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"Heimliche Lektüre (Secret Literature)," illustration by Gino V. Fanetti in a 1911 Jugend.
(source: Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg)
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jgmail · 14 days
Antonio Gramsci: Faro del Nuevo Mundo
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Por Alessandro Fanetti
Traducción de Juan Gabriel Caro Rivera
«Podéis matarme, pero la idea que hay en mí nunca la mataréis»
Giacomo Matteotti
Antonio Gramsci es uno de los más grandes pensadores que ha visto Italia (y el mundo). Un pensador que podría tener decenas de títulos más, como político, filósofo y escritor. Un hombre que dio su vida por sus ideales y dedicó toda su existencia a hacer madurar conceptos que hasta entonces eran poco conocidos y comprendidos en el panorama mundial. Una vida, por lo tanto, al servicio de los demás, para la construcción de una sociedad más justa y de un mundo mejor. Sin olvidar nunca a las personas que amó hasta el último momento de su vida (a las que escribía recurrentemente incluso desde la cárcel y de las que esperaba ansiosamente cartas de respuesta) y ciertamente también gracias a las cuales consiguió soportar años de dura prisión fascista: Tania, Iulca, Mamma, Delio, Giulia, etc. [1]. El encarcelarlo (hasta la muerte) fue considerado por el régimen que gobernó Italia de 1922 al 43 como la única arma capaz de detener el impulso de las ideas de Antonio Gramsci.
Una ola arrolladora que, sin embargo, no se extinguió entre las cuatro paredes donde estuvo relegado demasiados años, sino que se desbordó imparable, barriendo los cuatro puntos cardinales del planeta. Por ello, aún hoy, casi 90 años después de la muerte del ilustre comunista sardo (líder indiscutible de los comunistas italianos desde el nacimiento del PCI en 1921), sus conceptos, pensamientos, propuestas y personalidad son estudiados, analizados y a menudo adoptados en la organización de las sociedades en su conjunto. Estudiados y analizados no sólo por quienes se inspiran en su persona y sus ideales, sino también por quienes están en las antípodas de estos ideales: en primer lugar, las élites liberal-democráticas que dirigen el llamado «Occidente político».  Los estudios y “tomas de tierra” que se dan en América Latina y el Caribe han resultados ser uno de los terrenos más propicios, gracias a movimientos populares y gobiernos, que consideran los análisis de Gramsci un faro indispensable.
Algunos ejemplos:
El presidente venezolano Maduro, en su primera visita a Roma, tuvo como primer acto ir a la tumba del gran pensador sardo.
Los centros de estudios cubanos están repletos de análisis y reflexiones sobre el pensamiento gramsciano.
El socialismo del siglo XXI (latinoamericano y caribeño) y la propia Teología de la Liberación también estudian a Gramsci.
Pero, ¿cuáles es, entonces, el legado «intelectual» de Antonio Gramsci? Si los estudios y reflexiones de este gran pensador pueden encontrarse escritos en decenas de libros, creo que es útil enumerar aquí y ahora algunos de los temas que trató durante los años de su vida y que sin duda le otorgaron una eterna «vida espiritual»:
Hegemonía y dominación: Un sistema económico-social no puede basarse en la dominación, sino que debe hacerlo en el consenso. La dominación sin consenso da lugar al autoritarismo, al malestar en la sociedad y termina por causar el colapso de los gobernantes. Es necesario, por lo tanto, el consenso y la capacidad de liderazgo ideal y moral sobre otras clases sociales. Una clase social (para Gramsci obviamente el proletariado) debe obtener sus reivindicaciones (principalmente una nueva formación económico-social) que debe ser hegemónica. Debe ser hegemónica antes y después de tomar el poder, principalmente en la sociedad civil. Debe tener una gran y fuerte hegemonía desde el punto de vista ideal, político y cultural. Así, en las convicciones y propuesta de Gramsci el proletariado debe ser hegemónico en la sociedad civil incluso antes de la toma del poder, sin imponer luego sus ideas una vez alcanzado el poder (ya que esto sólo sería dominación). En todo esto, para Gramsci el papel del Partido y de los intelectuales es fundamental.
Por lo tanto, la clase que aspira a tomar el poder para realizar sus aspiraciones debe librar una gran batalla cultural e ideal en toda la sociedad, tratando de hacer hegemónicas sus ideas. Haciendo este análisis, el pensador sardo demuestra así que no basta con la batalla a nivel de la «estructura» (tratar de cambiar las relaciones económicas), sino que también es necesaria la batalla dentro de la «superestructura» (cultura, ética, política, etc.).
