#children drum lessons singapore
musicalacademy · 20 days
Courses: Drum, Guitar, Vocal Training, Piano, Ukelele & Music Theory Lessons
Join our engaging Music Classes in Bukit Timah at Rocktone Music Academy. We offer a nurturing environment for students to explore and grow their musical talents.
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horizonacadem · 9 days
Pounding Percussion: Drum Classes for Kids at Horizon Academy
In a world filled with screens and gadgets, there's something timeless and primal about the rhythm of drums. For kids, the opportunity to learn this ancient art form not only cultivates musical talent but also fosters creativity, discipline, and confidence. At Horizon Academy, drum classes for kids are more than just a lesson; they're a gateway to a world of rhythm and expression.
Horizon Academy recognizes the importance of introducing children to music at an early age. With a tailored curriculum designed specifically for young learners, their drum classes combine fun and education in equal measure. Through interactive activities, games, and engaging exercises, kids are introduced to the fundamentals of rhythm and percussion in a playful and accessible way.
One of the key benefits of drum classes for kids at Horizon Academy is the development of coordination and motor skills. As they learn to strike the drum with precision and timing, children improve their hand-eye coordination and dexterity. This physical aspect of drumming not only promotes healthy development but also instills a sense of discipline and focus.
Moreover, drum classes for kids at Horizon Academy go beyond technical instruction; they nurture creativity and self-expression. Through improvisation and composition exercises, young drummers are encouraged to explore their musicality and develop their unique voice. This freedom to express themselves fosters confidence and self-esteem, traits that extend beyond the realm of music.
In addition to individual instruction, Horizon Academy emphasizes the importance of collaboration and teamwork. In ensemble sessions, kids have the opportunity to play with their peers, learning to listen, communicate, and synchronize their rhythms. This collaborative aspect of drum classes not only strengthens musical skills but also fosters social skills and empathy.
Furthermore, Horizon Academy takes pride in its team of experienced instructors who specialize in working with children. Patient, enthusiastic, and dedicated, these instructors create a supportive and nurturing environment where kids feel empowered to learn and grow. Their passion for music is contagious, inspiring young drummers to reach for new heights.
Drum classes for kids at Horizon Academy offer a transformative experience that goes beyond music education. Through fun, engaging lessons, children develop essential skills, unleash their creativity, and build confidence. So, if you're looking to ignite your child's passion for music and rhythm, let Horizon Academy be your guide on this rhythmic journey.
For More Info:-
drumming lessons singapore
drum lessons
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ainsleyview · 2 years
Drum Lessons for kids in Singapore
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Your hunt for drum lessons for your kids in Singapore has just ended! See for yourself how important a perfectly sized drumset is key to your child’s success. We have well-equipped drum studios perfectly suited to young children. Together with strong teaching pedagogies, our well-established and certified teachers are empowered and ready to guide! Know More: https://www.vinnieclassroom.com/music-lessons/drum-lessons-for-kids-singapore/
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The first-rate Children Drum Lessons Singapore for all kids now
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Education is must for children but apart from that children should also learn something objective things so, that they can be master on such particular classes. If you want to learn music so, you have a great opportunity to learn your favourite music whenever you want it. However, your kids are interested in music then never compromise anymore in such types of career opportunities as being parents you should always focus on your children’s interests and all. To learn such music you should start learning your favourite music whenever you wish for, thus, you should make your children’s great career ahead on the Children Drum Lessons Singapore and the kids can be expert in this drum lesson so, start now.
The music class is amazing and once you will come to rocktonemusic.com so, you will love seeing the environment whereas, you really want to learn your favourite music. The drum lessons at Children Drum Lessons Singapore will be taught by the professional drum teachers as they offer you a great option to make your better future in it so, start learning right now.
However, when you come to the Music Class Singapore so, you can learn music perfectly and your drum lesions will be started with the coaching of music professional teachers as they will give you a complete rhythm and beat of music properly. Send your kids at this music platform so, that they learn and become expert in this field.
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denialcarry25-blog · 4 years
Why you need to Obtain Drum lesson in Bukit Panjang
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The association between musical training and academic performance has been recorded several times, especially when it comes to math. Learning to drum, however, can also assist the children in subjects like English, by aiding them analyse emotional hints, a skill you can use to analyse characters’ thought processes and motives. Children Drum Lessons in Singapore can change your child’s future.
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waytooinvested · 4 years
Storybooks and Siren Suits Pt 1
The first part of an AU where Patsy's family return to England for the start of WW2 instead of staying in Singapore, and Patsy and her sister are evacuated to Pembrokeshire. Not primarily a Patsy/Delia relationship fic (they're children) but the plan is to continue the timeline far enough that it will get there eventually. The burn will be slower than boiling a swimming pool with a magnifying glass though... Also on AO3 for those that prefer to read there.
