#christ leaving the praetorium
mother-lee · 1 year
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gustave doré, “Christ leaving the praetorium”
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es-oh-bfo-em · 7 months
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formandart · 6 days
Gustave Doré, known for his excellent illustrations, also has some wonderful paintings. Here is one of them. (Gustave Doré, conocido por sus excelentes ilustraciones, también tiene algunas maravillosas pinturas. Aquí una de ellas): "Christ leaving the praetorium", 1872
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mightyflamethrower · 6 months
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Gustave Doré: Christ Leaving the Praetorium
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itseulitodoinog · 2 years
REPENTANCE AND NEW DIRECTIONS Acts 2:38 [38]Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. *DO NOT HARDENED YOUR HEART. *Always ask for forgiveness. *You must know your sin or mistakes. *When we choose our own ways surely mapapahamak tayo at hindi magbubunga ng maganda. *Piliin mong laging magsisi sa Panginoon. *180 degrees when we repent. *360 degrees paulit ulit. *Sincere hearts in repentance. *Repentance means we are truly sorry for our sin. *Do not boast. *accept your mistakes. *Repentance means to change life or new life. *When we make sins we offend God we makes him broken hearted. * *Those who makes sin produces spiritual deaths 2 Corinthians 7:10 [10]Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death. Psalm 32:5 [5]Then I acknowledged my sin to you    and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, “I will confess    my transgressions to the Lord.” And you forgave    the guilt of my sin. *When we don't have God we don't have directions too. *Acts 26:20 [20]First to those in Damascus, then to those in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and then to the Gentiles, I preached that they should repent and turn to God and demonstrate their repentance by their deeds. *Matthew 3:8 [8]Produce fruit in keeping with repentance. *Ang pagbabago ay isang proseso, paunti onti. *Forgive those who sins against us *Matuto tayong magpatawad. *Minsan pa'y pinatawad ka kaya't magpatawad ka. *Matthew 18:21-22 [21]Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” [22]Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times. *Learn to forgive. *Hebrews 12:15 [15]See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many. *Brokeness turns to healing. *When you are angry your heart is full of bitterness and curse. Don't let it. *Matthew 27:27-31 [27]Then the governor’s soldiers took Jesus into the Praetorium and gathered the whole company of soldiers around him. [28]They stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him, [29]and then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on his head. They put a staff in his right hand. Then they knelt in front of him and mocked him. “Hail, king of the Jews!” they said. [30]They spit on him, and took the staff and struck him on the head again and again. [31]After they had mocked him, they took off the robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him away to crucify him. *Pag nagpatawad ka wag mo nang balikan ang nakaraan. *Favor blessings to those who repent and to those who forgives. *when we sinned ask God for forgiveness. *
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rosefest · 2 years
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The Greek inscription
The dome is 57 feet in diameter, and rests on eight piers, intersected by a double row of thirty-four green and white columns, sixteen of which are in the lower row, and the remaining eighteen in the galleries. The Greek inscription, running round the frieze, is ornamented with carved vine leaves and grapes, and is a dedicatory poem to the two saints; but all the mosaics and frescoes forming part of the original ornamentation of the church have been covered with whitewash. Ducange states that this was the church in which the papal Nuncio, for the time being, was allowed to hold divine service in Latin ; and it was here that Pope Virgil sought refuge from the wrath of Justinian for having excommunicated Patriarch Menas; this was also the church which the Emperor attended in state every Easter Tuesday.
Mehmed Pasha Mosque, on the south-west side of the Hippodrome, not far from Kutchuk Ayiah Sofia. Admission 5 piastres (10d.). This mosque is regarded (Dr. A. G-. Paspati, ‘ BvavnvaX MeXerat ) as the ancient church of St. Anastasia Pharma- kolytria, variously attributed to Anastasius Dicorus, in the fifth century, and to Gregory Nazianzenus, the latter of whom preached orthodoxy in it during the predominance of Arianism in the city. The church has been rebuilt and restored several times, and notably by Basil of Macedon, who replaced its wooden cupola by a stone one.
Most of the ornaments and relics were carried off by the Latins during the crusade of 1204. The immediate vicinity of this church, extending as far as the Cistern of Philoxenus (Thousand and One Columns), is supposed by Dr. Paspati to have been the site of the city Praetorium and the Portico of Domninus. The church was converted into a mosque in 1571 by Mehmed Pasha Socoll, son-in-law of Selim II. The tiles with which the interior is ornamented guided tours istanbul, and especially those forming the panels over the windows and the canopy over the pulpit, are masterpieces of Persian art. The courtyard is one of the most picturesque, and makes a charming subject for sketches or photographs.
