#cholly doll
pink-lemonade-rose · 1 year
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“Fisher-Price Toy Museum”
Photographer: Leila Fakouri
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heartfullofleeches · 28 days
Cholly [Toon Yan]: Listen here you little-
Gremlin Reader: Bitch!
Cholly: If you think my doll is going to choose me over a-
Gremlin Reader: Whore!
Cholly: -like you, you're surely-
Gremlin Reader: Fuckin'
Cholly: Mistaken. That ass is mine.
Gremlin Reader: Oh, yeah I forgot you could say that word.....
Cholly: It can also mean donkey- Which is allowed for some reason! :D
Gremlin Reader: .....SHIT! Sorry, I just really love swearin'
Cholly, love hearts floating around their head: And I love you, Doll~
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mabelsguidetolife · 6 years
the dennis sex doll is ‘new chollie’ 2.0
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easy-cash-advance · 5 years
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Fisher Price Cholly And Lolly Gingham Rattle Dolls Vintage 1975 1977…
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grodriguez002-blog · 8 years
Assignment #5
What differences individualize Pecola and Claudia from each other?
The main difference I noticed between Claudia and Pecola is their self esteem. Pecola believed she was ugly based off of how black people weren’t on magazine covers and in movies to be idolized. On the other hand, Claudia liked the way she was in all her dirt stained nakedness. Pecola admired all the Shirley Temples of the world like everyone else. But Claudia dissected every yellow haired, blue eyes, pink skinned doll she was gifted. I believe their views of themselves was based off their families.
Although both families were poor it could be argued that Claudia's family were rich in whatever makes a family able to stay together and get along. The part in the book when she got sick and her mother scolded her for it was her mother’s worry for her life. Even though she fussed about the inconvenience her phlegm brung to her, she did everything she could to make sure she would get better. Frieda always had Claudia at her shoulder/ They did everything together. They were partners in crime and protected each other.  When Mr,Henry touched Frieda, their father didn’t hesitate or think twice about  his attempt at shooting him dead.
On the other hand, Mrs,Breedlove preferred to sooth the tears of a pink and yellow girl that wasn’t her blood instead of soothing the burning legs of Pecola. There was never any interaction between Sammy and Pecola other than being in the same room, feigning sleep while their parents’ tempers suffocated the air. He was probably unaware of her existence after the number of times he’d abandoned them all. And Cholly was the one who ‘touched’ Pecola himself.
Why did the narrator tell us Pecola’s story instead of her own (or anyone else’s)?
In telling us Pecola’s story, she also told us of many issues the black community faced and still faces today. For her to be able to explain how Pecola’s misfortune came about she would have had to dig deeper. She accomplished much more by telling the story in this way.
When I first read the story of Jane and her family, I believed it to be the simple everyday story of the average American household, but with a cat instead of a dog. I wasn’t surprised that I was wrong. It was an outline that was nowhere near simple. It promised to tell about Pecola,her friends, her mother, her father, her brother, a colored woman’s cat, and somehow, a man who plays God.
Pecola’s story dared us to understand the logic behind a black man whose manhood was threatened at a young age after he couldn’t get the thought of his bare ass on display for two white men who insisted on watching. The logic behind a woman who was so fond of the fabulous lives of whites that she took pride in cleaning up after them and raising their child; taking better care of them than her own family. A brown woman who was as close to white as black would ever get, but still not white. We were dared to understand that Pecola would be left alone and abandoned even more than she originally was before she’d gone insane from multiple  mental trauma causing situations.
If at any point in reading this story you had to get yourself together to avoid going on a side rant, then good. That means the book did its job. The author did her job.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 month
Cholly [Toon Yan]: I'm your favorite Cholly- Right, Doll? Nothin' better than the original!
Reboot Cholly: Pfft- As if! Who wants the original these days? It's like picking an old, beat up car over the new and improved model.
Reader: [laughs] Sorry, guys- There's one more Cholly who comes before you both.