‘Forty eight, forty nine, FIFTY ! Ready or not, here I come!’
As she spoke the words, Patsy turned another page in her book and read on, making no move to get up and search the room. 
The story was at a particularly interesting part, with a giant Alice stuck inside the White Rabbit’s house, too big to get out the door but unable to make the enraged Rabbit outside understand. More animals joined the siege then, attempting to climb through the window or down the chimney to get at her, but being knocked back each time by one of Alice’s giant hands or feet. It was funny to read about her batting them away and launching Bill the lizard right into the air with her foot, but it was frustrating too, because if only they’d listen they’d realise that she wasn’t being deliberately naughty, she couldn’t come out.
The crowd outside were calling for the house to be burned down with poor Alice still stuck inside it, when finally Patsy managed to drag her attention back to the real world for long enough to call out:
‘Where could Grace be? Is she under the bed? Ah hah … no that’s just her shoe. Bother, I was sure I had her that time!’
There was a suppressed giggle from the next room, where Patsy knew perfectly well that her little sister was crouching behind their big doll’s house ( Patsy’s dolls’ house), her fingers pressed tight over her mouth in an effort to keep quiet.
She hadn’t actually seen her there, but it was the same place Grace had hidden every single time they played hide and seek for the last month, so it wasn’t hard to guess. She probably looked quite a lot like the giant Alice actually, with the top of her head on full display above the red painted roof and a foot or bit of elbow poking out around the edges of the walls; as if she too had grown too big for her house and was beginning to burst right out of it.
Grace still seemed to be blissfully unaware that hiding so she couldn’t see Patsy didn’t mean that she couldn’t be seen herself, or indeed that her sister might not be trying very hard to find her.
Not trying at all, really.
As long as Patsy called out every few minutes to make it sound as though she was looking, her sister wouldn’t notice that the game never seemed to end with actually being found. It couldn’t last forever of course, but for now, games of hide and seek offered a rare opportunity. Grace would be happy playing what she thought was a secret game with her sister’s prized possession, and Patsy would be free to do whatever she felt like, unencumbered by her demanding little sister. 
She could draw a picture without having to risk the points of her colouring pencils by letting Grace scribble with them; or read an entire chapter of her book without having to fend off repeated requests to read ‘Orlando The Marmalade Cat’ aloud instead (‘because you’re my Marmalade sister Patsy!’); or even (best of all), have a chance to play her own small, secret game with Matilda, the tiny teddy that usually had to stay hidden in her pocket for her own safety. 
Matilda was very definitely Patsy’s bear, but, like all Patsy’s favourite toys, Grace coveted her, and tried to take possession of her whenever she could. In most things Patsy tended to let her sister have her way simply to keep her quiet (and so avoid the wrath of grown ups for not ‘playing nicely’), but Matilda was different. She couldn’t hand her over. It would be like cutting off her own hand.
Grace would end up screaming and drumming her heels against the floor, while Patsy held Matilda safely out of reach above her head and waited for the storm to pass. But of course the noise would almost always bring a grown up running to investigate, and they would inevitably take Grace’s side, telling Patsy to let her sister have the teddy because she was younger, and wasn’t Patsy too old for silly teddies anyway? (no, she wasn’t. Not if it was Matilda).
Then she would have to look on in silent agony while Grace played triumphantly with her prize; afraid every minute that Matilda might be dropped down a drain, or that her sister would tear her little pinafore or unravel the stitches in her smile. None of these things had actually happened (yet), but it was safer to just keep Matilda out of sight unless she was alone.
It wasn’t that Patsy disliked playing with Grace, not really. She could be funny sometimes, and quite good fun for such a little girl - certainly more fun than being all on your own all the time. But the last few months had changed things.
When they lived in Singapore they’d had their nanny to help jolly Grace out of her tantrums, and Patsy had had lessons most of the time anyway. But Maud hadn’t come with them when they’d come to England, and ever since then Patsy had been expected to keep her sister entertained all day long, every day, without the respite of school or visits to friends houses or anything at all. 
Of course Mama made sure they got up in the mornings, that they were dressed and fed, that they bathed and brushed their hair and teeth regularly; but the endless hours in between breakfast and lunch, and then lunch and supper, supper and bed, those were Patsy’s responsibility. She was expected to keep Grace happy and busy, but also quiet, tidy and well away from anywhere she might disturb the grownups of the house, and it was exhausting.
At eight, she felt both much too old and much too young for the task. Too old, because the kinds of little girl games that Grace wanted to play felt twee and silly to her now (let's be cats! You have to be Orlando because you have orange hair, and I’ll be Grace because that’s my name too!’). Too young because it was hard work, taking care of Grace all the time, and her sister didn’t always listen when she told her to do something, not even if she put her hands on her hips and went all cold and stern like Mama, or shouted like Daddy.
