#greg marasciulo
stingsbf · 8 months
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the… best friends???
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princessxpunk · 7 months
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Just a mom supporting her son! Love to see it.
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tuungaq · 2 years
let Greg win :/
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trcntylocks · 1 year
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Where the FUCK is Trent ? ! Gregory Marasciulo, better known as Greg, or Trent, or Trent?, or Trent Beretta, or Greggie, or just Beretta, or... The six foot best friend who always looks really confused and gets dropped off by his mom. Trent is extremely sarcastic, very silly, and a little stupid. You can tell him directions three times and he'll still ask you to repeat the second thing you said. He's very passionate about video games and tie-dye.
BEST FRIENDS 4EVA <3 (chuck taylor . orange cassidy . ) CLOSE FRIENDS (kris statlander . rocky romero . ryan nemeth . ) STRAINED FATHER / SON RELATIONSHIP ( wheeler yuta . )
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MATT. twenty. they/them not new to muse! slight reset from previous time here :) i prefer to keep relationships chemistry-based, but open to any plots!
interacts from mattinteracts
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poedamneron01 · 3 years
summary: discussing baby names with Greg two months out from giving birth
A/N when I write ‘B/N’ I mean “baby’s name”, or if I write it again I mean a different name! The baby names I personally liked in this little idea for the final ones were Lorenzo and Skylar. I also love the shit out of how this has turned out, please enjoy soft Trent/Greg ❤️
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Y/N sat down with a huff, leaning back against the couch and closing her eyes as she brought her hands up to rest on her incredibly swollen stomach. Being seven months pregnant was beginning to take it’s toll on Y/N, where she was beginning to feel exhausted after completing the smallest of tasks, body aches in muscles she never knew existed and the constant need to pee. Y/N was a wrestler with AEW too before falling pregnant, being involved with training new talent while also being heavily involved with the Best Friends. “Hey baby.” Greg spoke softly, carefully sitting beside his partner who looked so exhausted it pained him. To this day after almost nine years together, Greg still thought Y/N was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life and felt like he fell for her all over again every day he woke up beside her. Y/N’s eyes fluttered open and she gave Greg a tired smile as he sat beside her, his arm extending to rest along the couch behind her head. “Hey.” She responded, pushing herself to sit up with a sigh “Are you tired?” Greg asked, moving his outstretched arm to push some of the hairs that fell in Y/N’s face out of the way and she nodded “Yeah I am actually, but we have so much to do.” She frowned looking over at Greg who was smiling gently “We got plenty of time before we have to leave Tuesday.” He assured her and she shook her head “Have a nap, I’ll keep working on the nursery.” He told her gently and she once again shook her head “Absolutely not, we are getting this shit done.” She sternly told him, pushing herself forward as best she could, though struggling. Greg laughed watching as Y/N tried to get up “I already called Dustin to come help me.” Greg chimed in and the death glare he received made him laugh harder. Y/N could just imagine the conversation between the two men: “Dude please come and help me put these together.” “You don’t know how to put together a flat pack? God you are such a hopeless idiot.”
