#chiara reads sand/man
libellule-ao3 · 2 years
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10. Diego Caplan / Dance with the Death
Summary: After a delicate question from Jae, Diego remembers his last duel.
Rating: T+
⚠️ Warning⚠️: Canon-typical violence, death.
Chapter index - previous chapter (MC)- next chapter (Poppy Pomfrey)
A/N: At the time I wrote this (March 2021), Diego was portrayed very superficially in the game, the connection between the dance and the duel was unclear and I didn't like him very much (it's improved a bit since then). And yet, the chapter dedicated to him is one of my favourites in this series. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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“How did it feel?” says Jae as he lights a cigarette, lying on a deck chair facing the English Channel, shimmering under the moon. Inside the house, Chiara examines Penny, very weakened by months of deprivation and servitude.
Sitting on the ground, Diego dives into his memories, his eyes riveted on the sand that he lets slip through his fingers.
Triumphant Diego Caplan greets the jubilant crowd who chants his name and applauds his victory. The stronger the opponents, the better the show, the greater the glory of the winner, so Diego feels deep gratitude for the worthy duelists. They are partners who contribute to his legend. Caplan keeps his English championship crown and complacently poses for the front page of the Daily Prophet. A myriad of flashbulbs crackle. He runs a hand through his dark hair and gives a dazzling smile to the photographers... The hysterical audience shouts his name and reaches out to touch him. Diego savours this moment of glory, preceding another evening of unbridled sex washed down with champagne.
Suddenly, crazy shadows eclipse the lights of the arena. They move around, enveloping the crowd and blowing a wind of panic before spreading out along the walls. In an instant, death eaters block all the exits and one of them materializes, alone, in the arena. A mask preserves his anonymity. The only visible piece of flesh in a dark mass of loose clothing, a large hand clutches a fir wood wand. A tough, determined and intimidating character.
Diego’s smile fades. The wizard had expected this. They had warned him that this would happen. Diego Caplan’s resounding success has upset Voldemort and his followers. He represents everything that these supremacists abhor. He is a half-blood who fraternises with everyone, regardless of their extraction. That such a wretch should have the impudence to dominate such a demanding discipline of witchcraft is an affront to all purebloods! They cannot tolerate it. The champion has become a target to be slaughtered on the altar of their noxious propaganda.
In a sharp voice, the stranger demands a duel without delay, notwithstanding the fatigue of a man coming out of a confrontation. Completely disloyal, but any negotiation is futile. So the champion accepts the challenge of this challenger, whose malice vitiates the air like a poison. Then Diego focuses on his opponent. The world no longer exists. In his ear, his heartbeats the measure of the eternal refrain of his life, and his whole body prepares to dance.
The two wizards greet each other.
The duel is a subtle dance where you have to impose your rhythm on your opponent, so Diego takes the initiative. Both men use their magic. Attack, dodge, riposte, protection, feint, offensive, parry.
Usually, each movement improvises a complex choreography where the fighters become artists. Dance of life. Terrible as it may be, no one can deny the grace of a confrontation between two valiant and self-respecting fighters.
But there is no beauty in this raging dance, oozing hatred and contempt. Diego struggles to read the sequences of his opponent, whose wand whips through the air, casting spell after spell. Merciless. Disturbed by this outpouring of hatred which is foreign to him, Diego Caplan loses his rhythm. A misstep threatens.
The most unforgivable of spells is cast. The sorcerer nimbly dodges the impossible to parry spell. With horror, Diego sees in a morbid slow motion, the green lightning strikes a woman who falls dead, her face frozen in an eternal expression of fear. Dumbfounded, he becomes deaf to the terror of the audience taken hostage.
Then Diego understands. This is not a duel, a dance, or even a show of strength. It is an execution.
A shudder runs through him as his brown eyes take in the assembly of tense, tearful, trembling, or emotionless faces. One dodge and one of them will fall. The sorcerer resigns himself to the last will.
To look his first and last enemy straight in the eye.
The champion discovers the hard face of a fifty-year-old with a murderous aura, as inflexible as his wand. An emerald gaze devoid of pity pierces him.
What will the world remember about Diego Caplan? As an example of Pureblood superiority? Or a martyr who will exalt the spirit of those who oppose You-Know-Who? A final thought flies to his loved ones.
