#ciel phantomhive fanficition
lowkeystan · 8 years
The Act |High School AU|
Pairing: Ciel Phantomhive x gn!reader Genre: Fluff, high school au Warnings: none Summary: (Y/n) and Ciel have a project together that Elizabeth doesn’t like at all. Her theory? (Y/n) and Ciel have feelings for each other.
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At the moment, you’re walking on campus at school to meet up with one of your closest friends, Mey-Rin. She, along with 4 of her friends, came to school here a couple weeks ago. You instantly clicked with Mey-Rin for reasons you don't know.
Finny is one of her best friends, Bard being the other. They’ve been as thick as thieves for years. Finny is one of the sweetest people you’ve ever met in your entire life. He loves gardening and just cares so much about nature, especially animals. Bard likes to act like he’s tough but he’s really just a soft teddy bear. He loves to cook, even if he’s not the best at it, but you always eat his baked goods that he likes to bring you. 
The other two of her friends are Ciel and Elizabeth, who are, somehow, an item. You have no idea how because they couldn't be any more different. 
Sebastian is your history teacher, who somehow knows all of them, and his class is the only time that all of you are together besides lunch. It’s still kind of odd to you that they’re friends with a teacher, but you don’t question it since you’re pretty cool with the librarian anyway.
You get along with all of them. Well, except for Elizabeth. You would say that she hates you, but her bubbly personality doesn't show it. You’ve just never got along, for reasons you don’t know.
Eventually, you come up to a table that is on campus and see Mey-Rin sitting by herself. She is looking around, looking for you, you suppose. "Hey, Mey-Rin." 
"(Y/n)! It's good to see you, yes it is!" she shouts while she runs up to you and hugs you. "Alright, we have 10 minutes before class, so let's get to talking."
You don't have many classes with Mey-Rin, so before school starts, you meet up and talk. At the moment, you’re talking about a bunch of random things, per usual. Next thing you know, the warning bell rings, giving us five minutes to get to class. 
"Guess we should get to class now," you say glumly, sad your hangout time is over. 
"It's okay! I'll see you at lunch!" With that said, you take your separate ways.
Your first three classes seem to fly by surprisingly. You then make your way to English and take your seat around the middle of the classroom. You have this period with Ciel and Elizabeth, where you three normally all sit together. Usually, Ciel sits directly in front of you and Elizabeth sits either to his right or left. They come in two minutes before the bell rings and take their respective seats.
Ciel turns around, once he’s done getting situated, and says,"Good morning, (Y/n)." 
"Morning, Ciel," you reply with a warm smile.
Elizabeth then looks over at you two and says in that annoying voice of hers,"Hello, (Y/n)." You turn your gaze to her and can see her slight glare. 
‘Why is she getting all worked up? We just said hello to each other, jeez.’
"Hello, Elizabeth."
"I told you to call me Lizzy!" she shouts. People look in your direction and begin to stare. 
"Okay, I'm sorry. Jeez, Lizzy, don't be so loud," you whisper-shout while putting heavy emphasis on the word ‘Lizzy.’ She glares at you for a second and looks like she’s about to say something, but the teacher walks in before she can.
"Alright, class. Today you are to make a script and scene with a partner and present it to the class. It has to be under 10 minutes and has to be the genre I assign to you and your partner." 
People gasp and some even shout, "Assigned?" and "Why can't we choose who we work with?"
She shushes everyone and continues on like she wasn't even interrupted. "When I call your name, you and your partner will come up, get the rubric, and you'll get started." She then goes down her list naming people and genres off. 
"Lizzy and," she flipped the page, "Gerald."
"What? I want to work with Ciel!" she shouts angrily. 
"Miss Milford, if you prefer, I'll give you a zero and let Gerald work alone." 
Elizabeth’s jaw drops before she recomposes herself and then mutters, "Fine." 
Your teacher then continues and you look up when you finally hear my name. "(Y/n) and Ciel." You gasp softly along with Elizabeth, whose gasp can be heard from Australia, before she then groans.
