cinnamonbirdanon · 4 years
It’s 4 in the morning and I’ll write this tomorrow but I want you all to see it before I do
Kravitz gets on one knee to propose. “ I love you, Taako. Will you marry me?” Taako is ready. He’s been waiting for this moment. He pulls out an uno reverse card and gets on one knee and pulls out a ring box.
“ No u”
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ao3feed-taakitz · 5 years
The Issue of Vampires, Werewolves and Mortals.
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2V8WiZ7
by CinnamonBirdAnon
This is for my werewolf/vampire au!
Taako’s in his final year of college. He busted his butt over the summer break so he’d be able to go on this trip and it’s very important to him because only one senior is allowed to do it per semester. He and a Junior are going around doing a cooking show as a final instead of doing regular learning. Sadly, he does have to spend it with someone who has already tried to ruin things for his sister.
Sazed is an idiotic Junior with a desperate need to be in the spot light. If Taako could pick anyone else, he would. A rock would be a better companion than this privileged asshole who keeps “falling” for him. Maybe if he stopped making comments about Taako’s vampire boyfriend or the comments about how “vampires are just as dangerous as werewolves” they could get along. Sure, Taako’s pack hates him with a passion, but Taako has no reason to hate him.
... yet.
Words: 885, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Adventure Zone (Podcast)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Kravitz (The Adventure Zone), Taako (The Adventure Zone), Lup (The Adventure Zone), Barry Bluejeans, Magnus Burnsides, Merle Highchurch, Angus McDonald, Sazed (The Adventure Zone)
Relationships: Kravitz/Taako (The Adventure Zone), Barry Bluejeans/Lup
Additional Tags: Barry and Lup are mentioned a lot buuuuuut, Sazed is dumb, like really dumb, I hate this man more than anything rn
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2V8WiZ7
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cinnamonbirdanon · 5 years
Ok so first time writing any of these fools, so be kind please ;w; This is to my headcanon that reapers can shift into large ravens to hide in flocks of ravens in cemeteries so when the necrobitches show up they stir up the flock and while the necromancers are distracted they arrest them. Reapers are larger than normal ravens with brightly coloured eyes so they can be told apart from the Raven Queen’s random ravens.
No dogs on the moon. No problem. This wasn’t a dog, after all, and it wasn’t a pet. This was his god damn boyfriend.
The first time Magnus saw the bird on Taako’s shoulder was a good while after they started sneaking Kravitz in. His eyes seemed to light up as he hurried over and exclaimed “ Where’d you get a crow, Taako?”, as if hoping that Lucretia would be allowing pets on the moon.
“ What crow?” Taako asked, startled by the man who had just ran over to him. Kravitz moved to hide a bit more behind Taako’s head, but he was a very large raven- It was to help the Raven Queen figure out which were a reaper and which just one of the ravens who flocked to her. The reapers were pretty big in size comparison.
“ The crow on your shoulder! Where’d you get her? What’s her name? Are we allowed pets now?”
“ I have no clue what you’re talking about, big guy.” Taako said, hurrying into his room before Magnus could ask more questions.
Taako had been sneaking Kravitz into his room so they could hang out and not deal with people panicking about a grim reaper being out in public with the elf. They had thought the Chug and Squeeze was a good sign they’d be able to hang out in public- boy were they wrong. Kravitz has taken Taako planetside to a large market in Gold Cliff. People parted like Kravitz had the plague, his sheer presence making people think shit was going to go down. Some venders even panicked and ran when the two stopped to look at goods.
So, no. They didn’t exactly have a different place to hang out. It was Taako’s room or nothing, and the second wasn’t an option. Ripping portals was loud and very obvious. So, Kravitz did it in an alley of the Bureau as to cut back on noise. Taako’s room wasn’t the biggest, and also it was a bit rude to just portal into people’s homes KRAVITZ.
The next day Taako didn’t have his bird, which confused Magnus but didn’t stop him from asking about it, confusing Merle. “ I didn’t see him with any bird.” Merle pointed out “ Your eyes good, Magnus?”
“ My eyes are fine, thank you very much.” Magnus said, almost offended “ I saw him with a bird. A big crow. It kinda hid when it saw me approach, he had a bird! It hung out on his shoulder!”