The only time she really got to herself, other than if Grace fell asleep first, was during the games of hide and seek.
‘Ah hah, she must be on top of the wardrobe! I see you up there you little monkey!’
‘Patience? What are you shouting about?’
Patsy jumped, instinctively dropping her book and leaping to her feet as if she had been caught stealing from the biscuit tin rather than reading quietly to herself in her bedroom. 
‘I’m just playing hide and seek with Grace, Mama’.
Her mother’s gaze settled for a moment on the dropped book, but she seemed distracted, and she didn’t bother to point out that the chances of finding her sister in the pages of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ were slimmer even than the chances of such a small girl managing to climb to the top of their imposing victorian wardrobe.
‘Very good dear. Well, leave that now. I need to talk to you’.
Patsy’s heart gave a little stutter of foreboding. The only times Mama ever came to talk to her unexpectedly were to tell her off, or to deliver bad news.
In fact, the last time she had said ‘I need to talk to you’ in that same way, it had been to announce that they were moving back to England. She had said it as though it was a good thing - ‘we’ll be nearer to the family, and able to offer support to our homeland in her hour of need’, but it didn’t feel good.
Until Patsy was six they had moved around a lot, never staying in one place long enough for her to make proper friends. Sometimes it had felt like it wasn’t even long enough for her to unpack all her toys from their shipping crates before she had to pack them all away again and go to yet another new house. 
Then they’d gone to Singapore. 
There had been no more moves for nearly two years, and she had finally dared to believe they would be staying forever this time. She had had a best friend, and gone to school with other girls like her, and she had been happy.
But four months ago her mother had said ‘I need to talk to you’, and all of a sudden she had to leave everything behind - her friends, her pretty bedroom with the window seat and real four poster bed, her school where the teachers liked her and she had been about to be given a prize for her English composition, all gone in the time it took to say those six little words.
Worst of all, she had had to say goodbye to Maud. Her nanny had been the only grown up in the world who didn’t tell her she was too old for childish games or teddies, the one who had instead given her cuddles and told her stories and sometimes even taken her side over Grace’s when they argued. 
And then she wasn’t anymore, just like that. 
Maud was from England - she had come with them long ago when Patsy was small, and travelled around with their family ever since. But this time she hadn’t wanted to come. She had explained that there was no one left for her in England, and with the current troubles she’d feel safer where she was, though she hadn’t explained what she meant. She had just hugged Patsy and Grace very tight and said she’d miss them; only she couldn’t really have meant it - not as much as they’d miss her . If she had then she’d have come with them so they could all stay together and it wouldn’t matter if she didn’t have anyone else in England - they’d have had each other. She would never have gone off to be a nanny for their neighbours horrid little boy, as if she could replace them just like that.
Patsy dug her nails into her palms and focused on her mother, trying hard to ignore the way her heart was still thumping under her smocking as she thought back over everything she might have done to warrant a telling off.
‘It’s about your little… holiday’.
‘With aunt Florence and cousin Eleanor and uncle Peter?’
‘Yes yes, there’s no need to recite the whole list dear. Well, I’m afraid there’s been a change of plan. We’ve had word that poor Eleanor is very unwell. The doctor is hopeful that she will recover in time, but she’s going to be poorly for a while, and even when she’s better it’ll need to be quiet so that she can convalesce - do you know what that means?’
Patsy opened her mouth to say yes (although actually, she wasn’t absolutely certain), but Mama continued without waiting for an answer; though she had told Patsy often enough how rude it was not to let other people finish.
‘Well, it means you won’t be able to go and stay there anymore’.
‘But… but we have to go. What about school?’
She and Grace had been going to enroll in the smart girl’s school near where their aunt lived in rural Sussex - they already had the uniforms, pressed and carefully folded in their trunk, ready to be transported. Her mother might call it a holiday, but they were supposed to be staying with their aunt at least two terms, maybe for the whole school year; with Mama visiting as often as she could. 
It was going to be Grace’s first time going to school, so the two of them had spent hours looking at the prospectus that aunt Florence had sent - Grace pouring over pictures of smiling girls in smart uniforms, large playing fields and airy classrooms; while Patsy read out the words (only stumbling a little at the longest ones) and tried to describe what school was like. She wanted Grace to be excited about going rather than scared, so she’d focused mostly on friends and playtime and learning how to read story books to yourself, rather than mentioning strict teachers and French verbs and sitting still or else.
‘You’ll go to a different school of course’.
