#cho Haseul
dosireh · 16 days
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Haseul ཐི♡ཋྀ Virtual Angel (240608)
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themoongirls12 · 25 days
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240531 | YVES, HEEJIN, HASEUL 💌🦢
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cypresstheworld · 1 month
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artms <pre 1-4>
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mobiused · 3 months
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ARTMS ‘Birth’ Teaser
Concept Photo HaSeul
2024.03.29 1PM KST
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swedishboyfriend · 7 months
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ARTMS2024 SEASON'S GREETINGS: 'Shoot For The Moon' Preview
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808airsoftbros · 9 months
My Wives Reaction to You Getting Harrassed at Work (Haseul/Vivi/Yeojin/Nana/Miyeon)
Author: Suddenly felt inspired to write this after listening to a creepypasta story. Anyway hope you enjoy and if you want to check out more of my works do go to the Masterlist :)
Cho Haseul
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You were being bullied by your co-worker and your manager was doing nothing about it since he was his son
Being the mother of the family she wouldn't tolerate such treatment for her loved one
"What?! Let me talk to your boss!"
Would confront the manager or the main corporate office no matter how much you begged her not to
At first your manager would laugh at her until he realized that your wife was a famous kpop Idol
In just a split second, he was on his knees begging her not to expose the company and what was going on behind the scenes
"P-Please don't report this! I need this job to pay for my rent! I'm sorry not only I'll fire my son! I'll give him a raise or hell even a promotion!"
In the end, the awful and useless co-worker was fired and of course, he didn't take it too well seeing his own father screwed him but she had private security on stand-by just for this particular result
However after just five months you'd quit that job and work at a bigger company but you were still grateful for what she did for you
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You were refused a raise despite all the hard work and effort you put into the company and when you just decided to work the bare minimum you were written up for being "lazy"
"What are you serious? What fucking idiot for him not to see the talent inside of you!"
Vivi would've taken a little much of different course of action to the situation
She would first consulted Haseul who's the head of the household and recommended reporting this to your boss's supervisor
But seeing that the CEO was just as useless greedy as the manager she ended up just buying the whole company
"W-What is this?! An ownership contract?!"
"Well, sir, you should've thought about this before treating my husband like shit so from now on, I'll be running this company,"
In just no time you became her secretary and it was a win-win for the both of you now that you get be at her side 24/7
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You got a customer complaint from an actress whom Nana happened to once partnered up with in the past
She'd be perfectly calm about the whole situation and unlike Vivi and the others she'd handle it her own way
"Okay darling, just leave her to me and don't worry about a thing okay~?"
Confused at first but you decided to let her run the show and enjoy it from a safe distance because you know well it will get a bit messy
She'd review the surveillance footage and prove you were just doing your job enforcing the company's policies thus making the actress the guilty one
When she gathered enough evidence, she'd confront her former co-worker and obviously she denied it and made up stories that you were being rude
"Is that so? Well, mind explaining this?"
Shocked and caught red-handed, she knew her life would be over at this moment knowing Nana could just end her career in the blink of an eye
"I-I'm sorry! Please don't turn this into the media!"
Luckily for her, Nana was in a kind mood so she just asked her to apologize, and quickly she obliged
Cho Miyeon
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Miss Cho Miyeon is someone you don't want to mess with especially since she is Lieutenant of the (G) I-DLE mafia
The second she heard that you were targetted by your company she wouldn't hesitate to send men to burn their building to the ground
"What is that, my dear? Are they bothering you? Are you okay? I can just send some of my guys to burn the damn place to the ground."
Of course, you begged her not to as this wasn't the first time she committed mass murder and arson
But she'd just bought the whole company and transformed it to serve the Mafia clan
You wanting to continue to live a normal life would just get hired by a different company with better co-workers and management
"Aww~ Baby are you sure you don't want to join us~?"
Sure the offer was tempting as you'd love to be close to Miyeon but it was too much of a risk having a target on your head 24/7
Im Yeojin
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Being the youngest of the family and step-sister she'd be mostly concerned about your health and well-being
"Oppa, are you okay?" "Do you need some cuddles~?"
Yeojin wouldn't really do much besides just informing her mothers
"Eomma! Oppa was being bullied! It was his boss again!"
Sadly nobody would take her that seriously as she was too adorable to be intimidating
However she doesn't need to do anything as her Eommas take care of everything for her
"Baby! Eomma said that she voted the CEO out of his office so she's in charge! Isn't that great?!"