“ Honestly, chaboy really doesn’t do birds. Beaty little eyes, weird toes. Doesn’t match my brand, Mag.” Taako said, internally panicking and hoping that Merle wouldn’t become more observant as well.
But he did, and he caught Taako with a large bird on his shoulder barely a week after. “ That is a massive crow, holy Pan!” He stared at the bird, just surprised at how large it was. Magnus tried to move towards and touch the raven, but it just switched shoulders until it hopped onto the back of the chair. Magnus’ eyes widened, now able to get a good look at the bird “ Wait a sec... it’s a raven! Taako, how the FUCK did you get a pet RAVEN?!”
“ I have no clue what you’re talking about.” Taako insisted, knowing better than to just head to his room and lock the door. The boys would be persistent with asking about it.
“ How can you tell? Looks like a crow to me.” Merle said, motioning to it. “ I can tell because I used to watch these guys and crows fight constantly. This is a BIG girl.”
Taako muttered something, making them look at him. “ Come again? Old ears don’t work too well, son.” Merle said, tilting an ear towards him and cupping it with his tree arm. “ I said.” Taako stood up, with the raven flying to his shoulder “ He isn’t a she.” Kravitz pecked at Taako’s shirt, a sign he wasn’t too happy Taako had broke and acknowledged him.
“ So you acknowledge the bird!” Magnus said like he had proven something. Taako rolled his eyes “ Yeah, now- uh- now don’t go squealing to the director.” more pecking “ Cause she already knows about chaboy’s boy. Anyways, imma go take a- uh- nap.” he said and headed to his room quickly.
“ Imma go talk to the director.” Magnus said, excitedly “ Maybe dogs on the moon is gonna finally happen!”
“ No dogs on the moon. No ANIMALS on the moon, Magnus.” Lucretia said sternly. Magnus slumped a bit in defeat, whining a “ But Taako has his raven!”
“... Taako has a what?”
By the time Lucretia was there to search their apartment for contraband ravens, Kravitz had headed out and didn’t even leave any feathers since he wasn’t a regular raven. Magnus had gotten distracted on the way to whine to Lucretia about Taako’s “pet”, so he and Taako had had plenty of time to cuddle and then for Taako to take him to that closet he opened his portals in. Without any proof Taako had a raven Lucretia just ended up lectured them on how animals on the moon was dangerous, blah blah blah.
The next week, Taako had his raven again. Except this time, he and Kravitz had talked about a plan. Taako was never good with sticking to plans. With his temporarily feathered boyfriend hiding in a tote, Taako didn’t go right to his room like planned. Instead, he put down the tote in front of his room mates and stood armed crossed. “ You two are dipshits, you know that?” He asked them.
“ Naturally.” Merle said calmly, shrugging it off.
“ Since I don’t want our boss snooping around, might as well tell you two. This isn’t regular raven, it’s my boyfriend.” Kravitz peeked out of the tote, still in raven form since it was too small a space to shift back.
“ You’re dating a raven?”
“ Wow. Ok. Didn’t expect you had that low perception.” Taako rolled his eyes “ He isn’t a raven. He’s just formed as one.”
“ Oh, so not a pet?” Magnus asked, staring at the bag “ Can I talk to him then?” He inched closer, getting serious. “ I mean, weird question but ok.” Taako said, unzipping the bag and letting Kravitz out. Before Kravitz could shift back to his normal form, Magnus grabbed him and made him look at him. “ You so much as lay a finger on Taako, you’re dead. Got it bird man?”
Taako rubbed his temples, shaking his head. Once he was put down on the ground, Kravitz again tried to shift but Merle grabbed him this time. “ That wasn’t just a Magnus promise either, bird boy. I’ll aim for your shins and it will HURT.” This time, friendlier hands grabbed Kravitz and removed him from Merle’s hold. “ Jeez guys, could you lay off chaboy’s boy?” Taako hissed, ears back until he looked at Kravitz to put him down away from any grabbing roommates so he could finally shift back to his human form.
To say Merle and Magnus paled at the sight of who they just threatened would be an understatement.
