#chuvash diaspora
gwendolynlerman · 4 years
Languages of the world
Chuvash (чӑвашла)
Basic facts
Number of native speakers: 1.2 million
Official language: Chuvashia (Russia)
Language of diaspora: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Moldova, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United States, Uzbekistan
Script: Cyrillic, 37 letters
Grammatical cases: 6
Linguistic typology: agglutinative, SOV
Language family: Turkic, Oghur
Number of dialects: 2 dialects
1769 - first grammar
1856 - first scientific fieldwork description
1871 - new Chuvash written language
1873 - modern Cyrillic alphabet
1938 - significant alphabet changes
Writing system and pronunciation
These are the letters that make up the alphabet: а ӑ б в г д е ё ӗ ж з и й к л м н о п р с ҫ т у ӳ ф х ц ч ш щ ъ ы ь э ю я.
Chuvash has been historically written with the Old Turkic alphabet, the Arabic script, and the Latin alphabet.
The last non-reduced vowel of the word is stressed; if there is none, the first vowel is stressed instead.
Nouns have no gender, two numbers (singular and plural), and six main cases (nominative, genitive, dative-accusative, locative, ablative, and instrumental). Other cases include abessive, causative, terminative-antessive, distributive, and semblative.
Modifying elements precede the modified. There are no native prefixes or prepositions.
Verbs are conjugated for tense, mood (indicative, imperative, optative, conditional), aspect, person, and number.
Chuvash has vowel harmony, which means that words either incorporate back/hard or front/soft vowels.
There are two dialects: Upper (viryal), which has -o- and -u-, and Lower (anatri), which uses -u- instead of -o-. The literary language is based on Lower Chuvash.
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else-self · 4 years
For anyone interested in reading some poetry or poetics. Duration press has their catalog available online and as downloadable PDFs. It's a great resource of diverse writers and writing styles and translations.
The following is a complete list of publications released on durationpress.com since 1999. The first set is composed of titles released since 2015. The second set features titles released from 1999-2009.
Anne-Marie Albiach, A Discursive Space (interviews with Jean Daive) (tr. Norma Cole)
George Albon, Transit Rock
Will Alexander, Exobiology as Goddess
Will Alexander, Vertical Rainbow Climber
Richard Anders, The Footsteps of One Who Has Not Stepped Forth (tr. Andrew Joron)
ANGLE Magazine (edited by Brian Lucas)
Roman Antopolsky, Haunted House
Apex of the M (edited by Lew Daly, Alan Gilbert, Kristin Prevallet, Pam Rehm)
Gennady Aygi, An Anthology of Chuvash Poetry
Gennadi Aygi, Degree of Stability (tr. Peter France)
Rachel Tzvia Back, The Buffalo Poems
Josely Vianna Baptista, On the Shining Screen of the Eyelids (tr. Chris Daniels)
Melissa Benham, at sea
Coral Bracho, Of Their Ornate Eyes of Crystalline Sand (tr. Forrest Gander)
Michel Bulteau, Crystals to Aden (tr. Pierre Joris)
Mary Burger, Nature’s Maw Gives and Gives
Norma Cole, Coleman Hawkins Ornette Coleman
Norma Cole, Metamorphopsia
Norma Cole, My Bird Book
Pura López Colomé, Aurora (tr. Forrest Gander)
Stacy Doris, Paramour
Jean-Michel Espitallier, Butchers Fantasy (tr. Sherry Brennan & Jean-Michel Espitallier)
Factorial Magazine (edited by Sawako Nakayasu)
The Germ: A Journal of Poetic Research
John High, The Desire Notebooks
Emmanuel Hocquard, Late Additions (tr. Connell McGrath and Rosmarie Waldrop)
Emmanuel Hocquard and Ray DiPalma, Personæ and Thoughts on Personæ (tr. Ray DiPalma)
Pierre Joris, Permanent Diaspora
Rachel Levitsky, Dearly 3 4 6
Andrei Molotiu, The Kingdom
Pascalle Monnier, Bayart: Spring (tr. Cole Swensen)
Laura Moriarty, Nude Memoir
Gale Nelson, Spectral Angel
Aldon Lynn Nielsen, Black Chant
Mary Oppen, Poems & Transformations
Lauri Otonkoski, 20 Poems (tr. Anselm Hollo)
Roberto Piva, Manifestoes (tr. Chris Daniels)
Roberto Piva, open your eyes and say ah! (tr. Chris Daniels)
Roberto Piva, Paranoia (tr. Chris Daniels)
Pam Rehm, To Give it Up
Sebastian Reichmann, Sweeper at His Door (tr. James Brook)
Claude Royet-Journoud, The Right Wall of the Heart Effaced (tr. Keith Waldrop)
Lutz Seiler, Poems (tr. Andrew Duncan)
Ryoko Sekiguchi, Tracing (tr. Stacy Doris)
Aaron Shurin, Reverie: A Requiem
Gustaf Sobin, Telegrams
Juliana Spahr, LIVE
Brian Strang, Dark Adapt
Hiroya Takagai, Rush Mats (tr. Eric Selland)
Habib Tengour, Empedocles’s Sandal (tr. Pierre Joris)
Lourdes Vazquez, Park Slope
The Violence of the White Page: Contemporary French Poetry (edited by Stacy Doris, Charles Bernstein, and Phillip Foss)
Keith Waldrop, The Silhouette of the Bridge (Memory Stand-Ins)
Keith Waldrop, Spit-Curls
Peter Waterhouse, Where Are We Now? (tr. Rosmarie Waldrop)
Tyrone Williams, c.c.
