#chung-soon chang
whatisonthemoon · 1 year
Did Hak Ja Han Have A Marriage Ceremony With Jesus Christ Or Is She His Concubine?
Hak Ja Han claims under oath in her deposition in the court case between The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity and Hyung Jin Moon / Sanctuary Church that she as the Only Begotten Daughter of God and Jesus as the Only Begotten Son of God are the True Parents of humankind. Both Hak Ja Han and Jesus were born without original sin but Sun Myung Moon was born with original sin. Sun Myung Moon as a proxy for Jesus Christ failed in his mission and is completely irrelevant in God’s Providence. It is Hak Ja Han who established Cheon Il Guk, the Kingdom of God on Earth on the Foundation Day February 13th, 2013.
In the light of this official theological declaration of Hak Ja Han there are many questions which she must answer: 1) Did Hak Ja Han have an official marriage ceremony with Jesus Christ and when and where did the ceremony take place? Who were present at the marriage ceremony as witnesses? 2) Jesus was already married to Chung-soon Chang, one of the Six Marys of Sun Myung Moon. They were married by Sun Myung Moon at the beginning of the 1970s. Did Hak Ja Han divorce Chung-soon Chang and Jesus? How did Jesus react to his divorce? 3) The Original Divine Principle from 1952 claims that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and they probably had children. Did Hak Ja Han divorce Jesus from Mary Magdalene, too? So Jesus already had a wife Mary Magdalene and a second wife or a concubine Chung-soon Chang. What is Hak Ja Han’s position in this marriage triangle?
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bbyobbyo · 7 days
Ever since you stopped using his Spotify account in the mornings, you find other ways to mess with your boyfriend.
A short continuation of this fic, but can be read as a standalone.
content: fluff, established relationship, idol!Jihoon, banter, reader and jihoon just have a permanent jam session going on, they’re in love i swear
wc: 857
note: ahhh they’re back!! thank you to everyone who read the first part and gave it love😊 this has been rotting my brain for a while and i originally was playing with this concept for the original but couldn’t pull it together but we’re here now! shoutout to @highvern because it was partly inspired by her fic “Between the Titles” which is such a great read that i highly recommend along with literally everything else she writes!! all the songs featured here are real and from an era of kpop I hold near and dear to my heart so if you recognize any of them, you’re a real one 🥰
Jihoon is not a morning person, never has been. As he sits in the dressing room of the filming studio, he can feel his eyelids getting increasingly heavy. Some of his members are actively sleeping, in fact, and Jihoon knows he’ll be joining them soon if Wonwoo takes any longer in that makeup chair.
Blasting in his ears is his usual Bruno Mars playlist, a sad attempt to try to recover his energy before he knocks out next to Mingyu sleeping on a mat on the floor, but to no avail because his mind slowly slips away until a piercing airhorn noise jolts him awake.
Uhh. This was definitely not his Daily Bruno Mars Mix.
He immediately searches his screen to find out what happened when he finds his answer in the form of a text from you.
[8:18 am] good morning sleepyhead :)
[8:18 am] hope I didnt scare you too bad :)
He scrunches his face up in disbelief, half amused that you managed to catch him off guard with possibly the most annoying wake up song on Seventeen’s discography, and half annoyed at the realization that he must’ve forgotten to cancel your Spotify Jam session from yesterday.
He decides to leave your text on read. After all, he has plenty of time to be petty today. Furiously searching through his library, he queues up a song and before Mingyu can finish singing the first chorus, he smashes the next track button in smug anticipation.
Now Playing: Fxxk U • Gain, Bumkey
And he doesn’t have to wait long before he gets your reply.
[8:20 am] oh i see how it is
Now Playing: This is War • MBLAQ
If Jihoon wasn’t awake before, he definitely is now. Even as he gets called in to do his makeup next, he thinks carefully about his next move.
Now Playing: LOSER • BIGBANG
Now Playing: WHO, YOU? • G-DRAGON
An audible scoffs escapes from his lips as he involuntarily tilts his head back in amusement, much to the dismay of his makeup artist who had just started on his foundation. He mutters a shy sorry before resuming his search for a reply. Maybe he needs to take a different approach to this if he hopes to continue having Jam sessions with you in the future.
Now Playing: Whatcha Doin’ Today • 4Minute
As Jihoon eventually discovers, his hopes to change the topic of conversation were in vain as two songs were suddenly queued one after another.
Now Playing: Why Don’t You Know • CHUNG HA, Nucksal
Next in Queue: Mind Your Own Business • Ailee
Jihoon thinks he’s met his match, coming to the realization that he could never out sass the love of his life. But he wasn’t willing to back down so easily either.
Now Playing: I’m so sick • Apink
Next in Queue: Because of you • After School
Your next move nearly sends him to tears.
Now Playing: Excuse Me • AOA
Next in Queue: You Don’t Love Me • Spica
Next in Queue: I ain’t going home tonight • Navi, Geeks
Next in Queue: I Don’t Need a Man • miss A
As he chuckles to himself for what seems like the hundredth time this morning, this newfound form of entertainment suddenly becomes incredibly precious. Although you see each other nearly every day, Jihoon realizes just how much he misses you, talking to you about everything and nothing at all, bantering like you’ve known each other for your entire lives.
Now Playing: Am I too easy? • U-KISS
Now Playing: Mystery • Beast
Even though he couldn’t be with you physically, he knew you were enjoying yourself just as much as him on the other side. He could almost picture your smile of satisfaction as you found your next song, knowing that he would appreciate your humor. And appreciate he did, happily tapping away at his screen until his makeup artist puts on his finishing touches and tells him to call the next member.
Now Playing: Gotta Go • CHUNG HA
Next in Queue: I’m Busy • 2NE1
Next in Queue: Plz Don’t Be Sad • HIGHLIGHT
Now Playing: Okay Dokey • MINO, ZICO
Little does he know that his members are in the corner snickering at the sight, knowing that only one thing could have their producer smiling like an idiot at his phone the whole morning.
Soon enough, Jihoon and his members get swept up into their schedule involving the filming of various contents for their Youtube Channel, a task that usually takes the entire day if a game is involved. Thankfully, the game allowed for members to go home early, a rare treat considering how competitive his members can get when it comes to shooting content.
After his usual rounds of “good work everyone” to the company staff and his members, he gets ready to see the person who been on his mind (and in his ears) since the morning. Taking out his phone, he queues one last song while exiting the building.
Now Playing: Run to you • SEVENTEEN
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lady-parthenopia · 2 months
ROTMHS/ROTBB side story ramblings
Spoilers about Chung Myung's childhood:
I just finished reading the side story and my heart is breaking on how Chung Myung reacted to being told off about manners because Yanghoe/Yang Hui(?) assumed that Chung Myung's parents held a high position in Mount Hua. Yanghoe/Yang Hui's words got filtered in Chung Myung's ear and he mostly only heard himself being called small, doesn't have parents and ignorant... He said how could he learn about manners and such when doesn't have parents while kicking him in face at the same time orz
Ughh Chung Myung is that type of kid who is cute until he opens his mouth that was his first impression of him 😔
Chung Mun kicking Yanghoe/Yang Hui as soon as he heard Chung Myung saying that he cursed him saying he's an ignorant, parentless child 😭 Chung Mun cares for Chung Myung after all? 🥹
Oh my god I'm so glad he has the wits to not poison Chung Myung. It seems to be the same or similar kind of poison he was given when they went to the Tang Family in Chung Myung's reincarnated life 🥹
UGHHH AND HE STILL ACTUALLY ATE IT LIKE HE DID WITH THE TANG FAMILY!!! I'M LOSING MY MIND I LOVE HIM 😭 I wonder if this means the poison already doesn't work on him at this point? Or did Chung Myung beat them up with just his physical strength?
Chung Myung carried him easily on his back but because of the height difference Yanghoe/Yang Hui's feet are dragging 😭 I wonder if there's already a fanart of this, I feel like I haven't seen any yet...
