#chepe x female reader
artemiseamoon · 1 year
Draft release: That one time
Pacho x Chepe ~ Chepe x f reader
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An: no I am not writing reader inserts anymore, sticking to that choice. This is an old unreleased draft.
Words: 2189
Warnings: drinking, sexual activity
Read in full on A03
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Hours after dinner, you, Chepe and Pacho hang out in the backyard. It was a perfect night, the moon full above and a nice breeze in the air. You were sitting on one couch, cuddled up against Chepe, and directly across from you both sat Pacho.
The two were reminiscing and sharing old stories. They were laughing about this one memory and if you didn't know both of them, you would believe the story was made up. It sounded too out of this world to be true, but you could imagine the both of them younger and up to lots of trouble. In the current story, Chepe was about 26 and Pacho also in his 20s but younger than Chepe.
As the story built, and they took turns filling in the details, that night from the past got crazier and crazier. Then, out of nowhere, you made a comment out loud that you meant to keep to yourself,
"Please tell me it ended with you making out."
As soon as you realized you said the words aloud, you clasped your hand over your mouth. "sorry." you muttered.
It's Pacho's daiquiris, you'll blame that. They're delicious and deadly.
Before your embarrassment could build any further, you noticed the look Pacho gave Chepe before taking a drink from the glass in his hand.
"Wait, no - " you lowered your hand and turned to Chepe, "wait...I saw that look!"
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A03: Artemisamoon
More Narcos
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cositapreciosa · 2 years
Meeting Chepe in New York and him bring you back to Cali for a party/meeting the rest of the gang 👀
Red lipstick
Chepe Santacruz x female!reader (infidelity/cheating, mention of Y/N, mention of drug use, the usual for the show), 3679 words
a/n : - Yo Élise, where were you all this time? Were you dead?
- *cue to picture of that dry-ass taxidermy fox* seasonal depression my dude
As always it's the fictional, not the real deal, enjoy xx
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You can see it as a business meeting, an opportunity for you to go bigger.
That is what Chepe had said to you one day as you met him for your usual drop. Offering you a trip to Colombia, to meet the big ones from overseas, those that completed his inner circle. You had been reselling for him for a few years now, never once coming to a dollar short and definitely ranking in the profit. Probably the best card you got in your deck, Santacruz, am I not?
You never were looking to make it big in this type of business. Selling just enough to be sure to stay afloat, pay your mortgage, feed the people you love, and buy those pieces of jewelry, that a year ago would have been for you a rent’s worth, just because you liked how they shined when you passed the counter display. Greed, envy, lust. It had crawled in your veins fast, venomous, pumping in your blood. Still, just enough to always buy your favorite, to-die-for, 90$ red lipstick every time it ran out, but never enough to get cocky, stupid, reckless.
You loved luxury, lived in it, smelled like it, but you always remembered how red your blood was, how easy it could be spilled. You saw the way the government was knocking more and more doors down, came for the smaller ones before fishing for the big sharks, but all the others didn’t. It’s a war, sweetheart, Chepe had called it, a war on drugs. Teeth filled with gold, snorting all types of white powders, guns-a-blazing, cuffed and judged by justice just as fast. There’s a quiet side to riches that those men never understood. It was what had separated you from the others who had climbed the ranks with you over the years, you had realized. Maybe that’s why you are here today, setting foot down a jet on Colombian soil, or maybe it was just the start of the hardest fall of your life.
As you looked at your shoes, already full of dust, you wondered if there was a time you had ever seen so much dirt on a landing strip before. You don’t have much time to think about it or to worry about the wind pushing your hair or the dirt in your mouth, that Chepe is already in front of you, arms wide open,
‘’ Bienvenido en la capital mundial de la salsa, sweetheart. ‘’
Your smile is bright, pulling at your cheeks, lips painted red, welcoming. A deadly trap. Chepe knows all of this, the facade that goes in the character you play. The survival instinct, the street smart. You made it this far didn’t you?
‘’ Well, I’m more of a bachata dancer myself, but I can make salsa work. ‘’
You had fucked him once. When his wife had been away, doing whatever she did when she went on those trips of hers. All teeth, handfuls of flesh, bent over the balcony. Maybe it had been more than once. Maybe you didn’t feel so bad because you knew she most likely did the same when she claimed she was going on shopping trips with friends. You could always tell with those women for some reason, you could see it in their eyes, it wasn’t hard to miss. You could see it in his too, how he had always known. If he cared or not was still the missing piece.
You take his extended hand to jump off the last step. The heat is heavy, weirdly humid, and dry at the same time. Still, his hand is steady, not a bead of sweat on his forehead, his usually heavy coat switched for a striped shirt. Colombiano born and raised. You did tell him stripes looked good on him once.
This is it, you thought, no turning back, the top of the ladder. The top of the food chain. You just have to shake hands and smile.
The ride to civilization had been bumpy, long, and trying your best to understand your driver with the thickest Costeño accent you had ever heard. A fair price to pay for landing on an illegal dirt patch in the middle of a Colombian jungle.
Chepe had left you with his driver and a bodyguard back at the landing field, slipping you in the passenger seat, making sure your hair didn’t get stuck in the door as he closed it,
‘’ I trust those two with my life. I’ll pick you up at the hotel tommorow ? ‘’
All teeth, handfuls of flesh, bent over the balcony.
‘’ How else am I supposed to empty the mini-bar then? ‘’
Hands gripping your waist, pining you against the shower wall.
It's later that day after he's been gone for hours and your lipstick has been reapplied, that he calls your room phone. You press your lips together, spreading the color evenly, as it rings some more. You take your finger up to your mouth, swiping the excess stain with your nail. Done. Your heels click on the marble floors on your way out of the bathroom,
‘’ Miss me already? ‘’
It's a party, he had said, near the water, you’ll love it.
