#cherilyn “cherry”
cherrywbb-art · 6 months
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Hello dearies! 🌷
I haven't saw you all since last year, how are u feeling? Was 2023 a good year for you? I hope so!
I've been planning alot of stuff this year both for my wbb content and my original content. And for my first post of the year here's a ref sheet of the bear bros and my Oc's
I will explain more about them in my future posts, so stay alert!
Height Chart:
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magic-can · 2 years
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they both get it for real
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stephenstotchhh · 11 months
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Cherry and Kiwi
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lunarnoid · 6 months
:3 I have an offering to the general Lackadaisy fandom
And more specifically the OC side of the fandom
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This is my character, Cherilyn Sylvie Odette Nevers (her last name isn't pronounced how it's spelt).
She was born in Lewiston, Maine, USA on October 7th, 1902 at 7:07am. She is 25 years old as of 1927
She is a third generation immigrant from France and her first language was French.
She has a very complicated relationship with her parents and ran away from home at 19 to escape her mother and all the bullshit surrounding that.
I decided to make her love interest Zib. They start off hating eachother, then go into denying their feelings for eachother until they reach the point where denial would just be nonsensical (Rivals to Lovers.)
For all intents and purposes, Cherry came about accidentally, I was using her as a sona at first before she decided to take on a life of her own. I would get into her backstory but I think I need to reevaluate some aspects and tweak them abit before releasing that into the wild wild web.
I hope you all enjoy her as much as I do ✨
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lemonadecabaret · 5 months
OPEN TO : m / f / nb PROMPT : legit just wanted to use older cherry - info here. general idea is that someone is taking advantage of her charitable nature by asking for her help when in reality they want to 'help' her. CONNECTIONS : tab*o, stepc*st, colleague, student at the college where she works, someone from one of the rehabilitation programs she volunteers at, husband's family/friend, neighbor, stalker, etc. whatever works!
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"I - I do want to. I want to help you —" She hates how breathless she sounds, shaken and overwhelmed by the proximity of their body to her own. Every inhale is filled with oxygen straight from their lungs, the infiltration of the redhead's personal space so heinous that trying to turn her face away would cause their noses to brush. Stupid! Stupid, stupid, stupid! "I just don't think I'm the most - most qualified person..." Cherilyn should have known better; she should have said something after they'd closed her door despite reminding them that it needed to stay open.
"If you'll just come with me," she tries softly, attempting to sidestep around them. "We can figure out what you actually need."
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lemonadearchived · 3 years
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FULL NAME: Cherilyn “Cherry” Evangeline Hargrove FACECLAIM: Abigail Cowen AGE RANGE: 18 to 24 Years Old GENDER: Cis Female ( She / Her Pronouns ) SEXUALITY: Bisexual ( Leans Towards Men ) RELIGION: Christian — Baptist ( Has viewpoints that break away from traditional scripture and teachings. Ultimately remains deeply spiritual but eventually becomes nondenominational. ) DEFINING TRAITS: Spiritual, Innocent, Competitive, Diligent, Doting, Witty, Ambitious, Adventurous, Flexible, Playful, Athletic, Teasing OCCUPATION / TITLES: Student ( Early Childhood Education Major, Part of Honors College ), Part-Time Daycare Attendant, Church Camp Counselor ( Ages 18 -20 ), Prior Miss Teen USA ( Won at 15 ), In the Circuit / Running to Compete in Miss USA, Cheerleader ( College & Professional ), Volunteer ( Women’s Shelters, Hospitals, Animal Shelters, etc. ), Undefeated Tennis Champion at her Parents’ Country Club. Probably in a couple of embarrassing commercials and ads that her mother forced her into as a child. 
