rosenali canon compliant hooking up in chicago? last night was the perfect fodder for that
A/N: Whenever I see canon compliant I assume there’s still some leeway. Like in this verse they’re both single and uh ready to mingle.
Also I used to live in Chicago so of course I had to take this one.
xoxo -Sinner
“¡¡¡Mi Rosita!!! I can’t believe you’re finally here!!” Denali hugged her Rosie as they waited for their Uber back to Nali’s place, both of them drunk and jubilant at their reunion. They’d gone first to Denali’s drag mom’s show and then Denali’s own, and Rosie had been right there in front, all heart eyes as she watched and Denali loved it.
Rosie hugged her back just as tightly. “I missed you so much baybee. Glad I get to spend my birthday weekend with you.”
“Oh we’re gonna get so trashed this weekend.”
Rosé laughed. “I thought I was an alcoholic. These Midwestern cities sure know how to drink.”
Denali laughed. “We just like to have a good time.”
“Baybee. You’re always a good time.” She grinned.
Denali smirked right back. “Oh yeah? Get in the Uber,” she indicated the car pulling up. “And I’ll show you what a good time I am.” She waggled her brows.
“In the Uber mama? Kinky.”
“Oh my god no! You’re so dumb. I don’t know why I like you so much.”
Rosé smirked. “You love me.” She held Denali’s hand and rubbed her thumb over the back of Denali’s hand. The drive to her apartment wasn’t too far, but Rosie used every second to shamelessly flirt with Denali, knowing full well Denali was going to give it to her when they got home.
Denali didn’t disappoint her Rosie, pinning her to the wall the second they closed her apartment door behind them.
“You’re so annoying,” she told her Rosie.
Shamelessly, Rosie smirked back at her. “Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?”
She ran her nails down Rosie’s chest. “I’m gonna strip you naked and top the fuck out of you.”
Rosie kissed her. “My... hole is ready.”
Denali laughed. “You still can’t say hole?” Hole! Hole! I love hole.”
“You love my hole, that’s for sure,” she laughed. “C’mon, come love in my hole.”
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Some sort of super rough enemies to lovers rosénali smut would be amazing if ur up to it!
Denali pushed the girl. How fucking dare she! “Ever since you’ve shown up you’ve been a goddamn thorn in my side!” She roared. “You with your goddamn perfect pink façade! Oh look at me I’m Rosé and I’m in a girl group! I’ve been on tv three times! I’m such a great singer and I’m so sexy!” She mocked her. “Well, fuck you!” She pinned the stunned girl against the wall and was surprised to hear her whimper as she hit the rough bricks of the alleyway.
Denali paused. “Are you... turned on by this?”
“Bay-bee...” why did she say it so weird, “I’m a Gemini. I’m a lover not a fighter. And this! Baybee! It’s turning me all the way on, mama. I had no idea you had such passion for me.”
“Chinga tú madre,” she cursed. “I don’t want you to be turned on.”
Rosé smirked. Fuck she was pretty when she smiled. “Too late. What are you gonna do about it?”
Denali ground her knee against Rosé’s needy pussy. “I’m gonna take you home and I’m gonna fuck the everloving shit out of you. I’m gonna utterly destroy you and wipe that goddamn smirk off your face. How does that sound?”
Rosie smirked. “Sounds perfect. Do your worst, Foxx.”
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since rosé is out of commission for drive n drag from an injury/mysterious sickness rn would you write something cc about denali fussing over him and being worried and fluffy
A/N: As always with my ‘canon compliant’ (that is what cc is right? Lol) fics, they’re both single because otherwise it just gets... weird.
Also this might’ve gotten slightly more smutty (lightly) than fluffy whoops
Rosé sighed as she laid in the bed next to Denali. This weekend hadn’t gone at all according to plan. It was her birthday, and she wasn’t able to do the Chicago shows. She’d been looking forward to her reunion with Denali and Mik but the universe said no. At least she got to have drinks with Denali and LaLa. And she was staying with Denali.
Denali understood her mood. She couldn’t perform. Doctor’s orders. Denali of all people understood the frustration... fuck it. She buried her face in Denali’s chest and hugged her close. “Hold me please?”
It might’ve been weird if it wasn’t Denali but they’d been through so much together that she knew that she could ask Denali for this. She understood. She would be the same way if she was the one who couldn’t perform. They were both born for the stage. They needed to perform. They needed that rush.
“Rosie. My Rosita. I’ve got you.” She brushed her short hair off her face. “You ok?”
Rosie sighed. “You know how it is. How disappointing it is. I’m finally getting a chance to live my dreams... and now this...”
“I know baby. I know. If you weren’t on medication I would split that edible I have with you.”
She smiled softly. “Damn. I’ll have to come back to Chicago when I’m better.”
“I just remembered I have a high cbd bath soak. Wanna share it with me?”
“Is your tub big enough diva?”
“If I sit in your lap,” she laughed. “So how about it?”
Rosie smirked. “Assnali in my lap in a cbd bath? That sounds like a birthday.”
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59 D for rosènali pls 👉👈
59 “It’s unfair for someone to look so beautiful.” + D Soulmates AU + Rosnali
(I just love the stories about Denali meeting all of Rosé’s friends before her and just... this came out of my brain lol
Denali rubbed the tattoo on her inner wrist that told her her soulmate’s first words to her. They were sweet and romantic, and Denali couldn’t wait to hear them one day.
‘It’s unfair for someone to look so beautiful.’ She imagined it was a pickup line, said to her in a bar, after she spotted them across a crowded room... they’d dance together and kiss and get married, happy to finally be with their soulmate.