The fir wand moves without trembling, faster than the blink of an eye, while something inside him rises like a powerful and devastating groundswell. The rage to live. The man is lively. A privilege of youth, Diego is more so.
“Avada Kedavra!”
Death is a demanding dance partner who does not easily accept to be led. But Diego Caplan is a particularly skilled dancer.
The spell strikes in the chest. The enemy collapses. After a moment of stupefaction, when the entire room tries to understand, comes chaos. The ceiling of the arena collapses with a bang. Spells fly everywhere, shrill cries are heard, and wizards flee. Taking advantage of the confusion, Talbott Winger, Auror and Voldemort's opponent, grabs his arm and drags him out of the arena to teleport them to safety.
Then, under the aegis of Annie and Jae, he joins Chiara in France. The lycanthrope needs a benevolent guardian during the full moon and he needs the balm of a kind-hearted friend. It is an obvious choice to bring these two exiles together.
“Well, Diego? How did it feel to kill someone?”
Diego returns to the present time and watches the smuggler make smoke rings with his mouth. Jae keeps his thoughts to himself, but he is afraid for Annie, who evacuated him against his will to save him. He fears she will be scarred forever by war and Death. Diego understands all this better than anyone, but his friend doesn't need to know everything.
After a few months, he can say without lying. “It doesn’t matter, since in the end necessity has erased everything.”
Jae frowns, puzzled. “Even if it was Barnaby’s father?”
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ithacanradio · 2 years
hell shuts down and suddenly bullied kids and even dead babies come back to earth? are you implying every British person goes to hell no matter what bdhfjf
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An angel’s love (Genoa x nyo!Cyprus) fanfiction
Names that will be used for this story
Everyone knows about the angels the winged creatures with the kind heart. This story is about the love between a male angel and a human girl but i won't tell you what happened right now. You should read the whole story to find it out.
The angel of this story is called Pancrazio a beautiful male angel full of youth with chin length wavy brown hair which included a curl on the middle of it that leaned upwards and golden brown eyes. He was fully naked and was wearing only a small golden crown on the left side of his head. He had large white wings on his back as well.
Besides his external beauty he was beautiful in the inside too: he had a kind heart , a melodic voice and smiled a lot. He enjoyed learning things with his two older brothers Lovino and Feliciano, his two older sisters Rosetta and Chiara ,his young brother Marcello, his younger sister Mirella and his younger twin sister Lucia.
He always wanted to meet the humans in person and this was what he desired the most.
One warm summer day he decided to leave his home and go to see the humans that he heard a lot about them.
He tried to approach some of them , but the responses weren't exactly what he expected to hear.
" I don't want to waste my time with you. Get out of my way" an unkown woman told him angrily.
"It is just a fantasy. This voice i hear can't be real" an unknown man said to one of his friends who seemed to highly agree with him.
By far no one talked to him lovingly or at least asked him who he is and where he comes from. All these people he met were rather selfish and looked like their heart was from stone or rather they didn't have one.
As the time passed he started having such a strange feeling. It was like loneliness and sorrow combined together.  As he sat somewhere on the sand , suddenly  tears started falling from his golden brown eyes. He looked like he was unable to stop crying. It was the first time of his life he had a feeling like this but deep inside he hoped that at least one human would cure his broken heart.
But nobody could hear his weeping or notice his tears which seemed to fall without end.
Meanwhile a girl was coming across the beach. She was 16 years old , the same age with him. She had long curly hair worn in a side ponytail and green eyes. She was wearing a long greenish blue ancient greek dress, a pair of sandals and golden jewelery.
As soon as she saw the naked angel sitting on the sand and crying she decided to go near him. She approached him and asked him with a sweet and gentle voice:"an angel here? What happened to you and you are so sad?"
Holding his tears the angel answered her:" it is because I feel so lonely and some people that I met before were cruel to me. But you are not like them you are different."
She lent her hand to the stunning creature and she helped him to get up. For few minutes the angel looked at the girl's beautiful green eyes and it was like a dream. But this wasn't exactly a dream. It was real. He felt so much better.
Few seconds later he asked her: "what is your name beautiful lady?"
Then the young woman answered him: " I am Nausicaä. It is very nice to meet you."
