#cheersing the candies.....
katiefratie · 8 months
Oh this is Heavy it's not his fault for dying Lila it's not! I take it rn to mean Tula doesn't yell and so this was A Lot for them but Geoffrey it sounds like was complicated but he certainly didn't do anything Wrong by dying
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leenaur143 · 2 months
My Chellateez Weekend 2 SCREAMS:
Omg I can already hear Atiny's screams 
oooh same intro its like a TV show 
🔥 Say my name 
Camerawork seems a lot better 
Sannies button fell off shfhdhbd
yeosang's "yes captainnn" 🥹
the backupdancers were so good added to the vibe really well
They deserve the world and more I couldn't be MORE in love with them right now
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ooh what about "I'm not drunk. Can a drunk person do this?" / "You're not doing anything." / "But...I sent you my love. Did you...did you not get it?" for rowaelin? definitely seems like an aelin thing to say 😂
Sending My Love
Aelin Galathynius x Rowan Whitethorn
“I’m not drunk. Could a drunk person do this?” / “You’re not doing anything.” / “But…I sent you my love. Did you…did you not get it?”
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Masterlist | Read on Ao3 | Valentines Collection
Warnings: Language
2405 words
“Are you ready for tonight?” Aelin asked, looking in the hall mirror as she put in her sparkling pink earrings.
Rowan grabbed his jacket and walked towards her. “Yes, Fireheart, I’m ready.” He showed her the remaining crumbs from his extra sandwich as proof. “Are you?”
She smirked at him in the mirror. “Of course. A little deception is exciting.”
He arched a brow and held out her jacket for her to slide her arms in, “You have the same look in your eye that you had when you were planning Aedion’s surprise party.”
She grinned, buttoning her jacket and turning towards him, “And you remember how amazing that turned out.”
Rowan snorted as he grabbed the keys and locked the door of their apartment behind them. “I have no doubt in you. Not when it comes to scheming.”
Aelin laughed and flashed him a wink as they got in the car and drove off towards Lysandra and Aedion’s house. Despite her confidence, she couldn’t help the anxiety that bubbled up.
“Are you sure you’re going to be okay? Should I have set out a bucket for you by the bed before we left?” She bit the side of her thumb, a nervous habit, and cast him a sidelong glance as they drove towards the house.
He scoffed but took her hand in his and brought their intertwined fingers to his lips, kissing her softly. “No. I can handle my drink. I’ve had a fair bit of practice. Besides, it’s not like we’re going out to a club, it’s just a small party with some friends, I doubt there will be that many drinks.”
She huffed a laugh and nodded. Rowan pulled up into the driveway and turned the car off, leaning over and pressing a firm kiss on her lips, breaking away when their smiles made it mostly teeth on teeth. He followed Aelin up the front steps. She knocked on the door and turned to Rowan. “Then let’s do this Mr. Whitethorn-Galathynius.”
His answering grin was equal parts determined and happy. “After you Mrs. Whitethorn-Glathynius.”
“To celebrating love,” Elide toasted, raising her flute of champagne.
Lorcan stood next to her, one arm slung over the petite woman’s shoulders, and muttered, “To overpriced chocolates,” but mimicked her gesture of raising his glass.
Lysandra and Aedion had just moved into their brand-new house and decided to throw a Valentine’s Day party in lieu of a housewarming. Their small group of friends arrived an hour before the party officially started to get the full tour and celebrate before the house would be filled with love-sick and sick-of-love people.
They stood together in the kitchen as Aedion had handed out glasses, Aelin laughing as she leaned into Rowan’s side and snagged one of the chocolate hazelnut candies off the dessert table.
She smiled as champagne was poured and felt the fingers at her waist give a little squeeze. There was the toast to Valentine’s Day, making Aelin snort into her bubbling glass as Elide elbowed Lorcan with rolled eyes.
Rowan turned, masked by the whistles and laughter from their friends, and pretended to glance at the door as he downed his glass, before stealthily swapping his empty one for Aelin’s. When Aedion came to give her a hug, she cheersed the empty glass in her hand with his.
It wasn’t long before more people filled the house, bringing bottles of wine and champagne or plates full of food and treats.
“Ooh, you’ve got to try this!” Elide came over to Aelin and Rowan with two deep red cocktails with sugared raspberries in hand. She handed one to each of them. “Lys calls these Love Potions. Cranberry juice, grenadine, and a shit load of vodka!” Elide laughed, but quickly spotted someone else and hurried away.
“It smells so good.” Aelin groaned as Rowan took a few deep gulps of his, only briefly wincing at the burn. She pulled one of the raspberries off and made sure it hadn’t been soaking in the drink before plunking it in her mouth.
“Trade you,” he took her drink and she grabbed his.
