#checkers value menu
auberylis · 1 year
MyArtGallery 20230623 BIG UPDATE!
Hi everyone! I made a cool big update to MyAG - a free, fast-rollout gallery package for your personal neocities.org website. It is aimed at artists who value and curate their online presence and want their art to exist for more than while it's on someone's dashboard. MyAG is my contribution to the decorporativisation of the online space. And today, i made it a whole ton more usable, too - managing your online art gallery is almost as easy as tumblr now!
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Meet the brand-new editor page! Before this, it used to be a neverending stream of html forms with crap layout.. now, it's almost state-of-the art web app shit! Essentially, it takes the form of what you see when you access your actual art gallery as a visitor, but with simplified design and neutral colours, and managing tools. To edit your artworks or groups - simply click on them and select "edit" in the popup menu! A nice lil' window appears, and you can change everything about your artwork or group in it. Adding new stuff is as easy as pressing "Add new..." and filling out a couple fields, too!
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But wait.. there's more! Not only can you now delete your stuff easily (yeah, there were troubles with that) - but also, i implemented moving stuff around in a turbo-simple way! Click "move" and hover over any of the insert markers that pop up, click - and the artwork (or the group button) is moved to the desired location.
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Pretty cool, huh? Sure is, and also sure as hell feels nice to have over 1K lines of code working neatly together for the sake of art without companies! I hope someone goes ahead and cooperates with me by running this at their neocities page and reporting any issues that emerge. Want to see it live? Here's a fresh stock deployment left untouched. And my own kandi museum runs on MyAG, too!
Grab MyAG and read the manual/tutorial at project's github page! Use this shit dammit!
If you want to contact me, DM here or use one of these!
Smaller updates:
Added a settings file checker. Since some keys will be coming and some will be going, the settingsChecker.html tool-page will check your current settings.js file for missing and deprecated setting keys, and point you to a quick-fix example!
Since i finally sorted out the XML entry order, some users may end up with their gallery groups or artworks displaying backwards after they update... i added "macro tools" to the gallery editor page, and the two available tools are to reverse all images and reverse all groups. If you run into such problem while updating, simply use the needed macro tool.
Figured out a bunch of small CSS bugs - stuff is laid out a bit neater now. Pretty sure there's more to come.. *cdi mario voice* and you've gotta help us!
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Top 10 Best Practices for Web Accessibility
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Ensuring web accessibility is essential to provide an inclusive online experience for all users, including those with disabilities. Here are the top 10 best practices for web accessibility:
1. Use Semantic HTML
Semantic HTML elements (like <header>, <nav>, <main>, <footer>, <article>, and <section>) provide meaning and structure to web content. Screen readers and other assistive technologies rely on these elements to interpret and navigate a webpage accurately.
2. Provide Text Alternatives for Non-Text Content
Every image, video, and audio file should have an alternative text description (alt text) that describes the content or function. This ensures that users with visual impairments can understand the content through screen readers. For complex images like charts, provide detailed descriptions.
3. Ensure Keyboard Accessibility
All website functionalities should be accessible using only a keyboard. This includes navigating through links, form controls, and interactive elements like drop-down menus. Avoid using tabindex values greater than 0 to manage focus order naturally and predictably.
4. Create Accessible Forms
Forms should have clear labels associated with each input field. Use the <label> element with the for attribute to link labels to their corresponding input fields. Provide instructions and error messages that are easy to understand and accessible through screen readers.
5. Use ARIA Landmarks and Roles Wisely
ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) roles and landmarks can enhance accessibility by providing additional context to screen readers. Use roles like role="banner", role="navigation", role="main", and role="contentinfo" to define the structure of your web pages. However, use ARIA roles only when necessary and avoid overusing them, as they can become confusing.
6. Ensure Sufficient Color Contrast
Text and interactive elements should have sufficient contrast against their background to be readable by users with visual impairments, including color blindness. Use tools like the WebAIM Contrast Checker to ensure your color choices meet the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) contrast ratio requirements.
7. Provide Clear and Consistent Navigation
Consistent navigation helps users understand the structure of your website and find what they need more easily. Use clear, descriptive link texts and provide multiple ways to navigate the site, such as a search function, sitemap, and breadcrumbs.
8. Use Descriptive Links
Avoid using vague link texts like "click here" or "read more." Instead, use descriptive link texts that convey the purpose or destination of the link. For example, "Read our accessibility guidelines" is more informative and useful for screen reader users.
9. Implement Responsive Design
Ensure your website is responsive and works well on a variety of devices and screen sizes. Responsive design enhances accessibility by providing a consistent experience for users who rely on different devices, including smartphones and tablets.
10. Conduct Regular Accessibility Testing
Regularly test your website for accessibility issues using automated tools and manual testing with assistive technologies. Automated tools like WAVE, Axe, and Lighthouse can identify common accessibility issues, but manual testing with screen readers, keyboard navigation, and other assistive technologies is crucial to catch more nuanced issues.
By implementing these best practices, you can create a more inclusive and accessible web experience for all users. Prioritizing web accessibility not only helps you comply with legal standards but also enhances the usability and reach of your website. Remember, accessibility is an ongoing process that requires continuous attention and improvement.
Need a partner for developing your website with high accessibility? Choose Techtsy a full-service software development company based in Malaysia.
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freseotools · 8 months
Unveiling the Blueprint: The Advantages of Using MySEOToolkit.com's Get Source Code of Webpage Tool
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In the intricate world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), having a deeper understanding of the underlying structure of your website can provide significant insights for optimization. The Get Source Code of Webpage Tool at MySEOToolkit.com is an essential utility for webmasters, SEO professionals, and developers aiming to access and analyze the HTML source code of web pages. This article will explore the importance of viewing a webpage's source code, the benefits of using MySEOToolkit.com’s Get Source Code of Webpage Tool, and the comprehensive array of tools available on the platform.
#### The Significance of Accessing Webpage Source Code in SEO
1. **SEO Optimization**: Viewing the source code allows you to ensure that your web pages are correctly optimized for search engines, checking for meta tags, alt attributes, and proper use of headings.
2. **Troubleshooting and Debugging**: Accessing the source code is crucial for identifying and resolving issues such as broken links, outdated scripts, or unoptimized code that can affect your website's performance and SEO.
3. **Competitor Analysis**: Analyzing the source code of competitors' websites can provide insights into their SEO strategies, including keyword usage, meta tags, and other optimization tactics.
4. **Learning and Improvement**: For those new to web development or SEO, studying the source code of well-optimized web pages can serve as a valuable learning tool, offering real-world examples of effective coding practices.
