#cincinnati sanitation
handeaux · 6 months
Cincinnati’s Clean-Up Campaigns Remind Us That Our Ancestors Lived Like Pigs
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If you had family in Cincinnati a century ago, I have bad news for you: They wallowed in garbage. It wasn’t entirely Grandma’s and Grandpa’s fault. The City of Cincinnati took a long time to figure out trash collection. Back around 1910, for example, the city sanitation wagons picked up only two kinds of refuse – ashes and garbage. Ashes were the remnants of the fuel burned in stoves and furnaces. Garbage had a very specific definition, as set forth in the 1909 Building Code:
“The word ‘garbage’ shall be held to include all refuse of animal, fish or vegetable matter which has been used for food for man, and all refuse animal, fish or vegetable matter which was intended to be so used.”
The average household also accumulated stacks of paper and piles of rags – no paper towels back then! – and the Rag Man hauled this stuff away for sale to the local paper mills.
That left several miscellaneous categories of rubbish or trash that no one had any interest in: broken bottles and crockery, old wooden barrels, scrap lumber, anything metallic like tin cans or buttons, bricks and stones, tree branches, and so on. All of this junk just piled up in the backyard or basement or both.
In the early 1900s, a few progressive organizations tried to organize city-wide clean-up campaigns to eliminate all the junk from residential backyards. In addition to aesthetic concerns, there was a strong financial incentive for hauling away this trash. Cincinnati’s fire-insurance underwriters applauded [Cincinnati Enquirer 5 January 1906] a report demonstrating that a 1905 clean-up effort had resulted in 200 fewer fires than were recorded in the previous year. Insurers actually lowered rates for the downtown businesses after clean-up campaigns and Captain Jack Conway of the Cincinnati Salvage Corps requested regular campaigns to remove trash:
“He advocates the ‘clean up’ campaign be continued with unabated vigor until all rubbish is removed from cellars, old waste from under benches, &c., which are the most prolific source of fires.”
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The Cincinnati Woman’s Club led the charge in 1907 and talked Mayor Edward J. Dempsey into supporting a thorough spring cleaning for the downtown area. The mayor asked residents to haul all that backyard and basement debris out to the curb on one fine day in June. Problem was, all of the city’s street-cleaning wagons were already committed to hauling ashes and garbage that day. It was only when Mayor Dempsey talked the very reluctant Street Repair Department into donating their 40 wagons that the campaign was made possible. Even a fleet that large was not enough to handle the accumulated detritus. According to the Cincinnati Post [10 June 1907]:
“As the Cincinnati Street-cleaning Department has not enough teams and men to clean up all that district in one day, the Woman’s Club, for which the city is making the experiment, has appealed to all firms and corporations and all individuals having wagons and teams to assist in the work Wednesday, June 12. That is the day upon which all the hauling will be done.”
Annual “house cleaning days” gathered enough support to continue for several years, but the Woman’s Club had other initiatives to support and leadership for the campaign transferred to the Chamber of Commerce, which super-sized the operation. For the 1914 campaign, the Chamber set aside several weeks in the spring for the clean-up, followed by a city-wide inspection. The Chamber paid for 100,000 lapel buttons promoting the effort and printed 250,000 circulars informing residents how to participate.
The Chamber even coughed up a $25 prize for the best “Clean Up and Paint Up” song. The winning lyrics were composed by Dr. Stephen E. Slocum, professor of applied mathematics at the University of Cincinnati, whose words were set to music by Walter H. Aiken, director of music for the Cincinnati Public Schools. The local schools stepped up to promote the clean-up campaign, not only by distributing brochures and flyers, but by planting gardens in most of the city’s schoolyards.
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In addition to aesthetics and fire safety, the 1914 campaign encouraged sanitary measures to stop the spread of flies. At a time when the majority of vehicles on Cincinnati’s roads were horse-drawn, manure piled up all through the city, supporting an infestation of flies unimaginable today.
After weeks of encouraging residents to tidy up their properties, the Chamber coordinated a city-wide inspection to document compliance and results. According to the annual report, some citizens were none to happy about having their domestic habits evaluated:
“There were some people with a misconception of the meaning of personal liberty who refused to allow inspection of their premises and some preferred not to aid in a general ‘clean up’ for fear it would be only spasmodic and not result in permanent good.”
Despite scattered opposition, the Chamber bragged that the 1914 campaign resulted in a $600,000 reduction in fire loss, from $1.3 million in 1913 to less than $800,000 in 1914. Nearly 8,000 wagonloads of trash were hauled out of residential areas. That success led to an even more ambitious campaign plan for 1915. In fact, the Chamber may have become a victim of its own success. A report suggests that few of the campaign’s ambitious goals were achieved in 1915, although the results were still impressive.
At the conclusion of the 1915 clean-up period, the Chamber coordinated city-wide inspections. More than 42,000 premises received a visit, with 30,000 earning a clean certification. The remaining 12,000 properties appalled the inspectors, who identified nearly 35,000 defects ranging from unsecured garbage and ash cans to obstructed fire escapes to overflowing privy vaults and unsanitary toilets to open manure piles.
More than 300 buildings were found in such deplorable condition that they were ordered razed. The city located nearly 1,300 illegally maintained backyard outhouses and ordered them replaced with flush toilets that could still be located in the backyard if preferred!
Thanks to the generosity of the Mabley & Carew Company, clean-up participants planted more than 84,000 trees on Cincinnati’s barren hillsides.
While congratulating itself on a job well done, the Chamber dinged the city administration for outdated and ineffective procedures for removing garbage and other refuse:
“The city has made no step forward for the disposal of its waste, except garbage, since its first log cabin was built in January 1789. As the population has increased, the dumps have grown in size and become nearer to built up residence sections. This has resulted in strenuous complaints from time to time, and the elimination of those dumps against which pressure has become too strong to be resisted by city officials.”
Alas, with the city administration still under the thumb of the Boss Cox machine, city officials could resist any level of public pressure without even breaking a sweat.
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blurredcolour · 2 years
The Hunter's Moon | Part Six
The Hunter’s Moon Masterlist
Summary: In Austin’s absence, Toby finally takes the time to show you how he feels about your new relationship with a Hollywood Actor.
Pairing: Werewolf!Austin Butler x Gender Neutral Reader
Warnings: VIOLENCE – [Physical Violence, Supernatural Violence, Gun Violence, Threats of Sexual Violence], Side Character Death, Serious Reader Injury, Wounds, Blood, Evacuation by Rescue Helicopter, Cliff Hanger, Supernatural Themes, Language, Mature/Explicit Themes - 18 + Only
Author’s Note: Inspired by the headcannons of @sassy-ahsoka-tano, written with her blessing. Seriously, this chapter is A LOT! If you do not feel comfortable taking on these warnings, stop reading at the part about the cupcake. I will add a sanitized recap at the beginning of Part Seven.
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Song suggestion:  Army by NEONI
Word Count: 2812
Mid to Late October
The alarm jarred the two of you awake on Tuesday morning, a rude reminder that you had to be at work in ninety minutes. Completely disoriented from your blissful and emotional day in bed, you struggled to place yourself in the pre-dawn light.