“You‘ve got a little…here,” Aelin brushed her thumb over the corner of Rowan’s lip where he had a little red residue.
Rowan only took one more sip of his drink before Elide was back. “Sorry, Manon and Dorian just got here and I wanted to say hi before they locked themselves in the guestroom.”
Aelin snorted and brought the empty glass back towards her as she allowed herself another sniff of the sweetness.
Elide’s eyes lit up. “Those are so good, right?”
Rowan’s arm snaked around her hips and pulled her closer as she nodded enthusiastically. “Oh, yeah, delicious.”
“There's a whole table in the dining room full of them,” she told them, nodding her head back in the direction of the platters. “Love Potions, Red Hot Valentines, and some Chocolate Lovers Martinis,” she added with a wink to Aelin.
Aelin kept her smile plastered on. “Those all sound amazing, we’ll have to check them out.” the squeeze at her waist made her feel a bit better.
During the next hour, Rowan tried two Chocolate Lovers Martini’s, two Red Hot Valentines, and two cranberry vodka shots. Aelin made sure to find him some water and snacks in between.
They were sitting in the living room, Aelin on Rowan’s lap as he absently bobbed his head to the music, his fingers playing with strands of her hair. At some point, Aedion and Lysandra found them, and Aedion slung one arm around Rowan’s shoulders, announcing that Fenrys had finally arrived and wanted to catch up.
Aelin waved him off with only a partially worried glance, then she watched as her cousin and her husband disappeared towards a hollering Fenrys and a stoic Lorcan.
“Ten bucks says Fen will be sleeping on our couch tonight,” Lysandra muttered wryly as the ladies watched the blond open what looked to be a very old, very expensive bottle of scotch.
Aelin laughed. “I don’t take bets I know I can’t win.”
Lysandra snorted and raised her glass. “I’m getting a refill, want one?”
Shaking her head, Aelin lifted her half-full glass of sparkling apple juice. “I’m set.” She ignored the small, knowing smile on her friend’s face and headed towards the dessert table.
Aelin spotted Manon and Dorian enthralled with each other in one corner; Chaol and Yrene sitting in the living room, talking with Nesryn and Sartaq, the former perched on the latter’s lap; and Evangeline and Luca, the young college kids each giving her a wave when she caught their eyes before they snuck some deserts and a bottle of wine out to the backyard.
Aelin took her plate of chocolate hazelnut truffles and chocolate-covered raspberries toward the stairs and used one of the step ends as a countertop to set her plate down.
Elide found her again and they chatted for a while until she heard the boisterous laughter coming from the room Rowan had disappeared into. The shorter woman rolled her eyes and said she was going to find her boyfriend before he did something stupid.
Aelin tossed her now empty plate into the trash and leaned back against the wall.
She watched with a small, bemused smile as Rowan walked towards her on unsteady legs. He must have had more to drink than she realized if he was that inebriated. His eyes dazedly searched the room, moving slower than his normally sharp-focused mind would allow. As soon as he spotted her watching him, a broad grin stretched across his lips, and Aelin felt a similar one tug at hers.
Her husband made a crooked beeline towards her, getting close enough that she had to crane her neck back slightly as he lifted his elbow to rest on the edge of the stair at his shoulder.
“There you are,” one of his large hands found its home on her waist and he leaned down to kiss her. She humored him for a moment before pulling away, able to taste the smoky hints of scotch on his lips. “I missed you.”
Aelin shifted her weight so her hip leaned against the stairs. Raising a golden brow, she held in a smirk. “You saw me twenty minutes ago. And I thought you were having fun catching up with the guys?”
“I always miss you when you aren’t with me.” He shrugged, blowing some stray strands of hair out of his eyes, and she felt her face soften. “And your face is way prettier to look at than Lorcan’s. Your ass too.” Aelin snorted as the hand on her hip lowered to her pretty ass and lightly smacked it for emphasis.
“I would be offended if you thought otherwise.” She told him, allowing a grin to curve her lips.
When he slowly blinked at her, the time it took him to reopen his eyes after each flutter growing longer, she chuckled. “I think it’s time for us to head out.”
Rowan leaned down to nuzzle his face in her neck, and she allowed herself a few seconds to savor the heat of him pressed against her and the sweet aroma of his pine-scented cologne. Then she gently pushed him away and rested her hands on his chest, half to keep him from ducking back down towards her neck and half to keep him steady as he swayed on his feet.
Aelin made a mental note to ask Fenrys what the hell he’d given her husband to make him so intoxicated. Because Rowan was not a small man and it took a decent amount of alcohol to get him to this level of drunkenness. Even with the extra servings he had had, whatever the blond was pouring had to be strong.
He frowned down at her, “Why?”