#### Utilizing MySEOToolkit.com's Get Source Code of Webpage Tool
MySEOToolkit.com’s Get Source Code of Webpage Tool is a powerful asset for anyone looking to delve into the structure of web pages. Here’s how it adds value to your SEO and web development endeavors:
1. **Effortless Access to Source Code**: The tool provides an easy and efficient way to view the HTML source code of any web page, saving you the hassle of manually searching through browser menus.
2. **Enhanced Analysis**: By accessing the source code, you can conduct a thorough analysis of various elements crucial for SEO, ensuring that your web pages are fully optimized.
3. **User-Friendly Interface**: Designed with simplicity in mind, the tool allows you to quickly obtain and analyze the source code of web pages without any complications.
#### Leveraging a Comprehensive Suite of Tools at MySEOToolkit.com
While the Get Source Code of Webpage Tool is invaluable for understanding the structure of web pages, it’s just one component of a comprehensive digital strategy. MySEOToolkit.com offers an extensive array of tools to address all your SEO and web management needs:
1. **Webpage Screen Resolution Simulator**: Ensure your website delivers an impeccable visual experience across various devices and resolutions.
2. **Server Status Checker**: Monitor your server's performance and uptime, ensuring your website remains accessible and efficient.
3. **Keyword Density Checker**: Optimize your content by analyzing the frequency of keyword usage, maintaining the perfect balance for SEO.
4. **Link Analyzer Tool**: Gain insights into the structure and quality of your website's internal and external links.
### Conclusion
Accessing and analyzing the source code of web pages is a fundamental aspect of SEO and web development, offering insights into the structural and content-related elements that influence website performance. MySEOToolkit.com’s Get Source Code of Webpage Tool, coupled with its wide range of SEO and web management tools, provides a comprehensive solution for analyzing, optimizing, and enhancing your digital assets. Explore the full spectrum of tools available at MySEOToolkit.com and empower your SEO strategy and web development projects with in-depth insights and advanced utilities. Embrace the power of understanding the blueprint of web pages and transform your approach to digital optimization and success.
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equalproj · 8 months
Adding a quit game function
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First you need to go to the input section of the content drawer, then you need to select the actions folder and create a new one like this:
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There should already be 3 input things in there, IA_Jump, IA_Move and IA_Look. To make things easier, name the one you have created IA_Quitgame or something along those lines to help you find it later.
Then we need to make sure that the value type is a Digital Boolean.
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(It needs to have this one selected in this box.)
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You then need to go into the IMC_Default section of the input folder and open it up. The menu will have this section called mappings.
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You need to click the plus with a circle round it to add a new mapping. Then you need to map this mapping to respond to a specific button, I chose K since P is already in use pausing the game. Then you need to open up your third person or first person character and right click and search for your quit game action. You need to drag off triggered and just grab the quit game node by searching for it.
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After you've done this, you need to return to the input mapping section of your code.
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Drag off from the Add Mapping Context node and search for a Retriggerable Delay (I had to add a sequence first because of my score code) and change the length of time before it activates to 60.0. Then drag off from that node and get the quit game one again. Right click and search for Any Key, connect this to the Retriggerable Delay and you now have a functioning quit game button as well as an idle checker that will quit the game automatically when no buttons are pressed for a minute.
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reasoningdaily · 10 months
It’s easy to think of Gmail’s labels system as a glorified filing cabinet for your inbox—but if you’re treating labels strictly as folders, you’re missing out on some of their most powerful possibilities.
Gmail labels, for the uninitiated, are a series of custom text markers that can be assigned to your Gmail messages. You might mark all invoices with a label called “Expenses,” for instance, or mark all emails related to a particular work project with a label containing its name. Any such messages will then be grouped together in Gmail’s main menu for future reference and discovery.
That’s all fine and dandy, but where labels’ unexpected value comes into play is in their ability to control precisely how messages are handled when they hit your inbox. With a few minutes of setup, in fact, you can create a custom high-priority label that limits your notifications only to pressing messages and gives your most important emails a distinctive, eye-catching appearance. This is some next-level email management—and, yes, it has the potential to change your relationship to email for the better.
Let me explain.
Reframing the label
The first step to stepping up your Gmail labels game is to think about what exactly you’d like to accomplish. How could your inbox better serve you? What types of messages do you need to stand out? What sets your truly important emails apart from the rest?
Once you figure out those answers, you can use Gmail labels to eliminate unnecessary interruptions from your inbox while simultaneously making it easier to notice the messages that matter. It’s a significant upgrade from Gmail’s built-in system for identifying important messages and treating them accordingly—because frankly, that system isn’t very effective. It tends to result in far too many unnecessary notifications, for one, and its marking method creates a lot of clutter you’re bound to ignore over time.
Here’s how to set up labels to do it better: First, you’ll want to create a Gmail filter that automatically applies a “VIP” label to any incoming emails that meet certain criteria—those factors we were talking about a second ago that consistently set your important emails apart. The messages might need to come from specific high-priority senders or domain names; they might need to be addressed to a specific address that you designate for timely missives (maybe using this handy trick); or they might need to contain a specific word or phrase in their subject line that lets you know they’re time-sensitive.
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All that’s left is to implement the crowning part of this setup—the custom and noise-eliminating notifications.
Enlightening your email notifications
This final piece of the puzzle will work on any Windows PC, Mac, Chromebook, Linux computer, or Android phone. Apple’s iOS, unfortunately, doesn’t support the granular form of notification customization needed for it to function (sorry, iPhone fans!).
On a desktop computer:
Disable Gmail’s native notifications by opening the site’s settings, scrolling down to “Desktop notifications” (in the “General” section), and selecting “Mail notifications off.”
Install the third-party Checker Plus for Gmail extension in your desktop browser. It’s available for both Chrome and Firefox, has 1.2 million users and a nearly five-star rating in Google’s Web Store, and does not store or share any sort of personal data.
Click the button that appears to configure the extension. Select the “Accounts/Labels” tab in the configuration screen, uncheck “Inbox” under the “System labels” header, and check “VIP” under the “Labels” header.
If you’re using Chrome and want your VIP notifications to pop up even when you don’t have your browser open, click over to the “Notifications” section of the extension’s settings and check the box next to the “Run in background when Google Chrome is closed” option. (That option isn’t available on Firefox.) You can also customize exactly how the notifications look and work via the other options in that same section.
On Android, meanwhile:
Open the Gmail app on your phone.
Tap the three-line menu icon in the app’s upper-left corner, then scroll all the way down the main menu and tap “Settings.”
Tap the name of your Gmail account, then tap “Notifications” and make sure the option is set to “All.”
Tap “Inbox notifications” and make sure the box next to “Label notifications” is unchecked.
Next, tap “Manage labels” and find your “VIP” label in the list. Tap it, make sure its “Sync messages” option is set to “Last 30 days,” and make sure both “Label notifications” and “Notify for every message” are checked.