Patsy bit her lip. She didn't want to go to a different school, and Grace definitely wouldn’t want to either. The school in Sussex looked quite nice, but not all schools were. There was a convent school that they had to walk past on the way to the park, and it was the scariest place ever. Probably scarier than a prison. It was a big ugly building with small windows and no playing field at all. It had high railings around it with nasty looking spikes at the top, and the nuns she occasionally glimpsed striding across the playground always seemed to be frowning, as if they were looking for someone to shout at or rap with a cane. And they had the uniform for the other school now, so they’d get in trouble right on the first day for wearing the wrong clothes, and all the other girls would know that they didn’t fit in just by looking at them.
‘Can’t we just stay at home? I… I’m sure I could teach Grace, and do my own lessons out of books as well, I know I could’.
‘Of course you can’t stay here Patience, don’t be absurd’. 
‘But if we can’t go to aunt Florence then we’d be here after school anyway. I could look after us during the day too, easily. We’d be very quiet and not get in the way, truly’.
The words were accompanied by a sinking feeling as Patsy imagined how hard it would be, not only to have to look after Grace all day long, but to actually teach her lessons as well. She already often felt cross with her sister, and that was when they were just playing; it would be much worse trying to teach her to add and spell and recite. At least at school someone else would have done that part while she focused on her own classes, and they both could have made friends their own age instead of being stuck together all the time. 
But they couldn’t go to the convent school, they just couldn’t . So she would manage somehow. 
‘You won’t be here after school. I do wish you’d listen! You need to leave London. It will be too dangerous for children to stay here now War’s coming, you know that’.
Except Patsy didn’t know. Not really.
She had been listening as hard as she could ever since Mama had first told her they were leaving Singapore, but no one ever actually seemed to say what they meant . They hinted at things she didn’t understand, or started sentences without finishing them, or simply told her that it wasn’t a nice thing for little girls to ask about and sent her out of the room.
She did know that the grown ups acted very busy and very serious all the time now - that Daddy had signed up to be an officer in the army, and Mama was going to ‘do her part’ in London while Patsy and Grace went away to school (although even Mama didn’t seem to know what her part actually was ).
Patsy knew these things, but they didn’t feel real. It was like it was just a big game they were all playing for now, but would get bored of soon and go back to normal. They had to, because the idea of whole countries fighting each other didn’t seem like something that could ever really come true. The Wars had all happened years and years ago when Mama and Daddy had been children, or even longer ago in the proper olden days, when things had been different to how they were now. Wars belonged in history lessons and text books, not in real life.
But if, somehow, it really was going to happen, if there would be bombs and fighting right here in London - then why would it be dangerous for her and Grace, but safe for Mama? It didn’t make any sense, and Patsy longed to say so - to argue, maybe even shout that it wasn’t fair... Except you never argued with Mama (and never ever shouted at her), and she couldn’t think of any way to put all her worries into words that wouldn’t make Mama say she was being disrespectful.
‘What you’re going to do is exactly the same as all the other children in London. You’re being evacuated to the country, and a family there will look after you until it’s safe to come home’.
‘But we don’t have any other aunts, do we?’
‘It won’t be an aunt, that’s what I’m trying to tell you. It’ll be… well, the government is finding good homes for all the children who have to leave London’.
The government ? How could they possibly do that? The government didn’t know Patsy and Grace, and they didn’t know anyone else in the whole country - only Aunt Florence, and even that was only a tiny bit, from letters and a few hazy memories of long ago visits. 
If they weren’t staying with an aunt and they weren’t staying here with Mama, then...
‘We have to go and live with a stranger ?’
The words wobbled as they came out no matter how hard Patsy tried to keep them straight, and her eyes felt a bit stingy, like she’d rubbed at them with salt on her hands. She could feel a shout building in her chest but she couldn't let it out, so it just kept building and building until there was no room left to breathe properly. 
‘Don’t be such a baby Patience! I’d expect this from Grace, but not from you, you’re a big girl now. You’re what, nine years old? Ten?’
‘Well, quite old enough to go on a little train ride, there’s no need to make a fuss. I’ve spoken to Sister Bernard at the convent school and explained your situation. She’s agreed to take you in hand on the journey, so you can travel with their pupils, and she’ll make sure you’re placed with a suitable family. I don’t quite know how it works, but I expect she has something arranged already. They’ll meet you at the station and take you somewhere lovely I’m sure. Perhaps with a big garden, maybe even horses or a boating lake, you’ll like that won’t you?’
Patsy nodded uncertainly. She liked horses, and big gardens (the London house was big inside but hardly had any garden at all). She liked lakes and boats too, but she couldn’t quite believe that all these things would really come true. Even if they did, it would be in a strange place with a strange school and people they didn’t know even a little…
Her mother must have noticed her wavering because she sighed and gave her a little pat on the shoulder.
‘Come on now, straighten that spine and put on a smile to show me how brave you are. You’ll have to be a good grown up girl and take care of your sister while you’re gone you know. She’s still a baby really-
Grace was four , very nearly five. Why did she get to be a baby when Patsy had to be a good grown up girl?
