#christian drug rehab Near Me
faithfarministries · 2 years
The Benefits of our Faith-Based Rehabilitation
You can find support at a religiously based rehab as you battle your alcoholism. You will benefit from these drug and alcohol treatment facilities in the following ways:
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Offering a Christ-Centered lifestyle
We will advise the students to enroll in our sober living facility. This is for those who require ongoing care following rehabilitation. These sober living residences serve as homes that provide a safe haven for healing within the framework of the Christian faith.
They Provide a System of Support Based on Faith
Christian based rehabs near me provide services for overcoming alcohol misuse and other behavioral problems through faith. Our Christian-based rehabilitation facility is built to assist you in overcoming these problems and to provide you the opportunity to grow spiritually as you forge a solid bond with your faith.
A Careful Approach
Our Christian-based institutions will support anyone looking for help with alcohol and drug addiction by lowering the chance of relapse and making the transition from treatment to the real world much easier. The healing resources provided by your Christian treatment will be aligned with what you learned at the clinic. A Christian-based institution differs solely in that it includes different religious teachings in its curriculum.
The addict's commitment and desire to stay sober have a significant impact on how well rehab goes. The long road to sobriety can only be navigated with commitment, tenacity, and a burning desire to succeed. So, any recovery facility can be effective. All of it depends on the individual.
Gives access to Christian mentors
If you identify as a Christian, a Christ-centered facility will provide you with Christian mentors to help you recover, bridging the gap between addiction and sobriety. This enables you to gain control over your behavior, thoughts, and emotions. The mentors offer powerful coaches and role models for your recovery journey and a supportive environment for growth because they hold the same values as you.
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alcohol rehab for women georgia: Get into the reformation process with rehab services
Addiction needs immediate attention:
 Being one of the biggest headaches of the society, addiction is on its very way to disturb a lot of families. When we know that addiction is tough to leave activity of one’s life, we cannot just stick on to the older campaigning, advertising processes explaining the awful repercussions of addiction, we need to take this to the next level by showing them the appropriate path of reformation, mentions drug rehab for women San Antonio. 
Encouraging people to opt for healthy habits and encouraging the addicts to take help of professional rehab experts instead of awful abusive substances, at the Best Christian Rehabs we help individuals to live a meaningful contented life. 
 A quick look on the history may help:
 Giving up on an addict and verbal abuse to the person indulged in addiction, won’t help anyone to get peace, rather we need to dig down and work on the reasons which promoted this addiction in the particular person. When digging down the past is not a good start of healing, drug rehab for teen Quarryville mentions that knowing the reasons behind the person’s addiction will help us plan personalized sessions during the rehab program. After a number of cases been solved, we came up with the following probable reasons lying behind addiction:
Stay aware of the behaviour of people you are     spending time with. Subconscious state of mind usually imitates behaviour     of those people with whom you spend most of your time. Your cool friend     gang, office colleagues, school circle, etc. are the groups you may have,     so try being cautious while joining someone’s company. See if the person     is having any awful addiction or not!
In some families, their dysfunctionality     reflects negativity to their upcoming generations, like if the parents or     elders enjoy addictions with no guilt, then the young one at the home     feels it is their legitimate right to enjoy the addiction, says addiction     rehab for women San Antonio. Learning starts from a healthy home atmosphere, so we inspire     parents to maintain a moral sanity at their home, which can be the best     way to keep their teens healthy and away from addiction.
Must have seen people saying that they are     drinking alcohol because they are stressed. Well, many feel that the only     medicine to all their mental loads is the alcohol or drug consumption,     which is completely myth. Alcohol rehab     for women San Antonio states that the dreadful abusive drive an     illusional happiness when consumed and people think they are therapeutic,     which is wrong.
 Thus, there are many such reasons that trigger addiction among teens, adults of our society and our sole responsibility becomes to assist them to find the right path of peace. With expert help and self-confidence, addicts will replace their awful habits with productive ones through our sessions. We want to hear more about your issues, and want you to listen more about our services. Do call us! For more details visit us @ https://bestchristianrehabs.org/
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purplesurveys · 4 years
My dad is starting to gear me up for ~adult life~ and has made me start a Paypal, a social security number, and all that jazz and it’s making me immensely anxious, so expect more surveys than usual in the next few days lmao.
How frequently are you inclined to read, and how much? Not frequent at all. I’ll read only if I have to; and when it comes to reading for leisure, I’ll only reread books I’ve already read in the past. I find it sad considering how big of a bookworm I was as a kid. When was the last time you questioned the direction your life was taking? Right now, what with the Covid crisis. My life would have been mapped out ever so neatly if my life’s schedule went as expected - finish the sem, finish my thesis, graduate, travel for a bit, get a job. Now that that has been thrown out the window I essentially have to start from scratch and go into the world blind. And if you've been reading my surveys, you’ll know my least favorite thing to have to deal with is big change. Would you say that your personal views align with society's, generally? Not the society I have no choice but to be surrounded by, which is mostly Catholic, homophobic, sexist, and just very backwards in general. But when it comes to people I voluntarily choose to be with, like the friends I make and the people I follow on social media, I make sure their views are as liberal as mine so I don’t go completely crazy. ^ If not, in what ways do your opinions drastically differ? I just said it, but yeah Filipinos continue to be very resistant to more open-minded, modern views. Girls will still often be told to cover up, religions other than Christianity are viewed as wrong and of lower status, abortion is the most scandalous thing a woman could do, drug addicts must be handled with bullets and not rehab, etc. Basically everything you can roll your eyes over, that’s what Filipinos will tend to side with; and it’s very difficult to want to have your voice heard here because you will be ridiculed and thrown Bible verses instead of legit arguments. What small things have the ability to get under your skin? People who only start picking their orders once they’re the ones at the cashier, drivers who do have their turn signal on but will go THE OTHER DIRECTION, finding out there’s a car accident and I find out traffic has been building up only because drivers slow down to look at the crash site. The last one makes me especially mad every time it happens lol.
When was the last time you were caused to be upset with someone? I haven’t been upset with anyone in a while. If I’m upset these days, blame it on the weather. ^ Have you made up with that individual yet, or will you ever? I will never be ok with the summer climate over here. What is something small that has the ability to cure a bad mood? Hearing a favorite song on the radio as I’m driving, hitting all the green lights while driving, finding a parking spot near the mall entrance... man I really miss going out :(( What beverage is best capable of quenching your thirst? Water. What was the last big change through which you went? It hasn’t happened yet but I’ll be graduating and will officially be done with school forever in a few weeks. I mean, that’s the case unless I decide to take up a master’s but honestly the chances of that are super blurry as I’m over school at this point. ^ Do you deal well with change, typically? Have you always? I am honestly terrible at it and as much as I’m excited to get my first real job, I’m also scared to see how my adjustment pans out. I’ve had a pattern for not being able to adapt well to a new phase – I didn’t adjust in high school until my junior year, and I didn’t adjust in college until the latter half of my sophomore year. I really wish the trend doesn’t continue in the workplace because I can’t handle another mental slump. How do you feel after spending a great quantity of time online? I feel nothing? I mean I need the internet to do almost everything so it’s just become a part of daily routine; it’s normalized already. I would tend to feel some shame if I’ve been unproductive online when I could’ve been doing much more important stuff, but I’ve been avoiding that - I’ve been working on my thesis again, working on stuff for my org, participating in my other extracurriculars, etc. I feel relatively productive given the current circumstances. What do you consider to be the biggest drawback to being you? Like I said, I’m terrible with change. It takes forever for me to warm up to new conditions, and in that period I tend to feel very alone and miserable. I don’t know why I’ve never learned to just get out and make friends earlier. What do you consider the best part of being who you are? ^ Related to said drawback, once I have adjusted to the change, I do very well. I make lots of friends and am back to being my bubbly, social self. I just wish She could come out more easily. What kinds of things do you have on display in your room? Several Audrey Hepburn frames, a couple of paintings, and a poster of a Korean actor. What do you think your room and its contents say about you, if anything? I think more than anything you’ll see how my interests have shifted over the years haha. There’s tons of old WWE magazines, Paramore albums, Beyoncé albums and DVDs, crafty stuff like painting sets and coloring books, etc. When was the last time you felt insecure about something/some situation? Half hour ago when my dad was encouraging me to register for a bunch of grownup stuff. He doesn’t pester me a lot in small bits everyday (which I would really prefer); he’s more of a I’ll-dump-all-this-shit-on-you-in-one-go kind of person, which pressures me even more. I mean I’m excited for this new chapter but I wish he didn’t tell me to start a bank account and a Paypal and a social security number and a TIN all at the same time. What is something about which you are very confident or self-assured? I pride myself on being a good worker/co-worker. Do you ever stop to contemplate infinity? No. Are you comfortable amongst nature, or does the wilderness discomfit you? Sure, it makes me feel at peace. When was the last time someone or something caught you off guard? Andrew did a buuuunch of progress on our thesis this afternoon after a few days of passive-aggressively telling him that I’ve been doing all the work in the last week. How much time do you put into maintaining your appearance and hygiene? I don’t want to take a lot of time since I’m usually on a tight schedule but I do put enough effort to look and smell nice, if that makes sense. Like I wouldn’t take hours to do my makeup and put up an intricate hairdo, but I will still make sure I don’t exit the house looking shabby. Are there any foods you eat daily? . . . Or wish you could? I have rice and some sort of meat everyday. When was the last time someone new entered your life? Start of the semester when we had a new wave of applicants joining our org. ^ What was your first impression of that individual? They all seemed nice and fun to be around, and I’m glad their batch has had amazing chemistry from the get-go. But because of the lockdown I never got to know them all that well so I’m a little sad about it, since I’m already graduating. Do you put much thought into your handwriting? No? It’s not really something I can control anyway haha. What are some of the top priorities in your life right now? Ugh I’ve talked about this so much on here that it’s almost stupid because I take these surveys to begin with to distract myself from my current anxieties only for the surveys to ask about said anxieties ksksksks. Can I say pass for now? Lol In general, how do you feel about romantic relationships? They’re nice, and it feels good to have a person you can share everything to, be affectionate with, who supports you in everything, etc. I’ve been used to being in one for so long now I honestly can’t imagine being single. Which emotional sensation inconveniences or bothers you the most? As if I haven’t talked about it on this single survey enough, anxiety. Are you capable of consoling others in their grief? It depends on how bad is the thing they’re grieving and how accepting they are of help. I don’t know if I’m capable of talking to someone who has lost a parent, but I’ll be able to talk to a friend who’s going through a breakup. Do you ever find it awkward to compliment another being? No. I can give compliments, but I’m unable to take them. When was the last time you had a new experience? What was it? Earlier this afternoon when my dad made me make a Paypal hahaha. Skskss plz stop reminding me of scary things Do you dress more for yourself, or to the expectations of others? A little bit of both. I want to look nice, but I also make sure I keep up with the trends so others think I look nice. What kinds of things tend to stress you out? The stuff I’ve mentioned throughout this survey... What is one way you cope when you feel like crap? I watch videos, I eat whatever I’m craving, I talk about it with my girlfriend, I hug my dog... I have a lot of coping mechanisms.