He scoffs, as you disconnected the call. The more 6 o’clock gets near, the more all of your being screams at you to leave, clawing at your mind to run, not to look back. You know you should, that he would let you call it off and go back home. But the more you want it, the more you itch to open the safe where your passport is locked, and the more you realize you can’t.
You won’t.
The ride over there is less bumping than when you first got here. Jetlag is busting your ass, and your concealer is working hard to keep it unnoticed. Chepe is dressed up for the occasion as always. Chains, gold rings, a nice striped long-sleeved shirt. Maybe you’ll take all of it off tonight.
He’s driving this time, one hand on the wheel, the other on your thigh. You’re not sure if you like how familiar the move feels. Domestic. Wrong and right at the same time.
‘’ If this is about my wife, ‘’ he had said, with his arms around you, his chin in your hair, ‘’ I’ll leave her. ‘’
You had mentioned stopping everything when he had dropped by earlier. If I actually do this and meet them, I don’t think I can keep fucking you if I want to be taken seriously. Panic clawing at your chest, the reality of your work, the constant threats. There was no way for this to end well for you. For him.
‘’ Ask me and I’ll do it. I’ll call her right now. ‘’
He smelled like cigar and cologne, his palms sneaking under your shirt, warm on your stomach, soft, grounding,
‘’ This is not about her, ‘’ you had explained, head falling on his shoulder as he nuzzled into your neck, ‘’ This is about me, Chepe. About my work. Credibility. ‘’
His other hand pulled at your skirt, feeling the lace underneath. He molds you to him, unbelievably closer now. You felt him shiver against you, felt his breath behind your ear, the goosebump on your arms,
‘’ Tell me, ‘’ he had started with a groan, bringing the material over your waist, his other hand gently wrapping around your throat,
‘’ Tell me whoever dares, and I’ll make sure myself they never speak again. ‘’
You don’t doubt his words for a second.
The automatic light illuminates the garage as soon as Chepe drives the car in. You’ve never seen a garage this big. Cars lined up left to right, every one of them shinier than the other. What a waste of space.
He maneuvers his between two bright red-looking expensive ones. His toothpick rolls on his lips, leaning back against his seat, one hand on the wheel, as he changes gears. He couldn’t care less if he scratched one. Pocket change.
‘’ I probably should have stayed in my room and gotten another 8 hours of sleep. ‘’
He laughs, hearty, loud, deep, as if you’ve just told him the funniest joke of the night. His thumb rubs your thigh,
‘’ Are you going to stand me up? At your own party? ‘’
His attempt at lightening up the mood. In a way, it does, pushing your insecurities and anxieties to the side for a second. He can tell you hesitate, putting off the moment you step out of the car and have to do the grown-up illegal things you have gotten yourself into. You’re not that tired, caffeinated for two, and ready to throw punches if needed. Not that you would have to, with Chepe hot on your heels wherever you go, but it feels like it could calm you down, give you back some control maybe,
‘’ Oh, you’d do just fine I am sure. ‘’ you try to smile back.
You stay silent for a while, more like seconds really, but it feels relaxing and comforting. His hand is still warm on your skin. You always appreciated how he could understand those moments, never feeling like he had to fill it with words.
His thumb presses slightly on the inside of your thigh, bringing your attention back to him. It is darker now in the car, the automatic light having shut off seconds ago,
‘’ I wish I could introduce you as mine. ‘’
You can make out his side profile, the way his fingers drum on the wheel. You sigh,
‘’ José- ‘’
‘’ Ya, por favor, ‘’ he pleads, annoyed, ‘’ You always do this. ‘’
His hand comes up to scratch his stubble, moving down to where his neck meets his shoulder. He massages the skin, before his arm drops, defeated. Chepe moves in his seat, knees turning slightly to your side of the car. He leans toward you and you don’t understand why you feel nervous all of sudden. Anxious.
‘’ I know you think I’m not genuine. That I’m only saying this to make you happy. ‘’
For the first time in months, you don’t know what to say. He is right. Absolutely and utterly right. You don’t believe him when he says it. When he promises you travels, family parties, a career, a ring. You don’t believe easily, and you know what happens to the other women who naively listen and nod. You have seen it happen time and time again.
You sigh, falling back into your seat, trying to disappear inside the leather behind your back,
‘’ I like you a lot, Chepe. ‘’
You sigh, you don’t know where you are going with this. You can’t seem to be thinking ahead, about what you should say or not. Weirdly enough, in one of the most dangerous countries in the world, in an unknown garage, in a village you have forgotten the name of already, next to him, you feel safe. You don’t feel like you should tiptoe around his feelings, yours for that matter.
Your head rolls to the side to meet his gaze, your fingertips raising to touch his face. His brown eyes are on you, pupils blown from the darkness. Sharp nails follow his cheekbone softly, moving up to his freshly cut hair, pushing the loose grey strands back into place. His hand is on your wrist now, going up and down as he caresses the skin,
‘’ A lot. ‘’ you scoff, you realize.
