#chesarka watches Flip Flappers
Bungou Stray Dogs 24 (FINAL) | Flip Flappers 11 - 13 (FINAL) | Classicaloid 11 - 12 | ConRevo 19 - 24 (FINAL)
I’m currently having trouble with Crunchyroll videos, so it may take a while to get to some of their stuff...
Yellow + blue = green, not blue.
Dramatic falls really shouldn’t take that long.
Get out, Igarashi humour.
Oh! Hell~o, Fyodorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Face stealing aliens…again.
Aww…sweet reunions.
Just one word from Dazai and he (Akutagawa) falls backwards, LOL.
Blue background, white and black text. Huh, nice colour palette.
LOL, Ango. You’re back.
Whoa?! Was that in the manga, that Herman was the Guild leader two gens back?!
Smol whale…aww.
Twain, you dumb butt. Stop working on your biography.
Lovecraft’s eyes were showing just as he dove into the water. (sarcastically->) Creepy.
Why a tomato during the “Cheers?!”
LOL, did I only just notice the ahoge on Kyouka? Yeah…I guess.
That was me…y’know. End of 2016 apology?
Ahaha, sweet lil’ Poe. That’s me though.
What a lolicon you are, Mori.
Whose painting is that? But…Dazai, you apparently once did a horrible self portraint…
Fyodor looks so good animated! Aww yeah!
…Dazai, you mean Shin Soukoku, yeah?
“My friend said to me…”
Teni Muhou is, of course, an Oda work,
“See you…” – Huh? This is even more open ended than “See you next level” and such. It’s a complete “in the air” thing! I wonder, since Bungou seems to be very popular amongst the Japanese fans, will we meet again?
Flip Flappers 11
Uhh…what now? I’m so confused…so Mimi = Cocona’s mother and yet a doppelganger of her?
Bu-chan basically wet himself…eww.
That shot of Sayuri, with Hidaka behind her, was vaguely disturbing due to the angle…(By the way, Hadaka = no clothes whatsoever, Hidaka = the name of the pink haired character. I’ve only now made that connection.)
Ick, reaaaaaaaaally compromising shot there between her (Mimi? Cocona’s mother?) legs.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. Okay. Now it makes sense regarding Cocona and her mother.
Honestly, where are all the guns coming from?! Salt probably had one in his jacket but Nyunyu probably didn’t. She doesn’t even have a jacket!
Back to being confused. Meanwhile, Elpis.
Who is Cocona’s dad, by the way?
A middle aged man bowing down to a young girl? Now that, in Japanese culture, is desperate.
Flip Flappers 12 
I only just realised when Sayuri said their names, but Papika and Yayaka are very similar names. I hope Cocona never gets confused between the two.
That mailbox looks like a mushroom…or worse…hahahaha. Sorry, won’t tell you what it looks like to me. You’ll have to figure it out for yourself.
Yayaka’s got a lot of attitude – I like it.
Hidaka’s EYESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSss! They’re NORMAL! Dang, the sight of Hidaka’s normal eyes makes my own eyes BURNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNnnnn! ARGH!
Yeah…one does not simply have an emergency button labelled “Muscle”, ‘kay?
Idiom mode? Someone get these guys a dictionary.
“Why do you wish…”
That was one of the fastest KOs I’ve ever seen of a final boss. Ever.
That hand in the ED (during the part where Bu-chan becomes a duck)! That’s what it means!
My video keeps stopping at weird spots in the next ep teaser, which shows that one of the images is the muscular monster Cocona and Papika kicked the butt off before, but in blue. Another is a mixture of the worlds, but there’s the kanji for “snow” in one corner. One with Papika and Cocona shows that they’re rough sketches for the show. Oh, whatever…here you go. Some screenshots I took for this express purpose.
Flip Flappers 13 (FINAL)
How did she eat the watermelon with all the seeds in it? I once at a watermelon’s black seed at a buffet…and it ended with me barfing! (I haven’t quite liked watermelon as much since and since it was my favourite fruit up until then, I’ve never really been into fruit since. Haha.)
Okay, we still don’t know who Nyunyu is…
Giant artichokes! At least, that’s what I thought when Nyunyu shot Bu-chan’s brain.
Oh my…that’s some fine Salt you’ve got there! (tee hee)
Scary trees remind me of the ED.
Yay! Beast man Uexkull came back!
Bu-chan…he LIVES!
It seems highly likely Salt is Cocona’s father. My brain can’t quite wrap itself around that fact.
Sailor Lune. LOL.
I think “School Investigator” (School Keiji, shown on a wall while Sayuri looks away) is a Sukeban Deka parody.
Cocona’s in middle school now…wow. Time sure flies, doesn’t it?
Welp, that was slightly confusing, but overall a fun ride. Reminds me of ConRevo, which (at the point of typing) I still need to finish rewatching…
Classicaloid 11
It’s a pretty light episode, but considering that there’s (almost) another season left before we wrap up, it’s allowed.
LOL, I can relate, Schu.
This episode is pretty good when it comes to LOLs - I haven’t laughed like this in a while.
The “JESUS!” in the back was hilarious. (Sorry, Jesus.) Speaking of Jesus…I once saw an ad for this, and Asian Jesus? Whoever decided on that?
What song is this one if they didn’t even use a song this ep? A CLA:KLA song?
“Great Bach says…” – Uh, who’s narrating this? Bach himself?
Classicaloid 12
Ooh, serious mode. They haven’t done that since the guitar contest.