“You go shower, I’ll make you breakfast.” Austin’s voice pulled it all into focus and you kissed him firmly before hurrying to shower and dress. Coming downstairs, you smiled warmly at the peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a hot cup of your favourite morning beverage.
“You don’t really have anything to pack for lunch, why don’t I bring you something from the café?” He was wearing the blanket from the floor around his waist, like some kind of toga, as he had no clothing with him.
“That would be amazing, thank you.” You licked the jam from your lips before you kissed him, but he still licked his own, with a grin, as you pulled back.
“I’ll see you at noon then.” He pulled you close, pressing his lips to your temple warmly before slipping out the back towards his house.
The morning had passed slowly. You were fatigued from a notable lack of sleep, and so eager to see him, that the clock had slowed to a crawl. Every ring of the bell had you lifting your head violently, repeatedly disappointed, until at last he walked in carrying a tray of drinks and a bag of food. Thankfully, there were no patrons in the library at that point, so you were able to lock up, walking across the street to sit in the park with him.
It had looked sunny, so you had not brought your jacket, but the wind had shifted to the North and would probably stay there for the next several months. You felt immediate relief from the chill as he draped his leather jacket over your shoulders and you leaned into his chest, eating happily.
“Will you let me make you dinner?” He asked, chin resting atop your head.
You nodded eagerly, excited to taste his cooking, but also desiring to spend as much time with him as you could before he headed back to Cincinnati the next day.
“Can we use your kitchen? I have barely set mine up…”
“Of course, yes. I’ll give you my key and you can make yourself at home.” You replied without hesitation. You felt so close to him, that you had no concerns whatsoever.
Thus, you returned home that evening to a house filled with an amazing aroma. A three-course meal was prepared, the table was set, and Austin was washing the dishes wearing your grey, oversized knit scarf. Truly, the thing was as long as you were tall, way too warm for use in California, but you had held onto it as it had gotten you through library school in cooler climes.
He looked to you warmly.
“Can I borrow this? Cincinnati is freezing…” He pouted a little and you laughed warmly, nodding. You were happy to lend it to him. “Plus, it smells like you…I’d really like to have you with me…” He added.
Your heart melted and you hugged him tightly from behind, holding him with your arms around his waist and your cheek pressed against his back as he finished washing the dishes. He dried his hands before guiding you to the table where he spoiled you rotten with some of the best food of your life.
“I’m sorry I have to leave again so soon…” He murmured guiltily as you saw him to the door a few hours later.
“Austin? Do you love what you do? Not the crappy parts, like traveling and long hours and paparazzi. But the actual job?”
He looked at you, startled, before nodding firmly.
“I really do.”
You smiled warmly, cupping his cheek.
“Then there is no need to apologize. I’ll see you for the full moon in November.” You leaned up to kiss him. His lips met yours halfway.
The kiss was slow, languid, as he committed every corner of your mouth to memory. You breathlessly watched him leave, that scarf wrapped around his neck up to his nose. From the steady stream of paparazzi and fan photos, you could see that the damn thing essentially stayed there, his nose buried in your scent. A message just for you.
It made your chest swell with pride; he was quietly letting you claim him. Your scent was also there to keep him company. You missed him terribly, but never said that to him once. He had more than enough burdens to carry, responsibilities to focus on, so you reserved your frustration at the separation for your best friend’s eyes and ears.
He did his level best to make the distance feel less. Sending you photos from his rental, taking you with him on several hikes via FaceTime, eating meals with you virtually. He confirmed he would be home for the next full moon, November ninth, because he needed a safe place to ride out the uncontrollable change that came with it.
Two days before Halloween, you stocked up on candy to hand out to the kids at the library. People from town did not bother with trick-or-treating near your house. An empty mansion, a crazy person, and one librarian were not worth the effort of driving out there. After a very disappointing turn-out last year, you were excited to hand out candy in town this time. After stashing it under the counter at the front desk, you drove home, looking forward to your days off.
You heard your phone chime with the sound you had set specifically for Austin, grinning to yourself, but remained focused on the road. You parked in your driveway and picked up the phone, flushing with your hand over your mouth as you watched the video of him swiping coconut icing off a cupcake he had found at a nearby bakery, licking and sucking the buttercream from his finger. His descriptions of how good the shop had smelled, how fragrant the cupcake was, sounded innocuous enough, but combined with the visual… the video took you right back to your kitchen floor.
– You’re delightfully filthy, Butler –
You fired off the reply, keeping an eye on the screen, looking for his response, as you climbed out of the car. Distracted.
Looking back on that moment, you had initially been awfully hard on yourself. Had wished you had noticed the Harley parked on Austin’s lawn, the fact that his lights were on, and that the front door had been wide open. Maybe you could have prevented it…
In truth, however, you were terribly outmatched and had not stood a chance against the fully enraged Toby. He had been biding his time, furious at your choice of Austin, anger simmering inside him until he had reached his boiling point. Until Austin was out of town and his scent no longer lingered on you. As you turned to grab your things out of the back seat, the blunt fingers of his right hand twisted into the sides of your neck, wrenching it painfully as he dragged you through the trees, flinging your body over the fence into Austin’s yard.
You screamed and flailed, feet scrambling across the turf. You tried to break away from the searing pain, but then you were vaulted through the air, crashing into the ground awkwardly. You scrabbled with hands and feet, seeking purchase on the dirt. You could taste the bitter flavour of adrenaline flooding your mouth as you finally made it to your feet, looking around wildly to locate the threat. Toby was right in front of you.
“You stuck up piece of shit.” He snarled before backhanding you, your head jerking to the side as you stumbled backwards.
“Toby STOP! Please, please stop.” You cupped your cracked lip, trying to catch the blood before it could stain your clothes.
“What’s that? Are you begging? Is that how you get him off? Begging for the pretty puppy dog with the pouty lips?”
He slammed his fist into your stomach, laughing coldly as you doubled over, wheezing in pain.
“Well, you don’t have to beg me…spreading your legs for that Hollywood slut. And where is he now?! Leaving you all alone. I have been trying to give it to you for MONTHS! But now I guess I’ll just have to TAKE IT!”
He was unhinged, beyond rational pleas. His hand snapped out at his side, wicked claws extending from his nails before he raked them across your chest, shredding your clothes, scoring the skin as he exposed it to his greedy gaze. The tears came unbidden as you stumbled back further, trying to cover yourself as he stalked closer towards you. You were running out space to flee, Austin’s house just behind you.
“His stench is no longer on you. I know no one is here to save you this time…” He growled coldly.
“Oh god…” you breathed, the hopelessness of your plight settling into your stomach like a lead weight.
Austin had meant to surprise you, sending that message as he climbed into his SUV at the Placerville airport. He had checked your reply at the only light in town, licking his lips in anticipation of tasting you. When he had turned onto your road though, something felt off. Toby’s bike was on his lawn, for a start. He could see he had ransacked through his house as well.