But until then, Denali was restless, constantly moving and traveling, forever on the lookout for her soulmate. She was 29 this year and she’d kinda hoped she’d find her soulmate before 30, but that was looking less and less likely every day.
Today she was back in New York City, doing a gig with some other performers she’d met before and liked a lot. There was Jan, the beautiful bubbly girl she’d met in Chicago with an incredible singing voice, and Lagoona, also a stunning woman and an incredible singer. She didn’t know the third performer and member of Jan and Lagoona’s group, a fiery redhead named Rosé, but she’d meet her soon enough.
It was Denali’s last ‘solo’ gig before she went off and joined the circus. She hoped it would be memorable.
Jan was the first one she saw and she smiled warmly at Denali. “Hey girl!! So glad you could join us!!”
Jan’s enthusiasm was infectious and Denali grinned. “Hey pretty girl! You look great! Hey Lagoona! You look great too!”She greeted them both. Their third member was yet to be found.
They chatted and caught up, and finally the last girl showed up. Rosé was stunning. But she walked right past the other girls to look at herself in the mirror. “It’s unfair for someone to look so beautiful.” Rosé grinned. “You bitches are so lucky I’m here now. Someone needs to be the beautiful one.”
Denali’s jaw dropped. “What the fuck?? You??”
The other girls gasped. They knew.
Rosé turned slowly to look at her. “You’re my soulmate?”
Denali showed her her wrist.
“Damn at least you have something distinct. A lot of people say, ‘what the fuck, you??’ to me.”
Jan laughed. “Tell her where it is.”
Rosé bent at the waist and pulled her skirt up and her panties down to reveal it was a tramp stamp.
Denali had to laugh. “Oh my god, how many people did you show that to?”
Rosé chuckled. “At least half of New York.”
Denali laughed. “A girl after my own heart. What are you doing after this?”
Rosé smirked. “You.”
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Hi we’re deep in the rosenali angst era but would you write something fluffy and canon compliant to restore the faith? Thank you :)
Chicago Nights
Fluff +Canon Compliant Rosénali
Okay! So I normally don’t write canon compliant, at most I just do canon inspired, but this was actually fun to write. There is a little touch of gottrosénali in there, but it’s mainly rosénali~ Hope y’all like it!
Denali was ecstatic. It was the first time she was going to see a few of her season 13 sisters. As much as she would have loved to have been on the Drive in Drag tour, she knew how Voss operated, and that you basically had to be a finalist or winner for them to book you. That was okay though because tonight it was going to be like old times, reunited with her girls. Not to mention she was going to open for the Drive in Drag girls, which she was excited for, she couldn’t wait to be on that stage again. Sure, she had been doing some smaller gigs, and of course Roscoe’s, but this was on a whole new level and she was finally going to see her Rosie again.
Despite not being part of their trailer, Rosé was often with Mik, Asia, and Vanjie, and with how loud they were, there was no mistaking which trailer was theirs. Denali walked over and knocked on the door, a little nervous, but it was mainly elation. It was Rosé who opened the door, donning her black and pink outfit with that cute bubblegum hair of hers.
“Hi Rosie~” 
“Hey baby~”
Rosé pulled Denali in and the other girls immediately took notice. They roared with a raucous welcome, and that filled Denali with such happiness. She had to admit she had dealt with some serious FOMO, but this was everything she needed to leave those feelings behind. Even if it was just for tonight, this was everything to her. Everyone was done getting ready, just having some fun before they needed to be on stage. Denali couldn’t help but to snicker at Mik holding up a bottle of tequila that was as big as her head.
“This isn’t vodka, Nikita, but you should have a drink with me!” said Mik in her fake Russian accent.
Denali laughed, taking the shot from Mik and downing it with her. She took another shot, but gave it to Rosé who drank it just as swift as the other two. Asia had her phone out, filming everything of course, and they were aware that anything that happened in here would end up in her stories later. Vanjie, who already had one too many, put some music on, and she and Mik danced terribly as Asia got some rather hilarious video. 
While the others were preoccupied Rosé pulled Denali into her lap and rested her head on her shoulder. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too,” said Denali. “Things haven’t been the same without my Rosie.”
“I know, diva, I know. Trust me, I wish you could be on tour with me. But I know you have a lot coming up too, yeah?”
“Yeah! I mean I truly can’t complain, but sometimes it just sucks when I’m so used to seeing you daily and now that we’re so busy, who knows when we’ll see each other? Which is why I am enjoying every moment of this night.”
“Oh, me too, mama. I have been looking forward to this for weeks. But I’ll try to be online more, even if our lives aren’t as long as they used to be, we can still give the kids what they want, while also giving ourselves what we want.”
“I’d really like that, Rosie.”
Denali puckered her lips, and Rosé gave her a little kiss, enjoying how her lips felt against hers. She had kissed Mik quite a few times, it was only fair. Not to mention, she missed the closeness they shared on the show and the immediate few months afterwards. They watched the other girls getting deep in their shenanigans, and truly there was never a dull moment. Rosé loved that though, and she loved having Denali by her side. 
A little smile spread across Rosé’s face, “You know what I just thought of?”
“We should so reenact our iconic lipsync tonight.”
“Holy shit!” Denali gasped, “That would be amazing, and you know everyone would be fucking living for it.” 
“Just like they were living for the elevator story,” Rosé chuckled.
“That was a fucking trip though, I didn’t think we were ever going to get out of there! Thank god I had my bodyguard,” Denali said with a snicker.
“You’re the fucking blackbelt!”
“Hey!” Came a voice over the music. It was Asia. 
“Yes, my love?” asked Rosé, wondering what Asia had up her sleeve this time.