Why is Bach speaking normally?!
What was that, with the beeping…? Cho*bleep*, that is? I dunno.
What’s with those dancers and their makeup?
Hmph. Deep stuff, but I get it.
More bleeping…
Turning point, eh? (Plus, badass helicopter ride. LOL.)
Emails? You weak willed…Sousuke, dangit. Plus, does Mitsuru have a Pad-kun or the Pad-kun?
So Bach is white, as well as dark blue? OK.
Oh no. I just had a hideous fantasy of Schu turning into a fish. It’s more likely Schu will get eaten by the fish instead…or something. *shrugs*
(ConRevo 19)
Terra Australis. I know from history lessons that’s Australia. Magallanica is an alternate name of it.
Uh, definitely not true, Mr Abel Tasman my man.
The ice effect is nice.
Oh, “the tall nail gets the hammer” seems to be a scolding regarding tall poppy syndrome.
Issun boshi aka One Inch Boy. Momotarou…is Momotarou.
The tomb exists. by the way.
Earth-chan went “!!!” at the beam of light, LOL.
Raito’s such a fanboy, albeit a subdued one.
The large object is of course a torii gate.
CGI puzzle…? That’s the weirdest thing I’ll say in a while.
How much would an Equus kick hurt to Koma though? A lot…ouch.
Those red flowers…I recognise them, but I can’t remember their name…*searches* Camellia. That’s the one.
Raito’s face…is so off model, it’s disturbing.
Don’t go around underestimating politicians. (I’m still laughing though...just ignore it…)
Renderer Brace = Satomi, obviously.
(ep 20)
It’s the one Urobuchi episode. I didn’t particularly like it, but when you see what I’m capable of today, I acknowledge I am a hypocrite. The lowest of low beings.
Mekong Delta. That outright confirms it’s Vietnam.
I never really realised how I was so insensitive to POSA colour due to ConRevo…
There’s a distinctly different flavour of story here. Fuurouta, for example, isn’t his usual playful self and is merely a very serious messenger.
Kikko is always treated like a child, huh?
Who’s the bigger monstrosity, Jirou or Jonathan?
At a bar. Just like villains normally hide out.
“National interest”? Global politics taught me that aside from power, national interest is the most paramount thing there is.
El Coco.
The Middle East? Of course, the ol’ fogey saying that isn’t a coincidence, considering 9/11 and such.
“Cursed bogey”? Never heard that one before.
Wasn’t Urobuchi the one who suffered from depression then decided to kill all his characters? Or was that Yoshiyuki Tomino? Update: Yup, it was the Urobutcher I was thinking of, although I got the story wrong.
Those statues seem to be more Cambodia, but meh.
Of course, that’s deinitely the Urobutcher at work now. To think I used to have stories that were similar to his, because I thought I was capable of writing apocaplytic endings and it was much cooler to kill everyone off…huh. Ro.Te.O is such a weird edgelord amongst all of my stories…
(ep 21)
The Kachoudou sign actually says August 31st, not October.
The sign in the alley said “Ko-ruten Street”, but I’m not sure what that means.
What’s better than plain ol’ sakuga? Sakuga explosions!
“[N]one of the things that try to trap us are gone”? The syntax is funny in that phrase.
Yee-haw! Sakuga fight!
“No one called you.” – LOL, Raito.
Judas smokes now. What has the world come to?
Arakawa, eh? They’re trying to make the oil spill be water under the bridge, so to speak…geddit? Haha. (Update: Arakawa Under the Bridge. That’s what it refers to.)
(ep 22)
Welp, here’s the Show Within a Show episode…take it as you will.
Gigantopithecus giganteus.
Semiconductor processor.
Such irony in the “You’re still a boy” between Maki and Fuurouta.
Who’s the girl with the yellow headband with Judas?
(ep 23)
Sometimes I wonder if we all wake up from our dreams someday…I think even rewatching this show and finally understanding it, I’m waking up in my own way too.
CGI Equus. Dangit, I thought this show was above that by now.
I didn’t think about why the iron plate thingy is shaped like a fish. Then I realised…taiyaki. They’re shaped like fish and have those sorts of moulds. Just as Fuurouta says.
I forgot Raito dies…*sobs*
Oh? What’s this? Not a complete episode yet?...(Eheh, I just wanted a chance to invoke a meme or two.)
One helmet with a streetlight behind it looks like a bomb…
ConRevo 24 (FINAL)
Final ep…again.
See? Jiro does look like Cyborg 009!
Daitetsu has grown up to be the symbol of justice for Japan and Imperial Ads and to tear him down would mean even more blasphemy on the state than before, eh?
Waitasec…Satomi is basically the Fitz (Bungou Stray Dogs), but without the blonde hair and the (fake and/or crazy) wife.
Jirou disappeared just like Devila and Devilo.
Mm-hm. I do like me some good shirtless Judas. *thumb up*
Aww, Daitetsu. Being the Rainbow Knight for a new generation. Isn’t that sweet?
Hope we can meet again soon!
0 notes
Flip Flappers 7 | Bungou Stray Dogs 20 | Classicaloid 7
(Flip Flappers 7)
The bakery Yayaka gets bread from is called “Romeo”.
Dante’s Inferno much?
Hidaka’s eye is creepy.
Hidaka makes Pure Illusion sound like Pokémon, from way back when it was in 1st gen…
Wasn’t Papika part of a superweapon called Papikana? At least, that’s what I read on TV Tropes…
Cocona needs certainties, eh? Nothing is ever certain in this world…
Nowhere Girls?
