disgraceddogstar · 4 years
Location: The Quidditch Pitch With: @childofwxr​
Students had gathered on the Quidditch pitch, blankets strewn about the field, the quiet lull of lazy chatter finding Sirius’ ears from every direction. He assumed that most of the castle’s inhabitants had gathered to watch the meteor shower, and that’s why he had been roaming the crowd, searching every face he passed for one Mary MacDonald. But Mary was nowhere to be found.
Of course, the one time that Sirius needed to talk to her, he couldn’t find her anywhere. He huffed out a sigh, running a hand through his hair, as he continued to search. It was important - of course it was - that he find her, that he talk to her about Remus. He had overheard them talking, after all, in the infirmary, and although it hadn’t been outright said, it was obvious enough that Mary knew about Remus’ furry little problem.
Perhaps it was an obligation he had to his friend - or some part of him that was still trying to atone for what he’d done the previous year - but Sirius decided to take it upon himself to make sure Mary knew how big of a secret it actually was. It wasn’t something to be taken lightly - he knew that better than anyone, now.
The sky was growing dark, and the shower was sure to start soon. Sirius huffed out a sigh. He wanted to make it back to the infirmary to visit Remus before it was too late, and he was running out of time. But a voice caught his ear, and he whipped around, eyes searching the crowd, when he spotted her.
“Oi, MacDonald!” he shouted, making a beeline for Mary. “We’ve got to talk, yeah?” He motioned for her to follow him, and he made his way through to the crowd to find a secluded spot for them to talk.
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hauntedblonde · 4 years
antigone: indiana, valerie, liam
m| liam
“I do not know the other two, but based on names alone...”
f| indiana, k| valerie
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conteramme · 4 years
🔖emmeline, 🤝 evan & 🌋luce!
Em: Is your muse a daydreamer? What do they tend to think about? Absolutely. When she’s not got her nose in a book she’s away with the fairies, daydreaming about what her life will be like after school and if she can worm her way out of an arranged marriage and make a life for herself the way she wants to live it.
Evan: Does your muse forgive others easily? No. once you’ve wronged him, that’s it. He’s a master grudge holder and he will go out of his way to make you sorry you crossed him.
Luce: Has your muse done something stupid and not regret it? Luce’s motto is go hard or go home so she’s done plenty of stupid things and she doesn’t see the point in regretting things that she enjoyed at the time.
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bataillexroyale · 4 years
king: grace, fiona, laisren
kingsley - shag fiona, marry laisren, kill grace
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dingledorcas · 4 years
hello can I request a Mary and dorcas moodboard bc ur a queen and I love u
heeere we gooo.
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bcatibellicosi · 4 years
As soon as the first screams had sounded through the village, as soon as the first shrill sound had made the entirety of Hogsmeade, except those who’d eagerly expected it, stall and hold their breath. Ophelia was pulled out the door of The Three Broomsticks with the flow of the crowd, pulled along by various hands and pushed around by various bodies. She finally came to a stand outside on the cobblestone street and immediately knew what the commotion was about. 
The Dark Mark. 
Ophelia looked up at the sky and her lips parted in wonder. Who...? Her eyes glazed over with barely contained fear, mixed with a little anger and excitement at her first thought. She hoped she was wrong, but she was hardly ever wrong when it came to Paris Avery. 
Her eyes began flickering over the crowd that had now gathered in the High Street of the village. Considering the situation, finding him should’ve proven to be a lot harder, but alas, here he was, following the chaos that’d errupted with a content expression on his face from a dark alleyway. The glint of the moonlight on his blond curls had betrayed him to her. He was more than lucky that no one else had spotted him yet. 
Pushing her way through the crowd, fainting students or people close to vomiting crossed her way. When she stood in front of him, she pushed a hand against the center of his chest and steered him back into the shadows. “Was it you? Tell me right now, and don’t lie to me.”
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stxrsfxlling · 4 years
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💛 for a moodboard about our muses’ relationship [ @bataillexroyale | @childofwxr ]
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serastarless · 4 years
where; the great hall with; @childofwxr​ | paris
sera slipped into the seat next to paris and plucked a strawberry looking pastry off of his pewter plate. she took a bite out of it and brushed the crumbs off her chin. “hey. I need help with my homework. you’re good at potions, right?”
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expectofm · 4 years
“You really should be keeping a closer eye on your useless friends.” Bas dropped a book onto the library table with a satisfying thud, earning him a reproachful glare from Madam Pince. “i mean, no judgement, we all have them. But you can’t just let them go wandering into fights all willy-nilly. Not a good look for anyone.” 
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@childofwxr​ || Amelia Bones
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thatdarkdivide · 4 years
          “Okay, but hear me out. I know that everyone is stressed right now and I totally get it, but...” Morgana started, making sure the other was listening to her. “I really think that we should have a spa day. Just get a few people together and relax for a bit. I know it sounds superficial; I think we could all use some time to relax. What do you think?” 
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disgraceddogstar · 4 years
21, 31 and 40!
021. How do they display affection?
Sirius was raised in a household devoid of affection, so he didn’t learn to show affection until after he’d arrived at Hogwarts and made friends with the Marauders. Since then, he’s learned to embrace affection, and he shows he cares about people in terms of physical touch. He loves receiving physical affection as much as he loves giving it - to friends and lovers. He loves hugs and cuddling and flopping on his friends; any sort of physical affection to show he cares.