Cholly: HUH?!
Reboot: Who?!
[Reader walks over to a cage - gently picking up the brown rabbit inside.]
Reader: This is my favorite Cholly. They're the most well behaved of the bunch - and the cutest too.
[Cholly and Reboot sitting outside Reader's home - surrounded in empty soda bottles]
Cholly: [censored beeping]
Reboot: [sighs] I feel ya on that one, pal.
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heartfullofleeches · 8 months
Fuck it - Cholly [Toon Yan] + Flirty Mime Darling. Mime Darling is a fellow toon originating from a banned cartoon in which they are a dancer. The reason for the ban was due to the mime's performance being too provocative for the changing times. A certain rabbit manages to get their paws on one of the last remaining copies of the short locked away in a company vault and immediately falls held over heels for the mime. Front row seat at every single one of their shows. Eventually pulls the mime straight out of their cartoon and into the real world with them to help freshen up their act, and take them on a tour of what the new world has to offer. Leaves sticky notes around the higher ups offices as a small nod to bring their Angel back into a modern spotlight [with some minor changes to their design - despite how much it pains Cholly to see those pretty legs covered up]
Cholly: If my facts were are accurate - you were locked away for being too attractive?
Mime Darling: [sad nods] :(
Cholly: Now that I'm getting a good look at you... They might've been right-
Mime Darling: ?!
Cholly: -cuz I can't take my eyes off ya for a second.
Mime Darling: :0!.... <3 [kisses Cholly's cheek]
Cholly: I know we gotta keep things PG on screen, but there nothin' stopping us from having a little fun out here, aye - Doll?
[Mime Darling takes Cholly's hands - cuffing them together with an invisible chain. They steal the rabbit's scarf from their shoulders, tying it around their own neck]
Mime Darling: ;)
Cholly, sweating so much it looks like they'll melt: I was just gonna suggest holding hands without wearing our gloves, but this is a way better alternative
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
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[Toon Yan + G.N Babysitter Reader]
Word Count: 2.3k
"Jessie! Dinner!-"
"Five more minutes!"
You've been their age before. Five minutes will turn into twenty if you let them off so easily. Their obsession with that show is starting to become a bit of a problem, but you're glad they're finally leaving their room. Jessie had always been a shy kid according to their parents and what you'd seen yourself briefly before hire. The move to a new city had taken it's toll on the kid overtime and so they boarded themselves up in their room to cope.
Among the toys and old photos, one other relic of their past was able to withstand the test of distance. A cartoon centered around the adventures of a well intending yet mischievous main character of unknown species and origin. When interviewed by their parents the show had to be on for them to stay in the same room as you. You got them to slowly open up during the process by asking them about the show and the plush cradled in their arms. They went from hiding behind their mother's sleeve to speaking non-stop paused only by their parents informing them you'd be back next week to continue the conversation.
You grant them the spare time as you finish setting up the table - ready to call them as you walk over the living room entrance. Jessie sprints past you and climbs into the empty chair, arranging their doll in the seat next to them. You push both up to the table as Jessie pulls their plate closer.
Jessie tears the crust off their sandwich and shoves it in their mouth. "Cholly says I better listen to you since you're their best friend and I need to eat if I want to get bigger."
"Really? Well thank you, Cholly." Amused - you prevent the doll from falling when it tips over as you move its chair, patting its plush head in appreciation for the help. "Alright, Jess. Don't rush, but try to finish up before I come back. Your parents will be home in an hour and want you in bed by the time they get here."
You pick up the butter knife off the table to rinse it off when a small voice stops you.
"Y/n, can you make one for Cholly too?"
Their parents have told you about their recent chats with their favorite staring characters. They never did this before - even before the move. They figure Jessie was still struggling with the change plus the start of school being around the corner and asked you to just play along which you were glad to do without their asking.
"Cholly likes peanut butter and honey sandwiches?"