Gramsci condena también las simplificaciones deterministas y las concepciones dogmáticas (la estructura determina la superestructura, en una relación de dependencia mecánica) de ciertos estudiosos que tergiversan el pensamiento del propio Marx. En cambio, explica que el filósofo alemán define las superestructuras como «apariencias», pero sólo para simplificar su pensamiento y hacerlo utilizable para el mayor número posible de personas. En realidad, se entiende bien que Marx con el término «apariencias» sólo quiere subrayar la «historicidad» de las superestructuras y no negarlas ni absolutizarlas.
El papel de los intelectuales: La cuestión de los intelectuales está estrechamente ligada a la hegemonía y el consenso. Una sociedad política (o Partido o Clase), para no sólo ejercer la dominación coercitiva, también necesita intelectuales. Intelectuales que ayuden a crear consenso y, por lo tanto, hegemonía. Una sociedad de este tipo debe conseguir la adhesión del mayor número posible de intelectuales, ya sean «orgánicos» (expresión directa de una determinada clase y de sus intereses) o no. Sólo así una sociedad política (que agrupe a intelectuales y organizaciones de la sociedad civil) podrá gobernar huyendo de la «dominación» y ser un verdadero «liderazgo». Una sociedad política gobernante que, por lo tanto, sepa desempeñar un papel verdaderamente progresista, que consiga realmente hacer avanzar la sociedad a través del consenso.
Una vez en el poder, los intelectuales tienen una función decisiva en la hegemonía ejercida por el grupo dirigente, a saber, la función organizativa y «conectiva». Tienen la función de organizar la hegemonía social de los que dirigen la sociedad en su conjunto y pueden hacerlo porque gozan de prestigio dentro de ella.
El papel del Partido: Gramsci introduce la cuestión del Partido con un análisis del «Príncipe» de Maquiavelo. Explica que este «Tratado de la ciencia política» es revolucionario en la medida en que se dirige a la clase revolucionaria de la época (es decir, al pueblo, a la nación italiana, a la democracia ciudadana que expresan desde su seno Savonarola y Pier Soderini). Por lo tanto, tiene un carácter esencialmente revolucionario como la actual «Filosofía de la praxis». Por esta última entendemos una teoría indisolublemente unida a la práctica; una nueva cosmovisión alternativa y antagónica a la dominante (en el siglo XXI, el capitalismo neoliberal) no debe ser meramente abstracta y teórica, sino tener como objetivo acumular las fuerzas necesarias para llevar a cabo la revolución. Por lo tanto, debe ser una cosmovisión que se encarne en el proletariado a través del trabajo de los intelectuales orgánicos y del conflicto social. En conclusión, puede decirse que sólo la soldadura y posterior unidad indisoluble entre educación y lucha de clases puede hacer que los explotados tomen conciencia de su condición de subalternidad e intenten emanciparse.
Todos estos esfuerzos, sin embargo, no pueden dar resultados concretos si no se establece un Príncipe «moderno» (es decir, el Partido, por lo tanto, no un hombre al mando) que no ocupe el lugar que le corresponde en la realidad concreta del presente. El Partido es la forma superior de organización del Sujeto Revolucionario, es el intelectual colectivo impulsado a convertirse en el Estado mismo y a configurarlo a su imagen y semejanza (aglutinando todas las reivindicaciones y aspiraciones de la lucha general). El Partido debe ser un intelectual colectivo, un organismo, un elemento social complejo en el que se realice una voluntad colectiva. Debe ser intelectual y moralmente unificador, con una dirección y una disciplina fuertes. Sin embargo, no puede ni debe limitarse a estar formado por «revolucionarios profesionales», sino que debe ser mucho más amplio. Su papel principal es dirigir a la nueva clase que ha surgido dentro de las actuales relaciones de producción.
En esencia, en la primera fase (la «Guerra de Posición»), la tarea principal del Partido debe ser promover una reforma intelectual y moral de las masas. Esto también sirve al Partido para expandirse, para actuar como principal intermediario entre la fase inicial de la formación de la voluntad colectiva y su aceptación por el conjunto de la sociedad, construyendo así la HEGEMONÍA. El Partido, por lo tanto, tiene como objetivo educar y transformar a las masas en agentes conscientes del proceso revolucionario.
En el Partido debe prevalecer el «CENTRALISMO DEMOCRÁTICO», es decir, la mejor fórmula para garantizar una dialéctica sana y propositiva dentro y entre los tres niveles que lo componen:
El pueblo llano: la base social del Partido que participa en el trabajo desde la disciplina y la lealtad.
Los dirigentes: los cuadros, la dirección del Partido. Son el principal elemento unificador, siendo una fuerza altamente cohesionada, centralizadora y creadora.
Los «intelectuales orgánicos»: ejercen una función intermediaria, permiten la interacción e integración política, moral e intelectual entre las masas y la dirección.
