#cho yoon jin
drunkonluv · 2 years
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Alchemy of souls
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my-drama-heart2406 · 10 months
You know, whenever I see that AoS season 2 ep6 kiss scene I always think...
Whether it was the director's decision... Or did Lee Jae Wook just, simply on impulse, decide that- let me just keep my eyes half lidded open and look at her while I kiss her so that the kiss becomes 10x more hotter and they never forget it for the rest of their lives.
What do you guys think?
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kdramaaaaa · 2 years
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No uppies for the Crown Prince? :(
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naksushadows · 1 year
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The Alchemy of Souls posters are a masterpiece!
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utterlyhooked · 2 years
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The amount of hand holding!!!
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... and face touching!!! is just!!!!
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jcpostsobsessions · 2 years
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Our couples.
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tansu-bomb · 2 years
About Cho Yeong, Do Hwa, & Jin Bu Yeon.
For whomsoever it may concern:
There are ONLY two women who have been greatly wronged in the AOS-verse.
1. Cho Yeong / NakSu — his wife.
2. Do Hwa — his mother.
Do Hwa was raped. She wasn’t aware of and did not / would never consent to sleeping with that idiot! King let alone conceive someone through him. She was deceived. Her agency was stripped off. Her name has been completely slandered as someone who has committed adultery.
Cho Yeong witnessed her entire household killed / burnt including her papa dearest, when she was all of four. She had noone else to look to so she held the first helping hand that came her way. She was brainwashed and left alone to live amongst wild beasts in a harsh environment — where you know, it freezes every winter and it becomes extra-hard to find food. She was used for the insane skills she built up for herself and then unceremoniously discarded. She saw her own body burn and I will never forget how depressed / suicidal she was. If not for Jang Uk holding onto her (albeit for his own selfish reasons), she wouldn’t have survived on her own — she would’ve either killed herself or be killed by Jin Mu’s cronies. Then again, when she was finally brimming with love and hope and warmth, she lost agency and was made to kill the love of her life and witnessed him dying at her hands — his blood all over her.
What a grim life where she’s had to deal with death & loneliness ALL HER LIFE. Jang Uk is the only person — other than her father — who unconditionally loves her and for whom she sheds tears for.
In contrast to these two women, Jin BuYeon always had agency. She was and is a much loved daughter / sister. She is revered for her divine powers. For someone as powerful as her — who could find / wield the icestone at a young age — she could’ve found her way home if she truly wanted to. She probably chose not to…coz let’s face it, had she tried to return home, her father / her uncle Jin Mu would’ve plotted for her murder sooner than later lest she expose their evil plans to mama Jin.
Bu Yeon also chose to NOT JUST protect the girl NakSu targeted to shift her soul into but also actively decided to imbibe NakSu’s soul into herself — most likely coz she finally has found the way to use NakSu’s skillset to get to the capital / get to the ice-stone. Further, she could — in nearly all critical situations — take back control of her body she allowed NakSu to use. MuDeok persona is not just a COVER for NakSu but also been a cover for BuYeon for over 10 years.
Bu Yeon chose to stay in the shadows and observe. She didn’t even reveal herself when she was in close proximity to her mother or her sister coz she always had a higher purpose — which is to get the ice stone back from evil Jin Mu’s hands. This is why she opened the Jinyowon doors for Soi coz she wanted Jin Mu to play all his cards and reveal the ice stone so she could finally destroy it or hand it over to the person who is capable of wielding its power for the good of everyone. The only moment she chose to reveal herself is when her mother was snuffing the life out of her & NakSu. She then shifts the ice-stone to the training center and presents advice to NakSu — that power cannot be controlled, that there will be consequences, and that the ideal thing to do is to choose NOT to use that power. At that point, it’s upto either NakSu or JangUk — both who have realized the barrier for what it is — to take the icestone.
I digressed a bit….but long story short, there are only two AOS women who greatly suffered, sacrified and whose agency was stripped away. BuYeon, in contrast, made strategic choices. She is the noble one who attempted to destroy and finally offered the icestone to the King’s Star…she stealthily moved the chess pieces…and she protected NakSu & JangUk all along.