The Church in the Fields
The Church in the Fields (17 Movrj TT)? Xwpa?), now Kahriyeh Jamesi, better known to travellers as the Mosaic Mosque. Admission 5 piastres per head. The Imam (priest) in charge is not always in attendance, but lives close by, and will always come if sent for. This mosque suffered so severely during the earthquakes of 1894 as to be in danger of falling down, and it has been deemed advisable, in consequence, to close it for an indefinite period. It is situated near the land walls and close to Edimth Kaj)u (Adrianople Gate); it is one of the most interesting of all the whilom Byzantine churches, both on account of its plan and of the mosaic pictures covering the walls of its outer and inner nartheces, the greater part illustrating the life of Christ. Its Greek name, showing that it originally stood outside the city, carries the foundation back to the period prior to 413 A.D., when it was enclosed within the walls of Theodosius.
Very probably the church was erected as a private chapel in connection with the Hebdomon Palace. Justinian restored it and added a basilica, and in the early part of the seventh century it was further restored and embellished by Crispus, son-in-law of the Emperor Phocas, who was imprisoned in it for treachery by Heraclius, and subsequently became a monk. In the early part of the twelfth century the church was rebuilt and restored by Maria Ducaina, mother-in-law of Alexius Comnenus; and about the middle of the fourteenth century its chapels and nartheces were again restored throughout and embellished by the patrician Theodoras Metochites.
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travelmgznbg · 2 years
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The Greek inscription
The dome is 57 feet in diameter, and rests on eight piers, intersected by a double row of thirty-four green and white columns, sixteen of which are in the lower row, and the remaining eighteen in the galleries. The Greek inscription, running round the frieze, is ornamented with carved vine leaves and grapes, and is a dedicatory poem to the two saints; but all the mosaics and frescoes forming part of the original ornamentation of the church have been covered with whitewash. Ducange states that this was the church in which the papal Nuncio, for the time being, was allowed to hold divine service in Latin ; and it was here that Pope Virgil sought refuge from the wrath of Justinian for having excommunicated Patriarch Menas; this was also the church which the Emperor attended in state every Easter Tuesday.
Mehmed Pasha Mosque, on the south-west side of the Hippodrome, not far from Kutchuk Ayiah Sofia. Admission 5 piastres (10d.). This mosque is regarded (Dr. A. G-. Paspati, ‘ BvavnvaX MeXerat ) as the ancient church of St. Anastasia Pharma- kolytria, variously attributed to Anastasius Dicorus, in the fifth century, and to Gregory Nazianzenus, the latter of whom preached orthodoxy in it during the predominance of Arianism in the city. The church has been rebuilt and restored several times, and notably by Basil of Macedon, who replaced its wooden cupola by a stone one.
Most of the ornaments and relics were carried off by the Latins during the crusade of 1204. The immediate vicinity of this church, extending as far as the Cistern of Philoxenus (Thousand and One Columns), is supposed by Dr. Paspati to have been the site of the city Praetorium and the Portico of Domninus. The church was converted into a mosque in 1571 by Mehmed Pasha Socoll, son-in-law of Selim II. The tiles with which the interior is ornamented guided tours istanbul, and especially those forming the panels over the windows and the canopy over the pulpit, are masterpieces of Persian art. The courtyard is one of the most picturesque, and makes a charming subject for sketches or photographs.
The Church in the Fields
The Church in the Fields (17 Movrj TT)? Xwpa?), now Kahriyeh Jamesi, better known to travellers as the Mosaic Mosque. Admission 5 piastres per head. The Imam (priest) in charge is not always in attendance, but lives close by, and will always come if sent for. This mosque suffered so severely during the earthquakes of 1894 as to be in danger of falling down, and it has been deemed advisable, in consequence, to close it for an indefinite period. It is situated near the land walls and close to Edimth Kaj)u (Adrianople Gate); it is one of the most interesting of all the whilom Byzantine churches, both on account of its plan and of the mosaic pictures covering the walls of its outer and inner nartheces, the greater part illustrating the life of Christ. Its Greek name, showing that it originally stood outside the city, carries the foundation back to the period prior to 413 A.D., when it was enclosed within the walls of Theodosius.
Very probably the church was erected as a private chapel in connection with the Hebdomon Palace. Justinian restored it and added a basilica, and in the early part of the seventh century it was further restored and embellished by Crispus, son-in-law of the Emperor Phocas, who was imprisoned in it for treachery by Heraclius, and subsequently became a monk. In the early part of the twelfth century the church was rebuilt and restored by Maria Ducaina, mother-in-law of Alexius Comnenus; and about the middle of the fourteenth century its chapels and nartheces were again restored throughout and embellished by the patrician Theodoras Metochites.