"What a beautiful name" the angel said "My name is Pancrazio. It is my pleasure to meet you as well".
Some minutes later a young man with light brown hair and light brown eyes came towards them. His outfit included a white t-shirt white trousers a pair of sandals that almost reached his knees and a wicker hat with small fake purple grapes on the right side. He was holding a basket filled with grapes into his right hand. He was just returning from his vineyard that was taking care of. He looked tired but he was also happy with the result of his hard work. His name was Probus and he was Nausicaä's childhood friend, actually one of many.
When Nausicaä saw him coming she told him: " hello Probus. How are you? Let me introduce you to Pancrazio. He is an angel who came to visit the human world and we fell in love at first sight."
Hearing it Probus said: " I'm fine thank you. And I'm glad for you Nausicaä. The angel and you make a really romantic couple."
Pancrazio and him developed a strong friendship as they met eachother and Nausicaa was so happy that her angel boyfriend and her childhood friend could get along so well. The three of them were such a happy company together.
The night came and everyone returned to their homes. Nausicaä couldn't sleep. She was thinking of the beautiful angel who stole her heart and hoped to see him again. Pancrazio was also trying to find a way to meet her again.
As he was sitting on his bed his younger twin sister Lucia a beautiful female angel that was fully naked with only a small golden crown on the left side of her head just like him , long wavy hair which had a curl in the middle of it leaning upwards golden brown eyes and a pair of large white wings on her back as well came into his room and asked him sweetly: " my dear twin brother what is happening to you and you are so melancholic? Tell me and i will help you."
Pancrazio answered her: " i am so happy that you are always here for me my dear twin sister . Today i met a stunning human girl and we started developing a romantic relationship . I want to see her again even if it will be the last time that i will be with her."
Lucia heard it and responded to him with a smile on her face and hugging him tenderly: "don't worry about this. I am sure that you will see her many times again."
He took courage by listening to his twin sister telling this to him and he decided to go to the earth the next day to see his beloved Nausicaa again and spend time with her.
The day dawned and it was very hot. Nausicaä after waking up , she started her daily routine and when she finished getting dressed due to the fact she was sleeping clotheless at night expect for heavy winters of course she took a book she sat on a bench that was in the garden of the house she was sharing with her older brother Herakles her older sister Antigone and her older twin brother Alexandros and she started reading it.
But she was so melancholic and when her older sister Antigone a beautiful young woman, around 17 years old with long curly brown hair , green eyes a pair of sandals on her feet , a long pink ancient greek dress and golden jewelery approached her she asked her with a sweet and caring voice:
"My dear sister. What happened to you and feel such melancholy? Did someone hurt you yesterday? Tell it to me. I am always here for you."
" Nothing bad happened to me. It is because i have a boyfriend now and he is the most stunning creature i have ever met and i want to see him again. I am telling you the truth" she responded to her.
The lady heard it and told her: " Of course i believe you my dear sister. I am so glad for you. But i hope it isn't someone, that will ruin your life and treat you like a trash."
"Don't worry i didn't fall for someone like that . The person that i love isn't actually a human. He is an angel and his name is Pancrazio. He is the most beautiful angel i have ever seen and everything that happened between us yesterday wasn't a dream. It was real" the girl answered her sister with a serious expression on her face.
Nausicaä was talking  with Antigone about how much she loved Pancrazio and the other girl seemed to be happy with her sister's choise.
In the Angel Realm Pancrazio was discussing with his two older brothers Lovino and Feliciano and his younger brother Marcello about the human girl who stole his heart. 
His three brothers were all wearing short roman style togas. Lovino's was green Feliciano's was red and finally Marcello's was white. The three of them started asking him questions about her.
"Is she beautiful?" his older brother Lovino asked him.
"She is gorgeous" he answered him "She has long curly brown hair worn in a side ponytail and green eyes. She wears a long greenish blue ancient greek , dress a pair of sandals on her feet and golden jewelery".
"Is she a good person" his other older brother Feliciano asked him.
"She is the most kind hearted human i have ever met. She treated me with such kindness while other people treated me so cruel. She is very intelligent as well."
"And what is her name?" his younger brother Marcello finally asked him.
"Her name is Nausicaä and it is such a lovely name for such a lovely lady" he finally responded to him.