Given how the two most important people (women) in his life suffered and were greatly wronged, it’s no surprise that Uk turned into this cold monster-hunting monster to avenge them.
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gulongming · 1 year
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이번 생도 잘 부탁해 SEE YOU IN MY 19th LIFE (2023)
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electricsoul-rpg · 1 year
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fc: Go Youn-jung (고윤정)
ethnicity: Korean
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dreamsandstars24 · 1 year
The uncanny counter season 2
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HE WENT FROM “Excuse me, can you please kneel?”
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To “Kneel. Now.”
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I feel offended that they kept this from me. I do. Another man who is older than me and already has my heart. 
But honestly, it should be illegal for all of them to look this good. 
I need a lot of hobi water in order to continue watching this. 
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gegefangirl · 2 years
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Ok, so. I get the feeling that something big is gonna happen in between the end of episode 5 and the beginning of episode six regarding Yeong's memory loss because to me this preview has the vibes of a calm-before-the-storm episode (we all know what kind of episode I'm talking about). Like, finally Uk has taken the first in moving on from Mu Deok, going to the cliff and then allowing himself to finally cry for her, and now he sees this persone, his wife, that he kinda finds interesting? that he thinks he might maybe care for, a bit?
So it feels a lot like they're gonna go "look, he's finally ready to move on and take an interest in his wife romantically" and then wham! they're gonna hit us with the angst of "yeah, but his wife is the same woman who stabbed him to death and then died and that he spent three years refusing to grieve in the hopes she would come back"
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Also, if he doesn't even gives us a hint of suspicion after this, I'm gonna literally whack Uk upside the head with Naksu's sword, I swear. Baby can be dumb if he wants, but there's a limit
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my-drama-heart2406 · 1 year
The most wierd, but also pretty amazing, thing in season 2 was that they never show us Jang Uk ever calling Yeong, "Bu Yeon".
Like ofcourse where she's mentioned in a conversation or when he's referring to her in 3rd person he says 'Jin Bu Yeon'. But he never actually calls her that. Most of the he refers to her as "I salam"/"ku salam" which literally translates to 'this person'/'that person'. Given that Korean is a mostly genderless language, it translates to 'her'.
And even when he's talking to her, he just says "Ya" and "Neo". They never show him ever call her "Bu Yeon-ah".
While it is pretty wierd, I personally think that it's actually great.
What's even better is that Jang Uk calls Yeong "Buin" now. While it was a very big missed opportunity to not make Jang Uk call her "Yeong-ah" even once, (when you can practically fill a book with how many times he said "Mudeok-ah" in s1) it's very clear why "buin" is used.
Because ofcourse he can't call her Yeong in public. And I'm pretty sure both of them are completely against him calling her "Bu Yeon", when he didn't even do that when he thought she was Jin Bu Yeon. So naturally they had to come up with some sort of term of endearment that he could refer to her by. Hence, Buin. And like she keeps calling him Seobangnim, he keeps calling her Buin. And that's become their normal now.
P.S. I was thinking what would happen if Kim Dojoo insisted on them having another wedding celebration. Because remember she was already preparing for one even though both Uk and Yeong insisted that they were married. Kim Dojoo wanted him to have a very big, public ceremony. And I'm sure she would have wanted another one because she wasn't present at his wedding. And I'm sure Jang Uk would have been vehemently against it. Because in a public ceremony he would have to get married to 'Jin Bu Yeon'. Just imagine the argument between them both. 😅
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moonfie · 1 year
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All Of Us Are Dead!
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naksushadows · 1 year
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✨️ the dream pairing that they were ✨️
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utterlyhooked · 2 years
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I keep coming back to this scene. I can almost hear their heart break as their hands part.
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“I had buried my memories, but you took them out and helped me face them. You held my hand when I never thought I could. You helped me sleep when I could not. And for that... I cannot stop anymore.
So I will be the brazier on a summer day. This time, I will be the one waiting... until you begin to miss me.”
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They were happy for 5 minutes. 5 fecken minutes!!!!
It’s tragic!
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