#chuck & trent & dustin & greg
littlemagicalstardust · 2 months
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chucktdust · 11 months
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stingsbf · 8 months
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the… best friends???
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gutwrenchflowerbomb · 5 months
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dustin and greg forever
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princessxpunk · 6 months
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elitewrestlinghoe · 8 months
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aunt-ninny · 1 year
Best Friends is currently the most decorated faction in AEW.
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Oh my god, fuck you tony khan. Why do you hate Dustin and Greg so fucking much. This is ridiculous bruh.
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gregstan3 · 2 years
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Created by me, working off the old Chikara posters and playing off of the Highspots vids Dustin & Greg did.
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chucktaylors · 4 months
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This whole storyline has been consuming my brain, so im just gonna spew about it because I'm sure someone will enjoy it
I have a couple good theories/ideas, i'll just jot them down in a bulleted list before i start talking
What if Don Callis had been talking to Trent way before he turned, slowly driving him further and further and brainwashing him until her turned.
What if Orange was actually toxic/pushed the others down to get the spotlight, and so Trent finally had enough and turned, like he said, and Chuck knew and understood why Trent turned, but he was too scared to turn against Orange too, and stuttered up. Or, he was too brainwashed to turn with Trent and listen to him. In their garage match, you can see Chuck hugging Trent, and Trent begging him to stop. And then when Kris and Orange came to check on Chuck, Trent kept looking behind him while he walked out, looking almost sad
Ok now, random spew time. Rocky has been very 2 faced in this whole situation, back and forth between Trent and Orange, focusing more on himself and getting himself up, which is good. But it's very confusing to tell what side he's on at all, is he a face, is he a heel, he's kinda really just fighting to prove himself right now so theres not really much info on him so far, as i know of, but then again, I don't check up on him much.
I feel like Chuck is kinda like the glue of the group. Trent was always there because of Chuck, Orange was always there because of Chuck, and they worked together for him. But when he got injured, Orange and Trent slowly started driving apart because Trent was too hyper focused on winning the belts, and Orange didn't have a reason to care enough, given, we've never really seen these two as a solidified tag team. Chuck got injured, came back as a manager for a little at the end, but it was far too late and he couldn't save it now.
I think Trent still expects Chuck to come back like he always does, and that's definitely a great way to show the toxicity of Trent. He knows Chuck, even though he's hurt mentally and physically, will come back. And unfortunately, Chuck isn't putting up with any of it anymore. But for some reason, even after all the no's and beatings, Trent still wears "Chuck" on his wrists, and he just now changed his entrance from the "Bestfriends: Trent & Chuck".
I think it's significant, Trent joining the Don Callis Family, because, and I may be reaching, but he went from the Best Friends to the Don Callis Family. Friends to Family. It would be cool if they did a "Family comes first"/"Family before friends" type storyline with this. He could say they actually believe in him like a family, the help him like a family, blah blah blah. When really, all along, his "family" is Orange and Chuck.
I definitely think Kris and Trent know something about Orange that we don't, and I'm pretty sure it's something bad. I might be a bit biased, given I love Trent, but I feel like this could all turn out with Orange as the bad guy in the end. Right now he's showing he's going back to being a bit more sad, using his old theme, barely any effort, always paranoid for Trent. With Chuck gone and Hook doing whatever tf he's doing, Orange has no one. Orange always had at least someone all of his life, and now he has no one. He has no social skills, and he doesn't put effort into talking to people because he's so used to these people that Trent ripped away from him. It'd be cool to see maybe Orange going a bit too far too get his friends back, but ending up making it worse cause he looses his true sights.
Another small detail, I may be reaching, but on Trent's shirt, its a picture of Orange with green tape over his eyes. Green represents Truth and Growth. Maybe he's saying there's no truth in his eyes, or he's once again showing how he's grown to despise him. He can't stand to look in his eyes
Last thing, it's all about Chuck v Trent garage match. I think Dustin knew that was his last match and he wanted it to be against Greg, just like they started it. If you look at the small details of that match and compare it to the other matches of theirs in that stadium, it's so sentimental. Chuck wore a shirt with their actual names and a picture of them on it, basically showing Trent that he still cared at least a little bit right after he just broke his heart by saying no and turning against him.
I may be insane, no clue. Why is a group thats called The Best Friends causing me so much torture and pain
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dustinslovehandles · 5 months
I will haunt Tony Kahn for eternity if he tried to do Dustin and Greg dirty like that.
They are all 3 so over with fans.
I don’t like the thought of Orange being solo.
Like yes, he had two amazing runs as International Champion but please please please do not make him a solo act.
The interactions he had with his Besties were life.
If they don’t put them all back together, at least give him Chuck.
Trent has his tag team with Rocky if they want the split to be permanent.
I just don’t like the thought of Chuck or Orange not having a partnership. It feels wrong on ALL levels.
That would be like WWE splitting Kofi and Xavier up. WWE needs a New Day faction and AEW needs a Best Friends faction.
(Also, while I’m happy that Big E is pain-free, my heart broke that his neck isn’t healing completely. I’m okay with him not returning to the ring. But I want his neck to be as close to 100% healed as it can be.)
Oh I absolutely agree with you! They better not actually try and push Dustin and Greg out like that. Hopefully I'm just being paranoid about it!
Totally agree about Orange as well. I like him as a singles wrestler, but he needs to have his friends around him too. Chuck especially, him and Orange have been together forever and are inseperable in my heart.
I kind of fell off following WWE for a bit when it stopped being shown on freeview over here, so I didn't know that about Big E, thank you for telling me. I love him and the New Day boys. Last I saw, E seemed okay, it sucks so much that his neck isn't healing though. I want more than anything for him to live a good and happy life, you know? He deserves it, ray of sunshine that he is.
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littlemagicalstardust · 2 months
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Dustin & Greg
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or-ng-c-ss-dy · 1 year
sometimes it feels like tk thinks trent is too buff to eat the pin of the two so he just makes chuck do it. ya know what I mean?
yea, i think that's definitely a part of it. i also think that dustin's just generally more willing to do it, like he probably just doesn't care as much as greg does lmao
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thekentuckyhimbo · 3 years
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finnflynn · 3 years
shoutout to those who know and dont know what oc was talking about
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elitewrestlinghoe · 2 years
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