#ci pablo
wesslesprout · 7 months
Love how I got to 8 hearts with Pablo first and he's immediately like "haha BTW check out these lockets we sell. It's how you get into a romantic relationship haha. Why am I telling you this? No reason :)"
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Of course the blacksmiths get to play with fire.
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fishnsips · 2 years
Any Pablo headcannons? Preferably with a female S/O?
his love language is acts of service. farmer never has to smelt anything because it’s something he knows well so its easy for him to do for his partner. if his partners busy he’d love to take on some of their tasks and help out.
he’s constantly praising his partner. so strong, so beautiful, so sweet etc. always making sure his partner feels loved.
pablo talks alot, but its sweet. he loves talking about little random things throughout his day. he doesnt get uncomfortable with silence he just loves to fill it.
such a sweet classic romance type of guy. will bring his partner a dozen roses just ‘cause.
also hes a sucker for 2000s romcoms. he learned from the best.
physical touch is important to him. he always to be close to his partner. hes always holding hands, has an arm over their shoulders, a peck on their cheek.
at the end of a long day his favorite thing to do is cuddle (hes lowkey a little spoon). hes like a space heater he runs so hot.
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crankhandles · 2 years
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coralislandthinks · 7 months
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PABLO ???? whyyyy
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faraige · 6 months
Charles, who has a "six-minute abs" book in his room with his ex's name written in it.
Charles, whose fiancée cheated on him with Pablo, arguably a younger, way more conventionally attractive and fit man.
Charles, who is incredibly insecure about anyone knowing he dyes his hair because he started going gray and worried that one day he'll go bald.
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pxelatedtrash · 1 month
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After meeting everyone that she could for the moment, the potential marriage candidates were favorited. Luckily, my ass is straight or this would have been a hell of a lot bigger.
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zibbs-forever · 2 years
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giaima61 · 1 year
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El CIES Football Observatory ha nombrado a Gavi como la mayor promesa del fútbol actualmente, entre jugadores con menos de 20 años
Gavi entrenando.
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the-acid-pear · 2 years
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Some headcanons <33
Edit: i want to formally apologize for calling Pablito cis, i was wrong.
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neurasthnia · 1 year
AVOID These MISTAKES When Getting INPUT - Superbeginner Spanish
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wesslesprout · 7 months
Coral Island Headcanon: Out of the two brothers, everyone expects Rafael to have been the one with a teen emo phase, but it was actually Pablo.
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There's literally a wall between us. How could I step on you??????????!???
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hispaniamagna · 2 years
El 'CIS municipal' huele a crisis de Gobierno
El ‘CIS municipal’ huele a crisis de Gobierno
El deterioro de la vida democrática e institucional española bajo el mandato y la presidencia de Pedro Sánchez está alcanzando unas cotas peligrosas e inaceptables para la vida democrática española. Las que además incluyen sospechas de prevaricación y malversación de fondos públicos al servicio del Presidente, como cabe imaginar y sospechar tras conocerse la ‘macroencuesta municipal’ del CIS con…
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vscabarca · 2 months
polish love - pablo gavi
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summary: gavi and you have been seeing each other for a while, but only now does he realize your not Spanish but Polish!
genre: fluff
a/n: for a dear Polish friend of mine!💗 Hope you like it🌟😘
„Mamo, nie teraz! Jestem teraz zajęty…“ („Mom not now! I‘m busy…”) You said quite a bit embarrassed, sitting alone in a coffee shop waiting for Gavi.
The footballer and you had been seeing each other for the past few weeks, going on cute little dates every now and then.
At first, you met Gavi through mutual friends, hanging out in groups at each other’s homes. Over time you felt closer to the number six, sharing glances and little inside jokes while your other friends did not seem to notice how you two grew closer.
Now, on a gloomy Wednesday afternoon, you sat in a quiet corner of a local cafe, waiting for the footballer to arrive.
„Ah! Jesteś na randce z uroczym Hiszpanem! Jak on ma na imię? Paul? -“ („Ah! You’re on a date with that cute Spanish guy! What’s his name again? Paul? -“) Your cheeks grew bright red, your eyes widened when you heard your Mom‘s words. You loved her endlessly but she could be shameless when it came to a boy.
„Ma na imię Pablo. Ale o co właściwie chciałeś mnie zapytać?“ („His name is Pablo. But what did you want to ask me again?“)
You tried to switch the topic, feeling a bit too embarrassed to talk about boys with your mom.
„Potrzebuję dowodu tożsamości, aby zarejestrować się w firmie ubezpieczeniowej.“ („I need your identity card to register you with the insurance company.“)
You furrowed your eyebrows, laughing slightly at the random question. After fumbling around in your bag you found the card, ready to send it to her.
