#chrom why
skokepoke · 5 months
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sieglinde-freud · 1 year
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my favorite thing about lucina inigo siblings is the stark contrast between lucina's insistence on hiding her brand/lineage and inigo's inability to care about it
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Thinking about how when Chrom talks to Robin at the beginning of chapter 6, just after war has broken out, he specifically says "Not everything Gangrel said was a lie." And then his next line is talking about how his father waged war on Plegia, which makes it sound like, oh, okay, Gangrel was telling the truth when he said the former exalt led a crusade against them. But I'm wondering if the line that was truly eating at Chrom was actually "Yours is now a haven of hypocrisy." Because this is when Chrom goes into detail about how Emmeyn suffered ending the war and bringing peace to Ylisse, and he's, y'know, way more bitter about how the Ylissean people acted than anything Plegia did. He talks about how Plegians "rightfully remember" what his father put them through and he does mention that their desire for vengeance was part of the legacy their father left her to deal with, but what he goes into detail about, what he complains about, what he's really upset about is the Ylissean response. They hurt her and she hid the fact that she was suffering from everyone while continuing to work to heal them. And then they "forgave" her—Chrom literally uses scare quotes. Now, he doesn't say "those damn hypocrites" aloud, but the implication is pretty much "how could those damn hypocrites 'forgive' her when she did nothing wrong and they did nothing but attack her? They should have been the ones begging for forgiveness."
And like, this all started when he was 4 years old, you know? He brings up how Emmeryn wasn't even 10 yet when she became exalt, and that means he was only 4! It's been 15 years. He's had these feelings about the situation for most of his life! And then you've got Gangrel over here, mouthing off because he wants to start a war but he needs to be able to paint Ylisse as the aggressor, and he throws out "yours is a haven of hypocrisy"— How horrific and sickening must it feel to hear the enemy who openly claims to want all of your people dead make a statement about them that you agree with.
And perhaps Chrom is thinking about himself, too. This conversation is where he gives his "perhaps I must be death's agent" line. Emmeryn would never order Gangrel killed, and he wouldn't WANT her to do so, but he is fully ready to take the matter into his own hands. He believes in his sister's ideals. But. They're not as important as HER. Virtue isn't his priority and he knows it.
Honestly, the whole Plegia arc is such a dark time for him.
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hanasinbloom · 1 year
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Father of the Year™, everybody.
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lemon-grey · 6 months
Opinions on flustered chrom
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EXTREMELY CUTE I LOVE SOFT CHROM. But what’s got him so flustered anyway??
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sea-owl · 1 year
Wait, wait, wait. I has an idea.
What if when Grima and Robin became one in the original timeline instead of Grima completely taking over thoughts and feelings merged between them. Spefically the love Robin feels for her family.
Grima!Robin still loves her family, but now it's a twisted, possessive sort of love. She may have killed Chrom, but she'll be damned if she lives without him. So she made him her risen king. Morgan was young enough that Grima!Robin was able to draw him in with motherly affection before twisting his mind with dark magic to stay with her and Risen!Chrom forever.
Unfortunately, teenagers can be so rebellious. Just ask Grima!Robin, her teenager, Lucina, is leading an army against her. Her own mother! Very well if Lucina wants to play her little games, Grima!Robin will play along. After all, this game is temporary, and a mother's love is forever.
Grima!Robin was furious when she learned that damned dragon sent HER daughter into the past. She became livid when reports came back that Morgan was caught in the crossfire. Deciding enough was enough Grima!Robin and Risen!Chrom went into the past themselves.
Grima!Robin sent her husband to find their children while she herself delt with her father. Validar was a complicated feeling Grima!Robin had that frankly she did not want to deal with. Easier and simpler to use him until she can kill him. Maybe she'll eventually make him a Risen too. The children might like to play with their grandfather.
But then her past self gave birth to a babu Lucina. Oh, well maybe Grima!Robin should let this play out a little longer. Not only could she go home with her own Lucina and Morgan but she can also take home this Robin's Lucina and Morgan too. Double the children to love! Oh yes what a wonderful plan! She must tell her husband at once! He'll be so happy to have young children again!
