#chloe bourgous
Regular brain: Chloe having a crush on Ladybug and then being jealous of and fighting with Chat Noir
Galaxy brain: Chloe loudly bringing up the fact that Chat Noir is a cute and single superhero in front of Marinette and also making powerpoints about Marinette’s many good traits to send to Chat Noir, because if Marichat gets together, then she’ll be free to woo Ladybug
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HC Never have I ever: tried to kidnap Adrien Agreste, Chloe Bourgous, and/or Zoe Lee in order to get them away from their shitty parents.
Everyone takes a drink.
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Queen Bee: Hi! My name is Chloe Bourgoue.
Chat Noir: My name is Chat Noir.
Queen Bee: Ohh, made up names! My name is Queen Bee.
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In Chat Blanc, Bunnix clearly knows Ladybug and Chat Noir’s secret identities, and I’m absolutely in love with the idea of Alix being the only one who knows everyone’s secret identities a few years from now and using it to start chaos on a regular basis
Alix: hey guys, I’m doing a survey. If you could date any superhero, who would you choose?
Nino: Oh definitely Rena Rouge
Alya: Really? I’d date Chat Noir
Nino: I’m changing my answer. I also want to date Chat Noir
Adrien: Really guys? Are you sure? I mean Ladybug’s way cooler than Chat Noir.
Alya: have you ever looked at Chat Noir? Do you have eyes?
Chloe: do YOU have eyes Alya? Ladybug is freaking gorgeous
Alya: I mean, true, but Chat Noir’s also got that sweet huggable thing going for him
Adrien: What? Chat Noir’s not cute, he’s a warrior with powers of destruction
Marinette: No, Alya’s right, I’ve met Chat Noir a few times and he’s an absolute idiot with a heart of gold
Adrien: oh...
Adrien: well I still say I’d date Ladybug
Marinette: Really? Not Ryuuko?
Adrien: why would I date Ryuuko?
Marinette: haha no reason just wondering
Marinette: I think there was a rumor she had a celebrity crush on you or something
Alya: there was? I hadn’t heard it
Marinette: Wow that’s so weird it was totally a thing. Anyway I’d date-
Adrien: Viperion?
Marinette: No? I was going to say Aspik, he’s clearly the better snake hero.
Nino: Who’s Aspik?
Adrien: NO ONE
Alix: Wait back up Adrien, you’d date Ladybug? I thought you had a huge crush on Multimouse?
Adrien: Why- why would you think- haha why would I have a crush on Multimouse?
Chloe: oh my God he’s totally crushing on Multimouse
Marinette: hey guys I need to step out of the room really quick k bye
*distant screaming*
Adrien: is she okay?
Alya: probably
Chloe: hey Alix you still haven’t answered, which superhero would you date?
Alix: oh definitely Bunnix she’s the best
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Miraculous Ladybug characters according to my 5-year-old sister
All pictures are my own screenshots from Catalyst/Mayura
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Me: Who’s this?
Her: *excited gasp* Chat Noir!
Me: What does he do?
Her: cataclysms!
Me: What’s that?
Her: he makes things.. he turns them black, and they glow and dissapear, and then Ladybug catches the little butterfly and poofs it all back
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Me: Who’s this?
Her: Ladybug!
Me: What does she do?
Her: she can swing on the roofs with her magic-, um, the magic... *points at yoyo* that. And she swings around the roofs and swooshes up the little akumas and runs on the buildings
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Me: who’s this?
Her: um... um... she’s um... Ma- um... M... uh... she’s...
Her: She’s Ladybug
Me: and what does she like to do?
Her: swing across buildings
Me: ok cool-
Her: Marinette!!!
Her: her name is Marinette
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Me: who’s this?
Her: Adrien
Me: what does he like to do?
Her: he likes to hug everyone
Me: anything else?
Her: his favorite thing is hugging Marinette
Me: that’s nice
Her: Marinette also liked to hug Adrien I forgit to say that
Me: *is absolutely not crying
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Me: who’s this?
Her: my turtle boy!
Her: he makes a shield that protects people from the evil little butterflies
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Me: what about her?
Her: she’s the fox hero
Her: she plays the whistle that makes magical fun places to trick the akumas
Her: and then Chat Noir and Ladybug have to be smart to find the real hat
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Me: who are these people?
Her: that’s Uma and his best friend!!
*she didn’t elaborate any further*
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Me: who’s she
Her: *makes a face* that’s Chloe
Me: is she a good guy or a bad guy?
Her: she’s a bad- no, she’s a good guy, but she’s very mean to Marinette
Her: she should be nicer
Me: what does she like to do?
Her: be mean to Marinette
Her: also she likes to be a bee
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Me: who’s this?
Her: Hawkmoth
Me: what does he like to do
Her: he likes to sit in his tower and turn the white butterflies into purple and akumatize every girl and boy
We then moved onto the Speed Round (also I ran out of pictures I can put into a post so use your imagination)
Her: *excited squeak* that’s Queen Bee!
