back in her bag and slid into her sneakers. 
“Hey, don’t be rude,” she pouted, “¿Todavía quieres que te lance más tarde?” Given the amount of time Denali spent working with kids, developing the system of speaking in Spanish whenever they had something ‘adult’ to say to the other in public became an easy one to maintain. 
That was enough to make her put her hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay. Go on, I don’t want you to hurt your poor leg any further.
Mirage decided a win was a win and returned her skates, walking back with her shoes on her feet and a triumphant smile on her lips. “Can we get hot cocoa from the snack bar before we leave?”
Denali chuckled as she got up, throwing her bag over her shoulder and wrapping her free arm around Mirage’s waist. “Anything for you, dear.”
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rosenali canon compliant hooking up in chicago? last night was the perfect fodder for that
A/N: Whenever I see canon compliant I assume there’s still some leeway. Like in this verse they’re both single and uh ready to mingle.
Also I used to live in Chicago so of course I had to take this one.
xoxo -Sinner
“¡¡¡Mi Rosita!!! I can’t believe you’re finally here!!” Denali hugged her Rosie as they waited for their Uber back to Nali’s place, both of them drunk and jubilant at their reunion. They’d gone first to Denali’s drag mom’s show and then Denali’s own, and Rosie had been right there in front, all heart eyes as she watched and Denali loved it.
Rosie hugged her back just as tightly. “I missed you so much baybee. Glad I get to spend my birthday weekend with you.”
“Oh we’re gonna get so trashed this weekend.”
Rosé laughed. “I thought I was an alcoholic. These Midwestern cities sure know how to drink.”
Denali laughed. “We just like to have a good time.”
“Baybee. You’re always a good time.” She grinned.
Denali smirked right back. “Oh yeah? Get in the Uber,” she indicated the car pulling up. “And I’ll show you what a good time I am.” She waggled her brows.
“In the Uber mama? Kinky.”
“Oh my god no! You’re so dumb. I don’t know why I like you so much.”
Rosé smirked. “You love me.” She held Denali’s hand and rubbed her thumb over the back of Denali’s hand. The drive to her apartment wasn’t too far, but Rosie used every second to shamelessly flirt with Denali, knowing full well Denali was going to give it to her when they got home.
Denali didn’t disappoint her Rosie, pinning her to the wall the second they closed her apartment door behind them.
“You’re so annoying,” she told her Rosie.
Shamelessly, Rosie smirked back at her. “Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?”
She ran her nails down Rosie’s chest. “I’m gonna strip you naked and top the fuck out of you.”
Rosie kissed her. “My... hole is ready.”
Denali laughed. “You still can’t say hole?” Hole! Hole! I love hole.”
“You love my hole, that’s for sure,” she laughed. “C’mon, come love in my hole.”
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missjanjie · 7 months
9 and K
9. Rosé/Denali | K. Stripper/Porn Star AU
yall know i had to set it in the poison paradise universe lol
“So, is this a voyeurism thing for you?” Denali asked as she adjusted her lighting, “or was this just out of curiosity to see how it compares to stripping?” 
Rosé shrugged as she straddled the desk chair on the other side of the setup, safely out of view but with the best seat in the house. “Do I really need a reason to wanna watch you fuck yourself on a dildo almost as long as my forearm? I think it would be much more offensive if I didn’t wanna take a peek."
“Touché,” she conceded as she changed into the lingerie that one of her subscribers had bought for her. It was a lacy, pink getup that was both crotchless and cupless, essentially leaving her naked with decorations. She found it more convenient – she got to look hot without wasting time undressing. “Just one last thing,” she hummed as she fixed her blonde wig onto her head. “How do I look?”
“Like the sluttiest Barbie in all of Malibu.” 
Denali beamed brightly. “Perfect! Thank you, Rosie.” It was only a few minutes into recording the video that she looked towards her girlfriend with a smirk. “You know, if you wanted to give me something… motivating to look at, I wouldn’t be opposed.” 
