asunachinadoll · 4 years
For @vesper-1898
Ahhh I am so so so sorry for the wait! But I appreciate your patience regarding this little prompt fill. I ended up getting really busy with IRL stuff and have been struggling to write BUT I think I managed to get some of my groove back haha. I will apologize ahead of time that I couldn’t quite get the dialogue snippet to work in my head, so I hope what I did is okay. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this little ficlet 😊💕💕
➞ Date night gone wrong + “Well geez, if you don’t like what I’m wearing, I can go and change.” + Rebelcaptain
Delete this app? Deleting this app will also delete its data.
Cassian doesn’t even hesitate. He rids his phone of the dreadful thing, wondering why he ever allowed Leia to badger him into installing the app. He even informed her of his displeasure of dating apps, and especially after the events of tonight, it only serves to solidify his hatred.
He sighs, slipping his phone into the inner breast pocket of his jacket as he ascends the stairs to his apartment. His gaze roams unseeingly along the floor as muscle memory takes over, hand digging around for his keys. It’s only when he’s fumbling with the key ring does his vision catch a socked foot. Immediately, his eyes snap up to meet a familiar face.
“How—” Jyn starts before her eyes widen, her shoulders squaring against the wall between their apartment doors. “What happened to you?”
“It— ah—” Cassian doesn’t quite grimace, quickly shaking his head. “Just been a rough night is all.”
She thinks about reaching out and cupping his jaw, trace the fresh bruise blooming across his cheekbone with her thumb. But she quickly shoves down the thought, curling her fingers around the cooling mug of tea in her hands.
“You don’t say,” she replies. She scans him, looking for more signs of injury perhaps, but doesn’t find any. “Did you win?”
“I wouldn’t have called it a fair fight,” he answers instead, leaning heavily against the doorframe. She doesn’t press for more, but he feels like telling her. He wants to tell her.
He noticed it when she first moved in, and all the months since in their small moments of exchange. He hasn’t quite been able to pinpoint it. Something about her quiet demeanor and the sharpness of her eyes. Like she can see right through him.
Surprisingly, he has never minded it.
He clears his throat.
“It was going fine,” he starts. “She seemed nice. But then her ex showed up.”
Jyn rolls her eyes. “Oh God.”
“Yeah.” Cassian breathes a laugh. “Moral of the story: don’t use dating apps.”
The corner of her mouth quirks up, and she lifts her mug. “I’ll drink to that.”
She turns away, watches the steam from her tea whirl and dissipate.
“What about you?” He asks. It’s a question he’s been wanting to ask her recently, but hasn’t had the courage to ask. It never felt like a good time.
Jyn shrugs. “A few flings here and there. Nothing too serious.”
It’s all she shares. Cassian nods in understanding. He looks at her then, notes how comfortable she seems in her oversized sweater. His gaze traces her profile, the soft line of her cheek, her bangs acting like a curtain obscuring her eyes.
“Sorry about—” she glances up, gestures to her face “—that.”
He shrugs a shoulder. “Don’t worry about it.”
Honestly, he didn’t mind that the date ended early. He could tell that the date wasn’t going to end in anything but friendly goodbyes and parted ways.
A silent moment passes, the winding down of conversation, and he glances to the door knob of his apartment. He’s about to open his mouth—
“I don’t suppose you finished your dinner.”
It sounds like a statement and a question rolled into one, a simple sentence that holds weight but no strings attached. Her expression, keen and relaxed, doesn’t help. He blinks at her.
“Didn’t really get a chance to,” he says.
“I have some pizza,” she replies, casually, as if it’s no big deal, “leftover from dinner in the fridge. Wine in the cabinet. And ice, too.” She pauses. “For your face, I mean.”
A crease appears between her brows, the corners of her mouth pinching from unease. Like she doesn’t do this very often and is trying to find her footing. The notion is sweet and endearing, and he feels himself being pulled into the warmth and focus of her gaze. He must have taken too long to respond, because she shifts her weight, her stance suddenly tense.
“Yes,” he answers abruptly. He realizes himself, pulls back a little. “Yeah. Yeah, that sounds… really good.”
Cassian shoots her a lopsided smile that he hopes is reassuring. She smiles in return.
“You might want to change though,” Jyn says, on the edge of a tease.
He looks down at his blazer and slacks then back up at her. “Don’t like what I’m wearing?”