Waaaah he's sincerely apologized for saying things about Chung Myung's parents, my heart is aching so much for these two oh my gosh
Oh so it actually took a long time before he got his Taoist name Chung Jin. It might be because the elders(?) are still giving him a chance to back out? And speaking of the elders Baek Oh seems to say that he's done everything but can't change the child's (Chung Myung's) personality?? Just what exactly did they do for a child like him to turn out like this, I'm finding the translation a bit difficult to read orz
Ah, so Chung Jin and Chung Myung have a bond over the sunset like this. I see, I understand it more now 😭😭😭 He probably remembered Chung Myung saying that he wakes up from his nap to train at that time to practice while watching the sunset and came to love that place too(?)
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chanlixsbabygirl · 11 months
Regrets | Lee Know
Pairing: f!reader x Lee Know
TW: reader is deceased and Lee Know is dealing with grief.
He sat in the living room, looking up at the ceiling. It could have been hours. It could have been minutes. He didn’t know or care at this point. Everyone else was out of the dorm and the space was silent, save for his breathing.
Lee Minho had been like this, even more distant and cold than ever, for approximately three months. Three months since he got the call that Y/N L/N had been rushed to the hospital and pronounced dead upon arrival. He could truthfully say they’d been the worst three months of his life. And he’d been haunted with gut-wrenching guilt for it all.
He thought back to that day a bit too often. His eyes would often glaze over and his members, his brothers, would look at him with sad gazes, but they gave him space.
His mind was back to that rainy April day when you walked out of the dorm at 2:30am instead of staying. You were supposed to stay. Instead there’d been a fight. You’d practically begged him to yell back. To fight. To show any sign that he cared.
He had stood there, unmoving, expression unchanging. You are angry to the point of tears when you stormed out, saying you’d rather drive across the city in the rain that be stuck in his presence the rest of the night. And he watched.
Minho knew you shouldn’t be driving in that weather. He knew he should’ve stopped you because between the rain and your anger, nothing good could come. But he had let you leave.
Now the boys left the dorms oin pairs or they got frantic messages that were barely coherent. As seemingly devoid of feeling as he’d been on the outside, Minho was a swirling sea of emotions.
He had replayed the whole scene in his head before you had even made it off his street. He’d noted the things he should have done, what he would have changed. Minho planned to tell you as much when you got home.
And when you didn’t text him that you were home, he started to worry. He assumed traffic might be a bit slow because of the rain, but even then, it shouldn’t have been this long. He could feel his pulse picking up as he attempted to call. You weren’t answering. He called a few times before he gave up and just began pacing back and forth.
His phone started ringing at 3:30am. He didn’t recognize the number but he knew it was from an area code near your house, so he picked up. Maybe your car had broken down and your phone died. That was possible.
“Is this Lee Minho?”
“Mr. Lee, I regret to have to make this call, but you are listed as an emergency contact. L/N Y/N has been transported to Chung-Ang University Hospital following a vehicular accident. Upon arrival, it has been confirmed that she has passed. We have the young lady’s personal affects at the hospital to be claimed.”
Minho didn’t respond. He didn’t know how to. This was a dream. This had all been a dream, right? The fight had just been a bad dream, and so was this.
“Mr. Lee?”
“This…this can’t be correct.”
“We understand that this news is hard, Mr. Lee. Please come in to claim Miss L/N’s possession when the hospital is open to non-emergency visitors.”
That was when everything in his world broke down. He didn’t remember throwing the phone. He didn’t remember screaming like someone was trying to rip him apart. He didn’t remember the yelling as his maknae began trying to figure out what was going on.
Seungmin was the first into his bedroom, panic and fear burning in his eyes as he turned on the lights. Minho was on his knees in the middle of the floor, hands over his ears, screams still rattling out of him. Felix soon followed, and Jeongin went to get the rest of the members.
Seungmin and Felix got the screaming to stop by the time the remaining five crammed into the room. It was Chan that knelt before Minho and uncovered his ears. Minho’s face was a mask of confusion and his eyes were bloodshot. Tears fell freely, unlike any of the group had ever seen.
“Minho, what’s happening?”
“She’s gone.”
“Y/N was pronounced dead.”
The room went still and utterly silent, apart from Minho’s ragged breathing and labored exhaled cries.
“Minho, I understand that this is a very difficult moment, but you need to explain. Now.”
“We had a fight and she left. She said she was going to drive home. And it’s storming. And I didn’t stop her. And then she wasn’t home and she should’ve been and I tried to call her and she didn’t answer and then I got a call and the man said he was from Chung-Ang and that she had been in an accident and that she was gone when they got her there and that I could come to the hospital to get her things and-“
Chan put a hand on Minho’s shoulder to stop him. Seungmin, Felix, and Jeongin’s face all dropped. They’d heard the fighting before they’d gone to sleep. They’d gone to bed assuming it would resolve itself the way your fights with Minho usually did. Usually Minho could calm you down enough that you’d go to bed and talk things out in the morning. Instead you’d walked and he’d stood aside and watched.
The door slammed and Minho was suddenly back in July. When the dorms were on eggshells and your jacket hung on the chair in the kitchen, untouched since it was brought home. Each member had their own feeling towards it, and each could be found staring at it from time to time, thinking about what they’d lost.
Seungmin entered, walking quietly into the room. He was the one that seemed to be surprisingly kept himself together the best. not that he didn’t care for you, but that he held his composure throughout the aftermath, for the most part. Minho didn’t expect when Seungmin picked up the jacket and walked over to sit next to him.
“You know, I called her because I accidentally broke a plant pot one day. I was terrified how you’d react when you got home if I didn’t fix it, so I called her, because I don’t know anything about plants. She came over and helped me repot it and put it back.”
Minho stopped breathing for a moment. He’d never heard either of you breathe a word of it. He wouldn’t even know if Seungmin hadn’t just admitted it. It was perfectly like you thought, to try to fix something even if you didn’t break it. Seungmin handed the jacket to Minho with a small smile.
“I know it hurts, but I would rather remember her than try to bury it all.”
Tears came. Minho cried with Seungmin there to comfort him. It was one of the first time since everything had happened that Minho cried in front of the others. He usually cried alone.
“Thank you…I needed this.”
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judgementdaysunshine · 2 months
Day 20 Hyacinths: Blue is your color
Pairing: CM Punk x Fem reader
Description: You are left with small surprises before your Birthday finding out who it is the night of your birthday
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The week had been good for you and you were on cloud nine after winning a big match with Samoa Joe against Austin Aries and Traci Brooks stopping when you see Blue Hyacinths next to your locker room. You smile seeing a plate of cookies eating as you watch your friends matches wondering who left you the flowers since there was no note or anything that would tell you who it was and you're left wondering even more when you find a note in your locker room at the next show that said "Happy Birthday my girl" your heart fluttered reading the note asking to see if they saw anything but you knew by the way joe looked at you along with Punk and Jade Chung you had a feeling they knew something but they weren't planning on telling you anytime soon as the next week passed almost going crazy trying to number down on who it could have been since joe was your best friend, you didn't spend a ton of time with austin, you thought it was Alex Shelley at first but with how he flirted with jade you knew he would have just told you, and you definitely knew it wasn't either of the girls so you were at a lost by this point as you kept getting light blue hyacinths meeting up with your friend Trish Stratus who told you to keep looking. After two weeks you were back where you were not knowing who it was until the whole roster had a party at joe's house after a big network pay per view celebrating with your friends minus punk who you thought was tired or just didn't want to come raising a brow when joe stares at you following his line of sight across the room yelping when he lightly pushes you forward almost falling had you not been caught by punk smiling when you see him and it grows when you see the all too familiar blue hyacinths in his other arm "Now officially, Happy Birthday baby" you giggle even though it was still the day before your birthday he still helped you celebrate it early by sharing a kiss waking up the next morning opening your door after a knock to find punk with breakfast before all your friends surprised you at the park having a wonderful birthday with your friends and family having dinner with punk later that night where the blossoming relationship between the two of you officially began "Blue is your color" you smile sweetly as he kisses you softly after changing into a loose blue dress spending the rest of the night together watching movies before he took you home having the best birthday ever.
