#ches 💕
thecanonboyfriend · 8 months
inspired by the one @clawfull made a while back.... man how time flies
the song is vending machine of love by the stupendium :]
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Body in pizzo nero. Piccoli assaggi di me, perché sì, stasera sono dolce, ma sono sempre una gattina con gli artigli 💕
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creaturina · 10 months
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Per ogni momento che m'hai regalato
E tutte le notti che m'hai tolto il fiato
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gotaholeinmysoull · 5 months
fidanzarmi con a mi ha fatto diventare la persona più fortunata al mondo
è la mia persona, la mia anima gemella, l’amore della mia vita, il mio migliore amico
è tutto ciò che ho sempre voluto e sognato
quando sto con lui il resto del mondo scompare, è come se fossimo nella nostra bolla di amore, felicità e stupidità. perché sì siamo due deficienti e ci divertiamo tantissimo insieme, diventiamo due bambini stra felici
pesa tantissimo non poterci vedere ogni volta che vogliamo per tutto il tempo che vogliamo, e non siamo persone pazienti quindi l’attesa è dura per noi
ma so che ne varrà la pena aspettare questi due/tre anni prima di vivere sotto lo stesso tetto, anche perché ci spero con tutta me stessa quindi amore vedi di armarti di tanta pazienza perché ce ne vorrà con me sempre fra i piedi🙇🏻‍♀️
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ah, to pin a guy on the floor, straddling him, and see how he can't help but grow flustered about it💕
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buscandoelparaiso · 8 months
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Pierpaolo Spollon • déluge magazine
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scara-meow-che · 1 year
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀It's my 2 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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 ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁ @scara-meow-che posted : omfg, user scara-meow-che is now officially two years old 😭 i remembered creating this account to bully childe bcs he didn't come home on my old genshin acc and here we are now 🥲 even if i took a whole year of hiatus, this blog still stays strong and wild as it were before >< thank you for those who stayed and had continued engaging to my works and shitposts.
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«Finire la carriera a Bergamo? Si, qua sono molto felice. Mi sento bergamasco, e ho imparato anche qualche parole in dialetto».
Martino Dirono, Bergamasco e sindaco di Bergamo! 🖤💙🥰
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thecanonboyfriend · 9 months
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ches: he/him
me (jack): he/him ( trying out !! )
edit: made the reference of myself on picrew :o)
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violeblanche · 2 years
sto male dentro questo space è entrato matteo barzaghi
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gotaholeinmysoull · 3 months
vorrei essere nel letto con lui nudi sotto il lenzuolino con la sua mano tra le mie gambe a farmi le carezzine
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for once, I'd love all the classic romance that comes with valentine's. roses, being swept off my feet and the like 💕
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inkyself · 3 months
Ciao te lo dico proprio con tutto l'ammore del mondo che sto per andare ad aggiungere una parola sulla blacklist della mia dash di Tumblr per la prima volta, ed esatto è proprio iwtv, non solo per causa tua ma anche, questo non per dire che dovresti smettere, please keep living your best life, I am not a hater, mi faceva solo ridere, ciao 💕
Non hai idea sto ridendo da dieci minuti per questa ask HAHAHAHAHAHA grazie anon you made my pausa studio <3
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buscandoelparaiso · 1 year
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softceleste · 1 year
4&5 of each section for the body count ask meme 👀👀 ❤️
Gonna stick with the Mak answers too for this ask but... 👀
📝Let's get personal 📝
Reality TV ain't all Reality.... what's a trope that describes your MC the best. (Villain, Girl/Boy/Person next door, airhead…):
So, I don’t watch nearly enough reality tv for this oops, but in general trope wise… but like I think I’d say “the rebel trope” like you know Bender from The Breakfast Club? THAT VIBE. Self-destructive, a wise mouth, and yeah she does actually have a heart BUT like she’s so used to having to be on the defensive it’s way easier to just let people believe what they think and call it a day.
Describe their style! I mean hair, tattoos, piercings, the WHOLE NINE YARDS.:
Mak’s style really can be summed up as “grunge.” Combat boots, lots of plaid (so much plaid, fishnets and tights, shredded jeans, black somehow included in every outfit, you get the gist. I have a general pinterest section for her wardrobe here. No tattoos, yet, she WANTS to get them but so far she just.... hasn’t. She’ll probably get her first after the show. She does have a septum piercing (she usually wears a horseshoe ring in it), though! Oh and for hair, she usually just wears it down. (also if you want fan-cast info, Mak's is Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey)
❤️ Relationships 🧡
Not every relationship is sexual! Right now who's your MCs bestie?:
Vinh! Mak is like “they’re very cool.” She also really likes Adegoke, he brought her a drink and that’s the way to instantly win her friendship so…
..... who's their worstie?? 👀
Arthur! He’s posh, so it was hate at first sight.
💀There's been a MURDER Injury 💀
Who does your MC think did it? Like number 1 on their suspect list… why…?
 Honestly? Mak really isn’t sure enough to have a solid number one. She wants to accuse Arthur because she doesn’t like him, and they were partners with Ellis, but in terms of an actual answer it’s too early to tell. She knows Nyra is pretty desperate for the money, Rowan and Atticus were caught on the scene, and even though she’s working with Avery and Charlie, she doesn’t even completely trust them either. So currently? Everyone's a suspect, except Vinh, she's pretty sure they were sleeping next to her the whole night.
If it comes to down to it… can your MC add a body to their body count?
I’m not sure, probably? If she can avoid it, I think she would. But when it’s life or death, well, you’re gonna react based of instincts and I feel like Mak could instinctively kill someone.
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