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cinnamonbirdanon · 5 years
Here’s Kravitz meeting Taako’s pack lol
When Kravitz went to Taako’s apartment after cleaning the Raven Queen’s temple for the night, he immediately panicked at the sight of how messy it was. Yes, Taako was a messy person, but the apartment was trashed.
“ Taako? Taako, belle, are you here?!” he called, locking the door behind him as he entered. From the bedroom came a growl. Kravitz went closer, cautious with his hand ready to summon a weapon to fend whatever this was off, until he realised the growl was just his boyfriend.
His boyfriend in his werewolf form, that is. Upon seeing Kravitz, Taako’s ears perked up and he headed to him with his tail wagging. Kravitz let out a chuckle as the werewolf nuzzled against him, hugging the werewolf gently. “ Is a full moon? I guess I’m so used to just coming here I forgot that it was tonight.” he said, petting Taako’s head and getting snuggled even more. At least he was safe.
Taako slid away, heading to a window and looking to Kravitz. “ What? You want me to open it?” a snort in confirmation “ Alright, watch out.” he said as he moved over, opening the window for him. Taako immediately slipped out the window and onto the fire escape, prompting a “ TAAKO NO.” from Kravitz as he tried to get him inside.
Before he could even get out the window to be on the escape as well, Taako stood tall and began to howl loudly. Welp, this was going to be one hell of a night. And one hell of a noise complaint.
Taako lowered himself a bit, motioning as a “Get on”. “ Oh? Oh! Your pack! Oh geez, ok.” Kravitz got onto Taako’s back, and they were off into the woods. In the distance there was howling from at least 4 other wolves. As they entered a clearing, Taako sat at a tree and yawned. 
“ Everything alright?” Kravitz asked him, sliding off his back and scratching behind his ear and slightly making Taako’s kick as he did. As he scratched his ear, full grey eyes shone through a bush as a shorter and greyed wolf with moss patches in it’s fur entered the clearing. It didn’t have an arm, instead it had a tree it it’s place. It sniffed at Kravitz, curious, growling and getting growled at by Taako. 
“ Oh, so your pack meets up in this clearing?” Kravitz asked Taako, getting a nodded “ And this is… Merle, right?” The greyed wolf nodded, sniffing at Kravitz now just curious. He’d never seen this vampire before, who was he?
Two werewolves entered the clearing, followed by a little one. The one adult had a big bite mark on it’s shoulder, the other adult one looked almost exactly like Taako. They must be Lup, Barry and their adopted daughter Ava. Lup started running over, but that spooked Taako and he jumped up and stood in front of Kravitz, growling. “ Hey, Taako, she’s fine. She isn’t gonna hurt me.” Kravitz assured him. 
Lup stopped running, looking concerned. Ava continued running over, jumping on Kravitz and knocking him to the ground. Taako picked the pup up, moving her off of him and taking her place, sitting next to him with his hands(paws??) on his chest. “ I’d like to get up, Taako.” Kravitz said. Barry and Lup headed over, staring down at him as well. While Lup was distracted, Taako launched her and started to playfight with her. 
Kravitz sat up and Barry pushed on his back to help him back on his feet. A red wolf not much taller than Merle came into the clearing, tilting his head and going over to Kravitz. “ Well, you all just seem more curious than dangerous. You must be Davenport.” he said and held out a hand, watching as the red werewolf began sniffing it before shaking it like a human would. 
Then, a brown wolf came into the clearing. Kravitz would think it was Magnus, but he was on the back of it. “ Everyone’s… oh, hail and well met!” Magnus said as he got off of the brown werewolf’s back “ I’m Magnus! How didn’t you get mauled?” He asked, genuinely curious. 
Taako came back over, nudging Kravitz’ hand with his nose until Kravitz petted his head. “ Well, I could ask you the same thing.” which made Magnus laugh. “ Well, you got me there. Difference is I’m a werewolf in this pack, not a vampire they’re just meeting.” 
“ Wait, I don’t mean to offend you, but how are you a werewolf but you haven’t shifted for the full moon?” Kravitz asked, having Taako sitting next to him and staring right at him because there are more important things here to worry about, like me krav, come on. 