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sadlad03 · 1 year
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too many close calls wip
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i headcanon that fell morgan is secretly a papa's boy but also traumatized, because rkc was the only good parental influence in his life, but he also, like died on the regular. regular morgan is slightly more well-adjusted because everyone accepts him, even the people he tried to kill, but he is also a papa's boy. he's actually just both tbh, which is why he latches onto chrom at first because he's a good husband and dad
then rkc comes along, which kind of triggers some of his memories and so comes this period of time where he's 100% chrom's son. he's got a sword, he relies more on his STR than MAG, he's classed into lord, etc.
he's basically scared that the same thing might happen, but he doesn't want to show it because he's the optimistic one—lucina's the one who's afraid constantly, never letting herself enjoy the now.
but then rkc catches on and he nudges the regular chrom towards a heart to heart. and morgan's not totally over it, but he's sort of back to the status quo
and when he returns to ylisse, he has this vague memory of meeting everyone from askr, so his support plays out slightly differently where it's actually just him saying that he recalls chrom but in fleeting dreams, like some thing is preventing him from remembering
which is how everyone finds out that naga basically gave him amnesia so he'd lean into being good
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ro-botany · 1 year
you mentioned you have thoughts on rkc and lucina and now you HAVE to elaborate. please. i beg of you. og timeline rkc meeting lucina and she knows that this is her father. her real father. and all this time she's been trying to honor his legacy in all she does when it's his body standing in her way. the agonies. THE AGONIES
I was planning to drop a post about Luci in a few days or so, but y’know what? I’m easy to persuade. You’ve unlocked it early. Let’s GO. I'm gonna get halfway to writing an entire fanfic in this answer and no one can stop me.
See. There's nothing saying that RKC and Lucina (our Lucina, that we see in the main game of Awakening) can't have come from the same timeline. All Lucina ever says on the subject of Chrom's death is that there were rumours he was killed by someone close to him. She doesn't specify anything otherwise, and mentioning his death does not preclude him becoming undead.
And the thing that really gets me is that if they're hailing from the same timeline... they had to have met at some point. It would be weirder if they didn't meet at some point, because Chrom was on the front lines of Grima's offensive, and Lucina was also on the front lines a lot of the time. Not to mention the question of how Lucina gets her hands on the falchion to begin with. No, Risen King Chrom and Lucina absolutely met on opposite sides of a battlefield.
Do you see where I'm going with this?
Do you know how I think their first meeting in the context of their own world would go?
Lucina thought he was dead. The news of his death had reached her years ago, and she'd grieved him. Through all her countless fights against the risen dead she'd hoped—and gods does it seem naive now—that he wasn't among them, in spite of the rumours that he'd been seen fighting in the fell dragon's colours.
And it would be one thing if it were just his body facing her. A monster in the shape of a man like every other Risen. But she sees how his ashen face contorts from fury to outright terror at the sight of her, and the half-formed lie that that thing isn't really her father falls to pieces. The Risen standing before her, clutching his head so hard his claws are scoring his own skin and hesitating like none of them ever do, is Chrom.
His hesitation gives her time to get over her own shock enough to dodge when he runs at her and swings the Falchion anyway.
That battle, that first meeting, is the single hardest fight against the magic binding him that Chrom ever put up. Not his daughter. Not his own daughter. When he's not straining to make his swings into misses or to aim for his own limbs, he's begging her to run, please, he can't stop this. But despite his efforts, he has two decades of fighting experience on her and Grima stepping in directly to make him end this faster. It's all Lucina can do to put up a frantic defence, nevermind find a moment to turn and flee. Until Chrom abruptly stumbles to a stop, drops Falchion, doubles over with his head in his hands and screams for her to RUN ALREADY. She grabs Falchion and then books it.
After an encounter like that she should be inconsolable. But there's no time for weakness in war.
The first time they faced off may well have been the last. I imagine Grima wasn't thrilled with the outcome. If putting Lucina down upsets Chrom so much he can fight their influence that effectively... Well, they'll just have to do it themself, because they can't have her running around trying to stop them. Cue the cutscene several years later where Grima tries to kill Lucina in Ylisstol.
It's also possible Grima couldn't track Lucina closely enough or orchestrate the war carefully enough to always keep the two of them from coming near each other. So it's fully possible Lucina saw Chrom again years down the line, and saw how he eventually just... gave up. How he went from actively rattling the bars of his cage to just grimly executing people.
