#chelo binay
shamefly · 7 years
Haunted Woods Team Headcanons
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..This is a really pretty long intensive list of the headcanons I have for the HW altador cup team members (including retired ones)  :(  I just love them a lot. 
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Krell Vitor
- Born in Neovia - Was bitten and afflicted with lycanthropy sometime in his teens - His family tried to cover it up best as they could because while Neovia is part of the Haunted Woods and they’ve become more accepting of mutants, were-creatures, ghouls etc. since the TOW plot many older residents still regard them with a lot of fear and suspicion.  - As he got older the fact that he’s a werekyrii got harder and harder to cover up until it seemed like he could no longer revert to his original form. - IDK but I imagine him with a really thick english accent.
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- He uses potions which allow him to play in broad daylight (without y’know, turning to ash. Poor vampire) - Like a classic vampire he has to be invited into a house to enter it. It gets really annoying when he goes out to get neocola or takeout or something to bring to his teammates places and NOBODY WANTS TO ANSWER THE F*KIN DOOR.
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Zo Junior
- When he first started he was the youngest altador cup-level yooyuball player in history. Full of pride for this fact and also desperation to prove he’s a serious player and not-just-a-kid he’s got...quite an ego, to put it lightly.  - Used to be the king of trash-talk but Krell and Chelo Binay’s guidance have helped him calm down from that over time. Now he just does so quietly in his head, or to his teammates.  - He loves messing with his teammates, Krell especially. If it’ll piss Krell off he’s down for it. (he really does respect him tho, deep down) - He can be a real little shit but he’s like the teams annoying younger brother.
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Brains Mortigan
- A PURE BOY. A GOOD BOY. - Really tho, after replacing Autrey HW fans had no idea what to expect from Brains but he’s become a real fan favorite. - Zombie though he is Brains isn’t stupid. He speaks slurred and really slow, but he’s actually a lot better at communicating through letters (you can take your sweet time when writing). Derlyn Fonnet can vouch for this.  - At first the team had a hard time trying to communicate with Brains and adjust to his reaction time. The team spent special practice time focusing on working with Brains. It was really sweet tbh.  - DON’T MESS WITH BRAINS. Unless you want to be cursed/haunted/torn to shreds by his teammates don’t do it. Also, don’t call him dumb or a mindless zombie in front of Derlyn unless you want to get beat up really bad. 
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Wan Dirx
- Wan was originally born in Qasala but moved to the woods with his family when he was young. - He’s the teammate that Krell has known the longest. They’re best of friends and have very strong trust in each other. - Aside from the cup Wan’s other passion is business (his parents were merchants) and culinary, his desire to open up a spooky shakes store was one of his main reasons for retiring from yooyuball.  - When Wan was thinking about retiring he talked to Krell about it first. Krell was heartbroken but was understanding about Wan wanting to pursue his other dream.
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Chelo Binay (holy shit this is getting long)
- She’s a veteran player and a legend. Like, special vintage baseball card legend. - Though she doesn’t admit to it she’s probably hundreds of years old.  - Other than being a famous athlete Chelo is also well-known in the woods for her services as a witch.  - Chelo introduced Krell to yooyuball and is the one that taught him everything he knows about the sport. - Chelo met Krell when he was still a gangly, skinny teenager. He sought her out because he was desperate to find a cure for his lycanthropy and hoped that Chelo had a spell or potion, anything that could cure him. She did not. - Instead she helped Krell accept himself and his werekyrii form. She taught him the ins and outs of yooyuball as a positive outlet for his strength and aggression.  -  TEAM MOM EVEN THO SHE’S RETIRED. they’re all her children really. She babies Zo to the point of smothering, her little talented baby-bat. - OH YEAH,  she’s totally married to Edna and they live in her tower as the grumpy old witch couple they are.
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Crade Talvos
- He was turned into a wraith somehow during the events of the faeries ruin. - Crade was a longtime fan of the HW team before joining them.  - HE’S TRYING HIS BEST :( . - He feels responsible for the teams recent low standings and he knows the fans don’t have a lot of faith in him. I mean, replacing Wan Dirx is no easy thing. - Krell’s told Crade not to let it get to him, but he still feels a lot of pressure to turn things around for the team and please the fans. 
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Autrey Fulse
- I don’t have a lot to say about him tbh :( - Quiet guy and alright for the most part but he liked playing tricks on the other players, sometimes these tricks went too far.  
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xlstriker38 · 5 years
a lil headcanon i have abt team haunted woods is that when chelo binay (the chia witch in the original team lineup) left she didnt actually stop participating but rather became their sort of “coach” and placed a hex on them all, and thats why theyre known for winning “clutch” games
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altadorheadcanons · 10 years
characters most likely to go to hell and live to tell the tale: Chelo Binay, Montecito, Loryche
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shamefly · 8 years
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Some Haunted Woods team doodles I did in lieu of..erm..actually scoring points for the team.
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altadorheadcanons · 10 years
chelo binay is extremely close to zo junior's father, zo senior. it's kind of like a mother-son relationship, except kind of also like a 'best friend 5ever' sort of relationship.
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altadorheadcanons · 10 years
Chelo Binay has gone to NeoHell and came back the best defender in the history of yooyuball. This probably explains why HW won the first cup.
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altadorheadcanons · 10 years
chelo binay was a pinup model when she was younger; she was incredibly cute.
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