Austin parked quickly and climbed out of his vehicle, head snapping towards the backyard as he could smell your blood. He started running along the side of the house until he heard your hopeless whimper. He had not changed from pure range in years, but it came to him easily. His clothes shredded and flew from his body as he launched into the air, landing on his back paws before launching again to slam into Toby’s side, flinging him across the yard.
He chased after him, snarling as his teeth ripped into the arm Toby raised in defense. He kept an eye on you as you stumbled off to hide amongst the trees, moving to keep his body between you and Toby. The force of Toby’s sudden defensive shift sent Austin stumbling backward before they crashed together again, a tumbling mass of fur, teeth, and snarls.
Toby landed a bite on Austin’s haunch, making him yelp before he kicked him off, going for his throat.
You had not seen what had pushed Toby away from you – your sole focus had been to get away. As you reached the tree line, the snarls and sounds of struggle behind you registered in your brain and you turned to look. You gasped as you pressed your back against the thick trunk of a tree, not believing your eyes. Austin…what was he…No it did not matter why, you had just been grateful that he was here.
Your sense of elation was short lived, wincing at his yelp of pain. They were too well matched as they circled and clashed repeatedly. Eventually one of them would tire, make a stupid mistake. You watched breathlessly, silently rooting for Austin, chewing your lip savagely to keep quiet, not wanting to become a distraction.
The blaze of the muzzle flash had barely reached your eyes before the report of the rifle shot sounded through the backyard. Everything stopped, time frozen for a millisecond, before Toby collapsed with a wail of pain. The black fur melted from his body, limbs shortening and returning to his human form as he landed unceremoniously in the dirt. He was motionless. Lifeless.
You turned in horror to see Jonah standing at the edge of the trees, lining up Austin in his sights.
“Yeah, you know what that means, don’t ya Satan’s mutt?” Jonah slurred at a startled Austin as he continued his forward progress. “Genuine, pure silver with a wolfsbane core.” He crowed, gnarled finger fondling the trigger.
That revolting man stared down at Austin with murder glinting in his eyes and every fibre in your being cried out in flat refusal. Not on your watch. Not the man who had saved you twice. Not the man who had confessed to years of pain while crying in the safety of your arms. Not the man you were fairly sure you were falling in love with. No.
The scream that emanated from deep inside you sounded unholy even to your own ears. It was more of a battle cry, and it certainly startled Jonah, distracting him. Austin took advantage of the moment and charged. You threw yourself on Jonah clawing and beating at his head and shoulders. He yelped and struggled to get away from you, trying to push the mouth of the rifle against your body.
You grabbed at it with both hands, wrenching it from side to side, trying to pull it out of his grasp. The second shot sounded, accompanied by a searing, hot pain punching into your right side. You stumbled back, hand automatically putting pressure on your flank, making you hiss in discomfort. You felt strangely disconnected from yourself as a hollow, shrill, disembodied laugh bubbled up your throat.
“You’ve done it now, you fucking old loon…you just shot a human…” Your feet continued to propel you backward in a disordered set of steps as everything started to feel cold. Darkness narrowed your vision, shrinking your sight down to a tiny dot before it all went black.
Watching your body crumple onto the ground wrenched a savage howl of pain from deep within Austin. Jonah was scrabbling with his ammo, desperately trying to reload the rifle before Austin could reach him. Despite the urge to tear out his throat, Austin chose to slam all four paws into Jonah’s chest, driving him backward into the trunk of a tree, knocking him unconscious. The rifle flew from his limp, cruel hands and Austin kicked it even further away before shifting back to his human form, finding the pile of Toby’s shredded clothing and quickly pressing it against the wound in your side.
“Fuck there’s too much blood.” He felt frantic but hope flared as he saw your eyes flutter open.
They traced along his utterly naked form, and you gave him a lopsided smirk.
“Heaven…” You breathed weakly, and his lips drew into a thin line, not finding that choice of word particularly funny.
“Don’t you say that now, put pressure here, hold on.” He grabbed your right hand and pressed it to the pile of rags that were slowly turning red. “I’m going to call for help, I’ll be right back.” He said to you, his eyes brimming with tears, before dashing to the car and grabbing his phone and a pair of pants from his bag.
He relayed a very convincing story to the 911 operator about a jealous thug and an insane neighbour. A series of horrible events that had left one dead and one very injured. It was convincing because it was true. He simply failed to relay all reference to werewolves. He was back over you, still talking on the phone tucked against his chin, putting more pressure on your hand over the wound, making you moan in pain.
“I know, I know guardian angel I’m so, so sorry…” His free hand stroked your face soothingly as the sound of the helicopter blades beating through the air grew closer. “They’re almost here, we’ll get you all patched up.” Tears were streaming down his face freely now, but he tried to smile at you bravely.
Your left hand came to rest over his on your cheek, your brow crinkled with pain and concern for his tears.
“I think I’m in love with you…” You murmured through shockingly pale lips, the split from Toby’s slap on the lower one oozing blood.
He did not have time to respond. The rescue paramedic dropped in from the sky on a cable – the trees were too tight for the helicopter to land – and he quickly started an assessment of you as they lowered the stretcher basket. The paramedic wrapped the rags to your side tightly with more bandages before he and Austin worked together to load you into the basket, sending you up into the helicopter.
“We’re going to the hospital in Placerville. We can’t take you though, no room. I’ll let them know you’re coming.” He clapped Austin on his bare shoulder before clipping back onto the dangling cable and disappearing up inside before the helicopter flew away.
Austin was left standing amongst the wreckage in the gathering dark, the distant sound of police sirens growing closer.
“I think I’m in love with you, too.” He whispered tearfully to no one at all.
Read Part Seven
The Hunter’s Moon Masterlist
Tag List: @karamelcoveredolicity, @mymamalife, @thatonemoviefan, @bxxbxy, @lumosllwyni, @slowsweetlove, @namoreno, @2lekk
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generalklean · 1 year
Top-Notch Janitorial Services in Cincinnati
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Marty B's General Klean takes pride in providing top-notch janitorial services to businesses and homes in Cincinnati. Our janitorial services in Cincinnati offer comprehensive and reliable cleaning solutions for residential, commercial, and industrial properties, which include dusting, vacuuming, mopping, and sanitizing surfaces to remove dirt, germs, and allergens. We also ensure that your workspace is clean, healthy, and inviting for both employees and clients. Contact Marty B's General Klean today for the best janitorial services in Cincinnati.
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nunez1020 · 7 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Men’s New Era MLB Reds Camo Fitted Hat (7.1/8).
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partygoroundblog · 7 months
Book a Bounce House from Party Go Round for your next school field day.
Bringing a bounce house to a school field day in Cincinnati, OH, offers a splash of excitement and a dash of unforgettable joy, transforming any school event into a vibrant festival of laughter and community spirit. When it comes to selecting a reliable and high-quality bounce house rental, Party Go Round stands out as a premier choice for schools aiming to add that extra touch of fun and engagement to their field days.
Why Choose Party Go Round?