I can only think she must've placed all the blame for his actions onto Grima, even after he started being more of an active participant in battles. She's so fiercely dedicated to honoring her father's legacy, and so protective of his life after she goes back in time, and that aspect of her character gets so much more of a kick to it if you consider the version where she saw exactly what became of him. It's not just a rumour of his death that she's acting on there, she knows his fate and she refuses to let that happen again.
For RK Chrom's part... I think having to fight Lucina and grapple with the knowledge that she's trying so hard to find a way to defeat Grima is worse for him than if she'd just quietly died off screen. He can't just not think about that now. He has to actively hurt her, and keep hurting her, and know that she's clinging to a plan that's complete folly. He is so so very steeped in guilt and regret.
...Man, this isn't even touching on how them meeting in another context might go. Like in Askr or post-credits Awakening or something. That would be a whole situation by itself. But this post is so long already.
These two just kill me. This shit is a large part of why RKC's existence enhances the story of Awakening so much for me. The AGONIES.
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mayordea · 2 years
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impulsive chrobin art be upon ye
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crossover-enthusiast · 7 months
Why do the SM cast have like the worst track record when it comes to FNF chromatics
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moe-broey · 10 months
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GIRL......................... suspension of disbelief I know but.
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Obviously you can pick out a BUNCH of the dragons as that Is an ongoing trope (dragons aging differently than humans, so they can look younger than they "actually are") (also while I did try to avoid including them to make them more comparable to Nino, I think Flayn can fit in either category for the purposes of The Context -- esp cause her dragon blood is meant to be secret)
Not only do we have Heroes skewing younger (a lot fitting into another trope of What If There Was A Baby Sister) we also have Baby Banner. Where the whole point is they are baby.
LIKE....... maybe I'm speaking way too soon and maybe the whole point IS this will backfire LMFAO, but it IS absurd to be presented with her art (which, def still looks youthful!) and having her say yeah I can pass as a kidnapped child. Which COULD be true! But also what do you mean no one is going to know you're a part of the Heroes. Why is no one fighting her on this. Not even including the dragons there are like a handful of Heroes who fit into her exact vibe. Some even MORE baby than her.
#fire emblem#feh#and that's not even factoring in charas like nyx (who's whole thing is she 'looks younger' than she is)#which. tbh. i personally never saw even in fates. like. that's just a short small woman. they do exist.#and adding to that are the other charas who read as short small women to me like celine (before i knew her in-game age is 17)#and eitri#and also youthful charas who are treated as younger yes but also as full fledged adults in their own right. like lissa#(treatment mostly comes from chrom tbh which is understandable LMFAO)#OH and that's not even looking at all the second gen/child units from awakening/fates/other games that include that#which i think is just genealogy and thracia??? i'm not familiar enough w those titles though#also like. in general. a lot of fe charas who have official ages are teens. nino is 15. i think ike was like 16 in por????#which like! still a kid! but also! idk even what the difference is. is it just that ones a sweet looking girl#and the other is a boy who was trained to kill for as long as he's been alive (very lovingly by the rare good dad in fe)#i mean. i guess that makes a difference.#OH MAN I COULD HAVE INCLUDED LYSITHEA INSTEAD OF FLAYN. ALSO fits the bill perfectly#VERONICA WAS 13 WHEN WE MET HER AND SHE HAS ALWAYS BEEN CONSIDERED TO BE A CATEGORY 10 THREAT#SORRY i'm nitpicking like crazy LMFAOOOO but like. the people of askr should not be fazed by anything anymore.#and you would think whoever is causing problems like bandits or what have you. you'd think they'd adapt.#SANAKI. ALSO. WHO IS WHY WE KNOW VERONICA'S AGE ROUGHLY IN THE FIRST PLACE‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️#okay i swear i'm done now. good by forevwr 👍#fe nino
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sieglinde-freud · 8 months
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the-priestess-of-dawn · 5 months
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Okay so I bought a mini dakimakura keychain of Chrom/Fell Exalt Chrom with the thought that it would be the perfect size for my Grima plushies and boy was I ever right. My brain is being flooded with every neurotransmitter right now. This is the best idea I've ever had and I am so so so happy.
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kittaykattz · 1 year
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mad king mongrel
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sublimeaether · 2 years
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