#cinnamonbirdanon draws
cinnamonbirdanon · 4 years
I drew my character, Cotton! She’s half sheep satyr, half orc, all pretty gorl!
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If you notice her hair in her old art, she was based off of cotton candy aka my favourite type of ice cream and candy. I even have a personal cotton candy machine!
I’ve been considering renaming her, but at this point I’ve had her name Cotton for so long Idk.
Fun fact: Trans rights!! This baby girl is trans, hence the bandages/fluff on her chest!!
Also I’ve never been able to play a game as her, but she’s a stronk barbarian, who’s just as strong as any other half orc.
Original drawing was done August 29th, 2017. She’s come a long way from just a comfort character to today.
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cinnamonbirdanon · 5 years
Heart eyes, motherfucker
Me and beauty-grace-aroace have talked about this au and I fucking love it, I had to get this out of my system.
Soulmates worked in funny ways, but the promise was that Istus always led you to meet yours. All of his life, Istus was brought up constantly to him. He knew why they brought her up- His pupil was halved from birth. This was a sign your soul mate was dead. It was a relief to know that, hey. At least they weren’t heart shaped yet. He was still to meet his soulmate. 
Growing up, Lup teased Taako about it constantly. The jokes went from “ Maybe she’s a vampire!” to “ Maybe she’s a zombie, heh.” Neither were comforting thoughts, how could they be, but they made Taako chuckle. 
Taako falling in love was nothing new, so as her brother gushed over the phone about a new person he’d been seeing, Lup didn’t think much. “ I’m telling you, Lulu. They’re the one.” He said softly into the phone, careful of his room mate’s prying ears “ I just- geez Lu. The boys have been making fun of me since it happened two months ago.” 
“ What?” Lup teased “ Did you finally meet your ghost babe?” She said, not expecting the photo she received. It was Taako with a happy smile, pupils in the heart shape they were when you met your soulmate. “ Wait! Wait, wait Koko that’s amazing! Bear! Barry! Taako met his fucking soul mate! So, was she a ghost like I predicted?” She was ecstatic for her brother. 
“ A: Gay. B: No, he isn’t a ghost. He technically was never alive? You know how my college is the one where weird necro shit goes down like every week cause we don’t have a necro lab. He’s the grim reaper. Necro cop. Lup, I watched his pupils turn to hearts when he had his skeleton head it was the cutest shit.” 
“ Koko, you gay motherfucker why the fuck didn’t you tell me you were gay?!” Lup frowned, feeling a little betrayed and in the background Barry called “ Taako’s GAY?!” Taako just laughed at the two’s reaction “ Who the fuck did you think Sazed was? Sazed isn’t a girl name, Lulu.” He pointed out. 
“ Yeah, but he FORCED you into that relationship. You didn’t want to be in it.” She pointed out. “ Wait, you said your boy is the grim reaper right?” she asked “ Barry, you know the grim reaper, right? He tried to arrest you a few times.” She called into the apartment.
“ Yeah, wait, KRAVITZ is his soulmate? Jeez, didn’t know Taako had a thing for brit boys.” Lup snorted and laughed “ Ko, Barry said he didn’t know you had a thing for brit boys.” She said, moving so Barry could sit next to her on the couch. “ He isn’t British though, he dropped the accent when our eyes made hearts. Also Lucas got expelled because he had a necro lab ALL in this shit. Ya know that creepy ass elevator people kept drawing a face on?” 
“ You mean the powerful, dangerous, eldritch being Lifty, your lifting friend? I remember. When aunty worked at the college we were the ones who put the fake tongue rug with them to fuck with peeps.” Lup said, face stuffed against Barry’s shoulder. “ Well, Lucas somehow found out it led to the basement so Magnus and Merle and I were sent down by the director of the college herself to fuck up his shit. He had people working for him down there Lup, he’d been there for a while.” 
“ Krav was trying to kill us the entire time thinking we were in on it and when he was about to leave with Lucas’ mom’s soul- That fucker was trying to bring back his MOM Lup, like, the fuck? But me and Krav made eye contact and both our eyes did the heart thing. After some breaking and entering on Kravitz’ part, we’re now dating.” 
Lup snorted “ Well, is that how all love stories start? Some death crimes, fighting a death cop, all normal things. So, anyways, when do I get to MEET my little brother’s soul mate?” Taako took a minute to think “I dunno, uh, next time we meet up as a family. So Candlenights? If Barry doesn’t summon something and get Kravitz to come arrest your asses first, that is. And if anything YOU’RE the younger one, Lu.” Taako said
examples of Taako’s eyes below:
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cinnamonbirdanon · 5 years
The very not awaited story begins with Taako passing out after getting home! Are you all ready for this 30 Chapter fic I have planned? :)
Reminder this is for my werewolf au!
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cinnamonbirdanon · 5 years
I drew an eye. :>
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I’m a self taught artist, aka I look at a thing, get the general idea and try to draw it on my own. It’s a lot of “no, ew” and hating my art, but hey! Some times good drawings like this come out!
The last art class I had was in 8th grade and I’m currently 20 sooo
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cinnamonbirdanon · 5 years
FUCK how do you DRAW
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cinnamonbirdanon · 5 years
guys I need help I can’t come up with a name for the college Taako goes to oh fuck this is for a drawing guys help :<
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