#chomp chomp girlies this man's fail life is about to fail all the way to ending
flowerflamestars · 1 year
Abattoir snippet
Cassian didn’t know why he did it. He knew these storms like he knew how to breathe- Maybe that was it. An effort, every day, to pull air in to lungs that seem to have forgotten their basic function, careening for listless misery to endless hectic drive, no sky open enough, clear enough, enough- Cassian was across the battlefield when Rhys died, might as well have been miles, and still, the day haunts him. He had loved his High Lord, true. A friend, if difficult- a brother, if only by bloody training. Cassian may no more have seen the whole of Rhys alive than Rhysand had been able to look and see the entire reality of the life Cassian had been living- between two peoples, between an aching dream he knew would break him to possess, what he woke screaming for, between myth and reality, Morrigan pulling him awake. Illyria was not home anymore. Velaris, too quiet. The House of Wind a refuge, still- warm stone and warmer magic, Morrigan quietly running the Court with the selfsame effortlessness as dragging her hands through his hair in benediction. Maybe that was why. It was a particular, excruciating, specific loneliness to be utterly alone in a bed with someone else. A gulf he cannot cross- to have everything he’s ever wanted in this empty, echoing, wretched fucking world and here Cassian still is- Cassian more than five centuries older than the last time and still, just Cassian as he’d been at twenty, tearing his fingers from Azriel’s ever-careful grip to throw himself toward thunder. That light, silver and godsgiven.
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kaibuntsu · 5 years
The Dragon of No Words - #2
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Word count: 5112
Warning: Gorey violence.
You can also read it here: My website | Wattpad
Divider: Freepik
     Emrys woke up to some soreness in his legs. He silently complained about it, until the images of some humongous creature trying to eat him flashed in his mind. Oh yeah...that happened. He thought that was just a really vivid absurd nightmare about him escaping his family's legacy or something.
     He got up, fighting the soreness, unwilling to bend to its pleas, and headed towards the kitchen. A deep rumbling sound stopped him in the hallway, coming from the guest room across his own bedroom. Eyebrow raised, he peeked inside the guest room.
     Ah, yes. Another thing he forgot that happened yesterday.
     A giant eight feet tall dragon was sleeping on his stomach, with the mattress dragged from the iron bed frame down to the floor, probably to prevent his long legs from dangling off the frame. The way he slept and his all-black coloration made him look like a gigantic mutant sea urchin that swayed gently every time he breathed and snored. It certainly was a funny sight.
     Emrys' lips twisted to a small smile and decided to leave him asleep. He continued to the kitchen and checked his fridge to see what he could make. There was a lack of meat in his fridge, not even some seafood. Avi seemed to prefer meat, and honestly, from his looks alone, he couldn't be anything else but a carnivore. Also he ate a lot. Normally, whenever Emrys cooked meatloaf, he would have most of it to spare as leftovers that could feed him for days. Last night, Avi finished them all clean. The whole tin. Gone. A big carnivorous ice-and-fire-breathing monster needs a large meal. Go figure.
     "Well then, I guess I have to hit the farmer's market," Emrys sighed. He should have been able to surmise that the food expenses would spike when he offered Avi the job.
     By the time Emrys came back home from the market, Avi was already awake. In his hands were two avocados. Emrys blinked in confusion as he set down his bags of groceries. "Huh..." he croaked. "I thought you only eat meat?" he asked the dragon.
     Avi shook his head before plopping one avocado into his long toothy snout. There was a series of loud munching, much louder than normal chewing an avocado should sound. Emrys kept watching while he rummaged his groceries; he just couldn't help but study this odd creature. But the longer he watched, the more he noticed that Avi was having a lot more trouble with the avocado than he thought. Not too long after, the dragon's tongue unrolled from inside his snout, its end curling around a circular object. The avocado seed.
     Emrys' eyes widened, not sure if he was more surprised by Avi's ability to remove the seed from his mouth or by how long and prehensile his tongue was. His amazement turned into disgust, however, when Avi dropped the seed straight to the trash bin and raised the other avocado to his mouth. He rushed to the dragon and took the avocado from his hands, to his protest. "Let me teach you how to serve yourself an avocado, okay? Watch."
     He took a small kitchen knife from the drawer and began cutting the avocado in half, circling around the seed inside. His cut was very clean and smooth, and he made it very easy to dispose the seed that Avi chirruped at the spectacle. Emrys wasn't done with just cutting the fruit in half; he set aside one half and scooped out the meat of the fruit from its skin with surgeon-like precision, further impressing the dragon. He made a purring sound that was in the same note as when someone says, "Ooh!" His vocal reaction stroked Emrys' ego a small bit.
     "Here you go. Catch!" He tossed the skinned and deseeded fruit to the air. There was a split second of regret, he probably should not have done that. He would hate to see a good avocado go to waste. To his relief, however, Avi's snout caught them without fail. "Nice catch," he complimented, walking back to his groceries. Avi decided to help out, surprising Emrys yet again with good manners. Would it be too soon to say he didn't regret his decision yesterday? He shall see later on.
     He took out a pre-made roast chicken that he bought from the market. If Avi could finish a whole tin of meatloaf, he was positive he could eat an entire chicken by himself. "I have no time to make a full breakfast for us, so here's yours," Emrys handed the chicken to his new employee. "I have a deal to make later today, so you better be at your best. We'll be seeing my father again."
     Avi simply grunted at the mention of Eamon; the man still left some bitter taste in his mouth, but he obliged. He sat at the dining table, his tail slipping through the gap at the back of his chair, and was about to take out the chicken from its packing when he noticed the price tag on the meal. He hummed in acknowledgment and began wolfing down the poultry while his boss ate next to him. Emrys couldn't help but studying the way he carefully ripped the poultry's parts even though he could easily chomp the whole thing. It wasn't pristine, but Avi was surprisingly tidy with his table manners, even if he never used cutleries. He was so...civilized. Very unlike the monsters that attacked yesterday, or the other monsters that attacked his clients in the past.
     Even Avi's body structure was very different. The monsters that he had seen attacking and eating people were very horrific, yesterday's monsters alone were very animalistic. Avi still had the beast aspect to him, but he looked closer to a human but with his four-fingered hands and clawed feet. Emrys' brain began tickling the ideas of his new employee's background, how he ended up in that small container inside another bigger container. He was constructing a hypothetical scenario, despite his very limited knowledge of space travels, when he looked at the clock and remembered that he had an appointment to go to in a few hours.
     The hypothesizing will have to continue later on...
     The arms dealer was quick to wash himself and was clean and ready to go within less than thirty minutes. He headed towards the door and suddenly froze. He totally forgot the hassle of sneaking Avi into his apartment. He hesitantly turned to the dragon, mouth opening and closing as he struggled to find the words to relay to his employee. "Um...can I trust you to not cause a racket going downstairs?" he asked.
