#cirque equestre
nouvellesdumaquis · 2 years
Les Folies Gruss revient à Paris jusqu’au 05/03/2023
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La compagnie de cirque Alexis Gruss présente, pour une nouvelle saison, jusqu'au 6 mars 2022, "Les Folies Gruss", sa dernière création de cirque équestre accompagnée d'un moment de partage avec les artistes et de possibilité de restauration sous le chapiteau du Bois de Boulogne.
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Les Folies Gruss proposent un show unique au monde : un spectacle équestre et aérien, une performance magique à découvrir en famille, conçue sur mesure pour vous faire vivre des moments d’émotions fortes. Pendant 1h30, on assiste à des acrobaties époustouflantes, des envolées aériennes exaltantes, des tableaux comiques et d’autres surprises.
Les Folies Gruss à Paris
Carrefour des Cascades, 75016 PARIS
Site web : https://www.folies-gruss.com/
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Bologna Estate: il Cirque Bidon arriva al circolo La Fattoria dal 16 al 21 giugno
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Bologna Estate: il Cirque Bidon arriva al circolo La Fattoria dal 16 al 21 giugno Dopo il successo del 2018, ATER Fondazione e il centro di produzione di circo contemporaneo Teatro Necessario Circo di Parma riportano in scena a Bologna il Cirque Bidon, una delle compagnie che ha maggiormente contribuito alla nascita del circo contemporaneo italiano ed europeo. La carovana, che si sposta su carrozze trainate da cavalli, guidata dal fondatore François Rauline detto Bidon, dopo essere stata ad Argelato, arriverà al Circolo La Fattoria in via Pirandello 6 dal 16 al 21 giugno, con spettacolo tutte le sere sempre alle 21.30. La tappa successiva sarà San Giovanni in Persiceto dal 24 al 27 giugno presso il Parco adiacente la Ex Arte Meccanica. Tutte e tre le tappe si svolgono nell’ambito di Bologna Estate 2023, il cartellone di attività promosso e coordinato dal Comune di Bologna e dalla Città metropolitana di Bologna - Territorio Turistico Bologna-Modena. Il tour è realizzato grazie al prezioso sostegno del Ministero della Cultura, della Regione Emilia-Romagna, di Fondazione Nuovi Mecenati, delle amministrazioni coinvolte e di numerosi sponsor locali. Il tour proseguirà poi in regione fino al 3 settembre. "Abbiamo sostenuto con convinzione l'arrivo nell'area metropolitana di Bologna da parte del Cirque Bidon, che sosterà per oltre 15 giorni in luoghi speciali e nel programma di Bologna Estate – è il commento di Elena Di Gioia, delegata alla Cultura di Bologna e Città metropolitana -. Arriva con il Cirque Bidon la forza del linguaggio del circo e di questa storica formazione, legata al territorio bolognese che più volte lo ha ospitato e che si intreccia con soddisfazione alla tournée regionale. Il Cirque Bidon arriva con l'incanto di un tempo antico che vuole essere vicino alle persone nel percorrere il tragitto dell'incontro con il pubblico e le comunità e siamo sicuri che questo progetto itinerante sia in grado di entrare in connessione con le persone e i territori che attraversa per condividere l'utopia dell'arte" François Rauline - detto Bidon - e la sua carovana di artisti portano in ogni tappa la straordinaria carica di libertà e passione, poesia e divertimento del loro circo, spostandosi al ritmo lento di una decina di carrozze trainate da cavalli, che giunte sul posto diventano la scenografia dello spettacolo e lo spazio in cui viene accolto il pubblico. In questo tour la compagnia porterà in scena, o meglio in pista, il nuovo spettacolo “Chacun ses rêves - A ognuno i suoi sogni”: un viaggio poetico in cui il teatro si mescola alla danza e al circo, la comicità alla liricità, per condividere con il pubblico la necessità del seguire i propri sogni. In pista apparizioni improvvise di acrobati, giocolieri, clown si alterneranno a momenti di incontro, confronto, scontro. A contribuire a rendere magica l’atmosfera sarà la musica, composta per lo spettacolo ed eseguita in scena dal vivo dagli artisti coinvolti: violino, fisarmonica, sax, clarinetto, pianoforte, percussioni. Lo spettacolo vede in scena Taran Redshaw, chitarrista, Eléna Perrain, violinista, Daniele Blangetti, fisarmonicista, Simon Martin, equilibrista, Aivjà Pezza, giocoliere, Luna Simon Martinez, acrobata aerea, Silvia Scantamburlo, funambola su corda molle, Béatrice Franzino, artista equestre, Camille Derijard, clown, Sara Masi, tecnico di palco, Yves Civel, fonico e tecnico luci, Vincent Maire, tecnico di palco, e Francois Rauline che fima anche la regia. La produzione è di Cirque Bidon con Teatro Necessario Circo - centro di produzione di circo contemporaneo.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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Alexis Gruss "Quintessence"
