#choi hyun wook x reader
mins-fins · 1 year
polaroid love — choi hyunwook
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hyunwook is super supportive of his boyfriend, so supportive that he shows up to congratulate him at one of his comeback stages.
tags :: choi hyunwook x m!reader , reader is an enhypen member , reader is an 02 liner , hyunwook is whipped , established relationship , they’re cheesy
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“i’m dying guys”.
yang jungwon laughs, patting his hyung on the back. “you’ll be okay, hyung, we still have five more stages to go” he laughs at the groan he receives from the older male.
“yeah, amazing” he rolls his eyes, sitting down beside a laughing sunghoon. the older male only groans again, his mind racing with how little sleep he’ll probably be getting that night.
he rests his chin on his hand, his mind focused on something else, a certain someone to say the least. he taps his finger onto his thigh, listening to the chatter of his fellow members.
“did you guys watch twenty five twenty one? the drama was so good!”
upon hearing the drama name, the l/n looks up, though he quickly looks down as to not make it obvious that he was intrigued.
“i’m very interested by choi hyunwook, he did so well with his role”.
y/n feels his heart leap out of his chest, but he manages to keep himself sitting still, continuing to tap his finger onto his thigh.
he gets a nudge from sunoo, making him finally look up. “hm?” the 03 liner points towards the door, where the manager was standing, y/n tilts his head in confusion, but makes an 'o' shape with his mouth when he gestures him over.
“oh” he says. “i’ll be back” sunoo waves his hand dismissively, just smiling.
y/n knew he’d tell the other members anyway, he walks with the manager and looks over at him with confusion. “what is this for?”
the manager doesn’t stop walking. “someone’s here for you, he’s visiting”.
someone’s visiting me? who—
“hi” the older breathes, and y/n feels his legs about to give in. hyunwook laughs at the look of shock which remains on his face. he reached over and pinches his cheek, finally earning a reaction from him.
“hyunwook, what— what are you doing here?” he finally asks, his mouth feels as if it’s gone dry, but he still manages to get out the words.
hyunwook chuckled. “i’m being supportive, and i wanted to go all out for you”.
y/n resists the urge to punch his pretty ass face.
“you always go all out for me”.
“and i have no regrets”.
y/n unknowingly smiles, his face becoming a deep shade of red. god, how did he get as lucky as to have choi hyunwook as his boyfriend? he couldn’t have been more grateful for him.
he leans back on his heels, clasping his hands together. “well, thank you” he whispers, his hands now moving to take hyunwook’s.
he always like how his hands felt when he held them, and it was even better when hyunwook gave him a wider smile, caressing his hand. “i just wanted to see my pretty boyfriend”.
y/n snorts. “i’m the one who should be calling you pretty”.
“yeah, cause you are”.
“no, you are”.
“are you sure?”
“more than sure”.
god their cheesy, so cheesy, but they’re cute as well. you can’t help but look at them and coo at how cute of a couple they are, staring at each other as if their the only people in the world, it’s enough to make someone jealous.
hyunwook looks up, smiling. “ah, i actually got you something” he lets go of his partners hand for a sheer moment, and y/n stares, almost jumping up in his position.
“oh my god..” a bouquet of flowers, exactly what y/n needed for motivation. “i love it, it’s basic, but i love it”.
hyunwook pouts, his eyes glowing as if he was a little kid. “i picked those flowers myself, they’re your favorite colors”.
“i noticed” y/n’s smile grows wider. he can conclude that he is utterly in love with choi hyunwook.
yes, flowers might’ve been basic, but he loved them, he would cherish them. he didn’t care if he’d be questioned by the members, he was just insanely grateful to be receiving such a gift.
“thank you” he doesn’t think as he pulls his boyfriend into a tight hug. his arms wrap around his neck and he laid his head onto his shoulder. “seriously, i love you”.
hyunwook smiles like an idiot, his cheeks a shade of red. “i love you too”.
y/n pulls away, smiling. he places a kiss on hyunwook’s cheek, and the males face goes an even deeper shade of red.
“i should go now” he says, smiling. hyunwook only then realizes that they’re backstage of one of enhypen’s comeback stages.
“oh— right, yeah! you should” y/n laughs at the way his words were jumbled together. “you’re so cute, hyun”.
“don’t try to flatter me”.
y/n just kisses him again, still holding the bouquet of flowers. “i’ll call you later”.
hyunwook nods, sending his boyfriend a flying kiss before giving him one last wave and walking away. “i love you”.
“i love you more”.
y/n is smiling like an idiot all the way back to the room where the rest of the enhypen members are waiting, he stares down at the bouquet, the feeling of love circulating in his veins.