031. Are they superstitious about anything?
Not particularly. He wasn’t raised to really be superstitious about anything - in fact, he finds most superstitions to be silly.
040. What is their obsession?
Sirius has had an obsession with muggle motorbikes since the summer before his fifth year. It started when he’d sneaked out of Grimmauld Place to visit muggle London for a day, and he’d happened across a muggle man with a motorbike at a record shop. Sirius was immediately drawn to the bike, and the man had been kind enough to answer his excited questions. Since then, he’s been obsessed with motorbikes, and he plans to purchase one of his own as soon as he’s able.
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xparecivm · 4 years
58 for fab & 69 (heh) for andie
058. What is your character’s idea of a perfect day? (Fab)
The Perfect Day, As Told By Fabian Jasper Prewett:
“Alright, so, starts out I wake up at... let’s say, fuckin’, nine a.m, let m’self sleep in a little. Just a little, though, ‘cause I don’t wanna throw the perfect day out the window, y’know? So, yeah wake up at nine, I go ‘n get breakfast in the Great Hall - wait, this is the perfect day while ‘m at school, right, not during the summer or shit? Nah, okay, yeah, ‘m just gonna do it like it’s tomorrow or something. Okay, anyway, wake up at nine, get breakfast. They have french toast at breakfast, obviously, because french toast is the best breakfast food and they frickin’ never have it, unless it’s bloody Halloween or something, which is tragic because it’s so damn good. This french toast has the works: Bananas, strawberries, powdered sugar, chocolate sauce, I dunno if chocolate sauce is good on french toast ‘cause I’ve never had it on french toast, but it’s gotta be, yeah? Alright, so, yeah, I eat the french toast and it’s the fuckin’ best french toast I’ve ever had in my whole entire life. By now it’s, what, ten? Sure, it’s ten now, and I go outside for a bit with all my mates, ‘cause it’s really sunny and really warm out, despite the fact we’re in bloody Scotland. Nobody’s on the Quidditch pitch, so that’s where we all set up shop - we bring blankets and shit, and snacks, and we just hang out on the grass doing nothin’ for a while. Maybe we mess around dueling and shit, ‘cause why not, y’know? We have a whole ass picnic in the middle of the Quidditch pitch, with loads of fruit and cheese and chocolates and all that fancy shit, but good fancy shit, not fancy shit that’s so fancy it isn’t actually good. Then, after a few hours, we’ll probably all go in, split up for a bit, I’ll go up to my dorm and I’ll work on my damn fuckin’ bloody energy potion - still presently unnamed, mind you - and ‘cause this is the perfect day it’ll finally fuckin’ work and not turn into another faulty Draught of Living Death for the thousandth time. That probably wouldn’t’ve made it’s way into my perfect day if it wasn’t giving me so much trouble earlier, actually, but too late now. So! Okay, hmm, what time is it now? Probably, what, around five? Sure! Okay, so, I’ve just decided there’s a Quidditch game later, ‘cause this is my perfect day ‘n I can decide whatever I want. First, though, we’ve gotta have dinner - full out feast, lemme tell ya, like it’s the Christmas Feast. Never been here for the Christmas Feast, but I’ve heard that shit’s miraculous, so that’s what we’re gonna have on my perfect day. Alright, now, it’s Quidditch game time! We’re playing Gryffindor, and we blow them out the park, ‘s’like they never stood a chance. Then, obviously ‘cause we won, there’s a big party in Claw Tower after, whole school’s invited except for the people I specifically don’t like, ‘n everyone chants m’name for a bit, as they should, loads of fun. Alright, hmm, okay, I gotta end my perfect day absolutely fuckin’ perfect, don’t I? So, it’s right before midnight, turns out there’s a full moon or a red moon or somethin’ really cool, and a group of us - best mates, same as before, you know the drill - go up to the top top top of the tower with some more blankets and we’re all a bit drunk by now, ‘m’sure, and we sit up there watching the cool ass moon and the cool ass stars and we all cuddle up a bit ‘cause why the fuck not, cuddling’s great, and then it’s midnight and my perfect day’s over and we all go to bed. The end!”
069. What about your character is heroic? (Andie)
Andromeda stands up for the people she cares for, and she’ll do it until the end of time. She’ll easily put herself in harms way for anyone she loves, or allow herself to be the scapegoat in situations where others would get into a lot of trouble. The last thing she wants is for anyone to get hurt if she can help stop it.
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hauntedblonde · 4 years
narcissa: paris, kingsley, rabastan
f| rabastan, m| paris, k| kingsley
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ofkindcness · 4 years
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marlene yelled the moment she saw mary-- her excitement growing as she pulls her up; a few candies falling from her bag, but marlene did not care-- she was excited; very excited really. the next thing she knows, she has an arm around the other’s shoulders and she sends her a smirk; eyebrows raising in amusement and happiness as she holds mary close.
‘ so, my dear mary-- you know i don’t  leave out a good time to tease you, so like..i just wanted to tell you about this little kiss i saw two people share at the shower a few days ago! you won’t believe who!’ of course she had wanted to talk to mary about it ever since it happened, but she thought tonight when everybody was happy and too loud to pay attention to them. @childofwxr​
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bataillexroyale · 4 years
ted: mary, remus, walden
ted - shag remus, marry mary (at one point he thought he would one day), kill walden
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dingledorcas · 4 years
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dorcas au moodboard [ 1/?? ]
ft. mary @childofwxr
the owners of the bumblebee patisserie
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