Look through the rest of the labels in the list—any labels for which you don’t want to receive notifications—and make sure those same boxes are unchecked for all of them.
The sky’s the limit with this, and you don’t have to stop with just a single “VIP” designation. Follow the same steps for any other superpowered labels you want to create—and watch your email efficiency soar.
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biglybt · 11 months
3.5 Release
There are lots of new features, enhancements and fixes, as you can see from the various beta release posts: https://biglybt.tumblr.com/tagged/BiglyBT3500
Windows users please read https://github.com/BiglySoftware/BiglyBT/wiki/Installation if you have SmartScreen installation issues.
For summary, here is a list of the new features:
Added options to allocate/move downloads in order as well as by reverse size Added Tag Constraint constants for min/max integer/long values Added Tag Constraint "getTagSort" function Added a partial BiglyBT RCM handler Added Ipify as external IP checker Added option to get "up" interfaces only Option to use the torrent-options dialog when auto-importing torrents Config option to set target for connection testing Added "moc_path" Tag Constraint variable Added "length(str)" Tag Constraint function Added open-with torrent file menu Double-click in torrent options view -> rename file Added a download-specific "view debug" advanced menu item Support column filters in download history Support column date filter, fixed format yyyy/mm/dd Added File Creation column Allow tagging in multi-open-torrrent-options dialog Added "accept" button in multi-open-torrrent-options dialog Allow tracker editing in multi-open-torrrent-options dialog Added support for peer source and network setting in multi-open-torrrent-options dialog Allow initial save location tags to be multi-assigned Added an "allocate" optional toolbar item Added a "rename duplicates…" menu item to Files View One Tag menu to rule them all Added history to "move on complete" target selection Tidy up Subscriptions List menu, adding multi-select to many actions
0 notes
checkersmenu · 1 year
The Big Buford Combo A Delicious and Satisfying Meal from Checkers Menu
If you're looking for a hearty and delicious meal that will leave you feeling full and satisfied, then the Big Buford Combo from Checkers Menu is the perfect choice. This combo meal includes a juicy, flavorful burger that is loaded with all of your favorite toppings, as well as a generous helping of crispy fries and a refreshing drink. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the Big Buford Combo and why it is such a popular choice among Checkers customers.
What is the Big Buford Combo?
The Big Buford Combo is a meal option available at Checkers Menu, a fast-food restaurant chain that is known for its delicious burgers, fries, and other comfort food favorites. The combo meal includes a Big Buford burger, which is made with two 100% beef patties, melted cheese, crisp lettuce, juicy tomato, and tangy pickles, all served on a toasted bun. The burger is served with a side of crispy fries and a drink of your choice, making it a satisfying and complete meal.
What Makes the Big Buford Combo So Special?
There are several factors that make the Big Buford Combo such a popular choice among Checkers customers. First and foremost is the burger itself, which is made with high-quality beef that is seasoned to perfection and cooked to order. The generous toppings also add to the flavor and texture of the burger, creating a truly satisfying eating experience.
Another reason why the Big Buford Combo is so popular is the value that it offers. The combo meal includes a burger, fries, and a drink, all for one affordable price. This makes it a great choice for anyone who is looking for a filling and delicious meal without breaking the bank.
How to Order the Big Buford Combo
Ordering the Big Buford Combo from Checkers Menu is easy and convenient. Simply visit your local Checkers location or place an order online, and select the Big Buford Combo from the menu. You can choose from a variety of drink options, including soft drinks, lemonade, and sweet tea, to accompany your meal.
In conclusion, the Big Buford Combo from Checkers Menu is a delicious and satisfying meal option that is sure to please anyone who is looking for a hearty and flavorful burger. With its high-quality ingredients, generous toppings, and affordable price, it's no wonder why this combo meal is such a popular choice among Checkers customers. So the next time you're craving a delicious burger and fries, be sure to try the Big Buford Combo from Checkers Menu.
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dirtybarn · 2 years
25 Best Mac Apps for Designers in 2023
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As a designer, having the right set of tools can make all the difference when it comes to efficiency and productivity. Apple ecosystem and macOS environment offers a wide variety of apps and tools that can ease anyones workflow, but especially designers can enhance their toolkit with many useful apps. In this post, we'll introduce some of the best Mac apps for designers that we use daily to enhance our productivity. Some of these tools may already be on your computer. In the list we will be covering many design focused apps but also there are extra productivity tools listed as well. Because being a designer or artist is not limited the creative process itself. There are always extra steps and responsibilities when sharing the work or communicating with clients. That's why you will find various tools such as open source alternatives to design softwares, file compressors and managers, menu bar apps, clipboard manager and more! We've grouped our selection of apps by category and they are mostly free or freemium. We aimed to provide best value for minimum extra cost to your wallets. Let's start with design focused apps and move on to the productivity tools.
Table of Contents: Best Mac Apps for Designers
- Clipboard Managers With Many Features - Maccy - PastePal - CopyClip - All Around Color Pickers on Your Mac - ColorSlurp - Sip - System Color Picker - File Archiver Tools - Keka - The Unarchiver - File Shelf for Temporary File Management - Dropover - Dropzone - World Clock on Menu Bar and Local Time Converter - Hoverly - Quickly Open Apps or Folders with Two Keyboard Combo - HotKey App - Say Goodbye to Bloated Data in Your Images - ImageOptim - Expose the Keyboard Shortcuts - CheatSheet - Floating Browser Sits on Your Menu Bar - MenubarX - Open Source InDesign Alternative - Scribus - Open Source Adobe Illustrator Alternatives - Inkscape - Affinity Designer - Open Source Photo Editor Alternatives - GIMP - Affinity Photo - Screenshot Management - CleanShot X - Shottr - Temporary Email Service at Your Disposal - Tempbox - 3D Modelling - Blender - Cheetah3D
Clipboard Managers With Many Features
A clipboard manager is a necessary tool for many professionals. It's useful for tasks such as copying color palettes, taking screenshots, and more. Each clipboard manager has its own unique features and user interface. We didn't include Spotlight Search alternatives like Raycast or Alfred because they are in a whole different vertical. Maccy Maccy is an open source free clipboard manager. Maccy opens with a pop up with keyboard shortcut and it remembers 80+ recent copied images and texts.
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Pricing: Free Website - Download PastePal PastePal is a universal clipboard manager for Apple ecosystem with bigger menu and UI and more flexible customization options.
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Pricing: Free Website - Download CopyClip CopyClip is one of the most simple and functional Mac apps. It only caches the text format and it sits in the menu bar.