“flowers? who gave you flowers?”
the 02 liner looks up, tilting his head at ni-ki. he just smiles, looking back down at the flowers. he shrugs, earning sounds of confusion from the rest of the enhypen members.
“someone? someone who?” heeseung asks. “are they from an admirer?”
y/n just smiles, rocking back and forth on his heels. “i guess you could say that”.
the enhypen members are confused for the rest of the day.
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AUTHORS NOTE — guys i’m totally in love with choi hyunwook like i’m obsessed with him!! also i know i said i’d write more jiwoong angst but i just had the urge and the urge took over
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onepumpofsyrup · 5 years
ON THREE, QUIETLY II Cha Hakyeon II Part 4
On Three, Quietly // Cha Hakyeon // Part 4
Pairing : N x Reader
Genre : Fluff, Angst, Humor, Romance
Words :  1.5k+
Summary : Trouble comes and goes for every idol. At times its best to combat it with a well minded publicist. VIXX though, hate their new publicists. She’s bossy, nosey, and seems to care more about her paycheck than them. Her only goal is to prove them wrong. Their goal is for Hakyeon to seduce her into leaving.
(A/N)This story is another huge ass thank you to all of my followers.
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Part 4
He had a huge problem. One he hadn’t ever imagined happening. He was in control of his life. He didn’t have time to develop feelings for anyone. It just wasn’t in the cards for him at this time. He had the group to lead. Fans to make happy. Parents to care for. Not to mention his upcoming military enlistment. 
But yet.
You stubbornly wouldn’t leave his mind. 
For the last 3 months that you had been with them, every day his thoughts consisted of you. On days you didn’t see them, his thoughts were of visiting your office. Taking time out of his schedule to annoy you, bother you, talk to you.
Anything for attention from you. He found himself becoming protective when the boys would tease you. Quickly coming to hate the plans he and the others had made. You’d become his drive, in such a sneaky way that he had barely noticed it.
He wanted it to annoy him.
He wanted to push it back and pretend it wasn’t happening.
But it had, and he was powerless to fight it.
He’d fallen in love with you.
And he feared you learning of his plans to use your feelings for revenge.
He didn’t even know if you felt similarly.
He hoped...no he prayed that you felt the same.
In the end of all of this.
From the beginning of planning for you to fail and leave them.
To getting to know your true character.
It was him that had fallen. If she finds out too soon...I’ll never have a chance with her.
But if she finds out after she’ll leave me.
Honestly, I’m fucked.
Either way I lose.
I’m stupid.
I’m so freaking stupid.
Why did I do this to myself?
Have I always had this little of self control? 
I’m stupid.
I’m stupid.
This is dumb.
I’m stupid.
Hakyeon punctuated his last thoughts with a groan, throwing his head back against the couch. 
He was pulled from these thoughts as Jaehwan threw himself into his lap. “What’s up with you? Looking all sad and stupid?” 
He lifted his hand in a simple unconscious move to slap the younger dumb boy.
“Come on. Cheer up,” he jeered, reaching forward to push Hakyeon’s lips into a false smile. “Look alive. Look cute. (Y/N)’s left us alone all week.” 
And that’s why I’m sad!!
...I miss my bossy girl. 
The other boys sat on the couches around him, settling in before looking over to him. “So, what next to get rid of little mama,” Hyuk asked while draping his legs over Hongbin’s. 
Hakyeon sighed, pushing Jaehwan off him as he leaned forward to rest his head in his hands. “I think, I think I’m in love with her.” 
And then…
Hakyeon’s eyes flashed over to Taekwoon. Eyebrows furrowing into a deep glare. “And what the hell is so fucking funny?” 
Taekwoon quieted, wiping the little tears from his eyes. “Sorry, nervous reaction. I wasn’t sure how to react so I just started laughing. Not laughing at you. Laughing at the situation. And also the implication that Woon will bury you..” 
Hakyeon gulped at the thought of giant Woon above him as he gently shovels dirt over his body. He groaned loudly, vigorously rubbing his hands over his eyes. “What do I do? What if she doesn’t like me?” 
“I guess we’re giving up on the plan.” Hongbin mumbled to himself. 
“Of course we’re giving up on the plan! She’s proven she’s good at her job! She’s fixed everything for us!” Wonshik crowed proudly.  
“She’s still bossy and annoying.” Hyuk whined. “I tried to go out with some friends and she made me go to bed.”
Hakyeon rolled his eyes at the younger man. “She made you go to bed because it was 2 in the morning and you were drunk.” 