“He said he would be here in an hour, so for now we have time to relax, have a nap.” Greg bargained and Y/N shrugged “Well lets at least make it a productive hour then!” Y/N smiled and scooted closer to Greg, nestling as best she could into his side while resting her left hand on her belly. “Lets talk names.” Y/N began as Greg leaned down, kissing the side of her head as she grabbed the notepad and pen that sat beside her on the couch. Greg nodded, extending his arm once more behind Y/N’s head, his other hand resting on the bump “Ok,” Y/N began, drawing a quick line down the middle of the page, before labelling the two columns ‘Boy names’ and ‘Girl names’. “let’s start with Boy names!” She grinned and looked up at Greg who’s thumb gently stroked the side of her stomach as Y/N rest the notepad on-top of her bump. “I was thinking B/N.” She told him, writing the name down as he nodded, trying to imagine what their possible son would look like. “What about B/N?” Greg added and Y/N added it to the list. This would go on for ten more lines before they eventually go onto girl names “I want a girl.” Greg added and Y/N smiled “Well this makes things interesting, I want a boy.” She smiled and Greg smirked, his eyebrows raising “Oh yeah?” He asked, leaning down to peck her on the lips a few times “Hell yeah.” She nodded and he chuckled as she began listing off girl names, Greg contributing “How about B/N?” Greg asked scratching the top of his bald head and Y/N gasped “B/N Marasciulo.” Her eyes widened at how perfect it sounded for their little girl. Seeing Y/N’s reaction made Greg’s heart swell with so much, he could not believe how lucky he was. “That sounds amazing, B/N Marasciulo.” He grinned and Y/N smiled, circling the name. “Now it’s just for the boy.” Y/N puffed her cheeks as she exhaled, eyes scanning the list “You can choose the boy name.” Greg told Y/N and she sent him a look “No, this will be a decision we make together, especially if you don’t like the name I choose.” Greg chuckled and nodded “Ok fair enough.” Y/N rattled off the names under her breath, along with their last name, seeing if any had a nice ring to them. “God why is this so much harder.” Y/N whined as she felt the baby kick Greg’s hand hard, causing him to jump in shock and Y/N to giggle “Right? If this is the universe telling me I’m having a girl I will sob.” Y/N joked down at her bump. Greg rolled his eyes playfully “She’s already gonna kick some ass like her momma with a kick like that.” Greg grinned proudly, pulling away and sliding to sit in between Y/N’s legs on the floor, his elbows resting either side of her thighs as he leaned down to talk to the baby. Y/N smiled adoringly as she watched Greg whisper to her bump, the baby moving and kicking as he kissed and rubbed the bump lovingly. “What about B/N?” Y/N asked out of the blue and the baby did a few faster kicks and Greg laughed “I think we have a winner.” Y/N giggled as she wrote the name down, before tossing the notepad and pen to the side. “I love you Greg.” Y/N sat forward, her hands cupping Greg’s beard clad face “I love you Y/N.” He added softly and the two met for a kiss.
The two pulled apart as they heard the front door open and close as a loud voice filled their small home “Uncle Dustin is here and ready to rumble!” Greg chuckled and shook his head as Dustin’s heavy footsteps made their way down the hall and into the lounge-room where his two close friends were. The sight before Y/N and Greg had them laughing, where Dustin was wearing an unbuttoned flannel shirt, a black t-shirt underneath and a pair of shorts, with a tool belt and work boots to complete the look. “Welcome Bob-the-Builder!” Y/N grinned, Greg held her hands and helped her up off the couch as Dustin grinned “Hello stunning Y/N!” The tall man walked over, bringing the girl in for a tight hug, kissing the top of her head “I’ve come to save they day, because your husband is a dumbass who can’t build for shit.” Greg frowned “I am standing right here you know.” Y/N giggled as the two men hugged one another “I will repay with Wawa and alcohol Dusty.” Y/N told the Kentucky man and he whooped “God Greg, you are so lucky you married that woman, she makes you more tolerable.” Dustin joked and Y/N gasped “Hey.” She frowned, trying to hide her laugh, wrapping her arms around Greg’s midsection “Don’t listen to him babe you are great.” Y/N leaned up, pecking Greg on the cheek and he smiled, sinking into his wife’s arms “Yeah, yeah.” He mumbled as Dustin chuckled “Come on lets get this shit out the way, I want to hear what my niece or nephew’s name will be.” The trio, who had been friends for ten plus years previous to now, all set off to the nursery to finish setting everything up. “Actually we wanted to ask you something man.” Greg started as the three of them piled into the nursery, the boys sitting down on the floor while Y/N sat herself in the rocking chair “Go for it.” Dustin groaned as he plopped onto the ground “Did you want to be the godfather?” Y/N asked and Dustin looked between his two friends for a few seconds in silence, before grinning “Fuck yeah!” He exclaimed and Y/N and Greg smiled.
They could not wait for the little one to come Earth side, they were counting down the days.