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iamprchung · 2 months
Wild Horses (The In-Betweens)
Comp Mints: The In-betweens
All those plot bunnies that proliferated in between ‘The Spider and the FBI’ and ‘Incognito’. In that original series, no sooner were Skinner and Scully an item and then, wham, they’re on the rocks.
There were other stories of course, full of romance and angst, but nothing that flowed through this series, the wild and wacky fun series, where Mulder was totally okay with his partner and boss having an illicit romance that put all of his serious work on the X-Files at risk… Yeah, there was that entire part of it that I glossed over. However, let us continue to suspend reality and just have some good wholesome shippy fun.
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Post Episode: Tithonus
Haunted by Scully's hospitalization, Assistant Director Skinner travels to New York.  As he watches over her from afar, the memory of his own past vulnerability surfaces.  A stolen moment of connection reveals the depth of their relationship and the weight of their secret.  Despite unspoken anxieties, Scully reassures Skinner, offering a promise of a future together.
Wild Horses
By PR Chung
Walter Skinner stood outside the ICU bay, looking through the blinds in the window, watching Scully sleep, her shape cast in the indigo glow of monitors. It was far past visiting hours. It had taken what seemed like an eternity to get from D.C. to New York. Mulder had kept him apprised of her condition, assuring him she was stabilizing as he stepped onto the Amtrak in DC. It was a commuter express, but stops were frequent despite its moniker.
NYU Medical Center
11:15 pm
Mulder was in the waiting area, dozing on an uncomfortable bench seat laughably padded with warn thin cushions. Skinner would coax him to go back to his hotel room soon. They both needed rest, the same as she did.
He reached out, touching his fingertips to the glass, placing them over her figure on the other side. He closed his eyes. This wasn’t supposed to be her. This should never be her burden. He would change places with her, he would make that deal with heaven or hell.
Skinner waited, hovering outside Scully’s room, giving her and Mulder time to visit. He was on the phone, barely listening to voice mails, his mind elsewhere. Her doctor said she was recovering quickly. She could be back home in DC in a few days even.
NYU Medical Center
One Week Later
9:30 am
He glanced toward the room, seeing her and Mulder clasping hands, talking. He was grateful for Mulder being there for her. Skinner didn’t want to consider her having been by herself during this. It was difficult enough when he’d heard the news that she’d been shot. The circumstances, mistakenly shot by a fellow agent, were overwhelming for everyone to comprehend. The severity of her injuries, her condition in post-op and then ICU. Skinner took the phone from his ear and terminated the connection to his voice mail.
If he’d been there, could he have changed the outcome? Could have he prevented it? Could he have blocked--?
He turned to see Mulder stepping toward him, “everything all right?” 
“Yeah,” Skinner answered, pocketing his phone with a glance toward Scully's room. Through the window he saw her looking back at him, her face winsome and pale. “Just catching up on voice mails. How’s she doing?”
“Considering,” Mulder said, “she’s doing great.” He offered Skinner a thin smile, encouraging him, “go see for yourself.”
 Without hesitation, Skinner nodded and headed toward the door of her room.
"Hey, you," he greeted her, settling on the bed next to her carefully.
"Hey, you," she smiled, taking his hand.  "Don't you have a job anymore?"
"Seems like hospitals are becoming our new vacation spots, huh?"  The memory of his own time spent by her bedside, the worry a constant weight in his chest, tightened his throat for a moment.
Scully shook her head, “We both need to stop doing this.”
Skinner offered a thin knowing smile.
“So, you and Mulder have been shacking up again?”
He chuckled. “He told you.”
“Oh yeah,” she smiled.
“It’s not so bad this time. The room has two beds.”
Scully laughed, then grimaced. “Oh, ouch.”
“Sorry,” Skinner apologized realizing the joke had caused her to hurt herself laughing.
“It’s okay, it was funny.”
He glanced toward the window in her room that faced the hall, checking the hall. Mulder had gone, and no one else was in sight, offering him an opportunity.
He leaned over her, kissing her earnestly, inhaling her scent he had missed so dearly, relishing the tender touch of her mouth. Straightening, watching her open her eyes, a pleased smile across her mouth, he was never more thankful. “When you come home— to DC, when you’re better,” he began, searching for what he was trying to express.”
Scully nodded, patiently listening to him uncharacteristically stammer. She couldn’t imagine what this had been like for him. Keeping so much hidden, the stress and worry. She didn’t want to do that to him, it wasn’t fair to do to anyone. He didn’t deserve that.
“…I’ll clear up my calendar.” He continued, making plans for them. He seemed penitent and it hurt her to hear that in his voice.
She squeezed his hand, drawing his eye to meet her gaze. She smiled. “There’s time.” She told him.
“Slow down.”
He looked at her, trying to understand.
“I’m here.” She assured him. “I’m not going anywhere.”
He reacted, dipping his head to turn away from her, something affecting him that he had to control. Gathering himself he lifted his head, looking at her, nodding in agreement with what she’d conveyed.
“I’ll hold you to that.”
End 'Wild Horses'
More to come. 
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dangermousie · 1 year
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So, the costume cdrama draught continues (I have no idea if the rumored ban/purge is a thing or not; new moderns are airing, costume ones are not so who even knows, but either way there is nothing airing of interest for me, whatever the reason.) AND rewatching General and I reminded me of my love for Wallace Chung AND the fact that I actually never finished 2021′s The Sword and the Brocade with Wallace and Seven Tan.
I watched it as it aired and in the beginning, I truly loved it but I was taken aback by the utterly unexpected sudden change of wonderfully nuanced slice-of-life exploration of large families and arranged marriage turning to love and the evils of polygamy and limitations on lives of women and just the joys of watching an introvert hero and ladylike heroine slowly get close into CSI Ming Dynasty. My brain could not swap one mold for the other and even though it returned to slice of life feel soon enough, I never really could get back into it because my brain remained broken and that was back in early 2021 when there were many other delightful things to watch.
Well, anyway, drought (of dramas) and thirst (for Wallace) have sent me back and now I know what it is/isn’t and how it shifts and then unshifts, I find myself enjoying it tbh. Both Seven and Wallace are so good in this. I restarted from about where I stopped (around ep 30 of 45) and am loving the above scene because this is pretty much the best “reunion after you accidentally stabbed me mistakenly thinking I murdered your mom and then I rode off to battle still trying to protect you and now we’ve reunited on a farm my angry mom sent you to after I just saved your bacon.” I think the reason I love this so much is because Lingyi has reverted to his deeply awkward introverted self around her but also he is (understandably) keeping her at a distance and she’s devastated but accepting (because hey, if you wrongly suspected your lovely husband of murder and accidentally almost killed him to boot, it makes sense he’d be ummmm) and that little bit where she reaches out to touch his face and he very gently but inexorably takes her hand before she touches his cheek and puts it down and she just looks down is CHEF’S KISS!!!!
Anyway, there is nothing to watch so I am gonna finish this baby.
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stevebattle · 2 years
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Bat Bot B2 by Soon-Jo Chung (2017), Caltech and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). The Bat Bot weighs 93 grams and has a one-foot wingspan. The challenge is to create wings that change shape while flapping, as the robot flexes and twists its body like a real bat. Lightweight fabrics like nylon and Mylar are not stretchy enough, so they stretched a 56 micrometre thick silicone skin over its wings, which maintains a smooth aerodynamic surface. "This robot design will help us build safer and more efficient flying robots, and also give us more insight into the way bats fly," – Professor Soon-Jo Chung, Caltech.
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247reader · 2 years
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Day 19: Zheng Yi Sao, aka Ching Shih!
Zheng Yi Sao (”Zheng Yi’s wife” or “Mrs. Zheng”) was born Shi Yang. She was likely a brothel worker in Guangdong when she caught the eye of Zheng Yi, a local pirate, mercenary, and general warlord. They married in 1801, and it quickly became apparent that she had a talent for the business. 