‘-so you shall have to be like a little Mama to her. I know you won’t let me down, will you dear?’ 
She didn’t feel at all sure, but Patsy did as she was told, standing up straight and plastering a too-big smile across her face as she answered ‘no Mama’, even as her heart pounded away and her palms grew sticky with sweat.
‘Good girl. Now, that’s enough talk, I need you to pack a little case for you and Grace. I’ve left a list of what you’ll need on the hall table so it shouldn’t be too difficult. We’ll be going to the station in the morning, so I want you to finish before bed, alright?’
‘We’re leaving tomorrow ?’
‘Yes dear, I just said that didn’t I? It really is tiresome when you make me say everything twice. We shall go to the station after breakfast tomorrow. So, pack what you need tonight - only what it says on the list though, you’ll need to fit it all in one case as Grace won’t be able to manage her own, so do be sensible. I wish I could stay and help, but I have Mrs Edwards arriving any minute to discuss the WI fundraiser, and I’m afraid they simply can’t get along without me. But you can manage, can’t you Patience?’
Patsy nodded, keeping the big, silly grin stretched uncomfortably across her face until her mother had disappeared down the stairs, then she let the smile drop and her shoulders slump. 
She reached into her pocket for Matilda, giving her head a gentle stroke with the tip of one finger, reassured by the familiar velvet softness of her. She imagined her bear reaching up to hold her finger with a tiny paw and tell her that she wasn’t going to be on her own at all. If anything the slightest bit scary happened while they were away then she would simply call out to all her big bear friends and they would come to the rescue. 
‘I might be just a little bear myself Patsy, but I’m a bear queen and my friends are the biggest, fiercest bears in the world, they won’t let anything bad happen to us’. 
She sighed and closed her fingers around the teddy for just a moment, wishing she really could summon some giant bears to come and take care of her. She could live in their cave and eat honey sandwiches every day and sleep between the big paws of the mother bear where not even bad dreams would dare to trouble her... 
Patsy let Matilda drop gently back into her pocket and trailed miserably out to the hall to find the list. On her way out the door she glanced back at her book and hesitated for a moment, but then left it where it had fallen, its pages splayed out forlornly on the floor. She didn’t have time for Wonderland anymore.
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techbrownnick-blog · 6 years
Rocktone Music Academy for Children Drum Lessons Singapore
Get your child enrolled in our Rocktone Music Academy for Children Drum Lessons Singapore and help him take his/her drum playing skills to the next level for a brighter future. To know more about us, visit our website now!
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carisee · 5 years
Holiday music camp for special needs students
I am Caris Ee, currently a diploma year 3 student in Lasalle College of the Arts, studying classical music.
My idea for this proposal is to organize a holiday music camp for the special needs students. Being the minority group in society, special needs children are often neglected and getting judged. Luckily in Singapore, there are plenty of schools giving them extra attention and meeting their educational needs. For example are the schools under the Association for Person with Special Needs (APSN). 
My idea to organize a holiday music camp is to bring fun to the children while learning simple music foundation. As music is an expression of one’s emotions, exposing them to music can also open another gateway to communicating and understanding them. I also hope that the music camp can uncover the hidden talent inside them and help boost their confidence. 
Who is involve:
APSN ( Chaoyang School - age: 7-12)
music teachers (around 3)
people experienced with special needs children (teachers from the school itself)
simple musical instruments (tambourines, shakers, boomwhackers, drums, bells)
catchy songs 
The classrooms in the school
Possible timeline:
June/December holidays next year, depending on preparation
What to do between now and then:
Finding music teachers interested in collaborating
earning enough to purchase the instruments
planning lessons materials and activities
contacting APSN 
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zozammer · 5 years
Listening to AY AY AY by Matias Aguayo right now from my daily mix.
It's hard for a rose to grow in a desert. Easier on soft fertile soil. Saw a gig with Stalvart John playing tomorrow in the city. This is what 27 feels like. When your interests haven't changed, but you have no one to go with because all your friends have moved cities. And you're supposed to attend a wedding thing but now if you go for a gig instead, you're a dick.
The book I'm reading tells me that awareness cannot grow in isolation. However I always seem to be thrown off my goals whenever I've had a heavy weekend. This is probably a wrong pattern somewhere. Isolation. Working in the presence of others, living in the presence of others. Maybe I need to construct further. Construction is tasking.
(Necessary if I'm going to save myself. Time is running out.)
Especially when there isn't anyone who is on a similar vibration of thought and desire as you. It's possible to construct, just easier in an art school or a university of free thinkers or an office of creators (who respect you and whom you respect).
