circadianaa · 1 year
For the expression prompts, Duke with 9 or Cad with 11 might be fun if you’d like! 
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how curious…..
thank you for the ask!!💖💖
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circadianaa · 2 years
Hi! I would use my Star Wars side account for this ask but tumblr won’t let me so I’ll just have to settle for the main! 😅 I know we’re not mutuals or anything but I love your art and I was wondering if I could put in an ask for the art challenge? If so I apologize in advance for being the conductor of the pain train but can I please ask for Rex with expression H10, possibly with the pspsps color pallet? Thanks for reading this and letting me take up some of your time!
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thank u for the ask!
requests open here!
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circadianaa · 1 year
Wishbone in 14 would look super cute! (love her design and character so much) Maybe Lox the Zabrak in 6 :D
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i would trust lox to make me some good challah
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circadianaa · 2 years
omg i cant stop imagining wishbone hanging out with wishbone the dog and they’re both wearing cute matching outfits!!!
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wishbone and wishbone the dog massif!!
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circadianaa · 1 year
Hi! For the ask game about characters, may we have 27 please?
27. How do they relate to their appearance? How do they wear their clothing? Style? Quality?
Latest response ever I'm so sorry. Just going to do my main ones!!! Cadaver—
If asked, Cadaver would say he doesn't spend any time thinking about his appearance, but that's not entirely honest. Cadaver definitely prefers to be neat—he cuts his hair regularly while he's in the GAR (mostly done by Knockout while she's alive) and a little less religiously but still consistently when he's a rebel commander, and his lack of care for his appearance is one of the most visible symptoms of his emotional turmoil immediately after Order 66. His appearance is something he cares quite a bit about, but it's one of the first things to go when he's forced into survival mode. Clothes-wise, Cadaver's not picky. His first non-GAR clothing was an incredibly ugly sweater he found for dirt cheap at a thrift store on Coruscant, but after becoming friends with Duke he somehow finds himself in quite a few bespoke suits. His favorite (the one I drew him in here) is inspired by the zoot suit, a style popularized by Black and other men of color and popular jazz artists in the 1940s. He prefers simple gold jewelry and cufflinks and quieter, warmly-colored clothes.
Cadaver's easy to please when it comes to the quality of his clothes—despite Duke's insistence on the importance of quality in fashion, he's perfectly happy in just about anything as long as the texture's bearable (he's definitely a texture guy, that's just about the only dealbreaker for him).
Wishbone's appearance is pretty important to her. She wears the same bandana and hairstyle every day, but she's got the style down to a science! I'd say her style is pretty quiet but very refined—if ever she looks unkempt, something's seriously wrong.
Wishbone is my cottagecore girlie. She ADORES dresses, especially ones with square necklines and ruffles. It brings her an inordinate amount of joy when her dresses twirl nicely or have deep pockets (something that she'll add if she ever gets a dress that's pocketless). Her accessorizing is pretty minimal; after marrying Isadora, she wears a ring, and will occasionally wear a simple gold necklace. She also looks great in pearls.
Eyre's a mess. No sense of fashion to be found. They don't put all that much thought into their appearance, maybe taking a pair of kitchen scissors to their hair every few months, but beyond that it's just... not a priority. They dress mostly for function and are inclined to wear similar or the same things every day—if they wear different outfits, they prefer them to be the same color. They find the consistency of it comforting.
The only look Eyre draws on when it comes to how they dress are traditional Aldhani clothes. They joined the Jedi when they were around 3 (I'm sorry I've changed this age so much lmfao), so they have little memory of what their home planet was actually like, but their crechemaster Bernie (@/jaigeye) does his best to preserve their knowledge and involvement in the culture they came from and has sourced a few pieces of Aldhani clothing and accessories for them to keep.
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circadianaa · 1 year
The clone picrew looks really good!
thank you so much !! i’m so excited to keep working on it ☺️ if anyone has suggestions for things to add (hair, facial details, jewelry, clothes—anything!) please feel free to send them!!
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circadianaa · 2 years
1F cat jam and your oc knucklehead !
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circadianaa · 1 year
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Can I just say I couldn't stop thinking about this😭✨️💅
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circadianaa · 2 years
Who was Eyre's Master when they were a Padawan? What was their relationship like? My apologies if you've answered this somewhere else and I missed it
nah you’re all good!!
eyre’s master was a togruta named ellans rekaari (just master rekaari to eyre). he was a healer within the jedi order, and a fairly high-ranking one at that. eyre has always had an interest in and a propensity for healing, and flourished in this part of their training.
however, the relationship between eyre and rekaari was not incredibly healthy. in nature, it veered more towards father and child than master and apprentice, but that didn’t make it any better of a relationship. eyre was overly invested and rekaari wasn’t invested enough—he was eyre’s sole source of love, approval, and care, and all of those things were entirely conditional with him. it was very disorienting and difficult for eyre to deal with as a young teenager.
rekaari died at the first battle of geonosis, leaving eyre without a master. in the chaos after the battle, they sort of just… fell through the cracks. instead of being assigned a new master, the already stretched-thin jedi order assigned them a clone battalion to lead under the ever-changing leadership of various jedi masters. their battalion would travel from front to front, aiding and providing support to whichever battalion or army needed their assistance. it was a fleeting, confusing, and unstable life for eyre and their men.
rekaari’s treatment left eyre with a lot of scars and notions that they carried into adulthood, but they do their best to remember the good parts, when rekaari was the master they actually deserved.