Name an insult you regularly receive, if there is one? My mom tells me so many insults on a regular basis I can put each one of them in a spinning wheel and give you whatever comes out lol. Name a site that takes up a lot of your time? YouTube. What is something you used to believe about life that you no longer do? That money was easy to acquire. It was certainly so easy to fantasize about as a kid. What is a lesson you have recently learned? I don’t recall picking up anything new lately. Realizations, sure; but I’m not sure about lessons. Do you have a tendency to look on the morbid side of life? Sometimes. When was the last time you went shopping? What did you buy? A weekend before the quarantine. I bought a couple of new tops. When you shop for clothing, how long does it take you? 10-15 minutes tops. I just pick out whatever looks pretty. What is something fun you have done within the past week? It’s been a horrid week. I can’t answer this question. What is something you hope you never have to do again? Stay at home with nothing to do for this long. How does the rain affect your mood, if it does? It makes me feel happy and at peace.
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shesawriter39049 · 5 years
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2K SNEAK PEEK (Full things looking like it will be between 10-11k)
AU SUMMARY :  A powerful alliance made up of of 4 families spanning over a decade, is suddenly turned on its head when one family has a new leader after an unexpected death. Well let’s just say he’s not down to follow the somewhat civilized rules your families have inforced. Sooo now, it’s game on…
WARNINGS: Very,very breif mentions of somone OD’ing and breif mentions of sex work! Just so ya can’t say I didin’t warn ya!
LOCATION : 40 Sudbury St, Boston, MA 
TIME: 2:07 PM
“Don’t look too excited to see me…” A coy smile tugged on the corners of sheriff Morales lips as closed the door walking over to take a seat in front of Taehyung.
Facial expression still reading the same amount of inconvenience, annoyance,exhaustion, unamusement, lack of interest, shall I continue?
“You litterally arrested me, after I just hopped off a 15 hour flight, outside of Leo’s viewing, yes...Monti I’m fucking thrilled to be here…” The level of crass that danced throughout his voice earned a chuckle from the elder.
“It’s not like I took you away in cuffs I just simply asked if we could talk down at the station, you know you didn't have to tell me yes..” There was an underlying condescending demeanor that laid within his voice.
Taehyung’s eyes instnatly rolled to the back of his head as he huffed out a exaggerated sigh “Yeah because I’d totally prefer the alternative which would be you on my door at 1am while I’m in the middle of having sex. Yeah no, I’m good on that, I’d rather just ride down here, in that gaudy ass ford and talk ...” Reclining slightly in his chair as, lacing his fingers together to cradle behind his neck.
“Oh for fucks sake, I’m sorry my work car isn't boujee enough to go with your Gucci…” Tone snarky as every as he gestured to Tae’s baby pink, slim fit, Italian cotton dress shirt.
Earning an unamused brow raise from the younger “Actually this is one of my more modest pieces it’s Hugo but continue..” A smirk tugging on the corners of his lips as he continued pushing the officers buttons. Clearly the two of them were very comfortable with each other by now, weather that’s a good or bad thing is currently up for debate.
“Oh my bad Fugo…” Sheriff Morales rolled his eyes not even aware of the miss pronunciation triggering a low chuckle from Taehyung.
“Hugo…” he countered almost sign-song like, always one to have the last word and at that point Morales was over it. 
“Listen kid, I don’t care about your overpriced Easter Sunday shirt! I care about the two 18 year- old boys that have turned up dead within barley 72 hours!”
Taehyung’s brow furrowed in confusion as he ran his fingers through his hair, actually deciding to stop being a little shit and listen.
“I don’t know if you’re aware , or if you were already out jet setting while buying more Gucci, and Hugo” Making sure to put  emphasis on the pronunciation of “Hugo” since Taehyung corrected him moment’s prior.. “But almost 3 days ago, we found him…” 
Raising his Ipad to show a picture of a person Taehyung didn’t even remotely recognize, earning no type of physical reaction. Which is what Morales was secretly checking for, but taehyung knew that already, trying to catch him off guard to see if the faces would trigger any emotions. Only in all honesty this one really didn't!
“He was found dead in the back of car on the side of the highway, a really nice one actually...Mercedes AMG, completely doped out, he appears to have OD. There were some needles,and a combination of other drugs in addition to some cash left in the car ...” 
Okay, now Taehyung was really confused, that it definitely was NOT the kid from a couple nights ago. Dropping his neck, squinting, adjusting the angle of his head  slightly as he continued investigating the picture. Almost as if he was trying to see if the face would change the more looked at it  but no, that just wasn’t him!
After a few seconds, of observing Taehyung’s body language and lack of response, he moved onto the next picture .Keeping the device facing him until he was ready for Tae’s reaction..
“Around 11am today….we found, him…” Flipping the Ipad around to show the  second picture and thank god Taehyung was a pro when it came to his poker face , because THAT’S the boy he recognized..gazing straight ahead, almost aiming through the paper at this point.
“Channel 2 don’t even know about this yet-”
He heard Taehyung clear his throat as he re-adjusted in his seat “So, why am I here, why am I getting the breaking exclusive!?Not like I’m some damn reporter  reporter running around in penny loafers.” Keeping the same dry snarky tone, not wanting to show any inflated emotions in response to the second image.
“No smart ass your not...if you’d shut up and let me continue maybe will get to why your here yeah!?” Brow arched at the implied question, whilst tae didn't even verbally respond, just flagging his hand gesturing for him to continue.
“ANYWAYS,it appears the two of them are, well were kinda sorta friends, but this kid, the druggie if you will, is pretty well known around that area as such. His name is Jeff, he’s 18 and has been in and out of rehab more times than anyone can count. The boy on the right..”
Cringing internally he never wanted to know the boys name...he just didn't, almost a second away from internally screaming so he didn’t have to put a name to the face! 
“Chritstian, 18, foster kid….he was found in the back bathroom of a packie he works at down in the Dot-”
“Again, no disrespect but why. Am. I. Here!? I’m tired, I have a migrane and I’m hungry please get to the point.” The aggervation was dripping from his tongue at this point, way past exhausted and disgusted to listen to some long drawn out story.Even though after the past 50 some odd hours he’d just spent in China all he really want’s is to go home and crawl in bed with you!
Rolling his eyes at Teahyung’s lack of patience before continuing the story.
“This packies a little shady, actually a lot shady, everything from drug deals to sex work has been rumored to happen in the storage room. The only cameras they have outside, angled in front of the back alley entrance. There low quality, probably intentionally but the quality was atleast good  enough for us to see this…” 
Pulling up a video on his ipad, propping it on it’s stand for the two of them to watch together. Around 1:30Am they can see Christian, who phsycially backed into the alley, get out of the Mercades heading into the store. Gazing at the screen as Morales speeds up the tape a good 10 or so minutes. Only to find Jeff walk up to the same door, due to the time, the packie was technically closed, it even seems Christian willingly let him in. 