She snorted softly as his elbow slipped from the smooth stair and his body jerked as he lost his balance before quickly adjusting back to his original position. “Because, oh husband of mine, you are plastered.”
Rowan scoffed. “I’m not drunk. Could a drunk person do this?”
She waited.
And waited.
Arching a brow and pursing her lips so as not to laugh, she cocked her head, “You’re not doing anything, Ro.”
He blinked again, looking as confused as he did confidant. “But…I sent you my love.” He explained, his accent becoming more pronounced by the minute. Another blink. “Did you…did you not get it?”
Aelin couldn’t help her soft breath of laughter as she continued to look at her perplexed husband. She leaned forward and slanted her lips with his, giving him a soft kiss. When she pulled away, he looked entirely self-satisfied as if her kiss confirmed that she did indeed receive the love he had sent her. “We really need to get you home.”
She gripped his wrists and pulled him away from the banister and towards the front hall closet so she could grab their coats. He followed close on her heels, barely leaving an inch of space between them as he tried to keep his body as physically close to hers as possible.
It was cute. A little bothersome as he almost tripped over the backs of her shoes a few times, but mostly cute.
“Are you leaving already?” Lysandra came out of the kitchen, holding a small plate filled with red and pink treats.
Aelin sighed, a smirk negating any real exasperation as Rowan stepped directly behind her and wound his arms around her waist, pulling her back into his chest and resting his chin on her shoulder. “Yeah, this one,” she reached up and patted Rowan’s cheek, “is gonna have one hell of a hangover tomorrow.”
Lysandra snorted, her own smirk widening as Rowan turned his face back into Aelin’s neck and peppered opened mouth kisses to her skin. She shoved him off with an amused shake of her head.
“Have fun with that.” The brunette nodded her head towards the swaying, silver-haired man. She looked back at Aelin. “You good to drive?”
Aelin offered her a half-smile. “Yeah, I’m good. I’ll text you when we get home.”
She nodded, and with one last wave, Lysandra walked back into the crowded living room.
Aelin caught both Elide’s and Aedion’s eyes before leaving and gave them each a farewell wave. Rowan at least had enough faculties to walk to the car with only a steadying arm around his waist from her.
After she helped him untangle his seatbelt which he suddenly found to be extraordinarily complicated, Aelin began the drive back to their apartment.
“Did you have fun?” he asked once they got on the road.
Aelin glanced at him with an amused expression. “I did. But I think you had even more fun.”
He seemed to consider himself before explaining, “Well, I am drinking for two now.” He argued, gesturing between them.
Aelin snorted. “One, that’s not how this works. Two, you were fine—functioning—until Fen gave you some of that scotch…”
“Fucking good scotch,” he mumbled, his eyes heavily closing. “The real stuff. Scotch…from scotchland.”
She huffed another laugh at his grumbling.
They lapsed into a comfortable silence and Aelin thought Rowan might have fallen asleep, but then she felt his gaze on her. Keeping her eyes on the road, one of his hands found her right one and she shifted her grip on the wheel so he could intertwine their fingers. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Fireheart, I love you so godsdamned much.”
Aelin squeezed his fingers and smiled. “I love you too, you love-sick drunk.”
Rowan shifted in his seat again and then his hand was no longer holding hers, but reaching across the console so he could rest it on her still-flat stomach. “And I love you, little love bug.”
After a moment, he pulled his hand away and sat back in his seat. It took her another minute after that to clear the sudden tightness in her throat.
When she looked over, she smiled. Rowan’s head was pressed against the glass, his eyes closed, and mouth slightly open as light snores escaped him.
Parking the car, she made sure to snap a few photos of him like that and shot off a text to Lysandra before nudging him awake and up to bed.
They would tell their friends soon, but for now, they were enjoying having their little love bug to themselves.