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chevalevent-blog · 7 years
Spectacle équestre exceptionnel avec « Cavale ! », de la Compagnie Jéhol à Angers   CAVALE ! LE VENT EN CROUPE - LE SPECTACLE ÉQUESTRE DU SALON DU CHEVAL 2017 « Cavale », de la compagnie Jéhol, nous plonge dans les univers du cirque équestre, du théâtre, de la danse, de l’acrobatie, de
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touristguidebuzz · 7 years
North Carolina’s Bathroom Bill Will Cost State Over $3.7 Billion in Lost Tourism and Investment
North Carolina's "Bathroom Bill" has cost the state thousands of projects and jobs. Pictured is a sign outside a restroom at 21c Museum Hotel in Durham, N.C. in May 2016. Gerry Broome / Associated Press
Skift Take: Destinations that want to slam their doors shut for regressive reasons will pay a big cost, whether that's a state or an entire country.
— Dan Peltier
Despite Republican assurances that North Carolina’s “bathroom bill” isn’t hurting the economy, the law limiting LGBT protections will cost the state more than $3.76 billion in lost business over a dozen years, according to an Associated Press analysis.
Over the past year, North Carolina has suffered financial hits ranging from scuttled plans for a PayPal facility that would have added an estimated $2.66 billion to the state’s economy to a canceled Ringo Starr concert that deprived a town’s amphitheater of about $33,000 in revenue. The blows have landed in the state’s biggest cities as well as towns surrounding its flagship university, and from the mountains to the coast.
North Carolina could lose hundreds of millions more because the NCAA is avoiding the state, usually a favored host. The group is set to announce sites for various championships through 2022, and North Carolina won’t be among them as long as the law is on the books. The NAACP also has initiated a national economic boycott.
The AP analysis — compiled through interviews and public records requests — represents the largest reckoning yet of how much the law, passed one year ago, could cost the state. The law excludes gender identity and sexual orientation from statewide antidiscrimination protections, and requires transgender people to use restrooms corresponding to the sex on their birth certificates in many public buildings.
Still, AP’s tally is likely an underestimation of the law’s true costs. The count includes only data obtained from businesses and state or local officials regarding projects that canceled or relocated because of HB2. A business project was counted only if AP determined through public records or interviews that HB2 was why it pulled out.
Some projects that left, such as a Lionsgate television production that backed out of plans in Charlotte, weren’t included because of a lack of data on their economic impact.
The AP also tallied the losses of dozens of conventions, sporting events and concerts through figures from local officials. The AP didn’t attempt to quantify anecdotal reports that lacked hard numbers, or to forecast the loss of future conventions.
Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan — who leads the largest company based in North Carolina — said he’s spoken privately to business leaders who went elsewhere with projects or events because of the controversy, and he fears more decisions like that are being made quietly.
“Companies are moving to other places because they don’t face an issue that they face here,” he told a World Affairs Council of Charlotte luncheon last month. “What’s going on that you don’t know about? What convention decided to take you off the list? What location for a distribution facility took you off the list? What corporate headquarters consideration for a foreign company — there’s a lot of them out there — just took you off the list because they just didn’t want to be bothered with the controversy? That’s what eats you up.”