     The spikes on Avi's back shifted and straightened up, a low hum rumbled from his chest. He turned towards the window and opened it, his head turning to look around the environment. He looked back to Emrys and pointed downward. The human raised an eyebrow and walked over next to the dragon so he could see what he was pointing at.
     Nothing in particular. Just the empty, dark back alley of his apartment building.
     "You'll jump out to the back alley? I know this isn't a very tall building, but wouldn't you break your knees landing that hard?"
     Avi shook his head, and initially, Emrys thought he meant his knees will be fine, but then Avi spread his hands on the nearest wall and started crawling on it like a gecko. Once his entire body was hugging the wall, he released his hands, and his feet effortlessly kept him adhered to the surface. Then it all clicked to him; Avi did not have to jump down, he could just crawl or walk or even run on the wall. Jumping would have aroused suspicion from residents that faced the same back alley, but if he crawled on the wall, no one would notice. It was genius—and awfully convenient.
     "Oh, I guess I can park my van closer to the back alley exit." Then he gasped, "I can smuggle bigger weapons easier now!" He was washed with a momentary rush of excitement, but he had to fan them down and focus on the task at hand. "Okay, you wait here. I'll take the van out. Wait for my signal."
     Emrys left quickly to the parking lot while Avi waited on the balcony still. It only took a short few minutes until his red-haired head popped out of the back alley exit and waved at the dragon. Avi took an extra precaution to not walk or run on the wall, sticking with the gecko style of wall climbing. Then the two were off to the harbor. Avi's first day at work was about to begin.
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     Avi enjoyed the sea air hitting against his face, he let out his tongue flailing about in the winds.
     Emrys...his face was buried inside a large plastic barrel, his pale skin was ghostlike. Every so often, the sound of his soul leaving his body would come out from his mouth, along with his breakfast from yesterday.
     "Remind me again how you're my son?" Eamon groaned, eyes not leaving the yacht's windshield.
     "You fucked—hrrk—my mother!"
     "Oh, right. Good point. Still, your sisters handled the waves just fine and they're all girly girls! What are you even, lad?" Eamon shook his head, chuckling to himself. Unbeknownst to him, behind him, Emrys shot him a bitter look. Suddenly, Avi burst into his view, towering over his short stature and baring his teeth towards him. Eamon screeched but his hands refused to leave the steering wheel, his seafarer life had taught him to keep steering the ship even when danger is right in front of his face. "What the fuck do you want?!"
     Emrys retched some more before raising a hand to signal the growling black dragon in front of his father. "It's alright, Avi..." he commanded through a heavy wheeze. "Stand down. Go enjoy the sea air again like you've been doing before."
     Avi left the captain's view, snorting at his face one last time before retreating to sit as comfortably as his tailed rump could do next to his boss. His head tilted slightly towards the hunched over Emrys, then faint red lights ignited from the crevices of his body. He placed a large black hand on Emrys' back and slowly and gently rubbed him, to his boss' surprise.
     "What are you..." Emrys almost protested, but he was quick to realize the high temperature Avi was emanating. It wasn't very high that it was searing hot, but he certainly was warmer than when they shook hands the day before. The temperature that came out of him reminded him of his electric heating blanket he uses every winter. It was soothing. It made him forgot that he was miserable and seasick seconds before. "Thanks..." he muttered.
     Avi purred and nodded in response.
     It was another thirty minutes until Emrys could feel a rush of relief from his ordeal. A bigger ship was afloat in the middle of the open ocean. A man waved a flag to signal Eamon and his crew from the starboard of the ship. Eamon turned the wheel, prompting the vessel to make a turn before stopping side by side with the other bigger ship. The crew threw the anchor while the crew of the ship across prepared a waterproof-painted plank for their guests to walk on.
     Avi's larger than life presence made the other ship's crew almost slipped and fell into the sea from the sheer shock of seeing him. Every time a person squawked or gasped, Avi made a heavy chuffing noise, and Emrys had no idea why but it was interesting to see it happen every time someone got spooked.
     "Welcome, my friends—aaaaaahhh bozhe—!" the host of the other ship yelled as he watched the black dragon hunched over the doorway into his luxurious office in the middle of his deceptively drab-looking ship.
     "It's okay, Mikhail, the giant lizard's with us. Well, with my son, more specifically..." Eamon explained, peeking over his shoulder in case Avi was to growl at him for calling him a lizard. Avi did nothing, but the old pirate could sense the death stare from that eyeless face.
     The Russian crime lord panted, eyes wide staring at the dragon who stood at the other end of the room, behind his young boss. His eyes darted from the hulking monstrosity to the two Irish men he invited, back and forth. Eamon had a more exasperated look to him, like he was thinking he knew this sort of thing would happen, while his red-haired son simply smiled. "You sure...?" he squeaked.
     "Oh, yes. He'll only attack if you attack first. I hired him as my bodyguard, after all," Emrys said. He crossed his legs in his seat and leaned back. "So, shall we discuss business? How will my wares serve your needs?"
     While his boss and the crime lord were discussing, Avi listened. The crime lord would go on tangents about his feats. One time he and his men did this, one time they did that, one time he got caught doing this and that to escape, and on and on. Avi would pretend to yawn, exposing his rows of teeth, and caused Mikhail to imagine what would happen if a mad scientist cross-breed a goblin shark with a fangtooth moray eel. The sight alone made him forget what he was rambling about, until Emrys brought the conversation back on track again. At which point, Avi's tail swished side to side slowly.
     As amusing as it was to intimidate the crime lord with his presence, something else in this deceptive Russian vessel disturbed him. It was faint at first, but the longer he stayed inside this vessel, he started to catch a hint. He heard mutterings of the crew from outside the door. They were all speaking in Russian, but he didn't need to be fluent in that language to notice the concern in their voices. He kept catching one word being repeated a few times: the name Sergei. Whatever was concerning these people had something to do with this Sergei person. Avi made a low whining sound to turn Emrys' attention to him.
     The red-haired arms dealer turned in his seat, mild annoyance in his green eyes. "What is it? I told you not to disturb me."
     Avi simply pointed at the door while making short grunting noises.
     "You want to go outside?"
     Avi nodded.
     "The ship's getting too cramped for your style, isn't it? Alright, fine. Mister Mikhail, would you be so kind to alert your people not to shoot at my personnel. Not that I'm afraid of losing him, but for your people's sake."
     The crime lord grimaced and alerted his men not to attack a bipedal black dragon when they see him and to just politely tell him off in case he gets near a restricted area. He also mentioned that the dragon understands English. Once he finished alerting his men, he received an approving nod from both Emrys and the dragon. Avi, however, added a warning glance to Mikhail. "I-I promise I won't harm your master!" he blurted, sensing the sternness from Avi's eyeless face.