Papika would make a good imouto, LOL.
Seeing Papika cry really makes me uneasy that this Pure Illusion’s gonna break someone’s heart.
Now Papika’s a boy, eh? Gender bending…*raises eyebrows*
Papika! Stop being Tomoko (…It’s You Guys’ Fault I’m Not Popular!) and then get outta there!
Papika can play so many roles…I’m impressed.
*muffles laughter* Cocona’s dressed as a sukeban (female delinquent). Since Papika is a male delinquent, they go well together.
Did Cocona grow her hair out longer? Or is it just me?
One of the labels (tags? stickers?) on the shrine say “Igarashi”.
I really like the colour of that ramune bottle.
Stock shoujo trope no. 13ogve;rogu`, share an umbrella in the rain.
Yuuhi, aside from being a parody on Asahi, means “in the setting sun”.
Devil horns…symbolically, that’s gotta mean something.
Yeah…two middle school girls sleeping together. I thought Yuri!!! on Ice was so bad I’d have to break my NSFW rating for it with their kiss (even though Bungou was the one at fault for me having to break my SFW rule), but…this takes the cake. Not only that, but they’re in little black dresses.
This rocket’s blasting off…! (Oh dang, that hits right in the childhood, even if it’s not an exact mirror.)
Get out, KKK.
At least now Flip Flappers fans can just screenshot this episode if they want flower crown Cocona.
Bungou Stray Dogs 20
If there’s one thing I can’t deny, it’s that the water looks really nice in this show.
Face stealing aliens ruined this scene…I think it would be better if it goes “Kyouka will soon kill many people” and actually have Atsushi/Kyouka’s eyes showing more prominently.
Face stealing aliens struck twice in a row after the last reported incident…
*titters* Boyfriend, eh? She’s four years his junior.
Yet another instance of face stealing aliens.
It’s interesting to note the Guild has abilities denoted in (mostly) yellow, while the Port Mafia is red and the Agency is blue.
Ah, Moby Dick. The most immature name you can give a book that can also be considered a classic. I’ve spent many a while just laughing at the name…yes, I am just that immature.
Miyazawa’s name’s on this titlecard…
Uh oh. Here’s one of the more…let’s just say, creepy…parts of the show.
Yeah. Suffice to say, Lovecraft doesn’t do well with humour, both within meta confines and out.
I never knew where Hawthorne woke up in the manga, so at least this cleared it up.
Is honour still worth fighting for these days? It’s basically nonexistent in the present.
I never got why Alcott was so dependent on the Fitz. I still don’t know, even with this…it almost sounds nonconsensual.
Lemme guess, Alcott foresaw this book was in Yokohama.
Tiger beetles…according to that link, they indicate a characteristic of the environment in regards to biodiversity, if I understand correctly.
“Yokohama Incineration Operation”…it has a certain ring to it, if nothing else.
Hard power. The ability to manipulate others through force or coercion. Quite Machiavellian, but certainly useful…at least to some extent. (LOL, all this grimdark talk is just what happens to me after studying politics for two years. I am a weirdo in that sense, aren’t I?)
Hey, Minoura. Haven’t seen him in a while.
Zombie apocalypse!
Face stealing aliens ruin yet another moment…
Regardless of the face stealing aliens, any scene where it shows a wall splitting two characters apart tends to be very effective. This one in particular works very well because of it, because IIRC that visual technique wasn’t in the manga.
Anime and manga: the very definition of “kick the impossible to the curb”…at least, the more outrageous shonen ones are like that.
This quote about regret is from RL!Nakajima’s “Light, Wind and Dreams”. Update: It can be seen at the end of the first PV, too.
It’s interesting to note that Lucy’s in a dark dress while Atsushi’s in black/white. It makes for a striking contrast.
I’ve seen enough GIFs of this particular Lucy scene that I know people absolutely regard Lucy as their “queen”, but I don’t get it.
The “wake up” thing is cool, I want a GIF of it.
I thought that doll was “Huck”, not “Mark”? Unless they meant “mark” as in “I won’t miss my mark”…
That doll. Tom, was it? *points* I like him.
“I hate me, too”…unfortunately, it seems everyone has a seed of that inside them…
Gotta have a lotta respect for a duel between two men.
That cactus…What a cute face.
Hah…I like him (Twain). He’s cool.
Even Dazai gets face stealing alien moments too.
That’s it – that’s the quote that’s so integral to this arc. “The head may err, but never the blood.”
Classicaloid 7
Hey, they’ve never had a recap segment before.
Ah…such pure admiration between Schubert and his sempai.
…What? This is getting to Heybot levels of immature, and I don’t like Heybot levels of immature.
Can it please be something non-gyoza related this time?
The crayon drawings are a nice touch.
So Licchan still calls Sousuke “Piece of Junk”? That’s kinda sad, but still funny in an immature sort of way.
I never thought of this until now but we finally found out the name of the town “undergoing a musical revival” – Hamamatsu.
Owie…Beethes must’ve gotten a real footprint on the face from Motz.
So in the end there is a tenuous relationship between Motz and Schubert after all…hmph.
Hamagonyaki…huh. Advertising at its worst, like people captalising on Pokémon Go back in July.
Oh yeah, I sometimes forget Tchaiko was Russian (originally).
They even stick an Indy ploy in there…*sweatdrops* typical. How easy is it to rig up a giant rock like the one seen in Indiana Jones anyway?