Surrounded by bureaucrats, lawyers, politics and everyone in the age bracket of 30 and above. War is a hot topic, not art. My ingredients are as follows. And I'm 2 moments shy of wearing a brown wool Nehru jacket with pockets with a pipe.
[Are You Even Real by Weval 's alright]
[The End by Shlohmo]
Feel like I'm missing out on life.
Work. Parties. Concerts. Hobbies. A group to chill with. Family. Can't have it all, so the lowest hanging fruit is work. Being up to date with shit is easier when you got friends of similar vibes around you. Hard though. When you got no one to groove with and all your friends are either getting married or moving countries. And the ones in the city too slick for your tier two city ass. College really does mold you. So does love. So does hate.
When you're looking at everyone handling it and living by the dozens, you've got to dispel ideas of you absolutely sucking at life and embracing the fact that maybe this is what hermit life looks like. Maybe you're not doing/sewing enough and thus not reaping enough. Maybe you need different soil and a whole bunch of sunshine to grow. Because it's hard to grow in a dark dingy corner. Maybe life is outside but it's not the kind of life you want. It's easier to accept than to change things.
My country's problems are very different from Greece's, England's, and Singapore's. The application of Artificial Intelligence is very different here. There is a huge disparity of consciousness. A refusal to acknowledge each other. A lack of acceptance and respect amongst all classes and creeds. And thus, our cultural movements are disjointed and truthfully one dimensional, all emulating exterior opinions.
I guess this is why I don't party as much haha. Really want to though. I sound like a total nerd. But I still dance and shit. It's a weird second puberty. Trying to kill the analyser in me and release the hoe kraken.
That's just symptomatic though.
A party is always symptomatic and catalysing.
Maybe I could lie.
What could be happening in my life that would be of interest to a fellow grazer? My crazy stories of mindfulness and explorations in Vipassana? Or my off beaten trails down to my friends' weddings where I've been gorging on dal makhani every Saturday since the new year. Perhaps, I could tell them about my daily perils of just trying to get out of bed and making something of the day. A fruitful day is basically reading and not tripping on a curb.
Recently asked my friends what I'm good at since now I'm nearing 30 and I really want to find something I'm good at and pursue it. One friend said I was nice and a good listener. The other said I was good at art, cooking, plants, and writing. I sounded like a cool mom. Don't mind it though. Maybe I am a mom. Who is this father of my unborn children who will give me my purpose? Where is this magical atm that breathes fire into my empty torn ass pockets?
Like I said. It's a weird puberty. And maybe I'm having a hard time accepting myself. This comfort zone is killing me. But like I'm so well versed got to steer this Titanic the fuck away from Port Domestico.
Maybe I'm going to pass the party phase (unscathed). Never do my drugs on time and be a glorious impala. Maybe I'm not going to live it. Like this. And there's other shit and other societies waiting to be discovered. And I got to just push with the instinct. The original instinct. Create. Stay true. Appreciate this grass. Value time and energy.
Eating that Frog because that's how one grows. Pushing back to my lessons. Cleaning my desk, doing what's in front of me. And telling myself,
I'm exactly where I need to be.
[High Lights by Charlotte Adigéry]
{PLAY(feat. Mykki Blanco) J-E-T-S, Machinedrum, Jimmy Edgar} 
{Monorail by Motor City Drum Ensemble}
{Still - Hidden Orchestra}
{Deep Within The Engine Deck - The Comet Is Coming}
{New Age - The Comet Is Coming}
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musicclasses91-blog · 5 years
Lean Cello that is good in New World Music Centre Singapore
The New World Music Center at Singapore provides music classes in various instruments. The expert teachers offer the classes to the learners comprising adult and young. Musical instruments include keyboard or piano, guitar, violin, drums and voice or vocal. The teachers in the music academy help the pupil to learn music through various exciting activities. The fun activities make the children more inclined to find out the audio quicker and excel. Piano or keyboard is one of the most beautiful Musical instruments that may supplement every tune. Hence, the music center at Singapore offers piano courses for beginners and to people knowing. Piano Alexandra or keyboard is an excellent instrument for kids and starters. Learning the instrument can begin from as early as 4 decades. Young minds have the capability to learn concepts easily and therefore are fresh. The teachers at the centre guide the students to master the fundamentals. To gather extra information on piano lessons for beginners singapore please look at rebrand.ly/f16b0. The new music center in Singapore offers Guitar as an important instrument. The academy's solid curriculum makes the skill of the student's development possible. Classes like ukulele, electric and acoustic guitar include in the training. Drums are accessible in the training classes. The seasoned instructor teaches the students in various practices. These techniques will help the drummer with the abilities to perform with any song. You can confidently depend on the brand new world music center towards your own perfection. The courses of the Singapore music center teach Violin guarantees the student learn to play musical genres. Musical genres include pop music classical music, rock music, and Broadway themes. Students may learn several types of learning courses having the zeal and interest to understand. In due course of the teaching, the learners will develop proficiency and skill in playing the musical instrument.