You, along with Ciel, go up and get handed the rubric when you reach the front. "Your genre is romance." 
You blush a bit and gulp while avoiding eye contact with Ciel. You then move two desks together and sit next to each other. 
When your teacher is done assigning people she says, "You have 30 minutes to make a script. After that time is up, you all will start presenting. You may start now."
‘Man, we don't have a whole lot of time...’
"Alright, do you have any ideas?" you ask even though you know he isn’t too big on romance, according to Elizabeth that is. He shakes his head no and looks at the rubric once again. 
"Okay. What about we do a scene where we are best friends, but one of us is dying. We then confess our undying love for each other before the other dies," you suggest, it being the first thing that comes to mind. He stares at you for a moment, looking deep in thought. He then nods his head in agreement and you get to work. 
You ended up finishing the script just in time. 
A couple of people go and then it’s Elizabeth’s turn. She and Gerald go in front of the class and begin. Their genre is fantasy and they made the plot pretty good. Elizabeth is a fairy and Gerald is a wizard. There, apparently, is a war going on and they have to join forces to beat the bad guys.
Elizabeth doesn’t look too interested, but she puts up a pretty good show. When they finish, everyone claps and the next few people go up. All in all, most of them are pretty interesting. 
When it is finally your turn, your heart starts to race. You clumsily stand up and make your way to the front of the classroom. "Alright, you may begin."
You made it to where Ciel is the one dying because you don't think he could bring tears to his eyes. He also can't show that much emotion, so him dying makes it easier for him. 
He lies down on the ground, but not without a scowl, and makes a face to where he looks like he is in pain, holding his stomach. You crouch down and cradle him like what you would see in a movie when someone is dying. "Ciel, you’re going to be just fine," you stutter out with fear laced in your voice.
"(Y/n)...I need to tell you...something...before I...go," he whispers, making it loud enough for the class to hear. You shake your head while bringing tears to your eyes.
"No, Ciel. Don't waste your breath. You are going to be alright." He looks down at the “blood” coming out of him. 
He looks back up to you and says softly, "There isn't enough time...to say all of...what I want...to say. I need to...tell you now before...it's too late." You let a tear fall and it lands on his face. He looks in even more pain now by just seeing your expression. He’d never tell you this, but it breaks his heart to see you cry. Fake or not.
"I...I love you...with all...my heart...please do not...mourn...too much. Live your...life. I'll see you...when you...visit my grave. We'll meet again someday...my love." He then “dies” and you lay him down, putting your head on his chest and start crying harder. 
His hand that is facing away from the students comes to hold yours, making sure no one can see it. You then lift your head, smile brightly, and say dramatically, "And scene."
Everyone starts to clap at the well preformed scene. Well, everyone except Elizabeth, who seems to be pouting. Some even teared up a bit and the teacher looks like she’s about to cry. Were you really that good?
"Good job! Very well done!" You take your seats and you wipe your face off with your sleeve. 
"I didn't think you would go that far." 
You turn to Ciel with a sheepish smile and say, "Well, if we wanted a good grade, I had to make it good." You sniffle at the end of your sentence and Ciel wipes a spot on your cheek that you had missed.
"Well, we definitely got an A, so good job." You smile even more at him and then focus on the next act that’s coming up after you. When the bell rings, signaling class is over, you and Ciel stand and start heading out together. 
"Ciel!" Elizabeth shouts, dragging it out as she always does. Ciel gives a big sigh and looks at you as if saying “Help me.”
You still don’t understand why he’s dating her if he can’t stand her. Maybe he just doesn’t want to be lonely? He’s dating her out of pity?
You laugh while shrugging, teasingly saying, "Duty calls, I suppose." With that said, you give him a wink and make your way to lunch. 
When you get your food, you sit down with the gang and Mey-Rin instantly says hello. When you look at Mey-Rin, her eyes widen with worry as she shouts, "Have you been crying? What's wrong? What happened?" You smile at her concern and shake your head as you explain what happened lasts period.