Her: A Bird!!! She has magic feathers. Evil magic feathers. *blows an imaginary feather out of her hand*
Her: that’s Marinette’s guitar friend
Her: she’s Chat Noir’s best friend
Her: she’s lying to everyone
Her: but Chat Noir is friends with her because-
Her: I don’t know why
Her: Ladybug does not like her at all though
And of course
Her: the pink one!
Her: she’s my Rose!
Her: I love her the best
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I was thinking about Adrien and Chloe’s relationship and I realized
1) at the time just before Origins, Chloe was literally the only person in Adrien’s life who was strongly supportive of Adrien going to school and didn’t act like he was selfish for wanting to socialize
And 2) Chloe was literally Adrien’s only friend when his mom died, and we’ve seen (like in Félix) that she actually is capable of being supportive of Adrien when he’s sad
So it’s not surprising that Adrien would desperately want to protect their friendship, especially in the early episodes, because it had been literally the only thing he had for so long
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I reject literally every part of Animaestro except for those ten seconds where it made it canon that Chloe had no idea that Marinette had a crush on Adrien for all of seasons 1 and 2 because that’s absolutely hillarious
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The year is 2021. The first few episodes of mlb Season 5 were just aired. Tumblr’s exploding with fanfics and theories. The show’s new director is conducting cryptic polls about which friendships and teamups the fans want to see most. Adrien is finally realizing that his dad sucks and has gotten more direct in his small moments of rebellion. Kagami, Adrien, and Marinette have a group chat that’s 90% just elaborate plans for sneaking out. Marinette’s been getting better and better at acting normal around Adrien since the beginning of season four and she’s realized that regardless of romantic feelings, she desperately wants to be his friend.
Everyone’s posting about the latest episode, Lady WiFi 3.0, where Alya got akumatized because she was jealous that Adrien was stealing her best friend. Marinette was so busy panicking and blaming herself that she forgot to slip away and transform, which lead to half the episode being Marichat. Chat Noir had a few lines that may have implied he know that she was Ladybug and every word of their dialogue is now being picked apart by theorists. After they won the battle, there were copious amounts of communication and apologies from Adrien, who was immediately yelled at by both girls because “Adrien stop apologizing for hanging out with your friends you’re allowed to do that, you self-deprecating idiot.” The episode ended with Adrien becoming Alya’s secret behind the scenes co-runner of the Ladyblog, and he’s thriving at the chance to work without being directly watched by the public and she’s thriving at the fact that she has a dedicated co-worker who’s just as obsessed with superheroes (especially Ladybug) as she is.
Now that months have passed since the season 4 finale aired, people are finally calming down. Mayura got so close to winning that she managed to take Chat Noir’s miraculous, discovering his secret identity in the process. Chat Noir didn’t end up telling Ladybug about this: partly due to fear that he’d lose his Miraculous, because he’s gotten so good at being a team with Ladybug that he’s afraid Paris would be in danger without him. Also, now that Ladybug is the guardian, she’s the only one who could choose a new Chat Noir and therefore would know the secret identity of anyone she picked. Also, it’s never been directly confirmed, but everyone’s pretty sure that he knows that Marinette is Ladybug, and without his Miraculous, he would lose his only means of defense if Mayura did hunt him down in his civilian identity and grill him for Ladybug’s identity. He also seems to think that he’s the less important hero and it doesn’t matter as much if he gets hurt or captured so long as he manages to protect his Lady. His decision spawned endless discourse, but everyone can at least see where he’s coming from. The heroes are doing their best but there’s obvious moments where they’re cracking under the stress and could desperately use an adult on their team. #givemarinetteanap was trending on Tumblr for a few days. Adrien had canonically acknowledged depression and has actual medical reasons to force his dad to let him interact with friends at times, although his father still does the absolute bare minimum.
A week ago, in the season 5 pilot, Natalie faked a coughing fit to stop Hawkmoth when he was about to hurt Chat. She’s still trying to take the Miraculouses and still wants Hawkmoth to succeed but she’ll literally die before any harm comes to Adrien, and she’s the only one who knows he’s also Chat Noir. Adrien knows that Mayura knows his identity but he has no idea that Natalie knows, so he’s confused about why she suddenly seems to understand why he’s exhausted after midnight akuma battles and even clears his schedule, so he can rest. She still rarely shows direct affection, but the small things are becoming more and more frequent and groups of dedicated fans are eagerly awaiting her redemption arc.
The amateur fashion business that Marinette started halfway through season 4 is taking off, thanks in part to celebrity promotions, from Jagged Stone to Clara Nightingale to Adrien Agreste. She’s under a lot of pressure dealing with actual money and orders and the stress of running a real business, but she’s clearly happy with it, and it gives her something productive to do with the time that she used to spend obsessing over Adrien. She also taught herself how to crochet for a project and now brings string and a hook with her everywhere to stress-crochet when anxiety spirals hit. It’s become something of a joke within the fandom but no one can deny that it’s a strangely calming aesthetic. The shine for Adrien in her room has been taken down and replaced with a wall of the designs she’s the proudest of, which caused a barrage of conflicting emotions for everyone watching.
