nothingidratherdo · 2 years
Leaning over to the fellow ‘tuber, Seán presses a kiss to the side of Mark’s cheek, one hand caressing through his hair. He missed this; missed being close to him, missed all the little touches and kisses. “How’s my favourite person?”
"Better now you're here." Mark turns into the kiss, nuzzling against Seán's warm, soft palm. Having the other around is so nice, like the slightly-older of the pair can finally r e l a x.
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rosetintedgunman · 2 years
“I’m not mad that you ate my dessert, that’s not what I’m saying — what I’m saying is we have the label system in place for a reason.”
Well, he was a little peeved. Only a little, Mark couldn’t really BE mad at Wilford but god he really craved that sweet treat, only it was gone! They agreed to put labels on things that they didn’t want to share!
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"A-ah, well, ya see..."
Wilford was stumbling over his words, trying to stall for time as he tried to think of any sort of excuse. Normally, it would be perfect to blame his shoddy memory, or say that he had lapse of awareness. But he didn't! He could distinctly remember looking around before sneaking the heavenly dessert out of the fridge. He knew exactly what he was doing!!
"I, uh... Look. It's just, uh..." And one more, words failed him as he slumped over just enough for the pair to be at eye level. He couldn't do this. This time, he simply couldn't lie to Mark. "I'll make it up ta ya, I promise. Ya can have anythin' I labelled!"
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anomalyfound · 2 years
❝ don’t try to hide your feelings from me. i know you. ❞
— Anti (👁)
Anti's voice startles Chase out of the trance that he's found himself in, having been staring blankly into the distance for several long minutes before the glitch had made itself known. He whips his head around to face him, fear flashing in his eyes momentarily before he squints at him, trying to ignore the way his heart pounds in his chest.
"Right. 'Cause you're in my head or whatever," Chase replies, doing his best to sound... well, not terrified, but the entity just seemed to invoke that kind of response in him.
Chase swallows thickly, then turns his head back around. He probably shouldn't turn his back to Anti. He doesn't trust it. He's got no idea what it could do to him.
"Get out of my head," he says after a moment, clearing his throat.
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splitsuit-moved · 2 years
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@cinematiicuniiverse​ asked ;
“No— NO! You do NOT get to fuck with me like this—! Yeah okay, I get your anger, I GET why you’re the way you are but you DON’T get to push yourself onto me for your OWN amusement, I'm not your toy; I’m not yours OR Anti’s little plaything!”
Seán wasn’t an angry person and honestly? He HATED confrontation, he hated having to deal with the paranoia of Anti WATCHING him; he wasn’t going to let Dark crawl into his mind and make things WORSE.
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❝ As you have every right to not to be . I never meant for this to come off that way . ❞
AN APOLOGY IF YOU WILL . Trying , anything really , to make someone else see that there was far worse as there was FAR GOOD . And now it has backfired . He pushed too hard ! Really , it was all his fault .
❝ I never liked being hung up on strings either , watched through a microscope . But I suppose years of it had made me do onto others . In which , I regret . ❞
HOWEVER , he will attempt this once again . GIVING AND TAKING FORGIVNESS AND A PITY OF BEING PREY ; for he knows it all to well . He was not going to allow Dark to slip by so easily as others did .
❝ Are you alright to continue another line of conversation ?  I will not be as mean as I was before , I promise . ❞
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thelightfalls · 1 year
@cinematiicuniiverse continued from here.
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Tragedy clings to him, inside and within the corners of his mind. His arc and entire existence are a tragedy, perhaps that’s why it’s so easy to spot, or why he’s drawn to what lies beneath another poor soul. To prey upon, to dig under the skin and learn more about it.
But Anti is so much more than that.
“Have you never looked at yourself before, and saw the tragedy held within you, or the tragedy you have inflicted onto others?”
And what hides under this being’s skin? The outer shell, nothing more than a stolen vessel. Flesh that belongs to another. How does it fit around the contours of your bones? Unfamiliar, before it is unwittingly yours.
“A mirror only shows what is skin deep, unfortunately. It can’t reveal much more than a reflection that might not even be yours.”
Why could this not be a mutual understanding? A beneficial meeting of minds?
“What lies beneath is far more intriguing.”
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jumpinagain-a · 2 years
❛ you’re not getting rid of me that easily. ❜ — Anti & Gin (👁)
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“that’s not fair!” gin’s forgotten he’s floating in midair when he tries to stomp his foot. he ends up spinning head over heels. a frustrated growl escapes. hands on hips! still staring back at the glitching figure, just upside down. “what are you?” they demand. some kind of incorporeal static thing! gin can touch him. they can grab him. but why can’t they do anything with him?