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trekkingbulgaria · 2 years
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The Greek inscription
The dome is 57 feet in diameter, and rests on eight piers, intersected by a double row of thirty-four green and white columns, sixteen of which are in the lower row, and the remaining eighteen in the galleries. The Greek inscription, running round the frieze, is ornamented with carved vine leaves and grapes, and is a dedicatory poem to the two saints; but all the mosaics and frescoes forming part of the original ornamentation of the church have been covered with whitewash. Ducange states that this was the church in which the papal Nuncio, for the time being, was allowed to hold divine service in Latin ; and it was here that Pope Virgil sought refuge from the wrath of Justinian for having excommunicated Patriarch Menas; this was also the church which the Emperor attended in state every Easter Tuesday.
Mehmed Pasha Mosque, on the south-west side of the Hippodrome, not far from Kutchuk Ayiah Sofia. Admission 5 piastres (10d.). This mosque is regarded (Dr. A. G-. Paspati, ‘ BvavnvaX MeXerat ) as the ancient church of St. Anastasia Pharma- kolytria, variously attributed to Anastasius Dicorus, in the fifth century, and to Gregory Nazianzenus, the latter of whom preached orthodoxy in it during the predominance of Arianism in the city. The church has been rebuilt and restored several times, and notably by Basil of Macedon, who replaced its wooden cupola by a stone one.
Most of the ornaments and relics were carried off by the Latins during the crusade of 1204. The immediate vicinity of this church, extending as far as the Cistern of Philoxenus (Thousand and One Columns), is supposed by Dr. Paspati to have been the site of the city Praetorium and the Portico of Domninus. The church was converted into a mosque in 1571 by Mehmed Pasha Socoll, son-in-law of Selim II. The tiles with which the interior is ornamented guided tours istanbul, and especially those forming the panels over the windows and the canopy over the pulpit, are masterpieces of Persian art. The courtyard is one of the most picturesque, and makes a charming subject for sketches or photographs.
The Church in the Fields
The Church in the Fields (17 Movrj TT)? Xwpa?), now Kahriyeh Jamesi, better known to travellers as the Mosaic Mosque. Admission 5 piastres per head. The Imam (priest) in charge is not always in attendance, but lives close by, and will always come if sent for. This mosque suffered so severely during the earthquakes of 1894 as to be in danger of falling down, and it has been deemed advisable, in consequence, to close it for an indefinite period. It is situated near the land walls and close to Edimth Kaj)u (Adrianople Gate); it is one of the most interesting of all the whilom Byzantine churches, both on account of its plan and of the mosaic pictures covering the walls of its outer and inner nartheces, the greater part illustrating the life of Christ. Its Greek name, showing that it originally stood outside the city, carries the foundation back to the period prior to 413 A.D., when it was enclosed within the walls of Theodosius.
Very probably the church was erected as a private chapel in connection with the Hebdomon Palace. Justinian restored it and added a basilica, and in the early part of the seventh century it was further restored and embellished by Crispus, son-in-law of the Emperor Phocas, who was imprisoned in it for treachery by Heraclius, and subsequently became a monk. In the early part of the twelfth century the church was rebuilt and restored by Maria Ducaina, mother-in-law of Alexius Comnenus; and about the middle of the fourteenth century its chapels and nartheces were again restored throughout and embellished by the patrician Theodoras Metochites.
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metrotravels · 2 years
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The Greek inscription
The dome is 57 feet in diameter, and rests on eight piers, intersected by a double row of thirty-four green and white columns, sixteen of which are in the lower row, and the remaining eighteen in the galleries. The Greek inscription, running round the frieze, is ornamented with carved vine leaves and grapes, and is a dedicatory poem to the two saints; but all the mosaics and frescoes forming part of the original ornamentation of the church have been covered with whitewash. Ducange states that this was the church in which the papal Nuncio, for the time being, was allowed to hold divine service in Latin ; and it was here that Pope Virgil sought refuge from the wrath of Justinian for having excommunicated Patriarch Menas; this was also the church which the Emperor attended in state every Easter Tuesday.
Mehmed Pasha Mosque, on the south-west side of the Hippodrome, not far from Kutchuk Ayiah Sofia. Admission 5 piastres (10d.). This mosque is regarded (Dr. A. G-. Paspati, ‘ BvavnvaX MeXerat ) as the ancient church of St. Anastasia Pharma- kolytria, variously attributed to Anastasius Dicorus, in the fifth century, and to Gregory Nazianzenus, the latter of whom preached orthodoxy in it during the predominance of Arianism in the city. The church has been rebuilt and restored several times, and notably by Basil of Macedon, who replaced its wooden cupola by a stone one.