      "It's okay, Avi. This isn't my first time doing business with him. Besides, I got good ol' Dad by my side."
     Avi huffed, but soon left the room, spooking the guards outside the door for the second time. He whimpered slightly, feeling a little bad for leaving Emrys unguarded. It was his job to guard him, but he had to violate that agreement for a bit to ease the rattling suspicion he felt.
     The ship's interior was agonizingly restrictive. Avi was thankful he did not have very broad shoulders or else, coupled with how long his shoulder spikes were, he would have a very bad time moving around. At his situation currently, he was slim enough to fit through the tunnel that was the ship's interior. He could not say the same with his height, though. He had to hunch his body almost halfway to compensate the lack of vertical space and to avoid his horns scraping the lights off the ceiling.
     He moved further into the ship, enduring the claustrophobic torture. His heightened olfactory sense caught strange scents. He thought it may be just fish, until he remembered this ship was not a fishing ship. It definitely didn't smell human. He tried to follow the scent, which only lead him further down the ship, where the corridors got narrower. No one was watching over the passage downstairs, so he assumed it would be fine if he just wandered there. Mikhail had given him permission, after all, sort of.
     The odd smell was stronger once he set his feet on the lower decks. The only way was forward, so he continued following his nose's lead, which ended on a heavy bulkheaded door with a single round window. Avi hunched further so his face was on the same level as the window, a low purr rumbling from the center of his chest as he peeked curiously into the door. A tanned fist smacked onto the window glass; someone was inside and their face was pale with dread and pain.
     "Help me, please! It hurts! It hurts so much! Please!!" the person begged in Russian. Avi did not understand a single word the man said, but from his tone alone, he could sense the man was in great pain.
      Avi looked down to the man's other hand, clutching his chest tightly. The smell came from that area on his chest. His low purr turned into a subtle snarl and he backed away slowly.
     "No! No! Please don't leave—aaarkh!" The man's voice cut out before blood-curdling scream broke through his throat, and even the screams only lasted shortly before being replaced by other horrendous noises. Noises that made Avi's blood riling and his armor plates rattling. The dragon hissed, backing further away from the door.
     "Drakon! This area is off limits!" a crew member barked from the top of the stairs. He was a little afraid of Avi, seeing how he was hissing and growling, but then he heard the banging on the door where the agonized man was locked in. "Sergei? What is happening?" he asked, his fear of Avi's behavior dissipated momentarily. He climbed down the stairs to approach his crewmate, but Avi stopped him by hissing right at his face.
     At the sound of Avi's hissing, a screech came from Sergei's quarter, shocking the crew member. He stuttered, "S-Sergei?" but instead of an answer from his crewmate, a grotesque clawed hands smashed the small window on the bulkhead. It ripped the bulkhead apart like thin wood, revealing a creature like a mutated angler fish with long arms and legs. The crew member nearly tripped from fright, but Avi put him back on his feet, letting the man run while he braced his body to clash with the finned nightmare.
     The fish-like monster was smaller than Avi, but it was faster and more feral. It chose to ignore Avi and chase the human with mouth full of water, but the dragon stopped it, wrangling it by its neck and pinning it to the floor. Avi's body lights turned to red, hot air oozed out of his armored scales and his mouth. If he could overheat this creature without damaging the ship, it would be ideal. At least, until Emrys and his father evacuated to their yacht.
     The finned monster thrashed and scratched, its claws tore through Avi's less armored chest, drawing purple blood from his veins, but the dragon did not relent. He kept spiking his heat temperature, opening his mouth to show off the flames rising from inside his throat. The finned monster screeched and pushed Avi's jaws up, but its hands were then restrained by Avi's other hand and tail. The creature screeched and soon opened its own mouth. Torrents of water ran from its mouth and straight into Avi's fiery throat, throwing the dragon off guard as he choked. His hold loosened, allowing the vaguely humanoid fish monster to escape and began preying on people.
     Avi snarled, upset that he got played like a fool. The larger monster chased his smaller opponent, tackling it and crashing against walls. Frightened crew members pulled out their guns and started shooting, but all the bullets ricocheted off upon impact on either his or the fish monster's skin. Some of the bullets were returned to their shooters, causing more casualty than there were supposed to be. Emrys, Eamon, and their Russian crime lord associate soon came out of the main office only to witness the quarrel between the two monsters, one of which, upon noticing them, scrambled its way with wide-opened mouth. Avi hopped onto the smaller monster's back, sinking his blade-like teeth into the fish's shoulder.
     Emrys watched the two monsters thrashed and wrestled against each other—the smaller one kept clawing Avi's snout and head until it left bloody marks. Avi dragged his opponent outside, far away from his employer. As he forced his opponent to fight outside, Mikhail's bodyguards followed them with a large bazooka in their hands. Seeing one of the men just pulled a weapon that big out of somewhere in the ship caused an anxious stir inside Emrys' belly.
     "Get ready to fire!" the bodyguards exclaimed, aiming the weapon at the two quarreling monsters.
     "Avi, incoming!" Emrys bellowed, forcing his throat to make the loudest voice he had ever produced. That will render him voiceless for the rest of the week.
     Hearing his boss' warning, Avi heaved the smaller monster, still clamped in his snout, and forced it to shield him from the oncoming bazooka. The projectile rocketed towards them; it hit them with such a great force they were sent flying to the ocean. Avi could feel the heat of the explosion and the shrapnels from the warhead hitting his face, but it was exactly the kind of force he needed. With the opponent stunned from the impact, Avi sank his teeth one more time and gnashed the beast's neck off as his spiky back crashed into the cold sea water.
      Emrys ignored the fact that part of the ship was burning from the explosion earlier and ran over to the side of the ship. His jade eyes scanned the waters, looking for signs of his black draconic companion. "Oh God, what if he can't swim..." he muttered to himself. The longer he searched, the more his worry turned into panic, and he started pacing to look for a ring buoy when the sea's surface crashed from the underside.
     Avi sprang out of the cold salt water, red ethereal-looking energy blasting from the spikes on his back. He landed on the ship safely, though his knees gave out the moment his feet touched the firm surface of the ship. He dropped the two separated pieces of the fish monster by his side before falling on all fours, wheezing and coughing out the sea water from his systems. The energy that was blasting from his back dissipated, along with the lights from the crevices of his armor.
     Emrys hurried to the dragon's side, reluctant to touch him from how much heat wave he could felt just inches away from him. "Jesus, you're all hurt," he said. He eyed the gashes across Avi's face and chest, noticing for the first time the color of his blood. "Your blood...is purple.... Huh."