What a trollface, Tchaiko.
Welp, apparently there’s historical basis in that one. RL!Tchaiko apparently loves ‘em (read on Tumblr). I like mushrooms too…but not that much.
No one runs like Sousuke.
Pokémon speak…?
Aw, Shika-chan! (That’s what I’ve decided to name the deer, despite me not knowing its gender. Shika = deer.)
I remember reading stuff on imprinting last year. It’s sad when you realise the animals could die if they don’t have their surrogate mother around…*snifs* I made myself sad…
Oh…apparently there is only one Mozart Requiem. For a second, I thought there was a “Requiem for the Dead”, but it turns out there isn’t anything of the sort.
At least Sousuke recognises he’s talentless now.
“…why aren’t you affected?” – That’s what I ask too.
Shi-shi-shika-chan!!! *cries*
Well…that reminds me of the Jyushimatsu’s girlfriend episode. You know the one.
Interesting to note this lot of credits is set up like a film reel, as if to relive lost memories…
2 notes · View notes
Bungou Stray Dogs 1 - 19/Flip Flappers 6/Classicaloid 6
I had some truly horrible video speeds this time but I found a way to get around it!
The idea for Bungou from now on: Expect first time watches for this show and don’t expect ratings after each ep. Once all 2016 shows are done (rewatches or not), expect the 2016 ranking.
(ep 1)
Chicken, eh? No wonder Atsushi’s a tiger…
Butt shot x1. I’ll keep an Atsushi butt shot counter, don’t worry.
Sometimes I forget Atsushi’s 18…
This was actually funnier the second time around. Dazai’s kinda creepy on revival, though.
Dazai basically carries the show (in regards to people’s intrigue factor) before it comes to the tiger.
Haha, that’s me.
Blockhead? Never seen that insult from Kunikida before.
The humour’s on beat, but it doesn’t suit Bungou because it wasn’t in the original. That’s what I think.
*~dramatic flowing in the wind~*
Wasn’t it only 30 bowls, Kunikida?
On the walls of the restaurant, it says “____soba”…can’t make out the rest. Update: kitsunesoba, tanukisoba and…tororosoba? Apparently the first two are the same thing but in different parts of Japan (soba topped with aburaage). Totorosoba is like this.
From left to right, the silhouettes are Kenji, Yosano, Fukuzawa, Tanizaki (Junichirou) and Ranpo.
This arrow keeps changing colours…
+ 1 butt shot
Manekineko in the background.
“The CEO”? Is that what Dazai calls Fukuzawa?
Oh yeahhhhhhhhhhh. Dazai’s good at torture interrogation techniques.
I always thought the genkooyooshi (the squares that appear all over this show, including the ones where it’s only text on a black screen) was a nice touch.
Where did Dazai get a calculator from? (It’s not his phone, the outline says so.)
When it gets to the tenth episode and onwards, it goes “one one” in the genkooyooshi squares instead of “ten one” as is the standard.
“I have no such tastes in men.” Good to know, Dazai. Also, that was funnier the second time ‘round.
This is the 3rd time this episode; I forgot how hackneyed the ol’ orphanage flashback was. Maybe they could’ve moved a tad beyond that instead of using it to kill time.
+ 1 butt shot
“Okiro, shonen!” –That’s got to be one of Dazai’s defining lines in this series. It really has to be.
Oh, I didn’t know they had the OP and ED back to back in the first episode. I guess I must’ve skipped it.
(ep 2)
Basically me when I don’t sleep enough.
+ 1 butt shot – We’re at 4 shots now.
Did you even stop the call, Atsushi?
Oh yeah, Sailor Moon was originally meant to have white hair. Why do I bring this up? Atsushi’s hair was originally paler than what it is in the anime, that’s why.
I have quite a few gripes with “face stealing aliens” in season 2, but it seems BONES was skimping out on faces ever since episode 2…
Good burn, Kunikida, although a little long.
If Dazai were an actor, he’d win awards.
Hey, now that I think of it, this may have been foreshadowing for what happened with the Guild in season 2 anyway…like Reborn and their Irie thing.
(Junichirou) Tanizaki’s got a point.
Platitudes, LOL.
Atsushi is a worthless human being – what are you talking about, Dazai?
Kunikida’s become a lot more gullible in this adaptation.
+ 1 butt shot
How exactly did Fukuzawa learn to trust Dazai? I guess Asagiri-sensei never explained.
Basically Atsushi is being coerced…
(ep 3)
Kunikida kicking Dazai in the background, LOL.
Squick. Get me out of here.
Does Kunikida even have bony fingers?
One normally retconned moment coming right up.
What are the other 6 mysteries of the Detective Agency?
+ 1 butt shot
The restaurant is called the Vortex? Okay.
Those dot eyes…are actually kinda funny now that I get a look at them.
You can see Tanizaki wanting to squawk once he gets glomped by Naomi.
Dazai, you liar.
I love how Akutagawa walks into a Kanagawa kouban and just drops off a bag like it’s nothing, then causes the building behind him to explode. Funny yet also badass.
It’s Yokohama Gyangusutaa Paradawisu for some reason I cannot quite figure out…If it were being rendered from actual English, shouldn’t it have been Paradaisu?
The way Akutagawa goes “Excellent”, you’d expect him to make a Gendo pose and laugh evilly.
Dazai is scary like that…
No one falls like that!
Ow, that’s gotta hurt.
These outright bug-eyed shots don’t quite match the rest of the show.