“Poor (Y/N), she’s always having to come in the middle of the night.” Taekwoon interjected, looking genuinely apologetic.
Wonshik’s entire face lit up, “We should set up a room for her here. So if she has to come in at 2 am she can just sleep over.”
“I volunteer Hakyeon’s bed” Hongbin snickered. 
He smirked, “While I’m fine with that, how about we just be a little nicer to her?”
Jaehwan seemed to be withdrawing from the conversation, guiltily refusing to look the others in the eyes. 
Hakyeon’s own gaze rolled, knowing the younger boy was guilty of something and the loud scream of frustration from the office down the hall confirmed it.
Just breath, calm down, and breath. Use your soothing words.” Woon encouraged, moving his hands up and down in a calming fashion. “Lee Jong Suk. Kim WooBin. Ji Chang Wook. Dong Yong Bae. Choi Seung Hyun. Come on (Y/N) say them with me or you won’t feel any better.” 
Flames licked at your skin, burnishing your complexion with a reddening hue. “Soothing words aren’t going to help me!!! I’m going to kill one of them! I don’t care which one! They were all behind this. WHERE ARE THEY!” Your voice was raw, hurting your throat as you forcefully screamed the words.
You strained to pull away from Minhee’s grasp but her arms around your arms and waist were like a vise, locked tight. A “calming hug” she’d called it. An annoying amount of affection.
Hakyeon pushed his way into the office. Moving to stand in front of you he placed his hands upon your shoulders, looking you over for any injury. “I heard you scream, are you okay?” 
“Dude, bad idea. She’s not in the mood to be touched.” Minhee warned, using her hold on you to pull you back from him. 
“You’re touching me.” You sneered, again pulling from her hold.
She cuddled into you closer, smiling, “I’m giving you a calming love hug.” 
“Calming words, (Y/N), don’t forget your calming words. Ji Chang Wook. Kim Woo Bin.” Woon began again. 
“Ji Chang Wook...Ji Chang Wook...JI CHANG WOOK WOULDN’T HIRE AN ACTOR TO STAND OUTSIDE MY WINDOW LIKE A MONSTER ALL NIGHT!!!! I thought I was going to die! What if he had been shady? What if he had used the opportunity to hurt me! Do you hate me so much that you’d put me in a situation like that? What is wrong with you?” The words hurt to be spoken, ripping at your sore throat.
You’d screamed repeatedly that night, each and every time the actor knocked on your windows, doors, every time you saw him, harming your vocal chords. You’d whimpered while hiding in the back of your closet, terrified that the situation was real. Waiting, and praying the police would arrive before something horrible happened. And then, arriving at work, to find your desktop had been changed to a picture of the actor...it was like experiencing the entire situation all over again. 
The other boys had gathered outside the door, along with a few members of your team. They peered in with concern. Very rarely had they seen your professionalism break.
“I’m sorry…” Jaehwan’s admittance of guilt was quiet, nearly unheard to you. “I hired him. He was only supposed to stand outside your window for a few minutes. I only asked him to scare you. I didn’t think he’d go that far.” 
Tears filled your eyes, exhaustion fully settling in. Knees buckling you’d relaxed into Minhee’s hold. They’d thoroughly exhausted you. You’d foolishly assumed that you had finally won their trust and respect.How stupid I’d been.
No matter how hard I work.
No matter how much I do.
I will always be a joke to them. It pained you to look at Hakyeon. Wishing he didn’t need to be a part of this. You’d felt yourself growing close to him. Enjoying the times he’d come to visit you. Lapping up the attention he’d give you. You’d come up with excuse after excuse to insert yourself into his schedule, just for a chance of a few minutes with him. He’d quickly become something to depend on and adore. And you were a joke. 
A sigh left your lips. “You guys seriously suck.”
Hakyeon took your hand in his own, rubbing his thumb across the top of it. “I’m sorry I let this happen. He didn’t mean any harm by it. Please forgive him.”
Exasperated, you tossed your hands into the air before walking towards the door to your office.I’m getting a hotel room.
I’m moving out of that damn house.
I’m never telling anyone where I live.
And I’m never talking to Jaehwan again.Pulling your phone from your pocket, you sent out a quick email to your staff, announcing that Minhee and Woon would be in charge for the next week as you were going on vacation. 
“I’m taking a vacation. I do not want to be bothered by ANYONE. I will not be staying at my house. I will not be available for contact. If there are any problems, Minhee and Woon will handle it. Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear.” The final words were punctuated while looking directly at the 6 boys that had become the bane of your existence. 
They nodded guiltily as Hakyeon watched you with an expression that you couldn’t place, and currently, you didn’t care to. 
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