The Zhengs consolidated the local pirate gangs into a single confederation, boasting six fleets and over ten thousand men. When Zheng Yi drowned in 1807, his wife took over command.  When the local authorities - with a fleet of a hundred ships - attempted to crack down on piracy, Zheng Yi Sao sunk a quarter of their fleet, and soon was raiding the countryside with impunity. She kept the confederation tightly organized, with strict rules of conduct.
In 1809, Qing officials took the desperate step of allying with the Portuguese to put an end to the pirate fleet. They blockaded Zheng Yi Sao in Tung Chung Bay for nearly a month - but when the winds changed, the pirates broke free without the loss of a ship.  This put Zheng Yi Sao in a position of strength - and, unlike many in her position, she quit while she was ahead. As the coalition against her grew to three nations, she surrendered to local authorities in exchange for complete pardons for her men, a military position for her new husband, and quite a bit of money for herself. Where most famous pirates died at the end of a rope, Zheng Yi Sao passed peacefully in 1844 as the wealthy proprietress of a casino.
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fairyeunji · 1 year
Groups I think need a comeback like right now because it’s not even funny anymore I’m actually suffering:
aespa - Literally SM what are you doing??? The members have spoken about how their second comeback for the year was pushed back and all seem super sad about it :(
Blackswan - Do they actually release music anymore? Fatou released her mixtape a while ago but there’s been no comeback news, especially considering the three new members and one member who’s potentially been kicked out of the group
bugAboo - I don’t care if they’ve disbanded, I’m choosing to pretend it didn’t happen
Cherry Bullet - I’m getting real disbandment vibes from chebul these days, and I hate it. They release content every now and then on their channel, but most of the time it’s just shorts and nothing new. I really thought that after Girls Planet 999, their company would jump on all the hype they got, but nooooooooo 
Chung Ha - She’s not a group, but with her skills, she might as well be. Her company is going rapidly downhill and tbh I hope she can get out of there soon. It would be nice to actually get part 2 of Bare&Rare like we were supposed to before she does leave though
Everglow - I miss them every day, it’s not funny. Their comeback could literally be the worst song ever released and I’ll still hype them up and act like it’s the best thing ever. They’re one of the few groups on here that I know have actively been working on music though, so hopefully not too long left
Lightsum - Mixed feelings on this one because of poor Jian and Huiyeon but all their songs are so good and I miss their music. I have a feeling they’re going to do a concept change though, so I can’t tell if that’s good or not
Fromis_9 - They’ve had their comeback I wasn’t too fond of, so knowing their track record (for me personally), the next release will be everything to me and will make me dedicate my life to them for a few weeks.
Pixy - I’m so excited for Rinji to debut properly it’s not even funny
Purple Kiss - I feel like they used to have comebacks every five minutes but it’s understandable that with Jieun unfortunately having to leave, they might need some time to regroup and figure out what to do next. I genuinely can’t wait for what they put out next, their whole discography is so amazing
Stayc - It hasn’t even been that long lmao they just released Poppy, but I need stayc to survive at this point
Tri.be - Preferably with Jinha bc I MISS HER :)
Viviz - We do not speak of Loveade 
Weeekly - I’m on my knees where are they
Weki Meki - Also getting disbandment vibes from them, or at least never-ending hiatus ones :(
XG - I recently became obsessed with them, so I’m willing to take literally anything they throw my way
GWSN - They’re not under a company atm so it’s really not looking good for them, but I really believe they won’t give up on being a group so I’m still hopeful
Kwon Eunbi - Just like with Stayc, I need her music to survive so it would be really nice of her to have a comeback
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thetombedspirit · 2 years
The Works of Art Crew
As promised, here are my ideas for Rise!Venus, Rise!Jennika and Rise!Mona Lisa.
Venus de Magic
Venus was one of the many specimens of turtle that Baron Draxum contained in his lab. When the lab was destroyed, Venus was sadly left behind, too small and weak to save herself. When the Yokai Council heard of the lab's explosion, they sent one of their agents, a komodo dragon Yokai named Chung Chi, to examine the area.
When he arrived, he found that the lab was already being searched by Big Mama's goons for anything valuable. Two such valuables were crying mutant turtles being kept in little cat carriers. While he was able to save one, he was soon discovered and chased away before he could rescue the other.
After reporting to the Council, Chung was asked to participate in the analysis of the child. When she was deemed healthy and happy, Chung easily found himself charmed by her beauty and energy. And so he forwarded a request to the Council: to take in the child as his own daughter. The Council agreed so long as he reports to them any changes in her behaviour and development. Once everything was settled, all that was needed was a name: Mei Pieh Chi.
Okay, so, according to the wikia, Mei Pieh Chi included translations for the components of her name.
Mei can transcribe: 美: beauty
Pieh can mean: 鱉: (soft-shelled) turtle
Chi can mean: 志: energy
Now, since soft-shelled turtle is implied by the name, I'm rolling with that theme and making her a softshell turtle. Specifically a spiny softshell turtle [;)]
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As Mei grew up, Chung began teaching her the magic arts and the art of Kenpo karate, a skill set that she mastered in leaps and bounds. Eventually, when there was nothing more that Chung could teach her, she began to grow tired of living in the confines of the Hidden City. Chung was always honest about her heritage, so she knew she had human DNA and, as such, was always curious about New York city and wanted to explore.
One day, Mei overheard from her father that an agent (Mayhem) still hasn't reported in from his mission. Desperate for a chance to see New York, Mei barged in and begged to have the mission. After a private discussion, Chung and the Council agreed for her to go on a 'strictly a retrieval mission' so long as she be careful and remain unseen. If there was even a hint of trouble, Chung would be there quicker the you can say "turtle shell".
Arming her with mystic tessen that allow her to project illusions, a protective cloak to shield her softshell and a identity brooch to conceal her mutant identity, Mei bid her father farewell and prepared to see the world.
Overtime, Mei eventually realised that she would need things in order to get by in this world: money and a way to earn that money. Upon seeing a street magician, Mei decided to show what she knew and immediately blew the crowd away and earn some cash. She quickly rose to stardom, bought herself a penthouse and became a magical sensation, under the stage name: Venus de Magic.
By then, it became a routine for her; Venus de Magic by day, performing for a crowd of adoring fans, and by night, Agent Mei Pieh Chi, searching for her fellow agent in the cold nights of New York. One night, she finally spotted the missing Agent, hanging out with a human girl. Seeing how happy he was, Mei held off on informing the Council until she understood the situation.
Eventually, Hypno-Potamus grew jealous of Venus’s growing fame and began attacking her shows, but always getting stopped at the last second by the Mad Dogs. Finally, on the night of her biggest show, Hypno incapacitated the Mad Dogs and was about to attack Venus, 
H - “Ready to see a real magician?”
V - *smirks* “So you wanna see real magic?”
A quick smoke trick, a couple of illusion doubles from her tessen and Mei was able to confuse and incapacitate the mutant hippo, but not before Hypno knocked off her Identity Brooch, revealing her mutant identity to the Hamato Brothers. Scared, Mei fled the scene, despite the brothers’ protests.
While the brothers went to confront their father about another mutant turtle, Mei went to her father and asked about the lab she came from. Chung admitted that the mission Mayhem was investigating was Draxum, the man who created the lab, the mutagen and, by extension, her and the turtles. This left Mei stunned, as while she always knew she was from a lab, she never thought there were over experiments like her. And when Chung let it slip that there was another turtle that was taken by crime boss, Big Mama, Mei ran away, back to the shadows of New York city, and didn’t contact her father for some time.