     Avi grabbed the head of his now dead opponent and tossed it to the direction of where Eamon and Mikhail were. The two older men squealed at the decapitated head thrown at them that they jumped to each other's arms for protection. Avi pointed a finger at one of them, at the Russian crime lord, specifically. It was up to Emrys to interpret what Avi wanted to say.The red-head scratched his head. "You think the monster has anything to do with Mikhail?" he asked. The dragon nodded weakly, shifting position to sitting down. Emrys turned to his associate, a questioning look on his face.
     "I don't know anything about this...thing!" Mikhail retorted, trying not to look at the gaping monster head splayed in front of his toes.
     "Well, Avi definitely thinks so. Where did this creature come from anyway?" Emrys asked.
     "S-Sergei's room," a shaken crewmate chimed in. A look of fear still lingered on his face from the time Avi pulled him away from the initial attack. "It—it came from Sergei's room. Sergei's gone," the man continued to stammer.
     Emrys' look of confusion continued to intensify as he pressed on. "Okay, alright, why don't we start from the beginning? No, you start from the beginning. Our lives were nearly lost and according to my bodyguard, I think, you've been keeping it all along."
     "No! I swear I don't know anything about this creature!" Mikhail defended. "S-Sergei is one of my men. H-hired him a few years ago, he's a sickly guy, said he escaped some shady facility somewhere in the middle of Siberia! I swear! That's what he told me!" Mikhail's shaking worsened that he needed support. His bodyguards lead him to the nearest chair before leaving to assess the damage caused by the monster duel. "I don't know... I really don't know..."
     Avi growled but only briefly. Now that the threat was gone, he could focus on his injuries. Only now did he realize how much the claw marks sting. His body ignited red again, his body temperature rose dramatically that Emrys had to move away from him because of how uncomfortable the heat he generated was. However, from the heat, something amazing happened. The bleeding slowed down and the cuts sewed themselves close gradually. The healing stopped once the first layer of skin closed the wounds and Avi's body temperature dropped to an acceptable level.
     "Wow..." Emrys gasped. "You're so full of surprises."
     Avi purred appreciatively, waving his tail left and right, but Emrys could see the dragon seemed less energetic than when he woke up this morning. He placed a hand on Avi's spiky shoulder as he stood up.
     "We'll go home soon, don't worry. There's just a teeny bit more business I need to attend to."
     "What do you mean? I thought you had a deal already?" Eamon said.
     "I did, and I was gonna leave it at that, but then something from his property damaged my one and only attendant."
     "But I told you I don't know anything about that monster!" Mikhail protested.
     "That doesn't hide the fact that the thing came out from one of your quarters, does it? Don't you feel the least bit responsible? If Avi hadn't fought as hard as he did, lord knows what would happen to your business when you're eaten by that bastard." Emrys approached the Russian crime lord, arms crossed and a smug grin on his face. "Five percent is enough, Mikhail."
     The Russian crime lord gritted his teeth, insulted by the young arms dealer's gall to manipulate him like this, yet at the same time powerless to fight back. The terrifyingly large black dragon of his just survived a bazooka shot unscathed. The injuries he got were caused by a fellow monster, not one of his weapons. He glanced to Avi, considering his options. "Fine. I do owe you one," the crime lord grumbled. He called one of his bodyguards, spoke something to him in Russian, and sent him away. He then turned to Eamon, "Your child is a real talker. Worthy successor, Eamon."
     "Not much of a sea leg, though," the elderly pirate groaned. Emrys' lower eyelid twitched at the discussion.
     "Well, if you don't want him, I'll take him. My business will flourish with him at the helm."
     Emrys suppressed a distasteful gritting of his teeth and stormed his way back to Avi's side. He simply sat sulking next to the dragon, his back facing the older men talking and teasing each other. It wasn't until his payment and the 'damage fee' was brought did he return with a smug look on his face. Yet, he did not intend to dawdle among these people. He did promise Avi they would go home.
     "Hey, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I saw you flying," Emrys said, helping Avi up to his feet again. The dragon made a questioning grunt with his head tilted to the side, but he nodded. Emrys' grin grew. "Awesome! If you still have some energy left, can you fly me back to the van?"
     Avi nodded and let his ethereal wings flare to their fullest, showing Emrys its form more clearly. They had the general outline of bat wings, but were made of some energy current that weaved into lines and markings, giving them an almost runic look. They were the same as his 'eyes' that popped occasionally. Seeing how his powers work, Emrys could safely assume that the property of the wings reflected the elemental powers the dragon was using. Since both red and white colors were present, it would appear Avi was keeping them balanced this time around.
     "H-hold on!" Eamon's protest broke through the moment of wonder. "You can't stand a cruise on the yacht but you can handle flying?"
     Emrys shrugged. "Flying has better view. That's all." He turned to Avi again, eyeing him up and down. "So...should I climb on your back or—whoa!" Without cue, Avi went on ahead and picked his boss up with just one arm, carrying him like a toddler. Emrys' fingers tightened around the suitcase full of money while he coiled his arms around Avi's neck. His cheeks burned feeling the firm muscles acting as a seating cushion. He always knew Avi was strong—he had seen him tear two hostile monsters into two twice already—but being a receiver of his display of strength was an entirely unique experience.
     The dragon began flapping his wings, hitting the top of the ship with powerful air currents strong enough to even make it wobble. His feet gradually left the ground. He nodded at Eamon and everyone else, bidding his own version of farewell, before taking off with a booming flap of his wings. The sound of Emrys cheering from the speed he was taken was the last thing to be heard by everyone on the ships.
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tragicbooks · 7 years
<p>The 9 MVPs of this week's horribly bittersweet episode of 'Game of Thrones.'</p>
Welcome to “A Song of Nice and Fire” Upworthy’s weekly series recapping one of the most brutal shows on TV. Since brutality is not really in our wheelhouse, Eric March has taken it upon himself to dig deep, twist and turn, and squint really hard to see if he can find the light of kindness in all the darkness. He may not always succeed, but by gosh if he won’t try his best.
Here’s what he found on this week’s "Game of Thrones."
Last week, Jon Snow and the magnificent seven-ish went striding beyond The Wall, into the unknown and certain danger.
So. How'd it go? Image by Helen Sloan/HBO.
While Team Ice Eagle Justice technically achieved what it set out to achieve — capturing a white walker — in true Thrones style, it failed to do so without racking up some horrifically tragic collateral damage, paving the way for even more horrifically tragic collateral damage to come in next week's season finale.
In such a boondoggle of an episode, it was hard to find MVPs. Still, I have to give credit in the vanishingly few places where credit is due.
Here are the MVPs of niceness and kindness from Game of Thrones, season 7, episode 6:
1. Tormund Giantsbane, who defended the honor of gingers everywhere
Honor. Dignity. Freckles. Image by Helen Sloan/HBO.