I do actually, almost leaves her mouth.
“I just figured you’d be more comfortable in sweatpants,” she answers. “And so that I don’t feel underdressed.”
He laughs at that. It makes her feel proud of herself.
“Well, we wouldn’t want that.”
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dollchinaasuna · 4 years
⚡🌊✨💖⚡☄️If you're receiving this, you make someone happy💞🌊⚡💖✨☄️ go and send this to 10 people who make you happy or someone you think might need some cheering up.💞✨🌊✨⭐☄️ If you get it back then the better 🌊💞💖⚡✨
AL;KJFLKSDFJAJG THANK YOU SO MUCH *throws sparkly hearts*
Right back at you @plainrea!! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
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asunachinadoll · 4 years
Character: Jyn
Situation: #6
Sentence: #33
Thank you! ☺️
Ahh thank you so much for submitting this prompt @lunasink, as well as your patience! I kinda went in a different direction with this prompt haha but I hope you like it my dear <333
➡ In bed at 2 a.m., blissfully drowsy + “It’s too hot.” + Jyn (Rebelcaptain)
“Hmm,” he hums distractedly.
“It’s too hot.”
She hears small clinks of metal against metal as Cassian tinkers with the broken unit. 
He replies, “So I’ve heard.”
She exhales sharply, wishing for the life of her she had something to fan herself with, if only to get some movement in the stifling, stagnant air. Instead, she’s hyperaware of the disgusting pool of sweat she’s lying in, starfishing on their small bed in nothing but a tank top and briefs. 
She sits up then, watching Cassian work. His hair and clothes are as disheveled and sweat-soaked as her own, his attention focused on repairing the ventilation unit. 
It felt like a gift from the Force when their schedules aligned and they had two days off. It was Cassian’s idea to go off-planet—”just the two of us”—and she couldn’t refuse the offer.
Then their ventilation system shuttered to a stop. 
She finds her eyes lingering on the sheen of his concentrated brow, and trails down his neck. She sighs, glancing over to their belongings in the corner and is suddenly reminded of the water bottles tucked away in Cassian’s bag. It’s not long before she’s across the room. 
“Here,” Jyn says, turning and holding out his respective bottle. His eyes snap to her, then the bottle, and Cassian takes it from her gratefully. She sees something flash across his eyes, something funny and warm. 
“What?” She asks, taking a sip of water. He shakes his head.
“Nothing,” he replies with a dismissive wave of his hand. “I just remember someone telling me that I overpacked.” 
He smiles crookedly, flashing teeth, almost playful, and for a moment he looks so young and handsome and carefree, untouched by war. She commits the sight to memory. It’s not often she sees him without the shadows, even when they are alone. If she didn’t feel so gross and sweaty, she’d close the gap and kiss him senseless. 
“You did overpack,” she says a bit airily, blinking back to reality.
 “I was prepared.” He shakes the bottle in display before throwing his head back and downing half the bottle. She rolls her eyes, although fond, and takes a few gulps herself. It doesn’t do much to alleviate the pressing heat, but it helps her feel better.  
“I know credits shouldn’t be at the forefront of our minds,” Jyn starts when she’s done, “but can’t we afford a cheap motel room with a working ventilation system.”
Cassian pulls the water bottle away from his lips, swiping the back of his hand against his mouth. 
“It’s never a dull moment.” He sets the bottle aside. “Okay, I think we should be good to go now.” 
He replaces the unit covering, clicking it back into place. They both send a silent plea to the Force. He reaches for the knob and twists it on.
They exhale tiredly. 
“Dank farrik,” he mutters under his breath.
“Let me try something.” 
Jyn puts down her water bottle, scanning the ventilation unit. She presses her palm to the side of it before nodding to herself. Then, she firmly smacks the unit with a resounding bang. The unit sputters to life, gushing out blissfully cool air, and they quickly move above the vent, sighing with pleasure. 
When she looks over to him, she finds him giving her a strange look again. She quirks her mouth a little smugly. 
“What? My dad was an Imperial scientist.” 
He snorts. She knocks her elbow against his, and he leans against her arm, the chill of the air against their faces.
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asunachinadoll · 4 years
situation 3, sentence 37 for rebelcaptain, please!