So do I, he wants to say, Y yo a ti, his silence means. You want to lean in, break the space between you, kiss him, end this conversation and force him to bring you inside. You meet his eyes again as your nails roam behind his ear. You know he would let you, but here, today, you don’t think this is what you want,
‘’ We are being honest here, right? ‘’ he whispers, like a secret being shared between you two. You nod softly,
‘’ Talk to me. Tell me. ‘’ The truth, he means, how you really feel about this, ‘’ I’ve got all night. ‘’
You know he means it. Chepe would stay in this car all night if you decided to, he can tell how different the moment has gotten. Twenty minutes ago you would have laughed to tears, reapplied your lipstick, and gotten out of the car. The facade that goes in the character you play. He is still not sure what changed, but it makes him want you to be honest with him, to be true to what you know. Goosebumps spreads across your arm, following the warmth of his palm,
‘’ I want it. ‘’ you begin, toes wiggling inside your heel, trying to keep your knee from bouncing, ‘’ When you say you want to introduce me as yours. ‘’
It takes all his being not to surge forward to take your face between his hands. Then let me, let me. Your breath comes out shaky when you exhale as if you had been holding it for the last minute,
‘’ I am being honest, ‘’ you reassured, he knows you are. You had had deep conversations with Chepe before, nights spent sitting on your balcony, smoking and talking about life and all the things in between. His past, yours. Colombia, New York. Your hand falls to his neck, gently stroking his stubble with your thumb. It’s rough and it’s keeping you grounded, in the car, with him,
‘’ I wouldn’t mind if you did. ‘’ you admit, ‘’ I’d let you. ‘’
You don’t feel weak for telling him like you thought you would. Chepe brings your palm to his mouth, kissing the skin softly. Saying anything else would ruin the moment, and you are thankful he stays silent again. You can hear the music inside, voices laughing and screaming behind the closed door, and you know it is time for you to go and join the crowd. Do what you came here to do in the first place.
You lean between the seats, the cup holder pushing painfully against your ribs, and your hand falls from his lips as you rest your head against his shoulder. His shirt is coarse on your cheek and his fingers soft when he intertwines them with yours. Your thumbnail traces shapes on the back of his hand while you speak again,
‘’ I don’t think I’ve ever been this anxious in my whole life. ‘’
‘’ I wouldn’t have brought you here if I didn’t think you were up for it. ‘’
You hmm, and he can feel the sound vibrate through his shoulder,
‘’ It’s what you do back home, but here. Your Spanish is great, you’ll fit right in, mija. ‘’ he reassures,‘’ I’ll take care of you. ‘’
He emphasizes the words by gently squeezing your joint hands. You know he will, he always does. You know lots of things about him and that lying, to you at least, is not something he would do. We are being honest here, right? You reluctantly let him go, motioning to him to go ahead, body pulling away, your hand sliding back to your thigh. As he gets out of the car, the lights illuminate the garage again. Bright, blinding. Your eyes follow him around the hood of the car until he reaches your door, pulling it open,
‘’ Let’s do some work now, hm? ‘’
He presents his hand to you, his heart skipping a beat when you accept it, pressing yours against his while your swing your legs to the side to get out.
One step after the other, your heels click on the cement as you walk towards the door that leads inside the house. Breathe, smile, shake hands, repeat. Chepe’s hand reaches blindly for you behind him, and you grab it, just like he expects you to do. Blood is pumping in your ears, so loud that it is almost overtaking the music around you. This is exactly where you want to be, precisely what you planned. Inhale with the nose, and exhale through the mouth. It doesn’t come as fast as you would’ve liked, but slowly, air fills up your lungs. It is a weird feeling, really, how after only a few breaths you can feel your body tingle, calm and lightheaded. Revigorated. All part of the facade.
Your smile doesn’t falter when you meet the first few people, low associates, executants. It is bright, all white teeth and red lipstick. They make no comment, no sarcastic remarks about Chepe’s hand on your back, you let him lower it, let it curve around your waist. His eyes burning and threatening enough that no one dares to look for too long.
Your cheeks hurt, jaw a bit sore from speaking Spanish for the past hour, but the wine feels good and bitter down your throat, helping make those meetings bearable. Chepe is beaming, all laughs and handshakes, like a true socialite, a fish in water. You enjoy watching him more than you do partake in this whole thing. It is different for him here, and you can tell. You thought you would have been the last one arriving at the house, and as much as Chepe shuts down any remarks about the time you spent in the garage and as much as you pretend not to understand what they imply, you know words have already spread in the villa. Staying civilized in this jungle is harder than you would have thought.
It happens merely minutes after Chepe excuses himself to fill up your drink, the shift in the room. How everyone stands taller, pushes their shoulders back, sobering up. Whoever supplier Chepe left you with does not have eyes for you anymore. Here they are. The lions.
You see Pacho first, in the corner of your eye. You can tell it is him, from his silk shirt to his waxed brown shoes, from Chepe’s stories, there is no doubt in your mind. You have to bite first, you think, use this fake confidence to your advantage, and make this meeting yours. Your new wannabe-gangster friend had already abandoned you the second they entered the room. You have no choice but to stand your ground and stay tall too.
You force a smile on your cheeks as you turn to him, charming and warm. Pain and Chepe’s absence be damned. Pacho’s smile mirrors your own, like an old friend, a deadly trap. You like him already, you decide, not so different from you, you can tell. Cunning. Smart.
Your glass of wine is quickly put back in your hands, splashing around in the cup, as your man pushes at the guests around you to meet Pacho’s embrace with a laugh. They exchange quickly in Spanish, how are you doing, how’s the weather over there ? You let them catch up, soaking in how easily the moment flows, perfectly happy to stand on the sideline.
Chepe half turns to you, still going on to Pacho about this plane story of his that you have been waiting for the punchline for a while now. His hand finds your waist, absently bringing you closer to the two of them.
‘’ Hermano, ‘’ he begins, ‘’ Let me introduce you. ‘’
You don’t know what burns more, his warm fingers pressing gently into your skin or how Pacho’s eyes catch him doing it. You had agreed to this, but still, stares and looking eyes make you feel uncomfortable. He leads, you remind yourself, he knows, let him.
‘’ This is Y/N, ‘’ Chepe smiles, chest puffed out, proud, ‘’ My favorite partner in crime. ‘’
Pacho’s eyes are back on you, not on Chepe, not on his hand on your back. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. The air feels lighter, your fingers regain color around your glass. You let yourself fall back slightly into Chepe’s embrace, putting some of your weight on him. You share some stories about Pacho’s favorite clubs in New York, how you have to change entry port from now on after the last DEA bust, and how the margins are still going up even though.