"They prefer orange jelly more than honey, but anything will do. They said watching you all day works up an appetite."
"....What are your parents letting you see when I'm not here?"
They shrug. "Same things I see when you're here."
You wait till the finish half of their sandwich before making another to make sure "Cholly" really wants it. You set it down in front of the doll as you head into the living room to clean up before their parents arrive. The television basks the room in a eerie blue shadow. You round the table and stare briefly at the puzzle you and Jessie had done earlier. Completed, it was a picture of the vaguely hare-like creature the kid adored wrapping their beloved scarf around a bundle of wild flower in a makeshift bouquet. A pulled frame from an episode where they'd done the same to artfully whoo their way into someone's heart to steal a telescope they saw from their window.
Picking apart the pieces, you note a few of them missing and already in the box. Jessie must've started taking it apart for you - but you can't find the absent piece making up their right eye between what few pieces filled the box and what was left on the table. You search the couch where you were sitting and the floor below with no luck. Running your hands through the fine carpet you find it at last - hiding beneath the TV stand.
"You're welcome, Gorgeous!"
Cholly, dressed as a mail carrier, passes off a large box to an equally as confused patron - standing straight as a pike and saluting customer once their hands are free of the package. You'd seen this episode with Jessie before. Didn't their sentence end with -
"Y/n, we're done!"
You throw the puzzle piece into the box and place it on the top shelf of the book stand connected to the TV. Jessie shuts the dishwasher as you reenter the kitchen, Cholly tucked under arm. Left on the table is a napkin adorned with a crudely made heart drawn out with orange crayon - Cholly's alleged favor color and one missing from Jessie's pencil box. There was a C scribbled just below the drawing.
"Did you draw this?"
Jessie holds up the real culprit. "No, Cholly did it. They said that sandwich was better than any of dad's cooking and you'd be better as a chef, but we'd both miss you too much if you became one."
They squeeze Cholly to their chest, authenticating the truth of their statement as their voice shrinks behind the doll's fur. You gently grip their shoulder - offering a reassuring smile. "Well I guess the world's gonna have to miss out on another great chef because I don't plan on leaving either of you soon."
"I promise, Jessie."
You usher them upstairs and into the bathroom as time ticks on, taking the Cholly doll to get them settled in bed while Jessie brushed their teeth. After sharing so much about the Cholly with you, you were the only one they allowed to take it from their sight. Their parents are too rough and nobody knows how to care for them better than their best friend. You tuck the doll into the sheets, pulling the appropriately themed blankets up to their chin as the bathroom lights flicker off. Just about everything in Jessie's room was themed after that show. The dedication was cute. They crawl into bed next to Cholly and get beneath the covers as you fit them around them both, freeing Cholly's hands and placing them on top as Jessie told you they liked.
"Y/n, how did you become Cholly's best friend?"
You turn off their lamp as you sit on the edge of the bed. "I don't know. You're the one who introduced us so I guess you're the one to thank for that. They're pretty funny too and who doesn't love a fun friend?.... You're not jealous, are you?"
Jessie shakes their head. "No, I'm happy that you get along. Cholly said they were lonely before they met and while playing with me is fun it's something different. Cholly hasn't smiled like they did when you promised to stay with us since they came out of the tv."
"Well it's a promise I intend to keep for as long as you both need me. Goodnight, Jess. Cholly."
You nod to them both, standing to leave. Jessie pokes their head momentarily under the covets before calling out.
"Can Cholly have a kiss before you go?"
"I think that can be arranged." You kiss the doll's furry head. It's warmer and softer than you remember, chalking it up to be the heat of the blanket and a recent wash. Smells like tangerines. You wish them both goodnight once as you exit the room, pulling the door shut behind you. Walking down the stairs, small steps join you as you reach the bottom.
"Jess? What are you doing out of bed?"
"Cholly wanted me to give their scarf. They said it's chilly outside tonight and you shouldn't leave without extra protection."