“You never answered me before. Mik or Denali?”
Oh god, that question again, and now they both were here in the same trailer with her. She didn’t want to choose then, and she sure as hell wasn’t doing it now. Rosé and Denali looked at each other before both of them leapt up and ran out of the trailer, much to the other girls’ dismay. They wanted an answer, America wanted an answer, the world wanted an answer!
“Get your asses back here!” exclaimed Asia.
Rosé ran off, but Denali poked her head back in and quipped, “¿Por qué no los dos?” And that made all the girls shriek. 
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Could I ask for 13 or 18 paired with C, Rosejan, Rosénali or pretty much any Rosé ship?? 👀👀👀
18. “This is one fucked up seduction.” C. Enemies to Lovers + Rosénali
“Ah!” Denali gasped as Rosé shoved her up against the wall of their dorm room. 
“You’ve been a thorn in my side since day one,” Rosé hissed and clicked her switchblade open. She pressed it against Denali’s cheek, but not too hard, she didn’t want to break any skin, not yet at least. “I may have holes in some of my fishnets already, but that does not give you the right to destroy my clothes.”
Denali just gave the punk girl an irritatingly smug smirk, “This is one fucked up seduction, babe~”
“Is that what you think this is? You think I’m really trying to seduce you? Or are you just projecting what you really want?” She trailed the tip of the blade down her cheek and neck down to the first button of her shirt, popping it off with the knife.
“Oh, don’t like having your clothes ruined, do ya?”
She popped another button, and even though Denali grumbled a little, she couldn’t deny that she was insanely turned on right now. Rosé just chuckled and popped another button, and then another until she just ripped her shirt off completely. She had to admit, Denali was hot with big tits and curvy hips, and of course, that fat ass that she was known for. Her eyes trailed down her body, then back up, and it was this time that Rosé wore the smirk.
“Nice bra~” she said, tucking the blade underneath where the little satin bow glimmered in the overhead light.
“...Don’t you dare,” Denali warned.
Rosé didn’t say anything, she just cut the bra off and tossed aside.
She put her hand over Denali’s mouth and whispered in her ear, “You brought this on yourself. You took the scissors to my clothes. You kept me up at night with your unnecessary noises. You brought girls back here despite me telling you not to because I needed to study. And now you think I’m going to just do what you ask? Yeah I don’t think so.”
Fuck fuck fuck fuck, Denali thought to herself. This was hot. Why was this so hot? Fuck…
“You should just admit that you want me,” Rosé purred, moving her hand and kissing down Denali’s jaw.
“I-- Rosé...”
Rosé trailed the knife up Denali’s thigh, stopping right at the hem of her skirt. “Yes, babe?”
“Fuck…” She didn’t want to admit anything. She didn’t want to give in, but her pussy wasn’t going to let her stubbornness win this time. “Fuck me.”
“What’s the magic word?”
Denali sneered, “Please…”
“Yeah that’s what I thought.” Rosé loved having the upper hand, but she wasn’t a total bitch, she’d give Denali what she wanted, but mainly because it was what she wanted too.
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rosnali 40 stripper/porn star au?
40. C’mon don’t tease me.  M. Stripper/Porn Star AU + Rosénali
Okay! I finally got some time to write, and got some prompts done! Thank you for your patience, I know you’ve been waiting for almost two weeks. That being said, I hope you enjoy it!  - Saint
Rosé sat in the front row, as usual, she was a well known regular of this club, and had a reserved seat for her. She was someone who the girls always tried to pay special attention to because they knew the pop star was loaded and they would be leaving with a lot more than if they paid attention to the other patrons. It was a special bonus that Rosé was hot as hell and respectful to the girls, but the girls wanted her to touch them. They wanted her to touch them because she had another reputation that preceded her and they all wanted to experience her sexual prowess. She didn’t just take any girl back to her place, not anymore anyway, her one-night stand days behind her.
There was one girl though, a girl with the familiar name of Denali who always came strutting out from backstage with a presence that was felt throughout the entire room. A little smirk tugged at Rosé’s pink lips, she remembered when she had no idea that famed Ice Queen Denali was a stripper as her night gig. But damn she was glad she found out. She had always been a fan of her ice skating, but this was even more fun to experience. She watched the girl grab the pole and spin around it effortlessly. It was no surprise to her that Denali made pole dancing look easy, the girl was strong. Once Rosé found out where Denali went at night it didn’t take long for her to start becoming a regular there. The other girls both loved the fact that Denali brought someone who was as rich as The Rosé to their club, but was also jealous over the fact that Denali obviously had most of her attention, if not all of it.
Rosé was absolutely transfixed on the woman who commanded the stage and took complete control of it. She loved that confidence and energy, and it was something that she could vibe with. Her thick thighs, fat ass, and ample tits helped too, especially in that barely there lingerie. God, it would be so easy to rip it off her... That would be happening later though. The money kept flowing as Rosé made it rain with strap upon strap of hundred dollar bills. What was a few thousand to someone worth millions? Of course there was a different sort of strap she’d like to give Denali as well, but that too would be happening later.
Denali could dance too, she could shake that ass and roll those hips, and fucking hell, it was so hot. She didn’t even hear the crowd yelling as Denali really got into her routine, she was just so focused on her. In this moment, Denali was already hers, even though she was still on a very public stage. When her set ended, Rosé got up and was allowed backstage access. 
Denali was freshening up, fixing any imperfections in her makeup real quick, because even though her set was done, she still wanted to look perfect. The loud booming of the music was but a muffled thumping in the dressing rooms. Denali grinned, seeing the pink-haired woman in the reflection of the mirror. She turned around to face her. 