Thank you so much for submitting this my dear @oh-nostalgiaa! I hope you enjoy this little ficlet :))) <333
➡ Aftermath of a bad fight + “You’re stuck with me, like it or not.” + Rebelcaptain
It always comes to this.
Jyn sighs heavily, fingers wearing at her necklace as she stares at an old scuff mark on the wall. It gives her something else to look at besides the back of Cassian's head in the cockpit. 
At this point, Jyn didn't know why she wasted her breath anymore. 
That's not true—she knows exactly why. He is worth wasting breath for, even if he doesn't see it, even if she can't get it through his thick skull. 
Jyn thinks over the mission again—the instant she had to improvise and double back, the storm in Cassian's eyes when they finally met up. She knew she was in for it when they got back to the ship. It didn't matter though—it always ends the same, right back where they started, and on opposite ends of the room. It was one of their circle arguments, each fighting in that quiet, dangerous way of theirs, the tension between them palpable and biting.
She hears footsteps, eyes darting over to Cassian's approaching figure. His face is carefully neutral as always, but she thinks something flickers behind his eyes when their gazes meet. He pauses a few paces away from her, unsure, before sitting in place. The air still feels thick and fragile from their argument, and it wouldn’t take much for the fuse to be lit again. 
Instead, she tells him, "Sorry.” When he glances at her, she adds, “For being late."
He shakes his head. "Not your fault."
"You don't have to worry about me," Jyn says. "I can take care of myself."
There is a shadow casted over his face, but she sees the deep, tired lines, the bags beneath his hooded eyes, his beard dark and scruffy. She knows she doesn’t look any better. 
“I know.” Cassian nods to himself. “Doesn’t stop me from worrying.”
He looks at her then. Really looks, his eyes clear and warm. Genuine.
“You don’t have to come back for me though,” she counters, raising her chin just a hint. It’s not a condemnation, it’s the simple truth. A muscle in his jaw ticks.
“Yes,” he replies, “I do.”
Her nails dig into her palms. 
“No, you don’t,” she snaps, her voice rising with every word. “You almost died back there—”
“But I didn’t.”
“Because I saved you—” 
“Exactly, Jyn,” he asserts, leaning forward, and the intensity in his gaze didn’t make her pause before, but it does now. “That’s what partners do. They have each other’s back.”
And that's the heart of the issue—that no matter what, he will come for her. Even if he puts himself in danger because of it. Because of her. 
She could push it, go around and around in this circle of theirs. But she doesn’t. Her eyes trail back to the scuff on the wall and she exhales, crossing her arms over chest. 
“This shouldn’t be up for debate,” Cassian says lowly. He’s picking at a loose thread from his pants, head lowered so his bangs obstruct his face. She considers him for a moment. Her shoulders sag as the fight leaves her and she sighs.
“Is that an order, Captain?”
His eyes dart up to meet hers, and she is pleased when he softens at her lighthearted comment, something good-natured in his gaze. The corner of his mouth lifts.
“Even if it was, would you listen?” 
She breathes a laugh at that. They both know the answer.
Then, he’s sliding his hand towards hers. She meets him halfway, their fingers slipping into place with practiced ease. They stare at their interlocked hands, watching his thumb smooth over her knuckles. 
“You’re stuck with me,” he murmurs to her, gentle and kind in that way of his. “Like it or not.” 
Jyn swallows and nods, squeezes his hand once. Thanks.
Cassian squeezes back. Anytime. Every time.  
It always comes to this.
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asunachinadoll · 4 years
55 + mando, if you're up to it?
Ahhh thank you so much for sending this in my dearest @eatsleepandsing!! Been needing more Mandomera content in my life, so I wrote this little thing up real quick for ya. I hope you like it! 😊😊💕💕
I And Love And You by The Avett Brothers
They did not take up much space.
Packing light was just a necessity, and it made it easy to gather what little belongings he had brought. Din’s eyes flit over the room. It seems he got everything, the barn showing no signs of their presence. His vision catches on the vacant crib in the corner. He presses his lips into a line.
Din hears a soft coo from his chest and sees the child staring at him.
“You ready to go, kid,” he murmurs. He lifts his visor once more to the empty room. Then, he turns on his heel and slips past the curtain into Sorgan’s night. 
Everyone had retired to bed some hours ago, but he’s still grateful for the pliant soil beneath his heels. He walks past the mess hall, the krills ponds, and follows the worn path shown by the moons to the mouth of the village. That’s when he hears someone behind him. He already knows who it is.