Pancrazio didn't forget the promise to see his beloved girlfriend again. Nausicaä was also excited about meeting her beloved boyfriend for one more time and couldn't wait for this moment to come.
According the law of angels,they were allowed to fall in love with humans and even other angels , but never with demons. It was considered as an act of trearchy for them. In fact demons despised everything good and love was one of them.
The same law also clarified if any angel and human couple wanted to stay together forever then the second one should give up their human nature and turn into angels . They couldn't get their original forms back. It was strictly forbidden to the angels , transforming into humans as well.
Even angel babies weren't born the way that human babies did. If an angel couple wanted babies then the male confessed his true feelings to his female partner and gave her a flower which after smelling, she would feel a golden sphere like thing coming out of her belly and when it is totally separated the baby which is inside  gets out of it. When twin angels were born they were always a male and a female.
Angels couldn't impregnate humans and the opposite. The newborn angels were sensitive just like the human ones.
The two of them loved eachother truly and despite of being two very different species Pancrazio was an angel and Nausicaä was a human it didn't stop them from loving eachother. 
The truth is that none of them had a relationship with someone else before they met eachother.
But the real question is: Will this love be a beautiful one that will make them being happy together or it will be envolved into a tragedy that will finally forbid them from seeing eachother forever again?
It was afternoon and the weather got less hot now.That morning the temperature was extremely high but the angels couldn't sweat like the humans. Not even thunders or snow could effect them no matter if they had clothes or not.
Pancrazio was ready to leave and suddenly he saw his two older sisters Rosseta and Chiara and his younger sister Mirella coming towards him.
"Goodbye little brother. Have a great time and take care of yourself" his older sister Rosetta a female angel with her shoulder length hair worn in a ponytail and wearing nothing but a golden hair accesory told him.
"Goodbye little brother. And if you see demons there don't let them put you in temptation" his other older sister Chiara a female angel with her shoulder length hair being down and wearing nothing but a golden hair accesory told him.
"Goodbye big brother. Have a great time wherever you go" his younger sister Mirella a female angel with shoulder length orange hair and a short white dress said to him.
"Thank you so much everyone" the white winged male angel answered them with a bright smile on his face.
Nausicaä had already finished with the housework and told her older brothers Herakles and Alexandros: "Now that I finished with the housework I will go for a walk near the beach."
"Have a great time and don't be too late" her older twin brother Alexandros said to her.
"Have a great time and take care of yourself" her other older brother Herakles told her.
The girl thanked her siblings smiling brightly and she started walking. After walking lots of miles she felt tired and sat on the sand to relax.
Few minutes later the angel that she met yesterday and with whom she started developing a romantic relationship, sat next to her and spread his large white wings to make her feel that she wasn't alone. His beautiful eyes were full of silence.
"Pancrazio my dear I am so happy that you came to see me again. I thought we wouldn't meet each other " Nausicaä told him while her eyes were almost in tears.
"Nausicaä my dear. I kept the promise that I made yesterday to see you and I decided that this was the most suitable time to visit you and spend time with you." Pancrazio responded to her .
The male angel and the human girl started talking about many interesting topics together and while they were having a philosophical conversation they found out that their love for philosophy was common.
In the end of the conversation the girl asked the angel : "Is that true that the angels sing so wonderful?"
"Of course and I will show it to you" the white winged angel said to her and started singing.
It was the most stunning and melodic singing voice she ever heard and very soon she joined him and their voices had an amazing harmony together.
It started becoming dark and Nausicaä wanted to go home but she was in no mood to walk. Then Pancrazio told her: "take my hand and we will fly together towards your house. I want to stay with you tonight , except if you are against it."
The angel's words  about staying with her was exactly what the girl except to hear. Her answer was a big "Yes" filled with such happiness and excitement.
The lady did as she was told and when they arrived the angel was impressed by the house.
She took a key, that she kept in her dress' pocket and opened the door carefully so she wouldn't wake up her sister and her two brothers. At the same time the angel closed his large white wings and he walked inside the house. He even chose to go upstairs using his feet , just like his beloved one.
He layed on the bed that was big enough for two persons and the young woman got undressed and came to lay next to him.
But Nausicaä couldn't sleep and asked Pancrazio to sing her something to help her to sleep easier. He immediately accepted it and started singing with a calming voice. As he finished he kissed her on the lips and they slept hugging eachother tenderly.