“Hey you, glad to see you here at my little show~”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” she said, with a little devilish expression on her face.
“Wouldn’t miss you for the world.”
Rosé stepped closer, leaning over Denali, who was forced to lean back in her chair, her back pressing against the counter where her makeup was splayed about. Goddamn, this was hot, Denali could already feel that hot uncoiling within her. Fuck…
“You seem like you want something, baby~” cooed Rosé.
“Yeah… yeah I fuckin’ do.”
“Why don’t you tell me what that is?” Rosé trailed her fingers down Denali’s jaw, all the way to her breasts before trailing one finger between them. Denali’s breath hitched in her throat, and she was dangerously close to losing all composure and showing Rosé just how much of a needy slut she was. 
“You still haven’t told me what you want,” she murmured, grabbing one of Denali’s breasts, giving it a squeeze. 
Denali squeaked at the touch. Holy fuck… “I -I want you… please.”
“You do, huh?” Rosé pressed a kiss to Denali’s neck, loving how warm her skin was to the touch. 
“Come onnnn, don’t tease me,” Denali whined.
“Never, diva~”
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Covet (Gottrosé/ Rosénali)
A/N: I know I said I was taking a lil hiatus but... It’s been so long since I’ve been in school that I forgot no study session is complete without being extremely productive on the wrong thing. Or is that just my ADHD? 😝 - Sinner
Denali knew she was fucked. Holy shit. Rosé was married. Happily too from what it looked like. She and Mik were a hot couple. And Denali couldn’t deny she was attracted to them both, but something about Rosé just... there was an attraction and Denali was no fool. Her love was not unrequited. Rosé felt something too.
Denali couldn’t help herself. Like a moth to a flame, she tried her best to get closer to Rosé. It wasn’t hard. In fact, it was far too easy. Rosé’s beautiful smile drew her in, and Rosé let her guard down around Denali. She shouldn’t have. Didn’t she know Denali wanted her?
Worse yet, Denali liked Mik. A lot. It would be one thing if Rosé’s partner didn’t deserve her but it was clear they were well suited for each other. They were a cute couple. They were perfect. Fuck.
But Denali was alone with Rosé right now and she was so tempted to kiss those soft pink lips... grab those curvy hips... touch those gorgeous big tiddies... fuck... Rosé’s smile was melting her heart. It just wasn’t fair. She needed to see Rosie smile at her like this all the time.
Denali imagined what it would be like to push her against the counter and just take what she wanted. Rosé would melt against her and they’d take it to the bedroom and she’d strap it on for Rosie and part her long legs and push deep into her, making her moan and sing so pretty as they fucked for hours, and Rosé would beg for more and Denali would tease her a bit but give it to her. She’d leave marks all over that soft pale skin, and she’d make sure it was so good Rosé would be back for more. She’d be the best lover she ever had...
But then Mik came back and Denali had to sigh as Mik claimed Rosé’s sweet pink lips and her radiant smile and Denali was left only with her daydreams...
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Rosenali(or Gottrose) headcanon part 2 : smutty version plz?
I’m going to split this in two and do Rosénali here and then do a second post for Gottrosé 🥰
You know these two are naughty af. Can’t keep their hands off each other. Definitely into PDA. Denali likes to act like she’s the bottom but she’s definitely not. Her Rosie needs to be on the bottom
They’ll definitely have a threesome every here and there so Denali can bottom too. Rosie can top but she really doesn’t prefer it.
Denali is definitely the instigator but Rosie is the creative one. But rest assured, they keep it icy and spicy.
One time they tried shibari, it didn’t really work out, but they discovered they both preferred knife play instead when they had to cut Rosie out of the ropes...
Rosie loves to dress up in the bedroom. She loves to show Dee her new panties, just to have her rip them off of her. But she’s also not above a naughty maid outfit...
Rosie gets really distracted singing in the shower and Dee loves to sneak in with her and push her up against the cool tiles and soap her up and maybe even full on fuck in the shower. They absolutely have a nonslip floor and railings and handles, as well as a handy bottle of lube for exactly that reason.
Once Rosie poured herself a drink out of the fancy looking decanter on Dee’s bedside table, only to realize it was actually lube and not alcohol. At least it was flavored???
They’ve absolutely gone to a sex club / party together. But Dee gets a little jealous sometimes so when she’s like that she stakes her claim on Rosie and makes sure to show her off without letting others touch.
They definitely have some adventurous sex toys. Dee has quite the collection of specialty dildos because sometimes she just wants a little more fantasy.
Dee enjoys outdoor sex, but she had to sell Rosie on it. One day Dee gave her the best head of her life, and then Rosie was into it.
Rosie is a big fan of quickies too.
They developed their own hanky code. If there’s a bandana tied around the doorknob, one of them is in the room, totally dtf no matter what they’re doing. It’s made for some fun spontaneous sex. But it’s also gotten to the point that Dee even sees the bandana out, she’s dtf.
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hey if you're confortable with it, could you sometime write a lesbian rosenali anal sex? thank you so much, and it's totally ok if neither one of you wants to write it :)
A/N: Saint and I were both a little unsure with this one but I hope it came out ok!
“What do you think about us... trying anal?”
Denali looked up at her girlfriend. “Have you ever done it before?”
“No have you?”
Denali huffed a laugh. “I have. Had a boyfriend who was bi and we tried it. It was alright. But he taught me how to prepare.”
“Wait... who bottomed?”
“Well we both did. But I only let him put it in my butt once.”
“Did you like it?”
“I liked putting it in his more.”
Rosie chuckled. “Would you try it with me?”