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greendrumsg · 3 years
A Drum Lesson for Beginners
Drums are incredibly diverse musical instruments that take a lot of effort to master. You can learn to play the drums from any local private tutor, self-taught drummer, or music school. It is strongly important that you take Drum Classes Singapore from a recognised school to guarantee that you are learning proper forms and technique.
 How to Select Professional Drum Classes
 The size of your group should be small enough for your teachers to give you individual attention. Teachers will be able to address your music concerns and adjust their approach suitably because of the small group size.
 A drum school should be able to offer a musical curriculum that is diverse. Curriculum diversity not only teaches children how to connect and operate in a global society, but it also allows them to build a unique set of abilities.
 Academically, a respectable music school will administer tests on a regular basis to monitor your progress. You should also check the school's curriculum to see if it satisfies the requirements.
 Opportunities for Extracurricular Activities: Extracurricular options are available at reputable drum institutions to introduce children to new ideas and information. They encourage kids to participate in music, dancing, concerts, and groups to expand their study and personal development chances.
 Drumming is said to have a greater impact and benefit than other instruments, such as enhancing mental wellness and increasing self-confidence.
 Consider the following advantages of drum lessons:
Stress is lessened.
Anxiety and stress are reduced.
Chronic pain is lessened.
Improves mental focus and concentration.
Produces a feeling of happiness.
It strengthens your immune system.
Negative emotions are released.
Allows you to concentrate on the present.
Supports mental clarity
Increases brain creativity and coordination
Drums require the following equipment to learn:
 There is no obligation to purchase a full drum set at the start of drum instruction because it is a large expenditure. As a result, all you'll need are the following items:
Practice pad for snare drum
Drumsticks in a set
 Because your first sessions will mostly focus on rhythm and basic training, a set of drumsticks and a snare drum can assist you in developing a basic beat.
 Visit http://greendrum.sg/ for more information.
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horizonacadem · 2 months
Rhythmic Adventures: Drum Classes for Kids at Horizon Academy
Introduction: In a world buzzing with screens and gadgets, it's refreshing to see children engage in activities that stimulate their creativity and coordination. Drum classes for kids offer a gateway to rhythm, melody, and self-expression. At Horizon Academy, we believe in nurturing young talents and providing them with avenues to explore their musical potential.
Why Drum Classes for Kids Matter: Learning to play the drums isn't just about making noise; it's about fostering discipline, enhancing concentration, and promoting teamwork. For kids, it's a thrilling journey into the world of percussion, where they can channel their energy constructively while developing essential motor skills. Horizon Academy recognizes the transformative power of music education, and our drum classes are designed to inspire young learners to discover the magic of rhythm.
The Horizon Academy Experience: At Horizon Academy, we take pride in our holistic approach to music education. Our drum classes are led by experienced instructors who understand the unique needs of young learners. Through interactive sessions, students are introduced to fundamental drumming techniques, rhythm patterns, and musical concepts in a supportive environment. We believe in fostering a love for music that goes beyond the classroom, encouraging students to explore various genres and styles.
Benefits Beyond the Beat: Beyond mastering the drums, participating in music classes offers a plethora of benefits for children. Research has shown that music education enhances cognitive development, improves academic performance, and boosts self-confidence. By enrolling in drum classes at Horizon Academy, kids not only hone their musical talents but also cultivate essential life skills that will serve them well in the future.
Conclusion: In a fast-paced world where distractions abound, investing in your child's musical education is a gift that lasts a lifetime. Horizon Academy is committed to providing top-notch drum classes for kids, where they can unleash their creativity, build friendships, and embark on a rhythmic adventure like no other. Join us at Horizon Academy and let your child discover the joy of drumming while laying the foundation for a lifelong passion for music.
For More Info :-
best drum lessons singapore
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theimperfectparlour · 3 years
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Attain Guitar Lessons from Professionals and Get Your Kids Become Smarter
Guitar lessons are the basic needs for anyone wanting to learn to play the instrument. The one of the oldest and typical ways of learning the stringed instrument is by taking private training from a stringed instrument teacher. You can take Children Drum Lessons Singapore.
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 At present, the widespread access to the internet has introduced a big revolution in guitar teachings methods and availability. Now a wide availability of information on numerous guitar lesson choices is available in just a few minutes through your favorite search engine. Today, there are many good sites available that offer guitar lesson for children at very nominal rates. The best name in this regard is PIANO, Guitar & Singing Lessons In Your Home. Here, we have been providing excellent singing and instrument teachings at very nominal rates.