Most of the ornaments and relics were carried off by the Latins during the crusade of 1204. The immediate vicinity of this church, extending as far as the Cistern of Philoxenus (Thousand and One Columns), is supposed by Dr. Paspati to have been the site of the city Praetorium and the Portico of Domninus. The church was converted into a mosque in 1571 by Mehmed Pasha Socoll, son-in-law of Selim II. The tiles with which the interior is ornamented guided tours istanbul, and especially those forming the panels over the windows and the canopy over the pulpit, are masterpieces of Persian art. The courtyard is one of the most picturesque, and makes a charming subject for sketches or photographs.
The Church in the Fields
The Church in the Fields (17 Movrj TT)? Xwpa?), now Kahriyeh Jamesi, better known to travellers as the Mosaic Mosque. Admission 5 piastres per head. The Imam (priest) in charge is not always in attendance, but lives close by, and will always come if sent for. This mosque suffered so severely during the earthquakes of 1894 as to be in danger of falling down, and it has been deemed advisable, in consequence, to close it for an indefinite period. It is situated near the land walls and close to Edimth Kaj)u (Adrianople Gate); it is one of the most interesting of all the whilom Byzantine churches, both on account of its plan and of the mosaic pictures covering the walls of its outer and inner nartheces, the greater part illustrating the life of Christ. Its Greek name, showing that it originally stood outside the city, carries the foundation back to the period prior to 413 A.D., when it was enclosed within the walls of Theodosius.
Very probably the church was erected as a private chapel in connection with the Hebdomon Palace. Justinian restored it and added a basilica, and in the early part of the seventh century it was further restored and embellished by Crispus, son-in-law of the Emperor Phocas, who was imprisoned in it for treachery by Heraclius, and subsequently became a monk. In the early part of the twelfth century the church was rebuilt and restored by Maria Ducaina, mother-in-law of Alexius Comnenus; and about the middle of the fourteenth century its chapels and nartheces were again restored throughout and embellished by the patrician Theodoras Metochites.
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xtours · 2 years
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The Greek inscription
The dome is 57 feet in diameter, and rests on eight piers, intersected by a double row of thirty-four green and white columns, sixteen of which are in the lower row, and the remaining eighteen in the galleries. The Greek inscription, running round the frieze, is ornamented with carved vine leaves and grapes, and is a dedicatory poem to the two saints; but all the mosaics and frescoes forming part of the original ornamentation of the church have been covered with whitewash. Ducange states that this was the church in which the papal Nuncio, for the time being, was allowed to hold divine service in Latin ; and it was here that Pope Virgil sought refuge from the wrath of Justinian for having excommunicated Patriarch Menas; this was also the church which the Emperor attended in state every Easter Tuesday.
Mehmed Pasha Mosque, on the south-west side of the Hippodrome, not far from Kutchuk Ayiah Sofia. Admission 5 piastres (10d.). This mosque is regarded (Dr. A. G-. Paspati, ‘ BvavnvaX MeXerat ) as the ancient church of St. Anastasia Pharma- kolytria, variously attributed to Anastasius Dicorus, in the fifth century, and to Gregory Nazianzenus, the latter of whom preached orthodoxy in it during the predominance of Arianism in the city. The church has been rebuilt and restored several times, and notably by Basil of Macedon, who replaced its wooden cupola by a stone one.
Most of the ornaments and relics were carried off by the Latins during the crusade of 1204. The immediate vicinity of this church, extending as far as the Cistern of Philoxenus (Thousand and One Columns), is supposed by Dr. Paspati to have been the site of the city Praetorium and the Portico of Domninus. The church was converted into a mosque in 1571 by Mehmed Pasha Socoll, son-in-law of Selim II. The tiles with which the interior is ornamented guided tours istanbul, and especially those forming the panels over the windows and the canopy over the pulpit, are masterpieces of Persian art. The courtyard is one of the most picturesque, and makes a charming subject for sketches or photographs.
The Church in the Fields
The Church in the Fields (17 Movrj TT)? Xwpa?), now Kahriyeh Jamesi, better known to travellers as the Mosaic Mosque. Admission 5 piastres per head. The Imam (priest) in charge is not always in attendance, but lives close by, and will always come if sent for. This mosque suffered so severely during the earthquakes of 1894 as to be in danger of falling down, and it has been deemed advisable, in consequence, to close it for an indefinite period. It is situated near the land walls and close to Edimth Kaj)u (Adrianople Gate); it is one of the most interesting of all the whilom Byzantine churches, both on account of its plan and of the mosaic pictures covering the walls of its outer and inner nartheces, the greater part illustrating the life of Christ. Its Greek name, showing that it originally stood outside the city, carries the foundation back to the period prior to 413 A.D., when it was enclosed within the walls of Theodosius.