“Going so soon?” Omera asks. The voice makes him pause, before slowly turning to face her. She has a turquoise shawl pulled tight around her frame, her dark hair shiny in the soft glow, and her eyes are kind. They are always kind. He feels unbecoming of it. 
“Yes,” he says, voice measured. “Figured we should get a head start.”
She takes a step forward. “And you didn’t want to say goodbye.”
But she doesn’t sound accusatory, or upset. It surprises him, the taut knot between shoulder blades loosening just a fraction. He studies her quietly, but her expression doesn’t change, carefully neutral and soft.
“I left you a note on the table,” he replies lowly, a little sheepish saying it aloud. She gives him a close-lipped smile, one that doesn’t quite reach her eyes.
“Well, whatever you wrote,” Omera says, “you can tell me.”
He swallows. He knows she’s right. If no one else, she deserves to hear it from him. 
“What happened today. What almost did…” His hold on the child tightens. “There are more coming. I can’t let that happen again. It’s not worth the risk.”
Omera nods sagely. “I know.”
And when she smiles this time, understanding and solemn, Din can tell it’s real.
Then, she’s removing the shawl from her shoulders and steps forward till they are a hand width span away. Before he can protest, she tosses it over his helmet and around his form.
“It can get chilly in the forest,” she mutters absently, picking at the soft material till it suited her. The child coos at her, and she grins warmly, fingers grazing affectionately at his long ear. The sight makes Din’s chest swell. He really doesn’t know what to say to her. There are too many words, and he can’t even utter one. 
She takes a half-step back, examining her handiwork. He already misses her warmth. Omera’s gaze finds his behind the visor. 
“Thank you,” he rasps. She lifts her hand to his helmet, fingers light, and he finds himself leaning into her. The line of her mouth is soft as her thumb sweeps over beskar.
“Take care of yourselves,” she whispers. Then, she’s gone.
As they’re making their way back to the Crest, the light breeze rustling the trees, he catches the sweet trace of perfumed oils, still clinging to her shawl. Din smiles to himself.
It reminds him of home.
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asunachinadoll · 4 years
How do you feel about Mando’s response to the child being called a pet? It annoys me how he doesn’t dispute this. I feel like he will eventually flip out and declare the baby is his son but that’s far in the future.
Hello there anon!! Thanks for sending this in :D
Personally, I’m fine with it. I sort of imagined him gritting his teeth in this moment, but he doesn’t actually speak out. The Quarrens were the bad guys just being bad guys and saying crap to rile Mando up. Of all people, these backstabbing strangers who were trying to kill Mando and Baby aren’t even on the list of people that Mando owes an explanation to, let alone about his son.
We’ve seen similar instances of this in the past too. Like in Chapter 6, when Mayfeld and crew start teasing Din about the child, calling it his “pet” and Din replies, “Something like that.” Even though the child was not his foundling yet, we know that Din would have done anything to protect the child, and this was an instance of that. Din does not owe these people anything, especially an explanation regarding the child.
One more thing: Din doesn’t have to explain that the child is his. It’s just become an unspoken thing, the whole “Wherever he goes, I go” “So I’ve heard”. In Chapter 4, Omera says “your boy” to Mando all the time, and he never once refuted her. It was just that.
Although I totally am on board with Mando calling Baby his son. We need it at least once please Mr. Favreau and Mr. Filoni!!!
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asunachinadoll · 4 years
initial thoughts on chapter 14
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asunachinadoll · 3 years
For the obscure asks:
9, 10, 13, 31, and 32 please! 🤍💙🖤🤗
9. do you believe in auras?
Well, I typically can sense when someone's in a certain Mood just on the basic social skills that I possess, which I guess is considered an aura? So I guess I do?? Idk I just get vibes lolol
10. what do you wish you hated, but actually like?
So I've thought about this for a while and I couldn't really come up with anything haha. ALTHOUGH I did used to hate pop sockets because I thought they looked stupid, but then my friend got me one as a present and so I felt compelled to start using it. And once I started using it.... I really liked it 😅😂 so don't knock it till you try it I guess haha
13. talk about an au or story you came up with
So the last AU I came up with (I'm not sure if it's been done yet lol) was a Rebelcaptain Wobani AU where basically instead of Jyn being rescued from Wobani like in RO, Cassian would be sent undercover to Wobani to gain intel about Jyn's father. And of course there would be an eventual romance XD
31. how easy is it for you to be honest?