In terms of personality, Mei is a very energetic and starry eyed girl, always wanting to see more of the world, especially the human world of New York. Her career as a stage magician brought out the theatre kid in her, giving her an air of showmanship and flair. She enjoys her career in street or stage magic, dressing up in trendy outfits, swimming and playing the flute. She is actually Donnie’s biological twin, and once they properly acclimate themselves into a family unit, they tend to butt heads a lot, with Donnie’s scientific views conflicting with Mei’s more mystical ways. Her fighting style is also different from her siblings. She was trained in the art of Kenpo karate, though she was more in tune with her mystic training then martial arts. When she is finally accepts herself as part of the family, Splinter gifts her with a cyan bandanna, a gift she treasures and fashions to her liking, even braiding the tail ends, as she come to love having hair with her human disguise. 
2. Jennika
Like Venus before her, Jenny herself was one of the many specimens of turtle that Baron Draxum contained in his lab. When the lab was destroyed, Jennika was tragically left behind along with her sister. Big Mama was quickly informed of the lab’s destruction, and she quickly sent her goons to acquire anything of value. Jennika and Venus were pulled from the wreck and put in cages. It was then that the Yokai Council’s agent, Chung Chi, was able to rescue Venus, but sadly leaving Jennika behind when he was discovered and chased away.
When Jennika was first brought before Big Mama, she at first cared very little for her and was going to send her away, until Gus took a liking to her so she permitted him to keep her as a playmate. Overtime, as Jennika began living with them in the hotel, she quickly became the heartthrob of the hotel, getting into all sorts of mischief with Gus and the bellhops. Even Big Mama have come to genuinely care for the turtle tot and decided to officially adopt her as her daughter, finally giving her a proper name: Jennika.
Since Jennika was originally mutated by Leo’s blood transfusion in the IDW comics, I decided to have Jennika be a Slider turtle, specifically a Yellow-Bellied Slider.
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Growing up with the signal most notorious crime boss and the ringleader of the  Battle Nexus, Jennika grew up with a desire to fight and prove her own strength and began teaching herself how to fight. Big Mama noticed her conviction and agreed to have the best champions of the Nexus teach her their fighting techniques. On the day that she believed that she was ready, Big Mama finally allowed her to fight in the Nexus and she won with flying colours. Overtime, Jennika became the next Nexus Champion, eventually becoming known as The Claw, for her use of Tekkō-kagi in her attacks. She came to view strength as a virtue rather then an attribute.
It remained the way for a long time, until she heard talk of four mutants and Baron Draxum attacking her mother in her own hotel. Jennika was furious and quit the Battle Nexus, instead using her skills and time to beef up security in the Hotel and becoming Big Mama’s personal assistant and bodyguard. Big Mama wasn’t too pressed with the change of career, believing that with the new enemies in the turtles, having Jennika’s focus on them could work out in her favour. Big Mama began putting it together that Jennika, the brothers and Draxum had ties with each other but kept this from Jennika.
Overtime, after the whole Shredder debacle, Jennika found herself curious of the brothers and began to do some digging on Draxum and his experiments. This investigation eventually led her to Big Mama’s previous champion of the Battle Nexus: Lou Jitsu and his own relation to the turtles. Finally tired of being in the dark, she went and got her blood tested on the central computer, and right there, it was confirmed: her DNA matched with the turtles and Splinter. When she confronted Big Mama, the spider Yokai kept nothing from her and told her the truth, about Draxum’s lab, her relation to the turtles and even her own findings on the subject. Familiar with Jennika’s honour-bound anger issues, also admitted that there was another turtle at the lab site, but she was taking away by a "crime boss”. Jennika demanded the name of said “crime boss”. Big Mama just smirked and gave it to her: “Dragon Lord“ Chung Chi. 
This would eventually lead her to watch both Chung and Splinter from afar. She was not impressed by Splinter. She felt he was leading her brothers into ruin and viewed him as a weak coward. As for Chung, she had been doing some digging and discovered that he was indeed a crime lord before Big Mama. The “Dragon Lord” was the biggest name in the criminal circuit and even more dangerous then Mama. Even to this day, his name held power and respect. But she had been unable to find out anything about her sister from watching him, especially as he begin to suspect that he was being followed. This left her scared and angry that he had done something to her. Finally, she decided to confront Chung, just as he got off the Mystic Mirror with his daughter. While he was easily able to defeat her, Jennika was able to get a couple of shots on him. Eventually, Venus arrived and immediately rushed to her father’s side, distraught at the scars and blood. Jenny was stunned and hurt as she realised that her sister, her sister, genuinely cared about the Komodo Dragon Yokai, just as the brother probably cared for Splinter, and that Chung was not the criminal he once was. Ashamed of her actions and reeling from the fact that Big Mama used her emotions against her, she left and didn’t return to the Hotel, instead sending herself to the streets. It is not until Venus seeks her out herself that she finds it in herself to overcome her shame. The two got to talking and Venus invited her back to her penthouse to stay.
Jennika has a high sense of responsibility and maturity. She has a tough girl persona, putting herself off as harsh and cold but is really sweet and caring once you get to know her, especially towards little kids. When she discovered that she was related to the brothers and Venus, she only had their best interests in heart. She has a lot of anger issues and tends to dive in without thinking. Her fighting style is more akin to a athletic gladiator until she took up Kenpo karate under Chung Chi. She is also a big fan of heavy metal music. She has the fashion style of a punk rocker and the attitude to match. She doesn’t quite trust Splinter, and is a bit uncomfortable with his past history with Big Mama, but tolerates him for the sake of Venus and her brothers, mainly Mikey, who she’s come to be extremely protective towards. In fact, it would be Mikey that would give her a yellow bandanna to match with the rest of the family, leaving her touched.
3. Mona Lisa
Unlike the other girls, Lisa was originally human and lived a happy life as Alyssa Gonzalez, a major in art and physics and a straight A+ student on her way to collage. It would be during a class trip to the zoo, wherein she was near the Asian water monitor lizard habitat, she is approached by the school heartthrob  who asked her to be his date for the school dance next month. So overwhelmed by excitement and about to say yes, she doesn’t notice an Oozzqitoe flying towards her and stinging her. And just like that, the whole situation goes wrong. Turning into an 7′ foot tall lizard, the boy freaked out, proclaiming that there was a monster in the zoo and ran away. Everyone, caught up in their own terror, ignored Lisa’s cries as she stumbled and struggling to manoeuvre in her new body, leading people to believe she was lunging and attacking people. Heartbroken and confused, she ran away until she found herself in the Museum of Art and Framing, desperate to find a place to hide from the police. She eventually found a secret way into the basement of the museum, hiding behind an imitation piece of the Mona Lisa.
Lisa begins to go on a bit of soul searching, finding solace and clarity in the darkness of the museum, away from human society. She decides that she can’t sit around and wait for miracles to happens and begins to research what could have changed her. Building a secret lab in the basement, she begins looking into the mutagen by taking her own blood samples into account, also discovering the monitor lizard DNA now in her bloodstream. Her studies eventually lead her to the Hidden City, opening her up to more opportunities to research her condition.
As previously explained, the last creature Lisa was in contact with was an Asian Water Monitor Lizard, and I figure that Mona Lisa could sorta be a play on words for “Monitor Lizard”. And I really wanted to make her taller then Raph, so I went with the biggest monitor lizard on the block.
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Lisa is very intelligent young girl and was a straight A+ student before her mutation. She didn’t have a lot of friends, but she always desired to have a bigger social footprint, especially with the cute boys at school. When she mutated, she really struggled with her new size and strength, becoming quite clumsy. Even when she got used to her body, she’s still tripping over everything, objects, her feet, her tail, everything (something a certain snapping turtle will find absolutely adorable). She has a keen eye for art and science, more specifically, physics. She has also found herself to be tremendously strong, even when she doesn’t want to be, though she finds this a massive advantage. Not trains in martial arts or magic like her friends, her fighting style normally consists of her powerful kicks and tail swings (and eventually, a ray gun). Another discovery she made was when she panics or sheds her scales, she goes into a Berserker-like rampage where she looses herself to a more savage side (again, something a certain snapper finds absolutely breathtaking - I’MMA MAKE RAPH A SIMP OKAY?!?!, BITE ME!)