“ Well, I infected Julia.” he motioned back to the brown wolf “ Just never got a wolf form, I guess. Whole family was werewolves. No way I couldn’t get it from my family.” he explained “ I kinda keep track of these guys on full moons. Gonna ask again- How didn’t you get mauled?” Kravitz nodded, then shrugged “ Taako’s been, ok ok, what do you want babe? Geez-” Taako had completely stuffed his muzzle into his face. 
Magnus’ face lit up “ ‘Babe’? Are you and Taako dating?! You’re the one he keeps howling for!” Magnus laughed, and Taako growled as the other crowded in. “ Istus, he wouldn’t shut up last full moon. Oh, hey Ango.” There was suddenly a small werewolf on the other side of Kravitz, staring up at him with big eyes. 
Kravitz chuckled “ Yeah? I think he forgot the full moon tonight because his window was closed.” he said and patted Angus’ head, getting a happy yip and getting an angry nudge from Taako. “ Yeah, he tends to forget. Anything broken?” Magnus asked, getting back on Julia’s back. “ Yes.” “ Oh, what’d he rip up?” “ Almost everything. He had the window locked.” An angry shove from Taako.
Magnus laughed, smiling wide. “ Oh, he forgot that bad? Geez, good thing you went to visit him!” He said “ Might wanna get on his back, there’s a deer herd getting closer.” he said calmly “ Just keep on his back and you’ll be fine.” Kravitz did as told, holding tight to his boyfriend’s back and fur. It was surprisingly soft for wolf fur. 
As the moon started to go down, the wolves started to depart. “ They know better than to stay out until sun thankfully.” Magnus explains “ That’s when the hunters come out. You’re the lucky one here.” Kravitz was sitting with Taako and Angus stretched across his lap as he petted him “ Hm? Why?” He asked, tilting his head “ You’ll remember what happened tonight. All our memories are more or less wiped. Taako’ll probably remember you cause you’re a part of the pack to him, but you aren’t to any of us yet. You do seem familiar, though… Lucas’ pack! You’re the one who bit Merle on the arm!” 
Kravitz chuckled “ Hey, I did more than just bite his arm.” he pointed out. “ Yeah, you lost to me at cards!” Magnus laughed “ How’d you go from being a werewolf hunter to dating one?” He asked, curious. “ Well, I was there because he was doing things against the Raven Queen… I needed to get those werewolves under control for her.” He pointed out “ You saw what he was doing.” 
“ Yeah, you got a point… Hey, you and Taako should probably get back so you don’t get burned.” Magnus said calmly “ I won’t tell anyone you two are dating… Cause I won’t remember!!” he started laughing again, this time waking up Taako and getting growled at as he got up and stretched out. 
“ Hey, you ready to head home?” Kravitz asked and Taako pushed Angus off Kravitz and nodded, lowering himself again so he could get on his back. Kravitz did so, waving at Magnus as they did. 
Taako woke up, groggily “ Krav? Shit, what was the date?” he asked as he got up. “ The 15th. We had a full moon last night.” “ Explains why my shit’s fucked…” Taako sighed and leaned on him, memories flooding back from the night. “ Hey… at least the pack liked you with no idea why you were there.” he joked
“ Also you kinda got an eviction notice, Taako.” “ Well, fuck! Did I howl on the balcony again?” “ Loudly, yes.”
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cinnamonbirdanon · 4 years
I drew my character, Cotton! She’s half sheep satyr, half orc, all pretty gorl!
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If you notice her hair in her old art, she was based off of cotton candy aka my favourite type of ice cream and candy. I even have a personal cotton candy machine!
I’ve been considering renaming her, but at this point I’ve had her name Cotton for so long Idk.
Fun fact: Trans rights!! This baby girl is trans, hence the bandages/fluff on her chest!!
Also I’ve never been able to play a game as her, but she’s a stronk barbarian, who’s just as strong as any other half orc.
Original drawing was done August 29th, 2017. She’s come a long way from just a comfort character to today.
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cinnamonbirdanon · 5 years
Taako: Blood is just heart juice
Taako: bone marrow is just bone smoothie
Kravitz: You’re not wrong...
Taako: technically everything is a ravioli.
Kravitz: Oh lord
Taako: No but consider-
Taako: Buildings are just concrete raviolis
Kravitz: How so?
Taako: Filled with offices and stuff
Kravitz: Like a ravioli.