@acourtofsnakes @allthebooksunderthemoon @astra-ad-mare @becarefuloflove @booklover41802 @charlizeed @cookiemonsterwholovesbooks @danibutterr @doubt-less @emily-gsh @enormousbooklover @foughtconquered @fromthelibraryofemilyj @hakunamatatazz @i-have-but-one-brain-cell @in-love-with-caramel-macchiato @jorjy-jo @lemonade-coolattas @mariamuses @mayhemories @midsizewitch @rowaelinrambling @morganofthewildfire @nerdperson524 @rowaelinismyotp @rowansfirebringer @sayosdreams @sheharahu @sleeping-and-books @stardelia @story-scribbler @superspiritfestival @themoonthestarsthesuriel @swankii-art-teacher @tomtenadia @westofmoon @whimsicallyreading @moodymelanist @realbookloverproblems @gracie-rosee @julemmaes @yesdreamblog @the-regal-warrior @rowanaelinn @thestoriesyoutell @autumnbabylon @sunflowermoonshinewrites @maastrash @annejulianneh111 @the-lonelybarricade
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paigesturning · 4 years
The Force Arises - The Martyrdom of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, and the Rise of the Orthodoxy
(Author’s Note: This is... sort of a fixit fit, I guess. I was, let’s say, displeased with The Rise of Skywalker, and wracked my brain trying to figure out what I would have done if I had been handed three movies that happen at the end of the “Orig Trig”. So, I did a ass-ton of worldbuilding. This happens at some point between Ep. 6 and Ep. 7 (I think like 15 years before the start of Ep. 7???). Aside from trigger warnings, I think that’s about all you need to know, but to be clear: I do not care what the cannonical words for everyday objects are. If it looks like chocolate, tastes like chocolate, feels like chocolate, and is made like chocolate (for example), I’m gonna call it chocolate. Not whatever word starwars picked for chocolate. Maybe that seems glib, but seeing as this isn’t even close to being cannon, I was more focused more on putting pen to paper than cannon lingo. TW: Poisoning Via Drugs in Drink, Gun (blaster) violence, Political propaganda, anger issues) 
Today was Luke’s Birthday. Not so special, it happens once a year. Approximately. It was, however, a nice excuse to go out and do something nice with his coworkers, students, friends, and most notably, his sister, who is often far too busy with presidential matters to return his calls. As he sat on the bench and waited for the speeder to pull up, he unwrapped a candy and popped it into his mouth. They were bad for him, he knew, but today was a day for celebration, and you only turn 79 once. 
After all, today, more than most days, even more than most birthday, he was acutely aware of how old he was. It didn't bother him that much, he was leaving behind more than a legacy, he also was leaving behind the Jedi. Even if they were divided slightly on how to handle the force, (and he found himself concerned with the rigidity of the Orthodoxy) division brings balance, a lesson that he learned, in hindsight, all those years ago on Dagobah. Soon, he knew, he would be leaving everything in the young, capable hands of the next generation of Jedi, a generation of well equipped do-gooders who could go out and, if possible, stop wars instead of fighting them. 
But then, the galaxy is big and wars waged by the rich are hard to stop.
Speaking of young, capable Jedi, it was at this moment that the speeder pulled up next to him.
"Master Skywalker," the young man in the backseat said as Luke pushed himself to his feet on his cane, "would you like help up?"
"No need to be so formal," he responded, getting into the vehicle. "Call me uncle today at least. It's my birthday after all!"
"Alright. Uncle it is then," Ben said, with a little smile, "How are you feeling today, Uncle?" 
Luke took a deep breath in. “Peaceful,” he said with a sigh.
Ben laughed, “That’s new. You’re sure you’re feeling okay?”
Luke side-eyed the youngster. “I become less peaceful by the second. Shall we?”
Ben nodded and snapped his fingers. The Chauffer pulled away. “I’ve been speaking to Master Gueyn and Master Snoke. They suggested that the division between the Reformists and the Othodoxy is causing a general weakening of the force among new padawans, and that they’d like to meet with you at-” 
Luke cut him off with a raised hand. “You know it’s my day off, right, Ben?”
Ben began to say something but cut himself off, filled with a visible anger that Luke recognised in himself. “Of course, Uncle.”
“It’s fine, Ben. I just want to cut down on shop talk if we can today. It should be a day for relaxation,” Luke said with a gentle elbow into Ben’s side, “For all of us, right?”
Ben swallowed and took a breath, calming himself. “Of course Uncle,” he repeated.
Luke looked out the window. They were passing the ever-extravagent Skywalker Plaza. He rolled his eyes. They were silent for a moment, but Luke spoke up again. “Ben, I - I am so proud of you. You’ve come so far in just a few short years, and I’m proud that I was around to train you into a Jedi.”
“I… Thank you, Uncle,” Ben replied, caught off guard. 
“And I just want to… Ben, you spend so much time with members of the Orthodoxy-”
Ben groaned, “We’re doing this conversation again?”
“They never wanted me to take you on for training, and I just-”
“The thing you just want is for me to listen to you just because I owe you for training me, right?
“No, I-”
“Because you’re the hero and they’re not.”
“I’m not saying that they’re bad people,” Luke said softly, trying to calm Ben down, “I’m just concerned that you’ll burn yourself out trying to live up to their standards, when they already have their mind made up about you.”
Ben said nothing, and didn’t look at him. 
“I’m sorry I brought it up. I want good things for you, and I don’t want you to have a hard life. But even with everything I know, I can’t decide for you what can make you happiest. I’m still here for you.” Luke held his hand out for his nephew to take. 
“I’m sorry as well,” Ben said, “I shouldn’t have gotten so upset. Such displays of emotion are unbecoming to me, and the Jedi order. I’m sorry. Let’s just enjoy this evening.” Ben looked at Luke and gave a weak smile. He did not take his hand.