Akutagawa has very thing eyebrows…
Wow, Akutagawa looks kinda funny as he looks down on Dazai.
(ep 4)
Purple is an interesting choice for Hirotsu. Purple was originally a colour for royalty, and Hirotsu isn’t the most royal (although he has the air for it).
Eyeless crowd.
Looks like a prison – that’s probably intentional.
Atsushi had no eyes for a few frames.
Here we go again.
The subs chose to call Gin a he, but…well, you know…
I wonder what Higuchi’s stance on the Agency is now.
I love this waitress. She’s so sassy.
Ranpo was drinking ramune there.
There’s a poster behind Atsushi that says “You can apply online” or something of the sort. At least the crowd have eyes now. CGI car, hah.
Jerkass Ranpo.
Hirotsu’s panicking, LOL.
They didn’t put much effort into the “throwing out the window” scene.
Aw, suddenly Atsushi is adorable…didn’t think Kunikida was the sort to pick on him, though.
(ep 5)
While I was translating Wan!, I remembered that RL!Edogawa has a book/femme fatale called Black Lizard, but apparently RL!Hirotsu has one (a book, not the femme fatale) too. Read more about the RL!Port Mafia here.
They really like exaggerating people’s traits for comedy, eh? It’s kinda annoying actually.
I think I’m finally getting the gist of solving cases, even though I’ve been afan of DC since before my time at Tumblr…
Sugimoto looks a tonne like Tanizaki…
(ep 6)
I didn’t really like their decision to suddenly stick a prequel into the main story…Basically, oh no, here we go.
I’ve already watched parts of this episode over already for my Kunikida-centric fic Resolve and the Happy Mushroom crack fic here, so…if I seem a bit blasé about things (aside from what I’ve said above), that’s why.
Kunikida must have to write real small to get stuff into that notebook…
I wonder if Rokuzou will ever be part of the manga canon.
A stage actor! Maybe he was part of the 3rd novel too.
CGI cars kinda annoy me, did you know that?
Huh. The trio have very distinct silhouettes.
Why are they all men in the gas chamber? Isn’t it that there should be lots of kick-ass girls in the world (simply because guys like fanservice from animated girls, and anime is traiditonally a male endeavour by virtue of the stereotype)? Or was it to direct attention to Miss Sasaki? Or was it because males are easier to animate and less to censor? Or-sorry, rambling.
How many pages does that thing have?!
Hard to say whether Kunikida is near or farsighted. Ever since Yuuri (Katsuki) and Takuma (Takashiro, from One Wish They Never Wanted), I’ve been poking into small details about glasses and eyes to get the nitty-gritty right…Yeah, I derailed again.
I thought I saw Goto for a second…
I wonder if Akutagawa and Kunikida will ever face off (again).
(ep 7)
War plots are never my thing (which is why I ditched Izetta), so having multiple war plots in the one series is eventually going to get annoying for me one day, I bet. Chapter 47.5 involves another declaration of war…which may make this (anime) either problematic or the exception…
Kunikida’s your surrogate dad, Rokuzou. I learnt that much by writing that fic about you.
All the gags seem to get funnier after multiple watches…
Poster child for sloth? That’s En-chan, not you.
You da man, Kunikida!
Hey, at what point was it “Kunikida-sama” again? After her life got saved?
All this war – studying Global Politics, chapter 47/47.5 (freshest Bungou chapters as of this post), waging my own war against assessments and trying to write a proper uprising in White Parasite (on Honeyfeed) – makes me war-weary, even though I have never seen an actual war with my own eyes.
We never found out the name of this guy, did we? He looks an aful lot like Yuri Plisetsky (Yurio? Is that what you call ‘im?)
If I saw right, the wire gun got the thick-armed man’s head! Ouch!
I never understood why there was an angry face on the bomb.
The dead won’t ever be revived by tears. As a writer, I know that much. As a person, however, I’ve never experienced anything that validated that.
Justice…everyone’s justice is different and that’s why it can be fire and also a gavel. A nest for the weary and a means to an end…
(ep 8)
“Wiwre”…what the?
There’s 09 etched into the wall during the OP Chuuya/Dazai showdown. Also, Akutagawa is red to Atsushi’s blue…it’s striking as all get out, and it’s effective…
Such antiquated views, man.
No eyed Atsushi again…and Yosano with him this time.
CGI train still vaguely annoys me.
“Nice leg”? Are you Takeru (Fujiwara)?!
Kajii, you dumb butt. Why did they throw you in as part of the original Port Mafia hype?
I believe the building was “Maruzen” in Kajii’s original work, but meh, close enough.
Lactic acidosis. Also, hypoxia.
I wonder why he’s (Kajii) dressed the way he is…
Telomeres are part of the meiosis process, IIRC…nope, they have to genetics.
That’s the 5th time they mention the orphanage this series…
LOL, Kajii looks like a typical harem protagonist right now.
The problem with Bungou is that while its quality as an adaptation is at least 80% perfect, it is hardly the most ideal according to the fandom…
(ep 9)
Atsushi’s mouth is missing and his eyes are funny…
According to Google, a place called Tachibanadou doesn’t exist. There is a translation joke in the later Freedom curry place though. We’ll get there when we get there though.
The background game is great this ep.
Atsushi -> Kyouka is like Dazai -> Akutagawa and Dazai -> Atsushi, in a weird kind of way.
A 14 year old? Date spot?
Flustered Atsushi is precious. Notable in that “date spots” = actual Yokohama places.
Face stealing aliens strike again.