Una vez en el poder, el Partido se posiciona como un «Príncipe moderno», un sujeto «absoluto» que guía y dirige la sociedad. Obviamente, una vez que toma el poder, la reforma «intelectual y moral» adoptará ante todo la forma de una reforma económica de la sociedad, para la mejora de las condiciones de vida concretas de las capas más deprimidas de la sociedad y su «renacimiento interior». Para los comunistas, el Partido debe considerarse como el organismo en el que y a través del cual se realiza la voluntad colectiva. El Partido es un ejército, una vanguardia consciente, organizada y disciplinada, no encerrada en sí misma, sino destinada a extenderse y ramificarse ganando nuevos apoyos.
Centralismo democrático: es necesario que el Partido se base en el centralismo democrático, es decir, un centralismo en movimiento, una adaptación continua de la organización al movimiento real, un equilibrio de los impulsos desde abajo con el mando desde arriba. Una inserción continua de los elementos que florecen de las profundidades de las masas en el sólido marco del aparato de dirección que garantiza la continuidad y la acumulación de experiencia. No es necesario un consenso pasivo de las masas hacia arriba, sino un consenso activo y directo. La necesaria conciencia colectiva forma (y al igual que a sí misma) las diversas manifestaciones de las ideas y su posterior síntesis unitaria.
Bloque histórico: Estamos frente a un bloque histórico cuando, dentro de determinadas situaciones históricas, se establece una relación homogénea, un vínculo orgánico, una interacción efectiva entre estructura y superestructura (en esencia entre la «base económica» y las «instituciones sociopolíticas» dominantes). Este vínculo es el resultado de la acción de la clase social hegemónica, que tiene la tarea de dirigir las actividades tanto en la estructura como en la superestructura. Así pues, esta noción está vinculada y relacionada con el ejercicio y la organización del poder por parte de las clases dominantes. Este bloque histórico no siempre está presente y no debe confundirse con la «formación económico-social», esta última siempre presente.
Estado y sociedad civil: el Estado debe ser visto y considerado como un «equilibrio de compromiso» entre grupos sociales. Resulta de la unidad de la sociedad política y civil (entendida esta última como el conjunto de organismos vulgarmente llamados «privados», como la Iglesia, los sindicatos, etc.) configurándose concretamente como una «hegemonía acorazada de coerción». Así, al menos en los países más avanzados, el Estado no es un mero instrumento de represión de clase (como el viejo Estado liberal del siglo XIX), sino que comprende, por un lado, la política y la economía y, por el otro, la sociedad política y civil (un «ESTADO INTEGRAL»). Y con respecto a la visión liberal del Estado y la sociedad, Gramsci la crítica de la siguiente manera: «La gente especula inconscientemente con la distinción entre sociedad política y sociedad civil, afirmando que la actividad económica es propia de la sociedad civil y que la sociedad política no debe intervenir en su regulación. Pero en realidad esta distinción es puramente metódica, no orgánica, y en la vida histórica concreta la sociedad política y la sociedad civil son una misma cosa. Por otra parte, incluso el liberalismo debe ser impuesto por ley, es decir, por intervención del poder político».
La sociedad política y la sociedad civil forman la superestructura y son parte integrante del Estado. Además, el Estado no produce la situación económica, sino que es su expresión. Más exactamente, sin embargo, hay que hablar del Estado como agente económico, ya que en cualquier caso forma parte de esta situación.
Por lo tanto, según los deseos de Gramsci, la hegemonía comunista debe promoverse en el seno de la sociedad civil (que forma parte del Estado) y, una vez alcanzada, el «poder hegemónico» (dirigido por el Partido Comunista como vanguardia del proletariado, así como por este último) puede hacerse realidad con el concepto de consenso. Por último, el «sujeto de clase» de este poder hegemónico, para ser verdaderamente hegemónico, sólo puede llegar a ser el Estado.
Conciencia de clase: Fundamental, pero no se debe dar por supuesta. De hecho, sin trabajo efectivo, el proletariado (la clase de los trabajadores asalariados explotados por el capital) no tiene conciencia de clase y, por lo tanto, no son conscientes ni de su condición de subordinación ni de lo que pueden hacer para cambiar la situación en la que viven. El papel del Partido (como vanguardia organizada de esta clase) y de los intelectuales (en primer lugar, los orgánicos) es crucial para conducir a los subalternos a una concepción superior de la vida, creando además un «bloque intelectual-moral» que haga políticamente posible el progreso. Esta es la herramienta necesaria y el primer paso para que los proletarios se reconozcan como una clase que trabaja para unir la teoría correcta y la práctica correcta (dando así a luz a esa “Teoría de la Praxis” marxiana).
Educación y escolarización: Gramsci considera fundamentales la cultura y el papel de la escuela. Describe la escuela como una «estructura objetiva», un lugar de elaboración cultural. Aborrece la escuela autoritaria y discriminatoria (como la de su época.... y posteriores), señala que todos los jóvenes deben ser iguales ante la cultura, está en contra de la división entre escuela clásica y profesional. Defiende una «escuela única, inicial, de cultura general, humanística y formativa, que conduzca al desarrollo intelectual y manual (técnico)» [2]. Por lo tanto, una ESCUELA UNITARIA. Junto a ella, el Partido, entendido como intelectual colectivo, debe participar también en la formación. Así pues, una relación muy estrecha entre cultura, sociedad y política.