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Pricing: Free Website - Download
All Around Color Pickers on Your Mac
Color Picker tools are essential for designers and are often among the top 5 tools used. Regardless its an in-app feature or stand alone software, Color Picker tools are essential. There are many Color Picker alternatives available, each with their own unique features and experiences. Color Picker tools typically include features such as color palettes, conversions between color formats, contrast checking, and multi-platform support. We picked the best 3 free alternatives in the vertical, we are sure that you will find one of these are very handy. ColorSlurp ColorSlurp claims to be the best Mac color picker and includes features such as a magnifier, editor, color formats, palettes, contrast checker, iOS support, and iCloud sync.
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Pricing: Offer Free and Pro versions. Most of the features are behind the Pro version. Website - Download Sip Sip is another popular color picker tool that boasts being "a better Color Picker for your Mac". Sip sits in your menu bar and it's ready to pop up whenever you need it with editor, palettes, smart formats, custom formats, contrast checker, color deck features.
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Pricing: Free Trial for 15 days, after that time it needs a license. Website - Download System Color Picker System Color Picker is a simple and neat alternative with only works as eyedropper tool and color palette.
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Pricing: Free Website - Download https://dirtybarn.com/p/macbook-pro-mockup/
File Archiver Tools
In business, we often encounter clients who share files in the RAR format, which can be a hassle to open. File archiving is a simple way to share bulk files, but dealing with RAR files on macOS can be a stressful process. But there some apps to ease this. Keka Keka is a simple, supportive, and user-friendly file archiver that supports many formats. It is free to download from their website, but users can also purchase it from the App Store to support the developer.
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Pricing: Free Website - Download The Unarchiver The Unarchiver claims that it's the only app you need to open RAR on Mac. It has a very clean UI and it supports countless file formats.
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Pricing: Free Website - Download
File Shelf for Temporary File Management
Let's say you have a bulk of images or project files you need organize. But the files you want to move are scattered around different folder but they should moved into a one folder. Usually moving them folder by folder is the natural solution. But putting everything into a file shelf as a temporary popup screen could save so much time. These types of tools are particularly useful when working with large volumes of files. Dropzone and Dropover are popular solutions in this category. Dropover Dropover have a floating popup right above your cursor. The files can be stashed, gathered or moved with this popup without needing a separate window side by side.
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Pricing: Free Website - Download Dropzone Dropzone works in the menu bar and it comes with extra features. Dropzone's menu pops up when you drag an item and shows the shelf. Additionally, it can also upload it to Imgur or create a shortened link. Dropzone also have an Pro plan which grants access to extra features. Without these, Dropzone is free to use.
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Pricing: Free on App Store, Pro plan $40 one time purchase or $1.99/month Website - Download
World Clock on Menu Bar and Local Time Converter
Hovrly Managing time and time zones can be difficult when working with people in different locations. Honestly, finding the right time windows for each party can be frustrating. I've used many apps for managing time zones, but Hovrly has the best user interface. It's customizable and allows you to add multiple time zones and locations to the same menu.
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Pricing: Free Website - Download
Quickly Open Apps or Folders with Two Keyboard Combo
HotKey App HotKey App is a simple and effective Mac app developed by Peter Vorwieger. It can be customized to suit anyone's needs. HotKey App is useful for people who regularly opens specific folders and app but doesn't want to put them on Dock or favorites menu on Finder.
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Pricing: Free Download
Say Goodbye to Bloated Data in Your Images
ImageOptim ImageOptim is one of the softwares I have used for the longest time in this list. It has a purpose for designers, developers, writers and anyone who upload images to the web. It removes unnecessary metadata and compresses images to save disk space and bandwidth without compromising on quality.
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Pricing: Free Website - Download
Expose the Keyboard Shortcuts
CheatSheet Keyboard shortcuts are always a time saver. I couldn't imagine using a software or navigating on web without using shortcuts. They help the designers and creative to save time and work efficiently. But it's not always easy to know or guess the right shortcut combination. Sometimes we have to open preferences or make a quick Google search to learn it. CheatSheet just solve this hassle by long pressing the Command key (⌘). It's free and works on every software.
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Pricing: Free Website - Download https://dirtybarn.com/p/16-m1-macbook-pro-mockup/  
Floating Browser Sits on Your Menu Bar
MenubarX MenubarX is a small, versatile web browser that lives in your menu bar. It has many useful bookmarks and is easily accessible for listening to music, videos, or using other web tools. Also, it can be opened quickly from a keyboard shortcut.
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Pricing: Free Website - Download
Open Source InDesign Alternative
Scribus Scribus is an open source alternative to Adobe's publishing software InDesign. It offers most of the features InDesign provides including layout, typography, and design tools. Scribus may not always be the most convenient option, but it can be a useful alternative when necessary.
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Pricing: Free Website - Download
Open Source Adobe Illustrator Alternatives
Inkscape There are two popular alternatives for Adobe Illustrator. The first open-source alternative to Adobe Illustrator is Inkscape. It is free and offers many of the same features as Adobe Illustrator.
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Pricing: Free Website - Download Affinity Designer Affinity is an another company that creates comprehensive image, publishing and design tools softwares. Affinity Designer is the design focused tool that capable as Adobe's illustrator. Affinity Designer is not a free software but the company sells the Affinity Designer with full ownership in one time purchase. The biggest advantage is that it is sold as a one-time purchase, rather than a subscription-based model.
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Pricing: €84.99 or $69.99 Website - Download
Open Source Photo Editor Alternatives
Gimp Gimp is one of the OG open source softwares. Gimp's initial release date is November 21, 1995 and you can see it's been here for a long time. Gimp is a reliable and efficient option for quick editing needs.
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Pricing: Free Website - Download Affinity Photo Just like Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo is a direct competitor of Adobe Photoshop. It can handle editing and retouching images, creating multi-layered compositions. Affinity Photo works on macOS, Windows and iPad and it has great reviews and awards across organizations.
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Pricing: €84.99 or $69.99 Website - Download https://dirtybarn.com/p/kinetic-typographic-animations-pack/ Read the full article
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wintrealtime · 2 years
Proxie checker
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#Proxie checker how to#
#Proxie checker install#
#Proxie checker download#
#Proxie checker free#
#Proxie checker free#
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Apache license. /mo͞oˌbēNG/ - mubeng-mubeng nganti mumet.
#Proxie checker how to#
To learn how to setup a development environment and for contribution guidelines, see CONTRIBUTING.md. This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.
Unable to run proxy IP rotator as a daemon on Windows.