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gl1tch-31tch · 2 years
❰❰ LEAN ❱❱ sender leans against receiver — for Mark & Seán 🥺
Oh. Out of nowhere, Mark is leaning on him from behind, the Korean-American slumping against the Irishman. Seán attempts to turn around, gathering Mark into his arms and nuzzling his face into his friend's soft, dark, surprisingly nice-smelling hair. "Y'okay, Maerky?"
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nothingidratherdo · 2 years
Collapsing onto Mark wasn’t on his list today but he was tired! He’d been filming for so long and now he could finally relax. Laying on Mark, Seán is a little jittery from the excitement of having his little project done.
He might want some attention.
And of course, Mark is more than happy to provide that attention: He cards a hand through Seán's slowly-greying hair, silent affection towards his lover as his free hand navigates his new laptop. "Just customizing, baby, then you can get attention. Did you have fun today?"
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rosetintedgunman · 2 years
@cinematiicuniiverse - Continued from here
Wilford looked at Mark, then to the left, as though expecting a camera to appear. “Hate ta be that person, but that’s why I’m here. Heard a juicy rumour that ya stabbed a guy. If it’s true, I’m not gonna rat ya out... But ya went on yer first murder without me?” The reporter seemed genuinely disappointed to consider that was an option.
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yourdarlinghost · 2 years
❝   What pretty eyes you have there.   ❞ — Anti
"The Host believes that is a very interesting thing to say," The Host replies, tilting his head in the glitch's direction. "Considering the fact that The Host does not have eyes." As usual, his tone is flat, uninterested. He sits in his library as usual, though he's not doing anything in particular, hands resting unmoving on the keyboard of his typewriter.
That's not to say that Anti isn't interesting, though, but his tone does not betray his intrigue. The fact that he's paused to give Anti the time of day proves that he's a little interested, at least.
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splitsuit-moved · 2 years
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@cinematiicuniiverse​ asked ;
“why do you like to irritate me so?” — Anti.
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❝ It was not my intention , you see . I do not like to do anything , it just happens . ❞
Flicking through pages , young adult drama and surprisingly dangerous tips for the best summer ever .
❝ I take it you did not like the story very much , perhaps this next one will be better suited for your taste . It is a test to see ‘If he is the right one for you’ , so answer truthfully . ❞
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stardominium · 2 years
name / nickname: elliott!
age: 19 years o' age
currently reading: ...literally nothing. except for fanfiction. don't think that counts though.
favorite color: purple ... some of my favorite muses are influenced by purple
favorite flower: i don't know anything about flowers but tangerine sorbet dahlias are gorgeous
number of muses: ...yes. 31? roughly 31. including muses that i haven't made pages for yet. jesus christ
favorite muse of yours: murdock my beloved crow man is forever my favorite muse, but millie is a very close second and i think that's blatantly obvious.
favorite show: bluey. because it's bluey.
number of followers: on alwayshorrible i have 51 and on here i have 34 so i'd rather go with murdock numbers
number of starters: like. starters i've written? because that's quite a few
last movie you saw: top gun: maverick. it was awesome.
tagged by: @ship-status (ty!!)
tagging: (sry if you were already tagged!) @the-actor-himself @sunstouch @lvckyflannel @cinematiicuniiverse @multiimadness & anyone else i've forgotten to tag who wants to join ofc >:)
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jumpinagain-a · 2 years
NOTE — give Seán a note or perish HKHKH
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IT’S SCRIBBLED IN THE MARGINS OF something he’s been working on. It probably isn’t meant for anyone else to see. It might be the beginnings of a poem, or song.
If you never get home I hope I can be your home
If you never find your way back I’ll have your back
If we ever get out of here
I hope you’ll bring me there (with you)
But if we never go I’ll make my home right here with you
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alwayshorrible · 2 years
❝  why do you hide your scars?  ❞ — Anti
extensive scar related prompts. status: accepting!
Murdock lets out a deep sigh, glancing over at Anti with an annoyed look. "People stare. And when people stare, they ask," he replies, pulling his coat over his sweater. He had enough scars to ask a lifetime, and he didn't really need people asking him why exactly he had scars when he was supposed to just be some guy living at the edge of town.
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yourdarlinghost · 2 years
“no, i don’t hate you.” — Anti { misses his Hosty-O 🥺 }
The words surprise The Host, enough to cause him to pause his typing for several seconds. His narrations even pause momentarily, before they pick up along with his typing, whispered under his breath.
"...The Host was under that impression," he admits, adjusting his typewriter as it dings to let him know he's reached the end of one line.
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splitsuit-moved · 2 years
❝ You should know this better than most . ❞
DREAMS , sleep and the lack of it was a specialty in the glitch , or HAD given enough impression to make Dark believe that . While he was similar , working better with the world SLEEPING and CRAWLING in the minds of who fell for his charm and lies , even in their wake was there terrors chasing him .
ANTI WAS THAT TERROR , that monster to his own world . He was the star rather he knew it or not , or WANTED to be .
❝ You have your own philosophy as I do mine , and always will . ❞
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