The white-winged male angel liked his human girlfriend's house so much that he stayed there for some time. He didn't have his own room there because every night he was sleeping next to his beloved lady and the bed was big enough for them. Even if they gave a room just for him, he wouldn't accept this offer because he wanted to be by his love's side.
The first morning Pancrazio woke up earlier and told Nausicaä who was sleeping next to him totally naked and having her long curly hair down: "buongiorno amore mio." The young woman opened her green eyes and said to the angel who was sitting next to her : "kalimera agapi mou."
Few minutes later they went to the bathroom to start their daily routine and when they  finished they went downstairs where the living room was.
Nausicaä helped Pancrazio  navigate his wings before sitting on one of the couches without knocking something over.
Of course she chose to have her seat next to him after making sure he was feeling  comfortable like this.
That time Herakles Alexandros and Antigone arrived and sat on the right couch of the living room.
When Nausicaä saw them she said to them:
"Good morning everyone. Here is my boyfriend Pancrazio. He's an angel and he will stay for some time in our house as a guest. Let me introduce you to him."
The three of them were so impressed by the angel and generally by  their sister's relationship with this stunning creature.
"I am so happy to see an angel. And i feel it is such a great honour to have him as a guest" Herakles said with a happy expression on his face.
"It's just amazing that my twin little sister has an angel as boyfriend. They are so cute together" Alexandros said feeling very proud inside.
"I got so much excitement seeing a real angel. He is exactly like how i've imagined him to be  " Antigone told and she was impressed that her sister got a handsome boyfriend with a kind heart.
The fact that he wore nothing except for the small golden crown on his head  didn't bother them, since the angel explained that this had to do with the beauty of nature and purity.
Very soon an interesting discussion started between all of them and they were excited that the angel had the same interest in philosophy like them and started asking him questions about the angel world and he was never tired talking to them about his home and his family.
Finally Pancrazio and Nausicaä stayed alone and they shared their real first kiss by putting their lips on eachother's without worrying about being noticed by someone. They loved eachother with a burning passion and they knew it very well.
The happy couple found some very good ways to entertain themselves like reading the many books of the library, singing and playing the harp.There were actually so many things to do so they would never get bored.
All this time Pancrazio stayed on Earth he was making sure if there was any demon. If there was one he fought them and then he used his angelic powers to restore everything that was destroyed by those creatures , otherwise they would cause harm to any human that was on their way. Not even Nausicaä herself , her older brothers Herakles and Alexandros  and her older sister Antigone.
Nausicaä loved Pancrazio with all her heart and if someone dared to bully him she protected him and kicked their asses with a sword. Although her princess like appearance didn't made her a damsel in distress but a brave lady who was even able to fight the creppiest monsters in the world
Pancrazio loved Nausicaä dearly and made sure that she was alright. He was so pleased that she protected him and didn't let anybody to bully him and making him sad and this was enough for him. They deeply cared for eachother and never fought even for the most unimportant issues. They also did the housework together.
This love was like a sweet and lovely dream and it seemed nothing could stop the male angel and the human girl having such a beautiful relationship. But it will end up being a happy one or a dramatic one?
The male angel and the human lady had such a beautiful relationship, that it was so difficult to find other couples with a relationship like theirs even if it was between a king and a queen.
The couple had such lovely moments near eachother. Even Aphrodite the Goddess of Love and Beauty herself would be so happy about this relationship that made even money and other incredibly expensive things look so worthless.
But one fateful day three mysterious men appeared from nowhere and captured Pancrazio. They threatened him they'd cut off his wings. The beautiful angel was so scared.
In fact the angel and his beloved lady found happiness the most simple things like kindness, rather than money which make people happy only for a short period of time and afterwards they corrupte them or make them feel depressed.
The leader of this cult  was so obsessed with power that he would do everything to gain it even by hurting the others. So he believed that those large wings would grant his wish.
The Well of Despair cult had only male adults in their mid to late 40's as members. They were all dressed in black and used demonic symbols.
Nausicaä stood bravely and took a sword. She decided to fight that man and set her angel boyfriend free.
The man told her with a ironic smile on his face: "A girl dares to fight me? I am sure that you will get scared and start asking for help."