Just as Taehyung was about to make a snarky comment about how this has nothing to do with him, you can see the tail end of a car parked at the end of the alley. It’s unclear if Jeff actually got out of the car or not, but just the placement alone at this time of nigh is hella suspect. 
Zoomining in slightly on the car in question ...even through the pixelation, there’s a little custom badge by the back fender. 
The realization has the loudest cackle ripping from Taehyung's throat, while Morales jerks back in his seat not even sure how to process current display unfolding before his eyes. The combination of jet lag and just utter disbelif has Taehyung’ combusting until his face is damn near the same color as his shirt, and tears are threatening the corners of his eyes. 
“Ah, shit, that’s funny…” Leaning up to bracing his weight on his arm as he cradled the side of his face between his middle finger and thumb. A smug smirk tugging on the corners of his cheeks as he gazed back in Morales direction. 
(Picks up where part 3 ends) 
You found yourself almost caressing the back of his head the more the reporter talked, apparently it was some random woman who found him. She said she was just driving home from work around 5am, she was a nurse and the light was left on, out of habit she just felt the need to see if everything was okay.
[Woman on the new’s being interview ]
“The position of his head, and the way his jaw laxed, could just appear as he was sleeping to the naked eye. But I’m an ER nurse have been for almost 15 years I recognize the symptoms right away. I tried to revive him prior to calling 911, even against my better judgment ,but he had been out for at least an hour, it was no use…” 
“The police are still trying to put two and two together as it really doesn't make sense, there was cash in the car, as well as the car itself is a mystery. We have finally identified the young man in the car, his family as also been contacted-” 
Right as she was about to say his name, and ask if anyone knew anything to please contact the police he shot up, almost bolting for the door. Almost as if he knew the boys name it would seem all too real. Little did you know it’s because Taehyung puropusly never asked for his name, he’s not stupid is men knew, they even had a pciture of his ID. But Tae felt like this boy deserved to have something for him, and him only...so his name was never spoken.
You contemplated back and forth for a couple moments before ultimately decided to go check on him.
The sound of your heels echoed through the hallway of the “Employees only” area..trying to figure out where he could be “I’m over here..” The bass in his voice rumbled off the walls , almost startling you, not expecting for him to actually reach out to you.
You found him resting against the wall hands in the pocket of his jack, gazing up at the ceiling
 “ The boys did a full z30, and went over it with a black light..not that it even matters now.” Voice trailing off slightly as he brought his attention down to his boots, fidgeting with the rings on his fingers.
 “They actually ended up taking the car to some park,I guess they decided to change locations  after I knocked the mother fucker out. Opting to not sterilize an entire car on his property,while he tends to his dislocated dorsum. “ A slight smirk moved up his face as he gazed over at you “So if you're thinking I’m worried about me..I’m not..the plate was switched, garmin removed, and the cars not even registered.I’m just….” Shaking his head in slight disbelief as he runs over the past 24 hours in his head.  “I don’t think he really even know how fucked up and dangerous this all really is, especially when you barely know what you're doin’ to begin with. He’s a walking death wish and he’s gonna fuck around and have it granted by someone that coudle been his ally..” 
Even though his tone was hushed you could still feel the anger radiating off his body, raking his fingers through his hair, sinking back into the wall. “Come’ere, I know you didn't come out here to listen to me bitch from a far…” Signaling for you with his fingers, trying to hide the smile that was tugging up your face as you swayed in his direction. Opting to give him his space, not in the mood to get your face cracked, emotions far too fragile for that right now. You’ll end up shooting his indecisive ass, at this point. 
Once you were in arms reached he pulled you into his frame, a slight squeal leaving your throat from how quickly he grabbed you
One hand resting on the hinge of your jaw the other one your waist , palm soothing up the small of your back. “How are you feelin’?” The question threw you off a little you found your eyes fluttering away from his and he noticed instantly. Tilting your head until you had no choice but to look at him. The emphasises on the  word “you”  let  you know he was well aware that your always the one checking on him ..asking how he’s feeling. Now it’s his turn to do the same, I mean sure a good 17 years a litter but at least it’s a start right!? 
Letting a deep sigh leave your body before responding “I’m angry, confused, and a little scared if I’m being honest but-”
Cutting you off immediately , shaking his head, a scof leaving his body in response “Over my dead body, will anything ever happen to you, so you can scratch that shit off your list of issues real quick..” He wasn’t asking , he was telling you how this was going to go and his tone left zero room for debate.
Tilting your head back slightly, blowing out a slow breath , you could feel your eyes burning as you kept fluttering them. Attempting to cut off the tears desperately trying to run down your face, funny thing is, even though you cried eariler today. That’s not a common trait for you no matter how upset you get, your not the most intune with your emotions either if we're being honest. You didn’t open up easily and hated, crying in front of people more than anything, you were just as much as a working progress as Taehyung.
The phrase “over my dead body…”was used very frequently, typically over minor issues, even jokingly for most. But it would always hold a deeper, darker meaning in your heart, the last person to say that to you was your mother. Used in the same context as Kim Taehyung and she meant it, wholeheartedly!  You found yourself trying to pull away, not wanting to let him see you fall apart, because you knew you were going to. The more you tugged the tighter his grip became, “Tae please. Let. Me. Go…” You wouldn't look at him, staring up at the light fixture to your right, tone extremely dry, almost passive. The grip you held on his forearms got even tighter as you waited in silence,almost clinging to him.
He wasn’t going to fight you on this, if you wanted out..here ya go, the last squeez on your waist wasn’t possessive. Almost comforting as if he was letting you know if you wanted to come back he’d be right here. Tentatively loosening the grip he healed around your waist, letting you pull away from him, almost losing your balance in the process. Not realizing how much you were leaning on him despite trying to pull away all at the same time. 
Yet you didn't move, the grip you held on his arms never faltered, dropping your gaze down to your feet, as he gently took you back into his arms. Bringing your hips flush to his, I guess you never realized he eased you the same way you did him. The feeling of your chest rising and falling against his as you coxed yourself out of crying, a single tear managing to slip out of your right eye before you could stop it. Turning your head, brushing it onto your shoulder hastily, your grip tightened as both eyes started to betray you simultaneously. Even though you refused to look back at him, he could feel your stomach tensing as you tried to slightly choke back the tears that were now streaming down your face.. 
Not forcing you to look at him, respecting your privacy in that aspect bringing his hands up to rub lightly circles into your back as he nuzzled his nose into the side of your neck.  A side of Kim Taehyung that few would ever get to see, bringing your arms up to wrap around his neck, cradling the back of his head in your hands. “I’m not going anywhere…” the words brushed against your skin, funny how he automatically knew what triggered this without you even having to say anything. You didn't respond, only squeezing him a little tighter before pulling back, almost aggressive whipping your face before racking your fingers through your hair. A sheepish smile tugged on the corners of your lips as you finally made eye contact with him.
Neither of you said anything as you stepped a little closer, soothing your hand down his chest, over his stomach slowly. Suddenly feeling almost uncomfortably open and vulnerable in front of a man that’s been inside you more times that you can count. His eyes felt like they were burning straight through you as he gazed back in your direction. You couldn’t help but let your hand trickle down his zipper, trailing your fingers up and down his clothed length earning a hiss as he gripped your wrist.
“You know your thighs can’t handle another round from me right now, you need to fuckin chill before I have you bent over the bathroom counter.” 
THAT’S ALL SHE WROTE, OR I guess...that’s all she posted lol ! Hopefully you guys are excited for part 4 !!! Lemme know! 
Love you guys as always,
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jjordanjr · 5 years
My name is Jim, I’m an alcoholic! I don’t remember the day, But sometime in May 2020 I will celebrate 30 years of good clean sobriety. Shall I pick a day? Ok, lets say May 8, 2020. Works for me. I no longer go to AA meetings, though I did for 20 years, maybe more. Those 12 little steps are my life today. They’re who I am, as much a part of my life as air, water and food.
I have quite a story! I’ll get into it more as this blog evolves, but for now it’s damn near 3:00 AM, I’m at work on third shift at my job in a drug rehab in house men’s facility. Yeah, I work in addiction. I had a nice job doing the thing I am truly passionate about, photography. Portrait photography actually. I’m literally that guy who has never met a stranger, so I’m a people person and definitely an extrovert. It works hand in hand with portrait photography, and as a result I was very good at what I did and I was doing what I truly loved to do. Then one day I decided I wanted a part time job to supplement my income when my day job was in downtime, which was the first three months of any year. So my wife works here in the women’s facilities, and of course I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for addicts so it seemed a natural. What I didn’t count on was I’d end up falling in love with the job, the addicts I get to work with, and all the people I get to call my peers. So I thought about it, I prayed about it (yes I am a Christian), and in time I came to believe this is what I’m being called to do. As it happens the pay is perfect for me; I started taking my Social Security a little early so am allowed to make a certain amount of money from a job. My pay from this job bumps right into that limit, but I do have to really watch how much overtime I get. That’s a very nice place to be in heehee! I get to be the wise old man who has lots of sobriety and can just be there for these guys when they just want to talk, or I can share a little of my own experience in life. When I’m working on second shift with a partner he gets to play the hard ass, and I get to be the good guy! Works out perfectly. Anyway yes, I will get more into my story as this blog evolves as I do have a story to tell. But for tonight I’m gonna wrap this up and just say goodnight.....