In other words, the SOCKSv5 resource that you provide is used properly because it uses auto-switch transport on the client, but this proxy server DOES NOT switch to anything other than HTTP protocol. LimitationsĬurrently IP rotation runs the proxy server only as an HTTP protocol, not a SOCKSv5 protocol, even though the resource you have is SOCKSv5. After that, fill required columns (Address/Domain Name & Port) with correct details. In that window, scroll to Use proxy chain part then check Use an outgoing proxy server. Select Tools in the menu bar in your ZAP session window, then select the Options (shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+O) submenu, and go to Connection section. (Figure: Settings proxy chain connection in OWASP ZAP to mubeng) OWASP ZAP allows you to connect to another proxy for outgoing connections in OWASP ZAP session. It acts the same way when you using an upstream proxy. After that, fill required columns (Destination host, Proxy host & Proxy port) with correct details. In the Upstream Proxy Servers section, check Override user options then press Add button to add your upstream proxy rule. In your Burp Suite instance, select Project options menu, and click Connections tab. (Figure: Settings Burp Suite Upstream Proxy to mubeng) In case you want to use mubeng (proxy IP rotator) as an upstream proxy in Burp Suite, acting in-between Burp Suite and mubeng to the internet, so you don't need any additional extensions in Burp Suite for that. (Figure: Running mubeng as proxy IP rotator with verbose mode) Burp Suite Upstream Proxy The -r (-rotate) flag works to rotate your IP for every N request value you provide (10). ▶ mubeng -a localhost:8089 -f live.txt -r 10 Pass -check flag in command to perform proxy checks: Please refer to documentation for this package.
Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", and "h".įor example, you've proxy pool (proxies.txt) as: īecause we use auto-switch transport, mubeng can accept multiple proxy protocol schemes at once.
A timeout option (-t/-timeout) value is a possibly signed sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as "5s", "300ms", "-1.5h" or "2h45m".
If you use output option (-o/-output) to run proxy IP rotator, request/response headers are NOT written to the log file.
All cookie values in headers will be redacted automatically.
We DO NOT explicitly display the request/response body, and.
HTTP traffic requests and responses is displayed when verbose mode (-v/-verbose) is enabled, but.
Verbose mode (-v/-verbose) and timeout (-t/-timeout) apply to both proxy check and proxy IP rotation actions.
Whenever you activate the daemon mode, it works by forcibly stop and uninstalling the existing mubeng service, then re-install and starting it up in daemon.
Hence you can control service with journalctl/ service command to start/stop proxy server.
#Proxie checker install#
Daemon mode (-d/-daemon) will install mubeng as a service on the (Linux/OSX) system /setting up callback (Windows).
So, there is no guarantee if your request reaches the N value (-r/-rotate) your IP proxy will rotate. We do not set up conditions if a proxy has been used.
Rotation means random, NOT choosing a proxy after/increment from proxy pool.
Rotations are counted for all requests, even if the request fails.
Log output from proxy server or live check. Rotate proxy IP for every AFTER request (default: 1).ĭump HTTP request/responses or show died proxy on check. time allowed for proxy server/check (default: 30s).
#Proxie checker download#
Simply, download a pre-built binary from releases page, unpack and run! Docker So, you don't need any extra proxy checking tools out there if you want to check your proxy pool. We also leave it entirely up to user to use proxy pool resources from anywhere. bruteforce protection, API rate-limiting or WAF blocking based on IP. This is useful to avoid different kinds of IP ban, i.e. It's fairly simple, there is no need for additional configuration. Cross-platform: whether you are Windows, Linux, Mac, or even Raspberry Pi, you can run it very well.Easy to use: You can just run it against your proxy file, and choose the action you want!.Proxy checker: Check your proxy IP which is still alive.Proxy IP rotator: Rotates your IP address for every specific request.An incredibly fast proxy checker & IP rotator with ease.
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sunskyhospital · 2 years
Ramsey, chrischel s pc
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Liru's voice acting is synchronized with her animation.Įnjoy the heightened reality of dialogue! Production values above and beyond. Some scenes are only accessible when Liru's in the right mood. Her reactions and dialogue dynamically change (2 per status, for 6 total patterns). The built-in video player gets an upgrade! Movies play in 720p widescreenĪnd the player is optimized for even low-spec machines.Ĭhoose from 3 moods that affect Liru's status: general, romantic, aroused. Go too far? Click the "back" button to return to the previous scene. Movies can be advanced scene-by-scene with a simple button click,Īnd adjustable sex positions and your choice of "bukkake" or "internal cumshot". We also have our quarrels but, she's ever so perky!įeast your eyes on sizzling hot, endearingly cute quality 3DCG animation. That night was the beginning of a wild and sexy new life!Įating together, bathing together, rompy naughty things together. On a full moon, you rescued a timid puppy, Heralding a lovey dovey roommate life with an ecchi-kawaii wolf girl! The WiredRelease News Department was not involved in the creation of this content.Seismic's massively anticipated anime is here! This content has been published by PN enterprises company. Interestingly, this site bills itself asA tribute to Kickass Torrents, though it is unclear precisely what this means if anything else. Not merely is its design exceptionally user-friendly (and just completely adorable ), it has also managed to index more than 12 million torrents! IDope is a rather new addition into the torrent scene, but its become incredibly common and for good reason. If youre searching for a simple, no-frills solution into The Pirate Bay, Torrentz2 offers you covered.8.Ĩ. Torrentz2 is more comprehensive than any single torrent website since it searches multiple databases at the same time. It is not as feature-packed as torrent platforms such as Zooqle, but it certainly gets the job done. Torrentz2 is a very simple search tool that indexes only over 61,000,000 torrents. On top of that, we did not experience any pop-ups if we saw the website!ħ. The interface is somewhat clunky, but overall it is an exceptional option for Your Pirate Bay. ExtraTorrent is among those biggest BitTorrent systems, supplying an easy-to-use search engine for virtually every sort of torrent you might desire.Īlongside films and TV, you will find torrents for applications, games, novels, and audio. The exceptional quality of Zooqle is its ownmy subscriptions box, which alerts you if new episodes of your favorite shows become available to see.Ħ. Its design is somewhat different from the conventional, old-school websites, but it is still amazingly simple to use. Zooqle is a flexible platform, using over 172,000 TV episodes and 38,000 films on its database. But if you enroll with YTS, you can submit requests for particular torrent files, which is particularly handy if you are attempting to monitor an unusual favorite.ĥ. The design is modern and easy to navigate, however, the website lacks the active member foundation of websites like EZTV. This is ideal if you are attempting to save information, or only wish to download a picture fast.