The girl got angry and told him: "I am not a damsel in distress who waits for a prince to save her. I will make you realise how wrong you are. "
"We'll make a deal" he told smirking
"Tell me what kind of deal it is?" she asked
"If you win the angel will be set free. But if I win his wings will be cut off" he responded to her.
"This angel is my boyfriend and I will do everything for him" she said to that man.
The two rivals decided not to talk any more and star the duel. Both of them were ready to face eachother.
The man ran towards the girl's direction and she defended herself against him as she fought him back.
"I will end your reign of terror" the young woman told him and a "clang" sound has heard as she put her sword to his
"Ha ha ha ha very funny. I can already imagine your face when I will defeat you. You'll run away crying" he said and then laughed evilly.
"Unlike what you say I won't run away no matter what will happen next!"  she said these words which such a fury that made him look like a scaredy cat.
Although they didn't stop the battle , unless one of them won.
Meanwhile Pancrazio managed to free himself from the hands of those men. Luckily his wings weren't cut off. He encouraged Nausicaä to continue fighting with everything she had.
As she was encouraged by him she attacked the man with her sword leading him to his defeat and by this she ended the cult's reign of terror. From now and on none angel would be afraid to lose their wings and the most importantly none of them would get their wings cut off.
In the next move the man's sword broke and it fell on the ground.
When the man looked at his damaged sword he didn't believe that he was defeated by a girl.His injuries where so heavy that he died because of them and as for the other members they had a feeling of guilt which haunted them until the end of their lives. 
This was also the end of the cult known as Well of Despair whose purpose was to dominate the world causing pain to the other people with the support of demons.
The girl heard it and answered him as she also started crying : "I love you with all my heart as well. I want to be with you forever. I don't want to die. My desire is not to be a human anymore."
When the fight ended Pancrazio came towards Nausicaä and when he saw her in blood and her greenish blue dress being destroyed ,he hugged her and cried. While he was crying, he told her: "Please don't die. I love you with all my heart. You are the first human that gave me the true love I always wanted to get."
After this the two lovers kissed eachother on the lips and they cried during the kiss. The kiss was so sweet and lasted for hours at least in their minds.
The end
When they finally broke from the kiss Nausicaä wasn't a human anymore. She turned into an angel that was completely naked and was wearing only a golden tiara on her head and had a pair of large white wings on her back. Her wounds were fully recovered and from now and on she would be immortal but she was still able to see and visit her family. Pancrazio saw her and gave her a big hug full of love and tenderness. She put her hands around his waist and hugged him back with such a heartwarming and tender feeling .
Finally the two lovers flew together towards the Angel Realm and lived happy forever.
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slicewifi · 6 years
Women in IT Awards USA: Finalists Revealed
Finalist Revealed
The finalists for the US edition of the world’s largest tech diversity event are today revealed. The winners will be announced at an awards ceremony in Gotham Hall, New York, on 22 March ‘As tech companies continue to disrupt industries and business models with new innovation, platforms that ensure the workforces behind this innovation are diverse and innovation are absolutely critical’ The world’s largest tech diversity awards event today reveals the finalists for its inaugural USA program, which will gather top leaders from America’s technology sector to further efforts to tackle the industry’s diversity challenges. The Women in IT Awards is the technology world’s most prominent and influential diversity program. Held for the last four years in London, the most recent event on 31 January 2018 was attended by 1,200 business and tech leaders. On 22 March 2018, the event will come to the US for the first time, taking place in one of the world’s most prominent business cities – New York – at the grand Gotham Hall in Manhattan. The Women in IT Awards USA marks the event’s first expansion out of Europe. With just 25% of computing jobs in the US held by women – and much fewer at senior and executive levels – the event seeks to tackle the industry’s gender imbalance by showcasing the achievements of women in technology, identifying new role models and promoting constructive dialogue around diversity among key industry leaders.