Sadly, Lisa could remain hidden forever, especially when Earth Protection Forces get involved as mutant become more prominent and active. In her attempts to get away, she accidentally bumps into a disguised Mei and Jennika, the latter immediately assuming they’re being attacked. Lisa tries to explain, but with Jenny on one side and the EPF on the other, she flies into her Beserker rage and breaks everything in her wake before fleeing the scene. Her behaviour leaves Mei baffled and she insists that they follow her and make sure she’s okay. Meanwhile, Lisa, still in her blind fury, eventually runs into the Hamato brothers and they pick a fight with her too, getting their tails kicks by her savage strength. It isn’t until Donnie notices an EPF shock dart and her screams “LEAVE LISA ALONE!” that Leo compares it with Savage Raph and figures she’s just freaking out because she’s been chased all day by EPF only to be attacked by them. Feeling bad, Raph makes the first move and is able to calm her down until she’s back to her old self. They’re sort of caught up in the moment, until they are spotted by the EPF helicopter and they’re forced to scatter, Raph sticking by Lisa’s side until he’s sure she’s safe. He leads her to a sewer line that should get her somewhere safe, and she kisses his cheek in thanks, nearly making him faint before he remembered he had to hide too.
She wanders like that for a while, until she finally runs into Mei and Jenny. She tries to hide behind mounds of garbage before Mei steps forth and speaks softly, apologises for how they reacted earlier, before admitting that they are mutants too, removing their Identity Brooches and showing themselves. Relieved and fascinated by the presence of even more mutants, Lisa introduces herself and follows them to Mei’s penthouse. After they bring her up to speed on the origins of the Oozesquitoes, the situation with Draxum and that the turtles she met were in fact their brothers. Mei offered Lisa her home for as long as she liked and Jenny apologised for the way she acted when they met, which Lisa excepted happily, just glad to finally not be alone. Living with the sisters eventually led her to meet with Mei’s father Chung Chi, and to become briefly acquainted with Jennika’s former boss and mother, Big Mama.
Lisa is very cheerful and kind, but has trouble associating with people, especially after her mutation. As the only girl that was human before she was mutant, she has the most knowledge of the human world and how it works. On the side of their adventures, she researches the mutagen and tries to find ways to make a cure. In addition to being a physics and arts major, she is also quite the romantic and used to hope of being swept off her feet, she has sort of put those things behind her, as she doesn’t believe that a mutant like herself is now beyond those kinds of things like romance and scholarships. She’s more about comfort over function when it comes to attire, dressing up in comfy pink sweaters and slacks (though she had to upside when he mutated) though she is not opposed to dressing up if the situation calls for it (like, say, a date). She gets along pretty well with the Mad Dogs, but she often finds herself gravitating towards Raph the most, much to his fluster and much to his brothers’ amusement, watching him stumble over a pretty girl. While on a “outing” in the Hidden City, Raph noticed an amazing pink scarf in the market and bought it for her, much to her delight.
4. How they become the Works of Art Crew
Overtime, as the girls came to live together in Mei’s penthouse, they hear a lot of news about EPF and how they’ve been rounding up any stray mutants they find, innocent or otherwise. Mei becomes disheartened by the animosity being shown to mutants and decides she can’t sit idly by as innocent people are being abused for something completely out of their control. She speaks with the girls about this, and while Jennika is sceptical they can make a difference, they agree that they can’t just let EPF walk all over everyone and develop a plan.
Lisa brings out a blueprint of their facility, showcasing the containment cells where they’re keeping the mutants and the laboratories, where they are experimenting on them. They pinpoint all the weaker entry points and exits and prepare for infiltration. During this, Lisa suggested code names. Mei gets excited by the prospect, while Jennika is less then delighted but agrees that using a code name would be a good idea. Lisa proposed a few ideas.
L - I was thinking Mona Lisa for my code name. Get it? Like “Monitor Lizard”? “Mona Lisa”?
J - Isn’t that a bad idea putting your name in your code name?
L - My name’s Alyssa. And there are a lot of Lisa’s in the world.
M - Well, I already have Venus de Magic. Maybe Venus will work here.
L - Oooo! I love it! Jenny! How about you?
J - I-I don’t...
L - If I may, these nicknames give me an idea and can I make a proposal?
J - *sigh* sure. What?
L - Artemisia. She was the most controversial female Renascence artist in history. And one of her pieces was a self portrait, known as Self-Portrait as the Allegory of Painting.
M - Catchy name.
L - Anyway, since me and Mei are named after works of art, I figure it makes sense for what I have for our crew name!
J - “Crew name”?
L - Yeah! I’m thinking... the “Works of Art” Crew.
M - ...
J - ...
L - You hate it :’(
J - *sigh* it’s alright.
L - :D
J - And “Artemisia”... I like it.
L - YAY! *hugs Jenny, who accepts her fate*
M - WORKS OF ART CREW!!! *jumps in the air and tackles them to the floor*
After their meeting, they sneak into the EPF without much trouble, but their cover in inevitably blown and they’re forced to fight. For a moment, it seems like they’re about to loose, before Jenny releases all the mutant inmates and they all team up to overpower EPF and wreck the place. With the mutants scattered and free, the girls leave, but not before they have a confrontation with the leader of the EPF, Agent John Bishop.
The night considered a success, the girls decide to go to the Run of the Mill Pizzeria to celebrate, calling a toast to the Works of Art Crew! In the next stall, the brothers are there too and they don’t even realise or understand what they did.
So that’s how I envision the girls in ROTTMNT and how they come together and become a team. Let me know what you think, I might make this a story on my ao3 page.
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brokehorrorfan · 1 year
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Calamity of Snakes will be released on Blu-ray and DVD on April 11 via Unearthed Films. The 1982 Taiwanese/Hong Kong exploitation film is also known as The Serpent Warriors.
Chi Chang directs from a script he co-wrote with Kang-Nien Li and Kuo Jung Tsai (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon). Yun-Peng Hsiang, Yuen Kao, and Ping-Ou Wei star.
Three versions of the film are included: the original cut, an alternate cut, and a cruelty-free version with the real animal deaths removed. Special features are listed below.
Special features:
Original cut
Alternate cut
Cruelty-free cut
Audio commentary by film historians Nathan Hamilton and Brad Slaton
Lin Kuang-Yung In Conversation with Chui-Yi Chung
From Shaw to Snakes: The Venom and Violence of Early Chinese Language Horror Cinema - Feature-length documentary
After a businessman kills thousands of snakes in a pit while they are building a new apartment building. The people living there soon become attacked by millions of snakes with a vengeance.
Pre-order Calamity of Snakes.
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Top 5 Sci-Fi Movies on Netflix
5. Predestination (2014)
Genre: Science Fiction, Thriller
Actor: Alicia Pavlis, Annabelle Norman, Arielle O’Neill, Ben Prendergast, Carolyn Shakespeare-Allen, Cate Wolfe, Christopher Bunworth, Christopher Kirby, Christopher Sommers, Christopher Stollery, Dennis Coard, Dick York, Elise Jansen, Eliza D’Souza, Eliza Matengu, Ethan Hawke, Felicity Steel, Finegan Sampson, Freya Stafford, Giordano Gangl, Grant Piro, Hayley Butcher, Jim Knobeloch, Katie Avram, Kristie Jandric, Kuni Hashimoto, Lucinda Armstrong Hall, Madeleine West, Maja Sarosiek, Marky Lee Campbell, Milla Simmonds, Monique Heath, Noah Taylor, Noel Herriman, Olivia Sprague, Paul Moder, Raj Sidhu, Rob Jenkins, Sara El-Yafi, Sarah Snook, Sophie Cusworth, Tony Nikolakopoulos, Tyler Coppin, Vanessa Crouch
Director: Michael Spierig, Peter Spierig, The Spierig Brothers
Rating: R
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One of the most original time-travel thrillers since 12 Monkeys. A brilliant subversion of the Time Paradox trope, with enough plot twists to keep you entertained until well after the movie is finished. Predestination is an amazing movie with great performances from Ethan Hawke and Sarah Snook. It’s a movie that will feel like Inception, when it comes to messing with your mind and barely anyone has heard of it. It is highly underrated and unknown, sadly.