En conclusión, puede decirse que el ejemplo y el pensamiento de Antonio Gramsci son imprescindibles para intentar comprender el mundo (e intentar cambiarlo). Un legado atemporal como herramienta indispensable para, al menos, intentar no ser los «idiotas útiles» de un sistema sólo interesado en perpetuarse en beneficio de «unos pocos elegidos».
«Educaos, porque necesitaremos toda nuestra inteligencia. Ilusionaos, porque necesitaremos todo nuestro entusiasmo. Organizaos, porque necesitaremos toda nuestra fuerza».
Antonio Gramsci
[1] https://archive.org/details/gramsci-antonio.-lettere-dal-carcere.-1926-1....
[2] Carlo Ricchini, Eugenio Manca, Luisa Melograni, Gramsci, le sue idee nel nostro tempo, Editrice L’Unità, Roma, 1987.
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babith · 1 year
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Another day another miss for the art gallery.
So going for meerca day. I figured I’d draw haunted woods’ Fanetti. And wanted to sort of mimic the high energy style of Mario’s Strikers.
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badheart · 1 year
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"H-Hey, Fanettie? Could you tell me what a 3D man's... meat tastes like?" Of course, by 'meat', Vivian was referring to their penis, yet because she couldn't bring herself to be nearly as crude as Fang when it came to talking about sexual matters, she would opt to use terms that were more safe for work in nature. "This is purely for fanfiction purposes, mind you, so don't go getting any ideas... but yeah, I just wanna know before I commit to writing anymore blowjob scenes."
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"Ah-" No one had to ask her that before, and it took her rather off guard in the first moment. "Ah, well... AH, research purposes, of course." What else, but it still impressed her that Vivian found the willpower to ask her such thing. Not so annoyed about her boy talk after all, if it was convenient?
"Y'know, if you are really curious, and wanna learn first hand, I am sure your host guy wouldn't mind a bj. It's really ... fun, y'know?" She had to resist the urge not to daydream of her favorite moments now, and why she enjoyed it so much in the first place. "It's honestly kinda salty, I guess... just like your skin. There's also that musky smell, of course... which can be good or bad..." mumbling the last bit, as not everyone shaved or put too much focus on hygiene. "In a way, the reality is a bit disappointing, ... dicks can be so ugly, and their cum is sadly not like spray cream, as you may see it often in hentai." She dared to believe that Vivian knew but who knows. Fang was still a bit disappointed at times, how quickly some finished and failed to go for another round. Nature sure made sure that humans would not fuck 24/7.
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unladielike · 1 year
"I was told, I look like a tomboy... do you think that's the reason guys don't like me?" Or rather one of many but she sure wondered at times if the haircut had been a mistake. Idachi had complained about it from the start, not that his opinion had ever truly mattered but it still had hurt. "Too boyish, well I kinda wanted that effect...but, I still look like a girl, right? I'm not ugly, just 'cause of shorter hair... in stories the female characters sure have mostly long hair, or your length," she mumbled and run her fingers through the shaved sides. "Have you ever thought about cutting your hair?"
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                UNPROMPTED ASKS. » always accepting!
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    "...But didn't that Kobato guy like you or whatever?" Vivian finally brings herself to question, for if nothing else, Fang seemed to not even be content one man at least seemed to find her attractive... which honestly irked her a little bit. Why, as much as she adored her friend, it was during times like these where she truly wished she wasn't so boy crazy.
    "If you ask me, Fanettie, I think you're being just a tad too greedy regarding the male populace... though, to answer your question, no, I don't believe that's the reason guys don't fancy you much." Sure enough, a sigh then manages to issue past her throat, because when it came down to it, Vivian doesn't think she was the best person to talk to about real boys; in fact, Fang might have been better off, finding someone else to spill her insecurities to.
    "As cheesy as it sounds, beauty is simply the eye of the beholder... and while I can keep telling you I personally consider you to be a very beautiful girl, something tells me my opinion doesn't matter much unless it's from a three dimensional man," came her bitter murmur. Honestly, with how pleasant Vivian normally was, this retort might have caused Fang to do a double take, yet regardless, she'll soon find herself glancing listlessly out the window.
    "Welp, of course; in fact, I don't actually like it this long... only, I keep forgetting to ask my mom to cut my hair, so it ended up getting very wild and unruly. Brushing it is also a pain... to the point where I usually don't bother doing much, besides washing it."