For the rest of the night, you two cuddled in her bedroom after partying
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kpop-girlsworld · 24 days
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04hikaruz · 7 months
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the story of twelve girls that defy all odds and reach for the stars ☆ 1 | 2, 4, 5, 11, 12 | 3 | 6, 7, 8 | 9 | 10
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huhjxn · 1 year
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a soulmate who wasn't meant to be
jeon heejin x fem!reader
warm hugs that lingers a bit too long and loving gazes that seems more than friendly. all the hints told you that jeon heejin liked you back, or that you have a chance at least. so why are the both of you hurting? roughly inspired by the song of the same title by jess benko.
! : angst, betrayal (leading someone on), rejection, heejin why???
2.7k words
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It’s so frustrating.
Perhaps it is the worst decision you’ve ever made.
And unfortunately, you can’t take back what you’ve said.
You could feel the tears that are continuously streaming down your face but you couldn’t care less at the moment; you felt so vulnerable, so weak, so small in front of her.
The girl who you thought had shared the same feelings as you did.
And so you ran as fast as you could, and in no time, you reached the comfort of your home. You were heavily panting as you felt a crushing sensation in your chest.
"Y/N?" Your roommate approached you, wiping her eyes and she yawned. She took another good look at you when you didn’t respond and gasped softly at the sight of you.
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"I don’t want to force you into anything," You said shakily, "Because I know that wouldn’t be fair to you."
Heejin’s eyes start to get glossy; she had seen this sight before, but this time, she’s the one who’s causing the damage.
You closed your eyes shut and inhaled deeply before continuing "...But if there’s even just a small chance that this could work…"
"There isn’t," Heejin said sternly. She really hates that she had to be brutally honest with you and cause more of your tears to fall, but she believed that she had no other choice.
It’s for your own sake.
She was just sparing you from a bigger heartbreak.
All of a sudden, you could feel the familiar pain in your chest. "Right… I’ve been here," You thought.
You stared at your feet and attempted to wipe the tears on your face, and you can’t help but chuckle sarcastically at the absurdity of the situation that you were in, "I guess I never learn."
Heejin was about to reach out to you, her concern growing every second that passes; you’re her best friend after all.
But before her hand even gets to brush yours, you took a step back like her touch was the most dangerous thing in the world. Although at this moment, it really seemed like it was.
Heejin’s eyebrows knit together as she stared at your frame, "Y/N…"
"I’m sorry," You stated without meeting her eyes, "For taking advantage of your friendship…" You trailed off. Heejin shakes her head, the guilt is starting to eat her alive, "No, Y/N it’s–"
"I’m sorry," was all she heard before seeing you flee the scene, and in an instant, you were gone.
All she could do was stand there and hope that you would get over her and find someone who would love and appreciate you the way you deserved.
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Heejin was dragging her feet as she went back to the dorms. The first one to greet her as she opened the door was Sooyoung, who smiled warmly at her, but the smile immediately fell as she saw how worn out her friend looked.
Sooyoung hesitates for a second, but she asks cautiously, "Heejin, are you okay?" Their members’ eyes landed on them as they heard the girl’s concerned voice asking that question, and they stared in shock at how the dark-haired girl looked.
Heejin leaves her shoes by the doorway before heading in the direction of her room, ignoring her unnie’s question and her members’ stares altogether.
As she finally arrives at the safety of her room, she immediately lies on her bed, hoping that when she wakes up, everything will be fine; that everything that had happened beforehand was all a cruel nightmare.
She hoped that she hadn’t just broken your heart into millions of tiny pieces. "There’s nothing else I could do," Heejin thought to herself.
All Heejin wanted was to close her eyes and forget about the events that occurred earlier, but unfortunately for her, she wasn’t able to get any sleep that night.
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You could not believe how it all went downhill so fast. Heejin has always been there for you ever since you were kids, and you made sure that you'll always be the person that she'll run to when she's faced with problems.
Back in the day, the problems that you would talk about are not having enough money to buy the candy bar in the convenience store which turned to not getting enough rest and having a math exam the next day, which also turned to Heejin doubting whether she has what it takes to debut as the first member of LOONA, until the problems that the both of you discussed relatively developed as the both of you matured.
Jeon Heejin was your best friend before anything else. She's the friend that you would always lean on, and you were most definitely that person for her as well, even when she was met with eleven other girls that seemed as though they were destined to be together.
Naturally, she became preoccupied when she debuted as an idol, but somehow, the girl always managed to find time to hangout with you and to catch up, feeling as though something's missing when she doesn't get to spend time with you, and frankly, you felt the same way.