“You’ve never done it?”
“Not there, no.”
“I mean obviously I know you’ve had it in your pussy. I fuck you like three times a day, you little slut.”
“Shut up. You enjoy it just as much as I do.”
Denali couldn’t deny that. “Alright. Let’s start preparing.”
Rosie was clean, stretched and well lubed by the time Denali decided her girlfriend was ready for it to go in. She’d atypically picked a small strap, despite Rosie’s insistence she could take bigger. Her girlfriend was certainly a size queen but this was different and Denali wasn’t going to make her take a big one for her first time.
“Try to stay relaxed, my Rosie. I’ve got you.”
Rosie held Denali’s hips as Denali began to push in carefully.
“Mm fuck...”
“Don’t worry.” It wasn’t going far in but Denali was patient. “Just keep breathing, baby.”
Denali added more lube, taking her time. Trying a little more. Adding more lube. Going for it again. Adding more lube. Repeat again.
Eventually she was fully seated in her girlfriend.
“How do you feel?”
Rosie chuckled. “Like I’m pooping.”
Denali laughed. “You wanna continue though?”
Rosie bit her lip.
“How about I put a plug in you and give that sweet pussy the big fat strap it deserves instead of this dirty little guy?”
“I like that plan. At least we tried it.” Rosie leaned up to kiss her girlfriend. “Thanks for letting me experiment.”
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Mommy (Dadsé Verse)
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The second the doctor cleared her for sex post partum, Denali was right back on her husband’s cock. She wasn’t ready for another baby, not for a long time, if ever again, but god she’d missed having her husband like this. And now her tits were huge and milky and Ross couldn’t keep his hands off them, and honestly, neither could she. She held her tiddies as she rode his cock, his hands tied to the headboard.
“You’re so hard for me. These big milky tiddies getting you off? You wanted a milf this whole time didn’t you? It was your plan all along. You sly dog.” She swiveled her hips with him all the way inside.
Ross chuckled. “You caught me,” he joked.
“Bet you wanna drink from me. Make my milk flow. That’s so naughty. That’s for our daughter.” Denali was on a roll, settling into her newfound role of dominant milf. “Bet you’d love to fuck my big milky tiddies wouldn’t you, you fucking hot dog.”
Ross moaned. “I sure would mommy.”
“What did you call me?”
Denali smirked. “Say it again.”
She grinned. “Are you going to be a good boy and keep your cock hard until mommy is finished with it?”
“Yes mommy. Anything for you.”
Denali smirked. She could get used to this.
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Could I ask for 14 + X for rosenali with demon/devil rosé? I feel like that would be super fun
14. You’re the devil. You are the actual devil. X. Supernatural creatures + Rosénali
Okay y’all, here’s some monsterfucking for ya nerves~ It got long, so I’m putting it under a read more lmao.
Kinks include: 
Monsterfucking (obviously)
Inhuman anatomy (a tentacle dick, or as Sinner and I call it, a tentadick)
Rough Sex
Light Erotic Asphyxia 
If you’re not into those things, this is your time to scroll on by. If you are into those things then I do hope you enjoy it!  -Saint
Denali had never been particularly religious, only really exposed to it through her overly-religious friends back in grade school who believed whole-heartedly that God had a plan for them and all that happy bullshit. Denali never bought into that, but just let them believe what they wanted as long as they weren’t hurting anybody. She sometimes questioned whether or not God was real, and if he (she? they?) were real, then was the Devil real? What were they like? That intrigued Denali more than anything about God or angels. 
She arrived home after her evening skate practice, took a warm shower, brushed her teeth, and dressed into her pajamas, nice and cozy. Maybe she should’ve eaten dinner, but she wasn’t really hungry, just ready to take a load off. She was going to hunker down in bed, watch some TV and just relax for a little bit before sleeping. Little did she know that her body was going to give out on her, and she drifted off into slumber shortly after getting into bed. Her dreams were strange and rather vivid, she kept seeing this vision of a bestial humanoid. She never got a good look at her face, but it felt so goddamn real. In her dream, when Denali went looking for the creature, she always got pulled back to her bed by some unseen force. Strange, but not overall concerning, not yet at least.
Denali was so curious though, she wanted to see the being that crept about in the darkness. This wasn’t the first time she dreamt of them, but this was by far the most memorable. It was difficult to discern the dream from reality, perhaps the two worlds were clashing somewhat this time. As if sensing Denali’s intense curiosity, the creature decided to come out of the shadows, their face mere inches from Denali’s immediately. Not much would scare her, but that gave her a little fright, but that fright morphed into something else too. Why was she feeling this way when some devilish creature had her in her clutches? 
Perhaps she was feeling that way because the creature had large breasts and curvy hips visible through her skintight attire. As if Denali could resist that. When she smiled all that could be seen were rows of sharp, dangerous teeth, and that danger just excited Denali more. Denali never cared for the more vanilla, mundane things in life, and this encounter was certainly anything but ordinary. 
“Who are you?” Denali finally found her voice.
“The devil,” came the reply that sounded like an amalgamation of various voices.
“You’re the devil? You are the actual devil?” 
“The one and only, lovely.”
Shit… “And, uh, what are you going to do to me?”
“Wake you up.”
She didn’t reply, she just snapped her fingers and Denali was awake and looking about her bedroom. What the fuck, what the actual fuck??? It was all a dream? She rubbed at her eyes and looked around in the darkness of her room. Silence. Nothing. Damn, that was a disappointment.
“I didn’t go anywhere, baby,” came the voice made of a thousand voices.
Denali kept looking through the darkness, her eyes getting used to it, more shapes becoming visible. “Where are you?”