EXPERIENCE     ■ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □   STRENGTH        ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ □ □ □ STAMINA             ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ DURABILITY      ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ VERSATILITY      ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ □ □ INTELLIGENCE   ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ □
KINKS - This is not a comprehensive list, just ask lol
Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Rope Play, Bondage ( she can break lighter restraints - not necessarily intentional, girl just doesn’t know her own strength till it’s tested ) , Being Spanked ( hand, paddle, etc. ), Being Choked, Oral, Overstimulation, Begging, Forced Confessions, Rough / Physically Taxing Sex, Bruising / Non-Scarring Marking, Biting / Being Bitten, Claiming, Possessive Sex, Risky Sex ( Cherry is not on birth control at the start of anything, she has no reason to be. ), Sex in Risky / Potentially Dangerous Places, Sex in Holy Places, Consensual Roleplay of Nonconsensual Fantasies / Dubcon (with plotting - also pretty much the only time she’s into verbal degradation), Predatory Games, Lap / Pole Dancing, Strip Teases, Anal, Double Penetration, Uncommon Positions, Flexibility Training, Toy Implementation, Wax, Electrostimulation, Praise, Aftercare. Food Play, Letting her be obnoxiously affectionate after all the depraved shit.
Cherry is most often written as a virgin due to a combination of religious beliefs, a general lack of interest ( read: boredom ) in conventional relationships / the attentions of her standard peer group, and a workaholic nature. While Cherry is uncommonly kind to everyone, she’s not exactly open or genuinely friendly. It’s a bit like she’s always holding back, but she makes it exceptionally hard for anyone to tell from a casual glance.
Cherry is submissive but she’s also a motivator. Blame the cheerleader in her! Cherry lowkey has a smart mouth that will inevitably become more vocal in a sexual relationship. She will also do things or act in subtly manipulative ways ( usually under the guise of innocence / curiosity ) to get what she wants, though it’s undoubtedly just as good for her partner. Cherry, above all else, is a people pleaser.
Cherry's curiosity is unparalleled. Once Pandora’s Box has been opened, this girl basically wants to know everything that’s in it. There’s very little that she won’t try at least once and the more strenuous it is on her, the more likely she is to like it. First off, redheads have a higher pain threshold and, let’s just be honest, Cherry is no stranger to putting her body/muscles under strain for that nice burning feeling. She’s fit, athletic, competitive af, and can withstand more than anyone would think from looking at her.
Cherry probably requires a prior connection. She’s not out here seeking casual encounters because she just doesn’t have the time and, honestly, it’s just not the sort of thing that fits in her lifestyle/public image. Like I said before, curiosity is a big motivator for our girl, so if she’s had the chance to watch someone or build up some tension then she’s more likely to feel the motivation to act on it. That isn’t to say she requires an emotional connection to have sex because she doesn’t. She just needs to know who she’s fucking / have a foundational basis for why she wants to fuck them.
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chvrrys · 3 years
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( cis woman | she/her | bahar şahin ) —— isn’t that CHERILYN ‘CHERRY’ VALENTINE? yeah that is them, sitting there at the RAVENCLAW table with those other SEVENTH years. when sybill looks into that crystal ball of hers, she sees lipstick kisses on dinner napkins, the bittersweet smell of dark chocolate, rolled up sleeves of an oversized cable-knit sweater, ornate old fashioned rings on each finger, a bouquet of wilting flowers, and the smoke left behind a blown-out candle which seems about right for that NINETEEN year old. anyway i’ve heard they’re pretty ARTICULATE, CONDEMNATORY, and SERAPHIC. apparently they’re NEUTRAL and HALFBLOOD but i’m sure that’s not related…
along the likes of: rue (the hunger games), wendy darling (peter pan), c-3po (star wars saga), cassandra lang (marvel’s ant man), dani clayton (the haunting of bly manor), bonnie bennett (the vampire diaries), lexi howard (euphoria).