Though the witty banter of gruff dudes trekking through the snow proved particularly saltily entertaining this expedition, special points to Tormund for characterizing pale, freckled redheads as "kissed by fire." Representation matters! Even for pasty white people.
Tormund earns double points for puncturing The Hound's self-serious facade for a second and a half, and triple points for giving the entire U.K. a much-needed post-Brexit morale boost.
2. Arya's bag of faces, for enabling a medieval feminist fantasy
Sometimes when you snoop in your sister's bedroom, you're going to find something you wish you hadn't, whether it's a M-A-S-H note to your crush or a satchel full of flesh-covered masks.
Understandably, Sansa is a little disturbed when she finds exactly the latter under Arya's bed.
But it's hard to blame the tiny Stark assassin. As she explains — in typical "will I or won't I eviscerate you" fashion — in 14th century Westeros, options are pretty limited for 11-year-old girls, unless you slice off a couple of old men's faces and wear them as your own from time to time.
This, weirdly, makes a ton of sense, although perhaps slightly less than Sansa's drive to become like Cersei or Littlefinger or Ramsay to get what she wants, albeit in more subtle ways than simply slipping their actual, literal faces over her face. Predictably, Westerosi misogyny dictates that the elder Stark sister also gets more grief about her version — sure, devisaging your enemies is a bit gauche in polite society, but taking on their personas is just so girly.
Until the wheel gets break'd, them's the breaks, it seems.
3. Jon Snow, for falling into an obvious White Walker trap to make things more exciting beyond The Wall
When you stumble upon a small parade of zombies, and they're suspiciously easy to beat, that's a sign that holy crap you guys there are like 7 bazillion more zombies like 20 feet away hiding behind a rock is this the first time you've been here come on!
GIF from "Return of the Jedi."
The only explanation for such strategic idiocy is that Jon wanted to make it a fair fight — a really nice thing to do for viewers at home who've been looking forward to this showdown for a while.
Sadly, as a result, we also have to credit...
4. Thoros of Myr, who raised the stakes by freezing to death
Do we care about Thoros of Myr, the man-bunned priest who resurrects Lord Eyepatch every time he dies? Nah. Does it help illustrate the gravity of the threat facing our heroes to have a named good guy die after a season of close calls? Probably. Is it good that he's the one who could, in theory, bring all of our heroes back to life if he wanted to, thereby negating the danger they're facing entirely? Definitely!
Thanks, Thoros of Myr for taking one for the team and (correctly!) making us far less secure in our knowledge that everybody we care about is going to make it out of this in one piece. That's good drama!
5. Daenerys, for arriving in the nick of time in weather-appropriate camouflage
Image via HBO.
When you're trapped in the middle of a frozen lake, penned in on all sides by a powerful army of the undead and one of your buddies accidentally clues them in to the fact that they can safely lurch on over and chomp away at your viscera, it helps to have powerful friends. And boy do our crew of wight hunters have a powerful friend. Namely, Daenerys Targaryen, who comes swooping down on dragonback, having grabbed her Queen Elsa costume from Halloween 2014 off the rack to blend in with the scenery.
In true Thrones fashion, however, her brilliant military maneuver doesn't stay brilliant for long, as props are due to...
6. The Night King, for saving HBO's dragon CGI budget
Do you know how much money it costs to animate three dragons in flight for seven seasons of television? How many artists and programmers you have to hire? How much you have to dish out for late night craft services? The folks in accounting probably sent the biggest fruit basket of all time over to ol' blue eyes for finally slimming that number down to two by impaling Viserion on an ice spear.
Ultimately, however, it was a short-lived act of budget consciousness, thanks to...
7. The Night King, again, for bringing Viserion back to life
Thanks, bud. Image via HBO.
What's better than an army of insatiable killer zombies? An army of insatiable killer zombies plus one undead fire-breathing (ice-breathing?) dragon. Kudos to the Night King for plucking a third string dragon from the chorus line and turning him into a star.
8. Those random red shirts, who made everything possible
From dying unceremoniously under a pile of wights to spare our heroes the same fate to hauling a 7,000-ton dragon out of a frozen lake — red shirts on both sides of the battle really pulled their weight this week.
We will never know their names. But respect is better than fame.  
9. Cersei Lannister, for staying the hell out of it
Image by Helen Sloan/HBO.
Aside from ones involving methodically conjured mental and physical torture, few operations are made smoother by the presence of Cersei Lannister. Thankfully, she decides to sit this one out, hopefully getting in one last wine and rejoicing in the misfortune of her sworn foes session before next week's queen-on-queen parlay.
It's going to be awful, isn't it?
Random Acts of Niceness
Jorah gives Jon back the sword that Jon gives to Jorah. Awful lot of poignant regifting this season.
Speaking of which, Arya gave Sansa Westeros' most infamous dagger instead of stabbing her with it. That's about as close to a hug-and-make-up we're probably going to get from Arya, tbh.
Tormund finally admits his crush on Brienne and then doesn't immediately die! It was so obvious he was going to die after that and then he just ... doesn't.
Also Jon and Dany are clearly falling in love and neither of them die! Young love can still blossom in this world without immediately devolving into tragic zombie devouring.
I think Tyrion is maybe inventing democracy? Maybe he can give the U.S. a few pointers?
That's all! See you next week for the finale of a Song of Nice and Fire 2017, when presumably, Jaime and Cersei's baby is born healthy and strong, Sansa and Arya launch a public speaking tour about the power of forgiveness, and the living and dead use The Wall for an epic game of volleyball.  
0 notes
njawaidofficial · 7 years
The 9 MVPs of this week's horribly bittersweet episode of 'Game of Thrones.'
The 9 MVPs of this week's horribly bittersweet episode of 'Game of Thrones.'
Welcome to “A Song of Nice and Fire” Upworthy’s weekly series recapping one of the most brutal shows on TV. Since brutality is not really in our wheelhouse, Eric March has taken it upon himself to dig deep, twist and turn, and squint really hard to see if he can find the light of kindness in all the darkness. He may not always succeed, but by gosh if he won’t try his best.
Here’s what he found on this week’s “Game of Thrones.”
Last week, Jon Snow and the magnificent seven-ish went striding beyond The Wall, into the unknown and certain danger.
So. How’d it go? Image by Helen Sloan/HBO.
While Team Ice Eagle Justice technically achieved what it set out to achieve — capturing a white walker — in true Thrones style, it failed to do so without racking up some horrifically tragic collateral damage, paving the way for even more horrifically tragic collateral damage to come in next week’s season finale.
In such a boondoggle of an episode, it was hard to find MVPs. Still, I have to give credit in the vanishingly few places where credit is due.