I swear I saw another Akutagawa wanted poster near the police.
What are these guys doing about Dazai?!
I listened to this first Chuuya/Dazai confrontation with volume the first time; it was great!
(ep 10)
Face stealing aliens! They’re here again!
Is Dazai a genius? YMMV on that.
Look at Dazai’s legs, he specifically bent down for Chuuya to hold him by the neck. D’aww.
“Get out of here…you ass.” “I know.” LOL.
The girly “there will be no second chance”, haha. I don’t think (in the anime canon) they explained why that exchange happened though.
What the hey, tiny Kunikida…
Face stealing aliens spot no. 4.
Face stealing aliens no. 5.
Sakuga? Not quite.
Why does Rashomon come from near Akutagawa’s butt? It’s weird.
Oooooh, that’s gotta hurt.
With his bandages, Mafia!Dazai doesn’t look like he has eyebrows. That’s a perfect match for no-eyebrows-Akutagawa.
Or so you say Akutagawa, hmm, hmm…
*Dazai singing to the tune of Mikshake* My kouhai brings all tbosses to the yard, and they’re like, it’s better than yours! (Oh gosh, I really do have some crack thoughts…Imagine Dazai at karaoke belting that out!)
Looks like a nettle, that. By the way, agito means “jaw” and higanzakura is a type of cherry blossom.
Akutagawa was a complete boss…for 5 seconds.
Sawarabi, according to a Google search, is a seedling fern.
Gokumon means “prison”.
Nearly everything is made better with a shonen battle, wouldn’t you agree? Plus by the sheer amount of spinning Akutagawa did, I’d say that’s gotta hurt…
Perrier Jinnomet apparently doesn’t exist according to Google.
The Great Fitzgerald, people! The Great Fitzgerald!
(ep 11)
Gendo pose Ougai. LOL.
Have you noticed that Gin looks more feminine now, and isn’t seen to be a pervert?
Senpai will never notice you, Higuchi.
Ichiyou means “one leaf” so it doesn’t make sense for her to have a handkerchief like that.
Ihatov exists in Kenji canon.
Unfortunately, this episode’s Kenji part plays heavily on the Igarashi humour…
Niconicodou(ga)? Really?
The poster in the background says ichigo ichie.
Oh brother, Atsushi. Stop falling for his methods…
(ep 12)
16 GB USB. I think that’s the biggest sort of USB you can get without needing a portable hard drive.
Neither of those porcelain brands exist, according to Google.
You don’t say Francis.
Uh oh! Ougai!
Basically speaking, Anne is a lot of Kyouka…
Ougai can be hella creepy sometimes, but sometimes he forgets that he’s obfuscating stupidity…
Ougai’s eyes are red. That, and purple.
I think Igarashi-kantoku (Director Igarashi) is a little too fond of Ougai…
Chuuya can look downright scary staring out from underneath his hat.
(ep 13)
I reblogged a photo with roughly the same words (the beginning words of this episode) as its title…It’s an extremely striking title, that.
Mafia!Dazai wore a lot more black…sorry if I’m speaking in platitutdes here. I only just noticed.
Trying to get the exact level of “crackpot” is honestly an art when writing fics about Dazai. He’s an unpredictable mess (or he could end up that way if you stuff the execution of his character up!), that’s why.
Why does the Lupin barman never question Dazai’s suicide talk?
If “fuzz” means “fail”, then…failure buddies. “To fuzz” is an odd term.
This humour really doesn’t fit the flow of something so dark as, well, Dark Era.
This is honestly much better with volume, but I can’t afford to do that right now. I’ve spent way too much time on my blogs, I need some work experience…
Who does Sensei the cat belong to? (I hope the cat isn’t Natsume Soseki, that would be highly illogical and simultaneously would kinda look like Darker than Black…)
I don’t like featuring in photos, so I don’t have that many pictures of me except maybe school photos (which are kinda blah anyway) and a small bunch of event photos. All the selfies that were ever taken of me were with other people – that’s how averse to cameras I am…
The Port Mafia should really be more clandestine than “big ol’ skyscrapers in the middle of Yokohama”, y’know?
Face stealing aliens strike again!
I switched to Mozilla to watch after huge amounts of lag and Shockwave Flash brought me down for the past few days. CR videos on Mozilla really are a huge improvement as a result.
Ougai has such scribbly writing…I can barely read it and all I can actually read are “Oda Sakunosuke” at the start and “Ougai” at the end (due to the vertical writing the placement of signatures and things is different to Western standards).
Ryurou is funny when he’s getting his butt kicked by a game.
“Secondhand Books Avenue”? That must’ve been what was tripping up nkhrchy and me way back when I tried to help them out with the Chinese translation of Dark Era…
Cat face Dazai.
I still think the white/blue scheme is a perfect match to the black/red scheme of the first season titlecards, but then what will they do for a (hypothetical) season 3?
(ep 14)
Okay, according to Tumblr sources, Oda’s favourite curry place in Osaka was called Jiyuu (Freedom). That’s why the curry place in Bungou is “Freedom” (katakana).
Apparently that is an accurate depiction of Jiyuu curry. (I still have yet to go to Japan to experience anything though…*sighs*)
Face stealing aliens…plus the original “face stealing aliens” scene.
Haha…Oda, you…
I really like this new OP, it really fits the aesthetic of Dark Era with the neon lights.
Really now? I wonder if these kids thought his Mafia man thing was a ruse?
“Odasaku-chan”. That was funny.
