#fetus trent?
stingsbf · 8 months
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the… best friends???
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Why did you elbow me? 219
Achilles Castle part 121
Lemonade and lies Part 64
Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek undercover part 28
The car accident part 4
Kate/Stana: pov the scan room is now open, then cover me with something since i'm pregnant. I'm then taken for an X-ray of my arm. Dr Issaquah wants to see how badly my arm is broken. I'm taken to a room on the cardiology ward to wait for the results of the scan. Josh asks if I ate lunch yet. No, I never got to. He says I can't eat anything in case they need to do surgery on my arm. Cassidy walks with Castle into the room to visit me, I ask if the other driver is okay. Cassidy says Trent told him the guy is fine, claimed he had chest pain, he is giving the medical staff a hard time. By law they have to check him for injuries even though he probably committed a crime/murder. Any word on who the body in the trunk was.Cassidy looks at Lanie and says they are still trying to ID the body. He has to get back to work. All 4 Drs come back in the room, they must have the scan results, my left arm is broken and I will need surgery to reset it. Lanie is going over the surgery plans with the surgeon, Josh and Dr Claudia. I can tell I'm starting to hyperventilate. Castle is trying to calm me down.
Castle: pov It's okay you're okay. Calm down, everything is going to be okay. I know you are scared but they are going to take good care of you and the baby. After explaining to Dr Issaquah and Dr Claudia that she has PTSD he explains they will be prepared in case it acts up. They think I'm her brother Roger. Lanie Still can't get a hold of Nick.
Lanie: pov I grab Cassidy's arm as he leaves her room and move him into the hallway. I ask him what he is not telling Kate because I know he is hiding something. He tells me the body in the trunk is Nick's. What that can't be right, he tells me you see why I couldn't tell her. She is stressed out enough about having surgery, plus I heard the nurse say she is pregnant.
Castle: pov I'm allowed to be with her until she is under. Dr Issaquah will be doing her surgery Dr Davidson, Dr Claudia and a few extra nurses will be there in case she has some cardiac or pregnancy issues. She is at high risk for complications, she has been given antibiotics to prevent infection. With her PTSD Josh decided to give Kate some pre op meds, he put an oxygen mask on her to help her breath. She was given calming meds, Lanie moves Kate's hair out of her face. A few nurses come in the room to move her gurney to the OR. I know Cassidy told Lanie something. She says the boys are coming to guard Kate. Something must have happened, Jenny, Martha, Alexis, Dave and Jim should be here any moment. All 3 Dr's and the anesthesiologist explain the risks and possible things that could happen just so I'm not freaking out.
Dr Davidson: pov she is transferred to the OR table, Mr Castle is holding her hand. I hook her up to a bunch more monitors. She is still a little freaked out; it must be her PTSD. The anesthesiologist injects the meds to put her under into her IV. Nurse Mary quickly ushers Castle out of the room. The anesthesiologist then grabs the breathing tube and expertly inserts it, securing her airway and taping it in place. Her arm is then cleaned and draped, I'm in charge of watching her heart monitor and looking out for signs of distress. Dr Claudia is doing the same for the fetus. Her bruise on her left side can cause problems with her cardiac history.
Dr Issaquah I make my incision in her left arm, so far so good with her vitals I suck up the bleeding as I go, I manage to fix the break Josh mentions her vitals aren't good, the fetuses aren't either.
Lanie: pov Ryan and Esposito arrived and pulled me over into a hallway to talk saying they have a big problem. The dead guy is definitely Nick, her undercover partner. We don't know what happened to him yet. I guess we have to tell the others that he is dead, no wonder I couldn't get a hold of him earlier. Espo says Kate is going to have to be interviewed after surgery since she knew the guy and this is now a murder investigation. Deputy chief Gates has been called and so has the captain of the drug unit and gang unit they should be arriving soon.