Here are the MVPs of niceness and kindness from Game of Thrones, season 7, episode 6:
1. Tormund Giantsbane, who defended the honor of gingers everywhere
Honor. Dignity. Freckles. Image by Helen Sloan/HBO.
Though the witty banter of gruff dudes trekking through the snow proved particularly saltily entertaining this expedition, special points to Tormund for characterizing pale, freckled redheads as “kissed by fire.” Representation matters! Even for pasty white people.
Tormund earns double points for puncturing The Hound’s self-serious facade for a second and a half, and triple points for giving the entire U.K. a much-needed post-Brexit morale boost.
2. Arya’s bag of faces, for enabling a medieval feminist fantasy
Sometimes when you snoop in your sister’s bedroom, you’re going to find something you wish you hadn’t, whether it’s a M-A-S-H note to your crush or a satchel full of flesh-covered masks.
Understandably, Sansa is a little disturbed when she finds exactly the latter under Arya’s bed.
But it’s hard to blame the tiny Stark assassin. As she explains — in typical “will I or won’t I eviscerate you” fashion — in 14th century Westeros, options are pretty limited for 11-year-old girls, unless you slice off a couple of old men’s faces and wear them as your own from time to time.
This, weirdly, makes a ton of sense, although perhaps slightly less than Sansa’s drive to become like Cersei or Littlefinger or Ramsay to get what she wants, albeit in more subtle ways than simply slipping their actual, literal faces over her face. Predictably, Westerosi misogyny dictates that the elder Stark sister also gets more grief about her version — sure, devisaging your enemies is a bit gauche in polite society, but taking on their personas is just so girly.
Until the wheel gets break’d, them’s the breaks, it seems.
3. Jon Snow, for falling into an obvious White Walker trap to make things more exciting beyond The Wall
When you stumble upon a small parade of zombies, and they’re suspiciously easy to beat, that’s a sign that holy crap you guys there are like 7 bazillion more zombies like 20 feet away hiding behind a rock is this the first time you’ve been here come on!
GIF from “Return of the Jedi.”
The only explanation for such strategic idiocy is that Jon wanted to make it a fair fight — a really nice thing to do for viewers at home who’ve been looking forward to this showdown for a while.
Sadly, as a result, we also have to credit…
4. Thoros of Myr, who raised the stakes by freezing to death
Do we care about Thoros of Myr, the man-bunned priest who resurrects Lord Eyepatch every time he dies? Nah. Does it help illustrate the gravity of the threat facing our heroes to have a named good guy die after a season of close calls? Probably. Is it good that he’s the one who could, in theory, bring all of our heroes back to life if he wanted to, thereby negating the danger they’re facing entirely? Definitely!
Thanks, Thoros of Myr for taking one for the team and (correctly!) making us far less secure in our knowledge that everybody we care about is going to make it out of this in one piece. That’s good drama!
5. Daenerys, for arriving in the nick of time in weather-appropriate camouflage
Image via HBO.
When you’re trapped in the middle of a frozen lake, penned in on all sides by a powerful army of the undead and one of your buddies accidentally clues them in to the fact that they can safely lurch on over and chomp away at your viscera, it helps to have powerful friends. And boy do our crew of wight hunters have a powerful friend. Namely, Daenerys Targaryen, who comes swooping down on dragonback, having grabbed her Queen Elsa costume from Halloween 2014 off the rack to blend in with the scenery.
In true Thrones fashion, however, her brilliant military maneuver doesn’t stay brilliant for long, as props are due to…
6. The Night King, for saving HBO’s dragon CGI budget
Do you know how much money it costs to animate three dragons in flight for seven seasons of television? How many artists and programmers you have to hire? How much you have to dish out for late night craft services? The folks in accounting probably sent the biggest fruit basket of all time over to ol’ blue eyes for finally slimming that number down to two by impaling Viserion on an ice spear.
Ultimately, however, it was a short-lived act of budget consciousness, thanks to…
7. The Night King, again, for bringing Viserion back to life
Thanks, bud. Image via HBO.
What’s better than an army of insatiable killer zombies? An army of insatiable killer zombies plus one undead fire-breathing (ice-breathing?) dragon. Kudos to the Night King for plucking a third string dragon from the chorus line and turning him into a star.
8. Those random red shirts, who made everything possible
From dying unceremoniously under a pile of wights to spare our heroes the same fate to hauling a 7,000-ton dragon out of a frozen lake — red shirts on both sides of the battle really pulled their weight this week.
We will never know their names. But respect is better than fame.  
9. Cersei Lannister, for staying the hell out of it
Image by Helen Sloan/HBO.
Aside from ones involving methodically conjured mental and physical torture, few operations are made smoother by the presence of Cersei Lannister. Thankfully, she decides to sit this one out, hopefully getting in one last wine and rejoicing in the misfortune of her sworn foes session before next week’s queen-on-queen parlay.
It’s going to be awful, isn’t it?
Random Acts of Niceness
Jorah gives Jon back the sword that Jon gives to Jorah. Awful lot of poignant regifting this season.
Speaking of which, Arya gave Sansa Westeros’ most infamous dagger instead of stabbing her with it. That’s about as close to a hug-and-make-up we’re probably going to get from Arya, tbh.
Tormund finally admits his crush on Brienne and then doesn’t immediately die! It was so obvious he was going to die after that and then he just … doesn’t.
Also Jon and Dany are clearly falling in love and neither of them die! Young love can still blossom in this world without immediately devolving into tragic zombie devouring.
I think Tyrion is maybe inventing democracy? Maybe he can give the U.S. a few pointers?
That’s all! See you next week for the finale of a Song of Nice and Fire 2017, when presumably, Jaime and Cersei’s baby is born healthy and strong, Sansa and Arya launch a public speaking tour about the power of forgiveness, and the living and dead use The Wall for an epic game of volleyball.  
#039Game #9 #Bittersweet #Episode #Horribly #MVPs #Thrones039 #Week039S
0 notes
vernicle · 7 years
<p>The 9 MVPs of this week's horribly bittersweet episode of 'Game of Thrones.'</p>
Welcome to “A Track of Great and Fire” Upworthy’s weekly sequence recapping one particular of the most brutal demonstrates on Television. Considering that brutality is not actually in our wheelhouse, Eric March has taken it upon himself to dig deep, twist and turn, and squint actually hard to see if he can come across the mild of kindness in all the darkness. He may well not often succeed, but by gosh if he will not attempt his finest.
Here’s what he discovered on this week’s "Activity of Thrones."
Previous 7 days, Jon Snow and the spectacular 7-ish went striding beyond The Wall, into the not known and certain threat.
So. How'd it go? Impression by Helen Sloan/HBO.
When Team Ice Eagle Justice technically accomplished what it set out to realize — capturing a white walker — in real Thrones design and style, it failed to do so devoid of racking up some horrifically tragic collateral destruction, paving the way for even extra horrifically tragic collateral destruction to appear in subsequent week's year finale.