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mugunghwc · 1 year
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unprompted ask / always accepting
@unladielike said: Rei would receive the following text from Fang's phone number: [text]: Hello, mysterious person named Rei - this is Vivian! ( ゚▽゚)/ Fanettie (Fang) actually left her phone behind in my hotel room, but I don't know where she lives, let alone if she even has a PC, so if at possible, could you let her know I have it or possibly arrange a time where we could meet up? 「(゚ペ)
rei hadn't been so successful at getting a hold of fang & soon, she'd learn the reason as to why that was. she'd appear relieved at first upon seeing her name pop-up on her screen, before her smile vanished & her expression changed to that of mild astonishment over the contents of the text. the name ' vivian ' stood out, only because fang had mentioned it once after prying a bit into her life outside their little group. the nickname that was used to refer to fang was an odd one, but perhaps, there was something she wasn't quite getting like a reference or an inside joke between the two.
both hands held onto her phone as she sat down, with taro not taking long to join her by jumping beside her, & try to gain her attention by rubbing its body against her. rei, however, remained with her eyes fixed on the screen while pondering on what to say, or how to even get in contact with fang now to let her know. she'd hum in thought, looking away for a moment, before something came to mind & fingers began to type.
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[ txt ] hello(^^)thank you for letting me know. she visits me quite often, so chances are that she comes over, looking for it if she doesn't know where she left it.
which made her wonder how she'd go about meeting this friend of hers, or if she'd need of her help to text fang's phone & arrange a meeting between the two. something for fang to decide, rei supposed.
[ txt ] i will let her know as soon as i see her.
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444names · 2 months
Names generated from American, French and German forenames, including the letter sequence "Tt"
Adette Adetter Adrichanott Agnettel Albettha Alette Alettlia Alettlina Alietth Alviette Amattancis Amattim Amotherette Anangetthat Andrettia Angettentie Angettina Angotte Anichrietth Aniette Anikattsca Anitter Anitth Anlorette Annottored Aritte Audetthew Auglett Austinette Aximerette...
Bascottine Benattyra Benckimotth Benette Berettalte Berettenri Beristiette Beritte Bernette Betta Bette Betted Betteff Betten Better Betterryl Betth Betthe Bettiand Bettin Bettind Bettine Bettista Bettlilyn Bitte Bitterndo Bitth Blankatt Blette Bobette Bodiett Brafaettal Brette Brettellen Brettfri Briette Briettenna Brinettya Brottergara Brutte Bruttlettel Brutto Bryanette Béattony Calderetto Cannettsy Caretteret Cariett Carietthard Carittsyla Catte Chaette Chelmutthy Chelorette Chrianiette Ciettevesa Clérènetty Cobettinne Collette Corette Coretteronn Cottabry Cottan Cotter Cottierina Couette Criette Criettinady Daisèlette Dalette Darett Dariette Deatte Deliettelyd Demirett Dennettie Dennittorie Dettario Dette Dettimber Dettlesti Dietth Dinette Ditty Dollett Earotth Ebetten Elotte Elynette Emangotte Ematte Enetter Erette Ettfréla Ettia Ettie Etton Evette Fabetta Faettlexave Fanetty Flotte Flottel Flottsca Freaniett Frette Fretter Fretth Frettia Gaymotte Gelippatte Georett Gesabiett Gestinette Gette Gettoniena Gettonn Giette Gobennette Gobettashel Gottalvico Gotte Gotterenz Gottery Gottevann Gottfre Gotthy Gottody Gredrettin Grett Grette Gretthel Gretther Grettine Grettorein Grégottitz Guettaleore Hanthaetty Harotthitz Hattamelsa Heilbette Heinatta Heinette Heinotthman Helotte Helsettine Henette Herinatte Herretter Hertiettel Hugotth Hurettia Huriettass Idgettin Inetty Ingottas Iralbett Irettia Jandoletton Jealbetter Jeanett Jeanettsy Jeatt Jeatte Jeattie Jeatto Jendoretter Jennettacyn Jesettsy Jimeroretty Jimonietten Joandetta Joannette Johnnetta Johnnettie Johnniette Jondrette Joritti Jorottine Josabett Josettel Josheanatt Juadlettine Judette Juppatterd Jus-petty Jutte Juttyannyan Karrettera Katrogette Katta Kattack Kattalvalyn Katte Kattene Katteve Katth Katthy Kattier Katton Kattonade Kattonie Kattoren Kattoy Kattsyl Katty Kattyan Kaytopetten Kaëllmutti Kelmunette Kiettine Klioldetth Konnett Krinetth Kritte Kuriette Lainette Laus-petthy Lenetterin Leorette Letter Letterma Lettlee Letto Letty Liette Liettsyl Loretter Lorettfre Lotte Lotter Lotthaël Lottia Lottie Lotting Lotty Luciettien Lukatte Lupette Lupetter Luppetteph Lutte Lutted Lutth Lyndyllette Mabette Mabettina Magnettine Magottan Magotte Manette Manlotte Maretty Maritabett Marlenett Marlette Marnett Matta Mattanmann Matte Mattedesa Matterne Mattony Maxelmutte Melmatte Micorgietty Miette Miettell Mietternd Milbetto Millynettin Mirisette Misett