4. Train to Busan (2016)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller
Actor: Ahn So-hee, An So-hee, Baek Seung-hwan, Cha Chung-hwa, Chang-hwan Kim, Choi Gwi-hwa, Choi Woo-shik, Choi Woo-sung, Dong-seok Ma, Eui-sung Kim, Gong Yoo, Han Ji-eun, Han Sung-soo, Jang Hyuk-jin, Jeong Seok-yong, Jung Seok-yong, Jung Young-ki, Jung Yu-mi, Kim Chang-hwan, Kim Eui-sung, Kim Jae-rok, Kim Joo-heon, Kim Ju-hun, Kim Keum-soon, Kim Soo-ahn, Kim Soo-an, Kim Su-an, Kim Won-Jin, Lee Joo-sil, Lee Joong-ok, Ma Dong-seok, Park Myung-shin, Sang-ho Yeon, Seok-yong Jeong, Shim Eun-kyung, Sohee, Soo-an Kim, Soo-jung Ye, Terri Doty, Woo Do-im, Woo-sik Choi, Ye Soo-jung, Yeon Sang-ho, Yoo Gong, Yu-mi Jeong, Yu-mi Jung
Director: Sang-ho Yeon, Yeon Sang-ho
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A zombie virus breaks out and catches up with a father as he is taking his daughter from Seoul to Busan, South Korea’s second-largest city. Watch them trying to survive to reach their destination, a purported safe zone.
The acting is spot-on; the set pieces are particularly well choreographed. You’ll care about the characters. You’ll feel for the father as he struggles to keep his humanity in the bleakest of scenarios.
It’s a refreshingly thrilling disaster movie, a perfect specimen of the genre.
3. Serenity (2005)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Science Fiction, Thriller
Actor: Adam Baldwin, Alan Tudyk, Carrie ‘CeCe’ Cline, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Colin Patrick Lynch, David Krumholtz, Demetra Raven, Dennis Keiffer, Elaine Mani Lee, Erik Weiner, Gina Torres, Glenn Howerton, Hunter Ansley Wryn, Jessica Huang, Jewel Staite, Linda Wang, Logan O’Brien, Marcus Young, Mark Winn, Marley McClean, Matt McColm, Michael Hitchcock, Morena Baccarin, Nathan Fillion, Nectar Rose, Neil Patrick Harris, Peter James Smith, Rafael Feldman, Rick Williamson, Ron Glass, Ryan Tasz, Sarah Paulson, Sean Maher, Summer Glau, Tamara Taylor, Terrell Tilford, Terrence Hardy Jr., Tristan Jarred, Weston Nathanson, Yan Feldman
Director: Joss Whedon
Rating: PG-13
Lights, camera, VPNaction! Elevate your movie nights with NordVPN. 🎥🔒secure your connection and Download NordVPN . Click now to unlock global cinematic thrills!
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Serenity is a futuristic sci-fi film that serves as a feature-length continuation of the story-line from the TV program Firefly (2002–2003). The story revolves around the captain (Nathan Fillion) and crew of the titular space vessel that operate as space outlaws, running cargo and smuggling missions throughout the galaxy. They take on a mysterious young psychic girl and her brother, the girl carrying secrets detrimental to the intergalactic government, and soon find themselves being hunted by a nefarious assassin (Chiwetel Ejiofor). The first feature-length film from Joss Whedon (The Avengers), Serenity is a lively and enjoyable adventure, replete with large-scale action sequences, strong characterizations and just the right touch of wry humor. An enjoyable viewing experience that stands alone without demanding that you have familiarity with the original program beforehand.
2. Sorry to Bother You (2018)
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Science Fiction
Actor: Armie Hammer, Danny Glover, David Cross, Ed Moy, Forest Whitaker, James D. Weston II, Jermaine Fowler, John Ozuna, Kate Berlant, Lakeith Stanfield, Lily James, Marcella Bragio, Michael X. Sommers, Molly Brady, Omari Hardwick, Patton Oswalt, Robert Longstreet, Rosario Dawson, Steven Yeun, Teresa Navarro, Terry Crews, Tessa Thompson, Tom Woodruff Jr., Tony Toste, W. Kamau Bell
Director: Boots Riley
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In the year of the Netflix TV Show Maniac, another absurdist title stole critics’ hearts. Sorry to Bother You is a movie set in an alternate reality, where capitalism and greed are accentuated. Lakeith Stanfield (Atlanta) is a guy called Cassius who struggles to pay his bills. However, when at a tele-marketing job an old-timer tells him to use a “white voice”, he starts moving up the ranks of his bizarre society. A really smart movie that will be mostly enjoyed by those who watch it for its entertaining value, and not so much for its commentary. It is like a Black Mirror episode stretched into a movie.
1. Ex Machina (2015)
Genre: Drama, Science Fiction
Actor: Alex Garland, Alicia Vikander, Chelsea Li, Claire Selby, Corey Johnson, Domhnall Gleeson, Elina Alminas, Gana Bayarsaikhan, Oscar Isaac, Sonoya Mizuno, Symara A. Templeman, Symara Templeman, Tiffany Pisani
Director: Alex Garland
Rating: R
Lights, camera, VPNaction! Elevate your movie nights with NordVPN. 🎥🔒secure your connection and Download NordVPN . Click now to unlock global cinematic thrills!
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Ex Machina is the directorial debut of Alex Garland, the writer of 28 Days Later (and 28 Weeks Later). It tells the story of Caleb (Domhnall Gleeson from About Time), an IT developer who is invited by a billionaire CEO to participate in a groundbreaking experiment — administering a Turing test to a humanoid robot called Ava (Alicia Vikander). Meeting the robot with feelings of superiority at first, questions of trust and ethics soon collide with the protagonist’s personal views. While this dazzling film does not rely on them, the visual effects and the overall look-feel of Ex Machina are absolutely stunning and were rightly picked for an Academy Award. They make Ex Machina feel just as casually futuristic as the equally stylish Her and, like Joaquin Phoenix, Gleeson aka Caleb must confront the feelings he develops towards a machine, despite his full awareness that ‘she’ is just that. This is possibly as close to Kubrick as anyone got in the 21st century. Ex Machina is clever, thrilling, and packed with engaging ideas.
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heliavaz · 2 years
Helia had only been told, not really experienced it herself, but the knowledge was enough, it meant there was something that she didn’t yet understand. She was however considering other things, her brain reaching for conclusions and options that she wouldn’t otherwise consider. She called Chae’s number first to ask him how he was doing, though soon as she saw his name on her phone, she changed her mind. 