Other measures show the country’s ninth most populous state has a healthy economy. By quarterly gross domestic product, the federal government said, North Carolina had the nation’s 10th fastest-growing economy six months after the law passed. The vast majority of large companies with existing operations in the state — such as American Airlines, with its second-largest hub in Charlotte — made no public moves to financially penalize North Carolina.
Shortly after he signed the law, Republican then-Gov. Pat McCrory issued a statement assuring residents it wouldn’t affect North Carolina’s status as “one of the top states to do business in the country.”
HB2 supporters say its costs have been tiny compared with an economy estimated at more than $500 billion a year, roughly the size of Sweden’s. They say they’re willing to absorb those costs if the law prevents sexual predators posing as transgender people from entering private spaces to molest women and girls — acts the law’s detractors say are imagined.
Lt. Gov. Dan Forest, one of the strongest supporters, accused news organizations of creating a false picture of economic upheaval. A global equestrian competition that’s coming to North Carolina in 2018 despite HB2 is projected to have an economic impact bigger than the sporting events that have canceled, Forest said. The Swiss-based group behind the event estimated its spending poured about $250 million into the French region of Normandy the last time it was held — 2014. The organization said the figure came from a study by consulting and accounting firm Deloitte, but the Federation Equestre Internationale declined to release the report.
Forest declined a request for an interview based on AP’s analysis.
“The effect is minimal to the state,” Forest told Texas legislators considering a similar law. “Our economy is doing well. Don’t be fooled by the media. This issue is not about the economy. This issue is about privacy, safety and security in the most vulnerable places we go.”
But AP’s analysis shows the economy could be growing faster if not for projects that have already canceled.
Those include PayPal canceling a 400-job project in Charlotte, CoStar backing out of negotiations to bring 700-plus jobs to the same area, and Deutsche Bank scuttling a plan for 250 jobs in the Raleigh area. Other companies that backed out include Adidas, which is building its first U.S. sports shoe factory employing 160 near Atlanta rather than a High Point site, and Voxpro, which opted to hire hundreds of customer support workers in Athens, Georgia, rather than the Raleigh area.
“We couldn’t set up operations in a state that was discriminating against LGBT” people, Dan Kiely, Voxpro founder and CEO, said in an interview.
All told, the state has missed out on more than 2,900 direct jobs that went elsewhere.
Supporters are hard-pressed to point to economic benefits from the law, said James Kleckley, of East Carolina University’s business college.
“I don’t know of any examples where somebody located here because of HB2,” he said. “If you look at a law, whether or not you agree with it or don’t agree with it, there are going to be positive effects and negative effects. Virtually everything we know about (HB2) are the negative effects. Even anecdotally I don’t know any positive effects.”
An analysis by the state Commerce Department shortly before HB2 was enacted shows state officials expected the PayPal expansion to contribute more than $200 million annually to North Carolina’s gross domestic product — an overall measure of the economy. By the end of 2028, the state expected PayPal to have added $2.66 billion to the state economy.
The same analysis of the Deutsche Bank project estimated a total impact of about $543 million by the end of 2027. The economic model has been used for more than a decade — with some updates along the way — when the state offers major discretionary tax breaks to attract jobs.
State officials said they didn’t run the same financial analysis for CoStar, Voxpro and Adidas, so losses attributed to them were calculated using payroll numbers and other figures from the companies or state documents.
Meanwhile, canceled conventions, concerts and sporting events ranging from the NBA All-Star Game to a Bruce Springsteen show have deprived the state of more than $196 million. The number was compiled through email exchanges and interviews with local tourism officials.
All told, the state will have missed out on more than $3.76 billion by the end of 2028. The losses are based on projects that already went elsewhere — so the money won’t be recouped even if the law is struck down in court or repealed.
By the end of 2017 alone, the lost business will total more than $525 million.