She tossed her head back and laughed. “That’s a lot of words for ‘show me your tits’, babe,” she teased, but tugged off her shirt and bra nonetheless. At her height, Denali was still able to see her leaning against the desk while she filmed on the bed without seeming suspicious. 
The filming was the easy part, which she supposed was what most people thought. Her solo videos were often filmed within an hour, it was the editing that took ages. “So,” she prompted as she dismounted from the toy, “what did you think?” 
Rosé smirked as she moved to join her on the bed. “I think we need to make a video for our personal collection, next.”
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missjanjie · 1 year
Here's a prompt for you! Person A takes care of B's pet/s while they're on tour and they videocall to show that they haven't burnt their house down yet, with any ship that you'd like! (I was thinking Vandergerd while writing the prompt but idk how much *you* would wanna write for them so ssjfamfj)
lol ty for making that optional bcs this just screamed rosnali to me 💜
“Remember, no food after nine pm,” Denali reminded as he handed Rosé the five-page packet he’d typed up on everything he’d need to do to ensure the care of his apartment and much more importantly, his dog.
“What, is she a gremlin or something?” Rosé joked as he flipped through the pages. “Emergency con– in what universe is Willow Pill a solid emergency contact?”
He shrugged. “She lives the closest. Anyway, I’ll be back in a few weeks, humor me with FaceTime, okay, baby?”
His expression softened into a fond grin. “Of course, I promise everything’s in good hands,” he assured and kissed his cheek. “Now go finish packing, I wanna fuck you one last time before you go.”
Denali snorted with laughter. “So charming,” he teased, but did as he was told.
“Look, baby, Mommy’s calling,” Rosé cooed to Donut when he saw Denali was calling to FaceTime. “Hey! How’s the tour going?”
He grinned broadly upon seeing the two of them, though his heart ached with a sudden pang of homesickness. “Aw, look at you guys, so cute. The tour’s been fun. How’s everything here? Am I going to lose my security deposit? Do I need to send a welfare check?”
Rosé made a show of dramatically rolling his eyes. “Goddamn, have a little faith in me,” he huffed. “I’ve been adhering to your rule book just fine, I have a happy dog and a totally intact apartment. Relax.”
Denali pouted. “I know, I’m sorry. I just turn into a neurotic Jewish mother when it comes to her. I trust you, though. You’ve made a lot of progress in your life and I’m not gonna ignore that.”
“That’s better,” he teased to assure he hadn’t actually been more than mildly annoyed by his boyfriend’s constant concern. “Now go sleep, you look exhausted.”
“I will, I will, I’m just still on that post-show adrenaline rush.”
Rosé chuckled. “Next time I’m sending you on tour with a packet about how to care for yourself,” he playfully threatened before ending the call with “I love you, talk to you tomorrow.”
And Denali knew he had to put more trust in Rosé, because no matter what, he’d always proven to be someone he could rely on, and that meant everything to him.
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missjanjie · 1 year
“They’re coming!” For rosenali pls (: -blayze
Rosé lifted her head from between Denali’s thighs, her brows furrowing. “Did you hear that?” 
Denali, more annoyed at the loss of contact than aware of the situation. “As if I was listening to anything,” she grumbled until she sat upright and heard what she must’ve been talking about. “I thought you said people wouldn’t start coming until four.”
She groaned and got up. “Fuck, Jan must’ve let them in.” Despite her girlfriend’s pout, she got up and started to put herself together. “Don’t just sit there,” she huffed, “they’re coming!”
“You better make this up to me later,” she muttered as she swung her legs over the side of the bed and grabbed the clothes she’d laid out for the night. “I’ve still yet to understand why you guys take your movie nights so seriously. I mean, it’s endearing and I’ve had fun, but still.”
Rosé shrugged as she tried to fix her hair, settling on a messy bun. “It’s a tradition, baby. Monthly movie night is something we’ve done since college.” 
“At least I like your friends, I’ve almost gotten into fights with my exes’ friends,” Denali recalled.
She rolled her eyes and huffed. “Yes, almost. I did not fight anyone at any point even though some of them really deserved it. It wouldn’t have been a fair fight and I’m not trying to spend another night in jail.” 