Jim: pov me and Martha are so excited, Castle told us it looks like we will be grandparents. Alexis screamed so loud about being a big sister everyone had to cover their ears. I guess she is excited. Lanie doesn't look okay; she says Ryan and Esposito will have to guard Kate’s room and interview her when she is out of surgery. I ask why? Is it because that guy that hit her car had a dead body in the trunk. Esposito says, sort of the dead body in the trunk was Nick's. Wait you mean to tell me her undercover partner is dead.
Martha: pov this can't be happening who would want him dead Ryan and Esposito are trying to explain the case to me. This is going to be hard on Kate. Deputy chief Gates and 2 other police Captain's arrive
Dr Issaquah: pov Stana is going into severe arrhythmia. Josh chooses to grab the paddles and shock her back into rhythm. I close the incision on her arm with no issue. A nurse helps bandage her arm.
Dr Davidson: pov Thankfully there is an ultrasound machine in this room. I squirt some gel on her chest and move the wand around making sure I didn't miss anything beforehand. The small cardiac bruise and anesthesia seems to be the cause of her arrhythmia. Dr Claudia also uses the ultrasound to check on the baby so far it's okay. To be continued. …….
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disasterfandoms · 3 years
May I request 87: "I didn't wanna wake you up. You Just looked so peaceful." With Amelia and Trent from your seal team series?
Amelia woke up, the sun peeking out from behind the curtains, shining a light on her, her swollen tummy, and the fact her husband is no longer asleep beside her. Confused, she attempted to get up, struggling a little bit and made her way downstairs.
Trent, being the amazing man that he is, had his back turned to her, focused on making breakfast for their little family. She can hear their 18-month-old in the living room, watching Cocomelon while playing with her toys. She quietly walks up to her husband and hugs him, her tummy pressing up against him more than anything.
"Mornin', love. Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes," Trent greeted her, putting one of his hands over hers. She lets go of him, walking over to the coffee pot, and pouring her only cup of coffee for the day.
"How come you didn't wake me up, T? Would've helped you," She replied, turning to face him while leaning on the counter.
"I didn't want to wake you up. You just looked so peaceful. Plus, you need your rest. Was just you and Willow for over a week." He spoke while stirring the food in the pan, before coming over to Amelia and putting his hands on her baby bump, giving her a proper kiss for the morning.
"Maybe, but I missed you when you were gone, want to get as much time as a family of three as we can, only three months to go."
"Mama!" Their eighteen-month-old, Willow, yelled as she came running towards them. Amelia scooped her up in her arms, giving her a cluster of kisses on her cheeks to make her giggle, and then letting her lay her little head on her shoulder.
"So, want to do something with her today? Got the day off, Blackburn needs a break from us after that spin-up," Trent joked, semi-focusing on the task ahead of him.
"What're you thinking, Willow? Wanna go to the park or the aquarium see the fishies with Mama and Daddy?" Amelia asked the toddler in her arms, who was nodding her head excitedly, making Amelia giggle.
"Sounds like a plan. I'll call Uncle Scot-Scot and Auntie Ash, see if they want to join." Trent suggested, plating the food and motioning that breakfast was ready. The little family spent the rest of the morning laughing and planning their day, enjoying their time together before his inevitable spin-up
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hhsklsaoavw · 5 years
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teddypeddy · 4 years
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spookybatsblog · 4 years
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queerism1969 · 2 years
The transgender bill of rights would erase women, What do you think about it?
Things republican party did to erase women and to make women’s life a living hell:
In April 2012, Governor Scott Walker's repeal of Wisconsin's Equal Pay Enforcement Act was described by opponents as furthering the "war on women", which became a big issue in his recall election.
In February 2011, Ms. magazine charged House Republicans with launching a new "war on women" for their proposal to cut the WIC budget by 10%
The renewal of the Violence Against Women Act, which provides for community violence prevention programs and battered women's shelters, was fiercely opposed by conservative Republicans in 2012.
Columnist Margery Eagan has said that opposition to reforming the military in order to better prosecute sexual assaults constitutes a war on women. Senator Saxby Chambliss of Georgia was criticized for saying that part of the cause of the sexual assault was young officers' "hormone level created by nature".