Party Go Round has earned a reputation for providing top-notch, safe, and clean bounce house rentals that are perfect for school events. Their commitment to customer satisfaction and safety ensures that every bounce house is meticulously inspected and sanitized, offering peace of mind to organizers and parents alike. With a wide range of options, from classic bounce houses to obstacle courses and slide combos, Party Go Round has something to suit every theme and age group.
Partnering with Cincinnati Schools
Party Go Round has proudly partnered with numerous schools across Cincinnati, contributing to the success of countless field days and school festivals. Here are a few notable schools in the Cincinnati area that have experienced the joy and excitement of adding a Party Go Round bounce house to their events:
Mason Intermediate School - Situated in the heart of Mason, this school has utilized Party Go Round's services to bring an extra layer of fun to their annual field day, making it a hit among students and faculty alike.
Anderson High School - Known for their spirited community and active student body, Anderson High School has taken advantage of Party Go Round's diverse selection of inflatables to cater to older students, proving that bounce houses aren't just for the young but also the young at heart.
West Clermont Middle School - By incorporating Party Go Round's obstacle courses into their field day, West Clermont Middle School added a competitive yet fun element to their event, encouraging teamwork and physical fitness among students.
Loveland Elementary School - Emphasizing fun and safety, Loveland Elementary has relied on Party Go Round's professional service to make their school celebrations memorable, ensuring that even the youngest attendees have a blast.
Fairfield Intermediate School - Fairfield has tapped into the vast inventory of Party Go Round to provide a wide range of inflatable fun, from sports-themed challenges to adventurous obstacle courses, making each field day unique and exciting.
Planning Your Event with Party Go Round
When planning a school field day with Party Go Round in Cincinnati, the process is seamless and stress-free. Their team of professionals is ready to assist with selecting the perfect inflatable, ensuring it fits your space and participant age group. Moreover, they provide punctual delivery, setup, and teardown, allowing school staff to focus on other aspects of the event.
The Lasting Impact
Incorporating a bounce house from Party Go Round into a school field day does more than just provide entertainment. It fosters a sense of community, encourages physical activity, and creates lasting memories for students. The excitement and anticipation of bouncing with friends in a safe and joyful environment can significantly enhance the school experience, promoting a positive school culture.
In Conclusion
As schools in Cincinnati look to elevate their field days and foster a joyous, inclusive environment, Party Go Round offers the perfect solution with their reliable, safe, and fun bounce house rentals. By partnering with schools like Mason Intermediate, Anderson High, West Clermont Middle, Loveland Elementary, and Fairfield Intermediate, Party Go Round demonstrates its commitment to bringing smiles and laughter to students' faces, proving that a little bounce can go a long way in making school events truly special.
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franklloydalwaysright · 8 months
City Beautiful: Lessons Learned from Paris and Chicago
Located alongside the Ohio River, The Banks is the oldest neighborhood found in downtown Cincinnati.  Originally the epicenter of freight rail for the western portion of the United States, The Banks have always been central to Cincinnati's identity and image.  Only recently has it been renovated due to the Ohio River flooding in 1997.  After this tragedy that left all buildings in The Banks unusable, the movement to completely refresh this area of Cincinnati was finally put to work.
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Pictured above is the original draft for The Banks presented in 1997.  If you are familiar with The Banks you will notice that the original draft presented is almost identical to how we see this area today.  Most of the reasons why is due to its clear inspiration from the City Beautiful movement, found in Chicago and Paris most notably.
Railways and Roadways: Cincinnati’s railways and train stations are not present in the downtown Cincinnati Banks area. Originally the Cincinnati Union terminal, built in 1933, held traffic over World War II and saw a decline over the next decades. This decline caused the train concourse to be demolished in 1974 and was then reoperating in 1991 as the Cincinnati Museum we know and love today. Union Terminal’s purpose was to bring together the railways to decrease congestion in the city and the poor conditions the tracks were kept in prior to the construction of the Union Terminal. Today the benefits of a train concourse would bring connectivity to other cities allowing more visitors to move smoothly through the area and bringing in more social and economic connections. 
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As seen above, Cincinnati houses the Great American Ballpark for the Reds and Paycor stadium for the Bengals, introducing visitors from states all over the US. With this incoming traffic, railways and train stations would be more effective in reducing congestion on highways and roadways. Cincinnati has a higher car dependency than other cities due to limited transportation options, with the increase in public transportation in the Banks, less congestion, aging of the roadways, and maintenance problems would occur. Ways Cincinnati can emulate Haussmann’s designs is to designate walkable areas and travel areas. This would enhance the city's community as well as the city's public spaces. Haussmann’s boulevard design in Paris can be emulated in Cincinnati today with the development of pedestrian-friendly spaces and more road width to reduce the backed-up traffic. Hausmann’s boulevard design improved traffic flow as well as pedestrian flow which Cincinnati is currently lacking. Cincinnati is also known for hosting various festivals and events. These events are usually hosted on roadways which harms the traffic downtown. Grant Park Chicago, which echos Haussmann’s advances made in Paris’ green spaces, hosts similar events that can be replicated on the Banks with their green spaces. With more public green spaces and areas these events could be moved to, it would be more efficient on the traffic as well a more efficient use of space for pedestrians. 
One of the many changes made to Paris and Chicago during the City Beautiful movement was to improve sanitation in the city by destroying infected alleyways and centers for epidemics.  While currently, The Banks does not have any infected parts of its streets, the Ohio River is not the clean blue river that it once was.  Many complaints for other states that the Ohio River runs through have been filed most notably by the state of Kentucky.  Kentucky filed a complaint against DuPont, a company responsible for creating a broad array of industrial chemicals, for the mass amount of chemicals that can be found in the river.  The most notable of which is the pre-and poly-fluoroalkyl substances or PFAS, which are known as forever chemicals.  It goes without saying that having these chemicals run through the heart of Cincinnati is absolutely not sanitary which does violate one of the four guiding principles of the City Beautiful movement.
Debate Question:
Which aspect of the City Beautiful movement should Cincinnati work towards implementing first?
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Cincinnati Black Car Service: Elevate Your Travel Experience
In the bustling city of Cincinnati, where business meetings, special occasions, and leisure travel are a part of everyday life, having reliable and luxurious transportation can make a world of difference. Cincinnati Black Car Service offers a level of sophistication, convenience, and professionalism that transforms ordinary transportation into an unforgettable experience. In this article, we will explore the benefits and offerings of Cincinnati Black Car Service, and why it has become the preferred choice for travelers seeking top-tier transportation in the Queen City.
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Unparalleled Comfort and Style
Cincinnati Black Car Service is synonymous with luxury and elegance. Whether you're arriving at the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport (CVG), attending a corporate event, or celebrating a special occasion, their fleet of meticulously maintained black cars, sedans, and SUVs offers a level of comfort and style that stands out.
Luxurious Interiors: Step inside a Cincinnati Black Car, and you'll be greeted with plush leather seating, ample legroom, and a tranquil ambiance. The interiors are designed to create a serene and upscale environment for passengers.
Immaculate Cleanliness: Hygiene and cleanliness are paramount. Every vehicle undergoes rigorous cleaning and sanitization protocols to ensure a pristine interior for each passenger.