Taako: Exactly.
Kravitz: You’re so cute, you know that?
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cinnamonbirdanon · 5 years
OK but this was supposed to be not as dark but shit, why can’t I write like this on my computer? 😪
Anyways, Taako almost gets turned into a rug by some poachers. Fair warning.
Taako and Lup spent most of their childhood running. Running from hunters, running from other werewolves, running from Vampires, running from everything. But they always had each other. They got hurt, they got beaten up in fights constantly. They hid mostly in towns near forests that they could escape to.
They knew how their parents died. They all had been out hunting and poachers killed their parents as the twins hid in a tree. The poachers had seen them, but they hadn’t seen where they hid. The twins didn’t move long into the night.
The twins were currently 15 in appearance, and they were out hunting as they did every night. Taako was in his wolf form, carrying Lup on his back. This way, if they ran into poachers, they could claim they were just an elf and her pet werewolf.
When they spotted a deer, Lup got off Taako’s back and ducked down with him. “ You wanna get it or should I?” She whispered. Taako lowered a bit to the ground “ I’m already in this form, You keep in your human form and you can spot me if there’s any poachers around.” Lup nodded and watched as her brother snuck up on the deer and pounced.
After they made camp for the night and ate the deer, of course after cooking it, Lup got up and rubbed her eyes “ Imma go take a bath in the river before bed. Promise you won’t wonder off?” she asked, half joking. “ Where would I go, Lu? Taako’s good right here.” Taako said and slumped down in the sleeping bag he was half wearing. “ Alright, gimme 20 minutes.” she said and headed off after grabbing what she would need.
The fire started to go out since Lup wasn’t fuelling it with her magic, and Taako got up to grab kindling. That’s when the whispered started. “ She isn’t coming back.” it started “ Why would she?” Taako froze up a bit before deciding to try to ignore it. “ She didn’t go in the direction of the river.” No, no that was a lie. Right?
“ Ok, whoever you are cut that shit out.” Taako growled, looking around. “ She headed back to town. She’s going to tell about the werewolf in the woods. She’d seen it, it killed a deer. Whoever could be next if it’s willing to kill such a peaceful creature?” Taako only growled louder, voice now surrounding him. “ She wouldn’t, she’s my twin.” he reasoned “ Oh, the twin who got you all caught while you were hunting. You yelped, remember? She and you were play fighting. You yelped. You let them know where you were.”
Taako’s hair stood on end “ Fucking stop! You DONT know what happened that night! How did you know in the first place?” Taako was now panicked as he looked around.
“ You caught your first actual achievement animal that night- a mongoose. You and Lup each caught one. Your parents were so proud. Oh if they only knew. They’d hate you both. You’re ending their bloodline after all.”
Taako ran. He ran as fast as he could, shifting as he did. The voice just kept up with all it’s vial and hateful understanding. It was like it had read into his fears. Trying to escape it, he ran. He was a fast wolf, but bear traps stop that easily.
There he cried, both his back legs stuck in the bear trap. It cut deep, snapping his left leg. His face was coated in mud from him skidding, he couldn’t even looked to see what was around him.
“ Ha! I told you the trap would work!” a voice chimed as Taako heard them get close “ Oh, oh he’s cool lookin actually. Haven’t seen a werewolf with this wolf type.” he felt the trap get lifted a bit and he snapped at the hand out of pain with a shakey “ LEAVE ME ALONE!” His teeth bit into the poacher’s hand and he was punched and slapped until he had to let go because he couldn’t take it anymore. “ Fuckin werewolves, gonna have to put silver chains on this one’s fuckin mouth.”
There was rustling from a bush, and a voice broke through. The voice had a sort of accent, a curious one for this area. “ What the bloody fuck?” said the person who just came into the clearing. The person sounded concerned, and Taako took the chance. “ Help!” He cried “ Help, they’re going to kill me!”
“ Shut the fuck up, you dumb ass wolf. And you, blood sucker, Fuck off! We caught him fair!” The poacher growled, pausing after that. Lycanthropy took quick, after all. “ You fucking piece of trash, you infected me!” The poacher growled, kicking Taako hard enough that he moved a bit. That kick made a sickening crack come from somewhere in his chest.
