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______Sergey Chumakov
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oldsardens · 10 months
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Fedor Chumakov - Portrait of a Woman
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mahdi68 · 2 years
Musical show (Moscow)#1
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pwlanier · 1 year
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Chumakov Yuri Vladimirovich (b. 1963). Samovar. 1993. Oil on canvas
At the bottom left is the author's signature with a brush: Chumakov 1993. On the back is the author's signature, title, date and size.
Artist. Member of the International Federation of Artists at UNESCO, member of the Moscow Union of Artists, scholarship holder and laureate of the New Names program of the Russian Foundation for Culture 1990-1995; laureate of the Kansk Festival dedicated to the 200th anniversary of A. С. Pushkin; laureate of 4th church-wide exhibition-forum.
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eground01 · 3 months
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Как сохранить спокойствие и сказать панике - нет! - Чумаков (2024)
Как сохранить спокойствие и сказать панике - нет!
Илья Чумаков
На мастер к��ассе вы узнаете, как с помощью эфирных масел:
• Снять тревожность, чувство неопределенности
• Устранить панические атаки
• Убрать страхи и успокоиться
• Наладить сон и устранить бессонницу
Эфирные масла - это доказанная эффективность при снятии стресса и депрессии
С эфирными маслами мы делаем:
• Аромаванны
• Массажи
• Ароматизацию помещения
• Наносим на...
Читать далее
Подробнее на https://eground.org/threads/kak-soxranit-spokojstvie-i-skazat-panike-net-chumakov-2024.127995/
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neozoneorg · 8 months
Bottes anti-mines, cape d'invisibilité, quand les inventeurs ukrainiens mettent leur ingéniosités au service de l’armée
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Deux inventeurs ukrainiens, Igor Yiefimenko et Vadim Chumakov, ont transformé la tragédie de la guerre en source d'inspiration. Découvrez comment leurs créations novatrices protègent les soldats et révolutionnent la guerre en Ukraine. ... Read the full article
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7ooo-ru · 1 year
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Вирусолог Чумаков: через два года коронавирус будет неотличим от простуды
Член-корреспондент РАН, вирусолог доктор биологических наук Пётр Чумаков, заведующий лабораторией пролиферации клеток Института молекулярной биологии им. В.А. Энгельгардта РАН, заявил, что в течение двух ближайших лет коронавирус ещё будет давать волны заболеваемости в России, после чего станет неотличим от простуды.
Читать далее
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2023/09/22/917-virusolog-chumakov-cherez-dva-goda-koronavirus-budet-neotlichim-ot-prostudy-grss-241645201.html
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insurgentepress · 1 year
Multa Rusia a ex agente de KGB transexual por emigrar hacia México
Agencias/Ciudad de México.- Una transexual que fue agente del Servicio Federal de Seguridad (FSB, ex KGB) de Rusia fue multada con 3.200 dólares por intentar emigrar a México sin permiso, según informó su abogado. La exespía, que se sometió a una operación de cambio de sexo y cambió su nombre de Alexandr Chumakov a Katerina Mayers, violó la ley que prohíbe a los antiguos miembros de los servicios…
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claudiotrezzani · 1 year
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Cosa fare della materia?
Siamo materia, la abbiamo, ne necessitiamo.
Nel trattarla, possiamo leggere od esplicitare.
Sognare od architettare.
Wolff S. Licht sogna.
Ma è un sogno che - ancora - si nutre di materia.
Ha bisogno di determinati obiettivi per creare onirica suadenza, Wolff.
Solo così - con un Trioplan - può titolare "viandanti sul mare di nebbia".
Solo così lo sfocato - sì deliziosamente peculiare - può essere letto attingendo ad ispirata immaginazione.
Solo così - dilatando i sensi di chi guarda, perché il primo a dischiuderli è stato lui - può chiamare a testimone di visione ed ariosità Caspar David Friedrich.
Sergey Chumakov architetta.
Il suo titolo è "breakfast".
In luogo di lettura, esplicitazione.
Ma metaforica, l'esplicitazione.
Natura morta su corpo, è così che vive.
Occorre possedere finezza e profondità, Sergey ne è generosamente dotato.
Ecco, leggere od esplicitare
Ecco, sognare od architettare.
La materia è duttile, attende menti atte ad espanderla.
Wolff e Sergey altamente n'epitomizzano facoltà.