It was in this moment, as they pulled up to the restaurant, that Luke felt something in Ben, an apprehension that he hadn’t noticed before. “Ben, is everythi-”
“C’mon you old man, waddle on over and give me a hug.” Luke heard as the door opened to let him out. He turned to see President Leia Organa-Solo hovering in her chair, drifting closer to the transport. Luke got out of the transport and bent down as best he could to embrace his sister. 
Ben gave a curt bow, “It is nice to see you mother.” She responded with a smile, and bowed her head in his direction. 
Chewbacca walked over, and they headed into the restaurant.
The presents were pretty typical, which wasn’t to say they were unpleasant to recieve. Leia gave him the same gift she always did. A 48-pack of chocolate treats from Ermaron-3, brought with her from home (plus a calendar that marked which day Leia’s birthday would be). Chewie had been continuing the work he and Han had after the war ended, and brought Luke more records detailing the history of the Jedi. Mostly policies and ledgers, as always, but as far as Luke was concerned, it was all important, all valuable knowledge. Everyone else, as requested, had donated to a charity Luke had picked out earlier that month. An orphanage, run by non-Jedi affiliated priests from the Medichant Order. 
Not too long after he started eating, Luke leaned over to talk to Leia.
“I think I’m getting old. I’m tired already.”
She snorted, “I’m not even that old, and we’re twins. I won’t blame you if you want to say you got pulled away for work.”
Luke shook his head. “There’s something I wanna talk to you about. Jedi politics stuff. You’re the general, not me, you know? I just thought I could get some advice.”
It wasn’t true exactly. More than anything else, he wanted to discuss Ben with her. If they could both be there to help make sure Ben was staying sane, not pushing any emotions down too hard, and all that, it would be way less likely that he’d snap. But Ben was sitting right on the other side of him. He could hardly mention it without embarrassing his nephew unless he waited until Ben went to the bathroom. 
Except, he wasn’t getting up. It wasn’t of place or anything, but as time went on, Luke started feeling more and more tired. More than that, his vision began rippling, distances started being confusing, and he felt dizzy. Something was very wrong.
He turned to Ben. He needed help. He could trust Ben. “Begggg, Innie… Bem. Ikahhhn…” he wasn’t able to get the words out right. Why couldn’t he talk?
Ben looked back at him and smiled toothily, and it was like Luke’s stomach dropped. “Everything okay, Uncle?”
Luke stuttered out some nonsense. Ben picked up Luke’s water and smelled it, and winced with a laugh. “Guess you broke out the strong stuff, eh? Do you mind if I finish it off?” No, it was water. Luke tried to tell him so, but when he shook his head, Ben just raised his glass to him, and downed the rest. 
“Right well, the birthday boy has overindulged, it looks like. I’ll take him home,” Ben said as he handed his mother a card, “Pay with this. I’ll grab it for you tomorrow morning before you leave tomorrow?”
Leia nodded and took the card. 
“Alright, we’re heading back, it’s getting a little late for my uncle. Remember, everything’s on me, so don’t indulge! Have a nice night! And one more toast to Master Skywalker before we get out of here!” Ben announced.
The door to the restaurant closed on the sound of everyone cheersing for him. 
“Right. Get in, Uncle.” The transport was waiting for them. How did the driver know to prepare it?
“Doesn’t look like he can even try to talk anymore. How about that?”
“Whatever, just give me the antidote,” said Ben from the front seat. 
“I still think it was dumb that you drank it.”
“Didn’t want anyone else to. Besides, I wanted to divert suspicion from the drink.”
A scoff. Were they moving? When did Luke get into the transport? 
“Ha, no, he’s fine! The Master just overindulged in celebration. Stay safe tonight!” Ben called at a small group of Padawans that seemed to be sneaking out for the night. They must have been at the monastery again but when? 
Luke hadn’t even formed the thought when he was thrown onto his bed. 
“You know Uncle,” Ben said, his voice tinged with malice, “for all your talk of being able to choose your own destiny and the power of emotion, this proves it’s all nothing. This is not my doing. Tonight was powered by the two strongest forces in the galaxy: fate, and simple, cold, calculation. But you’re about to-”
“Are you done monologuing, or can we just finish this?” Luke couldn’t look over, and couldn’t see at the angle he was at, but he knew the sound of a blaster pistol being unholstered and unsafetied from the time spent with Han.
“FINE. Fine. Go ahead.” Ben’s voice was close now, Luke could feel his breath on his ear. “I’d like to tell you that the poison will dull the pain. That you won’t feel anything, you know? But I wouldn’t know. I’ve never died before.” He heard Ben stand back up now, “Be one with the force.” he said harshly, and then there was the report of a blaster, and then nothing. 