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Organised by business-technology magazine and website Information Age, the Women in IT Awards has gathered resounding support from trade associations, politicians and companies of all sizes and sectors since launching in 2015. Through a series of 16 awards, the event acts as a flagship and high-profile platform for the industry’s wide-reaching diversity efforts. The awards, which attracted over 400 nominations, are sponsored by premium partner BMC Software, as well as AT&T, Bluewolf, Equinix, FireEye, Frank Recruitment Group, Neustar, Rolls-Royce and Zayo. “We were blown away with the incredible volume and standard of nominations for an event landing in the US for the first time,” says Ben Rossi, editorial director at Information Age publisher Vitesse Media and founder of the Women in IT Awards. “It’s been a privilege to watch the Women in IT Awards grow over the last four years as people from across the technology world have embraced it as the platform for identifying female role models in the industry and shining a light on their innovation and achievements. “As tech companies continue to disrupt industries and business models with new innovation, platforms like the Women in IT Awards that ensure the workforces behind this innovation are diverse and inclusive are absolutely critical. Congratulations to all of the finalists.” Advocate of the Year Kristy Wallace, Ellevate Network Anita Khandekar, Enova Bianca Jackson, JAX Digital DeLisa Alexander, Red Hat Selina Suarez, Salesforce Hala Hanna, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Marta Zanchi, Stanford University Elizabeth Hunter, T-Mobile Carita Marrow, UNCF Ronni Eloff, Women in Technology International Business Leader of the Year Kate O’Keeffe, Cisco Lisa Stanton, InAuth Brynne Kennedy, MOVE Guides Candice Corby, Cobra Legal Solutions Nancy Harris, Sage Meredith Whalen, IDC Trish Thomas, TEEM Kristel Lataste, Amadeus North America Paula Hunter, NFC Forum Business Role Model of the Year Rebecca Parsons, ThoughtWorks Heather Wilde, WithMe Margaret Dawson, Red Hat Rebecca Wynn, Matrix Medical Network Teena Piccione, Fidelity Investments Donna Wells, Mindflash Technologies Brenda Peick, Thomson Reuters Liz Tinkham, University of Washington Priyanka Vasudevan, Morgan Stanley Nabila Aydin, FDM Group CIO of the Year Marykay Wells, Pearson Kristy Simonette, Camden Property Trust Sherry Aaholm, Cummins Paula Tolliver, Intel Corporation Kimberly Ingram, Lansing Board of Water & Light Nancy D’Amico, LeasePlan Janice Withers, TD Bank Nicole Raimundo, Town of Cary Michaele James, CSAA Insurance Group Sandi Mays, Zayo Group Data Leader of the Year Sangeeta Krishnan, Asembia Olisa Stephensbailey, Booz Allen Hamilton Valerie Logan, Gartner Kjersten Moody, State Farm Jennifer Nelson, Rocket Software Aimee Webster, S&P Global Sara Garrido, Sizmek Jessica Kirkpatrick, Slack Tendü Yoğurtçu, Syncsort Jacquelin Speck, U.S. Navy Digital Leader of the Year Jessica Wong, Amorepacific Aurora Losada, Houston Public Media Kristina Villarini, Lambda Legal Jo Ann Saitta, Omnicom Health Group Monica Caldas, GE Melissa Stevens, Fifth Third Bank Jaime Chambron, NTT Data Services Daryl Drabinsky, Aetna Teesee Murray, Infor Karen O’Brien, Western Union e-Skills Initiative of the Year Tracey Welson-Rossman, Chariot Solutions / TechGirlz Renee La Londe, iTalent Digital Marlin Williams, Sisters Code Olga Mack, ClearSlide Ruthe Farmer, CSforALL.org Judith Spitz, Women in Technology and Entrepreneurship in New York (WiTNY) Viola Maxwell-Thompson, Information Technology Senior Management Forum Women on their Way, NetScout Elizabeth Lindsey, Byte Back Diane Flynn, ReBoot Accel Editor’s Choice Rina Brahmbhatt, Atos Global Consulting Mylea Charvat, Savonix Lauren Cooney, Spark Labs Rita Torkzadeh, The Pew Charitable Trusts Christina Zuniga, InTouch Health Winnie Cheng, Io-Tahoe Jane Harper, Henry Ford Health System Shelley Westman, EY Liz Rowe, State of New Jersey Marlene Williamson, Watermark Entrepreneur of the Year Zhuo Li, AutoX Neha Sampat, Built.io Contentstack Autumn Manning, YouEarnedIt Jennifer Kyriakakis, MATRIXX Software Angela