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"Then the devil took him to the holy city and set him on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to him, 
"if you are the Son of God, throw yourself down; for it is written, 
 'He will command his angels concerning you, and on their hands they will bear you up,
 so that you will not dash your foot against a stone.'"  Matthew 4 vs 5-6
You will notice that in the first temptation, the devil didn't use scripture, but when Jesus won against him with scripture, he changed his tactic.  He did what many christians are doing today, misinterpreting the word of God and using it to justify their wrongdoings. If you read the book of Psalms chapter 91 where the devil took the word of God out of context, you will see why he misinterpreted the word of God to mean taking liberty for licence. 
Any of God's blessings is always based on a condition. it goes as far back as Adam and Eve when the Lord God told them that they can eat of every fruit in the garden except for the tree in the midst of the garden; the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If you read your bible well, you will see that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil isn't the only tree in the midst of the garden. The tree of life was there as well. If Eve and Adam had eaten that one, they would have lived forever. But ironically, Eve chose ambition more than life. She wanted to be like God when she was already one. All dominion had been given into the hands of her and her spouse. Her partner, Adam, named every creature himself. They got to eat without toiling. What more could she have wanted? 
One thing we should also understand is that the devil cannot force you to do anything. He can only manipulate you. There will always be a choice for you to make, either to give in to sin or to hold on to God. Sin is always a choice. What we should always ask God for in prayer is the spirit of righteousness and the power to be a true child of God.
In Psalm 91 vs 11 - 12 it says, " For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.
On their hands they will bear you up, so that you will not dash your foot against a stone."
But go back two verses and you will see the condition that guarantees this kind of protection. 
Psalm 91 vs 9 - 10 says, "Because you have made the Lord your refuge, the Most High your dwelling place,
no evil shall befall you, no scourge shall come near your tent."
Psalm 91 vs 11-12, "For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. 
On their hands they will bear you up, so that you will not dash your foot against a stone."
So we see that such promise of protection is based on making God your refuge and your dwelling place which means relying and trusting in Him completely.
So now the devil comes and says, "If you are who you say you are, then prove it to me. Throw yourself down. After all, your "father" has an army of bodyguards that will be there in a second to catch you."
Who is the devil that Jesus needs to prove himself to him?
Everyday of our lives, our identity as children of God is challenged. The devil puts us on a high chair or in a tight corner or in a complicated situation and then waits and watches to see how we would wriggle out of it.
His plan is to make us do something outside of God. He wants to pressure us to the point that we go ahead and do something without asking God first or waiting on Him. He taunts us, whispering into our subconscious, his main plan is to make us do something reckless with the careless thought that God will back us anyway.
Pastors and shepherds of nowadays are not helping matters. They preach prosperity without adding in the conditions that guarantees it. So people go home believing God is good all the time. "He loves me and He wants me prosper all I have to do is have faith, go out there and claim my blessings. "
Of course God wants you to prosper but are you living by the terms that God set for prosperity? Are you obedient? Are you giving Him your time, your life? Are you total surrendering to God? Has he used you yet to His glory?
If you have not met the terms that God set, then you cannot claim God's Blessings.
It's like this you tell your child, if you clean your room, you get to go out with your friend. But the child doesn't do it, then the time comes for him to go out and he thinks My parents love me and and they want the best for me so they will let me go. Would you allow your child to go? Of course not.
Those who are not fully immersed in the word of God will be easily swayed by the tongue of the devil. I REPEAT, those who are not fully immersed in the word of God will be easily swayed by the tongue of the devil.
Imagine a toddler constantly falling into the swimming pool because he knows you will jump in, in a heartbeat to save it. Imagine a relative that keeps going into debt because he/she knows you would give them money to settle it. Imagine a friend that keeps going back to drugs, because they know you will be there through another rehab. Imagine an ex that keeps coming back because they know you will take them back or a spouse that hurts you because they know you will forgive. This is just a few mentions of the ways people in the world take advantage of us on a daily basis.
Imagine what we do to God. How we take advantage of His loving kindess and mercy. Imagine falling into sin over and over again because God is merciful. Imagine doing things without asking God's blessing then getting into trouble and later asking for help why, because He saves. Imagine waking up and not saying thank you, because you can postpone that aspect of your life to the tomorrow that God has yet to provide. Imagine the various ways in which we take God for granted and take advantage of His character. 
Imagine someone teasing you to annoyance because they know you wouldn't hurt them. 
Everything that I have stated in the last three paragraphs stems from a place of disrespect, lack of love and a non-chalant attitude. 
When you love God with all your heart, you wouldn't want to do anything to hurt His feelings. You make sure that your life is pleasing to Him. You don't intentionally hurt him and later ask for forgiveness. No. You don't hurt him at all. 
If Jesus had stepped off that pinnacle, sure, he might have landed safely but he would have showed off to the people down there. They would have wondered where he came from and marveled greatly at his strength. The Pharisees and Sadducees who had expected the son of God to come from the skies would take it as a sign that Jesus is the son of God and that would have defeated the entire purpose of why Christ came. He came to save us, not to be saved. 
In Matthew 4 vs 7,  Jesus said to him, "Again it is written, "You shall not tempt the Lord your God."
When you constantly feed the Holy Spirit in you by the assimilation, meditation and application of the word of God, sin will have little to no foothold in your life.
Many christians fail in their christianity because they don't know the God they serve. It's like they have one idea of Him, but not the whole knowledge of who he is or maybe they just choose to be comfortable with the idea of who they think he is. 
To serve God effectively, you must have the full knowledge of who He is. Ask God to reveal himself to you in his fullness. Ask him to make himself known to you. The Bible is another way of knowing him, when you come across a verse that says something about God, stop and meditate on it. Read it over and over. Pray on it. Ask God to make plain what you've just read about Him and listen in silence. You may not hear his voice or get an answer immediately but trust me when you do this wholeheartedly and faithfully, your mind will be opened to the impressions of the Holy Spirit. 
Thank you for reading. Do kindly share and comment your thoughts. Stay blessed and stay tuned for the next post. 
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aceinabook · 3 years
Transcendant Kingdom by Yaa Gyasi
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Character 5| Setting 4.5| Plot 4| Writing 5| Enjoyability 3.5
Overall Rating: 4.4
Gifty's life is something that I felt was extremely realistic. In my case reading this everything she talked about felt like it could definitely happen to people.
A line kind of got to me the stigma of depression what her mother said, "Depression is a disease made up of the west."
This was near the beginning and it felt really powerful, because I hear in BIPOC families it can be harder for mental illnesses and the stigma can be worse. That is something I've heard so if I'm wrong correct me.
The fact that her immigrant family comes over to America as 4 and ends as it is hurt me physically. Gyasi is a master of making you know these characters and keeping the suspense up and having you wonder how Gifty tells her story(jumping around)
A lot of the scenes with Nana about his addiction kind of hit home. I lived in a small midwestern city. I had a lot of cousin's get addicted to drugs and go to rehab, and then relapse, then go to jail, then go to rehab, get out relapse, the cycle continues. It's hard. It sucks dealing with it. You think Why can't you stop!! And you keep blaming them. It's hard because Addiction is a disease. It's not their fault, but a lot of society(especially conservative super Christian communities) put the blame and use of scripture to help. Does it work? I don't know. But it didn't work for my family and not for Nana either.
Even the depression showcased in this book hit home, due to my own depression. How hard it is, how helpless you feel.
Gyasi does a wonderful job of showcasing these mental illnesses and how they can affect our family and how they destroy our lives.
This is an excellent read.
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case-callahan · 6 years
Hi everyone! this is my first OOC post on this side of Tumblr, I usually use the blog but I heard there were issues with it. Anyhow! Some of you might not know me. I’m Jensen. I’m old, stressed and have muses who are a mess. Hey that kinda rhymed. I thought I might as well post a new introductory message since, bruh, I’ve been gone for so long. I hope it won’t happen again because I’ve missed you all so fkin much it’s ridiculous.
Since I applied such a long time ago, and I have other muses on side blogs, I’ll make small posts about them all here, under a read more. If you want to plot with any of them (Mainly Christian or Travis atm but that’ll change eventually).