No matter whether you are a novice or a skilled instrument player, our lessons will help you to improve and move up to the next level. The teaching technique we follow is similar to that the typists learn the keyboard. You can get drum lesson for children all your needs without having any doubt in your mind. So if you are considering where to get instrument, then simply visit our site today!
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lotqwertl · 3 years
An interview with a business entrepreneur who runs a music school
Jenson Koh’s interview
What made you decide to start a music school?
Honestly, I am just a drummer wanting to learn more but finding opportunities to learn drumming in Singapore is very limited.
Back then in 2009, content on YouTube was also limited and I was sceptical about the authenticity of drum lessons provided in Singapore. Many music schools have drum teachers who are just performers and they don’t have knowledge on music theory or even rhythm notations.
I just wanted anyone who wants to learn drumming be able to read rhythm and know what they are playing. Hence, I started Bozzworkz to teach drumming.  
What are some basic requirements to open a music school?
Register company , and licence to operate are fundamental requirements. Then after that, it will be the location and requirements for the kind of music classes you are planning to offer.
Sound proofing will be a very big part in your operation venue as this will determine how long you will be in business without causing neighbours to veto you out.
Location of business also plays a part on what kind of customers will be coming to your school. Eg. carpark or other related businesses will help your business to grow as parents prefer to bring their kids for lessons.
What are the potential obstacles one would face along the way when opening a music school?
Music is not always music to the ears to different people. To maintain world peace, we need to manage the sound leakage issue seriously. Meaning, treatment of the studio’s internal and external structure should not have sound leakage which will cause neighbours’ businesses to take legal action by ceasing your business operation.
Location of business might be affected by neighbours’ businesses as well. Eg. next to a cafe might increase your visibility of your business.
What are some marketing strategies you would recommend?
Google ads, Facebook and any latest social medial platform are recommended to market your business.
What is the best location you would recommend to start a music school?
There is no best location. It’s only what kind of customer base you want to built. Of course, if you prefer an up scale music school, you can operate at orchard area if you can manage the rent of shopping malls. There will be customers coming to you as long as your business strategy is right.
How do you work out a training programme for students?
To be true to the foundation skills of the instrument they choose and having teachers working under you to have the same ideas.
Offering different options to keep up with the times, eg. digital platform can be an advantage to us as we can work out on line packages to not only have customer base locally.
Monitor progress, so to encourage what can be achieved next like exams or even challenging prizes to keep them motivated to continue.
For my personal motto, the main component I focus on in my company, is Fun. If we are not planning to start a college of music, then the aim of the business is to expose customers as much as they want in learning an instrument and have fun with it in their lives.
From this interview, I had learn that the importance of location can help one’s business. It does not necessarily need to be an expensive location at a city area. It is best to be a place that is easier for students to easily travel to and parents that can drop their children at a suitable place so they would not feel rush. I also learn that running a music school does not mean that it is purely teaching students. If the system is only about teaching, the students may lose their interest overtime. Organising events and competition give students chances to perform in front of public and boost their self-confidence. Giving prizes to students who win a competition will increase the competitiveness between students, which enables them to practise more and get better at their instrument.
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limkoksoon76 · 4 years
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Arieline is a very bubbly and inquisitive girl who enjoys music and play. She picks up ideas very quickly especially through play. This morning when I told her that she will be attending “Melodolic Kids” music trial class @ourmusicstudio in the afternoon, she was totally thrilled and excited about it and kept pestering me to tell her more about the class. We arrived at Tanglin Mall and quickly found our way to the studio at level 3. I was impressed by the professionalism of their counter staff who took our temperature, while ensuring we checked-in via Safe Entry. She then proceeded to share with me more about the class that Arieline will be attending. Under the caring and patient guidance of the teacher, I observed Arieline enjoying the 45min lesson throughout. Arieline was exposed to various elements of music (pitch, tempo and rhythm), to the various ethnic dances, actions (jumping, marching, twirling, throwing and drumming) and playing of different instruments (drum and bells). I also had a fulfilling time watching Arieline participate in all the activities. Personally, I strongly believe that music and play allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity as well as physical, cognitive, and emotional strength. It also helps to ensure healthy brain development while allowing young children to engage and interact better with others. Thank you, Our Music Studio, for the engaging and fun session! 👍 If you are keen to enrol your child for a trial lesson, simply quote <OMS10Calvin_Limks> to enjoy $10 off your first trial. Enquires: ☎️: 6467 1789 / 📱: 9824 0198 ✉: [email protected] OMS is located at: 📍163 Tanglin Road, #03-11B Tanglin Mall Singapore 247933 #omstrialsg #learningisfun #trialmusicclass #OMScalvinlimks #林familytime2020 (at Our Music Studio Singapore) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGwWe1xHYGj/?igshid=mcg6xqbd0xu
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