Mitte Mottam Motte Mottheil Mottiande Motto Mottoydine Nadett Natta Netted Nettella Netter Nettinette Niette Nietter Nikatte Nisettitte Nolynnette Notte Notteverna Notth Nottie Nottim Notty Oddittena Opatte Orett Oserett Ottan Otteld Ottell Otter Ottfrandy Ottia Ottina Ottind Ottine Ottinique Ottopaustob Ottsy Ottsylval Pasmiette Patriette Patta Pattas Patte Pattelle Pattena Patter Patthalene Patthie Patticas Paugottlex Paumegotte Petta Pette Petteralil Pettergis Pettone Phinettfran Piett Ramonette Ramutte Randrégotta Reddiette Redmuttia Renattevald Rette Retten Rettscia Retty Rietta Robette Rodittya Romatte Roscatth Rosettacy Rottacque Rottamory Rotte Rotthman Rottina Rottorio Rubett Rutta Rutte Rutth Ruttia Ruttophy Régotte Sabetten Sabrettie Salettister Scotterwigh Selissetto Setthaney Settlia Shaettine Siette Sietter Simbettlin Sondrégotte Sonivirette Sonnettlie Stanlutte Stinette Stomatte Suette Susabettlie Sverette Sébarosett Todettie Truttiery Tyletta Uttan Uttando Uttandon Uttedebody Utterbeas Utterna Uttheort Utthy Uttyrotte Vaderiette Vaitanettie Vette Vettevey Virlettsy Waretter Waynett Whiette Wigmutte Willinett Wolliett Yvennette Zabett Élilikatter Élinett Élènette Éraitter Étietti
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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Torre Federici in Sonico, Italy This quaint northern Italian hamlet was the site of several brutal witch trials and executions during the late 15th and early 16th centuries. Today, a plaque on a 60-foot-tall medieval tower, known as Torre Federici or Torre della Famiglia Federici, commemorates the violent events.  Nestled along the Oglio River, among northern Italy's Alpine foothills, the tower is located in the quaint hamlet of Sonico. One of the earliest official documents to mention the settlement dates back to the 14th century when a bishop named Enrico Da Sessa expanded his landholdings to include Sonico. De Sessa was the first owner of the medieval tower, though it's unclear if he built the structure. By 1423, the Federici family, a local noble family, owned the tower. Their coat of arms, featuring an eagle with its wings spread open, can be found above the main entrance of the tower in a narrow alley, known as Via Guglielmo Marconi. On a different external wall, a sundial and fresco depict the tower, beneath which a plaque reads, “In memory of Federici of Sonico accused of heresy and of the victims (burned) at the stake for witchcraft in the sixteenth century in Valcamonica." There were several witch trials in Valcamonica, the valley where Sonico is located. The region's first recorded witch execution was in 1455 with later witch executions occurring in 1510-12, 1516-17, and 1518-21. Witch trials in the region grew so out of hand that on February 15, 1521, Pope Leo X petitioned for help from the bishops of Venetia. He wrote, "In the cities and dioceses of Brescia and Bergamo, a most pernicious kind of people were utterly damned by the stain of heresy, which was causing them to renounce the sacrament of the baptism that they had received, denying their Lord and giving their bodies and souls to Satan." He goes on to say that in Valcamonica "people of this damned sort particularly flourish." Even established families like the Federici's faced prosecution; though it's unknown if any members of the Federici family were executed as convicted witches. The prevalence of witch trials in Valcamonica is likely due to the hold pagan, particularly Roman beliefs, had on the valley. Today, the tower is still the tallest building in Sonica. Renovated several times through the centuries, the local Fanetti family now lives in the tower. https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/torre-federici
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goaterz · 4 years
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Who you callin’ small fry?!
Desperately pulling for my one and only team for this year’s Altador Cup!
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shamefly · 7 years
Haunted Woods Team Headcanons
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..This is a really pretty long intensive list of the headcanons I have for the HW altador cup team members (including retired ones)  :(  I just love them a lot. 
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Krell Vitor
- Born in Neovia - Was bitten and afflicted with lycanthropy sometime in his teens - His family tried to cover it up best as they could because while Neovia is part of the Haunted Woods and they’ve become more accepting of mutants, were-creatures, ghouls etc. since the TOW plot many older residents still regard them with a lot of fear and suspicion.  - As he got older the fact that he’s a werekyrii got harder and harder to cover up until it seemed like he could no longer revert to his original form. - IDK but I imagine him with a really thick english accent.