Rosé laughed and shook her head fondly. “Nali, you are definitely one of a kind,” she cooed as she wrapped her arms around her waist and pulled her close, “so I’m glad you’re mine,” she added with a kiss.
“And you’re not just sweet-talking me to make up for whatever the pussy equivalent of blue balls is?” 
“No I’m not, you absolute nuisance.” Despite the exasperated tone in her voice, she pulled her into another kiss. “I’ll make it up to you, let’s go.” 
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missjanjie · 2 years
“Have you even ever used a chainsaw before?” Any ship
“Nope!” Denali answered as she revved it up, “so stand back.”
Rosé immediately stepped out of the way, but watched her warily, “and you’re sure you don’t wanna hire a professional or get a tree from a shop?”
“Why spend fifty bucks when all I need is my dad’s chainsaw? I’ve watched him do it plenty,” she shrugged. And by nothing short of divine intervention, the tree fell without causing them or their belongings any damage.
“I’m pretty sure you’re a witch,” she blinked as she watched the entire scene unfold.
Denali was unfazed by the accusation and tossed a pair of worker’s gloves to her. “Put these on and help me strap up this bad boy to the hood,” she instructed.
“Not the type of strapping up I usually do, but I think I’ll manage,” Rosé chuckled as she hauled the tree up and fastened it to the roof of the car. “All this to have your own Christmas tree, huh?”
“All this to have our own Christmas tree.”
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missjanjie · 2 years
"So... a wolf." for Rosenali <3
“It might not be!” Rosé insisted, “it could be a Husky or German Shepard or—”
“Babe,” Denali cut her off, “I grew up in Alaska, there were no shortages of wolves, including wolf puppies, which that definitely is.”
She scooped up the pup and held him up. “But look how cute he is, how could you say no to this face?”
She pinched the bridge of her nose. “I’m going to say this once and I am going to say it clearly. We. Cannot. Keep. A. Wolf. How do you expect to keep one in an apartment anyway?”
“We can housebreak him!”
Denali blinked, starting to wonder if her girlfriend had officially lost whatever was left of her mind. “Do you hear yourself?”
Rosé huffed and finally relented. “Well, we have to make sure he’s okay before we leave,” she insisted.
“Fine, fine,” she acquiesced. “We’ll find a vet or something to check him out before we go home and follow their advice, okay?”
The redhead nodded affirmatively, but added, “now that we’re on the subject, how do you feel about Donut getting a sibling?”
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missjanjie · 1 year
24 L
the universe really aligned for this one lol (so for those that missed it, first part took place in 1969 so it's 1970 here)
24. Denali/Anetra | L. Different Decade
If there was one thing Denali and Anetra were grateful for, it was the frequency in which their husbands had to go on business trips. Sure, they suspected some of the ‘trips’ were covers for sneaking around with some pretty thing from their respective offices, but it’s not like they had any moral high ground. If anything, they almost hoped they were also cheating to assuage any lingering guilt. 
“Do you know what today is?” Denali asked. She and Anetra were at the playground with the girls, though Beverly was stroller-bound, but happily playing with a stuffed animal. 
Anetra tilted her head and furrowed her brows as she wracked her brain. After a few moments, she came up empty. “I’m stumped, what’s special about today?” 
“It’s our anniversary,” she told her. Upon the perplexed expression she saw form on her face, she clarified with, “the anniversary of when we first… consummated our relationship.” 
She chuckled softly, feeling her face heat up and looking down to not draw attention to it. “I didn’t realize you were keeping track,” she remarked, ignoring the way her heart raced. “I should have gotten you a gift.”
“It’s okay,” Denali hummed, “you can make it up to me later,” she winked. 
“I will,” she promised, smiling at her before staring out towards the playground. Everything felt so normal, the two of them together, taking care of their kids. It was unrealistic to even imagine, but she liked to think of a world where they wouldn’t need husbands at all, where they could be their own little family.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
Anetra blinked herself into reality, but she was still looking ahead of her. She was quiet for another moment before asking, “do you think a woman can fall in love with another woman?” 