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ofdcydreams · 3 years
closed / @rvmovrs​​
location: yasmine’s new flat
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         ❝  i  know  it’s  not  that  much ,  but  it’s  all  i  could  afford  for  now . ❞  yasmine  defends  the  aged  space  to  her  sister ,  giving  cherilyn  a  desperate  look  that  she’d  understand  that  it  was  very  much  needed  that  she  got  a  place  of  her  own .  there  came  a  time  when  living  with  their  two  mothers  and  siblings  of  various  backgrounds  became  a  burden ,  one  that  yasmine  did  not  find  that  she  had  to  bear  any  more  now  she  had  been  marked .   ❝  it’s  home  ,  cherry .  and  it  can  easily  be  yours  too ,  only  if  you’d  like .  ❞
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my version of chick figures. theyre both lesbians (but not with each other)!!!!!!! cherry is red and blues daughter and iris is pink and staceys daughter
theyre roommates like red and blue were
more info below bc i want. to Ramble
ok so!!! for iris her real name is just. iris. her favorite animal is a bunny. shes kind, nervous, introverted, but over time learns to get past that and stick up for herself whenever shes wronged. shes mature and knowledgeable like pink but is also not opposed to just laying back and letting things happen like stacey (most of the time). she loves painting and listens to shoegaze a lot!! she doesnt really like drinking or smoking but doesnt mind smoking weed every once in awhile
for cherry, she is Off The Walls. shes intelligent like blue and is not sex-crazed like red, but shes just... really random. she doesnt believe in following the rules nor being a leader, and instead considers herself a rogue. her favorite animal is a cat! cherry is pretty much the opposite of iris (except for the kind part, shes more kind when she wants to be or when others are kind to her). she knows how to play the electric guitar and loves industrial metal/rock. she also smokes weed, more often than iris, but doesnt drink
some factz!
iris is 5′4, cherry is 5′8
they went to school together all throughout their years
cherry is half-alien bc of red (i know the creators said that technically red isnt an alien but just went to space and got superpowers but whatever my city now), so she can float midair
cherry’s real name is cherilyn
iris is not a morning person, believe it or not
they both like to travel
iris brings home too many plants
one time cherry gave iris poprocks when she was having really bad anxiety to make her think it was something thatd calm her down. obviously, this made it worse (it was in middle school and cherry got in trouble bigtime for it)
also i made my own chick figures bc just... i lov the original but it wasnt very appealing to me? it was more about Getting Through Adulthood and didnt have a whole lot of the same elements dick figures had. which with this i want 2 change and make it less about Adulting and more like Fuckin Around
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jorlaudanrino-bct · 4 years
Project Bibliography
[ Written Individually ]
The following are the sources for all the research, inspiration and tools we have used. These may differ across the group as we conducted different research.
Initial Topic Research
Cohut, M. (2018, July 27). Mass Hysteria: An epidemic of the mind? Retrieved March 6, 2020, from Medical News Today: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322607
Wessely, S. (1987). Mass Hysteria: Two syndromes? Psychological Medicine, 17, 109-120. doi:10.1017/S0033291700013027
Cherry, K. (2020, January 16). How to Recognise and Avoid Groupthink. Retrieved March 7, 2020, from Very Well Mind: https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-groupthink-2795213
Business, M. S. (2018, December 18). YouTube. Retrieved March 7, 2020, from Ethics Defined: Groupthink: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOX79tmDox4 
Cherilyn Ireton, J. P. (2018). Journalism, fake news & disinformation: handbook for journalism education and training. UNESCO Publishing. Retrieved March 2020, 9
BYOD General Research
Nicol, T. (2019, August 19). The place of technology in New Zealand’s classrooms. Retrieved May 26, 2020, from Metro: https://www.metromag.co.nz/society/society-schools/the-place-of-technology-in-new-zealands-classrooms
Stock, R. (2019, January 11). Strategies for parents facing ‘BYOD’ school device spend-up. Retrieved May 26, 2020, from Stuff.co.nz: https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/money/109833314/strategies-for-parents-facing-byod-school-device-spendup
Gerristen, J. (2020, April 15). Covid-19 lockdown: Remote learning begins for New Zealand students. Retrieved May 26, 2020, from Radio New Zealand: https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/414313/covid-19-lockdown-remote-learning-begins-for-new-zealand-students
Gerritsen, J. (2020, April 20). Coronavirus: Principals warn students could fall behind with remote learning under Covid-19 lockdown. Retrieved May 26, 2020, from Stuff.co.nz: https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/education/121128422/coronavirus-principals-warn-students-could-fall-behind-with-remote-learning-under-covid19-lockdown
Stock, R. (2019, January 11). Strategies for parents facing ‘BYOD’ school device spend-up. Retrieved May 29, 2020, from Stuff.co.nz: https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/money/109833314/strategies-for-parents-facing-byod-school-device-spendup
Venture Market Research
Umali, Joel, (2020, June 12), Personal Communication Email
Venture Inspiration
Tools + Frameworks
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cherrywbb-art · 7 months
New Cherilyn Ref Sheet ⚘️
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poisedlily · 2 years
I prefer marigold, but it's the lily from the valley that you want.