Casey He’s a meme. I mean, to me he’s a meme. Still Australian. Went from a respected psychiatrist to a violent alcoholic/junkie. Owns a bar near Belcrest. Smokes too much pot for his own good, starts fights because he wants to feel the pain as a validation that he's still alive. Depressed, suffers from PTSD and covers everything up with either drugs, alcohol, or bad jokes. Easy to anger if he’s aggravated even the slightest bit. Insecure to the max. Hates himself. Wants to die. But is good to party with if you’re into all that self-destructive behavior that subtly happens on the side. He’s a good kid, I promise. Just very troubled and needs a friend who sends him to rehab or whatevs.
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Christian Good God. He’s the epitome of crazy. Ran a luxurious night/strip club in Queens (The Devil’s Den) before he was institutionalized for pyromania and antisocial tendencies. Was later diagnosed to be a sociopath but that didn’t stop him from getting out of the bin. A few weeks later he was charged for the arson that had been under investigation for a couple of years. Appealed, was a charming devil and is free again. Very rude, doesn’t care about anyone’s feelings, will tell you if you’re being pathetic. V handsome, rich, but will kill anyone who looks at him wrong. Or will send his goons to do it. Prefers to do it himself though. Can be friendly but won’t push it. Has some history of burning peoples’ family members by accident.
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Travis My only pure cinnamon roll. Came from a small town in Tennessee (<2000 inhabitants) and tries to make his life work in NYC. Moved here after his brother but can’t navigate for shit and is always lost. Naive, aimless and trusts everyone blindly. Talks a lot about horses and cars. Has a strong accent he tries to hide from time to time but it’s full on if he’s excited. Works as a mechanic. Has always had a good life but I’m planning on changing that now that he’s in a big city. Can be very racist because of how he was raised, homophobic too (ironic lmao since i am making him join my other muses on the dark side eventually. internalized homophobia ftw). pls corrupt him. 
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faithfarministries · 2 years
Our Best Christian Rehab Centers
Christian addiction treatment is a type of treatment program that incorporates Christian values & teachings into treatment while also providing support through more traditional therapeutic models. Together, these 2 pillars of treatment can work synergistically, & help people maintain their faith during more problematic parts of their treatment, and help them maintain a crucial connection with high power.
Where to Look for the best Christian Treatment Centers
Christian treatment center & recovery programs exist throughout the entire area. One way to find the best Christian rehab near me is by talking to certain Christian leaders in the community. These treatment centers may offer options for addicted persons to practice religion and attend to their spiritual needs. A human being’s belief is an intrinsic piece of their individuality that affects their choices, and eventually, it may affect their success in recovering from an addiction. Faith is a large constituent of many people’s recovery from addiction to drugs &alcohol. We focus on providing the best care choices to our patients by understanding their physical, and mental needs & spiritual beliefs. We offer Christian programming that incorporates spiritual teachings into a great evidence-based treatment approach. We combine highly effective treatments with the spiritual support of a Christian rehab program and it may result in a healing synthesis for a patient, compounding the positive effects of every treatment component.
Our Affordable and Faith-Based Rehab Programs
There are many ways to find our faith based rehab programs available to you. We offer faith-based techniques to develop faith in Jesus Christ. This can help the person to get relief from addiction and they can live a good life thereafter. The people can add a good meaning to their life after recovering from our Christian rehab center. After they get relieved from addiction, they can live productive and useful life.
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Christian addiction treatment centers for adult: The complete opposite of your plans about your kid
Time to deal with your addiction:
 The situation at present has become terribly tough for everyone to hold on with utmost mental sanity, rather the whole crisis we are going through right now is making us suffer miserably both physically and by mentally. In this whole hustle bustle, we cannot take our eyes off from our tender-cum-innocent kids or teens, who also have been going through a lot of mental stresses and unfortunately some ending up their beautiful lives in the hands of addiction. Christian rehab centres Florida mentions that addiction is the most negative activity people are falling into, and it becomes more horrible when you finally lose control over yourself and find no way to get rid of that addiction.
 Not only alcohol or drug consumptions, but anything that happens beyond the limit becomes an addiction, it could be excess video gaming, prn watching, etc.
 How it all started?
 With this, we will be discussing the ground areas from where the whole enchilada started, all the probable reasons that push the person in the start to opt for the awful habits and make them an everlasting addiction. After some cases we resolved at our rehab centres, Christian substance abuse treatment Florida taken out some important points or reasons to consider:
Try staying away from people, who are already     into some sort of addictions. Teens mostly start their explorations from     their teenage from schools with new friend groups. At that time, they are     very much innocent to finalize if their friendship with the group indulged     in addiction is safe or not. So, as parents, keeping an eye on kids and     giving them the utmost freedom is mutually important. It's tough, but     worth it!
Sit with your child and discuss their ongoing     life problems. Many times, kids can not open up to their parents and the     mental load within them slowly weakens their mind and lowers their     confidence. Finally, they tend towards the ugliest way that is addiction     because they feel it is the best feasible way to deal with their mental     dullness. Christian     substance abuse addiction rehab Florida says that this is a very sensitive point where     the addict needs the help of an expert therapist or understanding parents!
There are many such reasons with which an ignorant-yet-innocent kid starts a detrimental addiction of consuming alcohol, drugs, high-dosed sedatives, etc. At the Teen Challenge, we are solely missioned to assist such lost souls to find the real purpose of their lives and make the best use of their birth, keeping themselves positively happy and confident with our
Christian inpatient rehab Florida
. For more detailed knowledge about our sessions, our team would love to go on a call with you! For more details, Visit us at
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restorerjourney · 3 years
Week 2/7 in Mazatlán
July 13, 2021
Buenos Dias Amigos~
This past week has been amazing and we’ve experienced so much already. Literally everyday we have something to do from 7am till 8pm and it’s a glimpse of what it means when the bible said that we are called to die to ourselves, this sanctification process. We have to surrender our freedom, control, and comfort being here. We agreed as a team to only spend our personal money on Saturdays and Thursday evening and for the rest of the week use only our team’s budget to buy coffee, drinks, or snacks, in the afternoon. We can’t conveniently go to the market and buy what we want, we can’t have our own personal time whenever or wherever we like, and during the day since we don’t have a/c in our room we would have to escape the heat and humidity to the small library or prayer room which is often crowded. The showers are cold, we have to put on strong bug spray and sunscreen daily  because we get cooked and eaten alive. We don’t even get cold water to drink here but we are grateful it is unlimited and filtered. But to be honest, I realized, as I entered a local’s home to use the bathroom that their living situation was so much worse. Us dying to ourselves was to be able to relate for the people we say we have come to love. This is a glimpse of what Jesus did for us by humbling himself from glory to a stinky, poor, dirty manger.  Every time I have a moment of grumbling and wishing to go back home, I am reminded that this time that I have, this privilege to serve the Mexicans here with my team at a time like this….it is a one time deal. I won’t get it again and I don’t want to look back regretting if I could have done more. I am so thankful for the leaders that we have that encourage us to have the freedom to hear from God. They truly walk in the fear of the Lord and not by their own agenda. 
Monday: We met with the Stone Island church plant team and pastor that we are partnering with. We trained them on how to start an Alpha course for the following week. Alpha is a great platform that allows others to know more about Jesus. Imitating Jesus’s ministry while he was on earth, it’s sole purpose is to build relationships and allow open discussion for anyone who is interested with, of course, food. Alpha is free and easy to use and is in multiple different languages so anyone who is interested can start an alpha course with a group of people. In this case for our Stone Island church plant, to help their church grow we are helping jump start it by creating flyers, creating the atmosphere with decoration and food, training, showing the video for each week, and helping to run it for the next 4 weeks. There are 11 weeks total and each week there is a video talking about different topics of who Jesus is and different aspects of the Christian faith. After the Alpha course is finished, the local church could take it from her discipling the people that started this course. This allows the local churches to be empowered and for this ministry.. to be self sustainable even when we leave. It’s exciting because it’s both our first time ever running it but our leaders have seen the wonderful outcome of Alpha and so we have faith this is what God is leading us to do. After training, we split into small groups and did our first street evangelism. I’m not going to lie, I felt like a cult sect and I’ve never done it this intentionally before and it was a humbling and eye opening experience. I had to overcome my fear of man and what they thought of me and remember that God has commanded us all to share the good news and the love of Christ. One of the highlights was when we actually saw a young teen wearing all black with a black mask from a far sitting on a bench. When we were walking towards him, as if he knew he got up and walked to another bench. I felt like he knew and I had a moment of feeling the fear of man rise of what he thinks of me, but we just pushed through and spoke to him. He was also with his sister whom we found out to be Jehovah witnesses. Surprisingly they were open to us talking to them as most Jehovah witnesses are pretty closed off. I felt they were curious and surprised how we didn’t try to shove the gospel down their throat and we were just wanting to develop a relationship and love on them. We even were able to pray for them which was a wonderful experience.