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YTS plays home to an incredible choice of films, focusing on HD downloads using little file sizes. It is ideal to utilize a pop-up blocker if you are on EZTVs site, however, as clicking on menu links creates sterile pop-up webpages.Ĥ. The website is simple to utilize, but should you encounter any trouble, there is a thorough FAQ and help section, in addition to an active forum. It is packed with features to improve your torrenting encounter, by a built-in admin checker on the primary page into a calendar that outlines event launch dates for countless displays. EZTV is among the most active torrent websites for TV series lovers. Watch Online Best Movies Site Where You Watch All type Of Moviesģ. Even though its blocked in a few nations, such as Australia, we discovered it was effortless to get from anywhere using a VPN. It is packed with features to improve your torrenting encounter, by a built-in admin checker on the primary page into a calendar that outlines event launch dates for countless displays.Ģ. KickassTorrents has ever been a trusted preferred one of torrents and has been going strong for more than a decade today. YolaMovies is among the most active torrent websites for TV series lovers.
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tittahospital · 2 years
Google photos backup linux
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#Google photos backup linux update
That way, if you need to change a value, you know which parameter to adjust. Some of these values are the defaults, but we’ve included them here so that we can discuss them. If the destination directory does not exist, it will be created. Subdirectories are separated by the usual “/” forward slash. Also note the colon “:” that is used as a separator between the remote storage name and the directory name. Note the use of “google-drive”, which is the name we gave to this remote connection during the the rclone config sequence.
“google-drive:LinuxDocs”: The destination directory in the remote storage.
“/home/dave/Documents”: The local directory to we’re going to copy to the remote storage.
#Google photos backup linux update
This sets the frequency of update of the statistics to one second. –stats 1s: rclone can provide statistics on the transferred files.This value sets the limit for the number of retries. –low-level-retries 10: A low-level retry tries to repeat one failing operation, such as a single HTTP request.–retries 3: If there are this many errors, the entire copy action will be restarted.–timeout 300s: If a transfer becomes idle for this amount of time, it is considered broken and is disconnected.It sets the time that rclone will try to make a connection to the remote storage. –contimeout 60s: The connection timeout.Checkers monitor the transfers that are in progress., –checkers 8: How many “checkers” to run in parallel.–transfers 30: This sets the number of files to copy in parallel.–verbose: Gives information about every file that is transferred.–update: Skip any files that are on the remote storage that have a modified time that is newer than the file on the local computer.copy: Copy the files from the local computer to the remote storage, skipping over files that are already present on the remote storage.usr/bin/rclone copy -update -verbose -transfers 30 -checkers 8 -contimeout 60s -timeout 300s -retries 3 -low-level-retries 10 -stats 1s "/home/dave/Documents" "google-drive:LinuxDocs" You can call it whatever makes sense to you. Type (or copy and paste) this into a text editor and save it to your computer. We’re using this as a basic form of off-site backup. This is a one-way copy to the cloud it isn’t a two-way synchronization between your Google Drive and your local computer-although rclone can do that. The command we’re going to look at below copies files from your local computer to your Google Drive. That’s great, but it does mean there are a lot of options. The rclone application is very feature-rich. At the “Yes, Edit, Delete” menu type “y” and then press “Enter.”Īt the final menu, type “q” and press “Enter.”
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entmmorg · 2 years
Play ludo online
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#Play ludo online android
#Play ludo online free
Also, if a player rolls a “6” three times in a row, they miss their next turn. If no move is possible, the turn moves to the next player. Players must always move a token according to the die value rolled. The move is according to the number of squares indicated by the die. Once a player has one or more active tokens, they select a token and moves it forwards. If the player has no tokens in play and rolls other than a 6, the turn passes to the next player. The game starts when a player rolls the number 6 on the die. At the center of the board is a large finishing square, often composed of colored triangles where the players have to collect all 4 tokens to finish. A sixth colored square not on the home column is a player’s starting square. The middle columns usually have five squares colored these represent a player’s home column. The board is square with a cross-shaped play space, with each arm of the cross having three columns of squares, usually six per column. Each player is assigned a color and has four tokens in the same color. It’s a great way to play without worrying about losing your game save data.The Ludo board is divided into 4 squares colored usually in yellow, green, red, and blue. To play Ludo easily any time, you can add it directly to your phone as an app.
#Play ludo online android
For Android devices, tap the “Menu” icon and select "Install App". How to play Ludo on your phoneĭid you know you can also play Ludo on your phone? It’s a great way to play without worrying about losing your save data.įor iOS devices, simply tap the "Share" icon in Safari and select "Add to Home Screen".
#Play ludo online free
You’ll knock back your opponent AND score a free roll. If an opponent is two spaces ahead of one of your pieces and you roll a two, move that piece forward. When progressing, count the spaces between your pieces and others. To fully take advantage of those free turns, you’ll have to plan a bit, especially if you have multiple pieces on the table. In this version, you may play against 3 other computers, or a mix of computers and friends. Play Ludo at Cool Math Games: If you've played 'Sorry' this should look familiar. In Ludo, your goal is to get all four of your checker pieces around the board and back to your home color. Ludo is a popular board game played by individuals of all age groups. It is the classic ludo game that you have been enjoying playing since childhood. If an opponent is two spaces ahead of one of your pieces and you roll a two, move that piece forward. Dreamz Ludo is an online ludo game application that allows you to play ludo online with real players. You’ll get a free turn after you either roll a six, land a piece in the goal, or knock an opposing piece off the board. A good strategy is to take advantage of your free rolls. If all of your pieces are currently safe, move pieces that don't have opposing pieces right behind them. This way one piece travels the board while the others are kept in reserve. If you have more than one piece on the board, try to keep at as many of them as possible on a colored or star space. There are some spots on the board where your piece will be protected from being sent back home. Maintaining a distance of seven or more spaces between your piece and any opponents' pieces behind you can help you avoid getting knocked back to start. The maximum amount of spaces any piece can move is six, unless that player rolls a six and gets another roll. Freeing all your pieces will give you more choices when it is your turn to move. In general, it’s best to move your pieces onto the board. After that first piece is moved out of your starting box, each six you roll will come with a choice: add another piece to the board, or move one of your current pieces forward. Try to keep your pieces on them to avoid getting knocked back by your opponents! LUDO TIPS & TRICKSĬhoose wisely. The starred and colored tiles are all safe spaces. Land on an opponent's piece to knock it back to start and get another free roll. Your piece is safe once it lands in the center of the arrow. You'll also get a free roll after rolling a six. Once you have multiple pieces on the board, you may choose which piece to move after rolling the die. From here on out, every six you roll will allow you to either move a new piece onto the board, or move one already on the board. When you have only one piece to move, your freed piece will move automatically. You must first roll a six to move a piece out of your starting box. Once the game begins, players take turns rolling their die. In this version, you may play against 3 computers, or a mix of computers and friends.
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wickedmmorg · 2 years
How do i open custom dictionary in word 2010
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The location of the normal.dot file that Word is looking for can be found by opening Word, and using Tools Options, File locations tab. Your newly installed Word application finds normal.dot right where it was before. These facts explain why reinstalling Office or Word does not fix a problem with a corrupt or virus-infected normal.dot file. Hence, uninstalling does not delete normal.dot.