Privacy: Tinted windows and a discrete chauffeur ensure your privacy during the journey. It's a perfect choice for high-profile clients, executives, and those who value discretion.
Entertainment Options: Some vehicles are equipped with state-of-the-art entertainment systems, allowing you to stay connected or unwind with your choice of music or video.
Professional Chauffeurs
What sets Cincinnati Black Car Service apart is its team of professional chauffeurs. These highly trained and experienced drivers are the epitome of professionalism and courtesy. Here's what you can expect when you ride with them:
Safety: Safety is paramount. Chauffeurs undergo rigorous background checks and extensive training to ensure they meet the highest safety standards.
Local Expertise: Familiar with the Cincinnati area, chauffeurs are well-versed in navigating the city's streets and traffic patterns. They can provide recommendations for dining, entertainment, and local attractions if you desire.
Punctuality: Time is of the essence, especially for business travelers. Cincinnati Black Car Service chauffeurs are known for their punctuality, ensuring you arrive at your destination on schedule.
Impeccable Service: Expect nothing less than impeccable service. Chauffeurs are trained to anticipate your needs and provide assistance with luggage, doors, and any other requirements you may have.
Diverse Transportation Solutions
Cincinnati Black Car Service caters to a wide range of transportation needs, making it a versatile choice for various occasions and preferences:
Airport Transfers: Whether you're arriving in Cincinnati or heading to the airport, their airport transfer service ensures a seamless and stress-free experience. Chauffeurs monitor your flight to adjust for delays or early arrivals.
Corporate Travel: Business executives and professionals appreciate the professionalism and reliability of Cincinnati Black Car Service for corporate travel. It's an excellent choice for meetings, conferences, and client visits.
Special Occasions: Mark special occasions with a touch of luxury. Whether it's a wedding, anniversary, birthday, or romantic evening out, their black car service adds an extra layer of elegance to your celebration.
Group Transportation: Larger groups can opt for spacious SUVs or vans to accommodate multiple passengers comfortably. It's an ideal choice for group outings, family vacations, or corporate events.
Seamless Booking and Convenience
Cincinnati Black Car Service understands the value of convenience, which is why they offer easy booking options and efficient services:
Online Reservations: Book your black car service online through their user-friendly platform. Provide details such as the date, time, destination, and any special requests, and you're good to go.
24/7 Availability: Whether it's early in the morning or late at night, Cincinnati Black Car Service operates 24/7 to accommodate your travel needs.
Real-Time Tracking: Track your chauffeur in real-time through their mobile app. You'll receive updates on your chauffeur's location and estimated time of arrival.
Customer Support: If you have any questions or need assistance, their customer support team is readily available to assist you.
Commitment to Excellence
Cincinnati Black Car Service is committed to excellence in every aspect of their service. From the moment you make a reservation to the conclusion of your journey, you can expect:
Reliability: Count on Cincinnati Black Car Service to be there when you need them. They take pride in delivering a reliable and on-time service.
Attention to Detail: Every detail is meticulously managed, from the cleanliness of the vehicles to the professionalism of the chauffeurs.
Client-Centric Approach: Your satisfaction is their priority. They go above and beyond to meet your expectations and ensure a memorable transportation experience.
Competitive Pricing: Luxury doesn't have to come with an exorbitant price tag. Cincinnati Black Car Service offers competitive pricing for their premium services.
For More Info:-
Cincinnati Car Service
Bus Rental Service Cincinnati
cincinnati limousine service
Private Bus Services In Cincinnati
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dmn8partners · 1 year
Achieve a Pristine Home with McCarthy's Home Service in Cincinnati, OH
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Are you tired of the never-ending task of cleaning your home? Look no further than McCarthy's Home Service in Cincinnati, OH. Our professional house cleaning services are designed to provide you with a pristine and immaculate living space, allowing you to relax and enjoy your home without the stress of cleaning chores. With our team of dedicated experts and commitment to exceptional service, we guarantee to exceed your expectations and leave your home looking its absolute best.
Why McCarthy's Home Service is Your Ideal Choice for House Cleaning
Discover the reasons why McCarthy's Home Service is the go-to provider for all your house cleaning needs:
Unmatched Professionalism and Expertise
At McCarthy's Home Service, we pride ourselves on our unmatched professionalism and expertise in the house cleaning industry. Our team of highly trained professionals possesses in-depth knowledge and experience in effective cleaning techniques. We stay up-to-date with the latest trends and advancements in the industry to ensure that we deliver the best possible results. Trust us to handle your house cleaning needs with the utmost professionalism and skill.
Customized Cleaning Plans Tailored to Your Needs
We understand that every home is unique, and each homeowner has specific cleaning requirements. That's why we offer customized cleaning plans tailored to your individual needs. Whether you prefer a deep clean, regular maintenance, or specialized cleaning for specific areas of your home, our team will work closely with you to create a cleaning plan that fits your schedule and preferences. Enjoy a personalized cleaning experience designed just for you.
Attention to Detail for a Pristine Finish
When it comes to cleaning, we believe that attention to detail is the key to achieving a pristine finish. At McCarthy's Home Service, we take pride in our meticulous approach to cleaning. Our team will thoroughly clean every corner of your home, leaving no surface untouched. From dusting and vacuuming to sanitizing and organizing, we go the extra mile to ensure that your home is spotless and inviting.
Environmentally Conscious Practices for a Healthy Home
We care about your well-being and the environment. That's why we prioritize the use of environmentally conscious cleaning products and practices. Our eco-friendly cleaning solutions are safe for your family, pets, and the planet. We believe that a clean home should also be a healthy home. Experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing your home is cleaned using safe and sustainable methods.
Reliable and Trustworthy Service
At McCarthy's Home Service, we understand the importance of reliability and trust. You can count on us to deliver consistent and dependable service. Our team is committed to arriving on time, completing our work efficiently, and treating your home with the utmost respect. We prioritize your satisfaction and strive to exceed your expectations with every cleaning session.
Competitive Pricing for Exceptional Value
We believe that professional house cleaning should be accessible and affordable. That's why we offer competitive pricing without compromising on the quality of our service. Our transparent pricing ensures that you receive exceptional value for your investment. Enjoy the benefits of a pristine home without breaking the bank.
Frequently Asked Questions
What if something gets damaged during the cleaning?
Accidents can happen, but a professional cleaning company will have insurance to cover any damages that may occur during the cleaning process. It's always a good idea to discuss the insurance coverage with the cleaning company to ensure you are adequately protected.
Can I provide special instructions to the cleaning professionals?
Yes, you can provide special instructions to the cleaning professionals. Whether you have specific areas you want them to focus on or certain preferences regarding cleaning products, communicating your instructions beforehand ensures that your expectations are met.
What if I'm not satisfied with the cleaning service?
If you are not satisfied with the cleaning service, it's important to communicate your concerns to the cleaning company as soon as possible. Most reputable companies will be willing to address any issues and rectify them to ensure your satisfaction.
Is it necessary to declutter before a cleaning service?