Very probably the church was erected as a private chapel in connection with the Hebdomon Palace. Justinian restored it and added a basilica, and in the early part of the seventh century it was further restored and embellished by Crispus, son-in-law of the Emperor Phocas, who was imprisoned in it for treachery by Heraclius, and subsequently became a monk. In the early part of the twelfth century the church was rebuilt and restored by Maria Ducaina, mother-in-law of Alexius Comnenus; and about the middle of the fourteenth century its chapels and nartheces were again restored throughout and embellished by the patrician Theodoras Metochites.
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bookingtripsbg · 2 years
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The Greek inscription
The dome is 57 feet in diameter, and rests on eight piers, intersected by a double row of thirty-four green and white columns, sixteen of which are in the lower row, and the remaining eighteen in the galleries. The Greek inscription, running round the frieze, is ornamented with carved vine leaves and grapes, and is a dedicatory poem to the two saints; but all the mosaics and frescoes forming part of the original ornamentation of the church have been covered with whitewash. Ducange states that this was the church in which the papal Nuncio, for the time being, was allowed to hold divine service in Latin ; and it was here that Pope Virgil sought refuge from the wrath of Justinian for having excommunicated Patriarch Menas; this was also the church which the Emperor attended in state every Easter Tuesday.
Mehmed Pasha Mosque, on the south-west side of the Hippodrome, not far from Kutchuk Ayiah Sofia. Admission 5 piastres (10d.). This mosque is regarded (Dr. A. G-. Paspati, ‘ BvavnvaX MeXerat ) as the ancient church of St. Anastasia Pharma- kolytria, variously attributed to Anastasius Dicorus, in the fifth century, and to Gregory Nazianzenus, the latter of whom preached orthodoxy in it during the predominance of Arianism in the city. The church has been rebuilt and restored several times, and notably by Basil of Macedon, who replaced its wooden cupola by a stone one.
Most of the ornaments and relics were carried off by the Latins during the crusade of 1204. The immediate vicinity of this church, extending as far as the Cistern of Philoxenus (Thousand and One Columns), is supposed by Dr. Paspati to have been the site of the city Praetorium and the Portico of Domninus. The church was converted into a mosque in 1571 by Mehmed Pasha Socoll, son-in-law of Selim II. The tiles with which the interior is ornamented guided tours istanbul, and especially those forming the panels over the windows and the canopy over the pulpit, are masterpieces of Persian art. The courtyard is one of the most picturesque, and makes a charming subject for sketches or photographs.
The Church in the Fields
The Church in the Fields (17 Movrj TT)? Xwpa?), now Kahriyeh Jamesi, better known to travellers as the Mosaic Mosque. Admission 5 piastres per head. The Imam (priest) in charge is not always in attendance, but lives close by, and will always come if sent for. This mosque suffered so severely during the earthquakes of 1894 as to be in danger of falling down, and it has been deemed advisable, in consequence, to close it for an indefinite period. It is situated near the land walls and close to Edimth Kaj)u (Adrianople Gate); it is one of the most interesting of all the whilom Byzantine churches, both on account of its plan and of the mosaic pictures covering the walls of its outer and inner nartheces, the greater part illustrating the life of Christ. Its Greek name, showing that it originally stood outside the city, carries the foundation back to the period prior to 413 A.D., when it was enclosed within the walls of Theodosius.
Very probably the church was erected as a private chapel in connection with the Hebdomon Palace. Justinian restored it and added a basilica, and in the early part of the seventh century it was further restored and embellished by Crispus, son-in-law of the Emperor Phocas, who was imprisoned in it for treachery by Heraclius, and subsequently became a monk. In the early part of the twelfth century the church was rebuilt and restored by Maria Ducaina, mother-in-law of Alexius Comnenus; and about the middle of the fourteenth century its chapels and nartheces were again restored throughout and embellished by the patrician Theodoras Metochites.
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travellingbg · 2 years
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The Greek inscription
The dome is 57 feet in diameter, and rests on eight piers, intersected by a double row of thirty-four green and white columns, sixteen of which are in the lower row, and the remaining eighteen in the galleries. The Greek inscription, running round the frieze, is ornamented with carved vine leaves and grapes, and is a dedicatory poem to the two saints; but all the mosaics and frescoes forming part of the original ornamentation of the church have been covered with whitewash. Ducange states that this was the church in which the papal Nuncio, for the time being, was allowed to hold divine service in Latin ; and it was here that Pope Virgil sought refuge from the wrath of Justinian for having excommunicated Patriarch Menas; this was also the church which the Emperor attended in state every Easter Tuesday.
Mehmed Pasha Mosque, on the south-west side of the Hippodrome, not far from Kutchuk Ayiah Sofia. Admission 5 piastres (10d.). This mosque is regarded (Dr. A. G-. Paspati, ‘ BvavnvaX MeXerat ) as the ancient church of St. Anastasia Pharma- kolytria, variously attributed to Anastasius Dicorus, in the fifth century, and to Gregory Nazianzenus, the latter of whom preached orthodoxy in it during the predominance of Arianism in the city. The church has been rebuilt and restored several times, and notably by Basil of Macedon, who replaced its wooden cupola by a stone one.