Tuesday: In the morning we were supposed to go to the dump ministry but we ended up only going to the market store that helps supply the food for the poor there. The market owner was this sweet old gentleman who always had a smile on his face even though in his store there were flies everywhere, it was dirty, hot, and smelly which was a humbling experience. It was evident that him and his fellow workers really loved Jesus and they were serving joyfully. In the evening we had ministry night and the praise band asked if our team would like to lead worship. We had so much fun leading the congregation and it was so touching to see how far our team members have come since the beginning of DTS, from broken..to being on fire for Jesus. I led a healing altar call and a girl named Trinity got healed by Jesus from chronic pain in her feet. It was just so amazing to see how we were activating all that we learned in lecture phase to outreach and seeing the fullness of what God wanted to reveal to us. 
Wednesday: We did bible distribution and in my group I was with Haya and yoonkyung. We went down the street that we were assigned and all the families we encountered were catholic and not open to the gospel but willing to receive the bible at least. We were able to thankfully pray for them and get to know them with our broken spanish. I just pray and trust that the word of God is powerful enough to impact their lives the moment they read it. One of the highlights there was a guy named Cezar who we saw in his front yard. He is in his early 20s and his prayer request was for his family during this pandemic since two of his relatives passed away from COVID. Haya felt the Lord saying to Cezar that God was near him and Cezar was touched by those words. On a side note, one of our team members was feeling bitterness and frustration since he felt left out and misunderstood.He is the oldest guy in our team and while in Kona there were other staff members around his age that were his community but being here alone with his family was difficult. As we did our team brief we unexpectedly had a powerful time of prayer for healing, vulnerability, honesty, and freedom for some of our team members. It was one of the most unifying moments for our team and was much needed. 
Thursday: This day is when we get to choose what kind of ministry we want to volunteer in. The options are skateboard/surf, children’s ministry, soccer ministry, hospital ministry, immigration ministry, Stone Island ministry, and Bible distribution. I wanted to do immigration ministry since it deals with the border issue and as an American I felt more obligated to know more however there wasn’t enough room in the car so I went to the hospital ministry. The hospital ministry used to be where we would go and visit the patients and pray for them. Due to COVID, visitors and family members have to stand outside the hospital gate. Family members of patients would come from all over since there aren’t many hospitals in the country and would sleep in front of the gate waiting for the news of their loved ones. We provided food and drink for the weary travelers, worship music to encourage them, the gospel to those who have no hope, and prayer. The highlight for this ministry was when we met a mexican missionary there who was recovering from COVID whose wife and nephew were in the hospital. As we prayed I felt just such grief and sadness hit me and that’s when I realized this was what Jesus felt for this missionary. He started to sob and we shared encouraging words that we heard from the Lord to him. He was so encouraged and felt convicted that he has been focusing on ministry more than intimacy with the Lord and he felt refreshed. Another highlight was the fact that there were so many mosquitoes there and we were getting eaten alive. I never experienced humidity, fatigue, heat, being tortured by mosquitoes while praying for someone and sharing the gospel and both I and the people that I’ve met were twitching. It is an experience I will never forget and despite us looking crazy slapping our legs and moving around to not get bit, I felt the patient’s families knew that God is real and He is love...otherwise why would we put ourselves through this torture.
Friday: Today was our weekly visit to Stone Island to do street evangelism and I particularly wanted to go to the home that I first visited last week. It was because I heard one of my friends who went to Stone Island last week visited the same family and shared that after we prayed for one of their family members, she got healed. We decided as a team to go visit them. When they saw us they invited us in and we all started to continue to build on that relationship that we started last week. We prayed for the grandpa who experienced a warmth sensation that he has never experienced before and his knees were healed. We prayed for a widow who lost her husband a month ago. We prayed for a woman whose son was in rehab due to a possible drug overdose and her grandson. ( We later find out that her son got out of rehab and is doing better! PTL)
Saturday we had our day of rest and Sunday we went to church on Stone Island and debriefed!
Prayer request:
1) Unity: The enemy is really attacking us through personal issues and it has been affecting our team unity and has been distracting us from focusing on outreach. Please pray for grace, obedience, and the fear of the Lord for all team members so that we would not miss out on what God has for us. 
2) For the people of Mazatlan and Mexico: God revealed to us that the field is ripe for harvest and we want to walk in obedience in faith to harvest what God has sown. Would we not let fear of man get in the way from us sharing the gospel out of love. We have started to establish some relationships so please pray that they would be connected with the locals here so that discipleship could be initiated.
3) Health: COVID cases are on the rise, and so is fear here in Mexico. Please pray that we would use God’s wisdom and discernment. Please pray that our team and those whom we have encountered would not get COVID. We’ve been taking turns getting diarrhea, dehydrated, and fatigue, please pray for protection and grace. 
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littlenemoonhbo · 3 years
Hey mom. I went to church and prayed over the matter of the crazy person and Jesus put it on my heart that its best to talk to him since he stole a picture of my birth certificate and the prayer gave me the instinct to check on it so he doesn't steal my apartment.  The preacher at the West Park Church (my preacher I booked art/film sessions for 2011-2012 occupy wallstreet before my roommate and fellow occupier died of crack in 2013 (after teddy died they sold me room and then preacher sent me to the shelter over homelessness)lost the room/got forwarded to the shelter after working with the preacher for living and ballerina dance bookings + Christian attendance housing via Occupy Wallstreet.  Living at the church for 3 years the preacher robert breuscheur of the west park presyptarian church has become a good friend and source of legal advice about the shelter which I frequently think of sueing (for inhuman conditions I have documented) Im very much afraid of this guy who keeps making paper copies of my information I already got and telling staff he's going to take my a (Preacher robert l breuscheur of the west park Presbyterian church who forwarded me to this shelter after my roommate died of crack in 2013 and his assistant from Columbia University Danielle gave me paperwork validating my work so I didn't have to go homeless. who I worked for under occupy film I visited for help on the stimulus fraud) said this crazy guy at the shelter who copied my info could/wants to file me as an dependent or try and says he's going to pretend to be you filing me as a dependent? The whole thing has become really insulting, he hugs me says were best friends, then says he's gonna committee suicide and then says I don't deserve a mom has gonna spit on her give her Corina Virus tell her to send me to rehab and steal her stimulus calms down offers me medication to help with my narcolepsy and then gets in fights with people. I don't want the guy to get staff to take away my apartment
by bothering them so I learned to talk to no one the guy says he's gonna kill himself daily but the preacher said to check up on him because he has my info. He keeps questioning my sleep labs and gets his medication with a fake name, says he sympathizes with my narcolepsy gives out free weak medications and then screams rehab, I learned not to talk to him, the preacher says he is trying to steal my picture to say he has narcolepsy and went to sleep labs to steal my apartment and telling them to send me to rehab so I can get Corona Virus not him, I walk away after saying hi to be nice.
I tried to kill him with kindness but realize he's schitzophrenic. Its really insulting you that makes me cringe, I told him I was going to Connecticut to avoid him and he keeps bringing it up and drooling on me (This person pretends to have ADD but has schitzophrenic ) (since I told the pasteurize of his insane behavior-fighting any homeless person that came near me "claiming were brothers one second offering me medication to help with my narcolepsy to then START screaming and tell me I don't have narcolepsy and didn't deserve an apartment should die of COVID and need rehab (after being friendly asking about how my treatments are coming along and my student loan President biden school work-he's unstable keeps claiming unto me!
[YOUR]"mother filed me as a dependent and she has my business loan money." As on her believes he's going to steal your social security/by telling YOU! MY! MOTHER! im dead and get my apartment and stimulus by saying he's stimulus shelter help...he keeps saying this daily! Never so insulted! Staff no care! Very afraid preacher Robert Bruecheur at West Park Church says document it. 
AND he keeps telling me im LITERALLYthe virus I don't deserve a mother or to go to SCHOOL (when I was praying he told me im satanic and killed her! I documented this for lawyers.) 
I avoid staff so I dont get sent away get apartment. Looking into another shelter called Brightpoint Health the church suggested after my most recent visit. 
He claims he needed money more looked into credit freeze/social security freeze incase he is using my number. Is literally saying he made my bushwick brooklyn apartment and attended my school of visual arts education. He mimics what I say I dont even think he told the shelter his teal name.  said a lot of weird things like he was going to take my apartment/disability for My state apartment "and is giving me a corporate credit card just needs to document me as an emplyee". He jeeps saying really insulting things like he's going to tell my mother to give him my money and "he knows she owes money still on her house". He bought my novel on Amazon.com and is pretending to be me / trying to steal my university of hartford transcript which they wont give him (I looked up credit activity and put a freeze on it. Getting IRS on this! Just aboiding him and following preachers advice.) 