All rights reserved
Claudio Trezzani
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elar-urfu-ru · 1 year
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chumakovss · 5 years
Вот такое хреновое лето. Зато в Красноярске 23 и ... гроза. А сегодня там - 29. А я там выступаю 20. #ссч #чумаков #сергейчумаков #настоящийчумаков #чумаков2019 #сергейчумаков2019 #CHUMAKOV #chumakov2019 #sergeychumakov2019 #sergeychumakov #кутузовскийпроспект #пробканакутузовском #дождь #лето #москва #красноярск #гастроли #концерт #хочусолнца #хочунаморе (at THE MOSCOW CITY) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz_fwimoVsS/?igshid=1ln4y31tmanko
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mahdi68 · 2 years
Moscow ballet dance
The Nutcracker (Composition), Variation, Moscow Ballet, Russia (Country), Great, ballet, dance, christmas, holiday, Great Russian Nutcracker, sergey chumakov, elena petrichenko, arabian variation, acroballet, acro-ballet, acrobatics, ballerina, danseur, partner dance, couple dance, nutcracker variations, christmas show, christmas performance, family friendly, performing arts, live performance, moscow ballets great russian nutcracker, moscow ballet nutcracker, moscow ballet arabian dance
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andrejkornienko · 5 years
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🇷🇺🇺🇿Алексей Чумаков Alexey Chumakov @alexchumakoff С Днем Рождения Happy Birthday 39 Лет Years #алексейчумаков #alexeychumakov #чумаков #chumakov #певец #singing #актёр #actor #sovietunion #ussr #su #uzbekistan #uz #tashkent #russia #rus #ru #novosibirsk #moscow #saintpetersburg #sevastopol #crimea #сднемрождения #happybirthday #instagram #instagramrussia #throwback #follow #follow4follow 12.03.2020 Год (at Novosibirsk, Russia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9ofkzKqTws/?igshid=17t3085k9gka6
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pwlanier · 2 years
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Chumakov Fyodor Petrovich (1823-1911) "Girl in Russian costume." The end of the XIX century.
Oil on canvas
In the lower left corner is the author's signature: "Th Tchoumakoff".
Expert opinion of NINE named after P.M. Tretyakova (A.A. Makhotina).
Artist, historical painter and portraitist. He was brought up at the St. Petersburg Theater School. At the age of seventeen, 1840, he transferred to the Imperial Academy of Arts, becoming a pensioner of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts. There he was also noticed by professors of painting K.P. Bryullov and P.V. Basin, he became a free-coming student in the class of historical painting by Pyotr Vasilyevich Basin. The IAH Council of Professors recognized it possible to give Fyodor Petrovich the title of academician. In 1857, he went abroad again, traveled all over Europe and settled in Paris, where he became a permanent exhibitor of the Salon. Several times his works attracted the exceptional attention of French criticism, and in 1865 the French government acquired his painting Torture of the Savior. Several of his works were purchased by the President of the Imperial Academy of Arts Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna, during a visit to the artist's Paris workshop. Subsequently, the artist specialized in women's portraits and especially "heads", which at that time were as successful as the heads of K.E. Makovsky, painted paintings on historical and biblical subjects, genre compositions.
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eground01 · 6 months
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Ароматерапия. Физические боли - Чумаков (2023)
Ароматерапия. Физические боли
Академия AromaVita - Илья Чумаков
«ФИЗИЧЕСКИЕ БОЛИ»: мышечные, суставные, менструальные, боли в животе, при болезненном кашле и т.д.
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Совершенно новый продукт от Ильи Чумакова, который пройдет в прямом эфире.
Исследования Ильи не стоят на...
Читать далее
Подробнее на https://eground.org/threads/aromaterapija-fizicheskie-boli-chumakov-2023.115124/?&utm_source=tumblr&utm_medium=autopost&utm_campaign=project_21975&utm_content=post_37080522
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jerseydeanne · 4 years
Wuhan laboratory scientists 'did absolutely crazy things' to alter coronavirus and enabled it to infect humans, Russian microbiologist claims
Wuhan laboratory scientists ‘did absolutely crazy things’ to alter coronavirus and enabled it to infect humans, Russian microbiologist claims
World renowned expert Professor Petr Chumakov made claims about the labs
He thinks new regulations will come in to control work with dangerous viruses 
Putin’s spokesman warned against allegations that coronavirus was manmade 
[contentcards url=”https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8249875/Wuhan-laboratory-scientists-did-absolutely-crazy-things-alter-coronavirus.html” target=”_blank”]
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