#chiharu Tanaka
dolcemelodia · 1 year
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bernard-the-rabbit · 2 years
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“Everyday, there are many unremarkable encounters, but…later on, there will be an encounter big enough to change your life. That’s why, I want to treasure each of those. I started thinking that…when I first met Otani.” – Risa Koizumi
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agythi · 2 years
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lupincentral · 9 months
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The upcoming live-action spin-off film, Jigen Daisuke 「次元大介」, has a brand-new action-packed trailer!
Narrated by the current Japanese voice actor of the animated Jigen, Akio Ōtsuka, the trailer gives a better look at what we can expect from the film, along with a glimpse at its supporting cast.
Yōko Maki is due to play Jigen's arch-enemy, Adel, an assassin who has lost both a leg and her voice - neither of which stop her from being a formidable foe for our hero.
Kotoka Maki features as Oto, a young girl targeted by the villainous Adel's organization.
Masatoshi Nagase stars as Takeshi Kawashima, an assassin and right-hand man of Adel who possesses impressive mimicry and disguise abilities.
Honami Satō plays Ruri, Kawashima's lover, and Mitsuko Kusabue plays Chiharu Yaguchi, the world's best gunsmith whose run-down watch repair shop serves as a front for her services.
The film is releasing “worldwide” (exact locations to be revealed) on October 13th, 2023, exclusively on Amazon Prime Video. Tetsuji Tamayama, who previously portrayed the character in the 2014 released feature film, will be returning to the role of Jigen. He is the second actor to take the role of Jigen in a live action Lupin III film, with Kunie Tanaka being the first in 1974’s Strange Psychokinetic Strategy.
Yoshimasa Akamatsu (BD ~Akechi Tantei Jimusho, Corpse Party: Book of Shadows) has produced the script for the upcoming film, and Hajime Hashimoto (The Detective Is in the Bar franchise, AIBOU: Tokyo Detective Duo, Shimauma, Signal) is on directing duties.
Watch the trailer on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/UD13qp8-LfE
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vyvesvi · 6 months
(copying this over from my twitter)
pd101 japan s3 mdh steal list + where i want various trainees to go
yoshida hana would do well at starship
yamazaki mitsuki will probably quit music but in my head she could be in a ninemuses-esque group with ando chiharu, koyama mana, tanaka yuuki
i follow a talent scout/trainer who's actively trying to get moro anon a kpop job so
motohashi meika mdh steal list first inductee
i dont care for mizukami rimika. she should start a yt channel if she hasn't already
matsushita miyu isn't for me but maybe she could join the ninemuses reup
fujimoto ayaka was well-liked enough to have a future somewhere. idk where, but somewhere
hatta mena has some issues but i do think she can still debut somewhere
i have no idea where nakano kokona can go but that's baby sister so i want good things for her. maybe the chanmina show? that's the only japanese survival show in the works that i can think of, plus she suits the vibe
i was convinced that takahashi hina and abe nagomi were gonna be 12 & 13 and be frontrunners for the lapone spin off group but they usually dont bother with people who don't make the finale...my non fact based opinion is that a group with these two and a couple others who were eliminated would still do better than a group of the finalists. as it stands, hina should try for the next korean season of pd101, and nagomi will have a future in jpop, even though the idea of splitting them hurts my head.
i loved takagi mayu but her brief foray into the entertainment world is over i fear
sutani yurara would probably hate it conceptually but im zapping her with my ninemuses ray. sorry.
i don't know what to do with sasaki tsukushi but she needs a win and bad. chanmina show? if keiko and rinon weren't fighting for top 11 id say debut them as a trio, i enjoyed their team's balance on bijin a lot
saito serina...i really like her but idk what to do with her. she has great idol potential and fits kbeauty standards more than jpop standards...maybe the next korean season of produce? she's like 45% mdh steal list but that's my bias talking
kano kurihara ninemuses beam
i kind of love kitazume sakura, she's cute but extremely intense & she tries to hide it by simply not saying anything but it still shines through. i think she's great. produce 101 korea just to see, she shouts instead of sings but honestly she gives izone
kikukawa aki...she's fun but she gives flop group, like majors or something tbh
no idea how nogizaka works but kawabata ranka should aim for something like that
kamio ayano reminds me so much of zhang zining it's crazy. if she had a storyline i think she would've debuted but she just never caught on. she would be a great gg member but im not sure where
oda aruha my beloved disappointment. if she had held on a lil longer she couldnt made lapone trainee status but alas. i could see her just working in dance moving forward
okabe nana could be scouted by someone, maybe akb idk
uchiyama rin might not have a future in music but it's kind of a shame since she has such a nice lower register
ando yui my little sister...idk what to do with her so im gonna blindly put her in mdh jpn ngg and say it makes sense because having 2 yui's would be cute
aramaki joa's push was too obvious and she paid the price, but there's no way she's not being kept on as a lapone trainee or getting offers, finals or not. i actually think her vibe sort of suits tripleS although im not expecting anyone from this show to join
i quite liked akiyama ema, something about her reminded me of jihyo but she never fully caught the audience's attention so unfortunately she might just dance from here on out
to be very real i hope suzu fans dont panic vote her into the top 11. she definitely has a future at lapone.