Incredibly! I always try my best to be honest, although it does depend on who I am talking to, and if I can be more blunt/straightforward or if I need to be more tactful about some things hahaha.
32. do you have any strange interests?
I don't think so, but I guess I'm basing it off of what I would consider strange versus other people considering it strange haha. Probably for other people, it's reading/writing fanfic, but that's definitely not strange to me whatsoever :)))
Thanks for sending these in my love @emiliaf25!! 😊😊💕💕
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asunachinadoll · 3 years
Freeze! ✧ ─=≡Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つ You’re under arrest for being so lovely. Copy this message to 10 other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful!
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asunachinadoll · 3 years
How about Huddling for Warmth for the Fic Tropes Ask? 👀
B: Like it. Not one of my bigger cravings, but it can scratch a certain itch if I’m in the right mood.
THAT IS A GOODDD TROPE NIKI!!! Honestly I give it more of a B+ 🤣 because it's a great trope and I love it and I will read it, but it's not a trope that I'm always looking or filtering for unless I happen to come across a fic that has this trope haha. But it is a favorite of mine for sure :))
Thanks for asking @nikibogwater!! 😊💖
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asunachinadoll · 3 years
Tag a quality blog, You’re it! Quality doesn’t mean that you have a lot of followers, or a lot of messages. It means that you’re nice to other people, and you deserve to be happy. If you get this message, someone is telling you that they love you as you are, and they don’t care how many followers you have. Send this to 15 blogs who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen. But it’s just good to let someone know that you love them 💕💕
AWWWWW THANK YOU HON 😭😭😭❤❤❤❤❤❤ right back at ya!!! 💕💕💕
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asunachinadoll · 3 years
Tumblr media
AWW hahaha thank you 😊🤗🦊
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asunachinadoll · 3 years
⚡🌊✨💖⚡☄️If you're receiving this, you make someone happy💞🌊⚡💖✨☄️ go and send this to 10 people who make you happy or someone you think might need some cheering up.💞✨🌊✨⭐☄️ If you get it back then the better 🌊💞💖⚡✨
AWWWWWWWW THANK YOU SM ANON and this made me happy 😊☺💕 I smooch your forehead *MWUAH*
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asunachinadoll · 4 years
ahhhh can I have 41 for Rebelcaptain, please and thank you
AHHH I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to take so long answering this >0< But this was such a fun prompt to write and I really really hope you like this!! Thanks so much for the ask dearest @captainandors!!! ❤ ❤ ❤
Prompt #41: “Overhearing they have feelings for you”
Jyn could not help it. 
She heard her name spoken from the ship’s cabin, and instead of interrupting, she moved out of sight, pressed close to the outer paneling. The cold of the durasteel seeps through her shirt as she tilts an ear towards the voices.
“-yn. And I’ll be there,” comes Bodhi’s disembodied voice, sweet and low.
“I know.” Cassian, she thinks. Her chest grows warm at the familiar cadence of his voice. “You’re a good friend, Bodhi. I trust you’ll have her back.”
Cassian had asked for Bodhi to be assigned with Jyn. It’ll be their first mission apart since Scarif; she knows if Cassian wasn’t designated for departure on a separate assignment that he would have been the one accompanying her. 
Trust goes both ways, she once told him. Understanding comes to her at the implication of Cassian trusting someone besides himself to watch her back. 
“You should tell her, you know,” says Bodhi, bringing her attention back to eavesdropping. “Before one of you gets shot or blown up.”
A crease forms between her brows. She imagines Cassian’s does the same.
“What’s there to tell?”
“‘I love you, Jyn,’ is a good start.”
Jyn stills, her eyes widening, and she presses her lips together to stop herself from making noise. 
Cassian is silent for a moment. She tries not to imagine his expression. 
“It’s not that simple,” he replies. 
“I’m pretty sure it is.”
Cassian sighs heavily. “Bodhi--”
“Look,” Bodhi cuts in. “It’s obvious that you care about her. A lot.”
A small part of Jyn, the part that’s used to people leaving and relying on no one but herself, wants to doubt that. A much louder part of Jyn knows it to be true. She tries not to let it scare her as much as it could.