Most of the ornaments and relics were carried off by the Latins during the crusade of 1204. The immediate vicinity of this church, extending as far as the Cistern of Philoxenus (Thousand and One Columns), is supposed by Dr. Paspati to have been the site of the city Praetorium and the Portico of Domninus. The church was converted into a mosque in 1571 by Mehmed Pasha Socoll, son-in-law of Selim II. The tiles with which the interior is ornamented guided tours istanbul, and especially those forming the panels over the windows and the canopy over the pulpit, are masterpieces of Persian art. The courtyard is one of the most picturesque, and makes a charming subject for sketches or photographs.
The Church in the Fields
The Church in the Fields (17 Movrj TT)? Xwpa?), now Kahriyeh Jamesi, better known to travellers as the Mosaic Mosque. Admission 5 piastres per head. The Imam (priest) in charge is not always in attendance, but lives close by, and will always come if sent for. This mosque suffered so severely during the earthquakes of 1894 as to be in danger of falling down, and it has been deemed advisable, in consequence, to close it for an indefinite period. It is situated near the land walls and close to Edimth Kaj)u (Adrianople Gate); it is one of the most interesting of all the whilom Byzantine churches, both on account of its plan and of the mosaic pictures covering the walls of its outer and inner nartheces, the greater part illustrating the life of Christ. Its Greek name, showing that it originally stood outside the city, carries the foundation back to the period prior to 413 A.D., when it was enclosed within the walls of Theodosius.
Very probably the church was erected as a private chapel in connection with the Hebdomon Palace. Justinian restored it and added a basilica, and in the early part of the seventh century it was further restored and embellished by Crispus, son-in-law of the Emperor Phocas, who was imprisoned in it for treachery by Heraclius, and subsequently became a monk. In the early part of the twelfth century the church was rebuilt and restored by Maria Ducaina, mother-in-law of Alexius Comnenus; and about the middle of the fourteenth century its chapels and nartheces were again restored throughout and embellished by the patrician Theodoras Metochites.
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The Greek inscription
The dome is 57 feet in diameter, and rests on eight piers, intersected by a double row of thirty-four green and white columns, sixteen of which are in the lower row, and the remaining eighteen in the galleries. The Greek inscription, running round the frieze, is ornamented with carved vine leaves and grapes, and is a dedicatory poem to the two saints; but all the mosaics and frescoes forming part of the original ornamentation of the church have been covered with whitewash. Ducange states that this was the church in which the papal Nuncio, for the time being, was allowed to hold divine service in Latin ; and it was here that Pope Virgil sought refuge from the wrath of Justinian for having excommunicated Patriarch Menas; this was also the church which the Emperor attended in state every Easter Tuesday.
Mehmed Pasha Mosque, on the south-west side of the Hippodrome, not far from Kutchuk Ayiah Sofia. Admission 5 piastres (10d.). This mosque is regarded (Dr. A. G-. Paspati, ‘ BvavnvaX MeXerat ) as the ancient church of St. Anastasia Pharma- kolytria, variously attributed to Anastasius Dicorus, in the fifth century, and to Gregory Nazianzenus, the latter of whom preached orthodoxy in it during the predominance of Arianism in the city. The church has been rebuilt and restored several times, and notably by Basil of Macedon, who replaced its wooden cupola by a stone one.
Most of the ornaments and relics were carried off by the Latins during the crusade of 1204. The immediate vicinity of this church, extending as far as the Cistern of Philoxenus (Thousand and One Columns), is supposed by Dr. Paspati to have been the site of the city Praetorium and the Portico of Domninus. The church was converted into a mosque in 1571 by Mehmed Pasha Socoll, son-in-law of Selim II. The tiles with which the interior is ornamented guided tours istanbul, and especially those forming the panels over the windows and the canopy over the pulpit, are masterpieces of Persian art. The courtyard is one of the most picturesque, and makes a charming subject for sketches or photographs.
The Church in the Fields
The Church in the Fields (17 Movrj TT)? Xwpa?), now Kahriyeh Jamesi, better known to travellers as the Mosaic Mosque. Admission 5 piastres per head. The Imam (priest) in charge is not always in attendance, but lives close by, and will always come if sent for. This mosque suffered so severely during the earthquakes of 1894 as to be in danger of falling down, and it has been deemed advisable, in consequence, to close it for an indefinite period. It is situated near the land walls and close to Edimth Kaj)u (Adrianople Gate); it is one of the most interesting of all the whilom Byzantine churches, both on account of its plan and of the mosaic pictures covering the walls of its outer and inner nartheces, the greater part illustrating the life of Christ. Its Greek name, showing that it originally stood outside the city, carries the foundation back to the period prior to 413 A.D., when it was enclosed within the walls of Theodosius.