While it's not necessary to declutter your entire home before a cleaning service, it can be helpful to tidy up and remove any items that may obstruct the cleaning process. This allows the cleaning professionals to focus on deep cleaning and ensures a more thorough job.
How do I schedule a house cleaning service?
To schedule a house cleaning service, you can contact a reputable cleaning company directly through their website or by phone. Provide them with the necessary details such as the size of your home, the preferred date and time, and any specific cleaning requirements you may have. The company will then schedule the service and provide you with the necessary information for the appointment.
In conclusion, McCarthy's Home Service in Cincinnati, OH is your ultimate solution for achieving a pristine and immaculate home. With our unmatched professionalism, attention to detail, customized cleaning plans, environmentally conscious practices, reliability, and competitive pricing, we guarantee exceptional service that will exceed your expectations. Take the stress out of cleaning and reclaim your time. Contact McCarthy's Home Service today to experience the joy of a pristine home.
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handeaux · 5 months
In 1872, Cincinnati Ground To A Halt As The City’s Horses Succumbed To A Virus
It sounds like something out of a science fiction movie. For nearly three weeks in the autumn of 1872, Cincinnati was paralyzed by a virus with no known cure.
Humans were not susceptible to this virus. It only affected horses, but the entire operation of Cincinnati life and business depended primarily on horses. When the city’s horses were incapacitated, Cincinnati screeched into paralysis.
The strange episode began one evening in October when Dan Rice’s circus rolled into town. Four of the horses showed symptoms of some sort of respiratory illness and were taken to veterinarian George W. Bowler for treatment. Dr. Bowler readily identified the affliction as the “Canadian horse disease” that was then infesting the northern tier of states but doubted it would spread beyond his stable on Ninth Street.
Alas, Dr. Bowler’s optimism was unfounded and the next few days found cases throughout the downtown area. Journalists struggled to name the disease. “Epizooty” was a common label, but newspaper reports invoked “equine influenza” or “hippo-typhoid-laryngitis” or “epiglottic catarrh” or “epizootic influenza” and even “hipporhinorrheaeirthus”! Whatever they called it, the disease would hobble a city absolutely dependent on horse power to operate at all.
Josiah “Si” Keck, presiding at the Board of Aldermen, introduced a resolution to draft squads of men for duty at the city’s firehouses. With the horses out of commission, only manpower could replace horsepower to haul the heavy steam-powered fire engines of the day. Thankfully, only a few minor fires were reported during the height of the contagion.
According to the Cincinnati Enquirer [11 November 1872], other horse-dependent companies tried different alternatives:
“The United States Express Company has prepared to follow the example of the Eastern Companies. All of their horses, twenty-two in number, being completely disabled, they will at once substitute steers, and the streets of this city will show the curious spectacle of express wagons drawn by the propelling force of a farmer’s haycart.”
Historian Alvin F. Harlow, writing in the Bulletin of the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio [April 1951], noted that the bovine substitutes were simply not cut out for jobs readily accomplished by horses:
“The oxen, with great, wild, pathetic eyes, slobbering, swaying slowly through the streets, were a strange spectacle to city folk, and were followed by crowds of children for a day or two, until the novelty wore off. But as agencies of traction, they were a disappointment. Not all of them were well broken to the yoke; few men in town knew how to drive them, and as they are—with the possible exception of the tortoise and the two-toed sloth—the slowest walkers in the whole zoological category, they did not accomplish much in a day, according to city standards.”
Just think of an entire city operating on the capable talents of horses, now immobilized by an unseen microbe. Garbage piled up as the city’s sanitation wagons stood idle. “Garbage” back then meant kitchen and table scraps which, even in the chill of autumn, ripened malodorously in unattended cans. The situation was even worse at the city’s slaughterhouses. Even though the butchers had stopped working – there were no wagons available to deliver the slaughtered pork and beef – there were likewise no wagons to dispose of the offal and trimmings. The stench was indescribable.
Cincinnati’s streetcars were horsedrawn in 1872. It would be a decade before electrical trolleys debuted. The entire commuter system of the city shut down and the Cincinnati workforce, from C-suite executives to the lowliest laborers, had to hoof it. Harlow describes an exhausting scene:
“Towards dusk each evening the great trek homeward began, and from then until 9 P.M. the streets were thronged with business men, clerks, bookkeepers, warehouse and factory workers, trudging wearily. To reach their work again at 7 or 7:30 next morning, when most people's day began, soon proved too much for some of them, and they took to sleeping in their places of business; which in turn became less and less necessary, as those businesses were compelled to shut down for lack of transportation.”
Even funerals were affected. Teams of undertakers pulled hearses to the depot of the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton railroad, whose tracks ran along the front of Spring Grove Cemetery. Mourners followed along on foot until the hearse was loaded on the train, then rode out for the burial. Other cemeteries put interments on hold for the duration.
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The city faced the serious prospect of starvation. Food arrived in the city by rail and by river, but there were no carts to carry it from the wharf or the depot. Fresh vegetables rotted down by the river while families went hungry just a few blocks north. Farmers from the suburbs refused to bring their crops into Cincinnati for fear that their own draft animals would succumb to the dread epizooty.
As humans attempted to fill the horse’s role, every wheelbarrow in the city was drafted into use and some sold for astronomical sums. Even so, as noted by Harlow, human power had its very fragile limits:
“If the load was very heavy, as for instance, hogsheads of tobacco, massive machinery or an iron safe of a ton weight, ropes were also attached to each side of the wagon and passed over the shoulders of two files of straining men, while three or four others, their feet striving for toeholds in earth or cobbles, pushed against the wagon's tail until shoulder-bones threatened to wear through the flesh.”
Among the worst effects of the pandemic was the inability to dispose of dead horses. Horses died in Cincinnati at the rate of twenty or thirty a day at the height of the disease in November 1872, and there was nothing available to haul the carcasses out to the reduction plants, where they might be turned into soap fat or fertilizer. Alderman Si Keck, who owned one of these “stink factories,” found a partial solution by renting a small steam-powered truck from one of the city’s pork-packing plants but could still handle only a few of the equine corpses.
By the end of November, new cases and fatalities had diminished considerably. As December opened, the city was almost back to normal, with a new appreciation of the four-legged residents who truly powered our city.
Only one case of a human contracting the epizooty was recorded in 1872. Joseph Einstein was a well-known dealer when Cincinnati’s Fifth Street was the largest horse market in the United States. Einstein spent weeks, around the clock, nursing his stock and developed symptoms remarkably similar to those afflicting his horses. Several local doctors confirmed that he had somehow succumbed to the dread epizooty.
Just as mysteriously as it appeared, the epizooty vanished, and never visited Cincinnati to that degree ever again.
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thebusclub · 2 years
TODs Blog 6
Barriers to a successful TOD in America currently revolve around having to give up liberties and freedoms of personal transportation via automobiles and vehicles.
