linus-lucy · 2 months
Dear god howdie has awoken something in me. . .
Set a few years down the line, Buck learns a secret.
All the pairings: Madney, Buddie, Henren, mild Howdie (ChimneyEddie - I am making this A Thing, apparently.)
Chimney can feel the eyes on him as he shoves the rest of the smore in his mouth. He wishes Jee would come back to the firepit and interrupt, but she insisted on going inside to watch a movie with the older kids.
"I need some clarification," Hen says, a mischievous smirk on her lips. "What exactly are Therapy Kisses?" The question is directed at Buck, but her eyes remain on Chimney. He looks away - avoidance his only tool to avoid spilling his guts.
"Eddie likes a long make out session on therapy days. Says it helps him decompress." Buck does his confused puppy head tilt, glancing between his husband and his brother-in-law. "Wait - but how . . . Eddie, why does Chimney know about Therapy Kisses? I mean, why would . . . " He trails off, not quite sure what he's asking.
For his part, Eddie sits calm as ever as he finishes roasting a marshmallow. "We're friends, Buck. We hung out while I was still at dispatch. Therapy was a big part of my life then. We talked about what we like to do post-therapy sessions once."
Hen and Karen share a glance, eyes wide, before breaking into peals of laughter. Chimney's head drops down as he fights a smile - trust his best friend to read between the lines.
Buck's eyes narrow. "I hung out at your place all the time when you worked at dispatch. You didn't talk to me about Therapy Kisses until after we were dating. Why could you tell Chim and not me?"
"It's not a big deal, Buck. I just leaned on you and Chim in different ways."
Buck pouts, shooting a confused glance at where Hen and Karen are still giggling, Karen's wine glass tipping dangerously as she leans into her wife.
His gaze swings to his brother-in-law, whose cheeks are starting to redden. Chimney squirms. Looks up, makes the mistake of locking eyes. Finally: "Eddie and I used to make out alot when Maddie and I were separated!"
"WHAT!?" The word is strangled as it finally makes it out of Buck's mouth.
"It was purely platonic. I was lonely. Eddie was feeling shitty from therapy. It was win/win. FWK, you know?"
"What the hell is FWK?" Hen asks while Buck does his best impression of a fish gasping for air. Eddie throws an arm around him, whispering a few inaudible reassurances.
Maddie, wandering out of the house, catches the last question. "Friends With Kisses. Are we talking about Howie and Eddie?" She turns to Eddie with a conspiratorial grin. "Isn't he a great kisser?"
Buck let's out a horrified groan and wails: "MADDIE, NO!"
The circle of friends descends into laughter as Eddie tries to reassure his husband he's a better kisser than his brother-in-law.
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captain-hen · 2 months
those stills make it look like chim is genuinely upset at buck over whatever it is that he did...911 loves us (the chimneyeddie girlies)
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linus-lucy · 1 month
So . . . I did another one. Apparently I’m a Howdie (Chimney/Eddie) fic writer now? Ao3 link & fic below.
Here is Your Happiness
Chimney meets Eddie while he’s still at the academy.
With a deep sigh, Chimney climbs out of his car and starts the trek inside. He makes his way through the building - stopping like always at the wall of fallen firefighters to pay respect to Kevin - in search of the the Drill Master.
It wasn't that he disliked helping at the academy, but ever since he came back from the rebar accident, Bobby has been quick to choose Chimney when the chief asks him to send someone over to help out. Not ever time, not enough that Chimney could call him out on it, but it was enough that he noticed. There was nothing that Chimney could point out as Bobby being overly cautious or holding him back, but he could feel it sometimes - a second of hesitation, a glance at the fading but still visible scar on his forehead.
He's just been feeling kind of down lately. He's really not in the mood to spend the day with a bunch of 20 year olds that think the job is going to be all big fires, heroic saves and a surefire way to get laid. It certainly hasn't been any of that for him lately - after things with Tatiana fell apart, he's been slow to pull the trigger on dating again. He feels ready, but he can't seem to make that final step and actually approach someone.