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- He uses potions which allow him to play in broad daylight (without y’know, turning to ash. Poor vampire) - Like a classic vampire he has to be invited into a house to enter it. It gets really annoying when he goes out to get neocola or takeout or something to bring to his teammates places and NOBODY WANTS TO ANSWER THE F*KIN DOOR.
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Zo Junior
- When he first started he was the youngest altador cup-level yooyuball player in history. Full of pride for this fact and also desperation to prove he’s a serious player and not-just-a-kid he’s got...quite an ego, to put it lightly.  - Used to be the king of trash-talk but Krell and Chelo Binay’s guidance have helped him calm down from that over time. Now he just does so quietly in his head, or to his teammates.  - He loves messing with his teammates, Krell especially. If it’ll piss Krell off he’s down for it. (he really does respect him tho, deep down) - He can be a real little shit but he’s like the teams annoying younger brother.
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Brains Mortigan
- A PURE BOY. A GOOD BOY. - Really tho, after replacing Autrey HW fans had no idea what to expect from Brains but he’s become a real fan favorite. - Zombie though he is Brains isn’t stupid. He speaks slurred and really slow, but he’s actually a lot better at communicating through letters (you can take your sweet time when writing). Derlyn Fonnet can vouch for this.  - At first the team had a hard time trying to communicate with Brains and adjust to his reaction time. The team spent special practice time focusing on working with Brains. It was really sweet tbh.  - DON’T MESS WITH BRAINS. Unless you want to be cursed/haunted/torn to shreds by his teammates don’t do it. Also, don’t call him dumb or a mindless zombie in front of Derlyn unless you want to get beat up really bad. 
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Wan Dirx
- Wan was originally born in Qasala but moved to the woods with his family when he was young. - He’s the teammate that Krell has known the longest. They’re best of friends and have very strong trust in each other. - Aside from the cup Wan’s other passion is business (his parents were merchants) and culinary, his desire to open up a spooky shakes store was one of his main reasons for retiring from yooyuball.  - When Wan was thinking about retiring he talked to Krell about it first. Krell was heartbroken but was understanding about Wan wanting to pursue his other dream.
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Chelo Binay (holy shit this is getting long)
- She’s a veteran player and a legend. Like, special vintage baseball card legend. - Though she doesn’t admit to it she’s probably hundreds of years old.  - Other than being a famous athlete Chelo is also well-known in the woods for her services as a witch.  - Chelo introduced Krell to yooyuball and is the one that taught him everything he knows about the sport. - Chelo met Krell when he was still a gangly, skinny teenager. He sought her out because he was desperate to find a cure for his lycanthropy and hoped that Chelo had a spell or potion, anything that could cure him. She did not. - Instead she helped Krell accept himself and his werekyrii form. She taught him the ins and outs of yooyuball as a positive outlet for his strength and aggression.  -  TEAM MOM EVEN THO SHE’S RETIRED. they’re all her children really. She babies Zo to the point of smothering, her little talented baby-bat. - OH YEAH,  she’s totally married to Edna and they live in her tower as the grumpy old witch couple they are.
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Crade Talvos
- He was turned into a wraith somehow during the events of the faeries ruin. - Crade was a longtime fan of the HW team before joining them.  - HE’S TRYING HIS BEST :( . - He feels responsible for the teams recent low standings and he knows the fans don’t have a lot of faith in him. I mean, replacing Wan Dirx is no easy thing. - Krell’s told Crade not to let it get to him, but he still feels a lot of pressure to turn things around for the team and please the fans. 
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Autrey Fulse
- I don’t have a lot to say about him tbh :( - Quiet guy and alright for the most part but he liked playing tricks on the other players, sometimes these tricks went too far.  
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x-heesy · 7 years
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😘 The lovers By #AMFanetti based on #ReneMagritte’s painting POP MY EYES, instagram.com
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persinsala · 5 years
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Nice to Meet you Iran Una panoramica del Festival dedicato al Paese mediorientale, che si è tenuto a Siena nei mesi di marzo e aprile, attraverso i racconti di Mohsen Sariaslani - anima della manifestazione.
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mfred · 7 years
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What to do with the unexpected? Both of these books seemed to be about one thing, and then ended up someplace completely different-- for both better and worse.
Books read in 2017 (so far):
His Forbidden Bride by Theodora Taylor
What I did not expect from Taylor’s tale of an amnesiac and doctor falling in love was a total 90 degree swerve into soap opera land. The twists and turns the plot took were so out of left field, I could have gotten whiplash. Talk about over-the-top! But it was a fun ride and even if I rolled my eyes a few times at the end, I still had a good time. 3 stars.
Into the Storm by Susan Fanetti
It took me months and months to finish this novel. I was expecting a biker book. You know, quasi criminals on the edge of society doing dark deeds in the name of luuurve. Instead, I got a slow-burn contemporary romance about two damaged people with troubled histories falling in love. And I didn’t particularly want to be reading contemporary romance. Really, you could take the bikers out of this book with almost no impact to the plot. I was a little disappointed. 3 stars.