Denali suddenly felt her heart leap into her throat, a warmth spreading through her body. “Yes,” she answered, then subtly held Anetra’s hand, squeezing it so she would turn to face her, “because I have.” 
She almost leaned in to kiss her, but caught herself immediately. “Thank god,” she added with a quiet laugh, “or this could’ve gotten very uncomfortable.”
“I thought I knew what falling in love felt like before I met you,” she admitted. “I didn’t know that you can miss someone after just spending a couple days apart, I didn’t know you could physically crave someone’s touch. I don’t know, I guess I thought falling in love just meant you could accept the vision of spending your life with someone. I never realized how different love and comfort can be.”
Anetra nodded, in awe of how succinctly Denali was able to describe everything she had come to realize over the past year. It was jarring at first, realizing she wasn’t in love with her husband, but she was with her. “You have such a way with words,” she chuckled softly. 
“If every word I said could make you laugh, I’d talk forever.”
“Aha! So you did listen to the new Beach Boys album without me,” she playfully accused, then laughed at herself. “And I just blew my own cover, didn’t I?” 
“You did,” she giggled. “It’s okay, I still love you.” Saying it out loud felt like the most natural thing in the world, she only wished she could scream it from the rooftops.
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missjanjie · 2 years
“I’m not jealous… you’re mine” for rosenali pls
“Those things aren’t mutually exclusive… in fact me being yours is what makes you jealous when someone hits on me,” Denali pointed out, “like, that’s kind of the point.”
Rosé huffed and rolled her eyes. “Semantics aside, I wasn’t jealous of the barista flirted with you, she didn’t even seem like your type.”
“How do you know what my type is?”
“I am literally your girlfriend.”
Denali shrugged, “what makes you think I can’t have multiple types?”
She pinched the bridge of her nose. “Jesus Christ, Nali, do you want me to be jealous?” When her question was met with hesitation, her brows furrowed. “… Do you want me to be jealous?”
“I dunno,” she mumbled as she fidgeted with her hair, “might be hot.”
Her expression soften as she pulled Denali into her arms. “You’re so fucking stupid,” she chuckled, leaning in to kiss her, then nipping at her bottom lip, “and you’re mine.”
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missjanjie · 11 months
“You need to relax.” with Rosnali pretty please 🙏
“Tell me to relax again and you’re on the couch for a month,” Denali snapped as she increased the incline on the treadmill.
Rosé sighed, “look, I know this competition is important to you, but–”
“No buts,” she cut in without missing a beat, “this is the make or break competition, Rosie. There’s no margin of error, period.”
She sighed, realizing she was not going to win this argument with her stubborn, stubborn girlfriend. But as she ran her fingers through her hair and shook her head, she relented, “just promise you’ll let me pamper you afterwards, okay?”
“…As a victory treat.”
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missjanjie · 1 year
47, R 💕💕
Tumblr media
47. Symone/Denali | A. College AU + R. Hurt/Comfort
Symone had just returned to her dorm after class and was greeted by the sight of her roommate on the floor, her head on her knees and a blanket thrown over her. She had never seen Denali like this, but the unnerved feeling was promptly replaced with overwhelming concern as she dropped her bag on her desk and sat beside her. “Hey, what’s wrong? Talk to me, baby.” 
Denali picked her head up and sniffled, her eyes still a bit watery. “I need to get at least a 92 on my linguistics final to maintain the GPA I need for my scholarship and I just… I have so much shit on my plate that it’s just too fucking much to handle.”
She nodded, throwing a sympathetic arm around her. “I get it, you’re overwhelmed. This shit ain’t easy, especially with your tuition hangin’ in the balance.” She then tilted Denali’s face so their eyes met, “but I know you, I know you can do this. You’ve done shit I ain’t even know people could do.”
“That’s what’s scary,” Denali meekly admitted, “everyone has me on such a high pedestal, it’s fucking terrifying to think about how easily I could fuck everything up.” 