honestly some company is gonna take half the finalists and throw them in a group together regardless of fit so given they dont make top 11 but disregarding that...
sorry i want shizuku to go back to opera
momoka should go on chanmina's show and then transition into an iri copy, she'd actually do sooooo well with that but if she wants a gg...my ninemuses team is only at 7 rn
haruka will get an offer somewhere
koto & rio lapone, kagura too but i want her for the gg im building in my head
in sum:
discount nine muses: yamazaki mitsuki, ando chiharu, koyama mana, tanaka yuuki, sutani yurara, kurihara kano, kamio ayano, kenmotsu nano, kato kagura
mdh: motohashi meika
sorta mdh but not really: saito serina, ando yui, aramaki joa
final top 11 in my brain: momona, miu, rinon, ran ayane, tsuzumi, kokona, kokoro, rin, keiko, and rino (im delusional)
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sneek-m · 5 months
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Favorite Dramas 2023
I think I need to raise the grading curve on ratings over on MyDramaList and start relegating the "just fine" shows from a 3 star to a neutral halfway point of 2.5 stars. That goes to say this year I actually watched a good amount of "just OK"s, a lot of 3s as those currently stand. Which is fine! I mostly watch these to wind down after a day at work or get my mind elsewhere as I catch up during my lunch breaks, hence the easier pickings of comedies. (Though, crime, mysteries and hospital dramas never really interested me anyway.) But I did watch some memorable ones, and I jotted down thoughts on them below:
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0.5 No Otoko (Sundays, 11 p.m.; WOWOW)
0.5 No Otoko is far from showy, very comfortable settling into its suburbia: it’s only in the last credit roll did the crew decide to flex, revealing the elaborate set they used to execute the one-shot takes in Masaharu’s home. Though, calling the show low-key would be to gloss over the huge attention to detail they put in to build the world. The episode that sold me on this was the one involving Bugranger, the fictional in-universe super sentai show. They filmed an entire opening sequence for the episode, and made up its own exclusive little dance — actually a key component to get Masaharu bonding with his nephew, and then eventually his sister’s entire family. The drama goes on ordinary yet never mundane, finding warm comedy in the most everyday scenarios, but also handling the heavy stuff plainly, like his niece reading back the sticky notes left by his mother in the past when he was a more severe recluse. In the spirit of the drama, I think it would be better said that it’s more than meets the eye. 
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Kashimashi Meshi (Mondays, 11 p.m.; TV Tokyo)
There were quite a few shows that I watched this year about the hardships in trying to create new, meaningful friendships in your late 20s. While Kashimashi Meshi isn’t explicitly about that compared to the few others, it still brings attention to the fact that a relationship like the one forged (rekindled?) by the show’s main trio isn’t so easy to come by. Because as incidental as their meeting seems, it still goes to show a chance to create and foster a connection isn’t to be taken for granted, a fact of post-grad adulthood written home from the pilot on: I understand the desperation in trying to keep company from Atsuko Maeda’s Chiharu, who quietly breaks down over dinner in front of her newly reunited college mates, revealing to be suffering from a debilitating depression while living alone after leaving a hostile workplace. Their initial interactions hint that they may have not been the closest of friends when they knew each other in school, yet it only makes it more worthwhile to see them deepen their relationship in a new form. I only hope there will one day be a dinner table like the one in Kashimashi Meshi I can join after a hard day at work.
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Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Fridays, 0 a.m.; TV Tokyo)
I recommend watching the 2021 theatrical release beforehand as a kind of prelude to the discussions that happen in season two. But even without the viewing, you get the point it’s trying to make pretty clearly as general anxieties about mortality looms throughout. These guys are entering their 50s after all, and the topics often comes up as mundane as Shiro’s own grocery-shopping and yet nevertheless just as crucial: I think about Shiro going out with his parents to check out cemeteries to store their ashes with the same demeanor as if they’re looking at apartment rooms for rent. The lightness actually makes it more real for me, especially as I have these thoughts kind of often. 