Exactly whatever this Ryuuzu dispute is, we probably don’t need to know.
Basically, Dazai is a(n older?) Kunikida, to follow the novel canon.
Oh yeah, the Order…
The red Yokohama looked really creepy…that’s effective as all get out.
Who’s the old man?
Face stealing (and eye stealing aliens)…
You must be new here. (<- meme)
Face stealing aliens…
Dazai with wide eyes is slightly creepy because you’re not used to it.
Oda’s serious face when saying “Okay” gets me every time. It’s such a juxtaposition. Plus…tickle torture seems to be the most effective method of torture on this show…
That’s not “angry”, Ango.
As I’ve said, it goes “one four” instead of “fourteen”.
Dazai, you schemer.
Owie, Akutagawa. I almost felt that punch.
I guess we’ll never find out what Ango’s ability was…eh?
Face stealing aliens struck again, but only in some in between scenes during the explosion. My video was going slightly slower there, and it upped the suspense, so I don’t mind that “face stealing aliens” scene.
What war was it?
Pissed off drunk, LOL.
The CR subs didn’t quite match the text colour, but it was hard to tell. I’ll let ‘em off easy.
(ep 15)
At least according to this silhouette, Soseki isn’t a talking cat…
If you want something to be done well, do it yourself. Thank you for your platitutde, sensei. (<- sarcastic)
“Write what you know” declares Asagiri-sensei’s currently living in Yokohama…but it’s a port town, so it would be hard to find where he lives…
According to nkhrchy, Gide’s ability is “The/A Narrow Door”.
Oh yeah, this scene. LOL at the way Akutagawa gets picked up like a kid.
I have a policy of not using the word “hate” lightly.
Face stealing aliens are too obvious here.
A fight between future seers…that’s a real snarl…
The use of red and blue in this episode is striking and that’s what makes it one of the better episode of the season.
I wonder, if Oda had Kunikida’s ability, he’d be a real threat…and he could also be a writer, haha.
Face stealing aliens really like to work on Gide. Plus Oda.
I think this was my favourite OP, visuals-wise.
“[E]arnest suitor”, eh?
When did Oda discard his jacket? He could at least cover up the bullet holes in his shirt with it.
Ango’s really stoic at times. Huh.
Mole dug himself a hole too deep for him.
Dazai goes underground some time after this, I forgot that.
Dazai’s such a cynic.
Oh no…
O-Oh no!!!
I wonder, will I be able to write a character like Oda someday? That character seems too advanced for even me, the person who’s been trying to write properly for who-knows-how-many-years (update:…approximately 11 years…?).
Technically speaking, the title of ep 16 is Bungou Stray Dog.
(ep 16)
I think my poking around got a little too far, because I found Taneda was a real life writer too. Update: If they ever adapt Katai, then please let him have a good VA!
That’s a permit…isn’t it?
Ougai = Femt, but wrong voice actor (Akira Ishida for Femt, Mitsuru Miyamoto for Ougai).
I think the Rampo tie-in was a genius for book 3, but it does somewhat go against the flow of the Dark Era story temporarily.
Oda’s ahoge really make him distinctive.
I remembered right.
Why don’t people want opinions anymore? Is it because Random Curiosity and whatever can provide them at a hat’s drop and are not bound by such things? Or does nobody believe in the freedom of the press?
Oh. World War II. That’s what war it was.
Face stealing aliens…?
Reminds me of Zuko and his lost honour, LOL. (Sorry, bad comparison.)
That poem I wrote about Odasaku…it really is a lot like how he was portrayed here.
That scene where he pulls Dazai’s bandages off is so powerful every time I see it.
Hello sensei, what are you doing?
Dazai really wouldn’t do well in a place that has everyone like Kunikida.
They even animated Dazai’s blinking this time, eh?
(ep 17)
I think that was Kouyou speaking, from the small snippet I heard…
Baumkuchen is a distinctively-shaped cake made of pandanus leaves, if I remember right. I learnt about it from DC.
The staff really like Tanizaki talk, don’t they?
It’s 10:30, presumedly am.
Why, Kyouka? Why were you being portrayed like this?! (Don’t let a 14 year old use her “feminine charms”, I tell you!)
Golden Demon is blue, eh? Seems ironic.
The spider lilies on her kimono represent death in Japan.
Now the demon is gold and red…hmph. Plus I can’t unsee the Akutagawa cape, now that I see it.
Imagine Kouyou doing the nails of Kyouka (as well as her own).
Rocinante is Don Quixote’s horse.
Face stealing aliens!
Heh heh. Kunikida’s actually right.
What’s that Steinbeck is throwing? Bread?
Lovecraft is very close to being my spirit animal.
Aw, back to black (and red) titlecards.
Was Twain ever really like that in the manga? I don’t seem to recall what he was like…
I see Kenji. Where’s Kunikida though?...Oh, there.
Oh great, here we go again with the Yosano segment…
The injured are…shiny?
How does Fukuzawa live with the constant failure of people under his care?
Face stealing aliens!
Dazai’s getting dirty! Ohhhhhhhhh! (Yeah, I am an immature butt sometimes.)
My video went slowly there, so I think I felt Atsushi’s pain from that judo throw…yeowch.
Was Francis’ ship even called the Zelda in canon?
Is smoke blue?
This arc will either garner fans or alienate them, especially after the adaptation of Dark Era…
Here we go! I don’t know why though, but CR calls ep 18 “The Conflict of Strategy” and not “The Strategy of Conflict”…and why is Akutagawa naked in the ED? *shrugs*
(ep 18)
Face stealing aliens on Ougai are actually kinda funny.