“ That’s enough.” The man said, starting to approach. The poachers tried to run, but the screams told Taako they didn’t get far. Taako laid there shivering, terrified. He had no clue what the vampire would do, especially since his blood was everywhere at this point.
The crunching of the leaves and twigs approached him again, making him shake more. “ We have to get you some help, come on.” It was the vampire, but he no longer had his accent. Weird. The bear trap was taken off his legs, and the vampire picked him up. “ Any ideas? I don’t really know any healers near by.”
“ The temple of Pan. I- I have a friend there.” Taako stuttered, too in pain to think anything. “ Alright, let’s go. Geez, they messed you up bad... I’m going to touch your face and wipe off the mud, ok?” Taako nodded, and let the vampire take the mud off his face.
The vampire wasn’t like he expected. He wasn’t a creepy creature of the night or b a creepy old man. He was the opposite. “ Shit, I thought you were going to be all gross like they always depict you guys.” Taako joked, wincing as he tried to laugh.
“ Well, are all werewolves just grey wolves?” the vampire didn’t look down at him so Taako didn’t see his actual face, but he was a young man with black hair- and obviously far from ugly. “ Yeah, guess you got me there.” another yelp as he chuckled “ Fuck this hurts... They used mind games to get me running.” he explained and the vampire shook his head “ Well, no need to worry about those poachers doing it to anyone else now. I took care of them.” the vampire assured him.
The temple of pan was surrounded by the werewolf inhabitants. Upon smelling blood, they all went out to see what was going on. “ Taako!” Merle ran out to him “ Shit, what happened?” he took Taako from the vampire, rushing him into the temple. “ Poachers playing mind games... god it was fucked, Merle.” Taako started to cry as his mind went through what the voices had said. Just thinking back on it.
“ Lup went to take a bath in the river and I had to get kindling for the fire. They got me running and when I was trapped they hit me and shit. That vampire saved my life...” Taako explained, feeling Merle starting to heal him the best he could as he also waited for an actual doctor. He had broken bones after all.
It was an excruciatingly painful hour before Lup got there, crying and hugging Taako. After Taako explained what happen, minus the part of them saying their parents would hate them, Lup was just wrecked. “ Why didn’t you come get me?!” she sobbed into her brother’s fur, hugging him tight.
Months of bed rest came and passed, but Taako was left with a limp either way. He and Lup were in the forest again, in the same camp spot. It was a dumb decision as the moment Lup got up, Taako began panicking and leapt on her, hugging her tight. “ How about this time we both go down for a bath?” Lup compromised. “ Yeah... chaboy likes that idea. I also might have to talk to you ‘bout something, uh, not really important after.” Taako said as they got together stuff for their bath.
The entire time, Taako worried about what they were about to talk about. Lup was within eyesight, they weren’t really bathing together since it was nice spending time apart. After Taako decided his bath was done, he got dressed and headed back to camp. He sat by the fire as he brushed his hair, and Lup sat next to him not long after. “ So, what’d you wanna talk about?”
“ Well, uh, I think chaboy’s uh.” Taako got a little panicked, emotions never being his strong point “ Bi? Gay? Something like that...” Lup paused, smiling and hugging her brother “ Well, that’s great! I’m glad you came out to me. What brought this up?”
“ I’ve been thinking, bout our parents and that night. The voices the poachers used said they would hate us because we could ‘continue the bloodline’.” He snorted “ Like, the fuck is that even supposed to mean?”
Lup hummed quietly “ Well, I think ma and pop would be proud of us. We’ve made it this long with you being accident prone.” Taako punched her shoulder, only making Lup let out a snort of a laugh.
“ Oh, ya know what. I never thanked the vampire!” Taako remembered, now thinking back on it. “ Shit, you’re an ungrateful brat, Koko. What the fuck?” Lup teased, getting leapt on as the two began play fighting in their wolf forms.
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cinnamonbirdanon · 5 years
I was unhappy with how short my chapters were, so starting after Chapter 3 every chapter is going to most likely have some sort of time skip.
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cinnamonbirdanon · 5 years
Chapter 2 of The Issue of Werewolves, Vampires and Man is up already! I have work tonight so I wanted to get this out before I have to go in ✌️
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cinnamonbirdanon · 5 years
Growing up as street urchins wasn’t easy. It was even more difficult being werewolf street urchins. 