Xue Di, Circumstances (tr. Keith Waldrop, with Hil Anderson and Xue Di)
Heriberto Yepez, Babellebab
Heather Akerberg, Dwelling
George Albon, Momentary Songs
Michael Basinski, Mooon Bok: petition, invocation & homage
Claire Becker, Get You
Guy Bennett, Retinal Echo
Taylor Brady, Production Notes for Occupation: Location Scouting
Brandon Brown, Kidnapped
Mary Burger, The Boy Who Could Fly
Norma Cole, Mace Hill Remap
Catherine Daly, The Last Canto
Rachel Blau DuPlessis, Wells
Marcella Durand, The Body, Light, and Solar Poems
Patrick Durgin, And so on
Patrick Durgin, Sorter
Peter Ganick, …As Convenience
Susan Gevirtz, Domino: point of entry
Jesse Glass, Man’s Wows
Noah Eli Gordon, notes toward the spectacle
E. Tracy Grinnell, Of the Frame
Pierre Joris, The Fifth Season
Amy King, The Citizen’s Dilemma
Rachel Levitsky, Realism (a work in progress)
Bill Marsh, A Tomb for Anatole
Pattie McCarthy, alibi (that is : elsewhere)
Mark McMorris, Figures for a Hypothesis
Jorge Melícias, Disruption (translated by Brian Strang & Elisa Brasil)
K. Silem Mohammad, Hanging Out with Pablo and Jennifer
Sawako Nakayasu, Balconic
kathryn l. pringle, The Stills
Francis Raven, Economic Belief Structure
Pam Rehm, Pollux
Elena Rivera, Wale; or The Corse
Cynthia Sailers, A New Season
John Sakkis, Rude Girl
Eleni Sikelianos, poetics of the exclamation point
Eleni Sikelianos, To Speak While Dreaming
Rick Snyder, Forecast Memorial
Juliana Spahr, Nuclear
Suzanne Stein, Untitled (Poetry Event: June 2, 2007, Pegasus Books Downtown, Berkeley)—Audio of event
Brian Strang, machinations
Cole Swensen, It’s Alive She Says
Elizabeth Treadwell, LILYFOIL (or Boy & Girl Tramps of America)
Kevin Varrone, g-point almanac (9.22-10.19)
Keith Waldrop, The Garden of Effort
Rosmarie Waldrop, Lawn of Exlcuded Middle
Dana Ward, The Imaginary Lives of My Neighbors
Alli Warren, No Can Do
Code of Signals
Towards a Foreign Likeness Bent: translation
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qforqazaq · 6 years
Hi! I am from Türkiye and I wanna go Kazakistan someday. We are all speaking Turkic languages, you know, and I'm ashamed that I'm speaking with you in English, not in the same language. But I wanna change that, I will learn all Turkic languages. My precedence is Kazakh. But I don't know how to do that...Do you know any way to learn these languages easily? Last months, I started to listening Dimash, Mad Men etc. And I saw that, we aren't speaking very differently. Please help me T_T 🇹🇷❤🇰🇿
Sorry for the super late reply.It’s nice that you have this urge to learn languages related to your own.However, I’d suggest to pick one language to learn instead of trying to learn every single one of them. It might be counterproductive and confuse a hell lot.
Besides, different branches of Turkic languages are quite different from one another, and most of them are not really mutually intelligible.
For example, as a native Kazakh speaker, I can hardly understand vernacular Turkish, because to my ears it sounds very very different. Even in its written form, I barely understand 30%
One of the reasons might be that Turkish and Kazakh belong to the different branches of Turkic family.So Turkish is a part of Southwestern or Oghuz branch and Kazakh belongs to the Northwestern or Kypchak branch of Turkic. Moreover, because of geopolitical, cultural, historical factors these languages have developed in very different ways. Over time Turkish has acquired a significant part of its vocabulary from Arabic, French, Greek, and many other languages of Europe due to its proximity to the European continent.Kazakh, on the other hand, had a different situation.Over time, Kazakh “loaned” many Persian/Farsi words, Arabic was there in the mix too (although being not as pronounced), not mentioning some Russian input due to 250+ years of colonisation.
And you can apply similar analysis to any other Turkic language out there (or any other language in general, really). The point is the Turkic languages have spread out over such a ginormous territory so that nowadays, if you compare two Turkic languages from different branches, you’ll find it difficult to make it seem as intelligible as you might thought it would be. The differences can be as far as Sakha and Chuvash, which belong to Northeastern or Siberian branch of Common Turkic, and Oghur Turkic respectively, which isn’t even inside the Common Turkic group at all.Or it can be as different as Kazakh and Tatar, where the former is in the Kypchak-Nogai, and the latter is in Kychak-Bulgar subbranches of Kypchak. Yes, they are intelligible, but, as a Kazakh speaker, you’ve still got to listen hard to understand what’s going on in the Tatar speech, and you’ll probably understand around or slightly above 50% of it too.
In any case, you can study whatever Turkic language you want, all of them are unique in their own ways, and similar in profound others. Just make sure, you’ll stick to the one for the time being, and don’t stress out too much about it, I suppose.
If you want to learn Kazakh though, I might suggest a textbook in English that has audio materials available for free online. It’s called Colloquial Kazakh, and I’ve noticed many people have found it quite helpful. I might as well send it to you if you want.
For more practice, you can find Kazakh diaspora in Turkey too, and keep watching/listening to Kazakh shows/music that you can find on the internet. It does certainly help.
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