“Above you.”
Denali looked up to see her, the devil, hovering above her in the corner. “You’re cuter when you’re awake.”
“Why are you even here? What are you going to do to me now that I’m awake?”
“I think you’re quite aware why I’m here. Because your mind can’t stop thinking about me, and it has quite a few lecherous thoughts,” she said with a sinister chuckle.
Denali was normally feisty and full of attitude, but when face to face with the devil who was already aware of her wet dreams it made even the likes of her falter a little bit. “Are you going to act upon my thoughts?” She fucking hoped so, she could already feel herself growing wet in her panties thinking about just what an inhuman being like her could do to her. The wind was blowing outside, moving the tree branches about, and allowing more of the moonlight to shine through into the room. She got a better look at the devil above her, and saw as she crawled atop her. A clawed hand came to rest upon Denali’s cheek, a thumb brushing over her plush lips.
“You truly are gorgeous, Denali.”
“You know my name?”
“Of course I do.”
Of course she did. “Do you have a name? I mean do you go by Lucifer or something? You’re not exactly the devil most people describe.”
That got her to laugh, “I suppose not. But I’ve had people call me Lucifer, though I normally go by Rosé with those who know me best.”
“Like the wine?”
“Yes, it’s my favorite, and as a hedonist, I don’t hold back on it. The Queen Demon of Gluttony never leaves me without a good bottle or two at my disposal. I can handle my alcohol a lot better than humans, I don’t get sloppy drunk like you all. It just fuels me, especially my lusts.”
Denali bit at her bottom lip for a moment. Fuck, this really was happening.
“Show me.”
Rosé used her claws to tear her out of her shirt, grabbing her breasts and giving them a squeeze. Thank god Denali didn’t care about that shirt, but even if she did, she doesn’t think she’d care enough to protest. She was so sensitive already, that even that little bit of contact was driving her insane. Rosé’s hands slid to Denali’s hips and she pulled her panties off and tossed them to the floor. She spread her legs, nestling between them before leaning down to kiss the cute Latina beneath her.
Denali was trying to keep herself under control, but she was so hot, so fucking horny that it was becoming increasingly difficult. Without even realizing it she bucked her hips upwards wanting friction, any sort of friction, something to help relieve this ache. Rosé grabbed her hips in a hard grasp, stilling her. That got a little whine out of Denali, her arousal increasing tenfold.
“No foreplay then I take it?” she smirked.
“No, please, I just want you to fuck me. I know I’m sounding like a little slut, but I don’t even caaaare!” 
Rosé, that devilish creature, kissed up Denali’s neck and jaw before murmuring in her ear, “Just to let you know, I am not bound by human limitations of anatomy.”
Before Denali even had time to question that statement, Rosé had already unzipped her garment and let a tentacle-like appendage slither forth and press against Denali’s pussy. She gasped, not expecting that at all, but she was intrigued and excited. She knew damn well that it was going to feel amazing inside her, it could go as deep as she wanted.
“You like it, huh?”
“Yes… I can’t fucking wait for it to be inside me.”
Rosé chuckled under her breath, “Obviously. And I’m already slick so all I have to do is…” Her sentence trailed off as she started to push inside, slowly at first, working her open. Denali’s fingers slid into the sheets, grabbing them as the devil above her went even deeper. 
“Oh my god…” Denali sighed, her head lolling to one side. Her dark hair blossomed out beneath her head, her perfect pink lips parted as she continued to mewl softly. Rosé didn’t let go of Denali’s hips as she started to thrust inside her, still going slow despite the fact that she knew Denali wanted it hard and rough. She’d get to that. 
“You’re already so far gone, huh?”
“Please --please I want it, want you. I can take it, I need it.”
Well, Denali knew her body best and if she said she could take it, the devil would give it. After all, the devil isn’t about evil, the devil is all about giving in to all those earthly pleasures and delights that God deems sinful. Fuck that. What kind of life is it to go through it with no pleasure at all? Rosé moved her hips faster, finding that perfect pace that made Denali moan with her full voice. She fucked her hard, the grip on her hips not once lessening and Denali knew there would be some bruises tomorrow. Perfect.
“You like that, baby?” Rosé purred.
“Y-yes, it’s everything I’ve ever dreamt about~”
“You want it harder?”
“Fuck, you know I do.”
Rosé pulled out, flipped her over and slammed back inside, grabbing a fistful of her hair and yanking roughly. Denali’s upper body arched when Rosé pulled her hair, and she was in utter ecstasy. Her free hand let go of her hip for a moment to grab her breasts, teasing her nipples and tugging at them. Denali was losing her mind at this point, all that could be heard was the wet, obscene noises from their fucking, and her loud moans reverberating throughout the room. Rosé chuckled, her hand moving to the woman’s throat, squeezing just enough to make Denali’s eyelids flutter. She kept her grip on her throat and in her hair, using that to keep her in place as she destroyed that sweet pussy of hers.
“Can’t wait to fill you up to the fucking brim,” Rosé groaned. 
That made Denali shiver, she wanted it, she wanted everything the devil would give, including taking her demon seed. Her bestie Mik would often tease her about how much she loved a good creampie, calling her cum slut and the like. She couldn’t exactly protest though, because it was true. So much so that the thought of having the devil herself cum inside her made her incredibly excited. 
Rosé saw that Denali had propped herself up on her elbows, so she took her hand out of her hair and grabbed her hip again. She nuzzled into her thick hair, taking in its sweet scent. “God, you’re so gorgeous, I love how you moan for me, but I will make you fucking scream.”
