#chief inspector petunia
sylvanfreckles · 1 year
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Watching The Owl House with the family!
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sylvanfreckles · 1 year
This is my mature, demure little lady, Chief Inspector Petunia, Lady Spiderbreath (AKA Toots).
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And this is my mature, demure little lady when she spots a SPARKLE ON THE CEILING OMG DO YOU SEE THAT GIVE IT GIVE IT GIVE IT
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sylvanfreckles · 1 year
My boys (Phil and Malachi) don't really get along. There's not outright hostility; they'll eat side by side and exist in close proximity and wrestle (sometimes fighting sometimes playing), but they've never been what you'd call snuggly.
Until now.
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For the last two weekends, if it's been sunny I'll find them snuggled up together in this spot. And I'm just melting. They're so cute!
Meanwhile Petunia:
She's a loner. Roulette anyone? 😆
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sylvanfreckles · 2 years
Just a couple of Critter critters!
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sylvanfreckles · 29 days
See the way she rubs the catnip banana over her face? Very mindful. Very demure.
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sylvanfreckles · 5 months
Pics taken moments before disaster
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Actually, she's a Good Girl and just wanted a sniff because she's head of security.
Kurapika, on the other hand, is drowning in an ocean of despair because he doesn't have a ticket for the tiny tram
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sylvanfreckles · 8 months
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Goodest girl Petunia and her favorite time of day: Puzzle Time.
I just have to call her to let her know (or in some cases, me sitting on the couch and pulling out the puzzle keeper is enough) and she's running over to snuggle down in her blanket. Close enough to be petted but not so close that we're touching, of course.
Tonight I asked her how her day was and she squeaked at me and I could had keeled over on the spot. I don't deserve her.
(Pictures taken over several days. She'll be 4 in March, loves watching people and animals outside the windows, and either shrieks like the Star Trek red alert or squeaks with the tiniest voice you can imagine.)
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sylvanfreckles · 1 year
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Visited by my muse.
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sylvanfreckles · 1 year
I've been on tumble too much, my cat seemed irritated so I asked if she'd babygirl'd too close to the sun.
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In my defense, look at that dramatic little face. If anyone was going to babygirl too close to the sun, it would be her.
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sylvanfreckles · 2 years
Petunia with her new favorite toy, Catnip Leggie.
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It's a discard from a crochet pattern I was testing. I stuffed it with catnip to see if the cats would like it, and she fell in love.
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sylvanfreckles · 3 years
My mom doesn't like that my cat's full name is "Chief Inspector Petunia" because she thinks the cat should have a more feminine title and it's driving me crazy.
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1) Petunia is a cat
2) Chief Inspector is a job title and therefore gender neutral
3) If she buys the princess costume for Petunia and the pirate costumes for the boys I will put Petunia in a pirate costume and put the princess one on Phil, the family diva
4) Stop trying to over-gender my cat, Petunia is already a feminine name, she doesn't need "Princess Inspector" or "Inspectoress" on top of it
5) Her name when she's fulfilling her other duty as bug assassin is Lady Spiderbreath, but my mom doesn't like that one either
6) Again. She's a cat. I know I don't have children, but come on (I haven't lived at home for almost 20 years, so it's not like these are family pets)
(Bonus pic of Phil, the family diva. He's basically an opera tenor in cat form.)
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sylvanfreckles · 3 years
It's always heartbreaking when something scares Malachi so badly he's hiding from me (who he loves the most in the whole wide world), but it's a little bittersweet because whenever he's scared Petunia sticks to him like glue. It's like she knows he needs extra protection and, as Chief Inspector, that's her job!
They're about a month apart in age, she's older, and I adopted them five months apart so they've been together since kittenhood. Such a good big sister. Last time this happened she bedded down on a chair where she could still see the cabinet he was hiding in, just in case he needed her.
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