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finnflynn · 3 years
dustin calling greg by his full real name (in critical botch ep 17 / 1:53:54) is like still insane for me
(also the way he says marasciulo)
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hervoidfury · 4 years
Halloween Madness — Trent Beretta.
- first overdue request by @alltimedevil13 ( sorry for being late I wanted it to be perfect. If you want another let me know )
— Trent Beretta x reader. ( I'm naming the reader Christy )
— word count: frankly this feels short so who knows this can be made into a series :'D
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Halloween was Christy's favorite time of the year, aside from Christmas; seeing the excited faces of young kids coming in to get candy made the young woman happy. Unfortunately due to the pandemic, things have definitely shifted in terms of celebrating holidays, Halloween being no different than the rest.
Christy had been working with AEW since its debut last year, she had accepted as an assistant to the seamstress Sandra who is the brains behind the ring gears adorned by the AEW roster. Sandra was kind, open and accepting Christy's ideas in terms of creating the perfect ring gear for each male and female superstar.
Although working in a wrestling promotion is hard, Christy wouldn't trade it for anything; AEW is where she met the man she calls the love of her life Greg Marasciulo better known as Trent? — one half of Best Friends alongside Dustin Howard known as Chuck Taylor.
Initially Christy wasn't interested in a relationship given her past few relationships never worked. But Trent managed to work his way into her heart through small gestures, every morning he would bring her coffee and a peach scone; his excuse being is that he overheard her speak about scones to Stella who was the head makeup artist there.
Christy was more than certain that throughout the ten months they've dated, he was in fact the one.
" Babe " Christy mutters glancing his way from across the table where they sat in the catering area. " So you know how Halloween is close right? "
" Yeah! " exclaimed Trent in confusion before realizing what she was trying to say. " No! Christy as you can see the world is too fucked up for us to celebrate "
" How come we were able to celebrate other holidays just fine? Come on Greg, it would be fun just to dress up for the fun of it. I've already got everyone on board here and they seem to be down with the idea of adding the festive feel around " said Christy with a sigh.
" Well I'm not feeling it! " huffed Trent.
The pair were soon joined by Chuck, and Orange Cassidy.
" What's up with you? " said Chuck to his tag partner.
" He's refusing to dress up for Halloween for some odd reason, you seemed to be on board last year when you and Dustin dressed up as those characters " said Christy, she wasn't an avid watcher of animations.
" Rick and Morty " said Trent. " That was last year before the fucked up year that is 2020 happened. So no, I'm not okay with dressing up this year "
Christy glanced at the two other men expecting that they would help her only to realize that both of them seemed to lean towards what Trent had said. " Come on guys, not you too. Jim, come on we talked about this "
" I just humored you " shrugged Orange, " It just doesn't feel festive "
" Yeah, it's true " chimed Chuck.
" You three are no fun, if y'all wanna act this way go ahead. I guess I'll just be festive on my own without you " huffed Christy standing up.
The three males watched as Christy left, they felt a bit guilty due to the fact that for weeks she seemed awfully excited about the holiday. " I think we should do it. I mean sure we're not feeling the festive season but at least we can do it for her " said Chuck.
" She does seem sad " said Orange.
Both men turned to Trent who seemed to be lost in his own thoughts, " Alright, maybe we can do it but only for her. I don't like seeing her upset last time it killed me and this time I don't know how I'll feel "
" I think we don't tell her " said Orange, " It can be a surprise "
Chuck and Trent seemed to be convinced, so the three men began devising a plan to help cheer Christy up and hopefully ease what just happened off of her mind.
It had been around five days since the incident, Christy noticed how Trent seemed off and won't speak to her; whilst their bout at the catering did upset her she understood his side, she was still going to celebrate on her own ... opting to no longer bring the subject up, she went about with her work alongside Sandra helping her when needed whilst also ensuring that the gears weren't missing anything.
Whilst she was working on the final touches for Brandi's gear, she felt a figure approach her table glancing up to see MJF. an individual who's brought a whole new meaning to the term insufferable asshole ... " Yes? " muttered Christy.