It's a miracle they hadn't tripped over the material in their decent. The burnt orange bundled in their small arms draped over their shoulders and around their torst like the body of constricting serpent. Even you would have some difficulty with its length less you wrapped it around your neck ten times over. The fabric was softer than silk and weighed like a feather in your hands. Amazed by the quality, your fingers run over a discrepancy in texture hard to ignore. The letter C drawn in black ink barring uncanny resemblance to one you had seen before."
"Jessie, this is so sweet, but I can't take something your parents obviously -"
"Mom's here. See you later, Y/n. Bye, Cholly!"
Jessie waves and runs back up stairs as the aggressive glint of a car's headlights bleed through the open curtains. You shove the scarf into your bag to save for another conversation as you open the front door. You step out into the blistering cold - arms bound to your chest to keep in the warmth of your body heat circulating through your jacket. Cholly was right. It's freezing out here.
You're sure Jessie's mother won't mind you using what was likely her scarf if you explained things to her. You take the scarf out as you walk, wrapping it snug while treading carefully down the driveway up to her car as she shuts the door. Jessie's mother dawns a smile through chattering teeth, pulling a hand from the deep pocket of her coat to bring you in for a hug as you near.
"So good to see you. Had to leave earlier than usual this morning so I wasn't around to see you come in. Love the new scarf. I assume Jessie had a good day and is on their way to bed?"
"From a good friend apparently." You excuse, too tired and cold to properly explain. "Glued to the TV as usual, but we played a few games and got a puzzle done to past the time until bed. I'll be sad to see them less when they start school."
"Well there's plenty of time before then. With our schedules I'm sure we'll still be needing your help with a few adjustments. Have a safe drive home, Y/n."
"Call when you need me." You bid their mother fair well as she walks up to the front door and you unlock your car door. Climbing in, a brief flash darts over the overhead mirror from the back seat. You adjust the lense and watch as the neighbor across the street pulls out of their driveway. You beat your exhaustion to the back of your mind temporarily as you insert the key into the engine.
Arriving home, you shed yourself of your belongings and outer clothing as you collapse on the couch. The scarf's impressive length allows it to cushion your body the same as any blanket it as you unwrap a few of its layers. You pick up the remote left on one of the couch pillows and surf through the channels for something to watch you as you fell asleep. Your eyelids weight heavier as that familiar show tune plays. As much as you loved the kid Jessie spoiled just about every bit of the cartoon when you watched it together, so you took the liberty of watching it at home to avoid spoilers and catch facts about their favorite toon. It had become a go to when you wanted to mindlessly unwind from a long day.
The title card reads the name of an episode engraved into mirror. "Looking Glass Lovers." The equincial episode in which Cholly flirts with a never seen home owner for access to the spy glass in their bedroom. The episode starts a little different than you remembered. For one, they already had the tool of such they sought after and strolled down the same street seen in the original run viewing the world from its lense. Pointing the lense directly at the screen their seeing eye bulges against glass - irises of both eyes forming pink love hearts as smaller ones float above their head as they drop the telescope and it rolls off screen.
Cholly approaches the house which the episode is based around and enter the scene of their brief love interest's yard, begins picking flower following the pattern of the original run. Another divergence to the plot is that they pick the array straight from the garden over the wild dandelions they'd plucked from the front of the house in other showings. Cholly goes to grab their scarf to complete the pocket only to find their neck exposed. They reach down their shirt, fishing out a stack of plates that clatter around them as they drop them, an actual fish, and a worn down orange crayon. They throw the crayon back down the hatch with a shrug.
"Huh, wonder where that old thing has gone. Wherever it is I'm positive it's in good hands."
Cholly gathers up the flowers and strides up to the porch. They brush their pointy ears flat with their hand, adjusts an invisible bow tie, and raises their hand to knock on the door. The credits roll as their hand meets the wood - three in rhythm taps drumming from your front door.