Very probably the church was erected as a private chapel in connection with the Hebdomon Palace. Justinian restored it and added a basilica, and in the early part of the seventh century it was further restored and embellished by Crispus, son-in-law of the Emperor Phocas, who was imprisoned in it for treachery by Heraclius, and subsequently became a monk. In the early part of the twelfth century the church was rebuilt and restored by Maria Ducaina, mother-in-law of Alexius Comnenus; and about the middle of the fourteenth century its chapels and nartheces were again restored throughout and embellished by the patrician Theodoras Metochites.
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goingholiday · 2 years
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The Greek inscription
The dome is 57 feet in diameter, and rests on eight piers, intersected by a double row of thirty-four green and white columns, sixteen of which are in the lower row, and the remaining eighteen in the galleries. The Greek inscription, running round the frieze, is ornamented with carved vine leaves and grapes, and is a dedicatory poem to the two saints; but all the mosaics and frescoes forming part of the original ornamentation of the church have been covered with whitewash. Ducange states that this was the church in which the papal Nuncio, for the time being, was allowed to hold divine service in Latin ; and it was here that Pope Virgil sought refuge from the wrath of Justinian for having excommunicated Patriarch Menas; this was also the church which the Emperor attended in state every Easter Tuesday.
Mehmed Pasha Mosque, on the south-west side of the Hippodrome, not far from Kutchuk Ayiah Sofia. Admission 5 piastres (10d.). This mosque is regarded (Dr. A. G-. Paspati, ‘ BvavnvaX MeXerat ) as the ancient church of St. Anastasia Pharma- kolytria, variously attributed to Anastasius Dicorus, in the fifth century, and to Gregory Nazianzenus, the latter of whom preached orthodoxy in it during the predominance of Arianism in the city. The church has been rebuilt and restored several times, and notably by Basil of Macedon, who replaced its wooden cupola by a stone one.
Most of the ornaments and relics were carried off by the Latins during the crusade of 1204. The immediate vicinity of this church, extending as far as the Cistern of Philoxenus (Thousand and One Columns), is supposed by Dr. Paspati to have been the site of the city Praetorium and the Portico of Domninus. The church was converted into a mosque in 1571 by Mehmed Pasha Socoll, son-in-law of Selim II. The tiles with which the interior is ornamented guided tours istanbul, and especially those forming the panels over the windows and the canopy over the pulpit, are masterpieces of Persian art. The courtyard is one of the most picturesque, and makes a charming subject for sketches or photographs.
The Church in the Fields
The Church in the Fields (17 Movrj TT)? Xwpa?), now Kahriyeh Jamesi, better known to travellers as the Mosaic Mosque. Admission 5 piastres per head. The Imam (priest) in charge is not always in attendance, but lives close by, and will always come if sent for. This mosque suffered so severely during the earthquakes of 1894 as to be in danger of falling down, and it has been deemed advisable, in consequence, to close it for an indefinite period. It is situated near the land walls and close to Edimth Kaj)u (Adrianople Gate); it is one of the most interesting of all the whilom Byzantine churches, both on account of its plan and of the mosaic pictures covering the walls of its outer and inner nartheces, the greater part illustrating the life of Christ. Its Greek name, showing that it originally stood outside the city, carries the foundation back to the period prior to 413 A.D., when it was enclosed within the walls of Theodosius.
Very probably the church was erected as a private chapel in connection with the Hebdomon Palace. Justinian restored it and added a basilica, and in the early part of the seventh century it was further restored and embellished by Crispus, son-in-law of the Emperor Phocas, who was imprisoned in it for treachery by Heraclius, and subsequently became a monk. In the early part of the twelfth century the church was rebuilt and restored by Maria Ducaina, mother-in-law of Alexius Comnenus; and about the middle of the fourteenth century its chapels and nartheces were again restored throughout and embellished by the patrician Theodoras Metochites.
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bookingacruise · 2 years
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The Greek inscription
The dome is 57 feet in diameter, and rests on eight piers, intersected by a double row of thirty-four green and white columns, sixteen of which are in the lower row, and the remaining eighteen in the galleries. The Greek inscription, running round the frieze, is ornamented with carved vine leaves and grapes, and is a dedicatory poem to the two saints; but all the mosaics and frescoes forming part of the original ornamentation of the church have been covered with whitewash. Ducange states that this was the church in which the papal Nuncio, for the time being, was allowed to hold divine service in Latin ; and it was here that Pope Virgil sought refuge from the wrath of Justinian for having excommunicated Patriarch Menas; this was also the church which the Emperor attended in state every Easter Tuesday.