"There you are, Han!" He starts as the Drill Master claps him on the shoulder. "Ready to see what this new batch of recruits got?"
Chimney forces a grin. "Always, Captain. Lead the way."
He clocks Diaz early on. At first he thinks the guy is an older recruit - the way he holds himself, always addressing the Drill Master and Chimney as 'sir.'
"I love when we get a military guy," Anderson says to him at one point. "They get the chain of command - I don't have lecture about how to obey orders."
"Diaz was military?"
"Yeah - got a medal even. Hey - you should talk to him! He's going to be a damn good firefighter but he was a medic overseas. He might be interested in hearing about the paramedic side of things."
"Maybe I will . . . "
Beautiful. A beautiful, beautiful man. That's the only thought that's running through Chimney's mind as Diaz removes his helmet.
He's starting to slump against the firetruck when he notices Chimney walking towards him and straightens up. "Sir. Did you have feedback on the last drill?"
"Relax, man." Chimney gives a grin. "You're running circles around some of these kids." He sticks out a hand. "And call me Chimney. The Drill Master might like that sir crap, but I don't need it."
The other man's posture softens and he smiles, shaking Chimney's hand. "I'm Eddie."
The pair lean against the truck and turn to watch as other recruits take their turn in the timed drill. He hides it well, but Chimney can see a faint smirk as the times are called out - Eddie set the record for today and it doesn't look like anyone is going to beat it.
"So, I'm assuming you came over for a reason?" Eddie asks as the Drill Master berates the recruits that lost their "civilian" in the drill.
"Well, I've been told you were in the army."
"Yup." The reply is short, not mean but not leaving room for questions either. Chimney barrels on anyway.
"Well, Anderson mentioned you were a medic? I've been a paramedic for over a decade now. So if you ever wanna talk about going that route, I'm your guy!" And, oh. Why did he phrase it that way? But my GOD his eyes are like a Disney princess and it's doing things for Chimney.
A smile grows on Eddie's face. "The goal right now is not wash out, but I'll keep it mind."
Chimney scoffs. "Wash out? Stations are going to be fighting over you, man. I would bet good money on you being the top of this class."
Eddie's cheeks get a hint of pink and Chim prays he's blushing and it's not just the late day LA heat. "Thanks." He's quiet for moment, then adds: "If I'm going to be such a hot commodity, I assume you have some recommendations on which stations I should pick?" Was that . . . flirting? God he hoped so.
Okay, he can be smooth here. "Obviously. Maybe some night we can get together for some pizza and beer. I'll give you the downlow. I mean, the 118 is the best by far, but I can give you a few good second choices."
Eddie considers it, the blush (and it has to be a blush, right?) still faintly gracing his frankly gorgeous cheekbones."I don't know - does this dinner include the story behind the name 'Chimney?'"
"I'm not that easy, Diaz. That's like, 10th date material at least."
A genuine laugh escapes Eddie and Chimney can't get over his warm smile - it feels special, not a normal everyday smile. (It's way too soon to think its just for him, right?)
"I bet I can get it by the third date."
Chimney feels a flutter in his stomach. "I guess we'll just have to see about that, huh?"
(He makes it to the fifth date.)
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linus-lucy · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Eddie Diaz/Howie "Chimney" Han, Eddie Diaz & Howie "Chimney" Han Characters: Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Howie "Chimney" Han Additional Tags: Mostly Platonic, friends that kiss, Season 5B bonding, Bi chimney han, bi Eddie Diaz, Howdie Series: Part 1 of Howdie drabbles and ficlets Summary:
“Do you miss kissing?”
He does, actually.
OR: there has been some silly Howdie (Chimney/Eddie) headcanons going around my tumblr dash and I broke. Set somewhere in the 5x14-5x17 timeframe.
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