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circadianaa · 11 months
Congrats on graduating! Proud of u!!!
thank u sm 😭❤️❤️
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circadianaa · 2 years
I adore the chin tattoo (I think they're called moko, and are Māori, if I'm not wrong) that you gave Wishbone on her family artwork, it's such a fun nod to her being Māori! I was wondering how you created the design for the tattoo, as I've heard that non Māori shouldn't design mokos, as some patterns are taboo for outsiders. I'd love to be able to give a moko to a clone oc (as well as a non-fandom connected oc), so if you have any resources to help with designs that'd be much appreciated! Thanks
hi! thanks so much for the question.
i’m not Māori and I don’t feel qualified to educate others on tā moko, but I can tell you how I went about designing Wishbone’s.
First and foremost, Wishbone’s tattoos are technically kirituhi. This is because I’m not Māori and therefore moko (moko kauae, in Wishbone’s case) is not for me to take any part in designing or having. Tā moko is extremely important to Māori people and their history and it is absolutely not something for me or any other non-Māori people to appropriate or treat lightly.
To design Wishbone’s kirituhi I read up on Māori history, practices of moko in both ancient and modern times (pre-colonization & during colonization), and just did as much research possible as I could into the culture I was attempting to honor in my art. I also had the help of a Māori acquaintance who extremely kindly helped me through the process, giving me pointers on any design elements I needed to add, subtract, or change. I did several mock-ups of different designs and they were kind enough to tell me which ones worked and which ones didn’t.
I can’t educate you on tā moko, but I will absolutely say this: NEVER copy someone else’s moko. I used references of other folks’ moko kauae in order to properly understand patterns, line weight, and overall look, but you must absolutely never copy someone else’s moko. Additionally, please do not expect Māori folks to owe you any kind of education. My acquaintance was extremely kind to take time out of their day to help me with this and absolutely did not owe me any education or effort whatsoever. Don’t expect that of any others.
I’m sorry I can’t offer more, but I hope this is helpful!
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circadianaa · 2 years
What planet is Eyre from?? Does their birth planet affect their story or outfit designs (like their Padawan outfit) at all??
howdy!! they’re from aldhani :) thank you andor for finally giving me a name for the planet ive been picturing in my head for a year!!
their story isn’t heavily influenced by it, but their youngling character design is. before I watched andor, i took a little inspiration for eyre’s youngling design from of historical irish clothing (specifically, a galway shawl is what caught my attention the most), because i have irish heritage & an irish family name that i love to research the history of and learn more about the culture and history my ancestors came from. other than that aspect, i wanted something that had muted, cool colors to match the vibe of their home planet that i was picturing in my head, which was perfectly matched by aldhani in andor. moving forward, i’ll probably base eyre’s clothing as a young child before joining the jedi order more off of how we see the dhanis pictured in andor but i still want to keep some of that irish influence, even if it’s very minor.
this is their design as a young child on aldhani! again, i designed it before i knew i wanted it to be aldhani, so i’ll likely make some revisions.
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thanks for the question!! please feel free to drop any other eyre questions in my inbox!!
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circadianaa · 2 years
I am in love with you (/p) for using "A Sadness Runs Through Him" for Cadaver. I fucking LOVE that song and it usually fits clones like. So well.
My personal favorite line is "As he asks me to pray to a God he doesn't believe in" in regards to clones like. Viewing Jedi using the force but not actually understanding it or really believing in it. If that makes sense
Anyways 10/10 art and banger song taste
AHHH YES THANK YOU!!! i fully agree a sadness runs through him is SUCH a good clone sonf but to me it is SOOO cadaver like……
my favorite lines (that relate most strongly to cadaver specifically) are
but here was a man mourning tomorrow,
he drank but finally drowned in his sorrow
oh he could not break surface tension
like oh my GOD to me that is so. like cadaver specifically struggles sooo much with like processing and accepting his emotions. he’s struggled with depression his whole life (it’s chemical just as much as it is about his circumstances) but refuses to acknowledge or accept that for fear that it would make him defective, so he just ignores that and ignores his struggles and refuses to ask for help. he does everything he can to work through it and just takes on more and more responsibility and work to drown it all out but he ends up suffocating under the weight of his own self-doubt and the amount of responsibility placed on his shoulders. it’s a cycle of constantly seeking out the short-term relief only for the long-term burnout to come crashing down on him and send him three steps backwards. it’s very much a form of emotional self-harm in order to distract from the pain for him.
i figure i may as well take this chance to share some of my other cadaver songs!!