It was on the news the next day. Jedi Master, and savior of the galaxy, Luke Skywalker, was assassinated in his bedroom when his nephew, Jedi Knight Ben Solo, brought him up to his room after his birthday. The assassin had panicked, killed the Master, and wounded his nephew. 
People, on smoke breaks that day would laugh mirthlessly. “Can you believe it? Savior of the universe, killed by one of his own, on his birthday no less.”
The Orthodoxy wasted no time releasing the the Jedi Council’s official statement. A heretical Reformist insurgent, imagining himself to be wronged by the Jedi Order, nay, the Force itself, had broken into Master Skywalker’s room, and murdered him. They sprayed their so-called “symbol” on his wall after doing it, too, and that’s how you know it’s them. 
Later, a person would be standing in their kitchen, listening to the report. “That doesn’t sound right,” they’d say, “I thought the assassin ran after killing him? Because his nephew was there?”
“Now’s not the time for conspiracy theories, the man is dead,” their husband would say tiredly, “can we just talk about something else? Everyone at the office was discussing it all day.”
Leia gave a speech that was, as always, incredibly moving, focusing on how the small actions of the many outweigh the large actions of the few, and how Luke wouldn’t have wanted the Reformist movement as a whole to be blamed for his death. “After all,” she said, “he was Pro-Reform himself!” 
What was more widely-circulated was the interview with Jedi Knight Solo, in his place in the infirmary. “I couldn’t see it coming,” he said with eyes red from crying, or lack of sleep, or both, “It was so jarring. It’s exactly the kind of thing that you imagine when you’re training but… I hate to say this, so close to his death, but I keep wondering if maybe I would have had the discipline to sense the assassin’s presence if I had been trained in the traditional way. With the Orthodoxy.” He teared up, “I don’t care, I just wish I could have saved him. I… L-leave, please.” As soon as he was out of the infirmary, a week and a half later, he replaced the seat left empty by Luke’s absence. 
In the month and a half that followed, there were six Reformist deaths attributed to gangs of orthodoxy supporters in the public, two of which were a Jedi Knight and her Padawan. Eighteen more Reformists were arrested by the Jedi Council. 
It only took a half a year for the Council to declare all Reformists to be heretics. The public, angered by the death of Jedi Martyr Skywalker, was spurred on by this, and raided the monastery, purging it of Reformists completely. 
A statue was erected in the square in front of the temple. It’s Luke, with his arms firmly in front of him, holding his lightsaber, his robes flowing around him. It was constructed out of pure marble, and stands at a mighty forty-seven feet tall. Along the base, there’s an inscription.
“In memory of what he sacrificed for the mighty Orthodoxy, and the Force. May he forever be one with the force.”
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gainerstories · 5 years
Fatspirational: Chapter 3
At last, I get to meet with my gaining idol one on one. My jeans were surprisingly difficult to get on as I got ready this morning. They felt completely suctioned to my thighs even when I wasn’t sitting. In fact, it was excruciating to sit. I continued to pig out all weekend long, as though my pound a day lifestyle would never end and boy was I experiencing the fruits of my labor. The drive to Mr. Johnson’s office was excruciating with the waist of my jeans nearly cutting me in half, but I did enjoy it. My cute little stomach poked out over my jeans and I could feel it wiggle with each speed bump. Once I made it to the parking lot reality set in.
I was incredibly nervous in the waiting room. I’d been around Mr. Johnson a few times, but today I was in his element. It didn’t help that men in dress clothes, especially fat men in dress clothes, drove me fucking wild. When the receptionist finally invited me in I suddenly felt hugely fat and self conscious. I knew Mr. Johnson wasn’t gay, but if he was, he probably wouldn’t like a chubby guys. Not that I was even that chubby yet. My mind was racing. I had to suck in my pooch.
When I walked through the doors I tried to make my stomach look as flat as possible and my shoulders look as broad as possible. My lawyer was seated at his desk in the middle of large sub sandwich. He looked up at me with food hanging from his lips.  
“Oh, I’m sorry,” he said, and wiped his mouth with a napkin.
I told him it was fine, I understood it was lunchtime. He had an impressive spread in front of him. A foot long subway sandwich was half eaten with an almost empty bottle of coke. A bag of chips sat open and I could see the wrappers of candy bars sitting in the trash can. I was getting so horny I could barely focus. We talked about my situation and he was very helpful, but all I could do was stare at his mouth. His red lips would wrap around the sandwich to get the biggest bite possible. He would barely even chew. It was obvious why he had gotten fat. I imagined myself climbing onto his lap and shoving as much food into his mouth as possible. Ripping off his shirt and rubbing his soft belly while kissing his softening jawline.