“How about we take this one thing at a time?” Symone suggested. “We’re gonna write down everything you need to do, rank it by level of difficulty, and knock it out one by one. Whatcha think?”
She didn’t have words, instead she pulled Symone into a tight hug. “Thank you,” she mumbled into the crook of Symone’s neck. It wasn’t easy to snap her out of a spiral – she was stubborn and hard on herself, years of intense figure skating coaches had drilled a strong work ethic into her, but an equally strong fear of failure. But Symone made everything feel effortless, she brought a calm and levity into her life that she hadn’t known she needed. 
And Symone knew she may never be able to fully tap into what went on in Denali’s mind, but she was happy to help where she could. “First thing’s first, let’s go get something to eat. We can go to that Korean barbecue place you keep bothering me about,” she told her, nudging her lightly.
Denali let out a soft laugh as she finally let herself sit upright. “Yeah, good idea. I’ve been too stressed to eat anyway.”
“Well, you know I’m gonna be on your ass about that now,” she warned.
She grinned and rest her head on Symone’s shoulder. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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missjanjie · 2 years
hi babe!! first, i am giving you the tightest hug ever and the biggest of forehead kisses
but now for distraction time! i didn’t check if there was a prompt list so I’m spitballin this butttttt how about jankie or rosenali with the quote/idea “im mad at you but please I need your help with reaching this thing I need”
thank u sm love 💕
It hadn’t been anything more than a benign lover’s quarrel, but Denali was nothing if not stubborn. But even her stubbornness had limits. It just turned out that her limits were having to reach the top shelf in the pantry. She had tried with her claw-grabber at first, but it only knocked the box she needed onto its side, making it impossible to grab.
As much as she hated it, she swallowed her pride and begrudgingly shuffled into the living room. “I need help getting the cereal,” she mumbled.
Rosé didn’t look up from her phone. “Use your claw.”
“Tried. Made it worse.”
She sighed and got up, making her way to her girlfriend. “Then you need to ask nicely, baby,” she replied in a cloyingly sweet voice that didn’t quite match her smug grin.
Denali whined and stomped her foot like a petulant child, but knew that Rosé wouldn’t budge until she got what she wanted. “Rosie, could you please get the lucky charms for me?” she asked through gritted teeth.
Rosé gave in, grabbing the box off the shelf and setting it on the counter. “Now, was that so hard?”
Denali refused to make eye contact as she poured the cereal, then milk into the bowl. “You’re lucky you’re tall,” she murmured as she ate.
“Whatever you say, baby,” she cooed and pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
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missjanjie · 2 years
Rosenali + “shh, be quiet”
“I promise I’ll be done soon,” Denali added, realizing she might’ve come off a bit harsh. “I just need this done tonight.”
Rosé nodded understandingly and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Don’t overwork yourself, okay? I know how you like to burn the candle at both ends.”
She tilted her head back to kiss her properly. “I’ll do my best.”
This time, she cupped her face and held eye contact. “No, Denali, I’m not letting you run yourself into the ground.” She glanced at her phone before back at her girlfriend. “If you’re not done by 10:30, finish it in the morning.”
Denali normally would’ve argued back, but the firmness in Rosé’s voice left no room for debate, sending goosebumps along her skin. “Okay,” she answered.
“Okay what?”
She bit down on her lip, looking up at her with wide, glossy eyes. “Okay, Mommy.”
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missjanjie · 2 years
15. “You’ve never been kissed?” for rosenali please!
15. “You’ve never been kissed?”
Rosé had been to plenty of high school parties with Denali by their senior year, but she’d never seen her best friend so quiet at one. When the group played spin the bottle, she felt her absence and it struck her as odd. As soon as she could, she tracked her back down. “Hey, are you okay?”
Denali sipped at her drink, looking everywhere but into Rosé’s eyes. “Yeah, I’m good, why wouldn’t I be?” 
“You sat out of the game, you love party games.”
There was a moment of silence as Denali chose her words carefully. “I didn’t wanna have my first kiss decided by a bottle.”