In such a boondoggle of an episode, it was hard to come across MVPs. Nonetheless, I have to give credit in the vanishingly handful of locations the place credit is owing.
Listed here are the MVPs of niceness and kindness from Activity of Thrones, year seven, episode 6:
1. Tormund Giantsbane, who defended the honor of gingers all over the place
Honor. Dignity. Freckles. Impression by Helen Sloan/HBO.
Although the witty banter of gruff dudes trekking by way of the snow proved significantly saltily entertaining this expedition, distinctive factors to Tormund for characterizing pale, freckled redheads as "kissed by fire." Illustration matters! Even for pasty white people.
Tormund earns double factors for puncturing The Hound's self-serious facade for a 2nd and a 50 %, and triple factors for offering the whole U.K. a considerably-wanted put up-Brexit morale raise.
2. Arya's bag of faces, for enabling a medieval feminist fantasy
Sometimes when you snoop in your sister's bedroom, you happen to be heading to come across some thing you desire you hadn't, whether it really is a M-A-S-H take note to your crush or a satchel total of flesh-covered masks.
Understandably, Sansa is a minimal disturbed when she finds precisely the latter beneath Arya's bed.
But it really is hard to blame the small Stark assassin. As she describes — in typical "will I or would not I eviscerate you" style — in 14th century Westeros, choices are quite constrained for eleven-year-old women, unless of course you slice off a couple of old men's faces and wear them as your possess from time to time.
This, weirdly, will make a ton of sense, though perhaps a little much less than Sansa's generate to develop into like Cersei or Littlefinger or Ramsay to get what she desires, albeit in extra subtle techniques than basically slipping their actual, literal faces about her facial area. Predictably, Westerosi misogyny dictates that the elder Stark sister also gets extra grief about her version — positive, devisaging your enemies is a little bit gauche in well mannered society, but having on their personas is just so girly.
Until eventually the wheel gets break'd, them's the breaks, it appears.
three. Jon Snow, for slipping into an clear White Walker lure to make points extra enjoyable beyond The Wall
When you stumble upon a small parade of zombies, and they're suspiciously easy to defeat, which is a signal that holy crap you fellas there are like seven bazillion extra zombies like twenty feet absent hiding at the rear of a rock is this the very first time you've been below appear on!
GIF from "Return of the Jedi."
The only explanation for such strategic idiocy is that Jon required to make it a fair fight — a actually pleasant point to do for viewers at dwelling who've been seeking forward to this showdown for a when.
Sadly, as a end result, we also have to credit...
4. Thoros of Myr, who lifted the stakes by freezing to loss of life
Do we care about Thoros of Myr, the man-bunned priest who resurrects Lord Eyepatch every time he dies? Nah. Does it support illustrate the gravity of the menace experiencing our heroes to have a named fantastic man die soon after a year of near calls? Probably. Is it fantastic that he's the one particular who could, in idea, bring all of our heroes back to daily life if he required to, thereby negating the threat they're experiencing completely? Undoubtedly!
Many thanks, Thoros of Myr for having one particular for the team and (the right way!) creating us much much less protected in our awareness that everybody we care about is heading to make it out of this in one particular piece. Which is fantastic drama!
5. Daenerys, for arriving in the nick of time in weather conditions-correct camouflage
Impression through HBO.
When you happen to be trapped in the center of a frozen lake, penned in on all sides by a potent military of the undead and one particular of your buddies accidentally clues them in to the truth that they can safely lurch on about and chomp absent at your viscera, it allows to have potent mates. And boy do our crew of wight hunters have a potent buddy. Namely, Daenerys Targaryen, who comes swooping down on dragonback, obtaining grabbed her Queen Elsa costume from Halloween 2014 off the rack to blend in with the scenery.
In real Thrones style, on the other hand, her fantastic army maneuver will not continue to be fantastic for prolonged, as props are owing to...
6. The Night time King, for preserving HBO's dragon CGI funds
Do you know how considerably revenue it prices to animate a few dragons in flight for 7 seasons of tv? How a lot of artists and programmers you have to seek the services of? How considerably you have to dish out for late evening craft expert services? The people in accounting possibly despatched the major fruit basket of all time about to ol' blue eyes for lastly slimming that variety down to two by impaling Viserion on an ice spear.
Finally, on the other hand, it was a quick-lived act of funds consciousness, many thanks to...
seven. The Night time King, again, for bringing Viserion back to daily life
Many thanks, bud. Impression through HBO.
What's greater than an military of insatiable killer zombies? An military of insatiable killer zombies in addition one particular undead fire-breathing (ice-breathing?) dragon. Kudos to the Night time King for plucking a 3rd string dragon from the refrain line and turning him into a star.
eight. Those people random pink shirts, who created everything attainable
From dying unceremoniously beneath a pile of wights to spare our heroes the same fate to hauling a seven,000-ton dragon out of a frozen lake — pink shirts on the two sides of the fight actually pulled their fat this 7 days.
We will under no circumstances know their names. But respect is greater than fame.  
nine. Cersei Lannister, for staying the hell out of it
Impression by Helen Sloan/HBO.
Aside from types involving methodically conjured mental and actual physical torture, handful of functions are created smoother by the existence of Cersei Lannister. Luckily, she decides to sit this one particular out, with any luck , finding in one particular past wine and rejoicing in the misfortune of her sworn foes session just before subsequent week's queen-on-queen parlay.
It is really heading to be dreadful, isn't really it?
Random Functions of Niceness
Jorah provides Jon back the sword that Jon provides to Jorah. Awful lot of poignant regifting this year.
Speaking of which, Arya gave Sansa Westeros' most notorious dagger as a substitute of stabbing her with it. Which is about as near to a hug-and-make-up we're possibly heading to get from Arya, tbh.
Tormund lastly admits his crush on Brienne and then will not promptly die! It was so clear he was heading to die soon after that and then he just ... will not.
Also Jon and Dany are obviously slipping in adore and neither of them die! Youthful adore can still blossom in this world devoid of promptly devolving into tragic zombie devouring.
I think Tyrion is possibly inventing democracy? Maybe he can give the U.S. a handful of ideas?
Which is all! See you subsequent 7 days for the finale of a Track of Great and Hearth 2017, when presumably, Jaime and Cersei's baby is born healthy and powerful, Sansa and Arya start a public talking tour about the electricity of forgiveness, and the dwelling and lifeless use The Wall for an epic activity of volleyball.  