He took the last sip of his Coke and grabbed another one from somewhere under his desk.
“Would you like one?” he asked
“Sure, thank you.”
He handed me a Coke and proposed a toast. Something about him being my lawyer. I don’t even know. After we cheersed he leaned back in his seat and took a big gulp of the cola. As he leaned back I realized hi belly was even bigger than I thought and that his chest had also softened up a bit, his nipples poking against the fabric of his shirt. Afterwards, he smiled and patted his gut.
“I have an addiction to Coca-Cola. The proof is in the belly,” he chuckled.
I laughed along, and said, “it suits you.”
As those words left my lips he got a little grin and we locked eyes for a second. Was it possible that we just had a moment? Was it the kind of moment I thought, no hoped, it was? I couldn’t be sure
The meeting was pretty much over after that. He stood up and brushed the crumbs off his gut and tie causing his gut to wobble. He then walked over and sat on the edge of his desk mere inches from me. I couldn’t help but notice his pants were glued to the fatty thighs spread wide in front of me to accomodate the ample bulge resting between his legs. He gave me some words of encouragement regarding my case and patted me on the back, and I couldn’t help but steal a glance at that juicy cock nestled between his legs. I wasn’t sure but it was almost as if he noticed my gaze and spread his legs a bit wider. Was this actually happening?
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iamn0tdansmith · 5 years
The aquarium was a charming way to spend time with Rinan,
 despite her underwhelmed expression Dan had just slightly picked up on when he’d suggested it. Making her laugh at his silly mistake was easily his favorite part, that and seeing the thousands of colorful fish on display. Watching them swim to and fro was like admiring a moving piece of abstract artwork. He’d enjoyed their day together so far, but he hadn’t been expecting there to be any awkward silences or arguments. They were silly things, meaningless topics that they’d had to ‘agree to disagree’ as they conversed during their day. Dan reminded himself that it was normal, they were only just starting to get to know each other, and it was the first time they were spending time together outside of a bedroom. Still, once they had gotten to the fair and she’d excused herself to the bathroom, Daniel was almost relieved to have a moment to be able to text Kyle about his day. He felt like he was on a first date with a stranger, and he sort of was. He knew he loved her, though; the chemistry they had was too real to deny it.
Dan had been looking down at his phone for mere seconds when he was crashed into from behind, his phone tumbling to the ground from his hands and him stumbling backwards to meet it. He landed flat on his ass, the impact resonating through his body. It took him a second to catch his breath and find his phone, and when he finally saw what had crashed into him, he was stunned. Someone ran him over with their bike.
“I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry! Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m alright.” He’d replied, only to be asked the same question again. The concerned young woman was beautiful, even as she knelt in the dirt. Dan chuckled then, standing up. His butt was a bit sore, but he was fine. “No worries, only hurt my pride.” He smiled at his own joke. “Partly my fault, anyway, I was looking at my phone.”
“I’m so sorry. I really should pay better attention.” The girl said. She really was stunning. The multicolored lights from the booth next to them reflected brightly off her silvery hair.
He repeated that there was nothing to worry about, and when she started scrambling to pick up her things, he helped her. She almost seemed surprised that he’d stopped to help her out, and he felt a twinge of sadness. No one should be surprised by kindness; it should be the standard. As he gathered her things; which consisted of many pet items, Dan noticed a pair of yellow eyes staring him down from her backpack. He took a literal step back, and for a second he didn’t know how to react to the sight. “There’s a cat in your bag.” He stated finally.
The girl introduced him to her cat, who’s name was Ash, like it was a natural, regular occurrence. Daniel wanted to laugh out loud. Instead, he scratched the kitty on top of his head, right between his ears. When she had gathered all her things, she got back on her bike, leaving Dan in the dust with another apology and passing farewell. He watched her as she biked away, and that’s when Rinan showed up next to him.
“Rin, oh my god, I can’t believe you just missed that.” He said when she got his attention. “I just got knocked on my arse by this girl on a bicycle, and she had a cat in her backpack?” The end of his sentence sounded like he wasn’t even sure he believed his own story. He reassured Rinan he was fine when she showed concern, and he continued to tell her about the weird cat lady and her bike. He couldn’t wait to tell Kyle about it, too. Needless to say, this girl had really left an impression.
The rest of the evening went on without issue or accident, until the two were in line for the Ferris wheel and Rin just walked off, saying she needed to take a call. They weren’t far off from the front of the line, but Dan didn’t even have a chance to protest; Rin had already slipped through the metal bars of the fenced line. If he was going to be honest, Dan was a bit peeved. He wasn’t at first, he trusted that the call was important and she had to take it, but the closer he got to the front of the line, the more he felt like she had just ditched him. He had reached the steps leading up to the wheel, there were only six people in front of him. Dan spotted her next to the cotton candy stand and caught her eye. He tried waving her over, but she just turned around, her hand blocking her ear. Soon, there were only four people in front of him, then two. When it was his turn, the worker asked him if he was alone.