‘’ You want another? ‘’ Chepe leans towards you, softly speaking the words in your ear, nodding to your empty cup,
‘’ I’d love that. ‘’ you say back, turning, nose almost catching his, ‘’ Maybe white this time, please? ‘’
‘’ Por supuesto, reina. ‘’
You don’t miss how Pacho’s eyes flicker back for a second on Chepe as he leaves. Pacho clears his throat, looking at you over his whiskey,
‘’ So, ‘’ he starts, ‘’ Favorite partner, favorite reina. ‘’
You nod, sending a smile his way, playful, trying to keep it civilized,
‘’ I’m his favorite lie detector too. I’m never wrong.‘’
Pacho laughs, thank god. He holds out his hand to you, and you put yours in his, giving it a nice shake,
‘’ You take care of him good? ‘’
His hand is firm in yours, he makes no move to withdraw, standing there, a step closer now. You get it then, why his handshake is so strong, why his eyes are sharp and serious, menacing. Brotherhood.
‘’ I do. ‘’ you stand your ground, hand unmoving, arm strong and chin up, ‘’ As he does to me. ‘’
He lets go of your hand as he turns to discard his drink, switching it for two champagne glasses that he swiftly takes from a nearby waiter,
‘’ Good. Good.‘’
You watch him look around, almost bored, unimpressed by all the festivities. Pacho takes a sip first, nodding in approval before holding up the second flute toward you for you to grab,
‘’ You know what I think, Y/N? ‘’
He smiles at you, knowing, sincere. He toasts the rim of his glass against yours, making a stream of bubbles burst from the bottom,
‘’ I think you and I will do great things around here. ‘’
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pascalispretty · 3 years
dial ‘n’ for narcos - one
The Colombian Correspondent
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Javier Peña x Female Reader
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Adult themes, references to death, references to violent crime, references to sex, swearing, smoking, drinking
Summary: A Narcos Film Noir AU. Javier Peña has returned to Colombia, and is determined to see justice handed down to the Godfathers of Cali. On his way, he meets a fresh-off-the-plane journalist with a tip burning her hole in her pocket that might just help him crack the Cali racket. (ao3)
¡Al Fin Cayó! The headline of El Tiempo declared, the blocky type seeping slightly into the thin paper where it had been exposed to the humidity. 
Or perhaps it had gotten damp in transit. The papers could take days to arrive at best; the Argentine headlines were almost always weeks out of date by the time they reached the office.
With a sigh, you spread out the paper on your narrow desk, trying not to smudge the ink any further. Below the headline, with all the subtlety and grace of a sledgehammer, was a photo of Escobar laid out on a slab, his mother at his head.
It was nice to know that the news game was a crass one wherever you were in the world.
The reports of Pablo Escobar’s death had crackled over the airwaves well over a week ago, though stories were conflicting.
The police shot him. An American did it. He shot himself.
Either way, Escobar was dead.
To your annoyance, the article was also scanty on the details, barely more than four paragraphs long. Even the cables that Sierra had managed to get through had been sparse, especially on what would happen now that he was dead.
You rapped your knuckles on the walnut wood of the desk before yanking the drawer open. There’s a mess of paper inside, scraps of telegrams and envelopes, unsent memos, and unused stamps.
Somewhere in there was your ticket out of here.
Buried somewhere in there is a letter from Sierra, prematurely aged by how often you’ve looked it over in the last few days.
You found it underneath a receipt for a cab and pored over it once more. Sierra Nimri had been The Telegraph’s Colombian correspondent ever since Pablo Escobar had become an international news story.
Now that he was dead, Teddy James wanted to pull her out of Colombia and rotate her into Cuba, to replace Harry Johnson there. Officially, Harry was getting bumped up to the Brussels gig; unofficially, the higher-ups were getting twitched about how much time he was spending with the commies.
Either way, Teddy James, Latin American Editor and nephew of the publisher, wanted Sierra in Cuba, and so she was going to Cuba. To his mind, her gig in Colombia was over.
You disagreed.
Sierra wrote to you from time to time, handwritten letters accompanying the typed manuscript pages of her latest article. Usually, it was just trivial; notes asking for more of an allowance for bribes or passing on gossip that didn’t have a place in the paper proper.
You’d been working for the Latin American desk of The Telegraph for almost two years now, and nothing had made you sit bolt upright in your rickety chair the way the last paragraph of Sierra’s last letter had.
At the start of the missive, she’d acknowledged Teddy’s request to ship her off to Cuba, but she was adamant that she be replaced in Colombia by another reporter.
Cocaine shipments were up, she argued. The Godfathers of Cali were the new big racket in town, and the paper needed a newshawk on the ground to keep an eye on things. 
There was also the sensational tip she had been given. 
She had been told by Andrés Pastrana that he had listened to a series of tapes that he called ‘narco-cassettes’. She had been told that what was on them was explosive. 
And then, before Pastrana could detonate whatever bombshell he had been about to drop, he’d vanished. 
His left index finger had washed up in the Cauca river, where the rest of him had doubtless been tossed. Now he was having his bones bleached by the water, his secret gone into the river along with him.
Still, it was the break you had been waiting for. You had spent years, first in school and then in various news offices, working your way up the totem pole. You were tired of covering congressional campaign breakfasts and pet pageants. 
Your time working the Latin American desk at The Telegraph had entailed little more than writing occasional updates on stories broken by the correspondents on the ground. From your tiny, cramped office by the stairs, you had read about assassinations and coups, about guerrillas in the jungles and juntas in the pampas. 
You were determined to get the Colombian gig, no matter what Teddy thought about it being a waste of money. 
With a long sigh, you ran your finger along the edge of the letter. Sierra’s writing looked like a spider had danced a jig in some ink, but you’re used to it by now. Holding the worn paper close to your heart, you pushed your chair back and stood up. 