Still, she holds her breath, waiting for Cassian to refuse, say he misread the signs. She ignores the nervous flutter in the pit of her stomach.
“Am I that transparent?” Cassian murmurs. She exhales slowly.
“Not really,” Bodhi answers, and she can hear the small, fond smile in his voice. “But like you said, I’m a good friend. I have eyes.”
There’s a beat of silence.
Bodhi is soft when he adds, “And she cares a lot about you too.”
“I don’t know,” Cassian mutters, sounding a little defeated and the most uncertain she’s ever heard. Her fingers curl against the seams of her trousers. “What would I even say? I don’t want to-- push her away because I said something stupid.”
She imagines Cassian’s face pinched with frustration, one of his hands running through his hair, that particularly stubborn lock falling across his forehead. 
“You won’t push her away. It’s you, Cassian.”
Cassian exhales sharply. “Like that means anything.”
Jyn thinks if she were close enough, she would slap him for saying that.
“You underestimate yourself,” Bodhi retorts. “But you should say something to her, some day.”
“Yeah. Some day.”
She hears boots shuffling, and she debates on whether to leave before she is noticed or to enter the ship. Footsteps that are unmistakingly Cassian’s move towards her, and she inhales.
“Cassian,” Bodhi calls. The footsteps pause. A quiet moment passes, and she sees in her mind’s eye the nervous twitch of Bodhi’s hands, how he scratches the back of his neck as he collects his thoughts.
“If I had another chance,” Bodhi says, “to tell someone I cared about how much I care, I would take it. Without hesitation. I just… I don’t want you or Jyn to have any regrets.”
Cassian is silent.
“Thank you, Bodhi,” he murmurs, genuine and kind. She imagines the corner of his mouth lifting into a small smile. 
Jyn decides to slip away, quietly thinking over the stolen conversation. She doesn’t quite know what to do with the warmth pooled behind her sternum. 
Cassian comes to see them off.
Bodhi is busying himself by the ship controls when Cassian walks aboard the ship, stepping up to the cusp of her orbit. Jyn turns towards him as he nods to her. 
“Sergeant,” he greets, his dark eyes soft and steady against hers. She tilts her chin up to better look him in the eye.
“Captain,” she says. “Come to see us off?”
“Actually, I came to tell Bodhi to keep you out of trouble.”
“Oh?” She raises a playful eyebrow. He nods.
Jyn watches him look at her, his gaze weighted, something she can’t quite decipher behind his expression.
“Is there anything else you want to tell me?” She asks lowly. His eyes dart between hers. He opens his mouth, and then shuts it. 
She sees his throat work, but no other words leave his mouth. She exhales, shaking her head, though she is far from disappointed. 
She mutters, “I have to do everything myself, don’t I?” 
Then, Jyn grips the lapels of his jacket and pushes herself up on her toes, dragging his lips down to hers. Cassian freezes against her, but he recovers quickly, and he’s kissing her back. His lips are tender and sweet on hers, his palms moving to rest on her hips, a dizzying, pleasant buzz spreading through her at his touch. 
They pull away. Cassian leans forward, resting his forehead against Jyn’s. She smirks a little wryly.
“Still underestimating yourself?” She murmurs. 
“I suppose not,” he croaks.
“Will you be here, when we get back?”
“...I’m sure I can work something out.”
She smiles. “Good.”
Later, as they’re traveling through hyperspace, Jyn glances over at Bodhi in the pilot’s seat.
“You knew I was listening, didn’t you?”
“Oh, definitely.”
“You madman. I love you.”
Bodhi laughs. “Love you too.”
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asunachinadoll · 4 years
Jyn/Cassian + kissing in the rain?
I didn’t forget about you or this prompt!! I’m so sorry this took forever, but I hope I can make it up to you with 800+ words of Cassian being head over heels for Jyn TvT I really love how this came out, so please enjoy my dearest @starsintherearviewmirror!!!  😊 😊 💕💕
Prompt #4: “Kissing in the rain and getting soaked before running inside laughing”
It only takes a look.
You know, Jyn says wordlessly with an unimpressed lift of her brow, could've done without getting shot at on our honeymoon.
A ghost of a smile passes over Cassian's face as he aims his blaster, downing two Stormtroopers into the slick, orange mud.