She went harder, faster, her pace now brutal, which to Denali was everything, and it only brought her closer to her orgasm. It was going to be the best one she’s ever had, she could tell. Rosé was right, she did make her scream, made her scream her name, claw at the sheets, push back against her to get every single inch of that tentadick inside her. Close, so fucking close, it wasn’t going to be much longer. She was damn near desperate for that release and Rosé was right there with her. That sinister smirk disappearing off her face as she focused on bringing them both to their zenith.
“Touch yourself,” she demanded. 
Denali did as she was told, rubbing at her ultra sensitive clit in quick circles. Just a little more. So close. Just a little-- and that was it. She came hard, her eyes rolling back into her head, a loud scream ripping from her throat. Her hips twitched, her legs shook as her climax took hold of her completely. Rosé didn’t stop, she just kept fucking her roughly, but she knew that she wasn’t too far behind her. Denali’s noises were music to her ears, and her clenching around her made her cum just as hard, filling her up just as she promised. Denali whimpered feeling the devil’s seed inside her, it was everything she ever wanted and more. Rosé rode out her orgasm, slowing her thrusts as she started to come down from the intense moment. She didn’t pull out immediately though, taking the time to kiss down Denali’s neck and shoulder blades. 
“Did you like that?”
“Mhm~” Denali nodded, nuzzling against her pillows.
“Oh also, don’t worry, you’re not going to get pregnant, I made sure of that. Magick, and the like.”
“Honestly, I didn’t even think about that, I just wanted you to pump me full of demon cum.”
“So vulgar~ But I like that.” Rosé chuckled, pressing more kisses to her hot skin. Eventually she did pull out, watching as her cum leaked out of her, and she had a wonderfully devilish idea. She kept kissing her, kissing down her back, all the way down to kissing her beautifully ruined pussy. Denali gasped, her head popping off the pillow, looking over her shoulder at Rosé. 
“A-are you gonna--?”
She didn’t answer, she just gave her cunt a few sloppy kisses and slipped her tongue inside. Denali twisted the sheets in her fists, holy hell it was so goddamn good. Rosé grabbed her ass and went in, eating out that sweet pussy like it was the last thing she’d ever do. Denali knew she was ruined, no normal sex would ever top this. She would crave all of this over and over and over again. Rosé loved that she was driving her crazy, loved that she didn’t have to hold back with this fiery young woman. This would not be the last time she came to visit her, and that was a promise.
“Rosé! I-I’m going to fucking cum!”
Good. She kept at it, using her tongue to pleasure her for the second time of the night. Denali came again just moments later and Rosé continued until Denali was completely spent, panting heavily with lust-fogged eyes and a static-filled brain. Once they were completely done, Rosé moved to lay beside her, pulling her close, and pressing a kiss to her forehead. A little smile tugged at Denali’s lips, happy that the devil didn’t just leave her after all that. Rosé would never, she would kiss her and run her fingers through her hair and lull her back to sleep so that she could dream about this yet again.
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Man of Her Dreams (Dadsé Verse)
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A/N: I tried to make this smuttier but something about Dadsé just makes it always come out ridiculously sweet and sappy.
Nali had done it. She’d married the man of her dreams and adopted his adorable daughter. They were honeymooning in Mexico and Denali was laying next to her husband, holding his hands as they kissed.
The ceremony had been absolutely beautiful. It was small and intimate, just their closest family and friends. Lemon was the most gorgeous flower girl anyone had ever seen. Ross had braided a sunflower into her hair and she looked radiant. Lemon had picked the main color for their wedding, lemon yellow, of course, and cream, which they’d picked to compliment their daughter’s choice. Denali’s bouquet had sunflowers in it too, and there was lemonade and lemoncello for the guests.
It had been a beautiful ceremony and Denali had never been more sure that she’d made the right choice. They’d danced together first, but for the second dance, while Nali danced with her dad, Ross danced with his daughter and it was just the sweetest thing. They were honeymooning for a week and it was the longest Ross had ever left his daughter, but grandma Kizha and Aunty Jan and her wife Jackie would take good care of Lemon while they were away. Lemon had hugged them both and told them to bring her back a little sister and a cactus.
They’d decided on Mexico over Scotland for the weather, as Denali had made a compelling argument for sitting on the beach in her bikini drinking micheladas would be a way better view than her dressed for Scottish weather.
Denali was also delighted to see that her husband could certainly handle his own in Spanish and she didn’t have to worry too much about the language barrier. She knew he spoke it well enough and could certainly understand her but it was still nice to see in action. Their beachfront hotel was lovely, and Ross had made sure that everything was perfect for them.
She kissed him again. They’d talked about having a baby together, and seeing how he was with Lemon, Denali knew she’d be ok raising a child with him. More than ok. She’d be happy. Denali had stopped taking her birth control and Lemon had asked them to bring her back a little sister...
She gently ran her nails down his chest. “Now that I’m your wife,” god she’d never get tired of saying that, “how about we start trying for a baby? Lemon did ask for a little sister. And it’s not like you to deny her anything.”
He chuckled. “It’s not like me to deny you anything either.”
She laughed. “No. We girls always get our way. But I want you to fuck me so good. Fuck me every day, daddy. I wanna have your baby. Breed me,” she purred, grinding against him.
He grinned and pinned her to the bed. “Oh don’t worry, I have every intention of cumming in this sweet pussy at least once a day every day I can, for the rest of our lives.” He kissed her sweetly. “I’m so glad you’re my wife.”
She smiled up at him. “I’m so glad you’re my husband. Now give me that big Scottish cock!”