When you first install Word, normal.dot is not installed.If Word cannot locate a normal.dot file, it creates a brand new one.If your normal.dot is corrupt, it can cause Word to crash upon launching. When you launch Word, it looks for normal.dot and opens it.They also store macro viruses, though email viruses are much more popular than Word viruses ever were, and it's hardly an issue anymore. Normal.dot files commonly become corrupt. Normal.dot is always in use when Word is open, even if you are using another template. Normal.dot (endearingly referred to as Normal Dot Dot) is the default or global template that Word uses to create a blank document. What other handy techniques do you teach your students to help them get the most out of Word’s proofing tools? Drop usa note with your favorite proofing tool tricks or post a comment below to share your thoughts and experiences with other trainers.Understanding normal.dot is important if you're an avid user of Word. Retype it as Sosa, and Word will ignore it-thereby proving that the correctly spelled name is now in the custom dictionary. Now, type Soso and note that Word flags it as misspelled. Select the Check Spelling As You Type check box and click OK.Choose Options from the Tools menu, and click the Spelling & Grammar tab (it should still be active).The final step is to turn the automatic spelling checker back on so you can demonstrate the effect of your correction: Then close the dictionary file by choosing Close from the File menu and clicking Yes to save your changes. To correct the misspelled name, Soso, simply change it to Sosa, editing the text as you would in a regular document. The custom dictionary file consists of a list of plain text entries. Click Dictionaries to open the Custom Dictionaries dialog box.Choose Options from the Tools menu, and select the Spelling & Grammar tab.The scene thus set, you can proceed to fix the problem: Then, to play out the example, explain to your students that you actually meant to add the name Sosa to your custom dictionary. Right-click on the name and choose Add from the shortcut menu to put it in your custom dictionary. Just type a name that you know is not in Word’s standard dictionary, say Soso, and point out the wavy red underline that flags it as unrecognized. To demonstrate the procedure for fixing errors in a custom dictionary, start by creating an error. Luckily, if your students accidentally place a misspelled word in a custom dictionary, they can open the dictionary file and fix the problem. They’ve added a misspelling to their custom dictionary, which makes the feature of somewhat dubious value. But inevitably, users will click Add only to realize that Word was right-the term was indeed incorrect. Word will put the item in the custom dictionary and never flag it again. Right-click on a correctly spelled term that Word has flagged as unrecognized and click Add.
Teaching your students how to build a custom dictionary doesn’t take long-in fact, it boils down to this: But your students can get a lot more mileage from this tool if they create a custom dictionary that contains the special terms and proper names they commonly type. And checking the spelling on a document couldn’t be easier since Word does all the work behind the scenes. Word’s spelling checker can make the difference between a professional, error-free document and one plagued with enough typos to raise the boss’ eyebrows. Show them how to keep their dictionaries accurate and useful. If your students use a custom dictionary—and they should—mistakes are bound to creep into it.
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tonkiagro · 2 years
Duplicate file cleaner code
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Unwanted images are a clean gallery for clean removal, but duplicate contacts are a clean gallery for clean removal as well as photo cleaner, WhatsApp junk cleaner, duplicate file finder freeware, and duplicate email remover.
The duplicate checker is the duplicate detector free erase duplicate files using duplicate file cleaner.ĭuplicate File Remover – Duplicates Cleaner is a programme that deletes files from duplicate file software so that images can be cleaned up using photodetection.
This is how to detect duplicate files: erase duplicate photos from a file use duplicate apps or cleaner and finder search for duplicate files quickly and use the finest duplicate file finder available for free. Finding and getting rid of them by hand is challenging. In order to save more data or download other apps from the Google Play Store without receiving low storage warnings, this duplicate media remover tool will help you recover a tonne of storage space on your device. Scan your contacts and find duplicate contacts.Īs we use our phones more frequently, random duplicate photo and picture files accumulate in every phone folder, ideally. You will even get notifications for new duplicate files every day. Remove duplicate audios, videos, photos, files and contacts. Identify duplicate and similar photos from your gallery.
Now that Android devices have so much storage capacity, we often delete everything we can till the Major Features You can quickly detect identical and similar photographs, movies, and audio files using duplicate files finder, and you may delete them all with a single click. On your Android tablet and phone, it makes it simple to find and delete duplicate files. The majority of our storage is taken up by photos and movies, and if we don’t spot these duplicate files, we risk running out of room for pointless reasons. A strong duplicate file removing app is duplicate file remover. You'll see a popup that displays the results of the process, including the total number of files searched, number of duplicate files that were found and the amount of storage space that can be recovered by deleting said files.Duplicate Files and Contacts Remover Descriptionĭuplicate File Remover – Duplicates Cleaner is an application that cleans up all duplicate media files from your phone’s internal memory, external storage, and SD card. Give it half a minute, and it will finish the scan. The program takes a while to finish the process, especially if the selected folders have hundreds of files. The other options are used to compare the file names, creation date, last modified date and the file type.Ĭlick the Start button to initiate the scan. The first one checks for the file's contents based on their SHA-1 hash values, while the other option takes into account files from multiple folders. There are several rules that you can set for the scan, two of which are pre-enabled match same contents, and match across folders. By default, Dupe Clear will scan inside sub-folders, so if you don't want recursive scanning, you might want to toggle the option. Click the "Add Folder" button and select a directory, you can add multiple folders to be scanned. The main tab is called Search Location, and as the name implies, this is where you select directories that you want the program to scan for duplicate files. It has a minimalist GUI, with 4 tabs and a menu bar. Just tick unnecessary files and remove them. You will see the results of the search for duplicate files on the next tab. Dupe Clear is an open source duplicate file finder for Windows that can help you recover storage space. After running it, specify the folder or disk where you want to search for duplicates, and click on the 'Start' button. But that's not exactly easy to do, who has the time to pour over dozens of folders worth of data? This is why people rely on third-party programs. The solution is pretty obvious, keep one and delete the other.
This happens a lot to, especially when it comes to portable programs. Later you redownload it, and you got two copies now. Maybe you downloaded some application, and moved the installer to a different location. You may also try third-party applications such as CleanMgr+ or PatchCleaner to free up space.Īnother reason why your hard drive could be nearing maximum capacity is due to duplicate files.
Try running Windows' Disk Cleanup, you never know how much trash accumulated in the Recycle Bin, and those Windows Update files, those take up a lot of space. Running low on storage space? That's a common issue, especially on low-end laptops you use various programs, browse the internet, and the number of files keep getting higher.