He shoots her an amused glance, expressing with a little sparkle in his eyes, You don't think this is fun?
Their boots pound against the ground in time with the pouring rain, puddles splashing up their trousers as they sprint for cover. Cassian ducks, tasting dirt, as red plasma flies over his head. Jyn fires back over her shoulder, her teeth gritted with determination.
Their eyes meet for half a second, but he feels her half-hearted glare that says, I was imagining a different kind of fun.
Cassian's lip twitches upward as he skids around the corner of a building, Jyn at his heels. His vision catches white armor and he pulls the trigger twice before ducking into a small alcove. He sees Jyn take down another Stormtrooper before his fingers curl around her elbow, pulling her to him. 
They pant heavily, pale puffs of air clouding from their mouths, blood rushing in their ears and hearts thudding wildly. Their eyes dart around the vicinity, searching through the thick haze for targets. 
Rainwater drips into his eyes and he blinks harshly when he feels two taps against his thigh. Without looking, he fires up and off to his left, barely catching the sound of a falling body over the cacophony of rain. 
Shoulder digging into the wall, a hand hovering by her arm only a twitch’s reach away, he peeks out into the alley. He finds nothing. He blows out a harsh breath, runs a hand through his wet hair. He taps her elbow three times in quick succession. Safe.
Cassian turns his head to meet her gaze, and his breath catches in his throat, a sharp strike to his core.
Rain cascades down her pale skin in large rivulets, plastering brown hair flat to her skull and across her forehead. There is a smear of orange across her cheek. Her clothes are soaked through and cling to her skin. He doesn’t miss the slight tremble of her form. 
But it is her eyes that draw him in, a mesmerizing, unattainable flame flickering behind her irises he can’t look away from. They are impossibly bright, set ablaze with adrenaline and the thick of battle and how his her blaster fits in her palm. 
She is a vision. She is beautiful.
Oh, he thinks.
He loves her.
Cassian already knew he loved her, but the truth of it hits him so intensely, and he doesn’t think it’s the shootout that’s making his heart race anymore.
It occurs to him rather unabashedly that he can’t think of a time where he did not love her. Even when they were nothing but strangers.
(Jyn Erso was just another mission, a means to an end contained in a file.
But he liked the way her name felt on his tongue.
Suddenly she was in front of him, blood spiked with nebulas and that dangerous spark in her eyes when she told him with a raised chin fifteen years ago.
Even then, he knew.
He would follow her anywhere.)
Jyn nods once. He blinks, forcing himself to focus.
“Ready?” She asks aloud. She goes to move, but he seizes her arm.
“Wait,” he urges. 
He doesn’t hear the rest, pushing her back against the wall. A surprised noise escapes her throat as he captures her mouth with his. She’s caught off guard by the fierceness of him, his nose bumping hers and teeth against teeth. But she kisses him back in kind, bracing herself with a shift of her heels, parting her mouth beneath his.
He hears a scuffle off to his right. He does not pull away, and with a flick of his wrist, the threat is removed. Her lips curl into a proud smile, and he kisses that too.
They press closer, his arms wrapping around her waist while her free hand snakes up his neck, fingers entangling with drenched locks. She is sodden to the bone just as much as he is, but she’s warm and solid and good in his arms, and he thinks, he knows without a doubt, this is it. She is it for him. 
He couldn’t be happier.
They separate as quickly as they came together, breathless and heated for an entirely different reason. Their eyes lock. Nothing and everything is conveyed between them.
He grins widely, in that way he only does for Jyn. It’s sweet, open, and so Cassian that it never fails to make her heart flutter. He wipes the mud off her cheek with his thumb, presses a fast kiss to her forehead.
“Race you back to the ship, Captain Erso-Andor?” He ventures, his voice thick. The corner of her mouth twists into something knowing, that unending spark in her eyes. 
“You’re on, Major.”
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asunachinadoll · 3 years
hey, so I was wondering, do you like your name? ❤️ is there a story behind it? 💙
Why hello anon!! Thank you for dropping in :)))
I do like my name actually. I don't know of any other name that would fit me tbh 😂 and there isn't too much of a story, basically my parents told me that when I was born, I looked like a little China doll so that's what they went with 😂 The only downside to my name is that I'm not Chinese and most people assume that I am, especially after they ask for my name LOL
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