In 2014, Michigan law prohibited all public and most private insurers from covering abortions including in cases of rape and incest. It requires women to buy separate insurance and has been called "rape insurance" by opponents because of the possibility that women will need to have separate insurance for an abortion resulting from rape.
In January 2011, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act moved to change how rape is treated when used to determine whether abortions qualify for Medicaid funding. Under the language of the bill, only cases of "forcible rape" or child sexual abuse would have qualified.
House Republicans passed legislation to cut off funding for Planned Parenthood in February 2011
A Kansas bill passed in March 2012 requires doctors to warn women seeking abortions that they are linked to breast cancer,[95] a claim that has been refuted by the medical community.
In June 2013, Representative Trent Franks of Arizona passed a national bill in the House Judiciary Committee that would ban abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy. The bill did not include exceptions for rape, incest, or the health of the mother
Some states require that women view the image of the fetus and others require that women be offered the opportunity to listen to the fetal heartbeat. Since many women's pregnancies are not far enough along to get an image via a traditional ultrasound, transvaginal ultrasounds, which involve the physician inserting a probe into the woman's vagina, may be required, but these requirements vary from state to state.
Transgender Bill of Rights
In 2020, the Supreme Court ruled in Bostock vs. Clayton County that the ban on workplace sex discrimination in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act includes discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity; the Trans Bill of Rights would formally codify this ruling into law as well.
To that end, the measure would codify the right to abortion and contraception, expand access to trans healthcare, protect trans people from healthcare discrimination, and ban forced surgery on intersex infants. Lastly, the bill calls for investment in the community and mental health services that work to prevent violence against trans people and provide services to survivors. It would also create a division within the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice that would specifically pertain to trans people.
While the Transgender Bill of Rights is a nice gesture, it rings slightly hollow considering that legislative, structural, and interpersonal attacks on trans people have been ongoing and widespread for years. It’s fairly similar to the Equality Act, which also promises to enshrine protections for LGBTQ+ people in federal law; while that bill has passed the House, it’s unclear when the Senate will vote on it, or if it can even pass the Senate if they do.
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scaryscarecrows · 3 years
Do any of the squad have uncommon genetic traits (green eyes, left handed, dimples, double jointed, etc.)?
Antoine: I've got an extra rib.
Jimmy: That is the exact opposite of what most people dream about.
Antoine: Shut up. You have to squint to see it on an x-ray, it doesn't matter--
Jimmy: You've just come to terms with it. It's okay. Anyways, contrary to what the media would have you believe, my natural ginger self is a damn unicorn. Neigh.
Riley: I'm left handed! But I can slap the shit out of you with both hands, so it doesn't really matter.
Mark: I have two rows of eyelashes. It's more annoying than anything, because that just means I have a greater chance of said eyelashes getting into my eye, because they're all traitors. >-(
Frank: I have a little hole near my left ear. You have to squint to see it. Google thinks it's, like, a leftover gill kind of thing? I don't know, but it's a thing.
Trent: I AM an uncommon genetic trait. B) *
*Trent is the result of experimentation of venom on a fetus. It made him big, strong and very difficult to permanently harm; realistically, he should have bled out from having his throat slit, but, well, that did not happen.
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punkjinshi · 5 years
I'm still laughing over the fact that Trent liked that fetus deletus post I seen
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getting-messi · 6 years
Since we’ve all been missing Trent, I decided to make a video for you guys of Fetus Trent
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hhsklsaoavw · 7 years
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Brian Warner
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teddypeddy · 5 years
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Nine Inch Nails - Gave Up (1992) 
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scaryscarecrows · 4 years
please please please tell me that Trent's mom is like 4'11 bc that would be hilarious omg
Mama? She’s like, 5′3.-Trent
Trent’s Gargantuan-ness is because Mama Trent needed money, as people do because the system is shitty. SO she agreed to be in a program testing the effects of Venom (yup, Bane’s Venom, because nobody in the DCU has sense) on a fetus. They sort of figured nothing happened to him...but around age eleven, he. Got bigger. His size and an increased general hardiness are the only side effects, though. 
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