#chris gets tired after 5 minutes; josh loses interest after a while; ashley just has some stuff to work out okay??? a lot of stuff. in fact
queenofbaws · 1 year
well heyyyyy how ya doin!! how about our dear climbing chrash at a rage room please :] cause i know we've briefly discussed this before but tee hee i just think itd be funnn
Chris barely looked up from his phone as Josh walked over, hardly even lifted his eyes when he leaned on the wall beside him to look at the screen over his shoulder. "Trying to see...if...de-escalation rooms are a thing..." he explained without needing to be asked, frowning as (yet another) internet search turned up a whopping nothing, "I thought you were supposed to be..."
"Yeah, uh huh, roger that, the eagle has landed, Cochise." He held the bat up, giving it a little wave to catch his attention, then just as quickly grasped it with both hands again, keeping it solidly held behind his back; "We just neglected to take one teeny-tiny detail into account, see, and that's that, uh - " he'd seen it coming, so he didn't flinch, but snickered when Chris did beside him, " - there are many tools one can use to wreak havoc, young grasshopper, and unfortunately, Ash has decided her hands work just fine."
After chucking the last of the chintzy vases at the wall, Ashley let out the sort of sound heard on wilderness survival shows (usually after a contestant managed to wrestle a bear to death or pulled themselves off a cliff before the camera crews rushed them to keep them from dying), her legs went out from under her and she plopped to the ground in a sprawl, her shoulders rising and falling heavily with exertion.
"Oh thank fuck," Josh started, though Chris just kept typing away into his phone, "I think she's worn herself ou - nope, wait, shit, there she goes again."
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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