“Hey Chae, thank you for coming,” she said, holding out a hand as she stood in front of the house in Fenway that belonged to a friend. They weren’t home, on vacation to the Alps, but they had asked her to check. “I’m sorry about the Little Duck, I hope everything was alright.” @oh-chung-ae​
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eunxyeong · 2 years
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Before now, there was then….
there isn’t much eun remembers about his original life. it has been something akin to ages since then. his transition into a vampire had not been kind. his memories thrown into a whirlwind. getting scattered as if they didn’t matter… but some things… he does remember…
he remembers his wife, the curve of her smile. how her laugh rang in his ears. the only reason he remembers his true name is because he can still hear her say it in her voice when he wakes from sleep. even though she had died before he had been changed, he remembers hearing it when he took in a shuttered breath after turning. chung-ae, the memories of her are fuzzy. but they evoke an emotion in him like contentment. there aren’t many little details left. she was sick. so sick. afraid. she died. took their oldest child with her when she went…
his daughter was his first born. bright like the morning she was welcomed into. memories of her are slightly more vivid. how she wished to play. how she followed her mother around. the joy on her face, little body running towards him after he was gone for a skirmish that was required of him. ae-cha, his dear little girl. but those memories are overshadowed by the sound of her cough. the way she had been in his arms. lighter than she should have been, when he buried her and her mother…
his son, oh, min is different. min is detailed. striking and bold. the youngest of his children but the only one to make it into adulthood. he was at most, five when minjun was changed. being torn from the land of mortals and leaving his son behind. instinct wouldn’t let him leave the village. he could not leave him behind. despite his ferocious hunger, he could not kill his son. but he did watch him. made sure that he was with another family. friends that had been close to them when they lived. allowed a surname due to their position in society. but minjun watched and his clever son noticed. he knew his father was still there and when he was an elder teen, his father approached him again. carefully, with a difficulty that is hard to describe due to his hunger.
but his son lived, oh he lived and blossomed into a man that looked just like his father. there was a reluctance in the younger vampire to let his son go. but he could no longer stay around the village. having stayed too long already for someone that ate the humans that were there. but his son, min wouldn’t allow him to leave without him. so, he brought him along. eventually, eventually he gave his son eternity. did his best to be kind. soft. for the only child he still had. but it hurt. minjun could barely contain his own agony at watching his child suffer. still, the pain waned and soon enough, his son was just like him.
eternity the only thing in their future and for some time, they faced it together…
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junkyardsangel · 2 years
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full name :  manuela  nunes  nunnelley nickname(s) :  manu ,  manny  ( by  elwood ) age :  twenty - four birth date :  september  1st birth place :  queens ,  ny siblings :  has  a  little  brother ,  but  she  hasn't  met  him  gender : cis  female  ( she / her )
 orientation :  panromantic  pansexual
 occupation :  conwoman  ( the wilde bunch ) ,  bachelors degree in fine arts face claim :  a.lanis  g.uillen
      ↪  inspired  by:  veronica  sawyer  ( heathers ) ,  ada  wong  ( resident  evil ) ,  barbara  gordon  ( dc  comics ) ,  more  by  k/da ,  makoto  niijima ( persona 5 ) ,  bicycle  by  chung ha ,  ai  no  senshi  by  yoko  ishida ,  yor  forger  ( spy  x  family ) ,  the  high  priestess  ( major arcana )
trigger  warning  for  alcohol  abuse  &  domestic  violence !
          when  little  manuela  nunes  thought  about  what  she  wanted  to  be ,  the  person  she  wanted  to  become ,  a  conwoman  was  never  the  first  answer .  maybe  a  detective ,  a  superspy ,  someone  who  was  helping  change  the  world .  she  wanted  to  be  one  of  the  good  guys ,  and  she  wanted  to  change  lives !   unfortunately ,  those  weren't  the  cards  she'd  been  dealt .
           life  growing  up  wasn't  exactly  easy .  with  her  parents  constantly  struggling  to  pay  the  bills ,  her  father's  abuse  of  alcohol  and  the  way  he  would  constantly  take  it  out  on  luana ,  her  mother ,  it  eventually  became  clearer  and  clearer  to  manu  that  if  she  wanted  something ,  anything ,  she'd  have  to  work  hard  for  it ,  because  no  one  else  would  give  it  to  her .  especially  not  her  father ,  and  as  for  her  mom ...  well ,  she  felt  guilty  even  thinking  about  asking  her  for  anything  at  all .
           one  night ,  her  mother  decided  enough  was  enough  and  left  the  house ,  carrying  an  eight  year  old  manu  in  her  arms .  the  little  girl  didn't  quite  understand  what  was  happening ,  where  they  were  going ,  but  it  was  the  first  time  in  years  that  she'd  felt  safe .  that  things  would  get  better ,  and  that  someone  was  actually  looking  out  for  her .  the  pair  eventually  landed  on  a  shelter  a  couple  hours  away  from  home ,  and  that's  where  they'd  stay  for  a  long ,  long  time .  the  shelter  wasn't  too  bad ;  the  other  women  staying  there  were  kind ,  friendly ,  and  manu  was  all  too  excited  to  befriend  the  other  three  or  two  kids  that  also  lived  there .  she  thought  it  was  the  best  place  on  earth ,  until  it  wasnt .
         it  was  a  sunday  morning  when  she  woke  up  to  find  her  mother  had  left .  no  note ,  nothing ,  but  she  wasn't  coming  back ;  manu  realized  that  the  moment  she  realized  her  things  were  left  behind  but  not  her  mom's .  she  cried  for  five  hours  that  day ,  and  the  only  reason  she  didn't  cry  longer  was  because  she  was  all  out  of  tears .  the  women  working  at  the  shelter  and  the  ones  staying  there  sympathized  with  the  little  girl ,  deciding  to  come  together  and  look  after  her .  she  was  grateful  of  course ,  but  manu  knew  that  wouldn't  last ;  they'd  all  go  away  eventually ,  hopefully  to  a  better  life ,  and  she'd  probably  stay  behind .  she'd  have  to  find  her  own  way  out .
           things  changed  sooner  than  expected ,  much  to  her  surprise .  the  lady  who  had  created  the  shelter  was  told  about  what  happened  and  flew  her  way  home  that  very  hour ,  knowing  the  kid  was  a  priority .  when  manu  met  her ,  she  first  thought  the  woman  was  some  sort  of  fairy ,  maybe  an  angel ,  which  made  even  more  sense  after  angela  introduced  herself .  maybe  she  was  one  of  those  hero  people  manu  wanted  to  be  like ;  she'd  almost  forgotten  they  exist .
            it  was  decided  that  manuela  would  stay  under  angela's  protection ,  as  the  woman  couldn't  accept  leaving  her  with  absolutely  no  one ,  no  family  to  turn  to .  things  started  changing  after  that  day  and  although  manu  still  missed  her  mom  from  time  to  time ,  she  didn't  miss  home  at  all .  eventually ,  angela  introduced  her  to  a  guy  named  nick ,  who  they  introduced  her  to  a  little  guy  named  elwood ,  and  manu  hasn't  known  peace  since .  
random  facts
as  previously  mentioned ,  manuela  majored  in  fine  arts .  angela  was  all  too  happy  to  encourage  the  girl's  goals  of  higher  education .  she  knew  she  would  be  an  incredible  student ,  manu  always  had  been .  while  she  hasn't  pursued  a  career  as  an  artist ,  you  might  still  catch  her  painting  during  her  free  time .  it  helps  her  calm  down  and  get  in  touch  with  the  part  of  herself  she  doesn't  often  show ,  the  one  who's  still  healing  from  everything .  
manu  is  very  much  the  mom  of  the  wilde  bunch .  she's  the  one  keeping  an  eye  on  the  read  of  the  gang  during  a  heist ,  and  she  does  it  all  from  the  comfort  of  her  little  office .  she's  the  bunch's  hacker  and  recon  specialist ,  but  will  go  to  field  if  they're  short  on  hands .
as  expected  from  the  group's  big  brain ,  she  is  literally  a  bottomless  pit  of  information .  manu  learned  from  a  young  age  that  knowledge  is  power  and  if  she  was  going  to  give  herself  all  the  things  she  wanted ,  if  she  was  going  to  become  someone  reliable ,  who  people  could  depend  on ,  then  she  needed  to  be  prepared  for  everything  and  know  more  than  the  rest .  she's  more  than  well  equipped  for  whatever  topic  you  throw  her  way ;  she  has  to  be .
because  of  everything  that  happened  when  she  was  little ,  she's  not  so  sure  she  can  be  the  honorable ,  virtuous ,  larger  than  life  person  she  wanted  to  be  as  a  kid .  she's  seen  too  much  of  the  world  to  ever  be  that  way  again .
will  deck  anyone  who  messes  with  angela  ( she  legit  idolizes  her  ok  wants  to  be  just  like  her  and  stuff  hashtag  my  savior )  or  elwood ,  but  the  latter  is  mainly  if  you  mess  with  him  without  inviting  her .  that's  just  rude :/
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