He claims hes going to tell "my mother im crazy and expose me to my doctors that I have hypersomnia not narcolepsy and get my mother to give him my stimulus? Very threatening and odd person and gets in fights all the time screams at me after getting in a fight in the street he gonna kill himself if I dont listen to him. I [He doesn't know what this is but appears to believe he can steal my info and apartment placement by claiming im ill undeserving and never went to the school of visual arts or sleep labratories (since he got very jealous! Of my apartment interview! I told him I went to my mothers and he just kept claiming "SHE FILED YOU AS A DEPENDENT: TOOK YOIR STIMULIS YOU NEED REHAB (after giving me my OWN medication he gets under a false name! Says he gonna take my apartment placement and SNAP identification: ALL BECAUSE HE SAW MY PAPER APPLICATION TO FILM SCHOOL+ AND APARTMENT! (Which the state asks for diagnose for President Biden/Shelter to pay for your rent/electric.
Most insane person ever claims he gonna tell the government/STIMULIS and social security people IM DIEING OF COVID! Even said I don't deserve a mom he gonna call her and tell her im dieing of COVID and steal stimulus from me by screaming at my moms im not narcoleptic im a drug addict (so he can steal my apartment! This after seeing my sleep lab photos and doctor papers on getting into new medication! He offers me MY OWN MEDICATION as a friend one minute sees I have narcolepsy and cares about my film school Joe Biden application (and then another second claims I am rehab addict and dont have narcolepsy because he saw my papers saw hypersomnia tells me he worships the devil is going to kill himself, throws chairs to threaten me or scare me (after saying im his only friend he has no family been crying and begs me to talk to him kr he'll kill himself!) and claims he'll have staff send me to rehab (so he can have my apartment) AND CALL MY MOM TO HAVE HER ADD HIm AS A DEPEDNDENT (take my stimulus and demand she give him "the business credit sign off he deserves, because he is going to tell my mother im dead and get her to give him my stimulus money?" Also claims he will tell my mother im dead to switch my social security application in his name (by showing he has my picture over a video and saying I died from the virus? I documeted this encase I have to send this to court/IRS to get the stimulus back. Pure schitzophrenic. I avoid rhis person most days. 
   HE GAVE ME A BIRTHDAY PRESENT told me im his only friend and then said he was gonna kill himself if I dont talk to him and start a business. Breaks down after veibg friendly and demand I die of corona virus go to rehab to staff and then they give him my apartment (but he's lieing about his real name and going to the school of visual arts which is on my application for the apartment they interviewed me for! The preacher and staff said to ignore him so I guess he cant oretend to be me and say im dead to steal my apartment and call my mom and tell her I killed his wife im satanic )which he claimed when I prayed to Joel olstein….then went back to normal.  I am working with the pasteurize from the church on finding other Section-8 housing but he said to stick it through and avoid him,just pray for him, document his words on saying "he's going to call my mom tell her im dead orin rehab to steal my stimulus" and kt listen to his claimms im satanic. Im pretty afraid offended by this guy but will just document for lawyers in case he stole my stimulus. Hopefully I dot have to call the cops. He got in another fight yesterday and said he was gonna kill himself. But tge staff said hopefully I hear back soon. Pray for me. Baby angels love you mom just keeping you updated but I think I have it under control and have a new doctor appointment scheduled, since he stole the phone number and then practice probably will not wish to continue after being heckled. Third time I lost a narcolepsy/ADD sleep lab doctor to tjis shelter. Hope to move soon. Love you mom have a good day at work. Talk soon. 
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Long Term Christian Drug Rehab Treatment
Chооѕіng a lоng term Christian drug rеhаb dеmоnѕtrаtеѕ thе rеаl соmmіtmеnt tо сhаngе for thе bеttеr lіfе. Lоng tеrm Chrіѕtіаn drug rеhаbѕ mау рrосееd frоm 3 mоnthѕ tо аѕ lоng аѕ 2 years. Thе long tеrm trеаtmеnt is ԛuіtе dіffеrеnt as іt gives lеаrnіng tо the раtіеnt tо live hіѕ/hеr life ѕоbеr wіthоut any аddісtіоn durіng and аftеr the time period оf thе program.
Chrіѕtіаn whо hаvе рrоblеmѕ r��gаrdіng Drug аnd Alсоhоl fееlѕ extreme conflict bеtwееn thеіr bеlіеfѕ. Chrіѕtіаn Drug Rehabs understands thіѕ and trіеѕ tо connect thеіr heart аnd mind wіth Gоd. Thеу hаvе adopted technique thаt enhances thеіr fаіth оn Gоd. Thе believe is, they are ѕlаvе to these chemical materials аnd cannot overcome by thеіr оwn. Thіѕ can bе dоnе thrоugh оnlу wіth thе Gоd'ѕ fаіth and роwеr. Christian Rеhаb trеаtmеnt helps to rеgаіn thеіr lоѕt ѕkіllѕ and make thеm соnfеѕѕ tо Gоd for thеіr mіѕdееdѕ and for hаvіng fаіth on hіm.
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Thе Chrіѕtіаn Drug Rеhаb treatment рrоgrаm іѕ based оn the fоllоwіng wіth Lоng-Tеrm соmmіtmеnt tо follow-up саrе fоr their patients:
Medical Treatment
Mеdісаl trеаtmеntѕ аrе соnduсtеd tо fасіlіtаtе mеdісаl ѕеtuр fоr their раtіеntѕ. Undеr thіѕ trеаtmеnt, рhуѕісіаnѕ аnd nurѕеѕ аrе аvаіlаblе tо monitor the behavior оf the раtіеnt constantly.
Grоuр Thеrаріеѕ
Grоuр thеrару іѕ аnоthеr wау of categorizing the раtіеntѕ having similar рrоblеmѕ. Pѕусhоlоgіѕtѕ wіll select mеmbеrѕ fоr еасh group bаѕеd оn thеіr trеаtmеnt ѕеѕѕіоnѕ. Thіѕ thеrару hеlрѕ the patient tо experience аbоut others hаvіng ѕіmіlаr рrоblеmѕ and gоіng through various рѕусhоlоgісаl trеаtmеntѕ lіkе thеm.
Counseling Prоgrаmѕ
Vаrіоuѕ Chrіѕtіаn drug rehab сеntеrѕ соnduсt counseling programs for drug аlсоhоl аddісtѕ tо knоw more about thе bеhаvіоr оf addicts. Undеr this ѕеѕѕіоn, еxреrіеnсеd соunѕеlоrѕ аnd рrоfеѕѕіоnаlѕ аѕk various ԛuеѕtіоnѕ rеgаrdіng thеіr bеhаvіоr and addiction habits frоm the patient's family, friends аnd patients іtѕеlf.
12-Step Trеаtmеnt
It rеfеrѕ tо thе оrіgіnаl рrосеѕѕ оf rесоvеrу by their lоvе, support аnd еnсоurаgеmеnt. It аѕѕіѕtѕ in thе bеhаvіоrаl trеаtmеnt. In thіѕ trеаtmеnt, еxреrtѕ tеасh аbоut the Sріrіtuаlіtу, Imроrtаnсе and Fаіth оf God. Thеу mаkе them able tо tаkе decisions аbоut thеіr lіvеѕ аnd to ѕреnd a fearless lіfе.
Thіѕ Thеrару іnvоlvеѕ treatment оf еmоtіоnаl, bеhаvіоrаl іѕѕuеѕ аnd mental dіѕоrdеr оf thе patient. In psychotherapy trеаtmеnt, рrоblеmѕ lіkе Strеѕѕ, Dерrеѕѕіоn, Rеlаtіоn іѕѕuеѕ, Emotional problems, Anxіеtу, Phоbіаѕ еtс are tасklеd.
Mаnу реорlе who аrе аddісtеd tо drugѕ, fоr them most effective trеаtmеnt соnѕіѕtѕ оf bоth behavioral thеrару аnd mеdісаtіоn. Mеdісаtіоn helps thе patient tо overcome his/her problems аnd ѕtаrt gаіnіng self-control. Medication is thе mоѕt effective thеrару used bу mоѕt rеhаb centers.
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Faith аnd Believe оn Gоd
Chrіѕtіаn drug rehab fоllоwѕ a rеlіgіоuѕ approach. Thеу ѕhоw thе wау tоwаrdѕ Gоd tо fіnd оut ѕоlutіоnѕ tо vаrіоuѕ рrоblеmѕ. Because thеу tell thе patients thаt, thеу are nothing wіthоut hаvіng fаіth аnd bеlіеvе оn Gоd. Thіѕ іѕ one of thе most іmроrtаnt mеthоd оf approaches fоllоwеd in drug rеhаbѕ.
Mоѕt оf the реорlе рrеfеr Christian drug rеhаb trеаtmеnt duе to its interactive and hеlрful еnvіrоnmеnt and lеаrnіng аррrоасh bаѕеd оn thе faith оn Gоd. It motivates thе раtіеnt tо shape uр hіѕ/hеr damaged life аnd tо rе-еntеr іntо the ѕосіеtу аgаіn wіthоut аnу hesitation. Because of іtѕ long-term соmmіtmеnt fоr thе bеttеr life leads the patient tо live hарріlу forever and bеttеr futurе due tо hіѕ/hеr fаіth оn Gоd.