Mehmed Pasha Mosque, on the south-west side of the Hippodrome, not far from Kutchuk Ayiah Sofia. Admission 5 piastres (10d.). This mosque is regarded (Dr. A. G-. Paspati, ‘ BvavnvaX MeXerat ) as the ancient church of St. Anastasia Pharma- kolytria, variously attributed to Anastasius Dicorus, in the fifth century, and to Gregory Nazianzenus, the latter of whom preached orthodoxy in it during the predominance of Arianism in the city. The church has been rebuilt and restored several times, and notably by Basil of Macedon, who replaced its wooden cupola by a stone one.
Most of the ornaments and relics were carried off by the Latins during the crusade of 1204. The immediate vicinity of this church, extending as far as the Cistern of Philoxenus (Thousand and One Columns), is supposed by Dr. Paspati to have been the site of the city Praetorium and the Portico of Domninus. The church was converted into a mosque in 1571 by Mehmed Pasha Socoll, son-in-law of Selim II. The tiles with which the interior is ornamented guided tours istanbul, and especially those forming the panels over the windows and the canopy over the pulpit, are masterpieces of Persian art. The courtyard is one of the most picturesque, and makes a charming subject for sketches or photographs.
The Church in the Fields
The Church in the Fields (17 Movrj TT)? Xwpa?), now Kahriyeh Jamesi, better known to travellers as the Mosaic Mosque. Admission 5 piastres per head. The Imam (priest) in charge is not always in attendance, but lives close by, and will always come if sent for. This mosque suffered so severely during the earthquakes of 1894 as to be in danger of falling down, and it has been deemed advisable, in consequence, to close it for an indefinite period. It is situated near the land walls and close to Edimth Kaj)u (Adrianople Gate); it is one of the most interesting of all the whilom Byzantine churches, both on account of its plan and of the mosaic pictures covering the walls of its outer and inner nartheces, the greater part illustrating the life of Christ. Its Greek name, showing that it originally stood outside the city, carries the foundation back to the period prior to 413 A.D., when it was enclosed within the walls of Theodosius.
Very probably the church was erected as a private chapel in connection with the Hebdomon Palace. Justinian restored it and added a basilica, and in the early part of the seventh century it was further restored and embellished by Crispus, son-in-law of the Emperor Phocas, who was imprisoned in it for treachery by Heraclius, and subsequently became a monk. In the early part of the twelfth century the church was rebuilt and restored by Maria Ducaina, mother-in-law of Alexius Comnenus; and about the middle of the fourteenth century its chapels and nartheces were again restored throughout and embellished by the patrician Theodoras Metochites.
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itseulitodoinog · 2 years
REPENTANCE AND NEW DIRECTIONS Acts 2:38 [38]Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. *DO NOT HARDENED YOUR HEART. *Always ask for forgiveness. *You must know your sin or mistakes. *When we choose our own ways surely mapapahamak tayo at hindi magbubunga ng maganda. *Piliin mong laging magsisi sa Panginoon. *180 degrees when we repent. *360 degrees paulit ulit. *Sincere hearts in repentance. *Repentance means we are truly sorry for our sin. *Do not boast. *accept your mistakes. *Repentance means to change life or new life. *When we make sins we offend God we makes him broken hearted. * *Those who makes sin produces spiritual deaths 2 Corinthians 7:10 [10]Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death. Psalm 32:5 [5]Then I acknowledged my sin to you    and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, “I will confess    my transgressions to the Lord.” And you forgave    the guilt of my sin. *When we don't have God we don't have directions too. *Acts 26:20 [20]First to those in Damascus, then to those in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and then to the Gentiles, I preached that they should repent and turn to God and demonstrate their repentance by their deeds. *Matthew 3:8 [8]Produce fruit in keeping with repentance. *Ang pagbabago ay isang proseso, paunti onti. *Forgive those who sins against us *Matuto tayong magpatawad. *Minsan pa'y pinatawad ka kaya't magpatawad ka. *Matthew 18:21-22 [21]Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” [22]Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times. *Learn to forgive. *Hebrews 12:15 [15]See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many. *Brokeness turns to healing. *When you are angry your heart is full of bitterness and curse. Don't let it. *Matthew 27:27-31 [27]Then the governor’s soldiers took Jesus into the Praetorium and gathered the whole company of soldiers around him. [28]They stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him, [29]and then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on his head. They put a staff in his right hand. Then they knelt in front of him and mocked him. “Hail, king of the Jews!” they said. [30]They spit on him, and took the staff and struck him on the head again and again. [31]After they had mocked him, they took off the robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him away to crucify him. *Pag nagpatawad ka wag mo nang balikan ang nakaraan. *Favor blessings to those who repent and to those who forgives. *when we sinned ask God for forgiveness. *
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