While Heejin followed her dreams, you tried to achieve yours as well, staying at the same school which you and Heejin attended, until eventually, you had to transfer to a university and attain higher education.
Sometimes, you felt that it was so overwhelming; having a famous friend is proven to be a struggle especially when hanging out with her in public, which was why both of you agreed to meet up in your apartment instead or go out during the evening whenever the both of you wanted to hangout.
In all honesty, you couldn't really remember when you started harboring feelings toward your friend, all you remember was that she had always been the person that you cared about the most, and you only confirmed your attraction towards your friend when you saw that she was being shipped with one of her members named Hyunjin. Although you know that the pair were nothing but friends, you couldn't help but feel the slight possessiveness especially knowing that they spent more time together than Heejin did with you.
But even as a friend, Heejin never failed to reassure you that she's there for you despite all the demands of being an idol. You felt guilty because for some reason, it felt wrong to be attracted to a friend like Heejin when she is being the best friend anyone could ask for, so you tried to find someone else.
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"Are you sure about her?" Heejin asked, looking skeptical.
"Look, Heejin, you don't have to interrogate me," you said, trying to ease your friend's worries, "She's cute, she's smart, she's talented, she can literally do everything!" You exclaimed, and Heejin kept eye contact with a sour look on her face, "I mean, she's been giving me all these signals, so it might be safe to assume that I have a chance."
The girl sighed, and you had no idea why she was suddenly being so protective and pessimistic, "But what if she's playing you?" Heejin asked bluntly, "Look, I'm sorry, but I really don't trust this girl."
"Why not?" You inquired, Heejin took a deep breath before replying, "Because I don't know her," the then blonde replied truthfully, her right hand grabbed one of yours then placed her other hand on top of it, "I just don't want you to get hurt, Y/N."
The simple and harmless action made you blush profusely, feeling your face heat up at her words and her actions, but you tried to play it off, shoving her before replying, "You don't have to worry about me, I can handle myself."
However, you definitely couldn't. That night, you came back to your apartment with tears slowly streaming down your face, and Heejin was there to hold you. Most of the time, she wasn't, but she was usually just a call away.
Rubbing small circles on your back as she held you close to her body, she tried to comfort you, "Hey, it's alright, I'm here, I won't leave you."
You couldn't help but sob at her words. Truthfully, you really did find the girl attractive, but you didn't like her the way you did for Heejin; no one can compare to her. But that doesn't mean that you didn't feel betrayed by the girl you confessed to, because you did and it hurts.
It turns out that she was not attracted to girls at all; the reason why she acted like she was interested in you was because she wanted to get back at you, despite not doing anything wrong. According to the girl, her boyfriend that she was dating in secret seems to be attracted to you, so she wanted to get her revenge.
After hearing your explanation, Heejin rolled her hands into a fist, wanting nothing more than to confront the girl that messed with the person she cared about the most.
In all honesty, Heejin was unsure whether her feelings toward you were platonic or if it were something more, but she knew better than to do something about it. She doesn't want to ruin the years of friendship that both of you built from the ground up, and if something does happen, she fears that things might go wrong and everyone she cares about would be negatively impacted by it—if somehow it all becomes public, she's afraid that it might hurt LOONA's reputation, and people including her 'supporters' might come after you.
As a result of those fears, she tries not to think about the uncertain emotions that she feels and simply protects you from the harshness and cruelty of the world, not knowing that someday, she will be the one causing you immense pain.
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Heejin woke up the next morning with a heavy heart, the things that had happened the night before evoked different emotions from her, and now she feels emotionally drained, and although she has her members with her, she still craves for your presence.
The girl got up and reached for her phone. The time 2:58 p.m. greeted her harshly, remembering how she was only able to fall asleep at dawn. Heejin had a problem sleeping all night, thinking about how she hurt you, but she kept repeating the same thing in her head: she's doing this for your own good.
She heard a soft knock on her door and saw Haseul's head peeking in.
"Hey, are you up?" The leader asked. Heejin nodded her head before stretching out her arms, "Yeah, I'm sorry, I overslept."
Haseul smiled at the younger member, shaking her head, "Typical Heejin," she thought.
"You don't have to apologize, Heejin," The leader said softly, a gentle smile drawn on her lips, "I heard something happened," she tried to open the topic as she cautiously sat on the girl's bed, "Do you want to talk about it?"