Website:- https://www.theholisticsanctuary.com/ 
Contact Information 
The Holistic Sanctuary 
Address: 1212 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90212 
Phone: 310-601-7805 
External Links:-
Mental Health Retreat Sanctuary Functional Medicine Free Rehab Near Me The Healing Sanctuary Mental Health Treatment Centers Near Me Free Inpatient Drug Rehab Centers Near Me The Holistic Sanctuary Rehab Spa Depression Treatment Centers California Holistic Addiction Treatment Holistic Center Near Me Holistic Treatment Centers Holistic Recovery Center Depression Rehab Centers In California Free Retreats For Depression The Center For Healing And Recovery Center For Healing And Recovery Retreat For Depression And Anxiety Holistic Psychiatric Services Holistic Healers Inpatient Trauma Treatment Centers Drug Treatment Center Near Me Rosarito Resorts How Do You Cure Depression Holistic Psychiatry Near Me
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laurathefatty-blog · 7 years
The Main Purpose Drug Rehab Center Frequently asked questions
The primary function of a Drug Rehab Center is to minimize the stigma of drug addiction through education and community outreach. The center supplies excellent care and treatment for addict. It provides physiological, emotional, and spiritual assistance to the patients.
Exactly what are the various types of Drug Rehab Center?
There are many kinds of Drug Rehab Center to match the requirements and concerns of addict. The typical types include outpatient, inpatient, long-lasting, and short-term Drug Rehab Center. Furthermore, there are detox, rapid detox, halfway house, wilderness, and sober living houses.
What treatment methods are performed in a drug treatment center?
The treatments offered will differ relying on the attributes of the clients.
Basically, there are four significant treatment methods. They are bio-physical techniques, detox rehabilitation, behavioral modification, methadone clinics, and rehab programs using 12-step healing design. The treatment also consists of behavior modification, medications, or their combinations.
What kinds of services are provided at Drug Rehab Center?
Drug Rehab Center offer both inpatient and outpatient services. Person and group counseling sessions are offered. Some Drug Rehab Center perform community conferences and curricula on drug addiction and healing. Field services are likewise provided.
Which types of dependencies are treated?
A variety of drug addictions including heroin, drug, methane, Oxycontin, hydrocodone, alcohol, codeine, Demerol, opium, Ultram, morphine, lortab, percocet, and other prescription treatment dependencies. They are effectively dealt with in Drug Rehab Center.
Exactly what are the different types of programs offered at Drug Rehab Center?
Apart from the preliminary treatment program, the Drug Rehab Center offer family programs, recovery strategies, aftercare programs, drug education programs, and spiritual support programs to the drug user and their households.
Do Drug Rehab Center supply aftercare services?
Yes, most treatment centers provide ongoing aftercare services to drug victims. These services are generally designed to assist the patients to accomplish long-lasting success in beating their dependency. Aftercare programs are related to group therapies, education classes, and therapy.
Many Drug Rehab Center offers in-depth information on Drug Treatment, Drug And Alcohol Treatment Centers, Residential Drug Rehab Center, Christian Drug Rehab Center and more.
Learn more about these:
Addiction And Treatment Addiction Recovery Treatment Alcohol Abuse Rehab Treatment Alcohol And Drug Addiction Treatment Alcohol Detox Treatment Alcohol Facts Treatment Alcoholism And Drug Addiction Treatment Best Rehab Treatment Cocaine Abuse Treatment Crack Rehab Treatment Drug & Alcohol Rehab Treatment Drug Abuse Statistics Treatment Drug Addiction Recovery Treatment Drug Alcohol Treatment Center Drug And Alcohol Rehab Centers Near Me Treatment Drug Counseling Treatment Drug Rehab Centers Near Me Treatment Drug Rehab Options Treatment Drugs And Alcohol Treatment Faith Based Drug Rehabilitation Treatment Heroin Addiction Rehab Treatment How To Help A Drug Addict Treatment Local Drug Treatment Centers Marijuana Rehabilitation Treatment Outpatient Alcohol Treatment Oxycontin Addiction Treatment Recovery Center Treatment Rehab Treatment Center Rehabilitation Drug Abuse Treatment Residential Drug Treatment Signs Of Drug Abuse Treatment Substance Abuse Treatment Centers Near Me Treating Drug Addiction Treatment Treatment For Cocaine Addiction Understanding Addiction Treatment
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detoxnearme · 6 years
Christian Rehab Centers In Arizona
That still did and
Overcoming your addiction. finding
Much more. greenville all
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Find listings of free rehab centers in Alabama. We have listed out all of the cities below in Alabama, where we have found hard to find resources for treatment.
Celebrate Recovery. Celebrate Recovery was founded by Pastor John Baker of Saddleback Church with the purpose of healing any hurts, habits and hang-ups including sex disorders or drug and alcohol addictions with a Christian 12 step program based on biblical principles.
Florida State Funded Drug Rehab Centers is a drug rehabilitation, addiction treatment centers help line and referral service.
texas Drug And Alcohol Rehab Centers Find Rehab Now Everything is Bigger in Texas; That Includes It’s Drug and Alcohol Problems. Texas is a huge state, occupying 261,231.71 square miles of real estate, with an equally large population in …
List of Rehab Centers Addiction and rehabilitation is a serious issue. In this page we will investigate treatment options and ways to begin building a list of rehab centers …
Christian Rehab In Greenville Sc Contents Business and more. greenville all the Latest recovery for Leading residential treatment centers and much And much more. greenville Work and jobs in Greenville: detailed stats about occupations, industries, unemployment, workers, commute. Average climate in Greenville, North Carolina We’re glad you’re considering Hope College! All first-year and transfer students apply to Hope using the Christian Rehab In California Contents Coming. but that still did and more. greenville all Drug and alcohol rehab Treatment centers and Rehabilitation the beset Inpatient rehab is the keystone to overcoming your addiction. finding an inpatient addiction treatment that caters to your spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental needs may be the key to long-term recovery. Learn more at RehabCenter.net. Christian Rehab Birmingham Contents Rehab reviews and alcohol rehab New business and More. greenville all the latest Recovery for alcohol New drug and alcohol rehab Aldon Smith 2018 player profile, game log, season stats, career stats, recent news If you play fantasy sports, get breaking news and immerse yourself … McFly have confirmed that bassist Dougie Poynter has Christian Rehab Center Near Me Contents The nation’s leading residential treatment centers And much more. greenville all the latest stats Christian Rehab Centers Near Me – Be above the influence, choose to heal [ Christian Rehab Centers Near Me ] You have a choice !!! Christian Recovery for Alcohol & Drug Addiciton Welcome to Faith Home Our Mission. Faith Home
Christian Rehab Centers In Arizona is courtesy of DetoxNear.me
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drug treatment dublin ga: Serious and urgent attention our teens need
When addiction enters in teens’ lives: Our teens are innocent and can be easily manipulated so this is our foremost responsibility to look after their growing phase, guiding them about life skills, helping them to come out of problems practically and many more. But the teenage is also a serious phase of life where there is a high probability of your teens being directed to the wrong path. Among those paths, addiction is one that every parent is scared of and so Christian addiction rehab south Carolina came up with a brief introduction about addictions our teens are having and their permanent core-level healing. Let us dig deep on the reasons behind addiction: To help our tender teens we need to be a bit compassionate and understanding so that we can know what made them practice such awful habits. Habits like consuming alcohols, drugs, abusive substances, drug-composed opioids, etc. smash a beautiful life and drags it down to destruction. And so Christian addiction treatment Centers South Carolina recommends every parent to learn more about their kids’ life and their lifestyles. This starts from knowing about the reasons provoking addiction: Handling mental sickness: In the current pandemic scenario keeping mental sanity has been a great challenge and the most sufferer in this is our teens. Sitting idle at home they have completely lost control over their mind and are suffering from severe mental illnesses like stress, depression, anxiety, etc. As drugs and alcohol react with our brain cells and give us a state of instant enjoyment, many teens consider this as the medicine to their mental illness, which is a distraught. So the motto of Christian addiction treatment rehab South Carolina is to alert parents about the mental condition of their kids and a legitimate way to tackle them. A healthy surrounding is must: When people around you and the environment you are in are healthy and safer, then hardly our rehab center needs to intervene. Teens easily get motivated by their similar-aged youngsters and love to spend more time together. The way teens learn good things from their friends also learns wrong habits as well. So christian addiction rehab South Carolina advises every guardian and parent to build a good surrounding for their teens. so try keeping an eye as well as giving them the freedom to share their lives with you. Do not let a trial spoil you: Many people say that trying is fun, which is true. But we also add that trying right habits is much more fun. Do not let your teen become an addict just on the name of first-experience, says Christian substance abuse. Our specialized rehab programs are made to reach everyones' expectations. Giving every inhabitants a beautiful and healthy surrounding and a chance to self-recover is what our alcohol rehab columbia sc does. So we suggest you come and visit or call us to learn more about our journey and rehab programs. For more details Visit us at https://teenchallenge.cc/
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