Taako gave his sister a thumbs up before she ran out of the alley and into some man’s legs, fake crying and acting panicked. In his wolf form, he slipped around the corner and behind him. As Lup gave the man some sob story on how she couldn’t find her brother, he nabbed his wallet and put it on the ground. Shifting back to a wolf, he slipped into the alley again as the man tried to consol the sobbing girl. “ I- I have to go find him! He could be-” 
Taako hid the wallet inside of a trash can, running out to her as a human “ Lup! There you are!” he ran over, grabbing his sister in a hug “ You walked off!” “ No, YOU walked off!” “ NO! I told you to wait while I got us food! Come on!” He led Lup into the alley way again. The man sighed as he watched them, then patted his back pocket.
“ HEY! YOU BRATS GET BACK HERE!” He ran up and grabbed Lup’s arm “ What are you two playing at?! Where’s my wallet?!” Lup looked terrified “ What are you talking about?!” “ This alley leads to a dead end! Where’s my wallet?!” “ Back off, jackass!” Taako shouted as loud as he could “ I’m warning ya!”
“ I’m not going anywhere without my wall-” Taako cut him off by shifting into a wolf, growling aggressively. “ What’s going on here?” A short figure was now blocking the alley way exit “ Let them kids go!” the figure came closer, and Taako went down ready to attack. That is, until the figure itself turned to a wolf as it stood in front of the twins in protection. “ The kids say they don’t know where your wallet is, they don’t know where ya wallet is.” Taako was surprised at the now larger wolf, chasing the man out of the alleyway. 
“ Now. Where’d ya put the wallet?” The wolf looked to the twins, heading over. “ No clue what you’re talking about. You must be senile, old man.” Lup crossed her arms, frowning. “ Yeah!” Taako chimed in. “ Ok, but we gotta book it kiddos. Animal control no doubt has been called on us. Grab it and let’s go!” 
“ Where are we going?” Lup asked, looking worried. “ Temple of Pan, we’ll be able to hide out for a while since no one really knows where it is except me and my pack.” The older wolf started leading them and Lup grabbed the wallet as they left the alley, all three running as wolves into the woods.
Once they got into the temple grounds, the older wolf looked to the twins.“ So, kiddos, I never caught your names.” “ We never told you our names.” Taako grumbled, shifting back to his human form and sitting in the grass. “ Ha! You got me there!” The older wolf laughed “Name’s Merle Highchurch.” “ Oook, my name’s Justin.” Taako lied, not trusting the man. “ And mine is Griffin.” Lup joined the farce. “ Ok, Lup and Taako. I was trying to get you two to be HONEST about something, but hey.” 
“ How’d you know what?” Lup growled and both got ready to fight. “ Well, ya yelled it in your act! Watched the whole thing. You’re lucky I did.” Merle pointed out “ Now, why are you two stealing wallets?” He asked, sitting down in his human form to listen to their story “ And no sob stories that aren’t true. I cast Zone of Truth.” He said calmly. Neither twins had heard of the spell, accidentally failing their wisdom check because of this.
“ Well, our aunt kicked us out for being werewolves and I’m hungry.” Taako covered his mouth, looking at Lup with an expression that told her he really didn’t mean to say that. “ Well why’d she kick you out for being werewolves, wasn’t she one? You both don’t have any infliction bites.” Merle said, looking curious. “ No.” Lup said, looking down
“ Let’s go get ya some food in ya bellies, you’re both hungry aren’t you?” Merle asked “ Both could use a bath and new clothes.” He led them into the temple more. Neither twin knew it at that time, but they had just met someone who they could run to if anything went real bad. Merle rather quickly became a parent figure. And though they rarely saw him for a good while after they first met, he’d stay that way all their lives.
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cinnamonbirdanon · 5 years
me? unsure where to continue with The Issue of Werewolves, Vampire and Man even though I have basically every chapter written in summary? It’s more likely than you think.
My brain deciding 4:38 AM is the PERFECT time to write a lil angst?