“who are you really” by mikky ekko is my second biggest cadaver song. it really encapsulates the reality that clones have very little choice in their lives and that cadaver is constantly scrabbling for a sense of control over what’s happening. it also displays cadaver’s unrest with his own identity as a clone; simultaneously feeling as though he is unworthy of the same name as his brothers while also wishing for something more to belong to than a race created for the use of others. it’s confusing and disorienting for him.
so you feel entitled to a sense of control,
and make decisions that you think are your own
who, who are you really?
and where are you going?
i have nothing left to lose
‘cause i have nothing left to prove
see me bare my teeth for you, who are you?
like ugh listening to that one makes me go fucking insane. it’s so good and it so perfectly captures that “struggling to find direction in chaos” vibe
“gilded lily” by cults is a more recent addition to my cadaver song repertoire. it very much suits cadaver later in and after the war as he becomes burnt out and exhausted and bereaved. it’s so beautifully haunting and i’m obsessed with it right now
i remember when you told me it’s an every day decision
but with my tunnel vision how was i supposed to see the way?
haven’t i given enough, haven’t i given enough?
haven’t i given enough, haven’t i given enough?
always the fool with the slowest heart
but i know you’ll take me with you,
we’ll live in spaces between walls
GOD it’s just so. really sends a chill down your spine. it just fits his chronic exhaustion at the end of the war so well.
last one for now is “never love an anchor” by the crane wives. this is actually something i was talking about with a friend the other day—that cadaver’s insecurity and trauma drive him away from making bonds or positive connections with anyone outside his immediate circle (Locks is the only one he’s fully connected to, but he’s also close with the senior officers of the 501st (Echo and Kix especially, less so but still with Rex and Fives) and Tup & Dogma) which leads to the most intimate moments he has with a lot of his brothers being when he tells them he failed to save their loved ones. he becomes a grim reaper figure, never really putting a smile on anyone’s face when he walks into a room, because he believes himself incapable of being a truly good person for others to enjoy. he will always long for more, for the easy connection that flows between his brothers, but he thinks that if he ever lost someone he loved again, he would not be able to pull himself back from that dark place—so he ensures that it will never happen.
on some level i think i always understood
that these hands of mine were clumsy, not clever
and i tried to do the best that i could
but try as i might i couldn’t bring myself to hold you
it’s a secret i keep tucked inside my chest
with this heart of mine that’s guilty, not remorseful
there is love that doesn’t have a place to rest
but it would have buried you if it had settled on your shoulder
i am selfish, i am broken, i am cruel
i am all the things they might have said to you
do you ever think of me and my two hands
and wonder why they never soothed your fever?
and wonder why they never tied your shoes?
and wonder why they never held you gently?
and wonder why they never had the chance to lose you?
that got so long i’m sorry!! but if you stuck around to read, thank you so much! and as always i love talking about my ocs so if you have any other questions or want to hear about any more cadaver songs or songs for any of my ocs please send me an ask!! <3
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circadianaa · 2 years
Idk how to explain it but the soft expressions you give characters remind me of Italian renaissance portraits
THANK YOU SO MUHC IM SOBBING 😭😭 this is such a wonderful compliment i can’t. it’s also so validating because my oc isadora’s faceclaim is literally an italian statue (w some minor changes, i gave her a lil more of a hooked nose)
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anyways thank you i’m crying this is such a wonderful compliment thank you ❤️
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circadianaa · 2 years
Do you have any tips on drawing clones, (or any characters) for a fellow artist? I love how you portray your clones and hope you could help improve my style. Thank you 💙
HI oh my god this has been sitting in my inbox for a week im sorry i’ve been so fucking busy 😭😭 thank you for reaching out!!
i do have a clone tutorial here—it’s quite old at this point and i don’t quite draw like this anymore, but it’s got a lot of my biggest pointers when it comes to capturing temuera’s features. it also goes over what whitewashing is, why it’s important to act against it, and how to avoid it. additionally, feel free to use my art for any references, studies, whatever, if you would find that helpful. i’m totally okay with tracing my art if you’re using it as a method to learn! i just request that you don’t post it (or if you do, make it very clear that you traced it from me).
drawing characters in the likeness of real people is still something i myself am actively working on getting better at—i’m flattered that you would come to me for advice, i hope that means i’m doing at least something right 😭 a strategy i’ve been using to get to know new peoples’ faces is tracing their faces, then using that traced face as a reference for how to incorporate it into my style. see below:
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these are a little old and i didn’t do a great job, but that’s the idea. the biggest things i wanted to capture were face shape, eye shape, and nose shape. for me, those are the three biggest things when it comes to capturing a face.
and most of all, remember—trial and error! everything comes with time. thanks so much again for reaching out! i hope this helps.
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circadianaa · 1 year
I would friggin eat god's kneecaps for Jatziri. 🥺💜
UR SO SWEET IM WEEPINF im so glad you like her thank you 😭<3
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