#chief scientist
reportwire · 2 years
America’s New Monkeypox Vaccine Strategy Rests on a Single Study
America’s New Monkeypox Vaccine Strategy Rests on a Single Study
Once again, the United States is messing up its approach to vaccines. Three months into its monkeypox outbreak, just 620,000 doses of the two-injection Jynneos shot—the nation’s current best immune defense against the virus—have been shipped to states, not nearly enough to immunize the 1.6 million to 1.7 million Americans that the CDC considers at highest risk. The next deliveries from the…
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gravelyhumerus · 11 months
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sketch request: missing scene from the crossover episode
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stankworth · 1 year
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qourmet · 4 months
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another AU no one asked for
i've been listening to the promare ost & gave in to watch the movie. been thinkin a Lot about a promare/wangxian AU but all i could really focus on was MianMian in Aina's clothes & i was kinda Gone
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but also, consider: yiling found family as Mad Burnish
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blightowl · 10 months
The perfect start to a Star Trek: TNG episode
Troi: Personal log. ...My mother is onboard.
Picard: *slowly stepping off a turbolift* I sense a disturbance in the force
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striderl · 2 months
I always wanted to ask this but I wasn't sure just how much importance he had but after seeing several mentions of him, what was the relationship each member of Film Industry (excluding Polaroid) had with Chief? How did the rest of the members took to his death when they got the news? They seemed to respect him alot :'( What relationship could Chief had with Polaroid if they had met anyways?
We could pretty much agree on the fact that Chief is a selfless hero of the alliance, from the action of tossing the prototype disinfection gun to the POV in Ep.35. Regarding some of my headcanons about Chief, I can envision him being an optimistic person with a rather inviting personality. 
Chief had personally recruited Styrofim from the infantry division. To be fair, Styrofilm was seriously traumatized since the beginning of the war, with the accidental murder of his mentor and almost losing his head due to the Kamikaze Skibidi in Ep. 14 (if you check the post of pre-Film-Industry Styrofilm, he has a notch in his filmstrip-holder and he is missing one of the handles). Chief valued Styrofilm not because he considered him too smart to be a cannon fodder, it was because he genuinely sympathized with Styrofilm. He took Styrofilm under his wing and helped him move on from the tragedies.
Chief was introduced to Foley when the speakerman faction allied with the cameraman faction. Despite Foley’s expertise in weapon smithing and organic biology, many units were weirded out by Foley’s eccentricity and ominous and refused to interact with him under any conditions, especially due to the fact that he returned to his faction with a bomb strapped to his core. Different from most units’ reactions towards Foley, Chief was willing to accept his differences as well as his defects, disregarding the Speakerman faction directors’ warning about Foley’s past. Foley was surprised by Chief since he never had an actual friend, which led to him developing a close relationship with Chief.
As mentioned in a previous post, Chief first encountered Gaffer when the alliance formed with the TV faction. Gaffer always has trust issues due to the TV faction culture and her experience of being used by humans to commit atrocities. But with Chief and Styrofilm’s kindness, she soon opens up to them and offers her complete trust toward the Film Industry.
In short, Chief was the one who kept the team together. Losing him really takes a toll on all the members of the Film Industry, as he had been emotionally supporting them for so long, especially Foley. As mentioned in the Film Industry Intro, Foley has been so emotionally dependent on Chief, that he almost completely lost it when he heard about Chief’s death.
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[A throwback to what Foley talked about in this comic]
Also, if you are asking about Chief and Polaroid's relationship if they meet, well...
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ploompkin · 5 months
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Sorry I’m not talkative I am ✨exhausted✨ currently
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ginhaku125 · 6 months
fuck you these scientists gay
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mrs--lonelyy · 10 months
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Mariah, the Scientist today via IG.
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girlemotions · 9 days
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<<33 collages are so fun to make
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retconomics · 5 months
working in tech w/ non-tech people is really like 'you know how to do this right' and its an entirely different field/set of skills.
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cjorgens2022 · 7 months
I’ve just had a recent dream regarding Tech, he was wearing a dark grey uniform of an imperial scientist with rank bar denoting his status as Imperial Commander and Science Officer. He was calmly adjusting his glasses as he typed out scientific diagrams regarding contraptions of any kind. This only fuels my plans to expand my Imperial Tech au! Once his chip activates. He’ll be more logically harsh in addition to being practical, cold, calculated, determined, firm, stern, serious, cunning, businesslike, persuasive, brutally honest, reasonable, brutally honest.
as such. The Amaxines, The Drengir are also involved in my Imperial Tech AU as is Phee Genoa. Case Solving is also included!
Not only that, I’ve recently dreamt Tech was giving new recruits for the Imperial Science Division a tour of his massive lab on Mt. Tantiss in addition to the others on Coruscant and Ziost!
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zombified-queer · 1 year
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Being an SCP fan for the Sarkicism canons is just this image.
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striderl · 2 months
What was gaffers first impression of Polaroid when they first met?
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They've got the same energy, the same mannerisms, and the same smile.
Bonus: In my original setting, Chief was supposed to be Polaroid's biological dad. I changed my mind later.
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ginhaku125 · 5 months
Me: Ugh! I hate ships where the characters haven't met in canon!
Also me:
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Also I'm pretty sure I technically have a researchethicshipping fanchild? (Clementine) I mean she's Colress' bio daughter and Faba becomes her step dad via marriage soo...
Oh my bad, did I say one? I meant two
im not elaborating.
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discount-kirishima · 10 months
why did i put it off all week and am now feeling sick to my stomach on this 3 hour long bus ride?
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