What you didn’t realize, Gavi just walked inside, immediately smiling once he saw you sit there.
Though his smile quickly changed into confusion as he heard you talk (for him) gibberish.
„Wyślę ci zdjęcie.“ („I‘ll send you a picture.“) You felt someone walk up beside you, and when you realized it was the footballer you had a crush on, you gave him a soft smile.
„Porozmawiamy później.“ („I‘ll talk to you later.“) Rushed, you hung up, greeting Gavi with a wide smile. He gave you a warm hug, pecking your checks twice. You felt your face heat up and tried to play it off by putting your phone away.
„What was that?“ He grinned, curious about what you were saying just moments ago.
„Oh I was on a call with my mom.“
Baffled he looked at you, making you feel a bit confused.
„Wait so you’re not Spanish?!“ Gavi asked astonished as you shook your head with a grin.
„No actually. My parents are from Poland but we moved here when I was little.“ You explained. You never actually told him, it just never came to that topic so you understood why he was surprised.
„I didn’t know that! That‘s cool though.“
That’s how you immersed in stories of your childhood from Poland, telling him how beautiful and versatile the country was which you moved away from at the age of eight.
„And at home you still only speak Polish?“ It was cute how much Gavi was interested in your origins, it made your stomach flutter when you just thought about it.
„I try to encourage my parents to speak Spanish with me because they always complain theirs isn’t as good as my Spanish, but they answer me in Polish. It‘s bit of a mix.“ You giggled, remembering the cocktail of different languages spoken at home.
„Teach me something.“ He spoke softly, the afternoon sun shining perfectly onto his face, making it hard for you to stay concentrated and not get lost in his eyes.
„Hmm, what do you want me to say?“ You asked, leaning your chin onto the palm of your hand, tilting your head a bit, giving him a small smile.
„How about… I like spending time with you?“ You laughed at his attempt to flirt, his and your laughter resonated through the small cafe, making curious heads turn around.
The vibe between you two became a bit more flirtatious over the last couple of meetings, but both of you were so awkward sometimes that a laugh slipped through once or twice. But, this just made the situation a lot more wholesome, right?
„Lubię spędzać z tobą czas.“ („I like spending time with you.“)
More laughter resonated through the cafe when Gavi looked at you with wide eyes, but tried nevertheless. It took him quite some time to get the pronounciation right, but with laughter and giggles he made it work.
„It sounds so cool, are you kidding me.“ He patted his shoulder proudly as if it didn’t take him at least ten minutes to learn.
„Okay hear me out. I‘m serious, lubię spędzać z tobą czas.“ (I like spending time with you.“) Gavi said more serious, his eyes glistening with affection.
Your cheeks heat up for the nth time this afternoon, but you didn’t hide it this time.
„ja też.“ („Me too.“) You smiled, tucking your hair behind your ears.
Gavi and you decided to slowly head back home as both of you had a tight schedule the next day.
„I go to the bathroom real quick.“ He announced once you two stood up and gave your temple a quick kiss before disappearing in the bathroom. You bit your lip, not believing any of this was real. You hoped in the end everything would work out as you really started to like the midfielder.
The sun was already setting outside once Gavi came back. You two started walking in comfortable silence, enjoying the mild breeze coming from the sea.
It already happened once or twice, your finger brushing against Gavi‘s, your eyes shyly meeting when it happened. The third time it happened, Gavi finally decided to interlock his fingers with yours, giving you a quick glance to see if you were okay with it.
With fingers intertwined, he walked you back home while exchanged quick little anecdotes and already planning the next date.
„That was a really nice cafe you chose for today. I loved it.“ You said once you stood opposite him in front of your porch.
„You choose the next place, okay?“
It felt like time slowed down, Gavi standing there with his hand in yours looking into your eyes while you felt your heart beating in your chest .
Gavi came closer, his hand moving some hair that had fallen into your face behind your ear and cupped your cheek.
„Czy mogę cię pocałować?“ („Can I kiss you?“) He spoke not above a whisper, eyes moving from your yours to your lips.
Without answering you grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him in for a tender kiss.
Everything in that moment was perfect, the sunset, the kiss and Gavi.
You two broke apart with a smile, him still holding your waist.
„How did you learn Polish so fast?“ You laughed, hiding your face in his shoulder.
„I may or may not have gone to the bathroom to learn this sentence by heart?“ He said with a smile, making you laugh even more.
„How do you say I really like you and want to kiss you again?“ Gavi asked, still having both of his arms around your body, his thumb gently stroking your skin.
„Kiss me first, then I‘ll tell you.“ You grinned slyly, already feeling his lips on yours again.
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coralislandthinks · 8 months
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Baby's standing up for himself and setting boundaries!
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