Hands swearing, you answer the door to find a fishbowl on your porch stuffed to the brim with bright red and pink roses. A note card with waxy ink sits next to it.
"Sorry, gorgeous! Despite all the time we spent together I still get cold feet at the very thought of ya seeing me. Glad to see you got home safe and that you like my little gift. Even mud would look good on a catch like you so to see my old rags on you fills me with joy. Promise I won't chicken out the next time we met. Thanks for keeping yours and being my sunshine at the end of the tunnel. You' never know how much you need someone to brighten those dark days when clouds are you see.
Stay warm - C."
Returning to the couch with more questions than your spent mind could process - a text message from Jessie's mother adding to your confusion.
"Sorry to bug you so late, but have you seen Jessie's fish tank??"
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heartfullofleeches · 10 months
Cholly and Jessica rabbit darling 🙏🙏 maybe a blurb?
Toon Yan + G.N "Jessica Rabbit" Singer Darling Blurb
There's a certain bar in town.
The walls haven't received a fresh coat of paint since opening day and the drinks are piss poor at best yet lines wrapped around the block on slow days and patrons regularly fought for their spot below the already crowded stage. The old girl had a trick up its sleeve - a star act who stole bated breathes with once glance and captured lonely hearts with first hymn. A singer with the grace of an angel plucked from the heavens above and the lure of those below. How such a place came to employ a prized gem like them was a mystery, but so long as they were under their roof - seats were packed and business was booming.
With their charm, it was only a matter of time before suitors came rolling in. The love letters and gifts were sweet for a time, but a silent rejection just wasn't enough for those trapped under their spell. Fans threw themselves at the poor thing every chance they received - ambushing them outside their dressing room or on walks home and even climbing on stage in the middle of their performance on a few occasions. The singer was a professional in letting down their admirers gently, but everyone has their limits and when someone couldn't take the hint-
"I'm flattered, truly, but I already have someone waiting for me at home. They get terribly worried if I'm not home soon at this hour."
Their claims were true - in a way. In the past, all that waited for them was an empty bed and a tv, but through countless hours of watching old cartoons - it seemed there was always someone watching them back. It'd definitely put a dent in their tips if word spread far, but they had to get it out the new out their at some point. Besides, if anybody knew, they certainly kept their mouths shut to the press. In reality, their relationship wasn't as hidden as they portrayed. If one paid close attention to the loudest cheers in the crowd, they might piece two and two together with the voice that follows them home.
"Another amazing performance, Doll. I don't know how you manage to do it, but it's like a breath of fresh air everytime you get up on that stage."
"Oh, stop. You know I wouldn't be anywhere without the support of my fans and a certain little troublemaker."
"Well, I'd say that someone is a pretty lucky person. Would'a brought a fruit basket to go with those flowers I left in your dressing room, but honestly all the ones I've eaten recently have tasted a little bitter - cause I've got the sweetest peach on my arm right now."
"You're terrible!"
Many questioned why the singer choose who they did. Nobody ever got a good look at them upfront, but even from afar the difference were stark. The singer was taller than their partner even without heels, not to mention their strange tone of voice and need to throw a joke into almost every conversation. What on earth would someone as elegant as them want with a creature like that. The answer was quite simple.
"They make me laugh."
The answer might seem a little lackluster, but in a time and city like this, you'll fine a big of laughter does the soul good. There was more to it than that. Their partner made them feel safe and secure. They knew when to cut the theatrics and truly care for their love in moments of need. On top of that, the singer hadn't ran into any issues with crazy fans since their relationship began. They assumed they were deterred by the fact of them having a lover and while some were - majority weren't. They poured all their time and money into getting their attention, and they chose some random person for what - a laugh? There must be more- More than the laughter or cheap comfort. They could provide all that and then some. If anyone decided to let their anger get the better of them and confronted the singer's lover they'd gladly tell them.