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badheart · 1 year
"Hey, hey, Fanettie! Look what I got you!" Behind her back, Vivian pulls out an elephant plushy and a cat plushy she had kept hidden while approaching Fang.
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"Ta-dah~! Since he has a lot of them, Hayupin says I can give away as many of his plushies as I want, so I brought you these little guys," she practically beams. Why, considering Hayate had told her he didn't mind what she does with those plushies, Vivian proceeded to snatch two from off his shelves before eventually boarding a train back to Shinjuku. "You like them?"
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"What?" she immediately asked and tried to glance behind Vivian's back, considering her hands were hidden there, and luckily she was not trying to be one of those show-masters, who let the audience suffer with the potential winner or answer.
"Amazing," she murmured, quite astonished at the sight. "These were really made by a guy?!" Unbelievable, considering how cute they looked, and really like they were done by some professional company. Not a single dude with a niche-hobby. "Wait, I can have both?" Since it were two, she had thought, that she must decide, which would not have been too hard, as she was generally biased to more black & white designs, but the elephant was gladly taken as well, considering it was far bigger and she was a secret fan of pink too, especially when it was cute.
"Of course." Already reaching out to snatch them out of her grip, before they were pressed against her own chest. "These are so cute, ... and his room is full of these?!" What blessed soul. The elephant was even pressed against her face to feel even more of its softness, before sighing in relief and looking back at Vivian once they sat comfortably on her lap. "... you are too nice..." aka thank you, as Fang could not believe her luck or that Vivian would seriously try to get some so soonish for her. "That's illegal, Vivian..." she grumbled and buried the lower half of her face back into the plushies, hiding her embarrassment.
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unladielike · 1 year
what would fang think of you if she found out about your visits to a certain host club? is it something you'd willingly share with her?
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                UNPROMPTED ASKS. » always accepting!
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    "She'd probably think I'm a huge hypocrite..." Vivian sighs. Honestly, judging from her tone, it remains quite evident she did not look forward to telling Fang all about the fact she ended up becoming quite drawn towards a certain host. Granted, since falling in love was for normies, she did consider Mako to be more of a friend than anything else, but still, she didn't doubt Fang would demand to hear more details about her encounters with an actual man that wasn't made up of pixels.
    "But I do plan on eventually mustering the courage to tell Fanettie. I just... you know, haven't gotten around to it yet."
anonymous ( in regards to @badheart )
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mugunghwc · 1 year
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unprompted ask / always accepting
@unladielike​​ said: "...I honestly don't get why you and Fanettie are so hung up on men that clearly don't like you back. Are you two just addicted to unhappiness or something?" Vivian sighs. Why, as much as she preferred Fang over Hana any day, it still frustrated her Ryuto was constantly lurking on her friend's mind, to the point where she would shamelessly be thirsty about it. Honestly, on the off chance Vivian was rejected by a guy, she would force herself to hyperfixate on 2D characters all over again while trying to forget real men actually existed; in fact, she would definitely not make it apparent she was still interested in him.
"Maybe you and her are cut from the same cloth after all, but still... don't you ever get embarrassed, doing the chasing? I mean... as much as your assertiveness deserves to at least be commended, wasn't there ever a moment in time where you wanted to be chased instead?" she then questions Hana, because if nothing else, she couldn't help being curious. To that end, Vivian refrains from being mean for once.
      “....me & who?” that nickname made it difficult for her to recognize who she was referring to at first, until remembering that the only reason hana knew of this girl, was because of that weirdo in the wheelchair. there were things that were said that still pissed her off to the point that she wanted to slap her, but even hana had her limitations. what kind of image would she be given if she attacked someone who couldn’t even walk away? nevertheless, she’d not stand any slander against ‘ her man ‘, & that included any conversation regarding it. hearing vivian talk reminded her too much of ryuto, which only managed to irk her some more. why did everyone feel entitled to get on her business? hana scoffed after rolling her eyes.
     “oh, is that what she told you or are you now stalking me too?” her defensiveness was a giveaway of her insecurity ; crossing her arms across her chest. her frown deepened. “i’m nothing like that loser, but why don’t you tell her that? i’m sure she will love being insulted by the likes of you.” because that was how she took it as: an insult. half of her upper lip was raised in disgust, but more-so annoyance over having to hear the same old tale when deep down, hana knew all this. she didn’t need someone rubbing it on her face. & even less, coming from someone who she doubted had ever dated.
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      “& for your information, i have plenty of guys chase after me. i’m just not interested in any of them.” indignant, hana huffed & turned her head to the side, as if she was done staring at vivian for now. “i’m not the type to sit & wait for my prince.”
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