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Hi, it's Cherilyn Avery Rostchild! You may call me Cherry, or Cher for short. In case you forgot where we crossed paths, you might meet me here.
Past handle(s)
RP accounts (inactive)
Past agencies
WRTH project 11/12 Ankany (Stratim, Agata Zielinski)
WRTH project 14 XOXO (Cherilyn Adelaide Galliard)
buriedchamber (RFG-508, Cherilyn Avery Rostchild)
HallsofIvy (LassSuzy)
BooksofOurs (joyietbs)
Penalcodes (suzy7pc/eunseo7pc)
ofYulje (AJWofYulje/Andrea)
elmatriarchy MR-V
wearestayc SM-I
rosebleuet, lachaume
thecirco, pns
titik koma
Galliard and Rostchild
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cheri-tale · 2 years
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Bonjour, meet Cherilyn!
Basic Information
Birth Name: Cherilyn Avery Rostchild
Nickname: Cher, Cherry
Birthplace: Bordeaux, France
Date of Birth: March 13th, 1921 (age 20)
Nationality: French
Occupation: Accessory maker, seamstress
Workplace: Bleu Blanc Rouge
Hair Color: Dark brown
Iris Color: Hazel
Laterality: Right
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 110 lbs
Blood Type: B
Father: Léon Joseph Rostchild
Mother: Amelie Margot Rostchild
Older sister: Ariadne Kanya Rostchild
Older brother: Alexandre Callum Rostchild
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cherry-log · 2 years
Cherry-log #001: The Cheriverse
To anyone who's watching: welcome to the first episode of cherry-log! 🎞 Honestly the main reason why I made these so-called vlogs are just to preserve my lovely Concordia High memories, like a modern time capsule. Wondering if anyone will ever be into the life story of a normie? No, I don't really care about the numbers, sweetie. 🧘🏻‍♀️
Here's little back story for anyone who cares. The name cheriverse was derived from my favorite French word ever (the only word I know except oui and baguette, tbh). It’s <chéri> which literally means 'beloved' and the word universe since these vlogs will revolve around me and only me! That's also an abbreviation for Cherry's universe. A TMI: my name Cherilyn came from the word chéri as well. 🥖
Enough with the tittle tattle, it's story time.
Hi, it's Cherilyn Adelaide Galliard, the energetic cherry of Concordia High! People call me Cherry, or Cher for short, but you can always call me mon chéri. 💋 Quoting from my mom's go-to all in one site 'Cosmopolitan', my Pisces sun makes me both secretive and expansive, magical and worldly, soulful and joyful. So, yes, living is hard. I was born in South Korea, 17.. almost 18 years ago. My mom's a South Korean astronomer and my dad's a normie American businessman. They met somewhere in Seoul when my dad had a business trip, fell in love, got married, and made me. I spent my entire childhood on my mom's hometown, Pohang, so I grew up learning Korean culture and language. I can even curse in Korean, don't try me!! My kinda Asian blood contributes to my one and only weakness (other than hot guys and girls 🥵), which is lactose intolerance. I never even have a spoon of ice cream.. or coffee latte in my entire life. Heart broken so many times.
On my 12th year of life, dad brought the whole family to the USA and that's when my life as an American girl begun. Concordia High, which is one of the most prestigious private schools in the USA, became my high school of choice. Well, there were struggles on my first days as their student. I spent a lot of time in Korea, and although I did study in a popular international school there, I'm not really familiar with the slangs or trends here. 🥲 Adapting is my hardest homework, not until Lorelai came to the rescue. She has been an important part of my story ever since. We became BFFs real quick! We are polar opposites in terms of personality, but we somehow have similar tastes? We even eyed on the same club since our freshmen year: cheerleaders squad.👯‍♂️ It became our first dream and (spoiler alert) we made it!! And of course, your Concordia High life wouldn't be complete if you haven't joined Clawscordian, the cult for hottest babes of Concordia. Lorelai and I promised that we will, by any means, join the cult once we turn junior. I sometimes took part in the pottery club's workshops because I like my cups self-made. Some of my friends call me 'Cherry Potter' because of my interest in pottery #punintended. Come on guys, it's also a form of art??? 🙄
I've once or twice posted pics of my kitties, Amber and Bizzy, on my socials. Not sure if people noticed, but I'm a proud cat butler! 🐈 Babies sure have a life more amazing than average people in this world. They literally have a private bedroom with a $1,000 cat condo I custom made and unlimited food supplies. Also a maid and a groomer that works only for them??? What a life.