"You wanna know why they choose me over you and the rest of the chumps that fawn over a taken person? You reeeeeally wanna know why Y/n picked me? Haha!... - that's easy. You can beat me, shoot me, stab me and I'll be just fine, but all it takes for you is one little cut and you're gone for good. And you'll never guess what I have in my other hand...just like all the others... If ya do - might even give you a five seconds head start."
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
God I love Human Cholly [Toon Yan] and fan reader. Reader is rambling on and on to their new friend about how much they love the show and its main character, and Cholly is just watching with heart eyes as their adorable dork stumble over their words and gush over this (supposedly) fictional character. Reader shows them the art they made of their self interest and Toon Cholly, going on about how Cholly was one of their first crushes as embarrassing as that is and Cholly is quick to defend because "I... They would love you the most. You're amazing and talented and just the most gorgeous doll anyone could ever lay their eyes on..... Speaking as if I was them, of course - which I'm not."
The two make candied orange slices and orange soda floats from recipes on the backs of old magazines Reader saved, oranges being their favorite food, and it takes all of Cholly now to propose on the spot. Since "Holly" sounds so much like Cholly maybe reader gets them to voice act some comics and animations they've made. Cholly gifts Reader a scarf that's "just like the one from the cartoon" and seeing them fawn over every little detail has Cholly falling in love all over again probably for the fifth time that day
I love this dork so much it's insane
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Ive become such a big fan of your writing and of so many of your ocs!! Incredibly down bad for several beans i wanna give em all a leetol forehead smooch
Heres some silly questions!
- for gemini/gemi , how would they react to havin a short lover ;v; imagining the size difference kills me!!
- BALLPIT ELDRITCH GOD AAA, i wanna give all their hands highfives!!! Would they be down for silly hand games ?( like rock paper scissors!)
- For Cholly! If they ever became the equivalent of a sexy tumblrman..whats their reaction?
Thank you again for your amazing writing!! I hope u have a good day!!! 💜💝💜
Gemi/Gemini: Unless they're a supernatural entity themselves, the twins' darling will always be shorted with how big they are expect for human form where they're somewhere over 6 ft. To answer your question - they love it. All Gemini thinks about is drowning you in kisses and carrying you around like the doll you are to them - but fears hurting you and also wants to somewhat respect your personal space. With Gemi, you never leave their arms and they will get pouty if you try to get around without them.
Both love making outfits for you, and they always fall in love all over again seeing you nestled in their feathers in bed or whenever they're taking a break from a long day at the lab
Ball pit entity: They would be delighted! Anything that's gets you to stay longer and interact with them is their new favorite passtime, but games are always so fun. I imagine a silly scenario where you battle from all at once and they'd either all lose to make you happy or win if the prize was getting you to stick around even longer
Cholly: Like some real life celebrities, they'd be deeply flattered, but try not to pay too much mind as they're already happily married to the love of their live if they had a darling beforehand. If their darling was one of these fans Cholly would sit on your bed, kicking their feet, reading aloud every little thing you've posted about them or reenacting scenes from fics/art you've posted or reblogged.
Reboot Cholly is pretty much the same, but that cocky brat will drop not so subtle hints to fans. -
"I'm glad you think I'm attractive. That's something you - and my even hotter spouse have in common."
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heartfullofleeches · 11 months
Just a random ramble about Cholly. (Also couldn't remember the pronouns so I stuck with He/They since I think I remember those being used but I apologize if it's incorrect!)
My brain is filled with Cholly for some reason and I just imagine them wearing the goofiest halloween costumes. Like the classic ones but having a silly gag. Vampire costume would probably involve them being caught having "blood" on his mouth but he pulls out tomato juice. Frankenstein (I know thats the doctor but for simplicity sake I'm calling the monster that) costume would be normal except he shocks himself with electricity. Unlike Frankenstein however, he shows that skeleton and black border cartoons use as he is zapped. Although his body is a mystery with how they can contort themself so those bones are just for show I'm pretty sure. Ghost costumes would definitely result in him being able to float while wearing it. Like it's just a white sheet over their head but when you pull it off he stays hovering in the air for a second but looks down and falls upon realization he can't fly. I feel like a mummy costume would just be him using toilet paper to wrap up people. He may wear it and then spin it off and wrap another person with it OR instead just pull it out and wrap others. Idk my brain is rotting and I think of the stuff cartoon logic can be applied to and Cholly just fills my brain perfectly.