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Car-centric cities face issues such as congestion, air pollution, disconnection from storefronts and social spaces, unsafe biking paths, limited and expensive parking. Many citizens would not be happy to give up their freedom of traveling whenever and wherever. A lot of citizens need to rely on personal transportation to get to the city center, their jobs, appointments and shopping centers. They are unable to rely on public transportation due to the fact that in cities like Cincinnati, public transportation is untimely, unsanitary and underappreciated. It would be very beneficial to create systems of transportation within cities like Cincinnati that provide the chance to remain connected to all parts of the city through various modes of transportation other than personal vehicles. A great example of what it looks like to utilize the infrastructure already established in a city and produce a solution for a better, more connected, walkable and livable space would be the urban village Sunter Jaya, Jakarta, Indonesia.
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Sunter Jaya has narrow, wide-spread pathways all throughout their village. Their main source of transportation is biking or walking but there was an increase in motor vehicles within the village that caused the streets to become unsafe and non compatible for residents who needed to walk longer distances. Through the support of the community Sunter Jaya was able to create a solution to mediate the competition between motor vehicles and its pedestrians. To create better mobility for pedestrians, the community put in place parking management tactics as well as street frontage improvement. They did this by utilizing the infrastructure that they already had such as smaller blocks, and the use of greenery to act as natural buffers and aesthetics to the streets. They also designated pedestrian and children’s play areas with paint to create a safer environment without motorized vehicles. The community also came together in support of a Bus Transit Line to create a more connected neighborhood and to reduce the amount of distances traveled by walking or biking. It is important to listen to the needs of the community within a city and build from the infrastructure that has already been put in place.
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For example, Cincinnati could pay more attention to the lack of appreciation for public transit such as the Metro and create a solution to enlist more drivers for better pay in order to create a more efficient cohort of transportation for citizens. Or they could lower the price of the Metro to fit the needs and status of their current state of transportation. They could focus on improving their modes of transit through weekly sanitation checks and better maintenance. A lot of these ideas may seem to be only cosmetic solutions but it may be the next step forward in getting people to reject current stereotypes about the public transit within Cincinnati and become more engaged with what it has to offer.
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The United States faces a unique barrier to embracing transit-oriented development by having to compete with the special interest of the car industry that fuels the economy. 
Beyond the history of our largest urban centers being designed for the convince of the car, the government of the United States views it as a vital organ to the larger job market and towards the smooth function of the overall economic force of the American machine. 
In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crash, economic ripples collided with two of the largest car manufacturing companies in the nation, General Motors and Chrysler, and sent them on a path toward risking bankruptcy without receiving emergency loans from the government.  The response came in the form of a bailout of $85 Billion USD and the United States became the primary shareholder of two of the largest auto corporations in the country. With such concentrated wealth acclimating amongst oligarchs and stakeholders in the auto industry, any proposal of an option not oriented around dependency on the car poses nothing short of a threat to their potential customers. 
Case and point: Phoenix, Arizona held a public vote in 2019 to answer the question of whether to expand the city’s light rail system to include areas of town that are poorer and more diverse. The ballot was defeated and largely credited to a relentless campaign waged in opposition by a non-profit funded by oil barons Charles and David Koch. In similar measures taken by cities around the country, the Koch brothers weren’t far behind in funding political action groups unleashing targeted ads and petitions to strike down any potential of rail existing within major cities. 
For a city in the United States to take a decisive choice and implement a rail system for its urban dwellers, it first needs to excuse any request from the car industry for its implementation. The constant lobbying and compromise only continue the problem of putting their profits before the demand for accessible transit by the people. A lesson can be taken from Seattle, Washington. As the city entered the 1990s, its population grew and traffic was becoming ever more congested. In decades prior, measures were repeatedly shot down over disagreements on cost and routes. Seattle planned to first implement sections at a time linking the airport to the downtown area to overcome this. To pay for it, the public passed selective tax hikes on sales tax and fund allocation. The economic boom that came in the early 2000s was able to adapt to the city by evolving with the rail network as it grew. Importantly, since the rail network service was introduced to the public, its value was seen and continued to be supported. 
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generalklean · 1 year
Professional Commercial Janitorial Services in Cincinnati, OH - Marty B's General Klean
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Marty B's General Klean offers exceptional commercial janitorial services in Cincinnati, OH. We cater to businesses of all sizes, delivering high-quality cleaning solutions tailored to specific needs. From office spaces to retail establishments, our dedicated team ensures a spotless and sanitized environment, creating a positive impression for clients and employees alike.
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nunez1020 · 8 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Youth Majestic MLB Cincinnati Reds Phillips Shirt (M).
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parttimereporter · 2 years
The City of Cincinnati shut off its local sourcing of water from the Ohio River following the train derailment and chemical spill in East Palestine, Ohio.
The City of Cincinnati and Greater Cincinnati Water Works (GCWW) — the city’s water sanitation authority — stated that its reserves “are free from contaminants from the train derailment” and that it will monitor water quality from the Ohio River to determine the time for safe resumption of intake.
The GCWW said it “plans to use additional optimized treatment once the intakes are reopened, even if no chemicals are detected.”
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mrworldwideplanning · 2 years
Post 2: What are lessons from Paris and Chicago that Cincinnati can emulate? Mention specific parts that you learned from Haussmann's Paris and Plan of Chicago.
In the mid 19th century, Paris was dealing with a variety of problems ranging from health, social, and growth of the city. To potentially solve this, from 1853-1870, Baron Haussman began his plan to renovate Paris. This plan had four main principles: encouragement of celebration through landmarks, improving sanitation of the city, large boulevards for fresh air and light, and the improvement of the city's railway network. The implementation of Haussmans plan was not perfect but still improved Paris drastically. Many streets were widened to improve traffic flow. The plan improved Paris's sewers and freshwater systems and architecture, which led to Paris becoming the beautiful city we see today. However, the plan displaced thousands of people, destroyed many architecturally interesting buildings and cost 2.5 billion franks. Another criticism was the fact that some of the boulevards were constructed for military control purposes.
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404 Not Found (about.com)
Inspired by Haussman's plan and by his own work during the Chicago's World's fair of 1893, Daniel Burnham sought a similar plan for Chicago. This plan composed of the improvement of the lakefront, a regional highway system, improvement of the railway terminals, new outer parks, typology of streets, and the construction of Civic and Cultural centers. Although Burnhams plan was never fully implemented, there were some good parts of the plan that would have benefited Chicago. The implementation of a unified railroad terminal would have greatly improved the rail scene in Chicago as passengers just had to go to one station instead of going to multiple different ones. The civic and cultural centers would have improved the quality of life in Chicago and eventually would have drawn tourists to the city. The parts that were implemented (some of the parks around the waterfront, widening of some boulevards and some of the public transit solutions) benefited Chicago and made it a better city in the long run.
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Chicago restricts travel to Indiana: What Hoosiers need to know (indystar.com)
The city of Cincinnati should implement elements from each plan, specifically greener streets and better waterways. The city could also implement some public transit solution that the Chicago plan called for. Another project the city of Cincinnati should implement is a greenway trail under the Brent Spence Bridge. The reason for this is to reconnect the Queens gate area with the far more vibrant downtown. This project would expand the downtown and encourage more people to visit.