Her leader's voice and comfort was enough to break down the walls that Heejin built as the tears started falling, her palms immediately finding their way to cover her eyes, curling up on the bed.
Haseul looks at the girl with concern laced in her features, she scoots closer to the younger girl then wraps her arms around the poor girl's body, "I'm here, Heejin. All of us are. If you need someone to lean on, we're here to help you."
"I know," Heejin's voice sounded so broken, it made the leader felt more protective of the girl, "But Y/N," Heejin sobbed, and that's when Haseul knew that something bad must've happened, "I can't say the same thing about her, not anymore."
"What do you mean? What happened?" Haseul asked anxiously. Everyone in LOONA knows just how much the both of you treasured each other, so Haseul couldn't help but get worried at her member's words.
"I messed up, unnie," Heejin cried harder. Haseul tried to comfort the girl by drawing circles on her back, but they both know that no matter how hard they try, Heejin's heart was already broken.
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As much as you tried to forget about your ex best friend, it proved to be an impossible task. Partly because almost every little thing reminded you of her; clothes, pictures, restaurants, parks, heck even your own room. It also doesn't help that she is gaining more and more attention in South Korea, increasing her brand deals which means that you could practically see her everywhere.
You checked the time on your wrist watch before hurrying to leave. It has already been two years since your last encounter with Heejin, but everyday without her hurts the same. You thought that maybe after you graduate from college and start getting preoccupied with your career, you would finally move on from her, but you couldn't be more wrong.
Walking through the busy streets of Seoul, you tried to hurry so that you wouldn't be late for work. However, the sight before you caused you to stop walking altogether.
There she was, as beautiful as ever, the woman that your heart ached for.
Heejin was standing three stores in front of you, wearing a uniform that the shop provided which means she's probably shooting promotional content as she works part-time for them.
"What are the odds?" you thought, as you felt the cracks on your heart shattering once again. Seeing her bright and beautiful smile gave you so many memories that it felt overwhelming, suffocating even, and that's when you realize that all those little things and places that reminded you of her as well as those posters of her that you see on the streets were nothing compared to actually seeing her in the flesh.
As much as you want to move and run as fast as you can just to escape, your body seems to forbid you from doing so, your eyes still locked on the figure of your past.
And without realizing, your eyes started to become so glossy that you could barely see the girl's features. All of a sudden, all those feelings of regret started coming back to you, wishing that you could go back in time to the day the two of you met, wishing that you could simply ignore her as she tried to befriend you, wishing that you could retract all your steps and erase your history with the girl because you knew that it was the only way for you to move on from the hurt of the rejection you faced.
Because now, as you look into her eyes, you realize that she's simply someone that you used to know; a stranger who knows all your secrets, someone who can make you and break you.
Even as you tried to stop it from happening, you felt the tears cascade from your eyes as you stood there, still frozen on your spot.
You dropped your gaze to the ground and wiped the tears, hindering it from falling any further, and just as you did, the woman responsible for your heartbreak glanced at your direction, squinting her eyes as she saw a familiar figure standing at a distance, then her professional grin gradually dropped, realizing who she was looking at, especially as she figured that you were indeed crying, in public—something that you hated doing.
Heejin is once again reminded of how she was the reason why your friendship ended. Yes, you were the one who confessed, but your confession does not have to put an end to your friendship—it was all on Heejin. At that moment, she was reminded of how you gave her the world and she broke your heart in return; how she let her fears overcome her and how she chose her career over you.
And as you returned your gaze on the celebrity, you realized that she was already aware of your presence, staring at your figure. In a split second, your eyes met, but it didn't feel the same way it did before. Everything felt wrong. And just like the speed of her rejection, she immediately broke eye contact, smiling at the camera as they were about to shoot.
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yoohyeon · 2 months
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𝕋𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕣 ℍ𝕒𝕤𝕖𝕦𝕝 𝕨𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 ! 💚
Mine - Do not repost!
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chibiloona · 11 months
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✰ heejin & haseul matching icons !! ◞
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ilyhaseul · 1 year
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220710 - HaSeul @ Wonderwall fansign
focus cam creds : being9 (youtube)
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themoongirls12 · 3 months
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ARTMS ‘Birth’ Teaser
Concept Photo HaSeul
2024.03.29 1PM KST
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cypresstheworld · 7 months
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artms | the carol 3.0 special clip
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mobiused · 6 months
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loonarity · 3 months
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໒꒰ྀི * -×-꒱ྀི heekki
©heed_heejin & jeonheejinmohae
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