“Well, no, but…” Dan looked around again, but Rin wasn’t there.
“Just get on,” the worker said, shooing him onto the cart. Dan heard him call for any other solo riders, and a second later there was someone else with him. He still stared down at the crowd, looking for Rinan and only briefly spotting her before the cart lurched forward.
The sun had begun to set. Bright streaks of yellow, orange and magenta bleeding into indigo painted the sky, matching the rainbow colours on the Ferris wheel. “Oh wow. What kind of coincidence is this?” A familiar voice came from beside him.
It was the cat lady from earlier, and Daniel’s eyebrows shot up. “Obviously a crazy coincidence, but I’m not the type to believe in those.” They laughed, and he was surprised all over again when she introduced herself as Coal. An interesting name, but he didn’t say so. He figured she had heard countless comments about her name, and he wasn’t about to add onto it. Besides, he kind of liked it.
Seeing the golden light reflecting in her deep brown eyes, he was struck again by her beauty. Guiltily, his eyes shot away from her, but just as soon he looked away, his gaze was drawn back to her. Rinan was waiting for him on the other side of the wheel, but Coal had his attention. “I’m Dan,” he introduced himself, and they shook hands in a semi-formal way, giggling together again. He was surprised by how relaxed he felt. This was an extremely awkward situation, but it felt like anything but. “I see you left Ash at home?” He commented.
“Yeah, he’s afraid of heights.” She replied jokingly, and the two were laughing again.
“Coal and Ash. Are your names another happy coincidence?” He teased. He wasn’t proud to be mentioning her unique name after all, but he couldn’t resist bringing up the connection.
At this point, they were up at the top of the wheel, and it stopped there for a moment. The two of them stopped, wordlessly admiring the most gorgeous view. On one side there was the gorgeous sunset, and on the other side the deep, dark blue of night was closing in, filling the sky with stars. Dan rested his hand on the bench, which touched her hand just ever so slightly. He didn’t move his hand, not minding the touch. They sat together in comfortable silence, and Dan’s attention shifted to her. While she stared out at the view, his eyes kept being drawn back to her face.
The Ferris wheel lurched again, and they were on their way back down. Daniel suddenly felt down, knowing this would likely be the last time he would see this girl. Still, it was no coincidence that they’d run into each other twice in one night, but he didn’t feel right asking for her number. After everything he’d been through with Rin, it wouldn’t be fair. He was still on a date, after all. At that moment, his phone buzzed, with a text from Rinan. A scowl formed on his lips. She was ditching him, for real. Her text stated that something had come up, and she needed to leave the fair. He couldn’t believe this.
They were almost at the end of the ride when Coal spoke again. “So, this might be totally random and out of line, but can I give you my number?”
Her boldness surprised him once more, and he noticed that this was kind of a pattern with her. Almost everything that came out of Coal’s mouth was a pleasant surprise. Maybe he was feeling petty after being ditched by Rin, but he obliged immediately. “It’s random, but not at all out of line. Here,” he handed her his phone, displaying a ‘new contact’ page, and watched as she not only entered her number, but texted herself from his phone so she’d have his number, too. He liked that; being on an even playing field, if that’s even where it was heading. Dan had never felt so torn, but he was relieved that whatever happened, he’d have a way to contact this girl that made him laugh.
 Alex Turner sat in the rooftop terrace of the bar with his bandmates, a couple of their girlfriends, and a few friends. He was surrounded by people he cared for, but he only felt like the group was complete once she walked in. Rinan, who was even more stunning every time he saw her.
“Rin! Love, over here!” He called, waving her over to their booth. She joined them underneath the trellis which dripped vines of flowers and greenery. It was a really quite charming place. He handed her a drink, which she immediately took a sip from. “I ordered you your favorite when you texted.”
She had let him know she’d be coming sooner than expected, but hadn’t explained why. Alex didn’t question it, though, and he was secretly a little bit glad that her date with Dan ended early. He rest his arm around her shoulders, pulling her in for a kiss on her forehead.
Alex lifted his glass in the air. “Here’s to Rinan’s big Billboard win, and many more! You deserve it, Rin.” Everyone cheersed to his toast, and the embarrassed smile on her face made him grin. While she was normally so stoic and tough, Alex knew her well enough to know that she didn’t give herself enough credit for the work she did, and he was going make sure she knew just how amazing she was.
“So, how was your night?” He was genuine in his question, and while he was curious to know why her date ended so early, he mostly wanted to make sure she was alright.
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