Teddy usually strolled back in from his liquid lunch with the sports editor around two; it was ten past now, and the best time you could think of to argue your case. Hoping the alcohol has done its job on your boss, you took a deep, steadying breath, and stepped out of the office. 
Pastrana had been an important guy, a presidential candidate. Escobar was dead, and all of his men were either pinched or offed; it had to mean Pastrana had found out something serious about Cali. They were more or less the only narco game left in town, certainly the only ones with enough pull to murder a potential president.
There was a story in there somewhere, you could feel it. You needed to see for yourself if you could shake anything loose, and you were past positive that you could talk Teddy into letting you replace Sierra. 
You just had to hope you didn’t end up dumped in the river yourself for your troubles.  
* * * 
Javier Peña tugged at the collar of his shirt with one hand as he drove, trying to loosen it slightly. Before starting his new job as the DEA attaché in Colombia, he had bought fresh clothes. It had seemed like a gig that required a little more formality than his usual jeans and short-sleeved shirts offered. 
So, before he had left Laredo, he’d done a little shopping, feeling ridiculous as he trailed around the store and dodged men whose wives had clearly dragged them inside for fresh duds. 
Still, he was glad to be back in Colombia. The idea of a few weeks at home had seemed tempting at first, especially after his brush with the DEA brass. 
The wedding was what had made him come back to Colombia early. It had been a painfully awkward affair, people that Javi hadn’t seen in years rushing to shake his hand and call him a hero for helping win the War on Drugs. 
They’d been wrong on both counts.
It almost felt like a relief to pull into the parking lot of the grey hunk of concrete that housed the US Embassy in Bogotá, where people were a little more in touch with the reality of what the US was doing in Colombia.
Stoddard, his new deputy, met him at the door and quickly shattered any hope Javier had that his staff was savvier than the general public. It was like being right back at the wedding; people were practically lining up to shake his hand and ask him about Escobar.
He got rid of them as quickly as he could without being openly rude, sending the kid off to find the boxes of files kept on the Cali cartel. 
It was only when he was ensconced in his office, away from the whispers and stares of the new blood that had been rotated into his department, that he felt more at home. Once the door was closed, and the blinds were down, he was free to surround himself with paper, slip off his jacket, and settle down to work. 
The glass of scotch he’d liberally poured for himself helped too. 
From among the paper and photographs, a better image of the Cali cartel started to emerge. 
They were a bunch of slick bastards, with carefully maintained fronts. 
Gilberto and Miguel Rodríguez Orejuela were businessmen of renown in Cali, and Colombia more broadly. Gilberto had graduated from being chairman of the board for Banco de Trabajadores to setting up his own bank, First InterAmericas Bank. 
Together, they also ran a chain of drugstores, donated handsomely to their favourite football team, owned a phone company based out of Cali, and still found the time to run the largest drug cartel in history. 
They were slightly less brazen than Pablo Escobar had been; Pablo had claimed his immense wealth had originated in a firm that loaned out bicycles before he graduated up to a taxi firm. At least the brothers had more obvious sources of wealth
The brothers had two business partners; Chepe Santacruz Londoño, who handled New York operations, and Pacho Herrera, who officially helped run the drugstores, and unofficially ran security for the brothers. He also apparently owned nightclubs and bars all over, a gunsel who was drawn irrepressibly to the nightlife. 
There was an op running in Cali tonight; they’d found a brother of a cartel dealer who’d been willing to cut a deal. Two agents had fitted him up for surveillance and sent him in as a waiter to some shindig the cartel was throwing. 
It felt strange to Javier to not be there overseeing it personally. He was used to being on the ground, not up in some fancy, newly renovated office made almost entirely of glass. 
“Stoddard!” Javi called, rubbing his eyes. The words were starting to swim on the pages, and he wasn’t entirely sure if that was down to the lateness of the hour or the amount of scotch he’d consumed. 
When there was no answer, he stood and pulled the glass door of his office open, the blinds swinging violently at the motion. 
“Stoddard?” He asked, but it was an empty gesture. The hallways beyond his office were dark; his staff had all left him for the night. 
With a look back over his shoulder, Javi decided to call it a night as well. His new office was a mess of paperwork and boxes already, and now that he was up and shaking the stiffness from his legs, he couldn’t imagine sitting at the low, unforgiving couch in his office again. He itched for a cigarette, but he did his best to fight the urge. 
Instead, he decided to indulge in his only remaining vice and headed for the nearest bar. 
Not far from the embassy was La Social, its name broadcast in bright neon blue above the door. It was a frequent haunt of embassy staff; Javi could remember many hours spent in here with Murphy, talking theories over a cold beer. 
Javier slipped the noose of the tie from around his throat as he walked in, and almost instantly wanted to walk back out. Clustered around a table by the window were his new team, Stoddard holding court at the head of the table. 
Before Javi could make good his escape, Stoddard noticed him, and the cute brunette Javi had clocked earlier. Time was, Javi would have tried to get her into bed. But he was older now, and his run-in with Lorraine in Laredo had thrown him off his game. 
Besides, too many of his mistakes in Colombia had been caused by his weakness for women. Better to avoid that temptation entirely than to risk another Helena, another Elisa, another Maritza. He didn’t need some pretty twist clouding his judgment this time around.
Instead, Javi shrugged his jacket off and took a seat at the bar. Whiskey would see him through, his most reliable partner.
“Hey, boss. Do you mind if we buy you a drink?” He offers, with an earnestness that Javi hasn’t seen in a long time. Was Murphy ever like that? Had Javi been, when he’d first stepped off the plane in Bogotá? The bartender set down the glass of whiskey Javi had ordered, and he took it gratefully. 