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from Viral News Around The World - Feed http://ift.tt/2uYRrho via IFTTT
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socialviralnews · 7 years
<p>The 9 MVPs of this week's horribly bittersweet episode of 'Game of Thrones.'</p>
Welcome to “A Song of Nice and Fire” Upworthy’s weekly series recapping one of the most brutal shows on TV. Since brutality is not really in our wheelhouse, Eric March has taken it upon himself to dig deep, twist and turn, and squint really hard to see if he can find the light of kindness in all the darkness. He may not always succeed, but by gosh if he won’t try his best.
Here’s what he found on this week’s "Game of Thrones."
Last week, Jon Snow and the magnificent seven-ish went striding beyond The Wall, into the unknown and certain danger.
So. How'd it go? Image by Helen Sloan/HBO.
While Team Ice Eagle Justice technically achieved what it set out to achieve — capturing a white walker — in true Thrones style, it failed to do so without racking up some horrifically tragic collateral damage, paving the way for even more horrifically tragic collateral damage to come in next week's season finale.
In such a boondoggle of an episode, it was hard to find MVPs. Still, I have to give credit in the vanishingly few places where credit is due.
Here are the MVPs of niceness and kindness from Game of Thrones, season 7, episode 6:
1. Tormund Giantsbane, who defended the honor of gingers everywhere
Honor. Dignity. Freckles. Image by Helen Sloan/HBO.
Though the witty banter of gruff dudes trekking through the snow proved particularly saltily entertaining this expedition, special points to Tormund for characterizing pale, freckled redheads as "kissed by fire." Representation matters! Even for pasty white people.
Tormund earns double points for puncturing The Hound's self-serious facade for a second and a half, and triple points for giving the entire U.K. a much-needed post-Brexit morale boost.
2. Arya's bag of faces, for enabling a medieval feminist fantasy
Sometimes when you snoop in your sister's bedroom, you're going to find something you wish you hadn't, whether it's a M-A-S-H note to your crush or a satchel full of flesh-covered masks.
Understandably, Sansa is a little disturbed when she finds exactly the latter under Arya's bed.
But it's hard to blame the tiny Stark assassin. As she explains — in typical "will I or won't I eviscerate you" fashion — in 14th century Westeros, options are pretty limited for 11-year-old girls, unless you slice off a couple of old men's faces and wear them as your own from time to time.
This, weirdly, makes a ton of sense, although perhaps slightly less than Sansa's drive to become like Cersei or Littlefinger or Ramsay to get what she wants, albeit in more subtle ways than simply slipping their actual, literal faces over her face. Predictably, Westerosi misogyny dictates that the elder Stark sister also gets more grief about her version — sure, devisaging your enemies is a bit gauche in polite society, but taking on their personas is just so girly.
Until the wheel gets break'd, them's the breaks, it seems.
3. Jon Snow, for falling into an obvious White Walker trap to make things more exciting beyond The Wall
When you stumble upon a small parade of zombies, and they're suspiciously easy to beat, that's a sign that holy crap you guys there are like 7 bazillion more zombies like 20 feet away hiding behind a rock is this the first time you've been here come on!
GIF from "Return of the Jedi."
The only explanation for such strategic idiocy is that Jon wanted to make it a fair fight — a really nice thing to do for viewers at home who've been looking forward to this showdown for a while.
Sadly, as a result, we also have to credit...
4. Thoros of Myr, who raised the stakes by freezing to death
Do we care about Thoros of Myr, the man-bunned priest who resurrects Lord Eyepatch every time he dies? Nah. Does it help illustrate the gravity of the threat facing our heroes to have a named good guy die after a season of close calls? Probably. Is it good that he's the one who could, in theory, bring all of our heroes back to life if he wanted to, thereby negating the danger they're facing entirely? Definitely!
Thanks, Thoros of Myr for taking one for the team and (correctly!) making us far less secure in our knowledge that everybody we care about is going to make it out of this in one piece. That's good drama!
5. Daenerys, for arriving in the nick of time in weather-appropriate camouflage
Image via HBO.
When you're trapped in the middle of a frozen lake, penned in on all sides by a powerful army of the undead and one of your buddies accidentally clues them in to the fact that they can safely lurch on over and chomp away at your viscera, it helps to have powerful friends. And boy do our crew of wight hunters have a powerful friend. Namely, Daenerys Targaryen, who comes swooping down on dragonback, having grabbed her Queen Elsa costume from Halloween 2014 off the rack to blend in with the scenery.
In true Thrones fashion, however, her brilliant military maneuver doesn't stay brilliant for long, as props are due to...
6. The Night King, for saving HBO's dragon CGI budget
Do you know how much money it costs to animate three dragons in flight for seven seasons of television? How many artists and programmers you have to hire? How much you have to dish out for late night craft services? The folks in accounting probably sent the biggest fruit basket of all time over to ol' blue eyes for finally slimming that number down to two by impaling Viserion on an ice spear.
Ultimately, however, it was a short-lived act of budget consciousness, thanks to...
7. The Night King, again, for bringing Viserion back to life
Thanks, bud. Image via HBO.
What's better than an army of insatiable killer zombies? An army of insatiable killer zombies plus one undead fire-breathing (ice-breathing?) dragon. Kudos to the Night King for plucking a third string dragon from the chorus line and turning him into a star.
8. Those random red shirts, who made everything possible
From dying unceremoniously under a pile of wights to spare our heroes the same fate to hauling a 7,000-ton dragon out of a frozen lake — red shirts on both sides of the battle really pulled their weight this week.
We will never know their names. But respect is better than fame.  
9. Cersei Lannister, for staying the hell out of it
Image by Helen Sloan/HBO.
Aside from ones involving methodically conjured mental and physical torture, few operations are made smoother by the presence of Cersei Lannister. Thankfully, she decides to sit this one out, hopefully getting in one last wine and rejoicing in the misfortune of her sworn foes session before next week's queen-on-queen parlay.
It's going to be awful, isn't it?
Random Acts of Niceness
Jorah gives Jon back the sword that Jon gives to Jorah. Awful lot of poignant regifting this season.
Speaking of which, Arya gave Sansa Westeros' most infamous dagger instead of stabbing her with it. That's about as close to a hug-and-make-up we're probably going to get from Arya, tbh.
Tormund finally admits his crush on Brienne and then doesn't immediately die! It was so obvious he was going to die after that and then he just ... doesn't.
Also Jon and Dany are clearly falling in love and neither of them die! Young love can still blossom in this world without immediately devolving into tragic zombie devouring.
I think Tyrion is maybe inventing democracy? Maybe he can give the U.S. a few pointers?
That's all! See you next week for the finale of a Song of Nice and Fire 2017, when presumably, Jaime and Cersei's baby is born healthy and strong, Sansa and Arya launch a public speaking tour about the power of forgiveness, and the living and dead use The Wall for an epic game of volleyball.  
from Upworthy http://ift.tt/2fYivGS via cheap web hosting
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