#chloe's redemption
zoe-oneesama · 5 months
Why did you remove the best thing about this “great” cartoon, namely Chloe’s redemption arc? I read your comic stupidly because of Chloe, in the end I see Marinette instead, whom you idealized to the skies. And don’t say that Marinette is not a marysue, even if she is one in the series.
You come to me on the Day of Chapter 51 of a 5 year Spite Fic and ask me this question?
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3lmtree · 8 months
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Miraculous redesign because I believe we are missing out on a true friendship dynamic here. Just scrap the whole series and start again I say.
And yes I will sprinkle in some sexualities.
And please god forbid give them some better outfits….
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waty-art · 7 months
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Chloé & Marinette dancing at a ball!
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cardiac-agreste · 8 months
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Here are some thoughts on why I think Chloe's character arc makes perfect sense.
Chloe has a real bad hangup about power. She needs to feel it desperately.
she idolizes Ladybug, who is powerful
she wants a Miraculous to feel powerful
she orders her dad around to feel powerful
she mis-names her butler to feel powerful
she bosses Sabrina around to feel powerful
she is cruel to Marinette to feel powerful
she is dismissive of Chat Noir because he is subservient to Ladybug and therefore weak
When Adrien stands up to Chloe regarding her treatment of Marinette, she perceives this as him ordering her to reign in her power. To restrict her power.
In response, she re-asserts her power: she cuts him out of her life. Similarly, Ladybug denies her a Miraculous, so she turns on Ladybug, again lashing out at someone who has diminished her power. She then aligns herself with someone who promises it to her.
Then Zoe shows up, and Zoe gets attention and affection (and therfore power) from Andre, who isn't even her real father! She's spent more time with their mother, which is another form of power.
S3 through S5 is a systematic stripping away of the thing Chloe holds most dear: power. In response to this, she exerts power every opportunity she gets: she tries to take over the movie, she bosses Adrien around, she revels in her cruelty toward Marinette, she aligns herself with Lila (who Chloe recognizes has the power to fool everyone around them), she is cruel to her sister, and eventually she "leads" a fascist takeover of Paris (of course, not realizing that she's fourth banana in the takeover after Evil Gandalf, Slightly Less Evil Elon Musk, and Lila.
Her character arc makes perfect sense.
Uhh, umm, in this powerpoint presentation I will
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a-flaming-idiot · 3 months
Thinking about how when Shadybug and Claw Noir are evil, they can be redeemed since they're traumatized kids being manipulated by an adult taking advantage of them. When Lila and Chloe are evil, they're irredeemable monsters who know exactly what they're doing and deserve what's coming to them.
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mattw83 · 4 days
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Miraculous Tales Chapter 15 -  PG16
Sometimes a little sweetness goes a long way to temper the vinegar within.
A tale of how Chloe’s many false starts in life were just the beginning to a real redemption of heart and hero.
Rose continues the introductions as Chloe watches on, in slight awe of seeing them on stage, like pros...
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 -   Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 -    Chapter 10   - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 -
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redfoxtress · 2 months
Old Chloé Redemption fics have such an interesting vibe to them. You can genuinely feel how the authors didn't believe it was a question of "If" She gets redeemed, only a question of "When" and "How"
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miraculousfanworks · 20 days
Writing Prompt: Technical Difficulties
AU where after a mishap breaks the earpiece, Chloe is mayor without any of Lila’s instructions. To everyone’s surprise (including her own) she’s actually doing a more than decent job. She eventually throws away the earpiece figuring she doesn’t need Lila to tell her what to do anymore. And for the first time since she was Queen Bee, she’s looking after the city. She can even tell people who she is this time.
Prompt by: blue-mango
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chocostrwberry · 12 days
chocoau! Chloe secretly being a giant theater nerd!
Since she wants to be an actress when she grows up but completely forgets about her dream until the high school is hosting a play and she’s dying for that main lead, but being Chloe she does all kinds of mean things like intimidation and whatnot to get her way, but in the end Marinette gets the lead anyways and she’s so devasted bc Chloe gets the understudy role
And Marinette ends up forfeiting and Chloe gets it automatically because Marinette knows Chloe wants it more than her :D
Marinette: “I’m not giving it up because I’m scared of you. It’s because I want you to know what it feels like for someone to do something for you because they want you to be happy.”
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kari-go · 2 months
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I made more
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edy-lyy · 3 months
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Chloe a sido llamada por medio de la Bee-Señal, es, de nuevo, una superheroína que se le ha dado otra oportunidad para demostrar su valía. Ahora y desde las sombras, golpea y envía hacia la justicia los males de París como Abeille en la misteriosa noche.
Mierda, de nuevo se me perdió la referencia- 😭😭
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crowzenn-murders · 1 month
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Mini comic of a lukloe AU and being born with famous parents
Luka is starting school with a pretty clean reputation of a big time musician's son, and Chloe who has lived her life as the daughter of the mayor and a world class fashion designer. Chloe thinks Luka would be just like her, She's gonna figure out how wrong her perspective in life is and how its about to change.
Idkkkk what im doing, just art and stuff ,enjoy :'))
Part 3
Part 2
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3lmtree · 3 months
Can you draw chloe and lila?
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Chloe is a tricky one but she’s always been my favourite out of all of the characters so while this is a rough one I’ll always take any opportunity to draw Chloe!
Here’s Lila:
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waty-art · 6 months
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“Hey Mari.”
Chloé Bourgeois! Midnight meeting on the rooftop overlooking the city!
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The New York Special of my Miraculous Ladybug rewrite is complete! Go read Miracle Box pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls....
Ao3 link to the New York Special
Ao3 link to the first part of this mega fic, Miracle Box:
Wattpad link to the mega fic Miracle Box (includes the New York special)
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trashyangelic · 6 months
A Chloe Redemption + Lila Salt but no redemption for that bitch!
The way I have seen it from seasons for Chloe she was getting better but it turn out to be dark on season 5 like wth. So I want was a Chloe Redemption Prompt if that would happen if anyone is interested to making this. I would gradually read it cause for me If I make it I don't have time to start one due to me having stories on Wattpad to get updated.
How about when Chloe had to go out of school just to call her mother about Marinette's accepting her offer instead of Gabriel. But to Chloe she notice Lila Rossi taking her wig that caught her off guard she took a quick photo or a video clip of it so she spread rumors about juicy stuffs about Rossi as a payback for messing with Dupain-Cheng only she can do that not her.
Chloe went to follow Lila and found her in the Paul Bert well that is concerning for her she is pretty sure the principal back in her school has their contract maybe showing this video clip to the Principal might spice things up for not following the protocal for the school as he should be doing unless if he wants to be get fired from her father the way she had seen it from the shadows of the principal expelling Dupain-Cheng without a hearing or checking the school CCTVs since he announced it was broken but it wasn't when she checked it herself.
Chloe had hired private investigators to find anything about Lila Rossi and found plenty of criminal records this might be good for her and Dupain-Cheng but she wasn't very fond of Adrien's advice towards Dupain-Cheng. As she can also see that Dupain-Cheng doesn't like Adrien anymore despite of Cesaire tormenting Dupain-Cheng alot. She even notice Dupain-Cheng getting comfy towards Felix while Kagami is with Luka. Since in secret Chloe is dating Alix they decided to play along to see who are real or fake friends for them.
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