Chloe has become a permanent part of the friend group as well, after she exposed Lila’s lies. She’s still has no filter and causes a few akumas when she hurts others’ feelings, but she’s genuinely trying to be a decent person, so she can make real friends. She also manages to pull Marinette out of an anxiety attack a few times by being ridiculously blunt and startling Marinette out of her train of thought.
The show openly calls Juleka and Rose a couple, they’re had a few on screen kisses and people make YouTube compilations of them saying the phrase “my girlfriend.” Half the class comes to them for relationship advice because they’re literally the steadiest and healthiest couple in the class. Also, it’s revealed that Chloe never had a crush on Adrien. She was literally just fighting Marinette for his platonic attention the entire time, which she thought was common knowledge. “Ew, why would I want to date Adrien, we’ve known each other since we were toddlers?” Someone asks Chloe if there’s anyone she does have a crush on and she says not really, no one in their class is even that cute, Ladybug’s low-key gorgeous though in a celebrity crush kind of way. Marinette is the only person in the class who’s actually surprised to find out that Chloe might have a crush on Ladybug.
Teamups with the Miraculous holders are becoming more and more common. Queen Bee has openly said that she doesn’t care about the danger of her identity being revealed and has become a frequent member of the lineup. Alix, juleka, Rose, and Nathaniel have each been given Miraculouses a few times, as well as several newly introduced characters. In an episode we only have a trailer for so far, Marinette is having such a bad panic attack that she knows she won’t be able to be Ladybug, so she discretely slips her earrings into Alya’s bag and Alya has to save the day as Ladybird. During a different high-stakes akuma battle near the end of season 4, Hawkmoth knew that he’d be causing a lot of collateral damage so he locked Adrien inside with heavy supervision to keep him safe. Unable to sneak away, he managed to slip his ring with a note into Chloe’s bag, because she was over for a business meeting and also the only person he knew that Ladybug would trust with a Miraculous. Chloe got to be Reine Chat for the day and she was surprisingly mature about it, listening to everything Ladybug told her and putting the Miraculous back where she got it after the battle was won She’d never admit it, but it was clear that she was genuinely scared for one of the first times in her life.
Now, the fans theories for what’s going to happen continue to pour in. The episode titles for the entire season were just uncovered. The finale is going to be Princess Justice parts 1, 2, and 3. The current predominant fan theory is that Sabine is going to have to be Ladybug for part of the episode and fight an akumatized Marinette. It’s been defended by so many long winding arguments that no one can remember if it’s a crack theory or genuine. The episode just before the finale is titled Emilie and it’s causing different kinds of massive panic throughout the fandom. The season trailers show tons of interactions between all sides of the love square. Adrien is going to break down in tears in Marinette’s arms at one point in the season. That trailer clip has also been overanalyzed to death at this point. Adrien has learned to bake macarons at the bakery and Marinette has learned to win a staring contest with Gabriel Agreste. All is well.
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Logical brain: I hope that after Hawkmoth is exposed, Adrien gets taken in by a really good family, like the Dupain-Chengs, so he can have some peace
Chaotic Brain: I hope Adrien gets adopted by the Couffaines because just imagine the crazy adjustment from “you got an A- you’ve disgraced our family name” to “nothing is illegal if you can outrun the cops”
Galaxy Brain: I hope Adrien’s adopted by the Bourgous family because then Chloe would be his sister, how wack would that dynamic be-
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Chloe’s video she sent to Adrien. Where she just genuinly was concerned for him and trying to be a good friend. She wasn’t showing off or trying to look good to the others for a grand gesture she was just sharing a moment of her own vulnerablilty. And she admitted that she was the lucky one and that Adrien had it off so much worse. And she also just shared some of her deep insecurities, And you could just tell that she felt a little bit of his pain and was hurting for him. And her video was very peppy-façade at the beginning but then she kind of just cracked and you could tell that there was good underneath her exterior and that she does actually care shejkwjwvjiwkwjjee how the heckibg heck does Miracle Queen come after this I’m so upset, look me in the eyes, look me in the eyes Thomas and tell me that Chloe doesn’t have enough goodness in her for a redemption arc
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Me, stubbornly shoving all of season 3 into a closet and forcing the door shut: haha wow I can’t wait for season three to come out so we can finally see Chloe’s redemption arc!! :D :D :D ;D :D. She has so much potential as a hero and hahahahahha obviously they wouldn’t have set it up for nothing haha. I’m so excited for the new season to come out you guys!!!! I’m sure that it’ll be released eventually.. :D I’ll wait. :D
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