Sorry if I bothered you with this! Just wanted to ramble a bit about Cholly :D
Never apologize when it comes to rambling about Cholly. I wholeheartedly advocate for more. You don't understand how much I love this goofy toon and would ramble about them daily if I didn't feel I was dumping too much about them at one time. They are so bby girl and such a delight to write for. (For future reference Cholly literally does not care about what pronouns are used for them as they are simply Cholly) For the Ghost costume I could see them doing a gag of drinking "poison" (maybe paint thinner?) and actually "dying" to become a ghost. (They'll be fine so no worries). Still throws on the sheet to spook their darling when the time comes. Probably throws it over their shadow instead and stands behind Reader, transparent and floating a couple inches off the ground. Uses their new abilities to peep on them before missing being able to touch Reader and hoping back in their old skin. - "Whatcha think of my new look?" It's certainly a look. Not the most original, but still quite cute. The trace of the rabbit's pointy ears stick out like a sore thumb from the sheet they wore. You could already imagine their cheeky grin, and the twinkle in their eyes hidden behind those big black circles cut through the blanket. You couldn't wait to see it. "Looking great, Cholly- just one little thing." The Ghost tilts their head, cloth bunching up just enough for you to make a grab at it with zero issue. "What's that?" "I already miss your pretty face." Lunging for the sheet, you yank it off their head in one fell swoop. Your speed surprises even you which boils to confusion as the dust settles. They aren't there. You've seen a number tricks from the colorful character, but there was always some trace of their presence life behind. You look to your right, then your left. "Cholly?" "Still right behind ya, Doll." You spin on your heels. It takes a minute for your eyes to pull away from the blank wall behind you and instead train on the head poking through it. Cholly waves, elbow propped on thin air and hand rested beneath their chin. Watching the quickness of your chest increase, their smile grows. "Hiya, Gorgeous~" You scream. Cholly snickers, eyes shut with the violent bounce of their shoulders. They let a surprise, elated gasp as their eyes widen beneath the see through lense of their kids. "Wow! I can see you even with my eyelids closed! Ghost life just keeps getting better and better." You march over to them, reaching out only to touch solid wall. "Are... are you...?" "Dead?" Cholly scoffs. "Pfft- Course not!.. I mean I am a ghost, but it's a toon thing. I can change back whenever I want to." You let out a sigh of relief. "Good..." "By the way.... If you ever need a hand in the shower, I could lean two. Missed a couple spots while you were in there earlier." "Cholly!" "Think I hear the stove runnin'. Better go catch. Catch ya later, Gorgeous." Bringing their hands up to the sides of your face, you feel the ghostly imprint of their lips upon yours. Only downside to their new form was they couldn't kiss you with the intensity and passion brew inside them whenever in your company. They wink as your brain redirects from the sweet gesture back to the topic of their little peeping session, and fazes out through the wall before you had the chance to chew them out.
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heartfullofleeches · 9 months
For some reason mobile won't let me answer the ask itself so-
Mr. Devil, can you give me all the anons that immediately come to your head? Go.
Adonis Piss Anon
Baker Anon
🎃 Anon
🍭 Anon
🦷 Anon
Creep Reader's former boyfriend but now sacrifice anon
Cholly's Scarf Anon
🥀 anon
Shark Anon
V's femboy anon
Doll anon
🦊 anon
🍪 anon
🛸 anon
Gumdrop anon
There's someone I see by the initials zs sometimes so I guess they count
That's all I can think of off the top of my head
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