She furrowed her brows. “You’ve never been kissed?” She hadn’t meant to sound so surprised, but she couldn’t fathom why people weren’t forming a line for a chance to kiss Denali. “How does that even happen?” 
Denali shrugged, her face red. “Dunno, guess it just hasn’t happened. It’s kind of embarrassing, I know.”
Rosé tilted her head in thought for a moment. “C’mere,” she prompted, tilting Denali’s chin up. She moved slowly, giving her friend every opportunity to back away if she didn’t want this. But she was met with no resistance as she pressed a soft, tender kiss to her lips. 
Denali’s eyes fluttered shut and her heart beat faster. She felt safe and warm, though it didn’t negate the rush of desire that blossomed through her. She had always found Rosé attractive, that was one of her first inklings that she liked girls to begin with. It took a moment for her to come back down to reality when they pulled apart, her heart still slamming in her chest.
“Was that okay?” she asked, unsure of how to read her reaction.
She nodded, a smile stretching across her face. “I couldn’t have asked for a better first kiss.”
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missjanjie · 2 years
Rosenali 🎶
Changing My Major - Fun Home
I don’t know who I am I’ve become someone new Nothing I just did is anything I would do Overnight, everything changed. I am not prepared I’m dizzy. I’m nauseous. I’m shaky I’m scared Am I falling in to nothingness Or flying into something so sublime? I don’t know, but I’m changing my major to Joan
When Denali woke up, there was barely a moment of calm before her mind started reeling and her heart started racing. All it took was a look to her right, at the woman still fast asleep in her bed and the memories from the night before came flooding back and sent sparks throughout her body. She still couldn’t believe it was real. 
[Last Night]
Rosé rushed inside Denali’s dorm room as soon as she was let in. “What’s going on? Your text seemed kinda frantic.” 
“I did it!” Denali beamed, bouncing on the balls of her feet. “I called my parents, well, I left them a voicemail, but I came out! I came out to them!” she announced, only for her eyes to widen and her face to drop just as quickly. “Oh my god, I came out to them. Fuck, maybe I should’ve waited to do it in person. I mean, I feel relieved, but–”
The taller woman cut her off when she cupped her face and pressed a kiss to her lips. “Hey, it’s okay. You did it, I’m so proud of you.” 
Any anxiety that started to bubble up dissipated the moment Rosé kissed her, leaving her stunned into silence for a moment until softly asking, “you’re proud of me?” 
“Of course I am, baby, coming out is never easy. I did it when I was fifteen, I was terrified. I’ve just had five years to feel comfortable in my own skin,” she explained. “Maybe now our dates can start feeling a little more like dates, yeah?” 
“Yeah!” Denali readily agreed, though she wasn’t quite sure what Rosé meant by that. 
At least, she didn’t until they were on her bed, their clothes coming off as their hands explored each other’s bodies. She was so pleasantly overwhelmed, trying to find the balance between savoring every moment and wanting as much as she could get, as much as Rosé was willing to give.
“Are you okay?” Rosé asked, raising her eyebrow when she noticed what she assumed to be a mix of nerves and enthusiasm. 
“Yeah, yeah I’m totally cool. Except I might lose consciousness, I think. But I’m fine,” Denali replied breathlessly, then went right back to kissing down her neck.
Rosé chuckled softly and ran her fingers through her hair. “You’re adorable,” she cooed. 
And Denali just had to trust that she meant it and didn’t think she was some clueless baby gay that had no idea what she was doing. Even if it was partially true. But when she had her head between Rosé’s thighs, she let her instinct take over, and she did end up getting her off, so she must have done something right.
“Now,” Rosé purred, pulling her up into a kiss, “let me take care of you.”
[The Next Morning]
Denali had spent a few minutes calming herself down, lest she wake Rosé up with her frenetic energy. She still felt lightheaded, pleasantly delirious. She would’ve happily spent the rest of the day, even longer, in bed with Rosé, having sex until their bodies gave out. 