“No, thanks.” They’re all too green; he wondered what Ivy League criminology course the DEA had recruited Stoddard from. The kid seemed a little deflated by Javi’s rejection. Perhaps he had hoped for stories of dramatic gunfights with Escobar’s men, of foiled car bombings and cocaine raids. 
If Stoddard was going to survive down here, he had to get used to disappointment. 
Javi finished his first whiskey and ordered another. That itch to smoke was back; he’d spent so many nights in here, with Murphy or Carrillo, smoking until his throat hurt and talking about La Catedral or how to force Escobar out of his hole. 
Murphy was gone, playing happy families with Connie and Olivia in Miami. 
Carrillo was dead, his widow back in Madrid with her son. 
So Javier drank alone, and tried to ignore the desire for nicotine. A glance over his shoulder told him that the cute brunette from earlier was still sneaking peeks at him, and he tried to talk himself out of it. Sleeping with his staff would be a bad look for the new DEA attaché on his first day. 
Just as he was about to slip off his barstool and talk to her, he found the seat beside him being pulled out and occupied. 
Not by a cute brunette; by an overweight, balding man who looked fresh out of the jungle, still in khaki pants and heavy boots. 
“Pretty girl. Poor taste in men though.” Stechner said, making himself comfortable in the seat beside Javier. “It’s nice to see you back, Agent Peña.” Javi very much doubted that. Ever since Stechner’s appointment as the CIA station chief down here, he’d rubbed Javi up the wrong way, and the feeling had apparently been mutual. 
“Heard you signed off on me coming back.” Javi said, trying not to let his surprise show. It had taken him by surprise to hear it, especially after the CIA man had put the skids under Messina. Not that Javi had liked Messina, but there was something that rankled about the CIA being able to dispense with his former boss. 
“Did indeed. You’re no sap, Peña; you know what the deal is down here. You know Escobar wasn’t a win, no matter how much the brass back home said it was. The same, please.” Stechner ordered his drink with the same casual tone as he spoke to Javi. 
It was the tone of a man confident that he was always seven steps ahead of whoever he was talking to, and it made Javi grit his teeth.
“The fuck is that supposed to mean?” Javi would get into incalculable trouble for starting a barfight with the CIA station chief, but it was an enjoyable thought nevertheless. His steady calm was in direct opposition to the rising annoyance that was trying to crawl its way up Javi’s throat.
He almost missed the days when Steve had been the loose cannon; it had forced him to be more measured. 
“What was accomplished, Javier? Thousands of Colombians died, and coke’s still flooding American streets by the ton.” Stechner took his drink from the bartender and took a slow sip. 
“Oh, come on. You don’t care about American streets or dead Colombians.” Point of fact, Javi doubted Stechner cared much about anything. At that, Stechner gave a mirthless little chuckle. 
“Point being, Peña, we can’t afford another bloodbath. No swallowing the spider to catch the fly this time. America has plans for Colombia; blood in the water will just gum up the works.” Stechner said this like it was the most obvious thing in the world, that somehow Javier had been responsible for the bloodbath and it had now fallen to William J. Stechner to tidy up after him. 
“So what’s the play?” 
“Surrender. The negotiations are all silk so far, and has the seal of approval from those muckety-mucks in DC.” 
“And these fucking guys just breeze?” 
“After handing over the keys to the biggest coke racket in history. Hell, the biggest racked in history full stop. Far as I’m concerned, the DEA can even take the credit.” As gestures go, it’s as hollow as a log, and it’s all Javier can do to stop himself from rolling his eyes. 
“So what do you need me for?”
“The dashing DEA agent who took down Escobar? Helps to have a hero along for the ride. The godfathers’ will serve some time, most likely.” There was that word again, hero. Coming from Stechner, it just sounds like an insult, and Javi isn’t sure if that’s worse.
“And that’s enough for you? Sending them up the river for a spell?” 
“If there were any justice in this world, Javier, you’d be in jail. That op your guys are running in Cali tonight? It’ll come up snake eyes. All you’ll get for the trouble of going after Cali are more stiffs.” With that, Stechner drained what was left of his drink and left, with a pat of Javi’s shoulder that smacked with condescension. 
Javier had every intention of making tracks, the bar no longer feeling so welcoming. He truly meant to, finishing his own drink and tucking a few bills under the empty glass. But then, as he stood, he caught the eye of the cute brunette. 
* * *
It had been a struggle for you not to press your nose up against the window of the cab as you were driven through Bogotá that first night that you arrived. On its high plateau in the Andes, Bogotá was cooler than you had anticipated, a look of rain in some of the clouds up above. 
Part of you wanted to send the cab ahead with your luggage so you could roam the streets for yourself. Neon lights glittered everywhere, people spilled out of bars and night markets and onto the pavements, the whole city so vibrantly alive in front of you. 
You had only read about it in Sierra’s dispatches; seeing it for yourself was another experience entirely, and you didn’t want to waste a single second of it. 
The car paused in traffic, and you stared out of your window at the bar directly across from you. A neon blue sign flickering above the door revealed it as La Social. You wanted to climb out, to go to the bar and order yourself a drink and start exploring immediately. 
But before you could work up the courage to jump out of the car, the traffic started moving again, carrying you closer to your destination. 
The Telegraph had leased an apartment for Sierra not far from the US Embassy, a two-bedroom affair that sounded far nicer than your own tiny apartment that you barely afforded on your meagre salary. Still, the paper was footing the bills, so you were happy to take advantage while you could. 
From the bag next to you, you pulled out the new leather notebook you had bought and squinted at the notes you had made in the light of the streetlamps you passed. 
What was on the tapes worth killing Pastrana for? 
Who has them now? 
It wasn’t much. But it was a start.
