#chef natticus
natticusthegomamon · 8 years
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Natticus: Of course I got to eat some of the pizza we all made; it was good! Maybe next time we can add more shrimp :3 If you want to know how we made it, click the “read more” thing below; there’s a lot of steps so it’s a long post ^^;
Fandramon: Right, so you guys are hungry now? It’s past midnight!
Natticus: But you said you wanted to make a pizza anyways, so here’s an opportunity :3
Zarrus: Yea, and Milus said that dough stuff is alive, we’d better eat it before it grows too big!
Milus: It might be too cold in the fridge for that to happen Zarrus ^^; I’ve been awake playing some video games though, so I could use a snack~
Fandramon: *sigh* Fine, fine. First we need to get all the ingredients together-
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Natticus: We can use shrimp as a topping right? :D These ones are small with no shell~
Zarrus: Since there’s no fish at home, we should put ham! Meat is a good topping for this kinda “pizza” food right?
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Elliot: I got the cheese :3 The most important pizza ingredient!
Milus: We should use this sauce, it’s better than simply using a can of tomatoes because it has added spices for more flavour. And it has meatballs already in it! Fan, you should learn this special recipe so we can make more at home.
Fandramon: The oven needs to be pre-heated too, can you set it Natticus?
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Natticus: Okay, got it!
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Fandramon: I’l get the rest of the stuff we need; flour, cornmeal and the baking pan. Of course the dough too, let me take it out of the bag... oh, it’s sticky D: Elliot can you scoop me a bit of flour? You can’t taste it when the pizza’s done, but it helps with the dough being easier to manage into the shape we need ^^;
Elliot: Here ya go!
Fandramon: Okay now I’m gonna flip it, so I need a bit more for the other side.
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Elliot: Ther- Oh, uhhh, it’s got bubbles in it, are you sure it won’t attack us!? :<
Zarrus: If it had eyes it’d look kinda like a Pabumon, heheh
Fandramon: It isn’t alive enough to move quickly, let alone attack, so relax XD While I try to squish this into some kind of rectangle shape, I need one of you to put cornmeal on the baking pan. It’s so the dough doesn’t stick while it’s cooking.
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Natticus: I’ll do it! *pours* There, that should be enough.
Zarrus: Looks like sand, but I bet it tastes better since you’re supposed to eat it.
Fandramon: Well I guess this is as close as I’m gonna get to the dough being baking pan-shaped. It’s not quite right, so I’m gonna get some of these butter knives and-
Zarrus: Stab it! Show it who’s boss!
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Fandramon: Zarrus nooo! DX It’s to pin the dough against the edges of the pan! I don’t want there to be holes in the pizza... >_>
Natticus: Zack gets the slice with the hole, called it.
Zarrus: Shut up Red :/
Fandramon: Anyways, since the difficult part is over, we just need to prepare the toppings and put them on top of the dough. The sauce goes on first.
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Milus: Okay, I’ll put it on. Is this is enough Fan?
Fandramon: Yea, now I’ll grate the cheese over that. I put some of the frozen shrimp to boil on the stove, since cold or frozen shrimp on the pizza wouldn’t be fun. Natticus, you can put them on the pizza once I strain them out. Here.
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Natticus: What, this is all? I wanted more ;^; I’ll spread them out as best I can.
Zarrus: Now the ham is next! I’m gonna cut it up into a bunch of pieces~
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Fandramon: Be careful with that knife ;>_> Oh, Milus, what are you cooking in the microwave?
Milus: There were some mushrooms in the fridge, I thought it would be ideal to have them on the pizza too, to balance out all the meat. Since they have a lot of water in them I put them in the microwave to cook some of it out ^^; There!
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Fandramon: It’s ready to go into the oven now!
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Fandramon: Hmmm, the recipe here says to let it cook for 30 minutes...
Natticus: What, 30 minutes?! That’s forever! We’re hungry now! :<
Fandramon: ...or we can cook it at 450 for 10 minutes...
Zarrus: >:3 incinerate it~
10 minutes later...
Fandramon: It’s done! And it’s 3am, how did this even happen? @_@
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Natticus: Yay, pizza! :D
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[[ I guess this sort of counts as a celebration pizza for Natticus reaching over 234 followers! Sometime’s it’s difficult to get inspired enough to do these kinds of posts, hopefully you all enjoyed reading along ^^; ]]
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natticusthegomamon · 8 years
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Natticus Bakes: Blueberry & Peach Muffins!
Natticus: I made some food all by myself! Well, Fandra was here to make sure the stove didn’t explode or anything. Not like that’d ever happen of course ;>ᆺ> I couldn’t find all the ingredients exactly in the recipe so I just mixed in some of the closest I could find; the muffins still tasted good so I didn’t mess it up :b I had to pre-heat the oven, then measure all the powdery ingredients and put ‘em in a bowl. Then get all the not-powdery ingredients and measure them and put them in the bowl too. Oh, and Fandra helped me cut up all the peach slices into smaller pieces. Then I stirred it all together and put a little bit into each space in the baking tray. There were some extra peach slices so I put them on top. Look, they’re not as blue as they were before, but the muffins grew bigger in the oven!
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