Face stealing aliens on Mitchell now too.
I wonder why the Bible gets quoted so much in this anime? It makes sense for Hawthorne, but not as much for Gide…
二銭銅貨 (Nisen Douka) is apparently, according to Aozora Bunko, one of Ranpo’s works.
(Slightly NSFW territory here, but it’s all in the interests of literature!) In the original Scarlet Letter, A stood for “adulteress” IIRC. In this case, it would probably just stand for “adultery”…?
Also, the A was located on the forehead IIRC, but to make an example of Kajii to prove how strong Hawthorne is, I can let him get away with this inaccuracy…
Face stealing aliens!
Kajii’s original work went a little something like that, according to my research.
Of course, the “commander in chief” is Ougai. (However, that’s probably a platitude at this point.)
Mitchell looks silly without a nose.
“Irmao” means “brother”. Meanwhile, face stealing aliens got Akutagawa too.
“Diablo” must be “devil” then.
IIRC, Mount Hermon is in Turkey or Syria…
I find it funny CR chose to call Akutagawa “little guy”. He’s 172 cm which isn’t really that small.
Where did that blood stain come from?
If it’s purely a yellow ability, it’s Mitchell’s.
The negative colouring is a nice touch.
The title Rashomon is technically a gate, hence all the reference to gates in Akutagawa’s moves.
Face stealing aliens got Akutagawa again.
I wonder if this show uses recycled footage.
I wonder what traps they set?
Micchan looks exactly like Sensei from a few eps back.
At least they managed to cut an acceptable corner with this spot of humour.
I love how Kirako remembered Kajii as “the one who loves explosives”.
Ranpo, be Bastion Torbjorn and bring out the turrets!
“The 4th, at 14:15 [2:15 pm]. Kanagawa…” I can’t quite read the rest…Plus, whose handwriting is it?
Face stealing aliens have Chuuya! Oh no!
Don’t warn your opponent to watch out! That’s dumb!
I read a pretty good BSD Write fic that departed from this part.
Face stealing aliens conquer all!
Really now, girls? Being distracted by the cat?
(ep 19)
Fresh impressions from here on out!
Okay, I think that cold open was a bit dumb.
How is he so happy?
I’ve gotten a little too good at identifying CGI cars these days…I think.
A grape scion.
Face stealing aliens on the Steinbeck family’s first appearance! Well, that says something.
Huh, doing international politics as a subject allows me to know that the superpower in question has guns. On boats. Gunboats.
Now that is a CGI truck. I don’t like CGI in general unless it’s used well, so it’s way too noticeable.
Face stealing aliens on a train. What next, face stealing aliens on a plane?
There was “A Sad Thought” on the titlecard.
Face stealing aliens have Dazai too.
The place Unsui doesn’t exist according to Google.
That was definitely an inserted section of humour, Dazai.
Q is one creepy child…
The Director! He has eyes now!
I guess this is where Spidey comes in with his “With great power comes great responsibility”.
Ow! Slapped like a…female dog.
I never thought Louisa would have such a colour scheme. I though her hair was darker…
That one book is spawning all over the place.
Ango! Plus, face stealing aliens got Dazai again.
Of course, I knew this was all coming – I’m up to date on the manga – but hey, surprises just keep coming.
If there’s one thing I learnt from politics, it’s “never be above the law” (ultra vires).
Francis, old sport. Please don’t let the face stealing aliens get you. Otherwise, you’ll look like Viktor Nikiforov (Yuri on Ice), and that would be bad news for you.
…I forgot the ending to this quote. However, I think it was, “Though the head is wrong, the heart never falters.”
(Flip Flappers 6)
I heard you can use nail polish on microscope slides too.
So it was most likely an oil-based nail polish, used for painitng, eh?
There was absolutely no transition between one scene and the other…Hmph. That’ll affect the rating.
That wagon looks like Bu-chan.
Morning glories.
Iro = colour, so it’s really something unsettling to see Cocona go under that name, especially due to Irodori-senpai having a similar name.
Oh great, this is like Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle’s ending…
Kokeshi dolls. Hah. Just like Death Parade.
Dementia. I somehow had the suspicion that that was the case, but…
Oh. So they took on the identity of Senpai to get through Pure Illusion.
(Classicaloid 6)
This guy kids waaaaaay too much.
What’s up with the tropical drink?
Pad-kun was kinda cute when he blinked. Then again, we’re talking about a machine, and unless you’re talking about an android/cyborg, you can’t really make attractive robots…can you?
“Hello world!” is an IT programmer thing…not a musician thing.
My dreams just got shattered. The one with the red and black hair is…a woman! A woman, dangit! I wanted a bishonen to lust after! Curse that X chromosome of hers!
Okay, that’s just bad Liszt!
“Mika can play the organ.” Of course they pick music themed sentences for a music-themed anime.
A-Are you sure, lady? You sure you can do that?
Schubert finally gets to see his senpai. I’m glad for him.
That one buff Cupid stealing the spotlight…that was such a LOL.
Epic Bach does epic things.
What happened to Hashie prior to him being in that bush, I wonder?
Sousuke basically just got a “She doesn’t even go here!” (I love that quote of Mean Girls, I’ll yell it whenever that movie’s on TV.)
Hashie’s back in his maid outfit. Continuity snarl…
There are hearts now, they must be Bada-chan’s.
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