As I've told you guys multiple times, I am half Korean that grew up in South Korea, so I love Korean cuisines A LOT. 🥟 Moving to the US makes it hard for me to find Korean restos that have the perfect kimchi stew taste, but every time my Korean soul kicks in, my dad would call our family's favorite private chef and he'd fly all the way from Seoul. Yum yum! Girlie's happy! 😋
I have a HUGE crush on Bruno Major. Like how can someone possibly be a lyrical genius, a brilliant musician, and a singer with perfect voice at the same time? 💗 His songs are literally so soothing and poetic, I feel like I fall in love everytime even when I broke up with my ex??? I LOVE all of the songs he ever dropped but 'Nothing' has one spesific spot inside my heart that no other song could ever replace. Because of my huge love for him, I lead a club for Bruno Major fans in Concordia High (haha hey.. DM me if you're interested, babes). 😉 Other than him, I casually listen to Taylor Swift's songs too. Reputation and Folklore are my recent faves! I also listen to a lot of Korean girlgroups and I can proudly say that guessing K-pop songs in 1 sec is my forte. I have my own Spotify playlist dedicated for them, which I usually play during workouts. 💪🏼
The title 'The Energetic Cherry' 🍒 was chosen from a list of possible titles because I feel like that's how I'd like to represent myself. I'm just a free-spirited girl who have a little too much energy and love for freedom. I opt for fun most of the times, but I know how to place myself on situations that has no fun included at all. Again, perks of being a Pisces. Key is: balance! Being part of Concordia is a once in a lifetime chance for me and I'll live my life here to the fullest. 💘
That'll be all for now. See ya soon, loves! Xoxo, Cherry.
Song: Kiss Me More by Doja Cat (ft. SZA)
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lemonadecabaret · 5 months
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okay, okay lol presenting older!cherry ( roughly ages 37-42 ) former miss united states, two-time world cheer champion, and current head coach of the university of georgia's cheerleading squad. aside from the occasional modeling job and contractually obligated public appearance, cherilyn (who has sadly dropped the cute nickname by now) also aids various advocacy programs, engages in public speaking, and volunteers in several youth/rehabilitation programs to give back to her community. if she is married then it's to someone safe and boring who hasn't been able to give her the family that she wants or the passion that she secretly craves.
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lemonadearchived · 3 years
open to : m / f / nb prompt : historical au where cherry was kidnapped during a raid / siege on her town / village and was taken directly to the royal harem due to the rarity of her particular shade of red hair. she caught the eye of your muse after being forced to dance at a festival in honor of the royals and has now been called to their chamber in the secretive dark of night. connection: royalty, royal advisor ( if you want the added taboo of touching the king/sultan’s property ), etc.
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Everything is still so foreign to the girl, like she’s stuck in the haze of some dream that’s equal parts glorious fantasy and horrifying nightmare. The palace itself is beautiful, just like the fabrics and laces that they keep her dressed in, and yet a gilded cage is no less a cage to a bird with wings itching to fly far into the horizon. Her soft steps carry her down the golden path, servants behind her to make sure that she follows all the protocols they’ve had to teach her in quite the rush. No one had expected Cherilyn to be called upon so soon and all their rules and regulations had been frantically thrust upon her while they’d prepared her bath and massaged fragrant oils into her creamy skin. 
She passes by the sentries guarding the doors of the chamber, stepping fully into the room before kneeling onto the marbled floor as she’s been instructed. Despite her own curiosity, she keeps her blue-green gaze trained upon the nervous hands folded in her lap, awaiting a word or a touch to guide her.
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