Well :)
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cinnamonbirdanon · 5 years
New chapter is up!! Go ham :)
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cinnamonbirdanon · 5 years
Consider: Taako, all of the balance arch, has his hair short. He wants long hair, he wants to be able to do the braid everyone draws him with- He just can’t bring himself to do so. It hurts to look in the mirror if his hair is too long and he doesn’t know why. So he never grows his hair out. Even when trying to style his hair he gets a fuzzy bad feeling because he parts it a certain way when he brings it up, Magnus and Merle are like “ Well can we help?” and when Taako parts his hair the way it hurts for him it hurts for them too-
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cinnamonbirdanon · 5 years
Do you have more work that parrains to werewolf Taako and vampire kravitz?
You like the au?? :0 I’m glad! I’ve mentioned it before on my main blog but I find it difficult to write stuff pertaining to my interests because when I obsess over something I obsess HARD and I find my obsessing cringey. I have a bunch of blogs for a fandom I used to be in, but I was never popular.
I’m working on Kravitz meeting the whole pack but I keep deleting it and rewriting after a certain point. Trying to work in the whole Merle loosing his arm and stuff, ya know? But it shouldn’t take long!
My idea on werewolves and vampires are a mix of old legends and new ones. Hence the whole can shift to a regular wolf freely but on or near a full moon they go half and half beast mode.
And I’m rambling. Sorry!
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cinnamonbirdanon · 5 years
The very not awaited story begins with Taako passing out after getting home! Are you all ready for this 30 Chapter fic I have planned? :)
Reminder this is for my werewolf au!
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cinnamonbirdanon · 5 years
I’m really glad y’all are liking my werewolf au! Whenever I see this blog has a notification I get super excited, lol. Here are what all of the wolves look like, described until I get energy to draw
Taako: Maned wolf. His werewolf form has streaks of blonde in the dark fur on his back, cause Taako’s hair is blonde. His hair is normally dyed, and he will never tell what colour his hair actually is. Cause he’s extra.
Lup: Maned wolf. Her mane is just black in werewolf form, no streaks of colour. Her chest and belly are the gold colour and they look like fire balls.
Barry: Your stereotypical grey wolf werewolf. He was given lycanthropy by Lup, resulting in a big bite mark on his shoulder that will never go away like with all bite contracted werewolves. His wolf species is the Mackenzie Valley Wolf.
Ava: She’s a grey wolf werewolf too, but she has a patch of white on her chest and face as well as brown ears. Wolf spieces is the Eurasian wolf, however.
Merle: He’s a lobo, or Mexican wolf! He has 3 legs, of course, and has patches of moss in his fur that sprout flowers. The pack teases him he doesn’t wash himself enough, but they know it’s just an affect of pan worship. As a werewolf, his beard carries over a bit and makes his muzzle a little fluffier than normal. Also, sometimes his man bun carries over too. The twins hate it and actively jump on him to take out the man bun.
Davenport: Easy. Red wolf. Eastern timber wolf to be exact. His wolf form has the shape of a moustache on his lip. Magnus thinks it’s the funniest shit.
Angus: Now that I’m looking into it, he’s a mix of two species. Artic wolf and a mystery wolf. No one really knows what the other species wolf is, it’s an iberian wolf, but the tan markings on him are white. In his werewolf form he has a white heart on his back.
Julia: Also a Mackenzie Valley wolf, but has more brown in her fur than grey. She’s the strongest of the pack, but prefers not to be the leader because fuck that. She has a mark on her shoulder, but it’s a slice scar not a bite since why the fuck would Magnus bite her, that’s kinky.
Magnus: Not technically a werewolf, but is? he doesn’t have a wolf form or anything, but he runs to the woods on instincts like one and joins the pack in their hunts, using a knife. When he was little he tried completely acting like a werewolf without a knife and got kicked and beaten up by a few wolves. He can understand werewolves on full moons, but like a werewolf forgets if he did anything or talked to anyone. Magnus has absolutely gotten into a few bar brawls on full moons when he really was just there to relax. He wasn’t even drunk during the fights, the full moon just made him a fight risk.
Lucretia: Taako is pissed at her. She left the pack to start her own, and Taako hates it. He, Magnus and Merle were in it for a while and she never even tried to get their memories back.
Next post is the balance arc in this au ;3
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