Rosé let out a vague grumble to signify that she was awake, though her face was still buried in the pillow and her body was still tangled up in the bedsheets. Slowly but surely, she shifted onto her side and sleepily pulled Denali into her arms. “Morning,” she mumbled, her face now buried in her hair instead of the pillow. 
“Morning,” she chirped, trying not to seem too excited, or that she’d been awake and reliving the night before in as vivid detail as her brain would allow, all while barely taking her eyes off of her. “You, um, sleep okay?” 
She smiled softly and held her tighter. “You’re so fucking cute,” she murmured. “Yeah, I did, though it doesn’t seem like you slept at all,” she teased, then added, “guess I just have to tire you back out, hm?”
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missjanjie · 2 years
8i please !!
this was self-indulgent bcs im weak for 1950s aus and the idea of beatnik rosé + cheerleader denali was too perfect to not do
8. Rosé/Denali + I. Different Decade
“Hey, do you have an extra one of those?” Denali asked, tentatively approaching Rosé, who was leaning against the wall in back of the school, taking a drag from a cigarette. 
Rosé arched her brow curiously, looking the other girl over. “Sure, didn’t think you touched ‘em, doesn’t strike me as the sort of activity the head cheerleader would partake in,” she remarked, taking another one from the pack and handing it to her before lighting it. “Something snakin’ ya?” 
Denali just sighed and tried to take a drag, only to cough, then manage to do it successfully. “Just stress, we can’t all go through life not giving a shit about anything. I almost envy that about you.”
“I’m sure you’ve got a lot on your plate,” she nodded, dropping the cigarette butt on the floor and putting it out by stepping on it and pressing it into the grass. “I know your secret, you know.”
Her eyes went wide and her mouth hung open, the cigarette falling from her lips. She felt her stomach tighten and now she was leaning against the wall just to keep herself steady. “Y-You do?”
“I know you’re not Italian, that your real last name isn’t Foxx,” she said, then furrowed her brows and added, “that’s not even an Italian last name, you’re lucky everyone here is fucking stupid. What are you, anyway?”
Denali’s entire body relaxed and she let out an audible sigh of relief, one that was perhaps too obvious. “Oh, that. My parents did that for my safety – My dad is Jewish and my mom is Mexican… I’m not sure where they got Foxx from either, I wanna say some cartoon character.” 
While Rosé’s initial question was answered, Denali’s reaction left her with a myriad of new ones, leading her to eye her suspiciously. “So you’ve got two secrets then, hm? Head cheerleader, homecoming queen, going steady with the captain of the football team, someone so perfect must have a dark secret to hide out with some beatnik.”
She untied her cardigan from around her shoulders, pulling it on as if it would hide her the way she desperately wanted. “I don’t… I mean… it’s not…” she shook her head and looked up at her. “You wouldn’t understand, I don’t think anyone would.”
“You’d be surprised, dolly,” the redhead replied, her expression softening when she managed to meet her eyes. “Tell me, when you’re neckin’ with your boyfriend, does it make your skin crawl? Does it feel wrong in a way you can’t explain why, so you just brush your teeth until you feel normal again?”
Denali’s face was deep red and she could hardly string a thought together. Finally, she timidly whispered, “I don’t understand how you could know all of that…”
“Because I’m a dyke, baby,” Rosé replied with a nonchalance that was jarring to Denali, who had only ever heard shouted at women who wore men’s trousers and had short hair. She was only loosely aware of what the word even meant, which must have read clearly because Rosé followed up with, “I don’t have a sweetie ‘cause girls aren’t an option around here, but that’s what I’m after.”
She was at a loss for words, she had no idea that was an option, always assuming that those thoughts and feelings meant something was wrong with her, that it was something she had to ignore. “Are there places where that is an option?” 
“Just a train ride away, downtown. Moving there as soon as school’s done,” Rosé put a hand on Denali’s shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. “You should let me take you sometime, help you realize you’re not alone.”
When Denali felt Rosé’s hand on her shoulder, she felt a spark shoot through her body that she’d never felt before, something lit up inside her. “I would like that.”
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