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I’m Going to Marry You One Day (Dadsé Verse)
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A/N: Decided to take this prompt and set it in a continuation of my Dadsé fic. Also I’m gonna make a ‘verse with it and I have at least one more prompt I’m gonna put in it. Enjoy!
xoxo - Sinner
Ross was even more wonderful than Nali had imagined when she first saw him and his daughter at the skating rink. They’d been on several dates since, some just them, some with Lemon, and Nali had fallen hard for this doting single dad. Last time they’d taken Lemon to the aquarium and it had been absolutely lovely, the three of them holding hands, looking at all the aquatic life. Ross had even gotten Lem a plush sea otter.
But this date was just them and as much as she loved being part of their little family, she loved getting time with just Ross too while Lem was with her Aunty Jan for the night.
Ross had taken her for an excellent dinner and Nali was absolutely ready for Ross to take her to bed for the first time. She was glad they’d taken it slow but a girl had needs and her man was hot. She wanted to see what he was like in bed. If he was good, she was absolutely marrying him in the future. Because he was perfect and she could see herself with him in the long run. She’d been with other guys, other girls, but something about Ross...
He smiled at her as he undressed her, kissing her, caressing her. How dare he take his time when she was this horny for him. She could feel him against her and she had high hopes. She was a size queen, she couldn’t deny it, and she hoped he was packing down there.
Fuck it. She started to eagerly tear off his clothes, wanting to see him naked and not wanting to wait another second.
“Holy fuck!”
He had a beautiful uncut cock and a sexy, hairy body. And Denali was even more in love with him.
Denali bit her lip and smirked. “You didn’t tell me you were hiding the Loch Ness Monster down there...”
Ross laughed. “Didn’t want to scare you.”
“Scare me? If anything I’m even more attracted to you,” she laughed. “No wonder Scotsmen are famous for what’s under their kilts.” She adopted a sort of Scottish accent. “Big skotish kok!”
He laughed and finished undressing her. “You’re pretty hot yourself.” He caressed her body, kissing her neck as he laid her on the bed. His fingers were between her folds and Denali wasn’t surprised when he showed her that she was soaked. “Mm love wet pussy.”
He slid down her body and Nali nearly came the second he put his mouth on her. Holy fuck. If this was what his mouth was like, Denali couldn’t wait for his cock. Jesus fucking Christ he was so attentive. Fuck. Of course he was. She came embarrassingly quickly all over his face but he just smirked up at her and asked, “Do you want another one before you get my cock?”
He was going to be the death of her in the best way possible.
Denali pushed him onto the bed and rode his face to two more orgasms before she sunk down on his rock hard cock. “Holy fuck!!” she yelled. He was absolutely huge but she was so fucking wet and ready for it. Thank god she was on birth control because she was absolutely making him cum inside her. She wanted every inch of him. She put her athletic body to the task of riding him like her life depended on it.
When she eventually tired, he flipped them and went to town on her pussy and it was just so fucking good. Jesus Christ. Her heart was full. Her pussy was full. This was absolutely the man she was going to marry one day...
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heyyyy could you please write a fluffy single dad rosé falling in love with denali ? thanksssssss 💕💕
A/N: Omfg I love this prompt. Should I be getting ready for work right now? Absolutely. Am I going to write instead? Absolutely.
Rosé / Dadsé is Ross for this fic.
xoxo -Sinner
“Lem, honey, c’mon it’s time to get ready for your first skating lesson!” Half the fun of enrolling his daughter in skating lessons had been buying her the skates and adorable outfits for skating. Ross grinned as he brushed her hair. “You’re gonna be the prettiest ice princess there.”
Ross could skate a bit too so he rented a pair of skates to hold his little girl’s hands as she took her first steps on the ice. “I’ve got you baby. Daddy won’t let you fall.”
Ross nearly froze as an absolutely beautiful woman skated over to them.
“Hi! I’m Denali. Ice to meet you!” She laughed at her own joke. “You’re here for the 3 o’clock private lesson. This cutie must be Little Miss Lemon, huh? Nice to meet you Lemon. Did you bring your dad with you?”
With all the seriousness a small child could muster, Lemon nodded. “I did. Daddy says he’d be lost without me.”
Ross chuckled. “It’s true. Lem honey. This nice beautiful lady is gonna teach you how to skate. I’ll be in the stands watching, sweetheart.”
Oh no. Don’t do it, Nali. Don’t fall for a married man just because he said you were beautiful.
Private lessons? Brand new top of the line skates? Adorable new fully rhinestoned outfit? Hair did? This little girl was definitely loved. Stop thinking about how hot her dad is.
But the way he’d looked at her. The way he was still looking at her. Jesus Christ that should be illegal.
When the lesson was over, he came over with three hot chocolates. “The gal at the concession stand told me the Mexican hot chocolate was your favorite,” he told her as he handed her hers.
“Thanks. It is.” Damnit Utica. Stop encouraging this man.
“How was your lesson, sweetheart?”
“It was really fun. I wanna skate like Miss Nali. Daddy, will you hold my hot chocolate please? I have to go to the restroom.”
“Of course honey.”
Fuck. Now they were alone.
“Cute kid. Very sweet too. You must be so proud of her.”
He smiled and laughed. “Yeah. It’s just her and me. Single dad. Trying not to spoil her rotten, but I want her to have the world.”
“Fuck that’s so sweet.” Denali couldn’t help it. And he was single? She sipped her hot chocolate. “Thanks for the hot chocolate.”
He smiled at her. “Maybe I can buy you another drink sometime?”
“Yes!” Wow way to sound super eager, Nali. “I mean yeah.”
He wrote his number on one of the napkins and handed it to her as Lemon came back from the bathroom. “I’ll get a sitter.”
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