" I came bearing gifts, I noticed that idiot didn't bring you your favorite scone so I took the liberty to bring it " said Maxwell placing the plate.
Christy sighed, what part of get lost and leave me alone doesn't he understand? thought the blonde as she gave him a fake smile, " Thank you, now do you mind? some of us have work to do "
" Of course, I'll see you around sweetheart " He left but not before sending her a wink.
Christy nearly threw up, the fact that he was openly behaving this way made her wish she continued her wrestling training early on, at least she could've smashed his head into a wall. Suddenly she spotted Stella, " Hey Stella "
" Hey Christy, I just saw MJF. I'm assuming he was flirting yet again? " said Stella with an amused smile.
Christy nodded, " Greg and I dating just flies over his dumb head, speaking of Greg did you see him? I haven't seen him all day here "
" Knowing Greg, he's probably with the others filming for BTE " said Stella, " or hanging outside in the arena "
" Must be why he left early? " muttered Christy.
Suddenly a commotion could be heard close by, Stella and Christy both shared a confused glance before realizing who was behind the commotion. Trent, Chuck and Orange were dressed up head to toe as the three musketeers — Christy couldn't help the smile adorning her features.
" This is so cute " said Stella.
" Milady! " said Trent.
" Greg, what is all this? Guys what are y'all doing? " said Christy.
" Well we saw how we made you upset and felt like complete dicks " said Chuck.
" Just so you know I'm not walking out to my match like this " chimed Orange, " But yeah we wanted to cheer you up "
" And ask for your forgiveness, babe I'm sorry I was in a bad mood and I promise I will partake in the festive season with you. This is the first costume by the way " said Trent.
Christy quickly wiped away her tears, rising up to hug Trent along with Chuck and Orange. " Thank you guys for being considerate even if you weren't feeling the mood " she smiled.
" Hey you are our Best Friend and the love of his life " said Chuck grinning.
" Tell you what! After our match you'll tell me all about your plans and we can workout something spooky ... What do you say? " said Trent.
Christy responded by giving him a kiss. " I love you so much "
Trent smiled " I love you too "
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fdevitt · 4 years
The Yacht was huge and Fergal felt like he could easily get lost on it if he didn’t pay attention. “I’d hate to be drunk and end up lost on here.” He mumbled to himself as he moved to find his room. He checked his paperwork from the coaches to see who he was going to be sharing a room with.  Gregory Marasciulo was the name next to his. “I’m not sure I ever spoke to him but I also never heard anything bad about him.” Feral said again to himself as he opened the room with his key. “I guess you’re Greg? Nice to meet you, I’m Fergal and looks like your my roomie.”
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namajague · 6 years
Speaking of which (I mean, not really at all, but they are connected in my mind), I asked Trent if I could buy one of his Greg Is Big Now pins from him online, and he said yes, so we emailed about it and now I’m gonna have one, which is rad. But it did lead to this exchange with my coworker:
Me: So I asked this wrestler I like if I could buy his pin from him via the internet, and he said, quote, “Umm yea I guess we can do a thing about t”, unquote, so that’s nice.
Jaime: Oh, what’s his name?
Me: Uh... 
I think I just went with Trent Barreta, but what a surprisingly difficult question to answer. Trent/Trent?/Greg Barreta/Beretta/Marasciulo. I hope he doesn’t try to vanity search, it must be very difficult.
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princessxpunk · 8 months
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I love how he recaps his matches.
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itsgoingaroundoutside · 10 years
Rubix (Jigsaw) vs Rockstar Spud vs Greg Marasciulo (Trent Baretta) TNA IMPACT Wrestling 7/18/13
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spodelski · 11 years
Brandon Lewis interviews WWE and Impact Wrestling star Trent Barreta ~ ICW Presents 'The Future is Now' 1495 Sports TV (by 1495Sports .)
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princessxpunk · 6 months
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These should be in a museum somewhere. (x)
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fuckyeahtrentbarreta · 11 years
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divaschampion · 11 years
Flailing 'cause Trent Barreta Greg Marasciulo. 
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