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Sexy Tanakasan (Sundays, 10 p.m.; Nippon TV)
One of my favorite episodes of TV this year was the show’s 8th episode revolving around what it really takes for get one’s make-up to not only look good but simply work for their preference. Of course, 23-year-old Akari’s own style is not compatible with 40-year-old Tanaka’s — it’s never one size fits all. You have to really study your own face and then visualize how you want to look; if you’re doing make-up for someone else, as Akari does, you have to really get to know the other’s person from the outside in. That’s a lot of work on multiple levels, and as much as make-up seems very interesting, I frankly have not had enough energy nor confidence to start doing the self-assessment myself so I can even begin experimenting on my own face. But that whole process, confronting your own reflection and putting in work to make your visualization of self-beauty come true, is embedded in the whole comedy of Sexy Tanakasan — albeit in the form of belly-dancing, though the make-up becomes more adjacent as the show goes along — to the point the men really become besides the point. 
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Nichiyo No Yoru Guraiwa... (Sundays, 10 p.m.; TV Asahi)
Nichiyo No Yoru Guraiwa.. maybe deals with the right amount of extremes and by that I mean it’s so extreme to the point the fiction becomes clearly obvious and you stop sweating about the details, like, say, the whole lottery-ticket wish fulfillment that drives much of the plot. Still, the show dumps so much misery to its main trio, and I am thankful to these three particular actresses for adding to their respective fatalistic characters a much needed levity. Because really, whatever they decide to blow their lotto winnings on, as long as the gang has an excuse to get together again and have a grand ol’ time, that’s all you can ask for. That anticipation to go out on a weekend after long days spent planning out the details with your buddies is almost too real, especially as the droning part-time grind can waste away the hope of a free weekend entirely. And of course, actually having available buddies to make those plans real after being robbed of the opportunity to befriend strangers in the past. It all started from listening to their favorite radio show partly as an escape from their humdrum lives; in the case of Seino Nana’s Sachi, being roped into attending the show’s fan event as a sub for her mother, the real fan. You never know what can happen.
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Ranman (Every weekday, 8 a.m.; NHK)
I cried like a baby, internally, on the last episode as it delivered what the 6-month-long serial had been building up to practically since week one. As Sueko withers during her last days, Mantaro presents her with his lifelong gift: her name etched into history as the scientific name of yet another of the botanist’s newly discovered plant species. After pouring everything to support her husband’s dreams, she can now stay by his side forever, she says. You follow a man’s silly obsession, and he shows a life is defined by what we do with what we’ve been given, and, perhaps more importantly, what of us we leave behind and pass down to those who come next. It’s what started Mantaro’s whole journey: the memory of his dying mother, embedded eternally into her favorite flower, one of the few things he got to know about her while she was alive. I’m kind of weak for these kind of things, this want to preserve a loved one’s memory as pristine as possible. Mantaro did it for Sueko superbly.
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Daga, Jonetsu Wa Aru (Sundays, 10 p.m.; Nippon TV)
If there’s anything to be gained from the life of the two comedians during their come-up, it’s that art — if you can classify the routines of Audrey and Nankai Candies as such — takes a painstakingly long time to perfect. And it takes even longer when their egos get in the way of the growth of their own craft: it’s hilarious seeing that both Masaharu Wakabayashi and Ryota Yamasato wrote themselves as the boke of their respective duo when they so clearly are the tsukkomi, and they stubbornly stuck to their desired roles despite floundering for several years all for the sake of being the star of their own comedy. But the dynamic only seems obvious in hindsight of the comedians they would eventually become, and sometimes you do repeat your mistakes over and over again until something spontaneously flickers a switch. 