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blog2k01 · 2 years
North America Hand Sanitizer Market Movements by Trend Analysis, Growth Status, Revenue Expectation to 2026
TheNorth America hand sanitizer marketsize is expected to reach USD 1,379.4 million by 2026, exhibiting a CAGR of 7.1% during the forecast period. The increasing prevalence of contagious viruses and diseases, like coronavirus, influenza, and Norovirus will spur demand for hand sanitizers, in turn, favoring the growth of the market.
Market Driver:
Increasing Popularity of E-commerce to Boost Market Sales
The increasing use of smartphones and the internet has led to the acceptance of e-commerce, especially in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. The amplified purchasing of sanitizers on e-commerce platforms along with social distancing norms and lockdown by governments will have a tremendous impact on the global market. According to the United States Census Bureau, in August 2020, the data displayed that pandemic had a positive effect on the United States e-commerce, which would reach up to USD 211.5 billion with an increase of 31.8% from the first quarter, and a rise of 44.5% year-on-year. The high demand for sanitizers owing to the intensified cases of coronavirus will consequently shift consumers’ inclination toward e-commerce, thus propelling the market in the US.
List of Top Companies in the North America Hand Sanitizer Market are:
The Clorox Company (Oakland, California, USA)
The 3M Company (Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA)
Byotrol (Chester, Cheshire, England)
Henkel (Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany)
Vi-jon Inc. ( St Louis, MO, USA)
GOJO Industries, Inc.( Akron, OH, USA)
Kutol Products Company, Inc. (Sharonville, Ohio, USA)
Procter & Gamble Co (Cincinnati, Ohio, USA)
Artnaturals (Gardena, CA, USA)
Unilever PLC (Blackfriars, London)
Skyrocketing Sanitizer Demand to Favor Business During COVID-19
The increasing utilization of hand sanitizers owing to the precautionary measures to curb the spread of coronavirus will consequently improve the prospects of the market. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention data issued, in September 2020 stated that the use of alcohol-based hand sanitizer can help protect oneself and others from the coronavirus. Also, the heavy consumption of sanitizers in hospitals and healthcare facilities to maintain strict safety protocols in regards to covid-19 will further promote the market in the coming months.
Regional Analysis:
High Extent of coronavirus to Aid Market Development in the US
The United States is the leading market because it the hardest-hit country by the Coronavirus. The need for hand sanitizers in the US will influence the healthy growth of the market. As per the data issued by the Worldometers, in September 2020, 7.09 million were infected and 205,478 deaths cases of Covid-19 were reported in the United States, making it one of the worst-hit countries in the world. The growing need for disinfection and sanitization in research laboratories, healthcare facilities, shopping malls, and retails will enable the speedy expansion of the market in the region. Canada is expected to exhibit a steady growth rate owing to the high priority on healthcare and hygiene in the country. As per the Canadian Institute for Healthcare Information, Canada is anticipated to make the spending of USD 200.6 billion or USD 5371.40 per person on healthcare.
Detailed Table of Content:
Research Scope
Market Segmentation
Research Methodology
Definitions and Assumptions
Executive Summary
Market Dynamics
Market Drivers
Market Restraints
Market Opportunities
Key Insights
COVID 19 : Industry Impact
Market Trends and Potential Opportunities
Analysis on Players to Combat COVID-19
North America Hand Sanitizer Market SWOT Analysis
North America Hand Sanitizer Market : Value Chain Analysis
North America Hand Sanitizer Market Analysis, Insights, and Forecast, 2015-2026
Key Findings / Summary
Market Size Estimates and Forecast 
By Product Form (Value)
By Type(Value)
Alcohol-Based Sanitizer
Alcohol-Free Sanitizer
By End-User (Value)
Office Buildings
By Country (Value)
United States
TOC Continued…!
Key Development:
April 2020: Relevium announced the launch of Bioganix® CleanCare hand sanitizer products in Canada and the United States. The company also confirmed pre-orders of the new hand sanitizer in Canada and the US.
Browse Summary of This Research Report:
About Us:
Fortune Business Insights™ delivers accurate data and innovative corporate analysis, helping organizations of all sizes make appropriate decisions. We tailor novel solutions for our clients, assisting them to address various challenges distinct to their businesses. Our aim is to empower them with holistic market intelligence, providing a granular overview of the market they are operating in.
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themcrarchive · 2 years
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Ready to rock, #MCRCINCINNATI? ⚔️ My Chemical Romance play at the Heritage Bank Center with openers Turnstile and Dilly Dally 🪰 
See set times (approximate), venue info, and accessibility info. We will be updating with any changes! 
[Image descriptions can be found under the read more]
[image description]: this graphic has a black background and red borderlines. the text on this graphic is white. the text is a non serif font. the text reads: [my chemical romance wednesday august 24th cincinnati, oh heritage bank center #mcrcincinnati #mcrchive #mcrtour] there is an image in the background of broken statues. there is a graphic on the bottom right. the graphic is the logo for the mcr archive. the logo is a drawing of a book with "the mcr archive" on the front in a serif font. the book is black with white text and has a red bookmark. 
[image description]: this graphic has a black background and red borderlines. the text on this graphic is white. the text is a non serif font. the text reads: [heritage bank center set times 6:00PM: DOORS OPEN 
covid policy: There is no requirement of proof of vaccination, negative test, or wearing of a mask at this point in time unless requested by the individual event organizer. 
bag policy: Bags must be clear and must not exceed 12"x12"x6"
Clutches are permitted but must not exceed 1"x6"x4"
Exceptions only for diaper bags which will be subject to a full search upon entry. #mcrchive #mcrtour] there is an image in the background of broken statues. there is a graphic on the bottom right. the graphic is the logo for the mcr archive. the logo is a drawing of a book with "the mcr archive" on the front in a serif font. the book is black with white text and has a red bookmark. 
[image description]: this graphic has a black background and red borderlines. the text on this graphic is white. the text is a non serif font. the text reads: [heritage bank center accessibility info
arena access: All events at Heritage Bank Center have assigned seating. There are ushers available to help you find your seat location. Guests with specific accessibility needs should contact the venue in advance to arrange. Please try to call at least three days before the event, if possible. The Handicap Accessible / Family restroom is located behind section 110 next to Donatos and First Aid.
sensory kits: Heritage Bank Center offers sensory kits that you may check-out for patrons that are sensitive to auditory and visual stimulation. Kits include antiglare glasses, communication card, identification wristbands, noise-reducing ear covers, small "fidget" toy, sanitizing wipes & tissues, venue map & more. Please stop by the customer service desk (next to the main entrance) for more information.
parking: East Garage: 443 E Pete Rose Way, Cincinnati, OH 45202.  (513) 946-8100 
(This is where all pre-paid parking pass holders should go)
Central Riverfront Garage: 149 Broadway Cincinnati, OH 45202. (513) 946-8100  #mcrchive #mcrtour] there is an image in the background of broken statues. there is a graphic on the bottom right. the graphic is the logo for the mcr archive. the logo is a drawing of a book with "the mcr archive" on the front in a serif font. the book is black with white text and has a red bookmark.  
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