Taglist: @lannister-slings-and-arrows, @zeldasayer, @coffeeandtodd, @lokiaddicted, @yespolkadotkitty, @steeeeeeeviebb, @pascalisthepunkest​, @pascalesque​ . Let me know if you would like to be tagged!
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artemiseamoon · 4 years
Mr. Silver
Modern! Chepe Santacruz x F reader
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Narcos Modern AU One shot 
Rating: Adult 18 +  | Warnings: None  | Words: 1,491  | Gif: Me
Summary: It’s been months since you and Chepe met at a nightclub in NYC. As your affair progresses, both of you realize keeping it light was never really in the cards.
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“No names.”
The two words that started it all months ago.
It was a chilly night in NYC when you met. You went out with your girlfriends to dance away the week's stresses. Picking up a guy was the last thing on your mind that night, until you saw him.
Your first encounter with him was in passing. The second-floor lounge was out of your price range, but the club manager had a crush on your friend and was pulling out all the stops. Instead of partying on the main floor as usual, he gave you the VIP package. On the way to your table, you heard Chepe's baritone voice before you saw him. And as you passed his table, you locked eyes with the handsome man; one look from him stirred something deep inside of you.
Chepe was seated in the middle with a woman on either side of him, a redhead to his left, a blonde to his right. He was dressed in a fine suit with expensive shoes and looked like a million bucks. Even as the women whispered in his ear, their hands roaming the fabric of his suit over his chest, all he looked at was you. You flashed a sly smile his way, then looked forward, jumping back into the ongoing conversation with your friends.
As the night went on, and you danced until your feet hurt, the handsome stranger never left your thoughts. The steamy gazes and hungry looks continued through the night. At one point, while you were dancing, you looked his way to find him already observing you. A small smile curved his lips as he watched your dance, and the way those sultry brown eyes moved over your body made your heartbeat ever faster than it already was.
A few times you even noticed his dates gossiping among themselves whenever they noticed he was paying attention to you, and not them. Not that it mattered, they could talk all they want. You focused on having a good time and savoring the way the stranger admired you.
It was a little later in the night when you finally spoke to the stranger. You headed to the main floor for a little while, then went to the bar to get a drink. Just as you put in your order, you felt someone stand at your side.
"Put it on my tab,"
You looked over your shoulder and smirked at him.
"Whatever she wants," he said as you locked eyes.
"How nice of you," you leaned over the bar, still focused on him, "what if I order the most expensive thing on the shelf?"
"You should. Why not enjoy the best life has to offer?"
You watched him lean in, closer to you and narrowing the space between your bodies. "Well, since it's on your tab."
As you picked up your drink, you took a sip, holding his gaze as you did. He smiled and chuckled warmly. When you put the drink down, he offered his hand to you.
"Dance with me."
You touched the collar of his shirt and gave it a little tug, "Is that a question or an order?"
He took your hand, leading you to the dance floor.
"What about your dates?"
He shrugged, "I'm not interested in them, just you."
You were going to say something else, but as your bodies started to move with the music, you found yourself speechless. You moved together effortlessly, and his hands felt familiar, like they've always belonged there.
After a few songs, his whispered into your ear, “Tell me your name beautiful?”
“No names.” You say, feeling playful and adventurous, “No names.”
You've never done something like this before, but always wanted to. And a handsome rich man in a suit that likely costs more than anything in your closet, well, he would be the perfect person to do it with.
Your suggestion made him smile. He pulled your closer and asked, “That’s what kind of game this is?”
“Yes,” you answered, “If you tell me anything about you, I’ll leave.”
“Well then, I’ll be on my best behavior.”
"Good. We could use code names." You looked down at his suit again, then the very expensive silver watch on his wrist. "I'll call you Mr. Silver."
He kissed your shoulder, then your neck and whispered against your skin, "anything you want Princessa." He cupped the side of your face and moved in for a kiss.
You barely made it one more song before he whisked you away to the fanciest hotel room you've ever seen, with the kind of views of the city you've only seen in movies. Mr. Silver did not disappoint, and what you hoped for based off his dancing was more than true in the bedroom.
That morning, as you ate a decadent breakfast, you and Mr. Silver made a pact. Code names only, and no spying on each other to keep the mystery alive. You would meet here once every two weeks and he would make the reservation.
As the weeks passed by, your curiosity about him grew, but you didn't cheat, and you kept your questions to yourself. And the days you almost gave in, you didn't even know where to look, he even checked in under the name "Mr. Silver". You thought about asking the club manager who he was but practiced some restraint.
What started as just sex followed by breakfast in the morning usually ended with you leaving and going back to your life. Then, you started to stay longer, same as he. It was getting even harder to part ways and soon your hookups were followed by late checkouts and lunch dates. You even went out to dinner a few times and took a stroll in the park after your last meeting. What started as a biweekly thing soon became too long to wait and you started seeing each other more frequently.
In a weird way, without giving details about your life, or huge clues about your identities, you became closer. Mr. Silver was a gift giver. It started on the second meetup, and he was spoiling the shit out of you. Everything from jewelry to lingerie to clothes. It was really easy to get used to this kind of treatment, and you found yourself falling for the man.
You figured whatever he did, his work hours were unpredictable. Sometimes your meetings had to be rescheduled because he had to work. Sometimes you'd wait just 1 day to see each other, or up to two weeks depending on what he had going on.
You realized you were in too deep on the morning you woke up alone at home, and wished he was laying there beside you. You imagined eating breakfast together in your kitchen. You imaged going on dates and coming home to each other at night. Though you're already seeing a lot of each other, you wanted more, but had no idea if he did too.
When you passed the three-month mark, Mr. Silver went quiet after a brief call. A job called him away and he wasn't sure when he was coming back. You understood, but it also made your heart sink. He promised to see you as soon as he could, and as one week turned into two, you wondered if you should end things to save yourself from a possible heartbreak.
You didn't even know his name. How could you fall for the guy? What if it was still just sex for him?