More dramas:
Paripi Koumei
Maikosanchi No Makanaisan
Oishi Kyushoku Season 3
Ichiban Suki Na Hana
Watashi No Oyomekun
Kocchi Muiteyo, Mukaikun
Hayabusa Shobodan
Pocket Ni Bouken Tsumekonde
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hadukilina · 2 years
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❤️Reiji (CV. Tomokazu Seki)
💙Yuto (CV. Nobunaga Shimazaki)
💛Hiroki (CV. Kimura Ryohei)
���Naito (CV. Hatano Wataru)
💙Sunao (CV. Chiharu Shigematsu)
💗Keisuke (CV. Yusuke Kobayashi)
💜Takumi (CV. Azakami Youhei)
🖤Toma (CV. Kazuyuki Okitsu)
🤍Joji (CV. Ryota Asari)
🐾Tanaka (CV. Takeuchi Ryota)
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produce101blog · 7 months
Live Audience Ranking
Note: this only includes the LIVE audience of the performances in ep3+4, plus the additional 3,000 bonus votes. Whoever won out of the two groups that performed the song got 3,000 bonus votes.
Second note: These are essentially useless rankings as they weren't actual fan votes submitted online/through mobile.
Third note: Tumblr hates ties in lists. Use the vote count to determine a tie. Most everything from rank 36 onward is a tie.
Ebihara Tsuzumi (3172)
Takami Ayane (3151)
Kitazume Sakura (3139)
Ishii Ran (3123)
Kasahara Momona (3093)
Nakano Konona (3084) - tie
Sasaki Tsukushi (3084) - tie
Takahashi Hina (3082)
Takabatake Momoka (3073)
Aoki Yuka (3071)
Nakayama Honoka (3068)
Mizukami Rimika (3064)
Tanaka Yuuki (3064)
Kato Kokoro (3064)
Murakami Rinon (3061)
Uchiyama Rin (3061)
Kamio Ayano (3056)
Yamamoto Suzu (3055)
Akiyama Ema (3054)
Hatta Mena (3050)
Kanno Miyu (3046)
Kitazato Rio (3044)
Sakaguchi Rino (3043)
Ando Yui (3041)
Tanabe Karin (3038)
Abe Nagomi (3037)
Otsubo Karen (3035)
Aramaki Joa (3031)
Tanaka Koto (3031)
Kamada Moe (3029)
Matsushita Miyu (3028)
Sakurai Miu (3028)
Kenmotsu Nano (3026)
Kawabata Ranka (3023)
Shimizu Keiko (3021)
Kino Riko (3012)
Hidaka Hazuki (3011)
Nakamori Kotone (3011)
Yoshida Ayano (3011)
Kikukawa Aki (3010)
Kobayashi Sae (3010)
Nakamori Mikoto (3010)
Sato Ameli (3010)
Nakamura Aoi (3008)
Okabe Nonoka (3007)
Sano Jueri (3006)
Shiromaru Maho (3004)
Bando Fuka (3003) - whatever the opposite of MVP is (lowest votes) of winning groups
Yoshida Hana (81) - MVP (highest votes) of non-winning groups
Moro Anon (56)
Ando Chiharu (55)
Kato Kagura (55)
Yamazuki Mitsuki (46) - potential elimination cutoff
Fujimoto Ayaka (45)
Oyanagi Emi (45)
Hosoi Ayaka (37)
Kato Airi (37)
Kawagishi Runa (35)
Oda Aruha (35)
Sakata Kotone (30)
Sudo Sakura (28)
Mogi Shion (27)
Sutani Yurara (26)
Sekiguchi Rikako (25)
Shibuya Mei (24)
Watanabe Miyu (22)
Koyama Mana (20)
Kurokawa Honoka (18)
Sakuraba Haruka (18)
Tanaka Hana (18)
Iida Shizuku (16)
Hamasaki Aiko (13)
Saito Serina (13)
Oikawa Rio (12)
Sasaki Kokona (11)
Aita Rin (8)
Wakimoto Mihaya (8)
Okamura Nana (7)
Tani Seia (7)
Furuhashi Sayaka (6)
Kato Konomi (6)
Sugai Natsuho (5)
Tabata Nana (5)
Ueki Mimi (5)
Iyota Hana (5)
Nakamura Riro (4)
Yamaguchi Misaki (4)
Shibagaki Arisa (3)
Shinzawa Mika (3)
Tabuchi Miu (3)
Kataoka Rio (2)
Suzuki Rena (2)
Kurihara Kano (1)
Motohashi Meika (1)
Ota Sara (1)
Takagi Mayu (1)
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utanoprincendymion · 4 years
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Next batch of shoujo fanart is Lovely Complex! Risa and her girls.
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mina-ahavi · 4 years
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liliumsmangacaps · 4 years
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dolcemelodia · 1 year
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bernard-the-rabbit · 3 years
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when i say fuck the straights i dont mean them
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agythi · 2 years
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Chiharu Tanaka (Lovely Complex)  » June 23
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