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lasclprocess · 2 years
How to add artwork to itunes add work is grayed out
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#How to add artwork to itunes add work is grayed out for free#
#How to add artwork to itunes add work is grayed out manual#
#How to add artwork to itunes add work is grayed out iso#
You can bounce lights off neutral side walls or massive pieces of white foam core. This puts the camera farther from the subject and helps to eliminate glare. Try moving the lights farther apart to reduce glare or use a longer focal length lens (80 – 100 mm). If they are too close, you might see glare on the edges of your painting. One light cancels out the shadows cast by the other light.Ī setup like this requires quite a large room to get the lights far away from the artwork. This lighting method provides an even wash of shadow-less light. These two lights need to match in wattage or output and be the same distance from the centre of the artwork. You can position them at 45° to each side in front of the painting. The standard lighting setup for photographing flat art uses two identical lights. These steps are quite crucial to truly represent the qualities of an artwork.
#How to add artwork to itunes add work is grayed out for free#
You should also calibrate your monitor. Check your monitor’s colour quality, contrast, and brightness for free on this site. Using custom WB while shooting is an easy first step to manage image colour.Ī Color Checker is a handy tool for managing colour if you are looking for an even more accurate result. It has panels of various colours which you can use as a reference to correct your WB. Many variables affect colour balance in every step of the process. They even have the option to choose auto or custom to match the scene’s lighting. The user can select settings from cloudy to sunny and flash to tungsten. Most digital cameras have a white balance control (WB) on the camera body or within its menu. Use White Balance and Colour Management for Accurate Representation To guarantee your aperture value doesn’t change, select Aperture Priority. That way, you can ensure that even the most minute details stay sharp. Nonetheless, it would still be ideal to choose a narrow aperture such as f/11 or f/16. It’s not much of an issue when photographing pictures since the canvas is flat. We know that using a wide aperture such as f/1.2 or f/1.4 creates a shallow depth of field. Especially because color accuracy and sharpness matters a lot! Switch to Narrow Aperture for Sharp Results That’s not suitable for reproducing artwork. Then pick the lowest ISO, which is usually 100.Ī higher setting like 1600 is excellent for shooting in dim lighting but will give grainy results.
#How to add artwork to itunes add work is grayed out iso#
To achieve the cleanest look, turn off your Auto ISO Setting. Here are some of the adjustments you need to change before you press the shutter. Settings are crucial to achieving the highest quality if you want to photograph art.
#How to add artwork to itunes add work is grayed out manual#
But it would help if you use a third-party app that allows you to set manual adjustments to get the best results. If you don’t have a DSLR, a high-end smartphone can do the job if large file sizes and detailed images are not required. Although most people won’t need this equipment.Ī digital SLR or mirrorless camera is the ultimate choice for photographing prints.Ĭompact cameras with manual controls are also useful. Some galleries and museum might use high-quality digitalising techniques using digital medium format cameras.
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LaserWriter II
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“LaserWriter II” is Tamara Shopsin’s fictionalized history of Tekserve, NYC’s legendary Apple computer repair store. It’s a vivid, loving, heartfelt portrait of an heroic moment in the history of personal computing: a moment when computers transformed lives and captured the hearts of people in every field of endeavor.
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Shopsin, of course, is one of the Shopsins, of Shopsin’s Restaurant, the famously eccentric, floridly weird, and completely and utterly amazing NYC institution (also: quite possibly the best restaurant in the world). It’s a restaurant with hundreds of menu items, where parties of five are prohibited. A restaurant whose chef, Kenny Shopsin, blocked all print reviews by the simple expedient of telling any newspaper fact-checkers who rang up that the joint was permanently closed.
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A restaurant, in other words, that is run as much out of a commitment to how things should be as a how they are. Not a mere market-seeking entrepreneurial venture aimed at capturing value, where the customer is always right: rather, a work of passion, integrity and love.
The world was once full of such places: restaurants where the chef served the food they loved, not the food that was most profitable; publishers who published the books the world needed to read; clubs that booked the bands they needed to hear. Even the largest firms were not exempt from this: Walt Disney won public admiration for lavishing detail on his themepark far beyond anything justifiable under market conditions.
Today, those places have been mostly steamrollered by remorseless financialization, the vampiric process of extracting all slack and kindness, leaving behind a cruel mechanical husk.
The first Apple computers shipped with schematics, Woz’s hacker-friendly diagrams that both showed off his brilliant engineering and invited follow-on tinkerers to try their hand at it. The Mac sealed up the Apple box, but its core apps — Filemaker, Hypercard, and more — invited everyday users to design and share their own tools.
From the Apple ][+ to the Mac, legions of people who didn’t think of themselves as “computer users” discovered the life-altering power of creative automation. They fell in love — more, they became obsessed.
As we all know, computers aren’t particularly reliable. Steve Jobs’s insistence that the Mac ship without a fan created mountains of Macs with burned-out power-supplies. The creative love-affair with the Mac soured — the computer that seduced and enthralled its owner had betrayed it.
Into that gap sprang Tekserve — a computer repair company run and staffed by misfits, beloved by bike messengers for its $0.10 Coke machine. A place where the UPS guy was always welcome at the weekly catered lunch and where the laser-printer techs will spend an hour on the phone with you, troubleshooting your stuck rollers.
No charge.
LaserWriter II is the story of Claire, a 19 year old who stumbles into a job as a laser-printer tech at Tekserve. In some ways, it’s a love story, as Claire falls head-over-heels for repair and troubleshooting. There’s romance in understanding how devices work and how they fail. There’s heroism in putting them to rights again, beating back entropy and returning them to the people who rely on them.
This is a hymn, then, to the #RightToRepair, to service, and to the frustrating and complicated relationship that humans have to machines, and how that complicates and enhances our relationship to one another.
Shopsin is a tremendous and dryly hilarious writer, whose work I’ve enjoyed since reading her previous book, Arbitrary Stupid Goal, a memoir of life at Shopsin’s:
In LaserWriter II, Shopsin shows us how she can wield understatement and blunt metaphor together. The story arc is complexified by the creepy older man, a Tekserv alum, whom Claire is obliged to call upon for help in repairing the legendary LaserWriter 8500 — the biggest and most complex printer Apple ever made. The creepiness of his persistent advances is painted in muted colors, but no less creepy for it, and serve as reminder of the way that tech culture has pushed talented women to the margins. As counterpoint to this light-touch social commentary are passages in which Shopsin anthropomorphizes the components of the computers Claire is fixing, their existential dread of the looming repair and their joy at being put back into service.
Notwithstanding the fantasy dialog between printer subassemblies, LaserWriter II is a perfect addition to the techno-realist literature: tales whose drama and arc depend on the real-world capabilities and limitations of real computers in the real world. Its precision and rigor and matched by its sensitivity and humor.`
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