"I'm fine, Mey-Rin. We had to do a script in English, and in mine, I had to cry."
"Why'd you have to do that?" Finny asks curiously. 
"Ciel and I were given romance and his character was dying. He confessed his love for me right before dying," you explain like it’s nothing important, opening up your water bottle. The others give each other a look like they knew something you don’t. "What? What is it?" 
They all snap their heads towards you and quickly exclaim all at once, "Nothing!" You stare at them for a bit longer, obviously suspicious, before shrugging it off and beginning to eat. 
"Hey, speaking of Ciel and Lizzy, where are they?" Bard pipes up. You look around the cafeteria and notice that they are, in fact, not here yet.
“I’m not sure. They were right behind me.”
Just then, you hear the doors to the cafeteria fly open followed by familiar voices arguing. Ciel is walking towards you all with Elizabeth right behind him with tears running down her face.
"Why would you say that? We've been dating for two years and you just want to end it? What did I ever do wrong?" she shouts. Some people look, but most knew not to bug in on Ciel's business.
Ciel sits down next to you without grabbing food and says nothing, wanting the conversation to be over.
"Is it (Y/n)? Huh? Is it? You always defend her in our arguments, so it has to be!" You whirl your head around to face her at the mention of your name. You? 
You stand up as you inquire, "Me? What did I do? I didn't do anything, so don't drag me into this!”
She walks up to you and gets close to your face, saying as she does so, "It’s always you! (Y/n) this, (Y/n) that! I always knew you had a thing for him, but for him to like you back? I won't accept it!"
Not to be rude to her or anything, but you’re pretty sure that if this gets ugly, you could beat her with your eyes closed. She’s literally a walking talking doll.
She then, to everyone's' shock, including mine, slaps you across the face. You stand there with your head to the side, holding your stinging cheek. You then slowly turn your head to face her, a dark look sparking in your eyes. Fear flashes in Elizabeth’s eyes, but she stands her ground surprisingly.
Right as you raise your hand to strike her back, Ciel is calmly standing up and grabbing your wrist. You come to find later that he wouldn’t have cared if you hit her, but he didn’t want you getting into trouble with the school. 
He moves to stand in front of you and says lowly to his girlfriend, "Do not blame this all on (Y/n). She is not to blame for this. We are too different, Elizabeth. We almost never get along. Just accept the fact that we are done and go. Don’t ever come near (Y/n) again either." Oh, well I guess ex-girlfriend. 
Elizabeth’s lip quivers before she runs off crying and that’s when you start to feel a little guilty. You don’t think Ciel likes you, but she sure thinks so for some reason. If it wasn't for you, would they have even broken up?
Ciel turns around when she’s gone and holds your stinging cheek. He sees the guilt written all over your face and says softly, "Don't feel bad or guilty over this." You nod your head and go to say something when the bell rings. Ciel gives a deep sigh and starts to drag you the opposite way of your next class.
"Ciel! What are you doing? I'm going to be late for class! Let go!" you say loudly. He opens a door to an empty classroom and lightly pushes you in. He then enters himself and shuts the door. "What is going o-" 
He put his lips on yours to stop you from talking and you swear time stopped for a second there. You don’t have time to process what in the world is going on or kiss back before he’s pulling away. 
"Sorry. I didn't mean to do that," he whispers before trailing off, giving a deep sigh and rubbing his eyes with one hand.
"Look, (Y/n). Elizabeth was right. It's always been you. I didn't want to date Elizabeth, I wanted to date you. I have deep affections for you and, according to Elizabeth, you like me as well," he stutters out with a blush growing on his face. 
He actually stuttered. 
Like, for real. 
You stare at him for a minute, processing everything he just said. You then give him a wide grin, grab his shirt, and pull his lips to yours. He lets out a muffled, surprised shout but responds quickly to the kiss. He then slowly backs you up, pulling you to sit on a desk.
You never did go to the rest of your classes. You just stayed in the classroom doing, uh, homework. Yeah, homework. 
more with Black Butler
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