That pesky voice got the best of you and when your next meeting was set, you intended to have a good time, then tell him it was over.
You got to the hotel first. After a shower, you changed clothes and sat outside on the balcony to enjoy the view and try to calm your nerves.
Were you overthinking this?
Should you just ask him how he feels?
It was his idea when you started meeting once a week, he suggested it, so that means something, right?
When Mr. Silver arrived, he looked good enough to eat.
"Sorry Princessa, work held me over." He revealed a gift box and flowers from behind him while wearing that handsome smile of his.
"You're spoiling me," you greeted him with a kiss, then took the box.
"I'm back in town for good, I just landed this this afternoon." he kissed you again, then gestured to the box. He loved watching the look on your face as you opened gifts.
You winked at him then took the box to the table. You started to open it, then stopped. Your need for answers becoming more important.
Mr. Silver picked up on your mood shift, “what's wrong Querida?"
You stared at him as you collected your thoughts, trying to pick a place to start, then blurted out, “Tonight is our last night together.”
A somber look washed over his face, "why?"
You sank into the seat at the table, "I-I think it's for the best.”
He dropped his head for a moment, thinking, then went over to you and kneeled down to be eye level with you.
Mr. Silver took your hand into his, “You’re afraid.”
“I’m not afraid of anything." Growing defensive, you started to pull away from him, but he just pulled you closer to him. Your thoughts continued to spiral. "You won't miss me. You clearly have plenty of options." You wished you could take the words back and didn't know why insecurity and worry were getting the best of you, but you couldn't stop yourself.
He was visibly confused, but not deterred. He rested his hands on your thighs while looking you right in the eye, “Options? That’s where you're wrong. I stopped seeing anyone else months ago.”
You didn’t expect that. The confession made you sit up as you stared at him.
"Princessa, it's just you," he said softly, remaining calm. He lowered his head to kiss your left knee, then your right, "I don’t need to know your name to know I want you, only you.”
"I-" you started then stopped, words escaping you. "I didn't know."
"Are you seeing anyone else?" he asked.
You shook your head no, "no, just you."
He smiled, "see, what are you so worried about?" his laugher was warm and comforting as he pulled out the other chair and sat next to you. "I know what I want. Tell me, honestly, what do you want?" He leaned in closer and held your hand.
“I - “
“Don’t listen to the fear, listen here,” he placed his hand over your heart.
“I don’t want this to end.”
"We are just beginning.” He smiled as he caressed the side of your cheek with this hand. “I’m going to tell you my name. You will tell me yours. Then, I’m taking you out on a date. I'm showing off my girl to the world.”
“I like that.” You smiled back at him just before he kissed you. As the kiss deepened, any fears and worries fell away, and you looked forward to your future with the man formally known as Mr. Silver.
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cositapreciosa · 3 years
As always it's the fictional, not the real deal, enjoy xx
Amado Carillo Fuentes
Affection - Amado Carillo Fuentes x reader
By proxy - Amado Carillo Fuentes x female!reader
Ismael 'El Mayo' Zambada
Safehouse - Ismael 'El Mayo' Zambada x reader
Como La Flor - Ismael 'El Mayo' Zambada x reader
Burning Bridges - Ismael 'El Mayo' Zambada x gn!reader
Brown eyes - Pacho Herrera x reader
Colombian gold - Pacho x gn!reader
Juro Que - Joaquin 'Chapo' x reader
Arturo 'Kitty' Paez
In training - Arturo ' Kitty ' Paez x reader
Salvaje - Arturo 'Kitty' Paez x female!reader
Head first - Arturo 'Kitty' Paez x female!reader
Rafa Quintero
Nightcall - Rafa Quintero x gn!reader
Eduardo Sandoval
Rain season - Eduardo Sandoval x reader
Mañana por la mañana - Eduardo Sandoval x gn!reader
Chepe Santacruz
Red lipstick - Chepe Santacruz x female!reader
Javier Peña
Honey - Javier Peña x gn!reader
Jhon 'El Límon' Burges
Mamita - Jhon 'El Límon' Burges x reader
Gustavo Gaviria
Bittersweet - Gustavo Gaviria x reader
No title yet - Pacho x GN!Reader final result here
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artemiseamoon · 4 years
Yellow: A Narcos Mexico Oneshot
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Chepe x You (female reader)
Summary: He loved that damn thing; it was big, puffy, and yellow.
Warnings: None, it’s fluffy & playful w/ a reader who loves Chepe | Credit: Gif by me
Notes: I of course do not condone the actions of the real life persons. This is fan fiction based on the show and the handsome actors playing the characters.
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Chepe was such a handsome man, you couldn’t understand what would possess him to buy such an ugly coat. You were in the store with him when he bought it.
"This one."
When he smiled at you, you smiled too. Not because you liked his coat.
You took a step back and crossed your arms, eying his very questionable choice. “Baby, it’s yellow. Very yellow.”
“I know.” He replied with a wink.
As the weeks passed, you noticed something happening; the yellow coat was growing on you, just a little.
You were only waiting for him about 5 minutes when you saw it, that big yellow puff coming your way.
"I guess if you have to see it enough, it hurts less." You joked as Chepe kissed you.
“I thought you hate it.”
“I do, it’s ugly.”
“Come on, “he leaned in, “you like it.”
“I do not like it. But, maybe, it’s growing on me just a little bit. Un poco.”
Chepe drew you into his arms and kissed you. “I told you it’d grow on you.” He whispered after the kiss.
“Dios Mio,” you rolled your eyes, "I take that back. I completely hate it again.”
He chuckled then led the way home, his arm around your shoulders as you walked.
“Te amo, mi amor.”
“Yo también, even in that ugly coat.”
Chepe's deep laugh warmed your body even further as you snuggled closer to him.
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