Hood, ThisWay Global Lora Ivanova, myLab Box Srii Srinivasan, Chargeback Gurus Mary Dee, Digital Altitude Meg Columbia, Walsh Wylei Rachel Bogan, Work & Co Future CIO of the Year Julia Lomax, Tengelmann Group Priya Aswani, Microsoft Jamila Parham, City of Chicago Eryka Johnson, ExxonMobil Amber Williamson, Robert Half Technology Anne Mette Hoyer, SAP Andrea Adams, Spanning Cloud Apps Tracy Vo, Bank of the West Leslie Hielema, GuideWell Praniti Lakhwara, Apttus Innovator of the Year Jin Zhang, CA Technologies Angela Nicoara, Intel Corporation Vicki Reyzelman, Akamai Rachelle Oribio, Techstars Jo-Anne Dressendofer, Slice Wireless Solutions Kristin Lovejoy, BluVector Natalie Gil, rational7 Veena Gundavelli, Emagia Corporation Bhavini Soneji, Heal Sophie Vandebroek, IBM Rising Star of the Year Velvet Johnson, Accenture Etosha Ottey, Chicago Black Women In Tech Jamie Migdal, FetchFind Robyn Gray, Otherworld Interactive Jennifer Perusini, Neurovation Labs Yana Zaidiner, Token Payments Margaret Gratian, US Department of Defense Lana Jovanovic, UBM Annie Eaton, Futurus Sarah Mogin, Work & Co Security Champion of the Year Rhonda Shantz, Centrify Christy Wyatt, Dtex Systems Linda Conrad, Exelon Deneen DeFiore, GE Lila Kee, GlobalSign Monica Jain, LogicHub Julie Cullivan, ForeScout Technologies Sydney Klein, Capital One Financial Deb Briggs, NetScout Terri Cetera, Quest Diagnostics Transformation Leader of the Year Alejandra Roslyakova, Amadeus North America Lisa Litherland, CDW Ozlem Coskun, Chubb Insurance Sandy Hogan, HERE Technologies Kelly Switt, Citi Barbara Morgan, FIS Carol Houle, Cognizant Chiara Bersano, LSI Consulting Erica Volini, Deloitte Kerry Small, Vodafone Group Enterprise Woman of the Year Kesha Williams, Chick-fil-A Ishita Majumdar, eBay Li Lo, SPANX Dianne Dain, United Nations Mayumi Hiramatsu, Infor Laila Beane, Intellect SEEC Anita Sands, Symantec Karen MacKay, Rolls-Royce Sheela Ramamurthy, VirtualHealth Jeanette Maister, WCN Young Leader of the Year Hannah Osborne, DXC Technology Miranda LeBlanc, Liberty Mutual Insurance Karen Parisi, Oodi Caitlin Burniske, Premier Logic Jessica Angelotta, Target Data Arlyn Burgess, University of Virginia Ali Greenwood, JLL Camille Stewart, Deloitte Ayesha Liaqat, UW Health Lisa Godwin, The New York Times See Original Post Here: information-age.com/women-awards Read the full article
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ithacanradio · 2 years
props to morpheus for finally going for a woman who has almost as many red flags as him
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ithacanradio · 2 years
People think Neil Ga*man's horror is about the inevitably of death, the dark side of wishes and metaphors for the human condition. this is a common misconception: the true horror experience is when this man starts describing left wing revolutionary movements.
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ithacanradio · 2 years
i love how creature and creepy Morpheus is about the dream baby. you can tell he's genuinely psyched that by the rules he has a claim over a baby n can you even fault him not only is he a dad he is also just a creature, he is 1 degree removed from Rumpelstiltskin on the weirdo scale by nature.
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ithacanradio · 2 years
Morpheus announcing with his whole chest "i imprisoned a woman in hell for 10 thousand years bc i felt scorned & it has come to my attention i might have overreacted, so I'm going to go and die about it" in front of his entire realm, he's so stupid and terrible i like him so much
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ithacanradio · 2 years
lucifer calling dream sweet and dream calling lucifer beautiful in every adaptation.... intricate rituals....
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ithacanradio · 2 years
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ithacanradio · 2 years
sometimes a family is two lesbians, a witch, the sweetest trans woman, and barbie.
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ithacanradio · 2 years
he just made a joke and giggled I'm on the ground
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