carrickbender · 11 months
Halloween was great, sans having a sick Henry, so no sallying forth and getting candy for him. But he did use his toy front end loader as a candy distributor, so he's still getting the job done.
Ran into a coworker from my old job today who is now in a custody fight with his ex-gf. Makes me sad for their son. He also said that he too hates his current job, but that at a private function he talked to the new owner of where we used to work and he's just working on timing for calling us back.
Which honestly can't be too soon. I really don't want to perfect my ability to talk to kids during a DVA crisis. Heart Attack? Ok. Stroke? Already done it. But kids... yeah, no. I'll do it, but... plus, I can't afford much more of this job $$$ wise.
My mom had to put one of her pups down after a freak accident, and we are all heart broken. He was 4 years old. RIP Charlie the Chucklebunny. You weren't the brightest crayon, but you were a glowing light.
Still working hard, still giving it my all, still tired, and still out at sea, not giving up.
"The truth comes out as the fire burns low
It comes to light as only embers glow
The whiskey talks, the west wind moans in the night
The deadfall's gathered and the branches are cut
Kindling crackles and the smoke curls up
The small sticks catch then the bigger stuff will burn
Chinook dies down as the dark descends
Pine has burned, the ash has cleansed
The message smolders, is lost, but finally sent"- Corb Lund
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electricnik · 3 years
WoooHooo! we are allowed a few more ‘freedoms’ from today. Not that I’m going to go out of my way to do anything at the moment. Here we are going to have a problem with all sorts of chucklebunnies booking more things than they can attend, so want to go out for a meal, go the cinema etc? it’s computer says no. (The advice is if you have time, turn up in person and ask whether there are cancellations or no shows).
I woke up to the BBC doing their cringy circular coronashagging thing, though I did have a laugh at one story about Blackpool aquarium playing AC/DC over the loudspeakers for the sharks during the lockdown.
I’ve got enough stuff to work through and keep me busy over the next few weeks and running around like the proverbial blue arsed fly is not my thing. The only problem I’ve had over the last few days has been the local babooshkas mourning the end of lockdown. ‘It made me feel safe and secure, everything was so nice and quiet’ said a woman in a queue behind me, and others being snappy.
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incorrectmulti · 5 years
Jack: (leaving voicemail for Katherine) I can't wait to see you, my luscious little breakfast quiche. I just want to draw you a bubble bath and spoon-feed you caviar. I think we should open up a joint checking account. I love you. (ends call) What am I doing? Race: It's okay. I hung up for you right after "Chucklebunny". Jack: Help me. I've gone Full Kelly.
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Roger: I’ve seen this before, buddy, and it is bad.
Freddie: Roger, I’m nowhere near Full Freddie.
Roger: then prove it. Just push your anniversary dinner one night. Say: ”Jim, tomorrow doesn’t work for me, can we reschedule?”
Freddie: *picking up phone* If this will convince you, more than happy. No problem.
Roger: great.
Freddie: voicemail. God, I love how he says the words ”you’ve reached”. Hi Jim, it’s chucklebunny. I’m just calling about dinner tomorrow.
Freddie: I can’t wait to see you, my luscious little breakfast quiche. I just wanna draw you a bubble bath and spoon-feed you caviar. I think we should open up a joint checking account. I love you-
Freddie: what am I doing?
Roger: it’s okay. I hung up right after ”chucklebunny”.
Freddie: help me. I’ve gone full Freddie.
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