Tourism officials in several cities say the numbers they report represent only a fraction of the damage the law has done. They typically track large conventions but don’t have firm numbers for when groups or tourists cancel smaller deals — or rule out North Carolina before booking.
“The biggest impact is how many times our phones are not ringing now,” said Shelly Green, CEO of the Durham Convention & Visitors Bureau.
When Green’s bureau sought to tally cancellations, it was able to count several large sporting events and conventions that backed out, depriving the city of more than $11 million, she said. But officials found hotels and meeting planners were tight-lipped about other events.
“There are a lot more meetings that have canceled, but we don’t have data on them,” she said.
Elsewhere, tourism setbacks range from an estimated $100 million lost when the 2017 NBA All-Star Game moved out of Charlotte to $36,000 in spending taken elsewhere when the Lutheran Financial Managers Convention backed out of Fayetteville. Seven hundred part-time workers at Raleigh’s PNC Arena lost at least $130,000 in wages because of cancellations by Pearl Jam, Cirque Du Soleil and others.
Other financial signals of disapproval have been more symbolic than clearly harmful.
More than two dozen cities and states, from Honolulu to Vermont, have banned taxpayer-funded visits to North Carolina because of HB2. Most said they couldn’t estimate the money not spent on business travel. But in Providence, Rhode Island, officials refused to spend even the remaining $495 to send three city employees to a Charlotte conference after sponsors picked up most of the costs, city spokesman Victor Morente said via email.
Dozens of investment firms have urged North Carolina to repeal HB2, but most of those contacted in recent weeks, such as John Hancock and Morgan Stanley, wouldn’t discuss any financial measures they took to penalize the state. Trillium Asset Management, which manages more than $2 billion for wealthy families and foundations, had dozens of clients request that their holdings exclude bonds issued by North Carolina state or municipal governments, Chief Executive Officer Matt Patsky said in an interview.
What impact did selling off several million dollars of municipal bonds have? Impossible to measure, Patsky said.
In September, despite the law, Asheville’s Chamber of Commerce announced that biotech company Avadim was adding 550 jobs. Local officials call it the biggest single job creator in area history.
But HB2 jeopardized another project of similar size for the left-leaning mountain city. Chamber CEO Kit Cramer said last year that another company considering bringing 500 technology jobs was balking because of HB2, adding: “That’s a loss that would be incredibly hard to swallow.” Cramer said in an email in March that the company hasn’t made a decision. She didn’t give further details; that potential loss wasn’t included in AP’s count.
Charlotte, North Carolina’s largest city, has lost projects totaling 2,000 jobs because of HB2, Chamber of Commerce research director Chuck McShane said in an email. According to separate documents obtained through public records requests, the majority were in the PayPal and CoStar projects.
CoStar, a real-estate research firm, was entering final negotiations to bring 732 jobs to Charlotte in September when its board backed out because of negative publicity over HB2, according to an email between a chamber executive and a city official. When the company picked Virginia, the reversal cost North Carolina at least $250 million in economic impact over the next six years, according to figures from both states.
“I fear this will be an epidemic outcome for many projects we are still in the running for at this time,” Jeffrey Edge of the Charlotte Chamber wrote in the September email exchange first reported by The Charlotte Observer.
Economic losses also hit smaller towns, such as those surrounding the University of North Carolina. When the San Francisco Symphony pulled out of two concerts scheduled for April 2017, the move had a ripple effect totaling about $325,000, according to Patty Griffin, of the Chapel Hill/Orange County Visitors Bureau.
“Memorial Hall will be empty those two nights and see no revenue for tickets or concessions, and no employees will work,” she said via email. “The attendees for most of them who have dinner, drinks and desserts either before or after the performance will not come out, which impacts local restaurants.”
Green, the Durham tourism official, said, “When you think about it, this whole thing is just such a Dumpster fire, and nobody wants to go near it.”
    This article was written by Emery P. Dalesio and Jonathan Drew from The Associated Press and was legally licensed through the NewsCred publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to [email protected].
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Cirque Alexis Gruss
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